Self (archive footage)
In May 1974, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing became President of the Republic and wanted to bring about a new era of modernity. One of his first decisions was to break up the ORTF with the creation of three new television channels: TF1, Antenne 2 and FR3. Three new public channels but autonomous and competing. It is a race for the audience which is engaged then, and from now on the channels will make the war! This competition will give birth to a real golden age for television programs, with variety shows in the forefront. The stars of the song are going to invade the living rooms of the French for their biggest pleasure. This unedited documentary tells the story of the metamorphosis of this television of the early 1970s, between freedom of tone, scandals, political intrigues and programs that have become mythical.
Self - Actor (archive footage)
In 1948, French singer Charles Aznavour (1924-2018) receives a Paillard Bolex, his first camera. Until 1982, he will shoot hours of footage, his filmed diary. Wherever he goes, he carries his camera with him. He films his life and lives as he films: places, moments, friends, loves, misfortunes.
Self (archive footage)
An account of the last two centuries of the Anthropocene, the Age of Man. How human beings have progressed so much in such a short time through war and the selfish interests of a few, belligerent politicians and captains of industry, damaging the welfare of the majority of mankind, impoverishing the weakest, greedily devouring the limited resources of the Earth.
Lino Ventura
Self (archive footage)
Self (archive footage)
Charles de Gaulle, the first president (1958-1969) of the Vth Republic, France’s current system of government, left his mark on the country . He was statesman of action and has been compared to a monarch. This film depicts the general’s personality through the great events of his presidential term, at a time when the world was undergoing considerable changes.
Self (archive footage)
Self (archive footage)
On April 13, 2011, Les Films 13 production company turned 50. How can one celebrate an anniversary of this sort ? By simply making "another" film that would sum up all the earlier ones. D'un film à l'autre is hence a kind of anthology of the films produced Les Films 13 since the 1960s (short and feature films written and directed for the main part by Claude Lelouch), a best-of of half a century of cinema, going from Le Propre de l'homme to What Love May Bring. A biography in images of a filmmaker as admired as he is criticized. In reality, D'un film à l'autre is more than a series of film excerpts, interviews, and making-of documents (some of which possess an undeniable historical value, like that from A Man and A Woman, or the final performances of Patrick Dewaere).
Mixing interviews, rare archival footage and film extracts, the film shows how Melville's works were impacted by what he experienced in his youth during WWII, and how it structured his whole approach to cinema, not only in its thematic but also in its aesthetics.
un caïd
Paris, 1938. In a lavishly decorated nightclub, couples dance the syncopated rhythms of Latin America: Rumba, Cucaracha, Tango, and also the Charleston, Foxtrot and Boston. Among beautiful women, local pimps and Mussolini's spies brush each other on the dance floor, and in the streets. A police inspector is charged with a difficult task, to clean-up the city streets - just when bodies start falling around, as the Mafia and the spies tend each other deadly traps.
Chronicles a Mossad team hand picked to hunt down the terrorists involved in the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre of Israeli athletes.
Bastien Grimaldi
Bastien Grimaldy, a man driven to heightened anxiety as the plot against him begins to take effect. Bastien's personal relationships give him enough cause for anxiety -- between his new lover Laura and a feisty mother, life provides its own insecurities. When he goes to the police with his problems, Bastien is assigned an off-beat inspector to protect him but is still faced with skepticism about his dilemma.
Generale Carlo Dalla Chiesa
In the late 1970s and early 80s, assassinations in Sicily get the attention of Communist deputy, Pio La Torre, who appeals to General Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa to become prefect in Palermo and take on the Mafia. Dalla Chiesa approaches the job with the same focus and methods he used in hunting down the Red Brigade.
알도(Aldo: 리노 벤츄라 분)는 북캐나다의 금광에서 일하는 광부이다. 어느 날, 그 금광은 악당들의 습격을 받게 된다. 알도는 두 인디언과 힘을 합쳐 가까스로 목숨을 건지고 금궤를 가지고 탈출한다. 탈출 도중 알도는 인디언들이 자신의 목숨을 위협하는 것을 알아채고, 그들을 따돌리는데 성공한다. 하지만 빼돌린 금궤는 폭포에 빠지고 알도는 목숨만 건져 프랑스에 오게 된다. 한편 프랑스에 있는 그의 친구 제랄드(Gerard: 버나드 지로듀 분)가 다리를 못쓰게 된 것을 알자, 알도는 제랄드의 다리를 고치기 위해 금궤를 다시 찾으러 갈 결심을 한다.
