Two men with opposite personalities, Kayashima and Uwajima, accidentally wander into a beautiful village after a car accident. When they wake up, they are imprisoned by six beautiful but strange girls who live in the village. Kayashima is at the mercy of the girls' instinctive behavior, but is gradually drawn to the pure beauty of girls, who are at one with nature. Uwajima is attracted to one attractive girl and steps into forbidden territory. The six girls were incarnations of catfish, pit vipers, owls, dormice, bees, plants, and other creatures of nature disguised as humans. What they wanted from the men...
Basho Matsuo (松尾芭蕉)
戦国の世が終わり江戸時代になってまもなく、戦はなくなったものの、職を失った侍も多く、富める者と貧しい者の格差が広がっていた。 幕政に不満を持つ軍学者・由井正雪は、その懐刀である雪斬り六人衆とともに謀反を起こすが、南町奉行の大岡越前守忠相(原嘉孝)、諸国を巡って情報収集をしていた松尾芭蕉(竹中直人)、側用人の柳沢吉保らによって押さえられる。
At the strong insistence of his father, Ushimatsu Segawa conceals his origins from a “buraku” area of low-class “untouchables,” leaving his hometown to serve as an elementary school teacher where he excels and is loved by his students. But he constantly struggles with the secret of his low-birth status and is disturbed by all of the discrimination levelled upon his class. It prevents him from pursuing a romance with Shiho, whom he meets at the temple where he resides, but who descends from a samurai family.
Kikujiro Eguchi
かつて“不死身の龍”と恐れられた伝説の極道・黒田龍 (玉木宏)は美久(川口春奈)との結婚を機に足を洗い、最強の専業主夫として血のつながらない娘・向日葵(白鳥玉季)と3人で穏やかに暮らしていた。そんなある日、街に近藤(吉田鋼太郎)率いる極悪地上げ屋が現れる。彼らが狙うのは、白石(安達祐実)が園長を務める「かりゅう保育園」の土地。近藤の手下による執拗な嫌がらせは続き、龍は元舎弟の雅(志尊淳)と用心棒を買って出るが、近藤たちの行動はエスカレートしていく。やがて元武闘派ヤクザで現在はクレープ屋の虎二郎(滝藤賢一)、その妹で元レディース総長の虎春(松本まりか)も龍の仲間に加わるが、龍の家の前に男の子が捨てられていたことで”隠し子騒動”が持ち上がったり、龍の男気に虎春が惚れたことで美久との間に龍を巡る恋愛バトルが勃発するなど、問題が次々に出現!龍は抗争を終わらせるため、すべてにケリをつけるために“史上最大の夏祭り”を開幕する!
Hiroshi Tokoshima
"ZOKKI" is a unique film directed by Naoto Takenaka, Takayuki Yamada, and Takumi Saitoh. It is a live-action adaptation of a short story collection by manga artist, Hiroyuki Ohashi. The people of Gamagori City, Aichi, where the film will be shot, were particularly happy in 2020 when the production started. For the past eight years, volunteers from Gamagori, including printers, bakers, and pubs, have been working to bring the film to the city, and now the city of Gamagori has decided to get involved and fully support the film "ZOKKI"! A number of happenings occur in the once peaceful place of Gamagori. The film was shot by a gorgeous cast and staff. And a group of amateurs struggle to somehow make the film more exciting. "URAZOKKI" is a story about the "behind-the-scene" of a group of people who come together to make a film. That's what the film was supposed to be like....
Haruna travels to Okayama, where her grandmother asks her to bring some Alexandria grapes as a present. Haruna loses her wallet and only manages to buy two “Riku no Hoju”. On her return to Hokkaido, she goes to look for a job at Minamoto Kitchoan, the company that produces the grapes her grandmother likes. She gets the job and is assigned to the vineyards. There, she meets Yashiki Tatsuya, who teaches her all the details of grape growing. Later, Haruna’s sister asks her to return to Hokkaido. But the floods bury the vineyards under the mud, and Haruna decides to stay and save them.
Five loosely connected storylines concerning the secrets and lies, the fears and tears, and the puerile potty jokes that punctuate the characters' daily (and in one eerie case, nightly) encounters.
Michizora Hotaka
Drama set in the historical Warring States Era of Japan. Tokaido name Imagawa Yoshimoto personally led his army to invade Owari Province territory, now in Aichi Prefecture Nagoya City area, was the leader Nobunaga of this surprising burst of death. After the war, the Imagawa clan who originally dominated the Tokaido region fell away, and the victorious Oda Nobunaga quickly expanded his power in Central Japan and the Kinki region, laying the foundation for his future control of the central government of Japan.
The soldiers no longer know why they are at war, and when it even started. Daily and dutifully they march to the river and shoot at the opposite village from 9 to 5 – orders are orders after all. They’ve done so for decades. When private Tsuyuki is transferred to the marching band, people keep asking him what use music is in times of war.
Mogari (voice)
幼馴染の新と親友の円佳と、放課後は池袋で遊んで、それなりに楽しく生きていた。 「私、新のこと・・・気になってて」
新と向き合うことを決め、仲直りをしようと雨の中を新の元へ向かう途中、交通事故に遭ってしまう。 そこは、いつもと違ういつもの街――
ギーモンから澪は<世の境>にいると説明され、望む世界に行けるという扉を開かせようとした、その時。 「これ以上、ガイドの話を聞いたらだめ。戻りましょう!」
答えられず戸惑う澪を残し、係員は消えてしまった。 「私、新に会いたい。どうしても伝えたいことがあるの!」 澪は新の元に戻るための唯一の手段、
Buddhist priest
Mr. Endo
世界的アクションスターのドニー・イェンがメタボ体型に変身し宇宙最強バトルを披露! アクション界の第一人者・谷垣健治が監督を務め、 日本を舞台に竹中直人や丞威も参戦。黄金時代の香港アクション映画を現代によみがえらせた傑作エンターテイメント!
Ōba (voice)
When you're a bored teenager looking for thrills, sometimes the only thing you can turn to is rock 'n roll. Having no skill, money, or even a full set of drums, a feared trio of high school delinquents nevertheless decide they are destined for musical glory in a quest to impress their only friend Aya, avoid a rival gang, and – most importantly – jam out.
Tomio Aoki
Taira no Kiyomori
The third movie in Léona Hirota's 'Candy Boys' series.
