Stéphane Lefebvre

Stéphane Lefebvre


Stéphane Lefebvre


Cat and Dog
Stunt Coordinator
A cat and a dog escape their cages in the airport, their owners must work together to recover their prized pets.
Autumn and the Black Jaguar
Stunt Coordinator
Grown up in the Amazon rainforest, Autumn lives with Hope, the cute baby jaguar she adopted. However, a circumstance forces Autumn to return to New York. Autumn goes back into the jungle to save Hope from grave danger.
Savage State
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Saint Charles County, Missouri, December 1863. Edmond, a prosperous French perfume merchant, decides to flee to a safer place when the storms of the American Civil War start knocking at his door, threatening the life and fortune of his family.
Thicker Than Water
Stunt Coordinator
It has been a year since Paige and Nathan Petrovic tragically lost their teenage son Zach. Nathan and daughter Addie have slowly been putting their lives back together. Paige, however, remains consumed by grief and withdrawn, and is unable to work. In order to supplement Paige's lost income, the family decides to rent out their spare bedroom. Surprisingly, life starts to look up for Paige once their new tenant Brandon Wilson enters the picture.
Psycho Prom Queen
Stunt Coordinator
Following the suspected suicide of her friend and fellow teacher, Julie Taylor is hired to take over the senior math class for the last few weeks of school. It's been a difficult year for Julie and this is a fresh start for her and her teenager daughter Miya. Though Julie hopes that being both the new kid and the new teacher's daughter won't be too hard on Miya, she can't help but worry when her daughter becomes fast friends with the school's resident mean girl, Amy Turner.
Stunt Coordinator
Up until now, marriage has been smooth sailing for Jennifer Jones. But after suffering a miscarriage, she begins to question her happiness and whether the spark in her marriage has dimmed. She shrugs it off as just being the 7-year itch and gives her husband, Freddy, who is content in their relationship, the benefit of the doubt. Things take an unexpected turn when Jennifer catches Freddy in a few unassuming lies. And when a sudden accident throws Freddy into a coma, Jennifer is left to pick up the pieces and reconcile everything for herself. With Freddy in hospital, a larger story begins to unfold - something that might just be Jennifer's worst nightmare - prompting her to question if she ever really knew the man she was married to.
Separated at Birth
Stunt Coordinator
Lucy Pierce grew up believing she had a normal childhood. Until, one day, she discovers old articles about the "Baby Victoria" disappearance - a high-profile abduction case. She is shocked to see that her baby picture is front and center. Determined to find answers, Lucy tracks down her biological mother, Elizabeth Marshall, a criminal prosecutor running for Governor of Pennsylvania. While Lucy's reunion with Elizabeth is heartfelt, the same can't be said for her relationship with her newfound sister, Terri. The family reunion spirals out of control as Lucy finds herself in the middle of a police investigation. As Lucy questions who is really trying to defame her, is something more sinister happening to tear this family apart, yet again?
Prescription for Danger
Stunt Coordinator
Ivy Fisher is at the top of her game; A whip-smart, devastatingly attractive upstart business owner. She is your typical thirty something, with a stalled personal life and overactive career. But during a crucial investor meeting, Ivy's body begins to fail her. Plagued with an onset of dizziness and a crippling headache, Ivy crashes. Enter Dr. Mark Ryan - a corrupt doctor ready to feed his desire for power, and Ivy is his perfect subject. This rock-hard business woman is now about to confront her mortality. But much to Ivy's shock, she is about to find out that Dr. Ryan, a person she trusts, has the recipe to finally break her.
Stunt Coordinator
Run to Me
Stunt Coordinator
Alison Wynn is an amateur triathlete who convinces Dr. Laura Stevens, a controversial peak-performance trainer, to take her on as a client. Together they embark on a rigorous program combining cutting-edge physical training with experimental hypnotherapy in an effort to render Alison more competitive. Pushed to her limits and forced to explore the painful repressed memories of her mother's suicide, Dr. Stevens' punishing regimen helps Alison post impressive gains and break through her own glass ceiling; but at what cost? Alison's work and family life with her husband and daughter suffer but no sacrifice seems too great to satisfy Laura's escalating demands. In fact Laura will do whatever it takes to have Alison all to herself. As Alison runs directly into Laura's sinister psychological trap, it's up to Alison's daughter to help her mother see through the deception before they lose her forever.