Jean Valjean
The story of Jean Valjean, a Frenchman convicted of minor crimes, who is hounded for years by an unforgiving and unrelenting police inspector, Javert.
Sébastien Grenier
Sebastien Grenier, a former French spy, is working as a financial analyst in Zurich. However, his peaceful existence starts to disintegrate when he is recruited by a top French intelligence operative to discover how one of their own secret agents was found out and executed in broad daylight.
Inspector Antoine Gallien
영국의 존 웨인라이트(John Wainwright)의 소설을 바탕으로 한 범죄 영화. 프랑스의 한 작은 도시에서 강간 살인 사건의 용의자로 부유하고 영향력 있는 변호사를 심문하는 내용의 미니멀리스트한 드라마이다. 몬트리올 영화제 각본상, 세자르 남우주연, 남우조연상 수상. 유명한 갑부인 막띠노 변호사(Jerome Martinaud: 미쉘 세롤트 분)는 어린 아이들을 죽이고 폭행했다는 혐의로 앙뜨완 형사(Antoine Gallien: 리노 벤추라 분)와 벨몽 형사(Marcel Belmont: 가이 마르찬뜨 분)가 있는 조사실에 소환되어 연금 상태가 된다. 셍클레망에서 일어난 폴린이란 여자 아이의 살인 사건에 대해서 알리바이를 성립시키려고 술집과 여동생 집에 갔다고 말하지만 앞뒤가 맞지 않는 증언을 한다. 결국 자기가 차 안에서 여자와 함께 있었다고 말하면서 자신을 정당화한다. 잠시 서장을 만나러 앙뜨완 형사가 나간 사이 벨몽은 막띠노에게 폭력을 가한다. 앙뜨완 형사가 다시 와서 심문을 하다가, 막띠노 부인(Chantal Martinaud: 로미 슈나이더 분)이 왔다는 말을 듣고 그녀를 만나러 간다. 그녀는 남편과 별거 생활을 하게 된 연유를 설명해준다. 다시 조사실로 돌아온 앙뜨완 형사는 다시 심문하고 막띠노가 범행 현장에서 묻은 피를 감추기 위해 바바리를 세탁소에 맡기고 똑같은 바바리를 경찰에 준 것이 밝혀진다. 막띠노 부인이 세탁소 영수증을 증거로 제시한 것이다. 더이상 빠져 나갈 수 없는 막띠노는 거짓 자백을 하고 서장은 도난 차량에서 어린애 사체를 발견한다. 그 차는 첫부분에서 도난 신고를 한 자블랭(Jabelain: 미셀 서치 분)의 것이었다. 그로써 막띠노의 혐의는 풀리고 집으로 돌아가는 중에 차안에서 아내가 자살한 것을 발견한다.
François Quérole (sketch 'La méthode française')
A sex comedy anthology containing four stories, each from a different country (England, France, USA and Italy). "An Englishman's Home" "The French Method" "Armando's Notebook" "Skippy"
Romain Dupre
Romain Dupree arrives to Montreal from France only to be informed that his son is dead. However the deceased is not his son but an individual who was using his passport so Dupree begins a frantic search for his son who happens to be wanted by the local mob.
Roland Fériaud
On a stopover in Barcelona, Fériaud Roland discovers a corpse in the hotel room next door. He wakes up in a strange clinic without remembering who brought him there. The doctor insists he hallucinated, but it's not long before he obtains evidence that it wasn't a dream.
모랄은(John Morlar: 리차드 버튼 분)은 파괴본능을 지닌 악마의 힘으로 어릴 때부터 엄청난 초능력을 갖게 된다. 모랄은 카운셀러인 존 펠드(Doctor Zonfeld: 리 레믹 분)을 찾아가서 그동안 자신에게 일어났던 파괴적인 행동에 대하여 상담하지만, 그녀는 그의 말을 믿으려 하지 않는다. 그는 자신이 악마의 후예임을 보여주기 위해 지나가던 여객기를 추락시켜 많은 사람들을 희생시킨다. 우주 왕복선이 발사되는 날, 모랄은 자신의 집에서 처참하게 머리에 상처를 입고 살해 된다. 형사 부루널(Brunel: 리노 벤츄라 분)은 사건을 조사하던 순간, 그가 다시 살아움직이는 것을 발견한다. 자체 재생 능력이 뛰어난 모랄은 그후에 뇌파활동이 더욱 커지고, 상상 불허의 엄청난 파괴를 계획한다.