Yokohama Kenji
Ayane Sukehira (Kang Ji-Young) is an overweight woman who loves chocolate. Because of her love for chocolate, she has moved to Italy which is famous for its chocolates. There, Ayane Sukehira gets involved in an accident and she passes out. When Ayane Sukehira wakes up, she finds that her appearance has totally changed. She is now a beautiful woman. Ayane Sukehira travels back to Japan and she begins work as an esthetician. She still is not interested in dating and she buries herself in eating chocolate and playing games. One day, popular idol Takumi Minato invites her for dinner
Tabi/Horo (voice)
「祭り屋」と呼ばれる万博の主催者ブエナ・フェスタからの招待状を手にしたルフィたち麦わらの一味。導かれるまま会場に着くと、華やかなパビリオンが所狭しと並び、世界中から海賊たちが群がる、大きな盛り上がりをみせていた。そこには勢揃いした“最悪の世代”キッドやベッジ、ホーキンスにボニー、さらにはバルトロメオ、キャベンディッシュの姿も!全員の目的はただ一つ、万博の目玉「海賊王(ロジャー)の遺した宝探し」。 宝を手に入れ名を上げたい海賊たちによるお宝争奪戦の火蓋が切られた! しかし、海賊たちが熱狂する万博の裏では、別名「最悪の戦争仕掛け人」フェスタの凶行が張り巡らされ、海賊たちを一網打尽にしようとスモーカーたちによる海軍の潜入捜査までもが動き始めていた―――。 時代の覇権を左右するお宝争奪戦が熱を帯びる中、突如、元ロジャー海賊団「“鬼”の跡目」と呼ばれた男ダグラス・バレットが乱入。 ルフィたちの前に恐るべき脅威となって立ちはだかる! 事態の収束を諮る海軍は大将“藤虎”イッショウ、“黄猿”ボルサリーノ、さらには王下七武海“海賊女帝”ハンコック、“世界最強の剣士”ミホークをも召集し、狂乱する海賊と激突!加速する戦乱にはさらに“元王下七武海”クロコダイル、“革命軍参謀総長”サボ、“CP-0”ロブ・ルッチまでもが其々の目的のため姿を現した! 乱戦極まる様相に、遂に海軍は“バスターコール”を発動! お宝争奪戦と海賊万博は予測不能の大混乱へと陥って行く!!
Benjamin visits Tokyo to see Miko. At her place, he finds a photo that caught his attention. It was taken at the winery 40 years ago. There are Benjamin, his deceased wife, and Miko's parents in it. Miko starts to tell a story behind it.
Mataemon Kurita
Yoichi plays basketball at his junior high and is capable. He is granted a scholarship and attends a high school with a superlative basket team. Instead of welcoming the boy the students there decide to bully and harass the new player leading Yoichi to a new high school and basketball team. Expectedly, the basketball team is not the best. The team will have to soon play against the team from the school Yoichi was in before.
Hamamoto's Father (voice)
A family restaurant faces hard times due to customers running out on their bills. In his past, Shogo Kawatani was a premiere athlete. Now, Shogo Kawatani works for the family restaurant. His job is to catch customers who run out on their bills.
Reo Asahina
Mamoru Ito
Narrator (voice)
Documentary about the crazy cinephile Atsushi Tsuboi, vice president of the Nagoya art theatre "cinemaskhole".
Three American tourists follow a mysterious map deep into the jungles of Japan searching for an ancient temple. When spirits entrap them, their adventure quickly becomes a horrific nightmare.
Kitazawa Haku had watched a movie and dreamed he was in a parallel universe. Meanwhile, Ryū, the older brother of Haku's friend Takeru, is facing down boys' bar owner Rokujō. Then Ryū becomes fascinated with Kikiyō standing behind Rokujō. On the day of the yearly festival, Haku suddenly disappears. Takeru disappears while in search of Haku. Ryū disappears while following Kikiyō. And then Rokujō also disappears.
Double Down / Whitejack (voice)
After the sudden death of her adoptive father Shimada Mataemon, Nui, whose own father met an untimely death when he was about to expose the corruption of the shogunate becomes determined to expose the collusion between Kannouji, and the unforgivable relationships between the ladies in waiting of the inner palace and the monks. Nui is undertaking this undercover investigation without regard for the danger she is putting herself in, for the sake of Shinnosuke whom she secretly loves
A single father and judicial clerk named Tsutomu's violent past in organized crime threatens to catch up to him when his daughter is taken hostage.
本町奉行所の見廻り同心・渡辺小五郎(東山紀之)と妻のふく(中越典子)は、 「後妻打ち」をきっかけに夫婦ゲンカになり、ふくは家出してしまうことに。折も折、夫から逃れた妻たちが駆け込む「縁切り寺」で、住職と女たちが斬り殺される事件が起こる。妻の家出中とあって「もしや」と案じて寺へと急ぐ小五郎だが……。同じ頃、江戸の町に、夫婦で裏稼業を営む夫婦仕事人がやってくる。 “瓦屋の陣八郎”(遠藤憲一)と“泣きぼくろのお宮”(山本美月)だ。偶然、街角で陣八郎とお宮に出会った小五郎に対し、二人を知るお菊(和久井映見)は、「あいつらとだけは関わるべからず」と忠告する。ところが、遊び人で博打好きの陣八郎は、今度は遊郭で開かれた博打で経師屋の涼次(松岡昌宏)と出会ってしまうことに。そんな矢先、縁切り寺の殺人事件の下手人らしき男が自殺体で見つかるが、小五郎は事件の背後に陰謀の匂いを感じ取る。しかし、寺の管轄は寺社奉行ということもあって、与力の増村倫太郎(生瀬勝久)はこれ以上の捜査には及び腰だ。事件からまもなく、寺社奉行の江田島兼良(中丸新将)の鶴の一声で、坊主の燕天(竹中直人)が寺の住職に就任する。もともと寺の跡継ぎとして修業をしていた経験のあるリュウ(知念侑李)は、新しい寺の様子に違和感を覚える。 何事もなかったように女たちの受け入れが始まった縁切り寺に、今日もお市という女(田中美奈子)が、娘のみさと(宮武美桜)とゆい(宮武祭)を連れて駆け込んできた。 だが、寺の背後では、女たちの弱みにつけ込んで食い物にしようとする陰謀が蠢いていたのだった……。
For this 16th Anniversary Special, Inagaki Goro is our host once again for 6 spooky tales based on tales from real people and performed here by an all-star cast. A young man who returns to his family's home after leaving Tokyo finds something else may have followed after him; a young girl dreams of darkness and a small shrine that draws ever closer; a woman with a failed business makes a go at it with a company with a bizarre dormitory, one with a past secret; a police officer receives a call from what appears to be a dead woman who wants his help; a woman taking documents to a food company finds time slipping away without her noticing; a single man who runs a restaurant sees an unusual family living down the hallway from him.
