Mr. Escher
Jedermann (archive footage)
Based on archive holdings from nine decades, director Hannes Rossacher has created a complete Jedermann performance and thus a unique cultural-historical puzzle from Alexander Moissi to Nicholas Ofczarek. The success story of the phenomenon "Everyman" is told in an unprecedented way.
Self (archive footage)
A documentary about Sam Peckinpah's Cross of Iron, shot in Yugoslavia in 1976.
as himself
Jacob Krinsten
Following the failure of his last mission, RFG spy Michael Roddick decides to disappear, taking along Elena, the daughter of a Russian spy who died under strange circumstances. They settle in Barcelona and open a restaurant, to help them to forget about the past. Nevertheless, his former colleagues reappear alleging there are still some matters yet to be settled.
A man leaves his busy city life for the peace of the country home where he spent his early childhood. His new life is soon disturbed by strange events.
Diamond Dog
어린 시절부터 사기에 천부적인 재능을 보인 형 스티븐(마크 러팔로 분)과 동생 블룸(애드리언 브로디 분). 형제는 형이 꾸민 완벽한 시나리오에 감성적인 동생 블룸의 연기가 빛을 발하며 전세계 곳곳의 백만장자만을 상대로 사기를 치며 살아왔다. 하지만 거짓을 진실인양 파는 삶을 견디기 힘들어하던 동생 블룸은 형의 그늘에서 벗어나려 하지만 매번 실패한다. 그런 그에게 형은 마지막으로 크게 한탕하고 나면 놓아주겠다며 마지막 프로젝트를 제안한다.
이들의 마지막 대상은 부모님이 돌아가시고 고성에서 홀로 살고 있는 석유재벌 상속녀 페넬로페(레이첼 와이즈 분). 그러나 순진무구할 줄 알았던 그녀는 4차원의 정신세계에 묘하게 예리한 매력녀. 시나리오대로 골동품 상인임을 자처하며 그녀에게 접근, 골동품 수집을 가장한 세계여행을 제안한 블룸은 자신의 계략에 저돌적으로(?) 속아 넘어오는 페넬로페에 놀라는 동시에 매료되기 시작한다. 블룸의 복잡한 감정과는 달리 페넬로페는 블룸형제의 사기행각에 동참하며 인생최초의 스릴을 만끽한다. 그러던 중 블룸은 이 모든 것이 형 스티븐이 계획한, 일생일대의 가장 위험한 사기임을 알게 되는데…
Lawrence Sterne
Penelope Keeling, a sixty-four-year-old daughter of a famous artist, reflects on her life, and the fate and choices that defined it, when she arrives in the Mediterranean to stay with her headstrong daughter. Shifting through time, and falling into place like the pieces of a jigsaw, the truth of Penelope's rich, heartbreaking and surprising life unfolds.
Karl Friedrich Weidemann
The Weidemann have a perfume factory but the business goes bad and blindly trust Marie, a young woman with a gift for the fragrances, to launch a new essence that will save the company. But Marie falls in love with Bernard, the heir of the family that owns the bank continually denied that the appropriations to the Weidemann.
Documentary about film director and actor Bernhard Wicki.
Edmond, a man in his sixties whose wife has recently passed away, is told about a secret establishment where men can spend an entire night in bed alongside beautiful, sleeping young women, who stretch, roll over and dream, but never awaken. Bedazzled by their seductive yet innocent tenderness, but distressed about the reason for their deep sleep, he delves into the mystery of the house of sleeping beauties.
Dr. Alexander Ohlendorf
Father Christoph
Franz Josef Gottlieb's last movie.
The actor and the writer reminisce about working on both the Playhouse 90 and Stanley Kramer versions of "Judgment at Nuremberg."
Fernando Hereira
Stefan Lindman is a police officer in Boros, Sweden. When his mentor and retired former partner Herbert Molin is brutally murdered in the remote town of Sveg, Lindman travels north to investigate. The more Lindman digs into the mysterious killing, the less he is sure to have known the man he feels so much indebted to...
Barnaby and Maxine Pierce, an embattled married couple in Connecticut, are on the verge of divorce. Their son is getting married in California and they decide to drive across the country to attend. Along the way, as they visit family and friends, they reflect on their tattered relationship and the events that transpired to create the estrangement.