Inspector Amerigo Rogas
아메리고 로가스 형사(리노 벤추라)는 우연히 한 검사의 의문의 살인 사건에 대한 조사를 맡게 된다. 이후 연쇄적으로 저명한 판사들이 살해를 당하게 되는데 그럴수록 사건은 점점 미궁 속으로 빠져든다. 로가스 형사는 수사를 더 진행하면서 이 사건의 배후에 거대한 이탈리아 공산당 정계와 군부 실세들의 음모가 도사리고 있음을 알게 된다. 더불어 앞서 일어난 살인 사건들이 사실은 거대한 빙산의 일각일 뿐임을 직감하게 된다. 그렇게 로가스 형사는 거대한 음모 속으로 점점 빠져들어 간다.
Commissioner Verjeat
프랑스의 대도시인 루앙 경찰청의 베르자(리노 벤추라 분)는 고집세고 노련한 형사반장이고그와 짝을 이루는 르페브르(파트릭 드베르 분)는 젊고 냉소적인 풋내기 형사이다. 이들은 서로 다른 성격으로 자주 의견차를 일으키지만, 수사를 하면서 점점 더 끈끈한 동료애를 발휘한다. 그러던 어느 날, 하룻밤 사이 두 가지 사건이 일어난다. 고급 환락가에서 한 유명인사가 의문사하자, 마담인 마르트는 그에 대한 수사를 제지시키려고 고위급 경찰들과의 친분으로 영향력을 과시할 수 있음을 베르자에게 보여준다. 다른 사건은 매력적인 외모의 출세지향주의자인 시의원 라르다트(빅토르 라누 분)의 패거리가 상대 후보의 선거 포스터를 붙이던 사람들을 급습하여 살인으로까지 확대된 것이다. 라르다트 진영의 포르토는 상대방을 주먹으로 패다가 살인을 저지르고, 이를 제지하던 경찰까지 죽인다. 죽은 무아트리에는 베르자 반장이 지휘하는 범죄 단속반 소속이었기 때문에, 베르자는 더더욱 범인을 잡기 위해 전력투구한다. 그러나 라르다트와 관련된 조사를 하면 할수록 난관에 봉착한다.
이혼한 남편이 예전 아내 소유의 저택을 되사기 위해 찾아온다. 하지만 아내는 비록 이혼은 했지만 전 남편에 대한 미련과 애정이 남아있었기 때문에 남편을 함정에 빠뜨려 지하실에 가둔다. 탈출을 기도하는 남편과 아무렇지도 않은 듯 일상 생활을 즐기는 아내의 모습. 철장을 사이에 두고 나누는 대화가 긴장감 넘치게 진행된다.
Jean Douléan
A Parisian teacher loses his cool when his teenage daughter tells him she plans to drop out of school and move in with her boyfriend.
Father Charlie
Isaac Hayes plays as Lee in his feature film debut, as Father Charlie and himself solve a bank robbery mystery that stretches across the city. After Lee is removed from the force due to $1,000,000 being stolen from the bank Father Charlie helps him to gain revenge for the loss of one of his friends.
Ralf Milan
Ralf Milan, a hitman, arrives in Montpellier to kill an important witness. He checks in a hotel without knowing that his neighbour has become neurotic after his wife left him.
This Belgian/French tale chronicles the efforts of Jacques (Jacques Brel) to find the Old West in modern America. Dressed as cowboy, he travels throughout western American cities and towns and finds others similarly dressed. These idealists gather together and build an old-western-style town in the middle of an abandoned factory, battling local bureaucracies in the process.
Released from prison under a New Year amnesty, a criminal tries to pick up the threads of a life changed not only by his daring plan to rob a jewelry store in out-of-season Cannes, but also by a very special someone he met there.
Un motard
The guardian of a nursing home lends a compassionate ear to the complaints of two new pensioners who love each other and have only one dream: to see the sea. To help them realize their dream, the brave man steals the car of the director. She quickly discovers the crime and drags her pale husband to the pursuit of the trio, aboard a tanker truck...
Clément Tibère
Who is Anton Haliakov, who has just been abducted by the M.I.5 in London? A Soviet scientist apparently. But sixteen years before the man had another identity, Clément Tibère, and another nationality, French. So what led him to become Russian and to change identity? And why are the British secret services interested in him?