Hiroki Mase
Kenta Kurata (Masaki Aiba) lives with his father, Taichi (Akira Terao), his mother, Keiko (Kaho Minami), and his younger sister, Nana (Kasumi Arimura) in an isolated home in the suburbs. He works as an unpopular commercial designer. Kenta Kurata possesses a timid personality, which he picked up from his father. Kenta doesn't like his father. One day, while waiting for the train, Kenta warns a man who pushed a woman and cut in line. Kenta is surprised that he spoke out with his normally timid personality. After that incident, Kenta's family home is targeted by an unknown person with flowers from their garden being pulled out and the seat of a bicycle being torn. Also, Kenta's younger sister Nana is stalked by her ex-boyfriend. Kenta and his family try to find out who is responsible.
In EDO, the fabulous wonderland where only men exist, the most beautiful courtesan is Shiratori Dayū. His apprentice's suicide made him desolate, and he finds love when he meets the most popular and sexy candy boy, Furimatsu, at the "Candy Shop." However, the town of EDO bans romantic relationships, and a rare disease starts to spread.
Takeshi Matsumoto
Yanagi Shuji is terrible at being a monk, as he just wants to have fun all the time. His father is the Chief Monk of the Yagira Temple, and Shuji is expected to take over the role eventually.Unfortunately, Shuji is not only not cut out to be a monk, one day, he becomes deep in debt... 10 million yen's worth! In order to repay his loan, he decides to take on the job of teaching literature at a prep school. To be able to earn big bucks, he has to be a charismatic teacher, one that is popular with the students and be in demand all the time. To that end, Shuji decides to put on a bright yellow suit, and help his students learn through comedy and funny jokes.
Man at bar
Okakura Tenshin
Tenshin Okakura left the great achievement to the Japanese modern art. This is a story of Tenshin's life and conflict and teacher-student love between Tenshin, who rediscovered art of Japan and tried to produce new beauty in Meiji period, and his young pupils, Taikan Yokoyama, Shunsou Hishida, Kanzan Shimomura, Buzan Kimura.
Kenta Koenji
Ken Katakura
020, Boss of Agent 009-1
Department Head Oikawa
Jotaro Fukamachi (Akira Terao) is a poor middle-aged detective who separated with wife and children. He rent the office in second floor of the building owned by beautiful dentist Reiko Sugimoto (Eriko Sato).
Kousuke Awano
A unique black comedy set in Ginza Cinepathos, a long-established movie theater that closes at the end of March 2013 while being familiar to movie fans with its retro appearance and unique lineup. Unique guests visiting the theater draw a human pattern during breaks.
Yuria discovered the pleasure of tying herself up in her university days, and resumes the pursuit in order to relieve work stress. She starts a blog to describe the sensation of rope on her skin, and becomes acquainted with a cross-dressing bondage aficionado. Eventually, she grows bolder in practicing her hobby, and begins to wear bindings under her suit while at work.
Akame Kotoji
Kotoji Akame (Naoto Takenaka) is a shabby, middle aged low-ranking samurai of small stature. One day, in a drinking contest, he misses sending his lord off as he leaves Edo for Kuju. Released from service for this blunder, Akame becomes a wandering samurai. He goes on to steal lances from many feudal lords' processions. For Furuta, suffering defeat is out of question. To protect his domain and family, he takes it on himself to meet Murase and proposes an alliance between the Wako, Fuki and Ushizu domains. With the fate of the feudal families in their hands, Furuta and Murase pursue Akame. Each with something to protect, the men fight desperately over the lances.
Juushoku (voice)
江戸の世。「伏」と呼ばれる半人半犬の者たちの暗躍が耳目を集めていた。人の生魂をとって食らうという彼らに、幕府は高額の懸賞金をかけ、それを狙う者の追撃も後を絶たなかった。 伏を討ち捕え浪人暮らしを脱しようと考えた男道節は、陸奥の山奥で猟師をしている妹浜路を江戸に招く。人並み外れた腕を持つものの、江戸にあっては何も知らぬ小娘に過ぎない浜路は、ひょんなことから男たちに追われる優男信乃に出会う。男たちを退け、道節の住む長屋に浜路を送り届けた信乃は、知らぬうちに姿を消していた。 さっそく兄の案内で伏狩りに出、伏である吉原の凍鶴太夫を仕留めたことで、今までの狩りにない感情を味わう浜路。それは再会した信乃という伏に対する、慕情という形で結実するのだった…。
Tosaki Ryunosuke
Yamamura Shuji (Tamaki Hiroshi) runs staffing "Family Romance Company" - a company that rents out people to act like their client's family members for occasions like weddings, funerals & meeting with teachers. One day, a customer, who wants to be loved by a family, comes to the "Family Romance Company." The customer's name is Tosaki Ryunosuke (Takenaka Naoto), who only has only one month left to live. Yamamura Shuji takes on the request of Tosaki Ryunosuke, but something which Yamamura Shuji does not expect occurs in the process.
I tried to symbolize the emotion of loneliness with the motif of the poet, Taneda Santoka, who has broken the haiku form. Cutout method depicts subtle face expressions of the man who is slightly drunk in the mountain[
Ohno plays the role of Tarui Shotaro, an ordinary guy who dreamed of becoming a hero when he was a child, but now gets by as a part-time worker. The unexpected story unfolds when one day, the daughter of a yakuza boss asks him to plan a make-believe kidnapping. Sato Ryuta plays Shotaro's co-worker who helps him with the kidnapping. Kanjiya Shihori plays Satsuki, the eldest daughter of the Hanazono yakuza clan, while Narimiya Hiroki plays Satsuki's college senpai who joined the Hanazono clan after graduation. Takahashi Katsumi plays the head of a rival organization who has fallen in love with Satsuki. Kitaoji Kinya plays Satsuki's father and the head of the Hanazono clan.
Dr. Daimon
秘密犯罪組織シグマ団。怪人ミスボーグ率いるロボットは世界破壊兵器ジャンボメカ合成に必要な人間細胞を採取すべく要人の誘拐を続けていた。シグマの陰謀を阻止すべく変形バイクロボ ザボーガーと共に大門豊が立ち上がった。青年大門編と中年大門編に別れ大門とシグマ団の戦いを描く。
The film stars Seishiro Kato as Rantaro who is sent to a ninja training school by his parents. During the summer, their teacher is invaded by a group of rival ninjas culminating in a race to ring a bell on top of a mountain.
