1967년 개봉한 코미디 옴니버스 영화이다. 다섯 편의 에피소드로 구성되어있으며, 각 에피소드를 다섯 명의 감독이 연출하였다.
1957년 10월 어느 새벽, 알제리 민족 해방 전선(Font de Libration Nationale, FNL) 소속의 나이 든 반군 한 명이 프랑스 군인들의 고문을 견디다 못해 마지막 남은 지도자 알리의 은신처를 누설하고 만다. 은신처를 포위한 프랑스군은 당장이라도 폭파할 태세이다. 오직 해방을 목표로 투쟁해 온 지도자 알리는 생사의 갈림길에서 상념에 잠긴 채 치열했던 지난 3년을 회상한다...
1954년에서 1962년 사이, 9년간 프랑스의 식민 통치에 대항한 FNL의 무장 독립 투쟁과 프랑스군의 정치적 폭력 행위 등을 다큐멘터리 형식으로 재구성한 영화다.
A 1966 French-Italian film version made in Italy, titled L'uomo che ride, directed by Sergio Corbucci. This version features elaborate colour photography but a very low production budget. The main action is shifted to Italy and moved yesterwards in time, with the deformed protagonist meeting Lucrezia Borgia instead of Queen Anne. In this version, Gwynplaine is renamed Angelo (played by Jean Sorel). His disfigurement is represented as a single broad slash across his mouth, crude yet convincing. The story (which is attributed, in the movie credits, to the director, producer and others involved in making the film, but not to Victor Hugo) is a swashbuckler pitting the disfigured acrobat against the henchmen of the Borgias. At the end, Dea (actress Lina Sini) miraculously acquires her eyesight and Angelo undergoes surgery that completely reverses his disfigurement and renders him perfectly handsome.
Hit-man Clint Harris has one more job to do before he can retire. The corporation which hires him demands that Harris "erase" an ex-employee who has become a snitch for the police. At first Harris refuses but when his own brother is assassinated he accepts the job.
Sandra returns to her childhood village to take care of family business, but childhood memories and secrets soon overcome her.
Miguel, a poor young man living in Franco's Spain becomes a bull fighter to escape starvation.
In a 15th century village, a woman is accused of witchcraft and put to death. Her beautiful older daughter knows the real reason for the execution lies in the lord's sexual desire for her mother.
The film's theme is four episodes that offer the public a glimpse into the lives of rich and poor families in Italy in the 1960s.
Chronicle of the unheralded and unsuccessful invasion of the Soviet Union by the Italian army during World War II.
Count Drago invites over entertainers to his castle, but what the people don't know is that Drago mummifies animals and humans!
검은 옷을 입은 의문의 살인마가 패션 모델들을 죽이고 다닌다.
한 사기꾼이 수녀들이 운영하는 시설에서 얼굴이 털로 뒤덮인 아름다운 여인을 발견한다. 그는 즉시 특별한 사업 아이템을 구상하는데, 바로 ‘원숭이 여인’이 출연하는 공연을 펼치는 것이다. 그렇게 여러 마을을 돌아다니기 시작한 두 사람은 기대보다 더 큰 인기를 누리며 갖가지 사건들과 마주한다. (2017년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 2017 베니스 인 서울)
Purificata, a young peasant living in a small village in Southern Italy, is considered a witch by the locals; incurring this way into their wrath — up to a point where she is condemned to a terrible sentence as a punishment to her supposedly evil deeds.
Prior to a city council election, the collapse of a building leaves a land developer and his political backers defending themselves against a scandal.
로마의 한 도시에 혼자 있는 여자에게 낯선 이의 기분 안 좋은 전화가 걸려오고 상대방은 어딘가에서 여주인공을 훔쳐보면서 그녀를 죽이겠다고 협박을 한다. 여인은 겁에 질려 예전 동성애 관계였지만 현재는 사이가 소원해진 여자 친구에게 도움을 요청한다. 여자 친구는 주인공의 집을 방문하지만, 실은 협박 전화를 건 장본인도 바로 이 여자 친구라는 걸 알게 되는데... 이렇게 음성을 변조한 전화 협박을 통해 옛 연인과의 관계를 개선하려는 것이 그녀의 목적이었던 것이다. 우르달락(The Wurdalak)
혼자 여행 중이던 러시아의 젊은 백작 블라디미르는 산길에서 등에 단검이 꽂혀 있는 목 없는 시체를 발견한다. 시체를 말에 태우고 달리다가 발견한 첫 번째 집에서 집주인인 그레고르는 그 시체는 ‘우르달락’이 된 터키인 알리베크이며 단검은 자기 아버지인 고르카(보리스 칼로프)의 것이라고 말한다. 우르달락이란 피에 굶주린 시체로 생전에 사랑했던 사람들의 피를 탐한다고 한다. 블라디미르는 그레고르의 아름다운 누이인 스덴카에게, 아버지가 우르달락 사냥을 떠나며 자신이 떠난지 닷새가 지난 후에 돌아오면 이미 우르달락이 되어 있을 테니 집안에 들이지 말고 심장을 찌르라고 했다는 이야기를 듣는다. 닷새째인 그날 밤 자정 종이 울릴 무렵 고르카는 알리베크의 목을 가지고 지치고 창백한 모습으로 돌아온다. 그는 가족들이 사랑한 아버지일까? 아니면 영혼을 잃어버린 시체일까? 가족들은 그를 집안으로 들이는데...
Documentary footage (from the 1950s) and accompanying commentary to attempt to answer the existential question, Why are our lives characterized by discontent, anguish, and fear? The film is in two completely separate parts, and the directors of these respective sections, left-wing Pier Paolo Pasolini and conservative Giovanni Guareschi, offer the viewer contrasting analyses of and prescriptions for modern society. Part I, by Pasolini, is a denunciation of the offenses of Western culture, particularly those against colonized Africa. It is at the same time a chronicle of the liberation and independence of the former African colonies, portraying these peoples as the new protagonists of the world stage, holding up Marxism as their "salvation", and suggesting that their "innocent ferocity" will be the new religion of the era. Guareschi's part, by contrast, constitutes a defense of Western civilization and a word of hope, couched in traditional Christian terms, for man's future.