Lino Massaro
When they realize the times are changing, five crooks decide to switch from bank robberies to personality abductions.
Vito Genovese
뉴욕시를 지배하고 있는 두 마피아 조직 중 마쌀리아(Masseria: 알렉산드로 스페리 분)계에 발탁되는 발리치(Joe Valachi: 찰스 브론슨 분). 그는 운전 기사로 조직의 일을 시작한다. 타 마피아 조직인 마란자노(Marazano: 조셉 와이즈만 분)계와 일대 격전에서 이름을 날리게되고 중간 보스로 성장하는 발리치. 그는 미국 최대의 마피아 조직을 이끌어가게 된다.
Cornelius von Zeelinga
During the prohibition era, Cornelius, a bootlegger, is on the run from the American coastguards. He comes across a silent film actress, Linda, on the set of a movie and falls in love with her.
Sagamore Noonan
Sagamore Noonan vit reclu dans une ferme de l'Alabama où il distille de la gnôle au temps de la prohibition. Il reçoit la visite de son frère Doc Noonan et de son fils Billy. Une jeune strip-teaseuse et son compagnon gangster viennent troubler leur tranquillité.
Principal Inspector Marceau Leonetti
Marceau Léonetti, a competent and energetic officer stops by chance the son of an influential lawyer driving under the influence of alcohol. A few months later, the lawyer falsely accuses Léonetti as being violent and incompetent. As a result Marceau is transferred to a small police station, where he meets young and beautiful Jeanne. Soon they are faced with a tough investigation.
Commissioner Le Goff
범죄의 세계에서 화려하게 명성을 날려온 보석 전문 강도이자 킬러 싸르테(아랑 드롱 분)가 호송 도중 자동차 바닥을 뚫고 탈출한다. 시실리계 거물 마피아 마네레제(장 가방 분)으로부터 5천만불에 달하는 보석을 가로채자는 제의를 받은 그는 탈출 직후 마네레제의 집에 기거하며 감방 동료로부터 얻어낸 보석 전시장 경보 시스탬을 하나하나 분석해 낸다. 그러나 현장 조사결과 도면에는 없던 특수장치가 발견되자 이들은 계획을 원점으로 돌리고 다시 치밀한 작전을 세운다.그사이 싸르테는 마네레제의 아들 알도의 아내와 사랑에 빠지고 만다. 한편 프랑스 경찰청의 국보급 수사관으로 싸르테검거에 총력을 시울리고 있는 르고프(리노 벤츄리 분)의 추적이 뒤따르는 가운데 싸르테 일행은 뉴욕 전시를 위해 공수되던 보석을 실은 여객기를 납치, 뉴욕의 프리웨이에 강제 착륙시키는데.
Philippe Gerbier
나치 점령기의 프랑스, 레지스탕스 대장인 필립 제르비에는 동료의 배신으로 체포되어 포로 수용소로 보내진다. 가까스로 탈출한 필립은 마르세유에서 펠릭스, 르 비종 등의 동료들과 합류하여 자신을 밀고한 배신자를 처형한다. 레지스탕스 활동을 계속하던 중 필립과 동료 뤽은 런던에서 드골 장군을 만나 훈장을 받는다. 리용에서 펠릭스가 체포되자 프랑스로 돌아온 필립은 동지들과 함께 펠릭스 구출작전을 벌인다. 하지만 철통같은 경비의 감옥에 접근하기는 쉽지 않은데...
Le rapace / Le rital
1938, a Central America country. A Frenchman who goes by the name "Le Rital" is hired to take out the local dictator. Young Chico is assigned as his right-hand man, whom he impresses. Will a friendship form between them?
