Marcel Vaid

참여 작품

Paradises of Diane
A woman suffers postpartum depression, leaves her home, her new baby and family, and flees to Portugal.
Mountain Ride
After years of mass tourism in the Alps, a rethinking is slowly taking place. Whether researchers, artists or philosophers, many are trying to approach the essence of the mountains in new ways.
Polish Prayers
The tenth edition of Polish Pride parades a colorful trail of rainbow flags through the streets of Warsaw. Along the route, Antek and his friends line up to warn of the “pink threat” in prayer and edifying hymns. As traditional Catholics, he and his Brotherhood hold deeply conservative views: sex before marriage is out of the question, homosexuality can be cured, abortion is a great evil and Poland is for the Poles. His sister thinks his homophobic ranting is pointless, because in a few years the planet will be destroyed anyway as nobody is doing anything about climate change.
Do You Remember Me?
Sara from Zurich was circumcised as a little girl in Ethiopia. This event severely traumatized her. To find her inner peace, Sara decides to look for her circumciser.
Die Nati
Euridice, Euridice
Ondina is a radiant, happy young woman. She lives with Alexia, they are in love. Their relationship is passionate and sensual. But one day, Alexia flies to her native Greece and does not return.
쿰바카르나: 그림자의 벽
한 셰르파 가족이 아들의 학비를 벌고 오랜 전통과 아들을 분리하기 위해 금기를 깨고 히말라야에서 가장 성스러운 산 중 하나로 여겨지는 쿰바카르나 원정에 참가, 세계 최고의 등반가들과 동행한다.
It has been almost thirty years since Filippo Dobrilla started to sculpt a giant male nude inside a cave 650 metres deep in the Apuan Alps. This almost inaccessible place has jealously protected his secret: his youthful passion for a fellow climber, a passion Filippo was only able to indulge in here in the intimacy of this cave. Even after it was over and ever since then, Filippo has been returning regularly to the cave to work on the most important sculpture of his life, a masterpiece no one will see.
Ostrov - Lost Island
Original Music Composer
On the island of Ostrov in the Caspian Sea the inhabitants, left alone by the Russian state after the collapse of the Soviet Union, survive through poaching.
Al-Shafaq - When Heaven Divides
"Al-Shafaq - When Heaven Divides" tells an uncompromising story about loss, guilt, atonement and redemption.
The Forum
In times of rampant populism and increasing distrust of the elite, the filmmaker accompanies the 81-year-old founder of the controversial World Economic Forum over the period of one year in his efforts to implement his leitmotif: to improve the state of the world. Can the WEF contribute to solving global problems? Or is it rather an integral part of the problem?
Katoey meets three people in rural Thailand who are clearly and confidently women even though their bodies are male. Integrated to an impressive degree into society, these women have successfully overcome the difference between their physical and mental genders.
Golden Age
Original Music Composer
Who said that old age has to be boring? Golden Age opens the doors to the Palace, a retirement home of the kind that you have never seen before, in Miami. Gildings, ostentatious chandeliers, marble floors; like a cross between a luxury hotel and an Americanised copy of Versailles, the place is presented by its developers as the most beautiful retirement home in the Unites States.
크리스 더 스위스
Original Music Composer
Croatia, 7th of January 1992: In the middle of the war, a young journalist's body is discovered dressed in the uniform of an international mercenary group. Twenty years later, his cousin Anja Kofmel investigates his story.
Level Up Your Life
Let The Old Folks Die
Kevin lives in a time and place where everything is permitted and accepted. He wants to rebel – but against what? A tragicomedy about youth gasping for air in a cotton-candy world. A generation seeking a reason for its malaise and a way to shed the boredom – only to discover, at most, its own emptiness. That’s no way to start a revolution. Or perhaps?
The Congo Tribunal
The war in Congo has caused more than six million deaths over the last twenty years. The population is suffering, but the offenders stay with impunity. Many people see this conflict as one of globalisation's crucial econimic distribution battles because the country has major deposits of many high-tech raw materials. Milo Rau, one of Europe's most acclaimed theatre directors, succeeds in gathering victims, perpetrators, observes and analysts of the conflict for a unique civil tribunal in eastern Congo. The documentary film brings these spectacular court trials to life on the big screen and creates an unvarnished portrait of the largest and bloodiest economic wars in human history.
