
Killer (1994)

You only hurt the one you love.

장르 : 스릴러, 드라마, 로맨스

상영시간 : 1시간 37분

연출 : Mark Malone
각본 : Gordon Melbourne


Cynical hit man Mick is tiring of his job and asks his boss George for time off. However, George gives him the assignment of his life, prompting Mick's soul-searching to reach new heights. Mick is asked to kill sultry Fiona, who owes George money and claims she wants to die. But as Mick spends time with her, he finds himself falling for her.


Anthony LaPaglia
Anthony LaPaglia
Mimi Rogers
Mimi Rogers
Matt Craven
Matt Craven
Peter Boyle
Peter Boyle
Monika Schnarre
Monika Schnarre
Joseph Maher
Joseph Maher
Dr. Alstricht
Mark Acheson
Mark Acheson
Philip Maurice Hayes
Philip Maurice Hayes
FBI Agent
Justine Priestley
Justine Priestley


Mark Malone
Mark Malone
Gordon Melbourne
Gordon Melbourne
Mark Malone
Mark Malone
Gary Delfiner
Gary Delfiner
Executive Producer
Michael Strange
Michael Strange
Executive Producer
Robert Vince
Robert Vince
William Vince
William Vince
Abra Edelman
Abra Edelman
Associate Producer
Kelsey T. Howard
Kelsey T. Howard
Associate Producer
Graeme Coleman
Graeme Coleman
Tobias A. Schliessler
Tobias A. Schliessler
Director of Photography
Robin Russell
Robin Russell
Lynne Stopkewich
Lynne Stopkewich
Production Design
Eric McNab
Eric McNab
Art Direction
Elizabeth Patrick
Elizabeth Patrick
Set Decoration
Maxyne Baker
Maxyne Baker
Costume Design
Pamela M. Athayde
Pamela M. Athayde
Makeup Artist
Marisa Cappellaro
Marisa Cappellaro
Additional Hairstylist
Sanna Seppanen
Sanna Seppanen
Hair Designer
Suzanne M. Willett
Suzanne M. Willett
Makeup Artist
Kelsey T. Howard
Kelsey T. Howard
First Assistant Director
Sarah Rogers
Sarah Rogers
Second Assistant Director
Allen Benjamin
Allen Benjamin
Special Effects Coordinator
Harry Morph
Harry Morph
Special Effects
Michael S. Vincent
Michael S. Vincent
Special Effects Supervisor
Marc Akerstream
Marc Akerstream
Stunt Coordinator
Vanessa Paris
Vanessa Paris
Lee Sollenberger
Lee Sollenberger
Stunt Double
Johanna Weinstein
Johanna Weinstein
Title Designer

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