Brace for Impact
Stunt Coordinator
When disgraced Flight Crash Investigator Sofia Gilchrist's brother dies in the crash of a plane she was supposed to be on, Sofia breaks protocol and secretly begins investigating the crash.
Stunt Coordinator
When National Guard soldier Samantha Harrison returns from the front lines of Iraq, she realizes that none of her training helps her deal with PTSD or the struggles of returning to a normal life. Samantha comes home to find out she's being blamed for a friendly fire incident that killed two Americans and she becomes the target of an obsessed soldier seeking revenge for their deaths. She tries to reassemble her fragmented memories of that horrific night in order to convince everyone, including herself, that she didn't do it. Who do you turn to when you can't trust your own memories and the few people you do trust are being killed off one by one?
Trigger Point
Stunt Coordinator
Callie finds herself affected by big business politics and decides to join an activist group to do something about it.
Swept Under
Stunt Coordinator
Meet Morgan. At first glance, she's just your average cleaning lady. She has no problem getting her hands dirty, which is a good thing considering it's not fancy houses she cleans for a living - it's gruesome crime scenes. It's at one of these scenes that Morgan discovers a key piece of evidence overlooked by the forensics team. This, and her knack for reading blood splatter, catch Nick's attention, a newbie detective working the case. The pair soon become unofficial partners on what's become a stream of related murders and the closer they get to solving the mystery the closer they get to each other. But while they succeed in getting a confession from their primary suspect, their feelings for each other risk blinding them to the truth and they find themselves dangerously close to the real killer.
Two Wrongs
Stunt Coordinator
Sarah, a single mother working as an in-home nurse, confronts a parents worst nightmare when her daughter is abducted and she has to do the unthinkable to find her.
Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Driver
Stunt Coordinator
The mid-70's: A timid young New Yorker leads an uneventful life until he is fatefully exposed to the pulsating rhythms of a brand-new genre of music....disco. Unable to control his murderous impulses that stem from a traumatic childhood experience, Duane Lewis transforms into a dangerous serial killer exiled to Montreal.
Time of Death
Stunt Coordinator
Following the death of CEO Robert Loring at precisely 10:44 pm, the FBI sends in Jordan Price, one of their best and brightest to solve the case. As other key executives are murdered at exactly the same time, Jordan finds herself investigating the past in order to solve the case. She quickly discovers the ultimate cover up and is under the gun to solve the mystery before the next victim is killed.
Willed to Kill
Stunt Coordinator
A homicide detective is forced to work alongside her ex-fiancé to investigate a murder that bears all the hallmarks of an infamous serial killer.
Stealing Paradise
Stunt Coordinator
Amanda, a brilliant aeronautical engineer, is enraged when her breakthrough design is stolen and patented by her colleague Brendan. When he is found murdered, she becomes the prime suspect and soon finds she is not only fighting for her design - but fight for her life - as someone out there is determined to silence her protest for good.
Look Again
Stunt Coordinator
Just as her life is coming together, Allison experiences a terrible tragedy when her boyfriend is murdered by an intruder from whom the woman herself barely escapes. The police capture a man they believe to be the killer, but Allison, still unsettled, has her doubts. Things take a frightening turn when she meets her friend's new boyfriend and suspects him to be the killer.