마뉘(Manu: 알랑 드롱 분)와 롤랑(Roland: 리노 벤추라 분)은 모험을 즐기는 사람들로 아주 가깝게 지낸다. 마뉘는 묘기로 살아가고 롤랑은 자동차 엔진 개발에 관심을 갖고 있다. 이런 두 사람에게 어느날 자동차로 예술 활동을 하는 레티샤(Laetitia: 조안나 심커스 분)란 아가씨가 찾아온다. 마뉘는 비행기 묘기를 하다가 벨땡이라는 사람때문에 실수를 하고 면허증을 영구히 취소 당한다. 롤랑은 자신이 애지중지하는 엔진을 시험하다가 엔진을 태워 버린다. 레티샤는 첫 전시회를 열었다가 사람들로부터 혹평을 받는다. 세사람은 모두 실패를 만든 벨땅으로부터 귀중한 정보를 얻는다. 5억 프랑이라는 거금을 실은 비행기가 아프리카 콩고 앞바다에 빠졌다는 정보를 얻는다. 이에 세 사람은 의기투합해서 아프리카로 날아간다. 마뉘와 롤랑 레티샤는 거부가 되지만 레티샤는 뜻밖의 사고로 죽는다. 그녀를 수장하고 두 사람은 전해주기 위해서지만 친척들의 냉담한 태도에서 레티샤 생전의 고독의 흔적이 보이는 듯 해 그들은 한편으로 분노하고 한편으로는 더욱 그녀에 대한 애틋한 마음을 가누지 못하는데...
Un client du bar
This film is directly inspired by Asterix, created by René Goscinny and Albert UDERZO, chronicles the adventures of a little boy, Antoine, entered the world of antiquity by studying its history lesson and two Romans, and TICKETBUS PROSPECTUS, who prefer to leave their life of legionnaires and discover the lifestyle of Gaulois.Antoine meeting Asterix cartoon form, which explains certain peculiarities of life in Lutetia.
Gustave 'Gu' Minda
악명 높은 범죄자 귀 맹다는 두 명의 다른 죄수와 함께 감옥에서 탈출하여 파리로 돌아온다. 연인이었던 마누쉬를 찾아간 귀는 그녀를 협박하고 있던 남자들을 죽이게 된다. 추적을 피해 마누쉬와 함께 마르세이유에 은신해 있던 그는 돈이 필요해지자 현금호송차 강탈 계획에 가담하기로 한다. 귀와 일당들은 현금강탈에는 성공하지만 여러 명의 목격자가 지켜보는 가운데 두 명의 경비원을 죽이게 된다. 이제 귀는 파리에서 파견된 냉혹한 형사 블로의 집요한 추격을 받게 되는데...
Pascal Fabre
A French secret agent gets a license to kill when he is sent to Vienna to plug a security leak in this routine spy saga. He is caught in the crossfire of international enemy agents trying to eliminate the French.
Self - Interviewee
Director Jean-Pierre Melville and actor Lino Ventura are interviewed about their 1966 film.
Antoine Beretto
One-time gangster Antoine is enjoying retirement on the coast, now managing a boating club. He receives a visit from a former accomplice who asks for a loan. The money will be repaid by a crook who is now in hiding; Antoine intends to recover his money.
Hector Valentin returns to France from Canada when he inherits a small sawmill. He has difficulties restarting the run-down operation which has inefficient workers and is hampered by the dirty tactics of its bigger...
Alphonse Maréchal
Three little criminals get a tip for a great coup with lots of money in it. Unfortunately they lack the starting funds to buy the required welding torch. So they persuade their successful colleague Alphonse to join their team. But the well thought-out coup fails, and Alphonse is the only one of them who ends up in jail for several years. When he's released, he's out for revenge.
Jacques Cournot
Jacques Cournot, a freelance skipper, is hired by Mr Hendrix in Santo Domingo, first of all to advise him regarding the acquisition of a sailing boat. After a thorough inspection of a prospective vessel, the "Dragoon", Cournot reports his positive appraisal to Mr Hendrix and initiates the negotiations with Mrs Osborne, the owner of the craft. Barely a couple of days later, Cournot finds himself in a bind as the police questions him about the exact kind of cruise he was supposed to organize for his principal. For the "Dragoon" is gone; Mr Hendrix has disappeared; Mrs Osborne is not aware of any deal; and the corpses of mysterious individuals, victims of a violent death, are found on the beaches of Santo Domingo.
Francis Lagneau
A cold-war spy parody. After the death of an armaments manufacturer, an international group of spies is drawn into a high-stakes battle of wits to obtain the valuable military patents which have been inherited by the lovely widow.
A French agent goes after a gang of Asian terrorists who plan to blow up an American nuclear aircraft carrier.
"El lutos"
José María "El Tempranillo" fleeing from justice, takes refuge in Sierra Morena. After a period of hard learning, he becomes the leader of a group of bandits.