Xaver Schönborn
To their big surprise, the capable waitress Gundula Kirchner receives from the estate owner Xaver Schönborn the offer to manage his stud as managing director. Gundula, who has some qualifications, seizes the opportunity and has the business under control after only a short time. But Xavers spoiled daughter Helen and especially the ambitious, but incompetent son-in-law René try by all means to drive the dedicated Gundula from the court. No one, least of all Gundula herself, suspects that Xaver is really her father.
Karl Steingraf
Executive Producer
Maximilian Schell's portrait of his sister Maria.
Maximilian Schell's portrait of his sister Maria.
Maximilian Schell's portrait of his sister Maria.
Viktor Kovner
Cannes, 1999. Alice, an actress, wants to direct an indie picture. Kaz, a talkative (and maybe bogus) deal maker, promises $3 million if she'll use Millie, an aging French star. But, Rick, a big producer, needs Millie for a small part in a fall movie or he loses his star, Tom Hanks. Is Kaz for real? Can Rick sweet-talk Alice and sabotage Kaz to keep Millie from taking that deal? Millie consults with Victor, her ex, about which picture to make, Rick needs money, an ingenue named Blue is discovered, Kaz hits on Victor's new love, and Rick's factotum connects with Blue. Knives go in various backs. Wheels spin. Which deals - and pairings - will be consummated?
Walter Ekland
Cardinal Alba
인적이 드문 버려진 농장, 황량한 그 땅에 뱀파이어들이 진흙 무덤에서 나와 신선한 피를 갈구하고 있다. 크로우(Jack Crow: 제임스 우즈 분)와 그의 동료는 뱀파이어의 근거지인 농장의 주변을 탐색한다. 바티칸의 명령을 받은 뱀파이어 헌터인 잭 크로우는 서서히 주변을 압박해 들어가기 시작하고. 어둠 속에 모습을 감추었던 뱀파이어들의 격렬한 대응으로 마치 지옥과도 같은 혈투가 벌어지게 된다. 이 혈투 속에 뱀파이어들은 전멸하게 되고 이 사실을 알게 된 뱀파이어의 대부 발렉(Valek: 토마스 이안 그리피스 분)은 분노에 치를 떨며 복수를 다짐한다. 승리를 차축하는 크로우팀의 파티에 초대받지 않은 손님 발렉이 등장하면서 이들의 자축 파티는 학살로 바뀐다. 크로우팀은 발렉에 의해 전멸되고 발렉은 매혹적인 매춘부 카트리나(Katrina: 셜릴 리 분)의 피를 빨며 크로우팀의 대장 잭 크로우에게 복수의 칼날을 간다. 발렉에게 가까스로 목숨을 구한 잭 크로우와 몬토야(Montoya: 다니엘 볼드윈 분)는 새롭게 무장한 후 카트리나를 인질로 삼는다. 카트리나는 발렉에게 몰린 뒤부터 서서히 뱀파이어로 변해가는 한편. 잭과 몬토야는 그녀의 눈을 통해 발렉의 위치를 찾아 낸다. 그리고 엄청난 사실을 알게 되는데. 그것은 다름 아니라 수세기 동안 어둠의 세계를 지배해온 뱀파이어들이 인류를 파멸시키기 위해서 검은 십자가를 통해 새로운 힘을 얻으려는 것. 이제 인류의 운명을 결정짓는 최후의 대결이 발렉과 잭 앞에 놓여지는데.
Jason Lerner
1998년 미확인 혜성이 지구와의 충돌 궤도에 들어선다. 충돌시 지구를 완전히 파괴할 위력을 지닌 혜성이다. 이에 위기를 느낀 지구는 충돌까지 남은 몇 개월 동안 모든 과학적 지식을 통해 이를 막으려 한다. 퇴역한 조종사 키니(로버트 듀발)는 메시아라는 우주선의 지휘를 명령받는다. 다국적 우주선의 임무는 지구를 향해 다가오고 있는 혜성 울프-베이더만을 파괴하거나 궤도 수정을 유도하는 것. 한편 미합중국 대통령은 전 세계 언론에 혜성 충돌시를 대비한 지하 요새 건설 계획을 발표한다. 지하 요새에는 지구상의 모든 생물체의 샘플과 20만 명의 각계 전문가들, 컴퓨터가 추첨한 50세 미만의 80만 명의 미국 시민들이 2년간 수용된다고 하는데...