Jiro / Kurenai
Takeo Kishi
Rin a young high school student is your everyday awkward girl who gets bullied by her fellow students. On her 16th birthday, Rin gets an unexpected surprise: she finds out that she is, on her father's side, a half-mutant.
「偉大なる航路(グランドライン)」での航海を続ける麦わらの一味のもとに、ルフィたちの故郷である「東の海(イーストブルー)」でいくつもの島が襲われているという衝撃的なニュースが飛び込む。一味は旅を中断して「東の海」へ戻ろうとするが、そこに空飛ぶ巨大な海賊船が現れた。その船に乗っていたのは、かつて海賊王ロジャーの時代に暴れていた伝説の大海賊金獅子のシキだった。 ナミの気象センスに目をつけたシキは、ナミを誘拐。ルフィたちはシキの能力によりサニー号と共に空飛ぶ島メルヴィユに落とされ、離散してしまう。メルヴィユは、凶暴な動物たちが住む弱肉強食の世界だった。奪われた仲間を取り戻すため、「東の海」を守るため、海賊王と鎬を削った伝説の男との戦いが始まる。
Franz Strezemann
Franz Stresseman
Shiki (voice)
2009年12月12日に公開された日本のアニメーション映画。漫画『ONE PIECE』を原作としたテレビアニメの劇場版第10作目。 「偉大なる航路(グランドライン)」での航海を続ける麦わらの一味のもとに、ルフィたちの故郷である「東の海(イーストブルー)」でいくつもの島が襲われているという衝撃的なニュースが飛び込む。一味は旅を中断して「東の海」へ戻ろうとするが、そこに空飛ぶ巨大な海賊船が現れた。その船に乗っていたのは、かつて海賊王ロジャーの時代に暴れていた伝説の大海賊金獅子のシキだった。 ナミの気象センスに目をつけたシキは、ナミを誘拐。ルフィたちはシキの能力によりサニー号と共に空飛ぶ島メルヴィユに落とされ、離散してしまう。メルヴィユは、凶暴な動物たちが住む弱肉強食の世界だった。奪われた仲間を取り戻すため、「東の海」を守るため、海賊王と鎬を削った伝説の男との戦いが始まる。
Rojin Kanai
Pierre Ichimonji
High school seniors Mikayo, Chuko and Kei are forced to join a historical research club to fulfill a graduation requirement. Their teacher, Mr. Kachi, plans a mandatory club trip to a small village called Oshakabe in Yamagata prefecture to study remnants of an ancient clan of warriors called the ochimusha who displayed legendary cowardice in battle. When they arrive, the local villagers hold a special ceremony and construct a "super shrine". As a result, an 800-year seal is broken, unleashing a curse that causes the ochimusha to rise from the grave.
High school seniors Mikayo, Chuko and Kei are forced to join a historical research club to fulfill a graduation requirement. Their teacher, Mr. Kachi, plans a mandatory club trip to a small village called Oshakabe in Yamagata prefecture to study remnants of an ancient clan of warriors called the ochimusha who displayed legendary cowardice in battle. When they arrive, the local villagers hold a special ceremony and construct a "super shrine". As a result, an 800-year seal is broken, unleashing a curse that causes the ochimusha to rise from the grave.
Yamazaki / Leader of Red Barons
High school seniors Mikayo, Chuko and Kei are forced to join a historical research club to fulfill a graduation requirement. Their teacher, Mr. Kachi, plans a mandatory club trip to a small village called Oshakabe in Yamagata prefecture to study remnants of an ancient clan of warriors called the ochimusha who displayed legendary cowardice in battle. When they arrive, the local villagers hold a special ceremony and construct a "super shrine". As a result, an 800-year seal is broken, unleashing a curse that causes the ochimusha to rise from the grave.
Kōji Kamifuji
After her boyfriend leaves Korea to study in Japan, So-ra decides to do the same. When she finally arrives in Japan So-ra discovers that her boyfriend has already quit school and gone back to Korea. Sora is now enrolled in film school and remains in Japan. At first she struggles to adept to life in Japan. She then comes across an odd man named Matsumoto, who collects discarded glass bottles. Sora starts to document this man with her video camera and in the process learns more about herself. --
Inspector Kitano
Steelhead is a Chinese labourer who comes to Japan hoping for a better life. Unable to find honest work and bullied into the shadows with his fellow Chinese illegal immigrants, he soon finds himself ascending as the boss of a black market mob. After providing a deadly service to a powerful Yakuza crime boss, Steelhead’s rise to mafia power spirals rapidly out of control as he’s given reign over the dangerous and lucrative Shinjuku district.