Hervé Marec, aka 'Le plouc'
Marec, a truck driver is sent by his boss to track down through the Morroccan desert a reckless youngster who stole a brand-new truck and its payload. Riddled with bad luck, Marec will face the dangers of the desert, as well as a fishy partner, and a reluctant, misogynist tow-truck helper until the climactic fight.
Fernand Naudin
An aging gangster, Fernand Naudin is hoping for a quiet retirement when he suddenly inherits a fortune from an old friend, a former gangster supremo known as the Mexican. If he is ambivalent about his new found wealth, Fernand is positively nonplussed to discover that he has also inherited his benefactor’s daughter, Patricia. Unfortunately, not only does Fernand have to put up with the thoroughly modern Patricia and her nauseating boyfriend, but he also had to contend with the Mexican’s trigger-happy former employees, who are determined to make a claim.
Brown, Polizeichef von London
The Gangster Macheath secretly marries the daughter of beggar king Peachum. When Peachum finds out, he instructs the police chief Brown to arrest and hang Macheath. If not, all the beggars of Soho will disturb the upcoming coronation.
Vincenzo, le caïd
Carmen, wife of a certain Vincenzo detained for theft, chooses Antonio as a friend. When the husband is released from prison, he accepts the relationship in progress and continues to use the woman in his shady businesses.
백만장자인 필립 알랑은 파리에서 가장 아름다운 여자 미슐린을 정부로 두고 있다. 하지만 그녀에게 싫증이 나기 시작한 필립은 결별선물로 다이아몬드 목걸이를 사주기 위해 보석상에 가게 된다, 그곳에서 필립은 미슐린의 친구 프랑수아즈를 만나게 되는데, 빛을 보지 못한 작가와 결혼한 프랑수아즈는 그녀가 가질 수 없는 커다란 다이아몬드 목걸이 앞에 넋을 잃고 만다. 그 기회를 놓칠세라 필립은 자신의 "화려한 보석 파티"에 프랑수아즈를 초대하고 다이아몬드 목걸이를 선물한다. 이렇게 둘은 또 다른 관계로 발전하게 되고, 미슐린과 프랑수아즈, 그리고 그녀의 남편은 새로운 사건들에 얽히는데...
Paul, le chauffeur de car
"Les petits matins" is a story of eighteen-year old Agathe (Agathe Aëms) with a firm independence of men even if she uses them to get to the côte d'azur.
Along the way she meets a lot of people , mostly men. And the director does not spare the sterotypical image of early 60s middle aged male cliches to lampoon.
But this is all very light stuff, nothing too intellectual.
But it's often charming, and there's a bevy of well-known actors involved.
Jean -Claude Brialy (the pompous, self absorbed male lead of Rohmer's "Claire's Knee"), Claude Rich, Lino Ventura, François Perrier, Pierre Brasseur, and the couple Bernard Blier & Arletty, who team up here for the first time since Marcel Carné's "Hôtel du Nord" (1938).
Émile Bouet
Charles-Edmond, the eldest of the Larmentiel brothers, decides to return to La Rochelle, his hometown to die there. Forty years earlier he had been driven out by his father. Before passing away, the old eccentric announces that he has a hidden son, Émile, a fisherman to whom he wishes to bequeath his property. François, the younger brother, whom Charles-Edmond hates, is eyeing the inheritance to bail out the powerful family business, a veritable fishing trust, and will try to appropriate the affection and property of this inopportune heir. Émile, meanwhile, is too busy arguing with Fernande, a beugland singer, to suspect what awaits him...
Giovanna's father
The Last Judgement (Italian: Il giudizio universale) is a 1961 commedia all'italiana film by Italian director Vittorio De Sica. It was coproduced with France. It has an all-star Italian and international cast, including Americans Jack Palance, Ernest Borgnine; Greek Melina Mercouri and French Fernandel, Anouk Aimée and Lino Ventura. The film was a huge flop, massacred by critics and audiences when it was released. It was filmed in black and white, but the last sequence, the dance at theatre, is in color.
le docteur André Challenberg
Albertine, a young woman from Bordeaux, leaves her town and her husband to discover the joys of the French capital. Thanks to her friend Cécile, she penetrates Parisian high society and becomes the subject of rivalry between Dr André Challenberg and a fashionable young novelist, Didier Marèze.
Il bandito
A charming rogue, the self-proclaimed leader of Naples, locks horns with an American Army general and a police inspector.
