힐러리와 재키 (1998)
Two sisters. Two lives. One Love...
장르 : 드라마, 음악
상영시간 : 2시간 1분
연출 : Anand Tucker
각본 : Frank Cottrell Boyce
힐러리와 재키는 언제나 같은 방에서 자고 같이 음악을 하며 유년기를 보냈다. 둘은 몸은 분리되었지만 마음은 늘 하나였다. 극성스런 부모를 둔 까닭에 어려서부터 음악 교육을 받은 두 자매 중 플룻을 부는 언니 힐러리가 더 촉망받았지만, 거기에 자극받은 동생 재키가 첼로를 열심히 연습하여 세계적인 첼리스트로 발돋움해가고, 힐러리는 평범한 세월을 보낸다. 어느 날 재키가 순회를 마치고 집으로 돌아온 날 힐러리는 재키에게 자신이 사랑하는 사람이 생겨 결혼을 한다고 고백한다. 서로를 타인이 아닌 하나로 인식했던 힐러리와 재키는 둘 사이의 미묘한 감정차이를 겪게 되고, 힐러리는 재키에 비해 평범하고 지루한 삶을 보내는 것에 열등감을 느낀다. 재키는 힐러리가 가진 평범한 일상의 행복을 쟁취하듯이 무리한 공유를 요구하고 힐러리 또한 재키의 연주가로서의 성공에 늘 집착한다.
Tora-chan and Miike and playing while their big sister prepares for her wedding. Just then a letter arrives; it's from Grandfather, who writes that he won't allow the wedding as long as he lives! Bride and groom rush to the church to get married before the old cat can stop them, but his boat has just arrived! Can Tora-chan and Miike keep him distracted long enough for their sister's happy day to go uninterrupted?
A young music journalist's dark memories are awakened when he goes to interview a female rock singer, and both are forced to confront troubling secrets from their pasts.
Musician and starving artist Robert reconsiders his own failed marriage to Emily after his daughter announces that she's engaged.
2007년 "원스"에 출연한 것을 계기로 연인이 된 ‘스웰 시즌’의 멤버 ‘글렌 핸사드’와 ‘마르케타 이글로바’는 영화가 예상 외의 흥행을 거두면서 세계적인 스타로 주목 받으며 최고의 날들을 보낸다. 그러나 2년 여의 걸친 세계 투어를 함께하기 시작하면서 둘의 관계는 조금씩 삐걱대기 시작하는데…
A young Italian girl comes to London, and is tricked into posing nude for risqué magazines.
Meg, Pippa, and Hillary are sisters who grew up in Sorrento, a small seaside town in Australia. Meg, who has lived in England for 10 years has just written a criticially acclaimed novel which she claims is entirely fictional. The book causes a stir in Sorrento and in her family when it is supected that the book is not as fictional as she claims.
Kiku Nakakawa, the only daughter of an old kimono shop owner in Kyoto, is enthusiastic about karate. To help her friend Michi avenge her brother, she sneaks into a movie studio in Kyoto where a drug dealing syndicate is based.
In a small presbytery in Yorkshire, England, living under the watchful eyes of their aunt and father, a strict Anglican pastor, the Bronte sisters write their first works and quickly become literary sensations.
The Lone Wolf tracks down Nazi spies in London during the German bombing.
André conquers Ireland... and the Irish steal André's heart! The unique encounter resulted in this CD of the Dublin concert at the end of 2002. An impressive André Rieu concert, just as we've all come to expect from him, but with a bit of magic from Ireland mixed in, giving a result that sends shivers down your spine!
Joe and his siblings have a couple of problems. First off, their stepparents are despicably evil. Secondly, they seemed to have killed them. Now this mixed up mess of half-sisters and step-brothers have to figure out how to dispose of the bodies, cover up the murders, collect their grandfather's inheritance and somehow stick together as a family -- all without getting caught. Not to mention Joe's incessant need to keep tabs on his promiscuous sister, an eye on the precocious little ones and a lustful watch on the girl next-door. Growing up has its complications. Murder's just one of them.
After many years of living abroad, a troubled young man returns home due to the death of his father (who he suspects was actually murdered). He attempts to untangle that mystery while still carrying an unhealthy obsession toward his mother, who committed suicide ten years ago. This obsession then draws in his attractive cousin and takes a sexual turn.
A street Gang that is also a rap group tries to get a record contract.
Against a backdrop of Swingin' 60s London a young playboy type "steals" a beautiful Italian girl from her elderly date and suggests she comes back to his place for some good times. "His place" being owned by his father, a rich and respected solicitor. Unfortunately a couple of criminals have plans of their own, one for money, the other for revenge, and the lovers end up prisoners in a tense siege situation
Heavy Left-Handed & Candid is Cradle of Filth's second foray into visual entertainment's arena and with it comes a madness the likes of which may preferably never be seen again. A lethal injection of both concert and studio documentation, this DVD is testament to the maxim "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law," the veritable life code of one Aleister Crowley, who, in his time, was widely regarded as the most dangerous man in the world. Whether Cradle of Filth even come close to the prestigious title of "the most dangerous band in the world" remains as yet to be seen, but if there's one thing watching this marriage of Heaven, Hell, and the worst bits in between will assure you of, it's the Filth's ability to shock, shake, and deliver where it hurts the most... right on your grave. Open up and say.... "Aaarrrggh!"
Though several actors portray Elvis Presley at different stages of his life, this documentary is comprised mostly of actual performance footage and interviews with Elvis, his fans and those close to him. This biographical docu-drama features rare footage of Elvis and dramatically recreated scenes from Elvis' life.
Filmed on 10th April 2011 in front of over 50,000 ecstatic fans at the Estadio Nacional, Santiago during the Round The World In 66 Days leg of The Final Frontier World Tour, this concert video captures a magnificent performance by the band, ardently embraced by the legendary Latino passion and energy of their Chilean fans. With spectacular stage backdrops, dynamic musicianship and a literally jaw-dropping appearance by Eddie, this live show encapsulates to perfection the heart and soul of Iron Maiden 2011.
서로가 최고의 친구였던 자매 엘사와 안나. 하지만 언니 엘사에게는 하나뿐인 동생에게조차 말 못할 비밀이 있다. 모든 것을 얼려버리는 신비로운 힘이 바로 그 것. 엘사는 통제할 수 없는 자신의 힘이 두려워 왕국을 떠나 북쪽 산으로 도망치고, 홀로 그곳에서 얼음 궁전을 지어 지내게 된다. 한편 얼어버린 왕국의 저주를 풀기 위해 안나는 언니를 찾아 나서고, 그 과정에서 안나는 까칠한 매력의 얼음장수 크리스토프와 만나 영원히 얼어붙은 왕국을 구해내기 위해 함께 고군분투한다.
The story of a love relationship between a brother and sister and an eventual breakup that will forever change their lives.