통일 전쟁이 한창인 이탈리아, 가리발디가 이끄는 혁명군이 시칠리아에 상륙하자 유서 깊은 귀족 가문의 공작 살리나는 동요하는 가족을 달랜다. 그 와중에 귀족 신분으로 혁명군에 가담한 조카가 전쟁 영웅이 되어 고향으로 돌아오고 살리나는 조카를 마을 시장의 딸인 안젤리카와 결혼시키려 하는데...
19세기 주세페 가리발디가 이탈리아를 통일했던 시기의 시칠리아를 배경으로 쇠락해가는 귀족들의 모습을 오페라처럼 그려낸 웅장하고 우아한 시대극. 버트 랭카스터, 알랭 들롱의 탁월한 연기와 귀족들의 화려한 의상, 고급스런 실내장식 등 미장센에 대한 치밀한 연출이 돋보이는 이 작품은 시칠리아 3부작의 마지막 작품으로 1963년 칸 영화제에서 황금종려상을 받았다.
미국인 여행객 노라 데이비스에게 로마는 첫날부터 악몽같은 곳이었다. 공항에 도착하자마자 비행기에서 사귄 남자가 마약 밀매업자라는 게 들통나고, 병약한 이모가 노라가 도착한 바로 그 날 밤 병으로 죽자 겁에 질린 노라는 밖으로 뛰어나갔다가 그만 강도를 만나고 만다. 핸드백을 털리고 기절했던 노라가 간신히 정신을 차렸을 때 노라의 눈에 비친 건 등에 칼이 박힌 여자가 비칠거리며 밖으로 나와 쓰러지는 광경. 다시 기절한 노라가 정신을 차렸을 때는 시체도 살인마도 사라지고 없었다. 노라는 알콜 중독자 취급을 받고 노라의 말을 믿어주는 경찰은 단 한 명도 없다. 노라는 의사 마르첼로 바시와 함께 사라진 시체와 알파벳 연쇄 살인의 미스터리를 풀어나가기 시작하는데.
A French Foreign Legion commander is told to assemble a unit and capture an Algerian rebel leader. He gathers in his old unit, most of whom are no longer in top form. One is having nightmares of past indiscretions, another is now drinking, another has lost his nerve. He takes them in captures the leader, but then is unable to make it to the pick up. He encounters a rebel patrol and is trapped unless they can escape before their water runs out.
롯은 히브리인들을 이끌고 사막을 지나 기름진 약속의 땅을 찾아간다. 그들은 오랜 유랑 끝에 한 마을에 도착하여 밭을 경작하며 정착 생활에 들어간다. 그런데 이들의 땅에 사막부족인 헬라 민족이 침입해 들어 와서 집을 불태우며 소동을 일으킨다. 롯은 소돔성의 여왕과 손을 잡고 유황과 불을 이용해 이들을 물리친다. 애써 가꾼 땅이 황무지로 변하자 살 곳을 찾아 소돔성에 들어간 히브라인들. 우상을 섬기는 타락한 소돔성의 분위기에 젖어든 그들은 방탕한 생활에 빠져 하나님의 뜻을 거역하는 생활을 한다. 한편, 롯은 여왕의 동생과 결투 끝에 그를 죽이고 감옥에 갇혀 최후의 날을 기다리는 신세가 된다. 이 때, 롯에게 목자들을 데리고 소돔성을 떠나라는 하나님의 게시가 들려오면서 수갑이 풀리고 감옥문이 열리는 기적이 일어난다. 하나님은 의인이 열명만 있어도 성을 멸하지 않으리라고 마지막으로 약속하지만 그 의인이 없어 소돔성을 불과 유황으로 심판하신다. 심판의 장면을 절대로 돌아보지 말라는 하나님의 마지막 명령이 있은 후에 롯은 이를 믿는 사람들을 데리고 홀연히 성을 빠져나오는데.
Enrico is a struggling journalist in the Rome of 1945. He receives a phone call informing him that his younger brother Lorenzo has died. Enrico recalls their long and difficult relationship; he was brought up by their poor but warm-hearted grandmother, Lorenzo was raised as a gentleman by a wealthy local aristocrat. Reunited in the Florence of the 1930s, Enrico becomes his spoilt brother's keeper, forever haunted by a sense of guilty responsibility towards a man he both hates and loves.
Genies help an Arabian bandit (Tab Hunter) locate a magic arrow he needs to claim heirship to the sultan's kingdom.
Ciccio and Franco flee Naples because they are wrongly accused of having murdered a local camorra boss and enlist in the Foreign Legion. They are inept but are mistaken for brave people by their commander and sent to break a weapon smuggling ring.
전 후의 이탈리아의 어수선했던 정치적 경제적 상황 탓에 치안까지도 엉망이었는데 시실리의 분리 독립을 지지했던 줄리아노는 알게 모르게 정계나 경찰, 시민은 물론 마피아의 지지까지도 받고 있었다. 문제는 정국이 안정이 되어 가면서였다. 어수선한 시기에 정권 획득을 위해 줄리아노를 이용하였던 정계나 경찰 그리고 마피아에게까지도 줄리아노는 뜨거운 감자로 남게 된다. 더군다나 그의 비망록이 불씨가 될 수 있었다. 결국 그는 주변의 치열한 이해 조직 사이에서 외국으로 탈출까지도 의도하였으나 경찰 조직은 마피아를 협박하여 줄리아노의 측근들을 제거하기 시작한다. 그리고 최 측근이었던 가스페라 피치오타를 회유하여 줄리아노와 이간질을 시키고 결국 그의 손에 줄리아노는 은거지에서 사살 당한다. 이 사실을 숨기기 위해 격전 중에 사살된 것으로 만들기 위해 그의 시신은 마당으로 옮겨지게 되고 죽은 시신위로 기관총 세례까지 받게 되지만... 지리한 법정 공방 끝에 줄리아노의 일당들은 주범을 제외하고는 대부분 석방이 된다. 줄리아노를 사살한 친구 가스페라 피치오타는 감옥 안에서 독살 당하고 그와 공모하였던 마피아 일원도 몇 년 후 길거리에서 피살당한다.
