
Neurons to Nirvana (2013)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 9분

연출 : Oliver Hockenhull, Mikki Willis


Through interviews with leading psychologists and scientists, Neurons to Nirvana explores the history of four powerful psychedelic substances (LSD, Psilocybin, MDMA and Ayahuasca) and their previously established medicinal potential. Strictly focusing on the science and medicinal properties of these drugs, Neurons to Nirvana looks into why our society has created such a social and political bias against even allowing research to continue the exploration of any possible positive effects they can present in treating some of today's most challenging afflictions.


Gabor Mate
Gabor Mate
Julie Holland
Julie Holland
Rick Doblin
Rick Doblin
Ralph Metzner
Ralph Metzner
Charles Grob
Charles Grob
David Healy
David Healy
David E. Nichols
David E. Nichols
David Nutt
David Nutt
Dennis J. McKenna
Dennis J. McKenna
Gillian Maxwell
Gillian Maxwell
Ingrid Pacey
Ingrid Pacey
Jeremy Narby
Jeremy Narby
Kathleen Harrison
Kathleen Harrison
Manuel Schoch
Manuel Schoch
Michael James Winkelman
Michael James Winkelman
Michael Mithoefer
Michael Mithoefer
Roland Griffiths
Roland Griffiths
Stanislav Grof
Stanislav Grof
Stephen Ross
Stephen Ross
Wade Davis
Wade Davis
William Richards
William Richards
Amanda Feilding
Amanda Feilding
Chris Bennett
Chris Bennett


Oliver Hockenhull
Oliver Hockenhull
Mikki Willis
Mikki Willis
Mark Achbar
Mark Achbar
Executive Producer
Travis Call
Travis Call
Associate Producer
Giancarlo Canavesio
Giancarlo Canavesio
Betsy Carson
Betsy Carson
Executive Producer
Akira Chan
Akira Chan
Shannon Cohn
Shannon Cohn
Oliver Hockenhull
Oliver Hockenhull
Jon Schultz
Jon Schultz
Executive Producer
Sol Tryon
Sol Tryon
Mikki Willis
Mikki Willis
Dennis Burke
Dennis Burke
Steven Gutheinz
Steven Gutheinz
William Gazecki
William Gazecki
Oliver Hockenhull
Oliver Hockenhull
Adam Taylor
Adam Taylor
Mikki Willis
Mikki Willis
Dennis Burke
Dennis Burke
Sound Editor
Dennis Burke
Dennis Burke
Sound Mixer
Drew Martinez
Drew Martinez
Sound Re-Recording Mixer

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Auf der Suche nach Heilern
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Cancer: The Forbidden Cures
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The Man Who Drank the Universe
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서바이빙 프로그레스
세계 최고의 석학들과 떠나는 인류문명 오디세이. 자원고갈과 경제위기라는 위기에 처한 인류는 과연 또 다른 돌파구를 찾을 수 있을까? 그 동안 인류 역사에서 진보라고 규정했던 일들은 때로 역효과를 낳았다. 영화는 세계적으로 유명한 학자들과 활동가들, 금융전문가와 과학자들의 인터뷰를 통해 인류가 진보라는 이름으로 자행한 문명 파괴를 고발하며, 이를 극복하기 위한 노력 역시 함께 비춰준다. 로널드 라이트의 베스트셀러 『진보의 함정』을 원작으로 문명과 진보의 역사를 탐구하는 흥미롭고 지적인 여행. 미국영화의 거장 마틴 스콜세지가 제작에 참여하였다. (2012년 제9회 서울환경영화제)