副操縦士の鈴木和博は機長への昇格訓練を受けており、今回のホノルル行きのフライトが昇格の分かれ目だった。教官が温厚な望月で安堵したのも束の間、望月が風邪をひき、代わりに厳格な原田が鈴木の教官を務めることになった。 一方今回のホノルル行きが国際線デビューとなるCA・斉藤悦子。だがその便には厳しいことで知られるチーフパーサー・山崎麗子も乗務していた。そしてグランドスタッフの木村菜採もまた仕事に限界を感じ辞めようかと考えていた。 ホノルル行きの便は離陸前の多様なトラブルがありながらも出発。機内では鈴木が原田の指導に戦々恐々とし、悦子は次々と繰り出される乗客の要求に右往左往。 そんな中、鈴木・原田のもとに、山崎麗子からキャビンで翼に何かがぶつかるのを見た乗客がいるとの知らせが入る。その直後、機のエアデータ・コンピュータが狂った表示を出し始めた。
Pizza-Delivery Girl's Boss (segment "Shaking Tokyo")
オリジナリティ溢れる作風で世界的にファンの多いクリエイター、ミシェル・ゴンドリー、レオス・カラックス、ポン・ジュノが東京を舞台に競作した豪華なオムニバス・ムービー。 ミシェル・ゴンドリー監督「インテリア・デザイン」──映画監督の恋人と上京したばかりのヒロインに降りかかる不思議な出来事を綴るファンタジー・ストーリー。主演は藤谷文子と加瀬亮。映画監督の恋人アキラと一緒に上京してきたヒロコ。高校時代の同級生アケミの部屋に居候しながらバイト探しを始める2人だったが、アキラとは対照的に都会の水になかなか馴染めないヒロコは、次第に疎外感を感じ始める。 レオス・カラックス監督「メルド」──監督の盟友ドニ・ラヴァンが東京中を震撼させる謎の怪人に扮する不条理劇。マンホールの中から突然現われては、街中で奇行を繰り返し、道行く人々に危害を加える神出鬼没の謎の男メルド。メディアでも大きく取り上げられ、いつしか“下水道の怪人”と呼ばれ、東京の人々を恐怖に陥れるメルドだったが…。 ポン・ジュノ監督「シェイキング東京」──香川照之と蒼井優を主演に迎え、引きこもり男とピザの宅配少女との奇妙な心の交流を描くファンタジー・ラブストーリー。10年間引きこもりの生活を送る一人の男。土曜日には必ずピザを頼むその男の家に、その日、配達に来たのは美しい少女だった。思いがけず、少女と見つめ合ってしまう男。その瞬間、突然大地が揺れ、少女は気絶してしまうのだが…。
Bar Owner (voice)
Math Professor
Toru Ishigaki
Franz Strezemann
This 2 night special takes off during their graduation, where Chiaki-senpai & Nodame left for Europe. The first special centered on Chiaki's story, the story tells about Chiaki's dream to be a conductor. Nodame on the other hand attended the conservatory to attain her dream to one-day play the piano for Chiaki. After her hard work, Nodame was given a chance to have a mini recital. During the recital, Chiaki saw her worth and realized that he cannot go on with out her
Shoan (voice)
戦乱の時代。 明国の武装集団に追われる仔太郎という少年がいた。 逃げこんだ荒寺で仔太郎は、名を捨て刀を封印した不思議な浪人「名無し」と出会う。 赤池の領主と連携をとりながら仔太郎を追ってきた武装集団は、そこで名無しと対峙する。 仔太郎に隠された秘密はあまたの野心を触発し、名無しはのちの宿敵となる男、羅浪と巡り会う。 それぞれの思惑が一気に激流へと変化していく中、果たして仔太郎と名無しの運命は・・・
Chihiro Yamaoka
Ichima Hirata
Based on a true story, Shyon (Lee Taesung) travels from Korea to broaden his horizons, studying in Japan he meets Yuri (High and Mighty Color's lead singer, Maakii). Both share similar interests in music and sports as they become closer while dealing with language and racial barriers.
Tomio Aoki
A film adaption of the manga Cat Eyed Boy by famous horror manga artist Kazuo Umezu. The film follows a strange boy with cat like features.
From Minoru Kawasaki, the director of "The Calamari Wrestler," "Executive Koala," "The Entire World Sinks Except Japan," and "The Rug Cop," comes the epic story of a giant crab who washes ashore, befriends a boy, finds love, and becomes a sports legend. The film has been described by Kawasaki as being 'like Forrest Gump...but with a crab.'
Duke Kawahara
A film dedicated to the band Fishmans and their "Long Season Revue" tour in 2005, the first since the death of frontman Shinji Sato.
Tamako's father
The second feature from female director Shindo Kaze (Love/Juice), Princess in an Iron Helmet (a.k.a. Korogare! Tamako) is a bright and colorful youth film about a quirky young woman's reluctant coming-of-age journey. Tamako (Yamada Maiko) is 20 years old, lives at home with her mother (Kishimoto Kayoko) and teenaged brother, and simply refuses to grow up. Ever since her father (Naoto Takenaka) left the family, she's stopped trusting people, and now lounges around in her own small, claustrophobic world. Wearing an iron helmet whenever she steps outside, she ventures only to her mom's beauty salon, the mechanic shop, and the bakery - the source of her greatest joy in life, sweet buns. Her world is static, insular, and safe, and there's no need to change - that is until her cat runs away, the bakery closes, and her mom falls in love with another man.
Shohei Sasaki
Tetsuo Mashiba
Yuki, mother of the Mashiba family, is the grease that keeps this well-oiled machine running and its seven members happy and healthy. But when Yuki herself falls ill and needs to be hospitalized, the rest of the family must cooperate and make sacrifices in order to keep everything running smoothly and make ends meet.
Christmas Special following the series.
Tadahiko Ozawa
東北地方の山河高校の、落ちこぼれ学生だった友子ら13人の女子生徒は、夏休みの補習授業をサボるために、食中毒で入院した吹奏楽部のピンチヒッターに応募する。 唯一、食中毒を免れた気の弱い吹奏楽部員・拓雄の指導で、ビッグバンドジャズをはじめた友子らは、次第に演奏の楽しさに目覚め、ジャズにのめりこんでいく。しかし、吹奏楽部員が退院して復帰したため、あえなくお払い箱になってしまう。 2学期になった友子らは、演奏の楽しさが忘れられず、バンドを結成し、楽器を買うためにアルバイトに精を出して、失敗したり四苦八苦しながら、ビッグバンドジャズにのめりこんでいく。
(segment "Real")
This horror anthology is featuring nine independent episodes, each 30 minutes long, that are revolving around bad karma and terror.
Kim (voice)
An anthology series based on stories collected throughout Japan, mainly by writers Hirokatsu Kihara and Ichiro Nakayama.
8 short stories comprise this anthology movie, based on the Tales of Terror TV series.
This making of segment offers a lot of interview comments with the crew behind it, although does so in a rather rapid fashion. The most interesting element of this is probably learning a bit more behind how the movie was created from an animation standpoint, in particular the insight around animating the robots.
Kiyomasa Katô
Shishobako no Otoko
Man with Newspaper
Tsukiko is in her late 30s and living alone when one night she happens to meet one of her former high school teachers, 'Sensei', in a bar. He is at least thirty years her senior, retired and, she presumes, a widower. After this initial encounter, the pair continue to meet occasionally to share food and drink sake, and as the seasons pass - from spring cherry blossom to autumnal mushrooms - Tsukiko and Sensei come to develop a hesitant intimacy which tilts awkwardly and poignantly into love.
God No. 001
A young department store worker discovers a magical lantern which contains the spirit of Tsuboi, a genie who has just one last chance to help someone on Earth.
Tajima, the Street Better
In the year 2009, a young policeman must collapse a Yakuza family whose members make a large profit with a new drug.
Butterfly Joe
Onna Kuni Shuu Ikki is a 2002 Japanese historical drama directed by Takashi Miike. It is one of three historical films included in the 2002 DVD compilation, Kumamoto Monogatari. The other two are Kikuchi-jo Monogatari: Sakimori-tachi no Uta and Zuiketsu Genso: Tonkararin Yume Densetsu, both also directed by Miike.