Wandering Eye
Stunt Coordinator
Neglected by her workaholic husband, a young wife, Maren Abbott, meets a man through Wandering Eye - a networking website designed to facilitate extramarital liaisons. Charming as he is, she realizes she can't go through with the affair. When he is found brutally murdered in their hotel room, infidelity is the least of Maren's worries as she finds herself in the cross-hairs of a serial killer who uses the website to trawl for his next victims. Written by Incendo Media
Stunt Coordinator
ある日、カナダで暮らす双子の姉弟ジャンヌ(メリッサ・デゾルモー=プーラン)とシモン(マキシム・ゴーデット)の母親ナワル(ルブナ・アザバル)が永眠する。後日、長年彼女を秘書として雇っていた公証人(レミー・ジラール)により、母の遺言が読み上げられる。その内容は、所在がわからない自分たちの父と兄に手紙を渡してほしいというもので……。 『渦』のドゥニ・ヴィルヌーヴが監督と脚本を務め、レバノン出身の劇作家ワジ・ムアワッドの原作を映画化した珠玉の人間ドラマ。中東からカナダに移り住んだある女性の壮絶な人生を、過去と現代を行きつ戻りつしながら映し出す。『パラダイス・ナウ』のルブナ・アザバルが陰のある母親を演じ、その娘を、カナダのテレビで活躍するメリッサ・デゾルモー=プーランが演じている。過酷な生涯を生きた女性の胸に秘められた思いに涙する。
Reverse Angle
Stunt Coordinator
In the remote, sun soaked Pennsylvanian countryside, Ned Larson - a retired professor and reclusive inventor is killed in an explosion at his home. Soon after, small-time investigative journalist Eve Pretson crawls from the wreckage of a burnt out car nearby. She suffers a complete loss of memory - with no recollection of who she is or anything that preceded the accident. Weak and disorientated, she stops at a gas station for help, but instead witnesses the murder of a local mechanic. How are these events connected? In a desperate search for answers, Eve pieces together the scattered fragments of her life, becoming ever more fearful of all she uncovers.
Out of Control
Stunt Coordinator
Against her father's wishes, a young female cop in Chicago pursues her dream of becoming a detective when she's brought on to investigate a major murder case.
Final Verdict
Stunt Coordinator
The successful prosecution of a man accused of murdering his wife catapults a young attorneys career into the position of assistant D.A. for a major city. Eight years later, alarming new evidence suggests that the jailed man may actually be innocent of the murder, and now hes gunning for the woman who put him away. Eight years ago, State’s Attorney Megan Washington (Erica Durance) made her career with the high profile conviction of restaurateur William McCauley for the murder of his wife. When nearly a decade later, new evidence emerges which raises doubts about the case, the conviction is overturned and William McCauley is once again a free man, awaiting a new trial and suing Megan and the District Attorney’s office for fifty million dollars. Now, as Megan re-opens the case, she quickly unearths a mystery long since buried and uncovers a secret which has her in danger of losing her career, her relationship and possibly…her life.
Hidden Crimes
Stunt Coordinator
After her brother is attacked in jail and stays in a coma, Julia has to face her nephew's kidnappers, while trying to figure out what her brother meant with his last letter.
Stunt Driver
Dans une galaxie près de chez vous 2
Stunt Coordinator
The crew aboard the Romano Fafard spaceship continues their mission. Captain Patenaude and his acolytes land on planet: Crème hydratante pour le visage soulage la peau sèche (moisturing cream for the face soothes dry skin!) in hopes of finding the ship’s probe, accidentally crashed, that they must have in order to move the Earthlings. Their search is in vain, but it leads them to the tyrannical Governor Supreme who rules the planet. Just when the governor is about to tell them where to find a new probe, there’s a terrible explosion. Will the captain and the Romano Fafard find a liveable planet where they can move six billion Earthlings? And if so, when?
300 〈スリーハンドレッド〉
Stunt Coordinator
紀元前480年、スパルタ王レオニダスの元にペルシア帝国からの使者が訪れ、スパルタに服従を要求した。レオニダスはこれを拒否し、使者を殺害した。 レオニダスはスパルタ全軍での迎撃を考えていたが、デルポイの神託によって非戦と決定されてしまった。王と言えども神託には従う義務があり、スパルタ評議会も非戦の方針を支持した。 このままではスパルタは戦わずしてペルシア帝国の支配下に入ってしまう。レオニダスは「散歩」と称して300名の親衛隊を率い、ペルシア王クセルクセス率いる100万のペルシア軍の迎撃に向かった。兵力差は圧倒的であったが、スパルタ軍は峻険な山と海に挟まれた狭い街道に布陣して、ペルシア軍が大軍の利を生かし切れないようにした。 ここに、壮絶な死闘となるテルモピュライの戦いが始まる。
Fatal Trust
Stunt Coordinator
After the father of her kid son Sam was killed by an escaped psychiatric patient, Kate decides it's time for a new chapter in her life. She moves to the town where her former lover Tom lives and now works in the sheriff's department, and slowly gets intimate again with the sensitive, caring gentleman. Professionally she becomes the secretary of Dr. Mark Lucas, the respected local physician. In time she starts to take an old man's warnings against the doctor seriously, starts to believe that he may systematically have a hand in a suspicious number of old patients dying shortly after contact with him and tries to prove her theory...