An anthology of four adult tales: a young couple tries to hide their marriage and the wife’s supposed pregnancy from their place of employment; a billboard photo of a scantily clad woman comes to life to torment the local censor; an aristocratic couple comes to terms with life and marriage after the domineering husband is caught visiting sex workers by the press; a lottery is held in which the prize is to spend the night with a beautiful woman.
In the 9th Century, two Viking children, separated since their early childhood with one raised by the British and the other by Vikings, meet after nearly 20 years as rivals as war breaks out between Britian and the Vikings for control of England.
Upon his return from battle in the previous film, the great warrior Hercules learns that his lover, Daianara, has lost her senses. Acording of the oracle Medea, Dianara's only hope is the Stone of Forgetfulness which lies deep in the realm of Hades. Hercules, with two companions, Theseus and Telemachus, embarks on a dangerous quest for the stone, while he is unaware that Dianara's guardian, King Lico, is the one responsible for her condition and plots to have the girl for himself as his bride upon her revival.
A montage of cabaret and variety acts from around the world.
명문 귀족 집안의 외동딸 바니나는 반혁명당 조직원으로 쫓기는 신세가 된 미시릴리가 우연히 부모님 댁에 은신하는 것을 알게 되고 그녀의 짝사랑은 뜨거워진다. 하지만 미시릴리는 책임감과 의무감의 무게를 벗어버리지 못하고 다시 조직으로 돌아가야만 했다. 그를 빼내오려는 그녀의 노력은 오히려 그에게 배반이라는 자괴감을 일으키게 되어 결국 자수하게 되는데...
Alboino, the Lombard ruler, wants to marry the daughter of a neighboring king, but she loves another. Her father arranges the marriage to Alboino, which he believes will be beneficial to him, only to have Alboino kill him and leave Amalchi, his daughter's real love, beaten and left for dead. Amalchi recovers to lead a revolt against the murderous Alboino and reclaim his woman.
A brother is cast out from his family, sold in to slavery and then returns years later as a man of power - but shows forgiveness and compassion to his family through the strength of character given to him by God.
Duchess Patrizia is determined to marry, although against her will, effeminate but powerful Prince Stefano. This is the only way she has found to thwart the plans of Count Keller, her aggressive neighbor, who wants to grab her land.
Events and athletes that characterized the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome. From the absolute protagonist Wilma Rudolph, called the black gazelle, to Livio Berruti, the first white to win the 200 meters, to the deeds of Ethiopian marathon runner Abebe Bikila, who won the marathon racing barefoot.
괴력무쌍한 마치스테는 사독의 땅을 황폐화시키고 있는 사이클롭스 섬에서 율리시즈의 계략에 걸려 눈이 먼 폴리페누스의 후손인 외눈박이 사이클롭스 괴물과 싸워야 하는 동시에 사이렌을 조상으로 하는 사악한 미모의 여왕 캐피스의 계략도 막아야 하는데...
Dr. Fred Steele (Umberto Orsini) and Eve Barnett (Maya Brent) work together at an astronomical station on a bucolic island. The station's scientists learn they must deal with a rogue planet -- "The Outsider" -- that has entered the solar system. which must be controlled by an alien intelligence… Professor Benson's(Claude Rains) expedition discovers a race of humanoid creatures dead...
한 부잣집 남자가 가난한 여인 아이다를 두고 떠나 버린다. 남자를 만나야만 하는 아이다는 가방을 손에 든 채 끈질기게 남자를 찾아나선다. 그리고 마침내 남자의 집에 도착하지만 그녀를 맞이하는 건 남자의 동생인 16살 소년 로렌조다. 동정심으로 아이다를 돕던 로렌조는 곧 그녀에게 사랑을 느끼고 만다. 1961년 칸영화제 경쟁부문 상영작.
(2016 한국시네마테크협의회 - 탄생 100주년: 조르조 바사니와 영화)
둘째 아들 시몬과 셋째 아들 로코 이야기에 나디아라는 여자가 끼어 있다. 시몬은 나디아와 사귀게 되지만 시몬의 도둑질 때문에 나디아가 결별을 통보한다. 로코는 군대에 간다. 1년 후 나디아와 로코가 우연히 길에서 마주친다. 이제 로코랑 나디아가 사귀게 된다.
북부로 이주한 한 시칠리아 가족의 삶을 통해 현대 산업 사회에서의 극빈 노동자들을 다룬 작품. <흔들리는 대지>, <레오파드>와 함께 루키노 비스콘티의 시칠리아 3부작 중 하나로 꼽는다.
Two muscle-men come up against a tribe of Amazon women.
19세기 중반, 토마스 크루바얀 박사는 조수 안드레이 고로벡과 함께 몰다비아를 여행하던 중 17세기에 처형된 마녀이자 흡혈귀인 아사 바이다의 무덤을 지나게 된다. 이때 우연히 떨어진 크루바얀의 피로 인해 아사는 깨어나게 되고, 함께 처형됐던 하인 이고르 야부티치를 살려낸다. 그들의 부활로 인해 바이다 성은 다시 공포의 장이 된다. 이윽고 아사는 인간으로 부활하기 위해 그녀와 쌍둥이처럼 닮은 후손인 카티아 바이다를 노리고, 카티아를 사랑하게 된 안드레이는 아사의 저주로부터 카티아를 구하려고 한다.
19세기 중반, 토마스 크루바얀 박사는 조수 안드레이 고로벡과 함께 몰다비아를 여행하던 중 17세기에 처형된 마녀이자 흡혈귀인 아사 바이다의 무덤을 지나게 된다. 이때 우연히 떨어진 크루바얀의 피로 인해 아사는 깨어나게 되고, 함께 처형됐던 하인 이고르 야부티치를 살려낸다. 그들의 부활로 인해 바이다 성은 다시 공포의 장이 된다. 이윽고 아사는 인간으로 부활하기 위해 그녀와 쌍둥이처럼 닮은 후손인 카티아 바이다를 노리고, 카티아를 사랑하게 된 안드레이는 아사의 저주로부터 카티아를 구하려고 한다.