TV Reporter / Singer
The Katakuri family has just opened their guest house in the mountains. Unfortunately their first guest commits suicide and in order to avoid trouble they decide to bury him in the backyard. Things get way more complicated when their second guest, a famous sumo wrestler, dies while having sex with his underage girlfriend and the grave behind the house starts to fill up more and more.
今より千年前、紫式部は宮中の藤原道長からの頼みで道長の娘・彰子の教育係として京の都にやって来る。実は式部には、どうしても京の都で完成させなければいけない一つの物語があったのだ。『源氏物語』と題されたその物語の主人公は桐壺帝の子・光源氏。 容姿端麗にして武芸に秀でている源氏は何不自由のない生活を送っていたが、継母である藤壺中宮への禁断の恋心に苦悩もしていた―。式部はまだ清純な彰子に物語を説いてゆくのだが、ついに物語は源氏が姫君たちとの逢瀬の果てに、藤壺と体を重ねてしまうことになる…。
Young film star Ken Mihara is about to fall from stardom. His rise as a celebrity is solely credited to his onscreen counterpart, Keiko, who recently announced her retirement from acting in order to get married. Feeling frustrated and helpless, Ken turns to alcohol as he begins to provoke fights, attempts to lure a girl into bed, and argues with his wife, who came to visit him at the studio. All she says is thank you and leaves Ken puzzled. Ken Mihara, once a budding young star, takes a job as an extra. Although he's past his prime, he still manages to infuse a young filmmaker with the motivation to pursue her dreams as a director.
When a young Yakuza torments the customers in a rival crime family's nightclub, it is not long before his dead body is found. Soon, inter-family retaliation follows, resulting in the death for a prominent crime boss. Devastated by this turn of events, the temperamental Kenzaki vows to avenge his boss's death and, as bloody violence ensues, the body count reaches excessive proportions.
The secret warriors of feudal Japan were the ninja. Sent on impossible missions, the ninja were trained to work in shadows, gather information and defeat the enemy to build a world of peace. Akakage, Aokage, and Asuka are rookie ninjas under the tutelage of Shirokage. Their life is a series of perilous missions that entail intrigue, deception and intimidation.
Ryuutarou Takayama
Keisuke, an aspiring samurai-movie actor lands a major role in a new film, but must contend with a director who has nothing but scorn for him, but who continually fawns over the film’s obnoxious ham of a star.
Sasaki Shoutarou
The eruption of Mt. Fuji in 1707 released hordes of demons from deep inside the earth. Sakuya, the young daughter of a samurai killed fighting these demons, accepts a mission to travel to Mt. Fuji and defeat the evil spirits. Accompanying her on her journey are two veteran warriors who served her father, and Tarō, a young kappa, or river spirit, whom she has adopted as her little brother. Along the way, the two warriors have doubts about Tarō’s loyalties, and the young kappa himself must decide if he will stand with his own species or with the humans who have cared for him.
Taiji Tonoyama
Osamu rescues a girl who was being chased by two punks and is soon mixed up with the Yakuza
Sully Snowdon / Entei (voice)
美しい高原の街「グリーンフィールド」に住む少女ミーはアンノーンの研究をしている父親のシュリーと共に暮らしていた。ある日、遺跡の調査をしていたシュリーがアンノーンの空間に閉じ込められてしまい、行方不明となった。父親が残した奇妙なカードをミーが並び替えた時、「アンノーン」達が出現し、彼女の感情を感じ取り、エンテイを生み出した。声や雰囲気から父親がエンテイになって帰ってきたと思い、ミーは喜んだ。 一方、サトシたちも旅の途中でトレーナーのリンとのポケモンバトルを繰り広げ、ジョウト地方で女性が行きたい場所No.1の「グリーンフィールド」を訪れていた。突如グリーンフィールドがクリスタルで囲まれたことに困惑するサトシ達。シェリーや娘のミーが気掛かりになったオーキド博士とハナコも現場に向かい、サトシと再会した。その様子を見ていたミーは自分もママが欲しいとエンテイに願うと彼女の願いを叶えるため、ハナコを連れ去ってしまう。グリーンフィールドの結晶化が進む中、ミーはサトシ達に両親が帰ってきたから来ないようにメールが来る。それに疑問に思う一同であったがサトシはハナコを救うため、カスミやピカチュウ達と共にグリーンフィールドの中心に出来た結晶塔へ向かう。
Chihiro is raped by three men and it is captured on video camera. She leaves her hometown and prepares to marry a colleague five years later, when one of the rapists arrives and says the others are on their way. He behaves like her long-lost lover and mistreats her again. Chihiro takes revenge, kills him and puts him in a freezer. The other rapists are awaiting a similar fate...
Teacher Sasaki
Japanese horror film with four segments.
Rich Man
The story follows a trio of Japanese youths of Chinese descent who escape their semi-rural upbringing and relocate to Shinjuku, Tokyo, where they befriend a troubled Shanghai prostitute and fall foul of a local crime syndicate. Like many of Miike's works, the film examines the underbelly of respectable Japanese society and the problems of assimilation faced by non-ethnically Japanese people in Japan.
This hard-boiled action starring Naoto Takenaka is directed by popular manga artist Kazuhiro Kimchi. 8 years ago Brazilian mafioso Carlos had brought the Japanese yakuza organization to its knees. He breaks out of prison while being transported back to Brazil and then begins to seek to get even with the organization.
Traditional Japanese pop singer Reiko (Muroi) decides to enter a well-known TV program for amateur singers along with a confused teenager (Ôtomo) and a 40-year-old father of four (Bito).
Riichi's father
Nostalgia is Takashi Miike’s favorite film of his considerable body of work. Including biographical elements, Nostalgia centers around the home and school of a young boy, whose family mix the violent and dysfunctional with the comic and the loveable. Though containing elements of the sudden and shocking brutality that many associate with this director, Young Thugs – Nostalgia is more concerned with a child’s moment of leaving the internalized world of fantasy, and passing on eagerly to the next stage of life. A wonderful, touching, startling vision that is uniquely Miike’s.
After his daughter Mai is killed in an auto accident, a genius programmer recreates her in the form of a computer program called AI. His jealous brother-in-law, wanting to get his hands on the technology for profit, sends his client to steal it and Mai’s father is killed in the process. Learning of her capture, Mai’s old friends race to free AI from her captors so that she won’t fall into the corporate clutches that threaten to erase her soul.