Mr. Silberschmidt
While escaping from Nazis during the WWII, a Jewish man dug suitcases full of things dear to his heart in the ground two. The war deprived him of his family, and afterwards he endlessly turns over the soil of Antwerp to find the suitcases, which makes him look obsessed. He keeps checking old maps and keeps digging, trying to find, in fact, those he lost. His daughter Chaya is a beautiful modern girl looking for a part-time job. She finds a place as a nanny in the strictly observant Chassidic family with many children, although her secular manners clearly fly in the face of many commandments. One of the reasons she is accepted is that mother of the family is absolutely overburdened by the household, so she stays despite the resistance of the father, normally - an indisputable authority in the family. She develops a special bond with the youngest of the boys, four-year old Simcha, so far incapable of speaking.
Dr. Istvan Jonas
A 17-year-old boy becomes friends with Billy Magic, the radio DJ he idolizes, and eventually slips into the payola and corruption of the entertainment world.
Carl Stern
Father Simeon
Mythology and religious dogma are slowly revealed when an attractive young woman is approached by a modeling agency that pulls her into an underworld of priests that are not Christian but rather want to resurrect Satan by collecting the souls of 18 beautiful children.
Cardinal Vittorio
1996 horror movie starring Chris Sarandon and Robert Englund
Arkady Shapira
뉴욕의 한복판. 공원 벤치에 앉아있던 중년의 남자가 순식간에 한 청년의 총에 숨을 거둔다. 주위에서 무슨 일이 일어났는지 깨닫기도 전에 범인 조슈아 샤피라(팀 로스 분)는 군중 속으로 사라진다. 그는 마피아 행동 대원 중의 하나다. 전화로 수행한 임무를 보고하는 그의 다음 임무는 브룩클린의 리틀 오데사로 불리는 러시아인들이 사는 지역의 한 아랍계 보석상 팔레비를 없애는 일이다. 하지만 그곳은 자신이 자랐던 마을이며, 그의 부모와 동생, 사랑하는 여인 알라(모이라 켈리 분)가 살고 있기도 하다. 그러나 사적인 감정을 인정하지 않는 조직은 이 일을 결행한다. 몰래 리틀 오데사로 잠입하지만 그의 동생 루벤(에드워드 펄롱 분)에게 들키고 죽어가는 어머니의 소식을 접한 조슈아는 그의 생가에까지 들르게 된다. 그러나 그의 아버지는 살인자로 소문난 아들을 받아들이지 않는데...
This engrossing dramatization of the life of Abraham, the most tested servant of God and the father of Judaism, spans from the patriarch's quest for the Promised Land to the sacrifice of his son, Isaac.
Colonel Arkush
Candles in the Dark is the story of a girl who comes to visit her father's homeland, the Soviet Republic of Estonia. After she arrives, she finds that her father is part of the dissident anti-soviet underground. She soon find her self engulfed in the struggle with her father and a lot of new friends, and finds herself being hunted by the KGB.
Candles in the Dark is the story of a girl who comes to visit her father's homeland, the Soviet Republic of Estonia. After she arrives, she finds that her father is part of the dissident anti-soviet underground. She soon find her self engulfed in the struggle with her father and a lot of new friends, and finds herself being hunted by the KGB.
Isaak Kohler
Senator Isaak Kohler shoots and kills Professor Winter in a crowded restaurant, while Winter is dining with the struggling idealistic young lawyer, Felix Spat. Kohler puts up no defense and is sentenced to twenty years. Kohler then gets his daughter Helene to pay the reluctant Spat to reinvestigate the case, on the assumption that Kohler is innocent. The newspapers pick up on this and begin to question whether Kohler was wrongly convicted.
Col. Mopani Theron
Thrown together under incredible circumstances, two strangers must discover courage and strength when they begin a journey across the treacherous African desert! Equipped only with their wits and the expertise of a native bushman who befriends them, they are determined to triumph over impossible odds and reach their destination. But along the way, the trio face a primitive desert wilderness.
Vladimir Lenin
The life and career of the brutal Soviet dictator, Josef Stalin.
Mordecai Weiss
Rose White is a modern young career woman in post-World War II New York City who has largely relegated her Jewish heritage to scrapbooks and memories. Born in Poland but fortunate enough to escape the country before the Nazi occupation and the Holocaust wiped out her family, she is stunned to learn her older sister somehow survived the horror and is coming to America. The sisters' reunion is complicated by Lusia's memories of her struggles to survive and the revelation of past family secrets.