Napoleon Bonaparte crowns himself emperor and fights the English, Austrians and Russians in 1802.
Nicola Carletti is a middle age 50-year old man who return to Italy with his family but he is drafted to go to the mandatory military service in Italy.
The story of "King Lazzarone" Ferdinand I of Bourbon whose pastime was to neglect the government and disguise himself as a poor man and turn to the infamous city premises in search of love adventures. With the De Filippo brothers to complete.
The usual gang of robbers in engaged by a thief from Milan to steal a suitcase full of money, but troubles will menace the success of the operation.
Cerasella escapes just before his marriage with Alfredo and meets Bruno, the son of a wealthy industrialist.
A Greek soldier leads the fight against an invading Persian army.
After serving a conviction for fraud Mario tries to continue with his life and promises Marisa to marry her...
전운이 감돌던 1943년 여름, 카를로는 리치오네에 있는 아버지의 별장에서 휴가를 보내기로 한다. 갑자기 나타난 독일군 전투기 때문에 한가로운 휴일의 해변은 아수라장이 되는데, 아이를 구하게 된 카를로는 아이의 엄마인 로베르타를 보고 한눈에 반한다. 한편, 로베르타의 어머니는 어린데다가 극우파인 카를로의 아버지 때문에 로베르타에게 카를로를 멀리 하라고 한다. 그러나 카를로와 로베르타의 사랑은 점점 깊어진다. 시칠리아 상륙작전, 무솔리니의 붕괴 등 격동의 이탈리아를 배경으로 매혹적인 전쟁미망인 로베르타와 권력층의 자제인 카를로의 격렬한 사랑을 그렸다.
ⓒ Rai Com(Italy) ()
Emilia Bonelli is an overly ambitious and driven woman. This dominant personality trait has its effects on her henpecked husband Luigi, and her daughter Carla. Circumstances ultimately lead to the courtroom and an aloof judge in the persona of Andrea Morandi.
A tour of the nightlife in Rome, Paris, London, Madrid, Vienna, Brussels and more. Episodes presenting famous artists and people performing.
Mario is in Hannover to work as a miner but after losing his job he decides to go back to Italy. When Totonno steals his passport to avoid the police and later on he offers him a new job as "magliaro" (cloth seller), Mario changes his mind and decides to follow Totonno to Hamburg. In Hamburg, Totonno and his friends have to sell Mayer's cloth, but they meet with the hostility of a Polish gang and Mario falls in love with Paula Mayer.
During a 100km marathon in Rome, some of the runners get involved in comical and paradoxical situations
Esterina, a young war orphan, joins two truck drivers, Gino and Piero, on their trips along Northern Italy. She wants to find her luck in the big city, but her dreams turn into disappointing experiences. She falls in love with Gino but he is not interested in her, until she disappears...
Academic researchers are chased by a nuclear-hot specimen of ancient Mayan blob.
After a series of misunderstandings and other unfortunate incidents, the honeymoon of two young couples ends sooner than planned. Back at their starting point, the ensuing conflict leads to one of the couples separating. Salvatore, who moves away, is hit in the street by a car and loses his memory: he has lost his memories of his friends and family - until he meets his wife Marisa, in which he falls in love again ...
Policarpo De Tappetti is a calligrapher who works under the orders of Don César Pancarano de Rondò. For many years, Policarpo has been seeking a promotion and a raise that never comes, and, it seems, will never come. One day, Jerónimo, the son of Don César, meets Celeste, the daughter of Polycarp, and falls in love with her. Polycarp sees in that relationship the solution to his aspirations at work, and does everything in his power to make this relationship fruitful. Don César, who presumes to be a count, sees with very bad eyes that his son meets a girl from such a different social position, and does just the opposite. But the efforts made by both parties will be of no use, since Celeste has fallen in love with Mario Marquetti, a "specialized mechanic" (typist) who is giving private lessons in the offices of the businessman Franquinet .
En route to Thebes for an important diplomatic mission, Hercules drinks from a magic spring and loses his memory. He spends most of the movie in the pleasure gardens of Queen Omphale of Lydia. While young Ulysses tries to help him regain his memory, political tensions escalate in Thebes, and Hercules' new wife Iole finds herself in mortal danger.
Italian comedy
A landowner pretends he's in love with a provocative bar owner to make his fianceè jealous. She has fallen for a marshal.
Donna Sabella accompanies her nephew Raffaele and Lucia on their honeymoon in Rome when he meets two Americans who want to go to Pollena because there seems to be oil in the soil "The bubbles".
The "casanova" gondolier Bepi struggles to accept his future monogamous life, being Venice a hub of attracting tourists.
Vito Polara is ambitious and wants to get as more power and money as possible. He decides to leave the cigarette smuggling and try to get the total control of the regional fruit and vegetable distribution considered more profitable. He looks for the help of a rural crime Boss.
Baron Luigi Fontana is a rich and stinging producer of fine wines, as well as president of the amateur football team of Cerignola who, to crown a triumphant championship, is about to be promoted to Serie C.
Lucas is an orphan who lives with his mother Mary, a worker in a factory in Barcelona. One day they meet Captain Andres.
Two young lovers, Tao and Valeria, decide to go and enjoy a beautiful holiday in privacy, away from the daily routine and their parents. After a journey full of adventures, aboard a sidecar, they find themselves in a campsite populated by Germans.
In 1950s Naples, a couple struggles to be together against the will of the mother-in-law. In the end, not only will they be together, but the mother-in-law-to-be, a widow, finds love as well.
In this melange of characters and events from separate mythological stories, Hercules, demigod and superman, arrives in the ancient Greek kingdom of Iolcus to tutor Iphitus, son of king Pelias; immediately on arrival, he falls in love with the king's delectable, briefly clad daughter Iole. Before he can win her, he must succeed in a series of quests, in the course of which he teams up with Jason, true heir of Iolcus, whom he accompanies on the famous voyage of the Argonauts.