Staatenlos - Klaus Rózsa, Fotograf
Klaus Rozsa, a well-known and politically active photographer, lived in Zurich for decades as a stateless individual. All of his applications for naturalisation were refused on political grounds. In 1956 he fled Hungary, growing up in Switzerland with a Jewish father who had survived Auschwitz and Dachau. Due to the extreme proximity of such a fate, the camera led him repeatedly to places where injustice was done. It was this particular quality of his camerawork that proved fateful for him.
태양이 떨어진 날
Original Music Composer
히로시마 원폭 생존자들의 인터뷰를 통해 후쿠시마 핵발전소 사고를 재조명한다. 히로시마에서 후쿠시마로, 1945년에서 2011년으로, 공간과 시간은 변하지만 두 사건은 서로 맞닿아있다. 영화는 스스로 살아남아야 했던 생존자들, 핵의 위험과 공포, 그리고 이를 은폐하는 힘을 보여주며 언제든 이 모든 것들이 반복될 수 있음을 강조한다. (2016년 제21회 서울인권영화제) 1945년 히로시마 원폭을 겪은 생존자들은 2011년 후쿠시마 핵발전소 사고를 마주한다. 역사가 반복되는 배경에는 진실을 숨기려 하는 힘이 존재한다고 생존자들은 말한다. 영화는 우리가 겪은 공포와 그 시간은 언제든 또다시 반복될 수 있다고 경고한다. (2016년 제21회 인천인권영화제) 작품해설 1945년 히로시마 원폭 생존자들은 말한다. 피폭으로 인해 사람들이 죽어갔지만 말할 수도 정확히 알 수도 기록할 수도 없었다고 증언한다. 미국은 원폭 피해에 대해 함구하라는 명령을 패전국인 일본에 했기 때문이다. 2011년 후쿠시마 핵발전소 사고가 일어난다. 사람들은 공포에 떨지만 일본 정부는 사람들의 눈을 가리고 귀를 막고 진실을 숨긴 채 안전하다고만 한다. 그리고 다시 핵발전소를 운영하려 한다. 이에 두 사건의 생존자들은 피폭인으로 마주하며 살아내야 하는 두려운 현실을 이야기한다. 그리고 숨기려 하는 자들에 맞서 말하지 않고 알려 하지 않고 행하지 않으면 역사는 또다시 반복될 것이라고 경고한다. (2016년 제21회 인천인권영화제/ 인천인권영화제 소금활동가 쉔)
Au cœur des robots
Original Music Composer
A captivating and vertiginous documentary on the relations between man and machines, in the heart of the laboratories where the humanoids of tomorrow are invented. We are on the eve of a revolution, that of the humanoids. These robots with a human face are more and more efficient: they walk, see, hear, speak - They look like two drops of water, are ready to enter our lives, our homes, and are even capable of learn about our own condition. Roboticists believe that, in ten years, androids will be part of our daily lives as well as individual computers. Are we ready?
Exit Oerlikon
When Hans looks back, he must say: That was a good life! He saw the world, loved his wife Martha and yes, two, three things went wrong. But that doesn't need to be talked about. And now? Two years ago Martha died, Hans can barely manage his daily routine anymore, and after a visit to the vet his beloved dog Miller doesn't return home. Hans is tired. Basically he can't be bothered anymore. He wants to die. But one doesn't talk about this. At best maybe with Willi, his friend. He trusts in him, he considers him as his ally, who should help him implement his plan...
Original Music Composer
Thule, Greenland, also called Qaanaaqis, one of the northernmost towns in the world. As the climate warms and the ice caps begin to melt, the gentle balance of life for the people of this community is in jeopardy. On the other side of the globe, the melting ice caps are raising sea levels around the Polynesian island nation of Tuvalu, threatening to wipe the island right off the map. Though a world apart, these two communities are intricately connected as environmental balance begins to tip and traditional ways of life are threatened. 'ThuleTuvalu' is a stunning documentary addressing the high price of a hundred years of development and how two very different communities are now bound together in facing an uncertain future.
Liebe und Zufall
A woman confronts her past – and invents her future. Seventy-six-year-old Elise knows exactly how she will spend the final years of her life: living with Paul, to whom she has been happily married for 50 years, in their villa on Zürichberg till her last breath, and tenderly cared for by Angela, their faithful housekeeper. But then Angela is discovered by the theatre and hired for a stage play. Paul hits a man with his '68 Maserati and subsequently becomes friends with him; Elise passionately kisses a young veterinarian.