A romantic drama partially set in Amsterdam, this standard tale starts out in a mining area in Holland where conditions are about as rough as they get. Two of the miners, Italians Federico and Vincenzo take off together for the city's red-light district, where the women pose in windows for prospective customers. There the duo meet Else and Carrel who are willing to leave their windows to spend a weekend at a resort with the two men. Soon Else has fallen in love with Vincenzo and the future of the two hookers, as well as the miners, seems to look brighter.
le brigadier Théo Dumas
During World War II, French Commandos join forces with a German officer in order to survive the African desert.
Karin is now continuing her father's research and is also caught in the cross hairs of the mysterious opponents. Johanson himself retreats to a Cambodian monastery in order to escape the gangsters' shots and recover. Meanwhile, the international criminals manage to steal Johanson's energy formula. Karin then goes after the thieves, supported by Lundstrom. But he also has his own goals. The hunt takes them around the world. It soon turns out that a certain Madame Latour is behind the sinister machinations. Eventually old Johanson falls into her hands. In Southeast Asia, a showdown ensues between the kidnappers and Lundstrom and Karin.
Professor Johansson has made a huge scientific breakthrough; a device that will create a huge magnetic pulse that knocks out all electricity over a continent-wide area. The military applications are already being thought of when Dr. Johansson is kidnapped by a group of profit-seeking mercenaries. Meanwhile, his daughter, Karin, finds herself having to consort with all manner of shady characters as she searches for her father.
Abel Davos
10년 가까이 밀라노에서 숨어 지내던 암흑가 두목 아벨 (리노 벤츄라)는 그의 목에 현상금이 걸려 있는 상황! 체포되면 사형 선고임에도 불구하고 아벨은 그의 아이들과 파리로 다시 숨어든다. 전쟁 후 파리의 암흑가는 이권 다툼으로 음모와 배신이 난무하는 가운데 옛 동료들에게서도 위협을 느끼어 음모에 대한 복수를 준비하게 된다. 새로운 보디가드 에릭(장폴벨몽도)을 만나게 되고 긴장감이 지속되는 암흑가의 일상이 펼쳐지는데...
This movie is a Marcel Aymé adaptation and it deals with the not-so-glorious side of the Occupation: black market, war profiteers, cracking open bottles of Champagne while most of the Parisians are almost starving.
Desperate, Didier throws hymself out in the Seine. Pascal, a newsboy, jumps and saves him. It’s the beginning of the friendship between them.Once, as Pascal helps Didier, he finds himself involved in a murder. Only the superintendent believes in his innocence…
Industrialist Pierre Verdier kills his mistress Jeanne Ancelin by throwing her off a train. Her husband, Ancelin, decides to take revenge on his wife's murderer, who has been acquitted by justice.
Carlo Bernardi
A group of ex-resistance fighters are brought together by Marie-Octobre, the code name of Marie-Helene Dumoulin. The former members of the network have carried on with their lives after the war, but this evening they are going to have to live again a fateful night – the night their leader was killed. He had been betrayed, his name given to the Germans. The search for the traitor puts each personality in the spotlight – and also that of the killed leader, Castille.
A man who was injured in an accident has a visitor in his hospital. The visitor suggests a strange deal.
Paul Lamiani
Paul Lamiani, a wizened mobster, is asked to return to duty following the disappearance of secret documents of extreme importance. It is assumed that they are in the hands of a friend of Paul. But the case becomes even more delicate when Lamiani's son is kidnapped.
Géo Paquet - le gorille
Géo Paquet, aka The Gorilla, breaks from jail. Now an escaped convict, the elite agent must infiltrate a dangerous gang working for a foreign embassy as their leader, a spy enjoying diplomatic immunity, can't be arrested by regular police.
1919년의 파리, 천재적 재능을 가졌으나 그림이 팔리지 않아 가난에 시달리는 젊은 화가 모딜리아니. 어느 날, 지인의 초청으로 학교에 간 모디는 그곳에서 아름다운 미술학도 잔느를 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 잔느의 부모의 반대에 부딪힌 모디와 잔느는 동거를 시작하고, 두 사람의 사랑은 깊어간다. 하지만 여전히 그림은 팔리지 않고, 모디는 쇠약해지는데, 악덕 미술상 모렐은 모디가 죽기만을 기다린다.
Lino Ferrari
Trois jour à vivre (Three Days to Live) takes off with a bang when two-bit actor Daniel Gelin witnesses a murder. He didn't see the killer, but that doesn't stop him from claiming that he did in order to get his name into the papers. Sure enough, the murderer targets Gelin as his next victim. Our hero is temporarily rescued by Jeanne Moreau, an aspiring actress who has always had a crush on him.