Maria and Paul love them, but they are very young and, moreover, Maria is the daughter of the municipal sweeper while Paul is the lawyer Bonelli, vice mayor and head of the opposition. To complicate the story there is the reconstruction of a hermitage destroyed during the war. Reconstruction would take the view of the Paseroni villa, big industrial and political traffic. Bonelli's lawyer, a great speaker, becomes a mayor for the death of his predecessor and is bought by Paseroni, while rejecting the love of Paul and Mary for social differences and why Paul should stay behind Doddy Paseroni. At this point, Paul and Mary flee to kill, just as Bonelli has to hold a talk on the radio for the inauguration of Paseroni's villa ...
Romolo and Salvatore look for jobs to impress their girlfriends, but things get complicated when their old flame Giovanna reappears.
Luciano, who studies at the university, falls in love with Sandra, a high school student, who returns his love. If her family is very rich, his family is of modest extraction; however, the difference in condition does not seem to be a problem, and Luciano's degree increases the hope of a happy future. However, following a sudden financial collapse, Sandra's family business failed: so, to help her parents, the girl accepted the kindness of a very rich childhood friend, deciding to marry him.
한가로이 한밤의 거리를 거닐던 수줍음 많은 청년 마리오는 다리 위에서 누군가를 기다리고 있던 여인 나탈리아를 만나게 된다. 마리오는 그녀의 미모와 매혹적인 분위기에 빠져들고, 용기를 내 나탈리아에게 다가선다. 해가 지지 않는 백야가 계속되던 며칠 동안, 마리오는 꿈속을 헤매듯 나탈리아에게 이끌린다. 한편, 나탈리아는 돌아오지 않던 애인에게 편지를 전해달라는 부탁을 하고, 편지를 받아 든 마리오는 고민에 빠진다. ---- 순수한 사랑의 본질과 이중성을 서정적으로 담아낸, 러시아의 대문호 도스토예프스키의 작품을 영화화했다. 비스콘티는 네오리얼리즘적 시각에서 다소 벗어나, 사랑과 절망을 백일몽과 같은 환상 속에서 아름답게 그려냈다. 전세계에서 사랑 받은 이탈리아의 국민배우이자 페데리코 펠리니의 영화적 동반자이기도 했던 마르첼로 마스트로얀니가 처음으로 주연을 맡은 작품이기도 하다. (시네마테크부산 - 2011년 루키노 비스콘티 특별전)
Raffaele, a Neapolitan student, get the news that his beloved grandmother Sabella is dying. He immediately goes to Pollena to be beside her.
A widow goes to Italy from South Africa to find out whether or not her late husband's five nephews are worthy of his inheritance...
A struggling model concocts a story of being raped and beaten by three strangers and soon becomes a media darling. Complications arise when the police eventually arrest three suspects.
Raped during the war by a stranger, Anna is forced by their parents to pretend that that her daughter Lisa is her sister. When she is about to marry the new doctor in the country, her jealous brother resorts to threats of blackmail in an attempt to keep them apart.
Salvatore and Romolo are two young and poor young men that are neighbours and friends. They live with their parents in Piazza Navona, Rome. They are poor but handsome, and both fall in love with Giovanna.
Stylish, sophisticated and absolutely broke, Dino and Maria pursue a romance until they realize neither of them has any money, which forces the gold diggers to turn their attention to a wealthy widower and his daughter. A compulsive gambler who owes several anxious investors a small fortune, Dino has trouble cutting his losses, no matter how bad the losing streak.
While Rodolfo tries to become a lyric singer, his lifestyle deeply annoys his father-in-law.
Nero is on holiday at the seaside. Poppea, Seneca and many other guests are with him. Nero is preparing a great show where he will be the star. When Agrippina, his mother, arrives with her German praetorians and decides Nero has to conquer Britain, she is asking for trouble. Many attempts of murder and poisoning will happen on the eve of his great show.
As part of a story, a reporter goes to meet Elisa, a young woman he met a few years ago on a trial on which she was finally exonerated.
Italian documentary about Peru.
A photographer named Corrado snaps a picture of Antonietta. When it shows up on the front page of a magazine, she wants to take him to court over it.
The 19-year-old Elena, who is as pretty as she is bright, works as a rice girl for the landlord Guerrini. Having become aware of her name, he finds out that she is his illegitimate daughter of whom he knew nothing. He tries to secretly help Elena, who has fallen in love with the car mechanic Gianni. But that only creates mistrust. When Guerrini's worthless nephew harasses the girl, the situation is dramatically worse.
Back to his hometown, a former marshal finds his house occupied by a young woman working as a fishwife.
The master Impallato takes care of the boys in a suburban after-school. Here he discovers a pupil with an extraordinary baritone voice.
아우구스토 로카(브로데릭 크로포드 분)는 로베르토(프랑코 파브리치 분)와 피카소(리차드 베이스하트 분)와 함께 두 명의 농부에게 사기를 쳐서 거액의 돈을 가로챈다. 빼앗은 돈을 나누어 피카소는 아무것도 모르는 아내 이리스(줄리에타 마시나 분)에게 가져가고, 아우구스토와 로베르토는 파티를 열어 돈을 써버리려 한다. 새해 첫날밤 세 사기꾼은 좋은 직장에 다니는 운이 좋은 친구의 집을 방문한다. 여기서 로베르토는 황금 담배 케이스를 훔치다가 들킬 뻔 한다. 이 광경을 목격한 이리스는 남편의 행동을 의심하기 시작한다. 그리하여 피카소는 행실이 좋지 못한 친구들과 헤어질 기회를 갖게 된다. 오래전에 가족을 버린 아우구스토는 딸을 위해 또한번 사기를 치는 데 성공하지만, 몸이 마비된 딸이 있는 농부의 돈을 훔칠 용기가 나지 않았다고 말한다. 그러나 새 친구들에게 습격을 당한 아우구스토의 몸에서 돈이 나온다. 아우구스토는 결국 밤새도록 혹독하게 구타를 당해 여기저기 찢기고 상처를 입는다. 아침이 되어 움직여 보려고 안간힘을 쓰지만, 상처가 너무 심해 지나가는 사람에게 도와달라는 말도 하지 못하고 죽어간다.
