
L5: First City in Space (1996)

In 100 years people will live among the planets. Come take a journey into the future.

장르 : SF

상영시간 : 35분

연출 : Toni Myers, Allan Kroeker


Ready for the countdown to tomorrow? Raring to swoop over the rippled red terrain of Mars or touch down on an icy comet? Or do you simply prefer to tune to Channel 29 of your virtual-reality set and join friends for fun and games? L5: First City in Space is your port of departure for all this and more.


Martha Henry
Martha Henry
Narrator (voice)
Rachel Walker
Rachel Walker
Chieko Mori
Colin Fox
Colin Fox
Chieko's Grandfather
Denis Akiyama
Denis Akiyama
Chieko's Father
Geneviève Langlois
Geneviève Langlois
Chieko's Mother
Kristen Bone
Kristen Bone
Chieko's Friend
Leah Renee
Leah Renee
Chieko's Friend
Alisha Morrison
Alisha Morrison
Chieko's Friend
Cody Jones
Cody Jones
Chieko's Friend
Cecilley Carroll
Cecilley Carroll
Chieko's Friend


Christian Rajaud
Christian Rajaud
VFX Supervisor
Toni Myers
Toni Myers
Allan Kroeker
Allan Kroeker
Jonathan Barker
Jonathan Barker
Executive Producer
Toni Myers
Toni Myers
Graeme Ferguson
Graeme Ferguson
Andrew Kitzanuk
Andrew Kitzanuk
Director of Photography

비슷한 영화

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에이리언 2
에일리언과의 싸움에서 간신히 살아남은 리플리는 잠든 채로 57년을 떠돌다 구조선에 의해 구출된다. 회사는 리플리를 비롯한 당시 승무원들이 노스트로모호를 잃어버린 것을 추궁하지만 에이리언 얘기는 믿지 않는다. 이때 지구와 한 혹성 거주민들의 통신이 두절되는 사건이 벌어지자 리플리는 고문 자격으로 해병대와 동행하게 된다. 혹성에 도착한 해병대원들은 곧 혹성 거주민들이 에일리언 유충의 산 먹이로 된 것을 목격하고, 곧이어 벌어진 교전에서 여러 대원들을 잃는다. 그들은 혹성 거주민들의 실험실로 대피하고, 리플리는 이곳에서 마지막 생존자인 뉴트를 발견하게 된다.
밀폐된 우주선 이곳에 다른 누군가 있다! 유토피아로 가는 마지막 우주선, 누군가 우리의 목숨을 노린다! 지구 종말 이후, 인류의 마지막 희망은 새로운 행성 ‘레아’로 떠나는 것. 레아로 갈 차비를 마련하기 위해 의사 ‘라우라’는 우주선 카산드라호에 지원한다. 함께 탑승한 선원들은 모두 동면 상태에 들어가고, 라우라만이 우주선을 지키며 깨어 있길 4개월 째. 어느 날, 화물칸 근처에서 괴상한 소리와 함께 누군가의 침입 흔적이 발견된다. 두려움에 라우라는 다급히 함장 라크르와를 깨우고 화물칸 곳곳을 탐색한다. 아무도 없다고 안심하려던 찰나, 함장이 갑자기 추락하여 목숨을 잃는 사고가 발생하고, 라우라와 선원들은 큰 충격과 공포에 휩싸이게 되는데…! 탈출구도, 도망칠 곳도 없다! 남은 방법은 단 하나, 놈과의 정면 승부 뿐…!
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The portrait of two young women – a loving team that complements each other with all their habits and rituals like two puzzle pieces. This is a declaration of love of a couple – a snapshot of their present and a speculation about our future, because what could happen if a piece of the puzzle is suddenly taken away?
Sayonara Jupiter
In the 22nd century, scientists from an energy-depleted Earth research new fuel sources in the far corners of the solar system, where they discover an ancient alien race from Jupiter as well as the emergence of an apocalyptically dangerous black hole. Koji Hashimoto's 1983 sci-fi adventure was conceived as a Japanese competitor to the upcoming sequel to Stanley Kubrick's classic 2001, titled 2010, and often mirrors the sequel's plot.
Just Imagine
New York, 1980: airplanes have replaced cars, numbers have replaced names, pills have replaced food, government-arranged marriages have replaced love, and test tube babies have replaced ... well, you get the idea. Scientists revive a man struck by lightning in 1930; he is rechristened "Single O". He is befriended by J-21, who can't marry the girl of his dreams because he isn't "distinguished" enough -- until he is chosen for a 4-month expedition to Mars by a renegade scientist. The Mars J-21, his friend, and stowaway Single O visit is full of scantily clad women doing Busby Berkeley-style dance numbers and worshiping a fat middle-aged man.
Clear Skies
Clear Skies follows a trio of down-and-out misfits who've seen no end of bad luck. John Rourke is the obstinate captain of the Clear Skies, a Tempest class battleship manufactured by the downtrodden Minmatar race of New Eden. Rourke's attitude toward his hazardous chosen lifestyle is cavalier, although this does not sit well with his friends among the crew.
Set in the year 2071, where technology has brought mankind to the brink of colonization on a planet named Gaia, one astronaut takes on an isolated mission and discovers unearthly horrors that could bring an end to human life on this planet.
The Last Pope?
St. Malachy, a Catholic Priest in the early 1100s, received a vision that gave him a motto for all the Popes from his time "to the end of time." The total number of Popes from Celestine II till the end would be 111 according to St. Malachy's prophecy. In the late 1950's or early 60's the Catholic Church added the 112th whose motto was given as "Peterus Romanus." This presentation provides a summary of Malachy's prophecy, describes the reasons that Benedict XVI is the last Pope, the 111th, and the consequences for the church and the world.
트루스 오어 칸서퀸스
Truth or Consequences is a speculative documentary about time and how we weave the past into the present and our possible future. Set in the small desert town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, the film takes place in the shadow of a nearby Spaceport and the commercial exploration of space. Through the lives of the people in town and a filmmaker from the future, the film explores progress, echoes of history, and how we each navigate a sense of loss, within ourselves and within a changing world.
Cadette in Charge
Cadette inadvertently puts Nono at risk trying to befriend her introverted classmate Sam during a class project.
The Aerial Submarine
Using a futuristic submarine, pirates kidnap a young couple, torpedo a passenger ship, travel under the sea to salvage bullion, then make their escape by taking to the air.
The Redemption Act
A young couple's relationship falls apart, over and over again, revealing the strange, harsh truth behind what's been happening to them.
Sonzai Zone
Sonzai Zone is a speculative fiction film on intimacy and loneliness after the normalization of ambient communication media. An unlikely encounter between Yún and Souvd takes place in a near-future where social interactions are largely based on the mediation of human presence, known as ‘Sonzai-kan’. Shifting between XR games, Immersion Arcades and spatial home displays, their insidiously orchestrated relationship escalates into extreme idealization. Meanwhile, Souvd’s ex-girlfriend Ntzumi launches into undercover investigation.