The first part of the block will be dedicated to the monograph Vojtěch Jasný: The Film Poet in Exile (2020) authored by the film historian Jiří Voráč. The monograph is centered on the legendary director’s life and career after his emigration to Western Europe and to the US after 1968, which have so far received little attention. In exile, Jasný established himself as a film director (he authored over thirty cinema and TV films and documentaries), stage director, photographer, and film studies lecturer. The first part will be followed by the screening of Jasný’s documentary Why Havel? co-produced by himself and Miloš Forman in Canada and Czechoslovakia in 1991. As remarkable as this reflection of the paradoxical transformation of a dissident into a president in the carnival-like atmosphere of the euphoric post-revolution period with the first question marks already appearing may be, it did not meet the expectations of the head of state.
German Commentator
A film about the sociopolitical condition of the Soviet society at the end of the eighties.
Larry London
변호사이며 광신적 동물보호단체의 회장인 계부 드와이트(Dwight Armstrong: 케네스 웰쉬 분)와 어머니 밑에서 자란 클라크(Clark Kellogg: 매튜 브로데릭 분)는 영화 대학에 진학하기 위해 대도시 뉴욕에 도착한다. 그는 빅터(Victor Ray: 브루노 커비 분)라는 사람에게 돈과 가방을 사기 당한 후 가까스로 다시 그를 붙잡게 되고 빅터의 안내로 뉴욕 암흑가의 대사업가인 사바티니(Carmine Sabatini: 마론 브란도 분)를 위해 아르바이트를 하게 된다.
그가 맡은 일은 공항에 도착한 야생 동물을 사바티니의 사설 동물원에 배달해 주는 것이었다. 사바티니의 딸 티나(Tina Sabatini: 페네로프 앤 밀러 분)와 가까워진 클라크는 그를 사위로 삼으려는 사바티니가 사실은 1인당 수십만 달러의 돈을 받고 지구상의 희귀 동물을 요리해서 파는 이색 파티 업자라는 것을 알고 경악하는데...
In Germany, an old man attacks another old man and is arrested. The attacker refuses to speak. A female lawyer is appointed to him. She discovers that the attacker has numbers tattooed on his arm and the attacked man was a German officer.
Col. Müller
This film sheds light on the role of the Catholic Church and the people of Assisi in rescuing Italian Jews from the Nazis in 1943.
Lawyer Landau
Man Under Suspicion (German: Morgen in Alabama) is a 1984 West German film directed by Norbert Kückelmann.
Maximilian Schell
Documentary examination of the role of Hamlet, in which ten prominent actors who have played the part discuss Hamlet's personality, Shakespeare's play, and the enduring popular fascination it has inspired. The actors interviewed are Laurence Olivier, John Gielgud, Richard Burton, Nicol Williamson, Ben Kingsley, Jean Louis Barrault, Vittorio Gassman, Maximilian Schell, Innocenti Smoktunovsky, and Mandy Patinkin. Includes excerpts from various film and television versions of Hamlet, featuring these actors and others.
Retrospective on the career of enigmatic screen diva Marlene Dietrich.
Retrospective on the career of enigmatic screen diva Marlene Dietrich.
Sandor Korvin/Phantom
The Budapest Opera House's diva commits suicide after the owner ruins her career for having rejected his advances but her conductor-husband, believed killed in a fire, plans his revenge on all those he deems responsible for her suicide.
Professor David Malter
In a 1940s New York, two Jewish teenage boys are determined to remain friends despite the deep differences between their two families.
Otto Frank
The story of a 13-year-old Jewish girl and her family who are forced into hiding by the Nazis during World War II.
Dr. Hans Reinhardt
미국 함대 전함 사이그너스는 시공간이 끝나는 광활하고 텅 빈 아무것도 아닌 블랙홀의 가장자리에 위태롭게 자리 잡고 있다. 그 경계를 넘는 모든 것은 미지의 세계로 들어간다. 천재 로봇과 광적인 휴머노이드의 이야기에서 관객들은 자연의 궁극적인 신비 블랙홀 속으로 환상적 모험을 떠난다.
Louise has left her husband, launched a career as a dress designer, and together with her son, Roby, moved in with John, a lawyer. Despite this emancipated exterior, she still encounters the same problems - a son who demands her attention, a dominating lover, and jealousy.
A rising tennis star falls for an older woman engaged with a wealthy man she doesn't love.
Based on a popular 1931 play, the film tells the fate of a naive young woman named Marianne, who breaks off her reluctant engagement with Oskar the butcher after falling in love with a fop named Alfred who, however, has no serious interest in returning her love. For this error, she must pay bitterly.