Japanese film directed by Hiromasa Taguchi.
A hard-boiled film that follows a detective who will be killed the next morning should he fail his mission, the yakuza assigned to watch over him, and the friendship that develops as they work together.
Mikio Shimazu
This is a biographical film about the late Yoko Araki, who was the wife of Japan's leading photographer, Nobuyoshi Araki.
This is a biographical film about the late Yoko Araki, who was the wife of Japan's leading photographer, Nobuyoshi Araki.
A documentary exploring the history and influence of the alternative manga magazine, Garo, with various artist and director interviews.
After the 1995 Kobe earthquake, a writer remembers travelling with his family to bury his brother after World War II.
Tomio Aoki
ボタン会社の経理課課長として、優しい妻やちょっぴり生意気だが可愛い一人娘にも恵まれ、念願だった一軒家も手に入れて、仕事や家庭に何の不満もない杉山正平。しかし、彼には満ち足りない何かがあった。正平は、ある日の会社の帰り、電車の中から見えるダンス教室の窓に、物憂げに佇むひとりの女性岸川舞を見つける。その美しさに目を奪われた彼は、数日後、そのダンス教室を訪れ社交ダンスを習い始めることに。 ほんの「スケベ心」から、家族にも会社にも内緒でダンスを習い始めた正平であったが、社交ダンスの魅力と会社の同僚青木富夫やプライドの高い高橋豊子、有閑マダム然としたたまこ先生といった個性的な仲間との交流を通じて純粋にダンスにのめり込んでいく。また、ある事件から最初は正平に心を閉ざしていた舞であったが、正平のダンスへのひたむきな姿を見るうちに、だんだんと心を開いてゆき、自らの心の傷も癒えることを覚える。一方、正平の妻は急に帰宅が遅くなったことに、浮気しているのではと心配し探偵を雇い正平の身辺調査を始める。 舞らの後押しで正平は豊子とペアを組んで東関東アマチュアスポーツダンス大会に出場することとなり、観衆の前で猛特訓の成果を披露することとなるのだが…。
Movie adaptation of a novel by Rampo Edogawa.
A businessman, Tsuda, runs into a childhood friend, Tajuki, on the subway. Tajuki is working as a semiprofessional boxer. Tsuda soon begins to suspect that Tajuki might be having an affair with his fiancée Hizuru. After an altercation, Tsuda begins training rigorously himself, leading to an extremely bloody, violent confrontation.
Shohei Ogiwara
Tommy, Tamejiro
Edogawa Rampo
Edogawa Rampo is a writer whose latest work is censored by the government, deemed too disturbing and injurious to the public to be allowed to be published. However, after burning his drafts, his publisher shows him a newspaper with an account of events just like his forbidden story. As the film progresses, fantasy and reality intermingle in a tale that draws heavily on influences from Poe and Stoker's Dracula. The film's strongly Expressionistic direction skillfully combines a variety of media (animation, computer-generated imagery, grainy black-and-white fast film stock, color negatives) for artistic effect.
Japanese film directed by Masahiro Honda.
In Harari-cho, a small and quiet bayside town by the sea, the firemen have not seen a fire for nearly twenty years. Each day passes eventlessly... until one day. The monotony of their daily lives is interrupted by the appearance of a beautiful female college student, Momoko, who comes to visit her aunt. After catching a glimpse of Momoko, both Tatsuya and Nobuyuki can't stop thinking about her. Since then, the small town is not so quiet anymore…
In Harari-cho, a small and quiet bayside town by the sea, the firemen have not seen a fire for nearly twenty years. Each day passes eventlessly... until one day. The monotony of their daily lives is interrupted by the appearance of a beautiful female college student, Momoko, who comes to visit her aunt. After catching a glimpse of Momoko, both Tatsuya and Nobuyuki can't stop thinking about her. Since then, the small town is not so quiet anymore…
Tatsuya Tsuda
In Harari-cho, a small and quiet bayside town by the sea, the firemen have not seen a fire for nearly twenty years. Each day passes eventlessly... until one day. The monotony of their daily lives is interrupted by the appearance of a beautiful female college student, Momoko, who comes to visit her aunt. After catching a glimpse of Momoko, both Tatsuya and Nobuyuki can't stop thinking about her. Since then, the small town is not so quiet anymore…
Tanaka is a yakuza who collects 'protection money' from establishments. He has just been released from jail, where he had spent eight years, and finds out that his boss wants to get rid of him. Tanaka is not an archetypal yakuza; he travels by public transport. But he does have two mistresses: Ayumi, who runs a nightclub, and Yoshie, a brothel-keeper. When Tanaka's boss ends up in hospital, second man Kurauchi exerts increasing pressure on Tanaka. Tanaka deliberately has himself wounded by a fighter to dodge several of Kurauchi's demands.
Kojiro / Tetsuro Muraki
Based on the novel of the same name by Shizuka Ijûin. Played as a double feature with Crepe (1993).
Shigeki Arakawa (voice)
1999年、東南アジア某国で、PKO部隊として日本から派遣された陸自レイバー小隊が、戦闘車輌を持つゲリラ部隊と接触、本部からの発砲許可を得られないまま一方的に攻撃を受けて壊滅する。しかし一人の生存者がいた。破壊されたレイバーから脱出した彼がそこで見たのは、異教の神像が見下ろす古代遺跡であった。そして、彼は「彼岸の人」となった。 「方舟」の一件から3年後の2002年冬、かつての特車二課第2小隊の面々は、隊長の後藤と山崎を除いて新しい職場に異動し、それぞれの日々を送っていた。そんなある日、横浜ベイブリッジで爆破事件が起こり、それは自衛隊の戦闘機F-16Jらしき物体から放たれた一発のミサイルによるものであることがテレビによって報道される。そして、これがすべての始まりであった。
Aoki Tomio
Sukezo Sukegawa
Sukezo, a farmer manga comic artist, takes up the art rock business by setting up a shop in a shed by the river. He tries hard to be successful, but business does not go well and the family becomes progressively poorer.
Sukezo, a farmer manga comic artist, takes up the art rock business by setting up a shop in a shed by the river. He tries hard to be successful, but business does not go well and the family becomes progressively poorer.
In 1999, Claire's life is forever changed after she survives a car crash with two bank robbers, who enlist her help to take the money to a drop in Paris. On the way she runs into another fugitive from the law — Dr. Sam Farber, an American who is being chased by the CIA. They want to confiscate a device his father invented which allows anyone to record their dreams and visions. On the run they travel the globe from Berlin to Lisbon to Moscow to Tokyo, ending up in Australia at his father's research facility, where they hope to play back the recordings Farber captured for his blind mother.