Sor Clemente tries to avoid an underwater fishing trip together with his authoritarian wife's friends and pretends to be ill. Left alone in the villa he's left in the company of a friend and a butler.
A doctor saves a girl from suicide and marries her out of pity. Soon the evil man who had pushed her to the limit taking advantage of her re-enters her life. The ensuing crisis will help the newlyweds overcome their differences and start a fresh, better new life.
Three directors collaborated on the Italian documentary Continente Perduto. The "lost continent" of the title is Asia, specifically Indonesia, here lovingly photographed in Ferraniacolor by Mario Craveri, Giannni Rafaldi and Franco Bernetti. Highlights include a Cantonese wedding aboard a floating junk, the annual wheat and rice harvest, the animal-sacrifice rites at the rim of a volcano, a ceremonial chariot race, and a bevy of Balinese dancers. Though there's no story to speak of, the film has the rhythm and pace of a "continuity" picture. Continente Perduto was the winner of a Special Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival.
Guido Carani, an engineer of noble descent, has just lost his son born to him by a chorus dancer, who, desperate, has become a nun. After a while he also loses his wife and daughter in a boating accident. Poor Guido is in despair, but soon he meets Lina, a woman who is a dead ringer for Luisa.
Agnese has many men who woo her and live with her cousin Cesira, who has the opposite problem with men and wishes she would also have men woo her.
In the summer of 1942, during the Second World War, a group of young paratroopers from the Folgore Division, after having been subjected to a long and tiring training in Italy, was transported by air to the Libyan desert to cover the Italian-German front.
Dante Trilli, who has been teaching in his village school for about twenty years, wins a competition for Milan. Waiting for him is his childhood friend, where he is the janitor in the school where Trilli will teach.
When young and attractive Lina Stroppiani, a thief like the rest of her family, tries to steal the taxi of Paolo, together with two accomplices, she can't possibly know that this will have far reaching consequences.
The relationships between a veteran marshal, his bride-to-be, a rookie and his fiancée are severely tested when the young carabiniere is temporarily sent to a distant town.
Riccardo, a brilliant pianist studying in Rome, falls in love with Germaine, a young and pretty French tourist.
Tapioca, a small-time thief, hides out in an elegant apartment, where he is soon joined by Cascarilla, one of his apprentices who has become better than his master. When the owners arrive home, the latter offers the wife a bunch of love letters she has written to various lovers for ten million.
A young woman, her sister-in-law and her ten year old daughter are violently traumatised by invading Austrian soldiers. Later, in Verona, both woman discover they are pregnant. After a suicide attempt, one has an abortion the other keeps her child - and both faces struggles with friends and family as they return to their homes.
1866년 봄, 오스트리아 점령하의 베니스를 배경으로 한다. 백작부인 리비아는 베니스 저항운동의 지도자이자 사촌을 구하기 위해 오스트리아 중위 말러에게 접근한다. 하지만, 그녀는 말러의 유혹에 흔들려 돌이킬 수 없는 사랑에 빠진다.
Teodora, a Roman courtesan and former slave girl, marries the Roman emperor Justinian and assumes the throne as Empress of Rome. But the divide between nobility and slave is too great. Teodora seeks justice for her people, and revolution and armed conflict erupt in both Byzantium and Rome.
Sor Clemente escapes the surveillance of his wife and goes to attend a variety show.
A former prostitute and a Polish infant are the only survivors of a train crash. Despite their mutual love, the woman's past comes back to haunt her.
A prostitute goes on vacation to a beach resort with her young daughter (who's being schooled by nuns). Everything is cheerful and pleasant at the seashore; the customers at the hotel think she's a poor widow - she always wears black - and treat her like a lady. But when one of her former clients arrives, her carefree days on the beach are numbered.
Cousins James and Robert are in love with Susanna. When Robert and Susanna announce their engagement, James vows to ruin their happiness.
When young Dalia is mistakenly admitted to a mental institution, she is declared sane - but by a truly mad person pretending to be a doctor. The real doctor thinks she is insane - how can she escape this madness?
Nine episodes about life in Italy in the period just before its economic boom.
Alvaro hunts for a treasure, of which he owns only half the map.
Six episodes (adapted from as many short stories: Gozzano, D'Annunzio, Guido Rocca, Marino Moretti, Alba de Céspedes and Oreste Biancoli), six love stories set in different moments in italian recent history.
When a veteran marshal is sent to a small town, he quickly falls for two women: a midwife and an earthy young woman nicknamed "Frisky".
The life and loves of great composer Giuseppe Verdi are played against a background of the great operas of the 19th Century. A tender love story of his successful and turbulent life, with more than 20 excerpts from his acclaimed operas.
Ignazio Panizza goes from one failure to the other until he meets a singer, Caterina, provided with an exceptional voice.
Elena, after a date with his boyfriend Guido, comes home finding his father tried to kill himself with gas because he lost a lot of money due to some wrong investments.
A disgraced member of the Spanish Navy must redeem his family's honor after his father betrays his country to the French.
Five portraits of actresses in their "common" life, seen as women rather than movie stars.
A jockey buys his favorite horse.
"The Man from Cairo", a Michaeldavid production for distribution by Lippert, with Ray Enright the only credited director on the film print, finds Mike Canelli, the man from Cairo, nosing around Algiers with mystery surrounding the people he meets and the things he does and has done to him, all deriving from the war-time theft of $100,000,000 in gold which lies somewhere in the adjacent desert. People representing many nationalities and reasons are also seeking the gold. It boils down to a battle between Canelli and the original looter aboard a speeding train.
In a small provincial Italian town, a fifteen-year-old boy meets and falls in love with a girl.
Combining musical and dance numbers with comedy sketches (performed by members of The Armando Curcio Company and The Gauthier Ballet Troupe)without any plot, this is more of a revue than a movie, along the lines of The Ed Sullivan television series in the U.S.
Northern Italian Stefano marries sweetheart Maria by proxy while working abroad in Canada. However, she is mistakenly accused of her sister's crime of abandoning her own child and, when Stefano finds out, he decides to call off their marriage.
Oreste is known for his deliberation and caution in handling license forms at his office.But when he needs money to send his 3 girls off to Capri to find rich suitors, he is tempted to take bribes to put a license through more quickly.