Legacy of Fear
Stunt Coordinator
A police detective catches wind of a brutal serial killer - the same serial killer who is responsible for the deaths of her parents, 30 years earlier.
La vie secrète des gens heureux
Ami du macho
Élevé par des parents parfaits dans une banlieue proprette, frère cadet d'une fille à qui tout réussit et flanqué d'un ami tombeur, le pauvre Thomas se sent bien ordinaire. Alors qu'il tente désespérément de terminer ses études en architecture avec succès, le jeune homme rencontrera Audrey, une belle ténébreuse qui lui donnera des ailes. Évidemment, le bonheur n'est jamais simple et la vie peut être parfois cruelle...
Saint Martyrs of the Damned
Stunt Coordinator
A reporter goes to a mysterious village to investigate mysterious disappearances until one night, his friend gets abducted and every citizen wants him dead.
バイオハザードII アポカリプス
心理的プロファイリングを専門とするFBI特別捜査官イレアナスコット(アンジェリーナジョリー)は、モントリオールでフランス語を話すカナダの警察から呼び出され、被害者の身元を装ったと思われる連続殺人犯を捕まえようとします。 捜査はジェームス・コスタ(イーサン・ホーク)の出現によって支援されました。彼は犠牲者の一人と同じように殺人者を見た目撃者です。
Dangerous People
Stunt Coordinator
It has kidnapped Roxane Labelle, a Canadian singer covered gold records and awards. To his captors, no question of release without payment of a large ransom. Father and manager of the star, Paul Labelle asks a small accountant do it. Easier said than done, especially the payer also has a large sum to the Mafia and, rapidly, what Québec account scoundrels, thieves and killers are chasing the fabulous bonanza.
N.Y.。刑事マイク のもとに鼻血を垂らし、暴れて署に連行されたドイツの留学生ディーターが連れてこられる。彼の奇妙な様子に不信を抱いたマイクは住まいを調査し、保健省のテリーと出会う。彼女はディーターがエボラのようなウイルス性の出血症に冒されてないか、調べていたのだった。ちょうどその時、ディーターは拘置所の壁に血で「48」の文字を書き残して怪死する。マイクとテリーは、彼があるパソコンサイトにアクセスしていたことを突き止めるが、それは、想像を絶する恐怖のサイトだった……。
Joe Moore has a job he loves. He's a thief. His job goes sour when he gets caught on security camera tape. His fence, Bergman, reneges on the money he's owed, and his wife may be betraying him with the fence's young lieutenant. Moore and his partner, Bobby Blane, and their utility man, Pinky Pincus, find themselves broke, betrayed, and blackmailed. Moore is forced to commit his crew to do one last big job.
Hidden Agenda
Elkert Guard #1
Former government Jason Price makes people disappear for a living. But when a top lieutenant for a crime syndicate asks Price to help him drop out of sight, things take a grisly, unexpected turn. A mysterious hit man known as The Cleaner has infiltrated Price's tightly-controlled system, leaving a bloody trail behind. With the help of an enigmatic seductress posing as the mobster's chief assistant, Price methodically works through his network of associates to find out what went wrong, and is plunged headlong into a spiraling gauntlet of half-truths and full-blown lies where nobody is who they appear to be, and everyone has a deadly, hidden agenda
Stunt Coordinator
After starting at an upmarket boarding school, a teenage girl forms close friendships with her two older roommates. However, when she discovers that her new friends are lovers she finds herself caught in a complicated situation.