Based on a popular 1931 play, the film tells the fate of a naive young woman named Marianne, who breaks off her reluctant engagement with Oskar the butcher after falling in love with a fop named Alfred who, however, has no serious interest in returning her love. For this error, she must pay bitterly.
Theatre Visitor
Based on a popular 1931 play, the film tells the fate of a naive young woman named Marianne, who breaks off her reluctant engagement with Oskar the butcher after falling in love with a fop named Alfred who, however, has no serious interest in returning her love. For this error, she must pay bitterly.
Based on a popular 1931 play, the film tells the fate of a naive young woman named Marianne, who breaks off her reluctant engagement with Oskar the butcher after falling in love with a fop named Alfred who, however, has no serious interest in returning her love. For this error, she must pay bitterly.
1930년대 릴리 헬먼(Lillian Hellman: 제인 폰다 분)로부터 영화가 시작된다. 줄리아(Julia: 바네사 레드그레이브 분)와 릴리는 어릴 적부터 깊은 우정을 나눠온 절친한 친구 고교 졸업 후 줄리아는 옥스포드에서 의학을, 릴리는 작가가 돼기 위해 미국에서 공부한다. 그 후 비엔나로 유학을 떠난 줄리아는 때마침 유럽에 불어닥친 히틀러, 무솔리니의 독재정치에 항거하는 레지스팅스 운동에 앞장선다. 한편, 첫 번째 소설의 대대적인 성공으로 인기 작가가 된 릴리는 줄리아의 부탁으로 비자금 5만불을 베를린으로 숨겨들어온다. 베를린 역 근처의 작은 까페에서 극적으로 만난 두 여인. 그러나 줄리아는 한쪽 다리에 의족을 단 불안정한 투사의 모습으로 릴리를 맞이한다. 짧은 만남을 뒤로하고 다시 뉴욕으로 돌아온 릴리는 나치에게 체포되어 갖은 고초를 겪던 줄리아가 피살되었다는 비보를 받는다.
General der Waffen-SS Wilhelm Bittrich
제2차 세계대전 중 연합군이 참패한 실제 이야기다. 아이젠하워는 독일 국경과 연결되는 여섯 개의 다리를 확보하기 위해 군대를 파견하지만 날씨, 작전의 오류 등으로 인해 수많은 인명만 희생된 채 작전은 실패로 끝나고 만다.
Hauptmann Stransky
2차 세계대전이 막바지로 접어들던 1943년. 슈타이너 상사가 이끄는 소대에 권위적인 스트랜스키 장교가 부임해 오면서 이야기는 시작한다. 소대는 러시아 레닌그라드로 진격했으나 연패를 거듭해가면 힘겹게 싸우고 있는 중이다. 슈타이너 상사는 몰래 러시아 소년병을 살려 주려다 오히려 자신이 부상을 입게 된다. 부상을 치료하고 복귀를 하자 곧 스트랜스키 장교가 부임을 해온다. 그는 전쟁 공로자에게 수여되는 최고의 영예인 철십자 훈장에 대한 욕심으로 철수하라는 상부의 명령을 거스르고 소대를 더욱더 전장 속으로 내몬다. 소대원들이 하나둘씩 죽어가며 힘겹게 싸움을 해나가는 슈타이너 소대. 슈타이너는 곧 스트랜스키의 과욕을 알게 되는데.
Dr. John Constable
A dabbler-in-crime and his assistant hire an ex-police reporter to recover some stolen papers.
Based on the best-selling novel by Nobel-laureate Heinrich Böll, this drama is a passionate indictment of Catholicism. Hans Schnier (Helmut Griem) has earned his living as a clown, though he is in fact a very covert sort of social critic. After enduring a difficult childhood in Bonn during the Second World War, including his mother's fanatic Nazism, he is appalled to discover many of the people he knows and loves swept deeply into involvement in the Catholic Church.
Đuro Šarac
Historical depiction of the events preceding the political murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, would-be emperor of the Austro-Hungarian throne, in Sarajevo, June 28, 1914. A World War would start there, that some claim has not yet ended - merely changed fighting grounds once in a while
Hans Baerlach is a Swiss police detective who has dedicated much of his career to pursuing powerful and allegedly murderous businessman Richard Gastmann. Though Baerlach's partner meets his demise while investigating Gastmann, his replacement, Walter Tschanz, is undaunted. Meanwhile, the lovely Anna Crawley becomes involved in the case, which proceeds to take many twists and turns.