Just before the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, a party is held in the castle of the Stettin's Counts.
A number of different segments taken from 19th century Italian stories.
A young widow flees from her small town and moves to the seaside, where she falls for a fisherman.
The story of Giuseppe Garibaldi's 1849 campaign to free Italy from Austrian domination.
The story of Giuseppe Garibaldi's 1849 campaign to free Italy from Austrian domination.
Mixing Engineer
막달레나는 눈에 넣어도 아프지 않을 만큼 어여쁜 딸 마리아를 특별하게 키우고 싶어한다. 때마침 아역 배우를 뽑는 오디션이 열리고, 막달레나는 마리아를 참가시키기 위해 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는다. 결국, 마리아는 오디션을 통과하고, 촬영이 시작된다. 그런데 어린 마리아가 스태프들 사이에서 울고 있는 모습을 보게 된 막달레나는 무언가 크게 잘못되었음을 깨닫는다.
The tragic love story between Guido, the owner of a marble quarry and Luisa, the humble daughter of one of his employees, ends up in her giving birth to a baby boy. Giulio's mother is against them: at first she takes her son abroad with an excuse and then has her grandson kidnapped making Luisa think the boy died in a fire.
After the death of his father, Anna starts working in the navy where he falls in love with a navy man.
Diavolo's bandits fight Napoleon's troops and so King Ferdinand IV, the Neapolitan king, makes Fra Diavolo a Colonel. In the meantime the bandit also falls in love with Marietta, the king's illegitimate child.
Saverio Luparello is the manager of Sicilian baron Occipinti's estate. The cunning greedy man intentionally lets the land turn into a wasteland, hoping that his employer, discouraged by its low returns, will sell his earth to him for next to nothing. His plans are thwarted by a share cropper, Diego Costa, who farms his lot zealously and to good results.
Anna flees her home, where she has been victimized for years by her spineless father’s mean-spirited second wife, to be with her lover, an honest businessman yet to make his fortune. When he is accused of a murder he didn’t commit, the couple’s domestic tranquillity is upended, and a desperate Anna must rely on her cruel stepmother to help support their child.
The tragic love story, already narrated by Dante in his Inferno, of Paolo Malatesta and Francesca da Polenta. Francesca is married to Paolo's brother, Gianciotto an old and crippled man and secretly Paolo's mistress. When Gianciotto finds out tragedy ensues.
The title of this Italian melodrama translates to Pact with the Devil. However, His Satanic Majesty does not appear in the film. Rather, this expensively produced period piece is more along the lines of Romeo and Juliet, with young love threatened by warring families. In his first Italian film, Hollywood veteran Eduardo Cianelli goes through his usual villainous paces as the scheming father of the male lead (Jacques Francois). The most fascinating performance is rendered by Umberto Spadaro, as the village idiot, or is he? Patto col Diavolo makes the most of the visual dynamics of Italy's mountainous Calabrian region.
The title of this Italian melodrama translates to Pact with the Devil. However, His Satanic Majesty does not appear in the film. Rather, this expensively produced period piece is more along the lines of Romeo and Juliet, with young love threatened by warring families. In his first Italian film, Hollywood veteran Eduardo Cianelli goes through his usual villainous paces as the scheming father of the male lead (Jacques Francois). The most fascinating performance is rendered by Umberto Spadaro, as the village idiot, or is he? Patto col Diavolo makes the most of the visual dynamics of Italy's mountainous Calabrian region.
A family drama involving a wife torn between her husband and her criminal ex-lover.
A French fugitive arrives in Genoa, where he becomes entangled with an Italian woman and her daughter.
Two Jews and their former British comrade land on opposite sides of the Palestine issue following World War II.
In ancient Rome a love story blossoms between Fabiola, daughter of a senator, and Rhual, a Gallic gladiator. After Fabiola's father is killed, the Romans blame the Christians and the persecution begins. Rhual confesses to being a Christian, is accused of the murder and sentenced to fight to the death in the arena.
주인공 토니는 바다에서 죽은 아버지 대신 할아버지, 어머니, 세 여동생과 남동생을 부양해야 하는 처지이다. 토니는 중간상인들의 횡포에 대항해 어부들끼리 힘을 합치자고 주장하지만 동조하는 어부들은 없다. 직접 생선을 팔기 위해 그는 집을 담보삼아 배를 산다. 한동안은 생활이 나아지나 엄청난 폭풍 속에 배를 잃고 토니는 겨우 목숨만 건지게 되는데...
Sicily, 17th Century. When his fiancée is kidnapped, a young man sets out to find her.
A young student of an upper-class background who is surrounded by classmates that are of working-class backgrounds, after a novel in diary format by Enrico Bottini.
A mysterious man, who had lost his memory, arrives in San Marino among other refugees during the Second World War.
This flashback heavy melodrama is a loose adaptation of Leo Tolstoy’s novella The Kreutzer Sonata named after the Beethoven piece. The story concerns marriage, divorce, love, carnal lust and jealousy.
Immediately after the war, bandits attack a truck that is transporting newlyweds Michele and Giovanna and the accountant of an agricultural cooperative charged with bringing four million lire into office.
The story of the most infamous bandit in Romagna, who robbed from the rich to give to the poor.
Luisa's dreams of love comes true in a hotel in the mountains.
During Fascism and after WWII, a school porter sacrifices himself so his son, who is slightly ashamed of a lowly background, can become a respected professor.The film also takes a few jabs at Italy's rapid governmental reshuffles.
The story is taken from the drama "I Pescatori" (The Fishermen) by Raffaele Viviani, and is set in a fishing island off the coast of Naples (clearly identifiable with Ischia). Here lives Concetta, a widow with two children, who now lives with another man who however secretly lusts after his stepdaughter until when, on a stormy night...
An Italian WWII documentary by a group of neorealists.
An Italian WWII documentary by a group of neorealists.