Captain Rokai
A young boy gets caught up in the machinations of a new religious order, that seeks to revive demonic beings.
Takashi Yabe
A female detective realises that the construction company corruption case was not guilty... there was an evil mastermind behind it!
Rin Jyoshima lost her father to death-by-gambling; years later, she's grown up in the Kosugi household and has fallen victim to gambling herself.
V-cinema classic about a wanted Brazilian Japanese gangster who flees to Tokyo and fights yakuza.
flight operations officer
Based on the comic book series by Shunji Sonoyama.
Lone wolves join forces and plunge into a reckless fight with the organization.
Ryoichi Shindo
A violent action film depicting the success of a female investigator in the fight against drug syndicates.
It is a youth group of third-class university students struggling to get a job at a first-class company.
Tamako chases Ricky, the vocalist of the heavy metal band, to the hotel, where he happens to get information about a drug deal. She receives an emergency call from Tamako, and Rino immediately issues a dispatch order to the three elite members of the Zepra Corps. How will she handle the fight between the army and the drug smuggling organization...!? When she learned of the fact that she was being toyed with by a designer, she was the one who chose her death. After hearing her story, her girlfriend Rino and her girlfriend Tamako stand up for her to take her revenge on the man who betrayed her!
Mitsuki Kitagawa
Shigeru Yoshida
Three stories with horror and science fiction elements. 1st episode: "The Curse of Tutankhamen" (Tsutankâmen no noroï) by Kazuyuki Izutsu. With Naoto Takenaka. Two clans of Yakuza clash in a bar. 2nd episode: "They came back, tonight too" (Yatsura wa konya mo yattekita) by Kiyoshi Kurosawa. With Renji Ishibashi. A polar writer is pursued by two mysterious mountebanks. 3rd episode: "I want to come back to this day" (Ano hi ni kaeritai) by Banmei Takahashi. With Toshiyuki Nagashima. A couple who robbed a bank decides to separate to escape the police.
Asakazu Isobe
国際連盟を脱退し国際的に孤立していた日本は、国内でも政治不安、恐慌や経済不況が蔓延し国民の不満が高まっていた。 こうした状況を憂い憤っていた一部の帝国陸軍青年将校達はひそかに企てていた現政権を取り巻く元老、重臣を粛清し天皇陛下中心の国政を実現すべく昭和維新を実現すべく昭和8年2月21日ついにそれぞれの部隊を巻き込んで決起するが、国民を正義に導くはずの彼らの行動は次第にその思惑とはかけ離れた方向に陥っていく。
Takechi (voice)
Michael the tabby cat returns for another series of vignettes. The sketches this time include a send-up of The Fugitive — Richard Kimble is now a veterinarian on the lam. Despite the danger, he must intervene whenever he sees a cat (always Michael) suffering; after treating the patient, he plays a trick on the cat and runs away. Another sketch draws parallels between wandering husbands and wandering house cats, who seem to have similar proclivities. Two more point out what happens when a cat's instincts run up against the requirements of baseball or pro wrestling.
In a small town, high school students in their final year try to balance their studies while also playing together in a rock band.
Hidden wasteman
Set in Japan during the bubble era, this unique home comedy cheerfully and humorously depicts the daily life of a strange family that works together to accumulate a small amount of money, while mixing irony and satire.
Tetsuro Muraki
Ganpachi Chabane
At a run down school the "Ultimate Teacher" Ganpachi is sent to get things back on track and prepare the delinquent students for the real world. But the students don't want Ganpachi ruining the gang they got going so their boss, Hinako, fights back Ganpachi aided by her secret power...her lucky kitty underwear. Things get more interesting when we findout Ganpachi is the result of genetic experiments.
Kyoko Sawai, a TV reporter, is making a report about an idol singer named Emi Kato. Emi and her staff are preparing the promotion of her next tune "Love Craft". And as spiritual accidents happen around her, Kyoko finds out that the woman who composed the tune died seven years before.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Based on a polemic novel by Amy Yamada, Bedtime Eyes is about the intense love relationship between a second rate Japanese jazz singer and a black American GI on the margins of the law.
Chiaki Onoda a young assisstant sound mixer is unhappy with his job, but otherwise he is enjoying life. He loves his cat, his friends, hunting for girls and breakdancing in discos. A funeral forces him to return home and meet his familiy, which (espicially his father) disapprove of his lifestyle.
Three men sentenced to death are spared and changed into “shadows executioners”, a group of ruthless ninja working for mysterious high ranking officials. During their investigation on some illegal business, one of them, called “Yazuke the Viper”, finds his abandoned daughter, Ocho, who has now become a mistress of Denzo, a smuggler. After Yazuke’s death, Ocho is also recruited as a “shadows executioner”, with the task of completing her father’s mission.
A drag queen doctor named Peter conducts experiments on patients which end up in anguish!
Kenkichi Nagaoka
The tragic story of Gonza, a handsome ladies man, set in the Tokagawa Period, a time in which appearences are very important. Gonza competes with Bannojo for the honor to perform the tea ceremony to celebrate the birth of an heir to the lord of their clan. To see the sacred tea scrolls Gonza promises to marry the daughter of the family which possesses them, even though he is unofficially engaged to another. When studying the scrolls with Osai, the mother of the house, Bannajo sneaks into the house and steals their obis and runs through the town proclaiming the two as adulterers.
Masasuke Ujiie
Six year old Momoko and Motoharu are turned suddenly into High school students. And more than that they have now psychic powers.
Nezumi Otoko
Released in 1985. A live action adaption of the original manga series, created in 1960 by Shigeru Mizuki.
The melodramatic story of a pink crew’s tragi-comedic adventures on location. A fictionalized adaptation of set photographer Ichiro Tsuda's 1980 book The Location (Za Rokēshon), an illustrated 229-page document about the cameraman’s experiences with pink cast and crew on the sets of several films produced in the late 1970's.
The world's largest black pearl has vanished without a trace, and it's up to Detective Ippei to track it down. His only clue is the mysterious words of a dying man, who managed to mutter "Pussy Print!" before slipping away forever. Teaming with the man's younger widow Matsuko, Detective Ippei boards a local train and begins taking prints of the female passenger's vulvas in hopes of matching one to the print that Matsuka's husband had in his possession at the time of his death.