Inspecteur Torrence
Four women were murdered, each was knifed and, though they had their clothes torn, they weren't molested. As the famed police inspector Jules Maigret pieces the clues together, he comes to realize that for the elusive man that he suspects to be unmasked, he has to set him a trap.
Le Commissaire Cherrier
폴로랑스는 기업체 사장인 남편 시몽을 살해하고 정부 줄리앙과 도피하기 위해 완전범죄를 노려 일을 꾸민다. 줄리앙은 토요일 늦은 밤 로프를 이용하여 사장실로 올라가 권총으로 남편을 살해한 뒤 자살로 위장하는 것까지는 성공했다. 그러나 지동차로 현장을 벗어나려 하는 순간, 창문에 걸린 로프를 보고 다시 사장닛로 가서 로프를 처리하고 엘리베이터로 내려오는 그 시간에 사건은 급진전되고 만다. 건물 관리인이 순시를 하다가 밤이 늦어 엘리베이터의 전원을 꺼버린 것이다. 때마침 밖에 세워둔 줄리앙의 시보레 자동차를 훔쳐타고 드라이브를 떠나버린 건달 청년의 살인사건이 겹치면서 영화는 복잡한 전개양상을 보인다. 이때 등장한 파리 경시청의 민완형사 세리에는 이 두 살인사건의 전모를 파헤쳐가면서 시몽의 살인범을 밝혀 내는데….
Georges Villard, a minor bank employee, is won over by Mr Steve who does him favours, treats him to the high life and introduces him to his wife Florence, with whom he falls in love. Georges is unaware that these generous gifts will cost him dearly.
Louis Bertain is the owner of a Paris garage which is the front for a robbery gang. He and his accomplices are careful to keep up a civic veneer by day, indulging in criminal activities only when "the red light is on" at night. This status quo is upset when one of the gang members becomes convinced that Louis' younger brother is a police informer.
The blueprints of an aeroplane built from an ultra-secret metal are stolen from national security. French secret service agent Walder believes that the documents are now in Switzerland, in the hands of a man named Lindbaum. The latter agrees to hand over the blueprints in return for a large sum of money. Another agent, Francis Coplan, is sent to Switzerland to handle the deal, but Lindbaum only has half of the documents because he was double-crossed by Kalpannen, an international crook. With the help of Heidi, a Swiss correspondent, Coplan sets out to identify the members of Kalpannen’s gang, only to find that they have all been murdered…
Gustave Messonnier
A young tormented student can no longer stand his miserable life. To avoid his sister marrying an old antiques dealer out of convenience, he murders a pawnbroker to steal his money. Very quickly, it is taken from remorse and confides to a young prostitute. The latter, very believing, advises him to go. He opposes this idea, but guilt devours him. He is soon struck by remorse, and confides in a young prostitute, who advise him to surrender. He opposes this idea, but guilt devours him.
A young delinquent wants to lead an honest life again.
Roger le Catalan
Henri, the Man from Nantes, comes back to his country after a successful stay in the United States, where he was working for Liski, the drug dealer. With the fame of being a tough guy preceding him, he sets himself to the task of knowing why the French operations were not so profitable - and soon he is master of all links of the organization. He can now get it honed to perfection - or destroy it. Only... the Police are following his every step.
Angelo Fraiser
막스(Max: 쟝 가방 분)와 리톤(Riton: 르네 다리 분)은 범죄세계에서는 거물인사들 이다. 그들은 은퇴할 시기가 가까워진 것을 느끼고 노후의 안정을 위해 마지막 사업을 벌인다. 예전의 실력대로 금괴를 훔친 그들은 사건의 파장이 가라앉기를 기다리고 있었다. 그러나 마약업자인 안젤로(Angelo: 리노 벤츄라 분)는 이 일이 막스외에는 할 만한 인물이 없다고 생각하고 그들을 추적하게 된다. 안젤로는 리톤의 여자인 조지를 이용해 모든 일이 막스가 꾸민대로 벌어졌음을 확인하고 금괴를 빼앗기 위해 리톤을 납치한다. 우정과 돈은 교환의 가치가 있는 것은 아니라고 생각한 막스는 안젤로의 계략에 휘말려 모든 것을 포기하는데...