Hans Baerlach is a Swiss police detective who has dedicated much of his career to pursuing powerful and allegedly murderous businessman Richard Gastmann. Though Baerlach's partner meets his demise while investigating Gastmann, his replacement, Walter Tschanz, is undaunted. Meanwhile, the lovely Anna Crawley becomes involved in the case, which proceeds to take many twists and turns.
Hans Baerlach is a Swiss police detective who has dedicated much of his career to pursuing powerful and allegedly murderous businessman Richard Gastmann. Though Baerlach's partner meets his demise while investigating Gastmann, his replacement, Walter Tschanz, is undaunted. Meanwhile, the lovely Anna Crawley becomes involved in the case, which proceeds to take many twists and turns.
Arthur Goldman
Arthur Goldman is a rich Jewish industrialist, living in luxury in a Manhattan high-rise. He banters with his assistant Charlie, often shocking Charlie with his outrageousness and irreverence about aspects of Jewish life. Nonetheless, Charlie is astonished when, one day, Israeli secret agents burst in and arrest Goldman for being not a Jewish businessman but a Nazi war criminal. Whisked to Israel for trial, Goldman forces his accusers to face not only his presumed guilt--but their own.
Eduard Roschmann
프리랜서 저널리스트인 피터 밀러는 스스로 목숨을 끊은 한 유태인 노인의 비망록을 입수하게 된다. 피터 밀러는 유태인 강제 수용소를 만들도록 지시한 나치 독일의 히틀러 친위대 SS의 책임자, 암호명 오데사라는 인물의 정체를 추적하게 되고, 차츰 그의 실체에 다가서는데...
Andreas Giese
This film is about a man who committed a terrible crime during war and is now old and somehow sorry for what he did. The story about the preparations for his trial are described from different points of view, also from his.
This film is about a man who committed a terrible crime during war and is now old and somehow sorry for what he did. The story about the preparations for his trial are described from different points of view, also from his.
This film is about a man who committed a terrible crime during war and is now old and somehow sorry for what he did. The story about the preparations for his trial are described from different points of view, also from his.
Based on the medieval legend of Pope Joan, who was made Pope for a brief period around 855 A.D. The movie presents her existence as fact, though it is questionable that Pope Joan really did exist, and portrays her relationships with other notables of the time.
In 1880's Italy, young Paulina must join a monastery to escape a doomed relationship with a married count. However, neither she, nor the count can just move on and all elements for a tragedy are there.
Trotta is a 1971 West German film directed by Johannes Schaaf. It is based on the 1938 novel Die Kapuzinergruft (The Emperor's Tomb) by Austrian author Joseph Roth. It was chosen as West Germany's official submission to the 45th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film, but did not manage to receive a nomination. It was also entered into the 1972 Cannes Film Festival.
Based on Ivan Turgenev's novella, Erste Liebe is about two young lovers in czarist Russia. One is a 21-year-old woman, the other a young man of sixteen. Things take a tragic turn as the girl (Dominique Sanda as Sanaida) falls in love with the boy's father (Maximilian Schell). This film was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film in 1970's Academy Awards.
Based on Ivan Turgenev's novella, Erste Liebe is about two young lovers in czarist Russia. One is a 21-year-old woman, the other a young man of sixteen. Things take a tragic turn as the girl (Dominique Sanda as Sanaida) falls in love with the boy's father (Maximilian Schell). This film was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film in 1970's Academy Awards.
Based on Ivan Turgenev's novella, Erste Liebe is about two young lovers in czarist Russia. One is a 21-year-old woman, the other a young man of sixteen. Things take a tragic turn as the girl (Dominique Sanda as Sanaida) falls in love with the boy's father (Maximilian Schell). This film was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film in 1970's Academy Awards.
Simón Bolívar
Simon Bolivar is the true-life story of the leader of the 1817 Venezuelan revolution.
Captain Chris Hanson
A team of maritime salvage workers are about to embark on a recovery dive. However the 1883 Krakatoa Volcano eruption provides more pressing problems.
Richard Sessemann
Heidi is an orphaned girl initially raised by her aunt Dete in Maienfeld, Switzerland. In order to get a job in Frankfurt, Dete brings 5-year-old Heidi to her grandfather, who has been at odds with the villagers for years and lives in seclusion on the alm. He at first resents Heidi's arrival, but the girl manages to penetrate his harsh exterior and subsequently has a delightful stay with him and her best friend, young Peter the goat-herd.
A man comes to a small village to begin his new job as an attendant at the nearby castle. But everybody in the village claims that he surely must be mistaken, there is no need for an attendant at the castle.
