Makeup Artist
대선후보 토론회에서 트럼프와 설전을 벌인 폭스 뉴스의 간판 앵커 메긴 켈리(샤를리즈 테론)는 트럼프의 계속되는 트위터 공격으로 화제의 중심에 선다. 한편 동료 앵커인 그레천 칼슨(니콜 키드먼)은 언론 권력의 제왕이라 불리는 폭스 뉴스 회장을 고소하고, 이에 메긴은 물론 야심 있는 폭스의 뉴페이스 케일라 포스피실(마고 로비) 역시 충격을 감추지 못하는데...
Makeup Artist
A secret government lab run by Dr. Hess (Art LaFleur) has been trying to create the ultimate killer using the DNA of infamous killers Jeffrey Dahmer (Ford Austin) and John Wayne Gacy (Randal Malone), but there’s one big problem: they’ve escaped! Bloody mayhem stretches across the United States as they go on the ultimate killing spree. Trying to stop the maniacal madness is Ringo (Ford Austin), a hick warrior being trained by God (Harland Williams), using only a shotgun and a bottle of whiskey. In his road trip to hell, he must first fight off his own demons, not to mention an army of Japanese ninjas and a Super-serial killer (Ethan Phillips)! It all leads up to the ultimate showdown!
Makeup Artist
During the film Dawn of the Dead, the survivors in the shopping mall communicate with a lone man named Andy, who is on the top of a building across the street. This is the footage from Andy's last days.
Assistant Makeup Artist
잭 스패로우는 10년 전의 반란 사건으로 자신의 배 블랙펄을 빼앗긴 해적 선장이다. 혼자 대양을 떠돌던 그는 자메이카의 로열포트에 이르러 유령선처럼 변해버린 블랙펄과 재회하게 된다. 아즈텍의 황금을 훔친 블랙펄의 선원들은 영원히 죽지 못하는 저주에 걸린 처지. 보물을 모두 제자리에 돌려놓고 피의 제물을 바쳐야만 고대 신들이 내린 저주를 풀 수 있다. 그들은 로열포트를 습격해 아즈텍의 마지막 목걸이를 가진 총독의 딸 엘리자베스를 납치하고, 엘리자베스를 사랑하는 어린 시절 친구 윌과 스패로우는 그 뒤를 쫓는데...
Graphic Designer
Produced to coincide with the 1984 Presidential Campaign, Perfect Leader is a cautionary tale that brings to life a prototypical politician, as packaged by Madison Avenue. With a driving soundtrack and bold visuals, Almy satirically presents this dynamic simulation of media politics as a fast-paced music clip. The narrator is a disembodied Big Brother, an Orwellian computer program who creates candidate images—dictator, evangelist, moderate—as models for a mass-marketed leader. The image of the potential president is overlaid with graphic symbols of multinational power: technology; economics; warfare. As a woman hysterically intones, "We've got to have a perfect leader," the bland, telegenic candidate is brought into two dimensions on the TV screen. Concise as a commercial, insistent as a pop song, Perfect Leader is Almy's most effective use of television techniques to critique the impact of the media on contemporary life.