Cloudy Times
Arami Ullón must return to Paraguay to make an important decision: what will happen to her sick mother, Mirna? The heartfelt gaze of the camera reveals a relationship filled with love, but also unspoken and unresolved issues. A sensitive film which examines the inner turmoil of the daughter during the final stages of her mother’s degenerative illness.
Keep Rollin'
Valentin is pretty p* off. After being confined to a wheelchair because of a snowboard accident, his mother forces him to participate in a theater project for people with disabilities - the diapers in his room and the initially arrogant roommate add insult to injury. The one and only redeeming feature of life at the facility for the handicapped is the lovely caretaker, Mira. Unfortunately Mira is going steady with a local slime-ball, Marc. Valentin decides to enter the fray against his sturdy and prosperous rival, and even carries it a step further: he decides to rob the gas station at which Marc works. With fervent enthusiasm, his house mates Lukas and Titus offer themselves as accomplices. With this the freshly hatched trio, heads off to procure a gun. Valentin discovers that although handicapped, his mates are hardly inept; they not only manage to pull off their heist, they become friends in the process. As we come to a showdown between the gas...
Cherry Pie
In a loveless relationship, Zoé ditches her faceless boyfriend in a cheap motel room and sets off north without a penny to her name. She hitch-hikes, pilfers a meal from a gas station, encounters strangers who could be her next ride or a passing glimpse, ambling toward some unknown destination. At the end of her pilgrimage, Zoé reaches the English Channel; on the ferry a woman mysteriously disappears. A new coat gives Zoé a new identity, but even in a new country she's not quite sure she's escaped herself.
Bernard Bovet le vieil homme à la caméra
The Substance: Albert Hofmann's LSD
By coincidence rather than by design, the Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann makes a sensational discovery in the spring of 1943. He realizes that he is dealing with a powerful molecule that will have an impact that reaches far beyond the scientific world. THE SUBSTANCE is an investigation into our troubled relationship with LSD, told from its beginnings to today.
단지 키스, 맛있는 키스
새로운 사랑의 시작이 버거운 그녀 ‘한나’, ‘현재의 사랑이 지겨운 그 ‘다니엘’ 레스토랑의 첫 입사.소믈리에인 그녀를 본 순간 다니엘의 마음은 사랑의 시작을 알렸다. 하지만 자신의 상사의 애인이었던 한나와의 거리는 너무나 멀기만 하다. 그녀도 혹시 나와 같은 맘은 아닐까? 방황하는 남녀, 그 속에서 피어나는 사랑과 이별. 그리고 너무나도 틀린 관점에 서 있는 두 사람의 아슬아슬한 사랑은 이루어 질 수 있을까?
Will You Marry Us?
Rahel Hubli is employed as a civil registrar. She hasn't believed in the so-called "love of her life" in ages. But when a childhood friend, Ben, suddenly turns up, Rahel recalls again what it felt like to be in love. And that leads to even more problems, because Rahel is already married. And Ben would like to get married: by Rahel
A film about the state of people who are forced to live their exile as an outer event, but also as an inner destiny. That condition involves several time levels: a lost past, a disturbed present and a future rimmed with hope. In the village of Zara wandering souls are searching for things lost: letters, childhood, parents… Zara lies at the heart of an eternal search for a place of consolation and respite a search, during which memories and dreams gradually merge into an imagined present. (
Tandoori Love
Original Music Composer
Sonja is a waitress at a guesthouse in the Bernese Oberland and happily engaged to her boss Markus. Everything changes when an Indian chef called Rajah enters her life. Rajah is the chef on a Bollywood film set, but when he spies Sonja in the supermarket it is love at first sight. He starts working at the guesthouse where his artful cooking sets Markus on a culinary mission and soon attracts the j
The Friend
Original Music Composer
In reality Emil and Larissa would never have been a couple she is an idolized singer, he is a shy outsider. Ironically, Emil is just getting to know Larissa when she dies unexpectedly. He pretends to have been her boyfriend and finally gets the recognition he has always yearned for, with the added bonus of a surrogate family in the form of Larissas. Things would be just great if Emil didnt fall in love - with Larissas sister Nora. The more he gets to know her, the harder it becomes for him to pretend.