Horror novelist Luke Sinclair retreats to a small town to finish writing his latest book. A young woman is murdered in the woods nearby, in circumstances similar to those in his bestselling novel, "Reaper". Faced with increasing pressure from a suspicious local sheriff, as well as the advances of a female FBI investigator, he must uncover the killer before he or she strikes again, further implicating him in the crime.
The Second Arrival
After Zane Ziminski is found dead five people received envelopes with details of an alien invasion. This group of five includes 3 scientists, Zane's brother Jack, and a reporter. Quickly, the group is down to three and then Jack and Bridget, the reporter. With a small piece of alien technology, they must escape from the aliens, who take human form, and try to convince others that aliens exist.
The Lost World
A scientist discovers dinosaurs on a remote plateau in Mongolia.
The Minion
New York, Christmas Eve, 1999 - at the dawn of the new millennium - a subway construction crew unearths an eight hundred year old Celtic skeleton and a mysterious key. Archeologist Karen Goodleaf is called in to determine the meaning of the discovery. News of the discovery reaches a Middle East monastery where the warrior monks knowns as the Knights Templer - an ancient sect entrusted with protecting holy relics - choose their best pupil, Lukas (Dolph Lundgren) to face the diabolical threat. As Lukas races to New York, an evil Minion seizes Karen and uses its body like a parasite and host. Lukas arrives just in time to rescue Karen and despatch the Minion. The Minion takes hold of another host - revealing that it is immortal. As it cuts a path of destruction through the city, decimating a parking garage and leaving a trail of death, Karen realizes that the Minion can't be killed - but only delayed from finding a new host.
When wealthy executive Raymond Stone sends out his private plane to pick up his spoiled teenage daughter, Nicole, and a pair of his top-ranking employees, disaster strikes. While the jet flies through an electrical storm, the pilot and other passengers are incapacitated, and Nicole is left on her own to keep the plane in the air, guided by an air traffic controller. Can the irresponsible and panic-stricken teen find a way to land the jet?
August 32nd on Earth
After escaping unscathed from a car accident, photo model Simone decides that having a baby is the only way to give her vacant life some meaning. She asks her best friend Philippe to get her pregnant, and he reluctantly agrees, on the condition that they conceive somewhere in a desert, so they leave Montréal on a 24-hour round-trip to Salt Lake City to find a suitable spot.
Stunt Driver
Joe Goodies has just entered an advertising agency after recovering from the death of his girlfriend in a car accident. Ruined by the compensation he has to pay for the accident, he decides, with his new girlfriend, to kidnap the son of the president of the agency and ask for a bailout.
The Thousand Wonders of the Universe
Un officier d'élite
A science-fiction film centered around planet Earth receiving a coded message from outer space and the subsequent disappearance of 12,000 inhabitants of Sepuvedra, a free-trade port. The government and the army are convinced that they have been kidnapped by aliens and Professor Larsen, an eminent astrophysicist and UFO expert, is assigned to lead an urgent investigative mission into the deserted town.
A street prostitute takes in an abused young woman on the run from her misogynist boyfriend, leading to both facing off against the prostitute's dreaded pimp and a relentless police detective out to arrest all of them.
The Lifeforce Experiment
Stunt Coordinator
A CIA agent infiltrates the research team of a scientist who seeks to capture the essence of a dying leukemia patient.
Five people spend the night in an abandoned house, the Amityville haunted house, and soon find themselves terrorized by assorted ghosts, venomous insects and ghostly apparitions.
Blanche est la nuit
While jogging on the Jacques-Cartier Bridge, Michel sees a young woman trying to commit suicide. He takes her into his home and a love affair begins that both saves and destroys each of them.
Nowhere to Hide
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.
French Girl
Stunt Coordinator
Sweet Gordon, an affable English teacher in Brooklyn, has beaten the odds; a French Girl has fallen in love with him and he’s fallen even harder back. But their future is thrown into limbo when she interviews for an executive chef position in her hometown of Quebec City. To Gordon’s dismay her future boss also happens to be her former lover, a celebrity Chef with oceanic eyes and a hit TV show. Good luck Gordon.