A man comes to a small village to begin his new job as an attendant at the nearby castle. But everybody in the village claims that he surely must be mistaken, there is no need for an attendant at the castle.
Gen. Schiller
In December of 1944, Lionel Evans, an internationally renowned American conductor, is on a USO tour with his 70-piece symphony orchestra in newly-liberated Belgium. While fleeing from a German counterattack, Evans and his orchestra members are captured by a Panzer division and taken to an old chateau in Luxembourg. Despite orders to execute every prisoner, General Schiller, an avid music lover, commands Evans to give a private concert for him.
In 1941, two Polish brothers escape a Soviet gulag. Their only escape route is through the impossible mountains of Afghanistan and the KGB is on their tail.
Zanetto und Tonio
Dieter Frey
Charles Dobbs is a British secret agent investigating the apparent suicide of Foreign Office official Samuel Fennan. Dobbs suspects that Fennan's wife, Elsa, a survivor of a Nazi Germany extermination camp, might have some clues, but other officials want Dobbs to drop the case. So Dobbs hires a retiring inspector, Mendel, to quietly make inquiries. Dobbs isn't at all sure as there are a number of anomalies that simply can't be explained away. Dobbs is also having trouble at home with his errant wife, whom he very much loves, having frequent affairs. He's also pleased to see an old friend, Dieter Frey, who he recruited after the war. With the assistance of a colleague and a retired policeman, Dobbs tries to piece together just who is the spy and who in fact assassinated Fennan.
German Narrator
An overview of John F. Kennedy's political career.
Stanislaw Pilgrin
A Jewish woman, Dr. Michele Wolf, interred in a Nazi concentration camp during WWII returns to her Paris home after the war's end. She's unaware that her husband, the handsome gigolo and chess master Stanislaw Pilgrin, has been having an affair with her stepdaughter Fabi in her absence.
Don Rodrigo
Walter Harper
에릭 앰블러의 원작 소설을 바탕으로 한 영화. 엘리자베스(멜리나 메르쿠리 분)와 그녀의 애인 월터(맥시밀리언 셸 분)는 보석털이 전문가들이다. 이들이 노리는 것은 이스탄불 토프카피 박물관에 있는 에메랄드가 박힌 술탄의 단검. 계획에 동참할 사람들을 하나씩 불러 모으기 시작한다. 그리고 관광객을 등쳐먹고 사는 사기꾼 심슨(피터 유스티노브 분)까지 끌어들인다. 심슨은 이들의 차를 몰고 터키와 그리스의 국경을 통과하다가 차 문짝에 숨겨둔 무기들 때문에 검문에 걸려 테러리스트로 몰린다. 터키 정보국은 심슨을 첩자로 고용해서 엘리자베스와 월터 일당이 어떤 테러계획을 세웠는지 추적에 나선다. 엘리자베스와 월터는 필요한 인력을 모두 모으는 데 성공하고 본격적인 작업준비에 착수한다. 하지만 심슨은 이들이 무슨 짓을 하려는지도 확실히 모르는 상태. 그런데 이들 패거리 중 한 명이 사고로 손을 다치자 심슨은 자의반 타의반으로 이들의 거사에 동참하게 된다. 일만 성공하면 큰돈을 준다는 말에, 심슨은 자신이 터키 정보국의 첩자 노릇을 하고 있다고 고백한다. 터키 정보국이 자신들을 테러리스트로 지목하고 있다는 사실을 알게 된 엘리자베스와 월터는 이를 역이용하기로 하고 완전범죄 계획을 실행에 옮기는데...
The Reluctant Saint is based on the life of Saint Joseph of Cupertino who was sent to work at a monastery circa 17th century Italy because his mother believed him too simple for anything else.
Franz von Gerlach
A dying German magnate invites his youngest son and daughter-in-law home to discuss the future of the family's shipbuilding empire. There, the daughter-in-law stumbles upon a secret of the family's Nazi past.
The arrival of a young tutor triggers emotional crises for a wealthy family.