The baron of Santafusca, descended from a noble family, leads a dissipated life. To pay debts he is forced to sell his house. He tries to steal from the house of a very rich priest and, surprised during the theft, he kills the priest, and then throws the body in an abandoned well. He continues his life of revelries and luxury, until the remorse for the crime trigger a process of self-destruction. The nightmares of the baron, tormented by the only evidence left of the murder, the hat of the priest ,drags him into a daring and hallucinated series of ups and downs to the brink of insanity and jail.
떠돌이 청년 지노 코스타(마씨모 지로티 분)는 몰래 트럭을 훔쳐타고 포강 부근의 어느 농가에 오게 된다. 주세페 브라가나(후안 데 란다 분)는 젊은 아내 조반나(클라라 칼라마이 분)과 함께 매점을 운영하고 있다. 지노는 이들 부부와 잠시 함께 지내기로 한다. 조반나와 지노의 관계가 깊어지고, 둘은 함께 도망치기로 하지만 조반나는 떠돌이 생활을 해야 한다는 사실을 받아들이지 못하고 남편이 도망친 것을 눈치채기 전에 집으로 돌아온다. 안코나로 가던 중 지노는 스파뇰로(엘리오 마르쿠초 분)를 만나 친구가 되고 그의 일을 함께 하자는 제안을 받는다. 꽤 오랜 시간이 지난 후, 브라가나가 아마추어 가수 경연 대회에 참가하기 위해 아내와 함께 안코나에 온다. 브라가나는 다시 만난 지노에게 친절하게 대하며 자신의 식당에서 같이 살자고 설득한다. 다시 사랑의 감정이 피어 오른 조반나와 지노는 교통사고로 위장해 브라가나를 살해한다. 그러나 두 사람은 살인을 했다는 죄책감과 경찰에게 발각될 두려움으로 행복하지 못하고, 지노는 조반나가 남편의 보험금을 타내기 위해 자신을 이용했다는 의심까지 품게 되면서 둘의 관계는 삐걱거리기 시작한다. 지노는 아니타(디아 크리스티아니 분)라는 매춘부 댄서와 함께 지내다가 조반니의 임신 사실을 알고 식당을 그만두고 함께 떠나기로 한다. 그러나 결국 자동차 사고로 조반나는 생명을 잃고, 지노는 경찰에 잡혀간다.
An engineer, devastated by the death of his fiance during a mountain expedition in north Italy, hopes he might forget about her by marrying a young nurse who adores him. But one day he returns to the mountain retreat where he’d had such happy days with his fiance, leaving his young bride distraught.
Naples, 1880. Two young sisters from a noble family, after losing their parents, get taken in by a friend of their family.
An unscrupulous theatrical agent introduces his latest "discovery" to an elderly baron who becomes infatuated with her.
Leo (Vittorio De Sica) is young man trying to make a living without any success. Through fortuitous circumstances, he is assigned by the director of a big firm to accompany for one night the daughter of the firm's accountant, Titi (María Mercader). Leo pretends then to be the son of a tycoon, and takes her in a luxurious restaurant.
Two half brothers, one a pilot, the other a repairman at the plane factory of their father, are in a disagreement due to the envy of the younger brother, son of the first wife of their father. Then both brothers fall in love with the same woman; this causes more conflict between the two, making worse an already tense situation.
Nicoletta is a young rebel, cherished by his forgiving father, until an old relative joins the family after the wedding of her sister, and insists that the impetuous girl is sent to college. Nicoletta becomes a true tornado for educators trying in vain to bring her under control.
A family man travelling for work, Paolo Bianchi, meets on a train a lonely girl, Maria. He sees her again on a bus and she reveals him that she's in troubles: she's pregnant, her baby's father has left her and she doesn't know how to tell to her parents that she's not married. She asks Paolo to play the role of her husband and he accepts....
Young Rosalia marries the painter Corrado Palmieri, but gets disowned by her family, opposed to the marriage. Then during a fight, Corrado kills his brother in law and is sentenced to a life sentence.
Count Anikoff, a Russian officer, challenges his best friend, Sergei, to a duel when he finds him courting the young woman he, too, is in love with. Sergei can't bring himself to kill his friend. He fires only after taking the bullet out of his pistol. Now, it is the Count's turn to fire...
Renzo and Lucia's love story is jeopardized by Don Rodrigo, a wicked nobleman, who is interested in Lucia. When she refuses his attentions he has her kidnapped and brought to a convent whose prioress is a nun as wicked as he is. The two youths will have to go through a lot of misfortunes before being reunited and being able to marry.
In the kingdom of Kindaor, traitor Sedesmondo kills his brother, the King of Kindaor, and becomes the tyrant of kingdom. He abandons the prince Arminio to beasts in the woods, but lions don't kill him and breed him as one of them.
Italy, early 1940s. A rich and noble man, returning from America, has the unpleasant surprise of being dirt poor. Its magnificent castle is impounded and he agrees to become the guide allowed visitors to admire.
In Santa Cruz, in the second half of the eighteenth century. The Governor of the island, to ingratiate himself with the Viceroy, contrives to make assaulting the island from a mock pirate ship and, with a mock battle, defeat the aggressors and throw them back into the sea.
In 1830 Pierre Courier, a rich and elderly shipowner, awaits the return of his son Stefano, who has just returned from a long trip to Trinidad in the ship in which he is captain.
Everything unfolds in Naples seventeenth century, when a mysterious masked swordsman who calls Salvador Rossa becomes champion of the needy and lonely struggle against the cruel tyrant that frightens the country.
"Black Crossing" - In an Oriental port a group of people embarks a trader designated for Europe. One of them, a shady individual, entrusts the captain with a box of valuables to be kept until the end of the journey.
A young woman accidentally becomes a movie star.
During a reception in a villa, wealthy banker Calandri is killed in the park with a gunshot. The gamekeeper Barra is immediately arrested, but he declares himself innocent. During the trial it turns out that the defendant had threatened the victim, guilty of courting his sister-in-law. But the deposition of a journalist present at the party soon leads to discover the existence of a dense network of equivocal relations between the victim, the guests and the servants. This judicial setting drama is allegedly the second Italian sound film after "The Song of Love", made using the RCA Photophone recording technique, and is also considered to be the first Italian detective film, a precursor to the later genre of Giallo films.