
Shannon Street: Echoes Under a Blood Red Moon (2016)

A Memphis Tragedy

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 8분

연출 : Marie Pizano


This documentary reflects on the 1983, thirty-hour hostage siege at Shannon Street in Memphis, TN. It compares that era to the current societal events of religion, racism, police involved shootings of civilians and the death of police officers. While briefly touching on the proactive approaches by law enforcement enacted since the siege, interviewees reflect on the emotional impact the incident had on their personal lives.


Alfonso Freeman
Alfonso Freeman


Marie Pizano
Marie Pizano
Marie Pizano
Marie Pizano
James Howell
James Howell
Keith Cadwallader
Keith Cadwallader
Director of Photography

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