Hans Rolfe
뉘른베르크 전범재판은 2차세계대전에서 승리한 연합국이 주체가 되어 패전국 독일이 제3제국의 이름으로 저지른 반인도적 행위에 대해 개인적 책임을 추궁한 역사적 사건이다. 2차대전을 일으킨 독일이 연합군의 힘에 밀려 참패하자 연합군은 전범들을 재판하게 된다. 이영화에서 다루는 피고는 전쟁당시 재판관들이다. 미국측 재판관 헤이우드는 독일군 고위층 부부가 살던 대 저택에 머물게 되는데 이집의 전 여주인을 알게 된다. 그리고 전쟁후 남편이 독일군이었다는 이유로 미국인에 살해당한 이 부인을 만나면서부터 독일군들이 인도주의적 정신보다는 나라에 대한 충성심을 더 강요받았다는 사실을 깨닫게 된다. 재판이 진행되는 동안 시종일관 침묵으로 일관하던 피고 언스트 야닝은 나중에야 자신과 동료들의 부정 부패를 고발하고 그것을 알고도 침묵했던 자신이 가장 사악한 사람이라며 자신의 잘못을 고백한다. 헤이우드는 전쟁이라는 상황과 비인도적인 판결을 내릴 수밖에 없었던 독일 재판관들의 입장을 고뇌하다 사형대신 종신형을 선고하는데...
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, returns home to find his father murdered and his mother remarrying the murderer, his uncle.
A TV film made as part of The Buick-Electra Playhouse.
Jegor Dmitritsch Glumow
Henry Howard
Herzog Albrecht von Bayern
Josef Ospel
Capt. Hardenberg
1938년 독일의 바바리안. 크리스찬(Christian Diestl: 말론 브란도 분)과 마가렛(Margaret Freemantle: 바바라 허쉬 분)은 새해를 맞이하는 흥분에 들 떠 파티를 즐긴다. 그러나 이 자리에서 히틀러에 대한 충성의 다짐이 나오자 미국인인 마가렛은 이에 반감을 품고 이 일로 인해 크리스찬과 싸우고 헤어진다. 드디어 2차 세계대전이 발발하자, 크리스찬은 독일군 장교가 되어 전쟁터로 향하고, 마가렛의 애인이자 브로드웨이의 톱 스타인 마이클(Michael Whiteacre: 딘 마틴 분)은 마가렛의 반대에도 불구하고 미군에 지원한다. 이때 징병소에서 마이클을 만난 애크맨(Noah Ackerman: 몽고메리 크리프트 분)은 그와 친구가 되고 냉혹한 훈련소의 생존 경쟁을 이겨내며 함께 전쟁터로 향한다. 북 아프리카의 영국군 진영. 독일군의 기습공격으로 영국군은 모두 살상되고, 이 작전에 함께 참가한 크리스찬은 포로마저 용납하지 않는 잔인한 살상을 통해 첫 회의를 느낀다. 그 후 크리스찬은 유럽으로 재배치되고, 유태인들을 찾는 일을 맡으며, 또 다시 자신의 이상과는 다른 이 전쟁에 대한 회의를 느낀다. 그 후 전쟁이 막바지에 이르고 연합군과의 전투에 투입된 크리스찬은 목숨만 부지한 채 상관과 함께 탈출한다. 그러나 비행기의 폭격으로 탈출 도중 상관이 부상당하고 그를 병원에 이송한다. 한편, 전투에 참가한 애크맨은 동료들을 구해내고 마이클의 전투부대에 합류하여 크리스찬이 있는 독일군의 진영으로 진군한다. 이때 크리스찬은 자포자기한 상태에서 이들과 마주치게 되는데.....
Lorenz Darrandt
The brother of a high ranking lawyer has killed the husband of a Polish woman, with whom he is having an affair. Can the counsel help his brother without getting himself involved in scandal?
Toni Schellenberg
Wolfgang Thomas, beider Sohn
Dr. Oswald Hauser
Alexander Haller
A love story between a German soldier and a young Flemish woman amidst World War I.
Jürgen Sengebusch
Mitglied des Kreisauer Kreises
A disillusioned Wehrmacht officer named Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg and his co-conspirators attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler on 20 July 1944.
Soldat, der nicht mehr mitmacht
Laslo Benedek interrupted his thriving Hollywood career to return to Europe as director of the German Kinder, Mutter und ein General (Children, Mother and the General). The film is set in Berlin during the last days of WW II. Desperate for manpower, Hitler has ordered that all able-bodied teenaged boys --some as young as 15 -- be drafted into the army. Frau Asmussen (Hilde Krahl) is one of five mothers who learn to their horror that their boys have been slated to be cannon fodder on behalf of the Third Reich. Asmussen and the other mothers head directly to the front to plead with the German generals for the lives of their sons. Not directly an indictment of Germany's involvement in (or incitement of) the recent war, Kinder, Mutter und ein General stresses the futility and heartbreak of all wars everywhere.