Between dance and drawings, Arnaud des Pallières relates different moments of Degas’s life and unveils some of his darker sides.
A meditation on the passing of time, on a film that was never completed, upon Bazin’s death, on restoration and the future of ruins and on modern-day life that continues in resonance with the old stones.
In June 2015, forty-five years after OUT 1 was made, the filmmakers went to Paris to interview cast and crew members and to revisit some of the film’s most significant locations. THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS features new contributions from actors Bulle Ogier, Michael Lonsdale and Hermine Karagheuz, cinematographer Pierre-William Glenn, assistant director Jean-François Stévenin and producer Stéphane Tchal Gadjieff, but also rare archival interviews with actors Jacques Doniol-Valcroze and Michel Delahaye and, most prominently, illuminating statements by director Jacques Rivette himself from two different archival interviews.
The history of women through the Middle Ages as told to and by little boys and girls and an old man (Michael Lonsdale)
Apocalyptic neo-western about two gangsters, a town full of crazy people and Jesus...
Bobo and Michael Lonsdale are alone in the Château de Versailles. Together, they are walking around this ghostly place of power. The director Pippo Delbono offers a singular journey in this exceptional palace.
For many people, the English writer JRR Tolkien (1892-1973) is above all the author of the Lord of the Rings, the film series directed and produced by Peter Jackson from 2001 to 2003. But what most people are unaware of is that this immensely successful novel is only the tip of a monumental corpus, started in the 1910s, and which Tolkien pursued to the day he died in 1973. Even then... This documentary goes back to the origins of this tremendous creation and, at the same time, it is an opportunity to rediscover the surprising personality of its author. Who was this quiet and scholarly man who taught languages and old English literature at Oxford? How was this gigantic project born? Going back and forth between ordinary reality and an immaterial and fabulously rich reality, the story offers to reveal the meaning of Tolkien's life as a marvelous adventure of the mind.
N recounts the story of the Frenchman Raymond Borremans, who left Europe for Africa in the mid-20th-century. He devoted his life to the creation of the first encyclopaedia of this other world, dreaming of eternal recognition. He died, however, having only reached the letter N. With his encyclopaedia incomplete, his restless spirit drifts around West Africa, caught between life and death, past and present. This is the story of how he tries to complete his unfinished task from beyond death. N is both visually and musically a truly striking film. It is a multi-layered audio-visual symphony of great narrative richness. Hovering between dream and reality, this magical film plays on the confrontation between the Western mind and African spirituality.
Cedric Rovère
Henry, a young actor, finds himself involved in a film by cinema superstar, Cédric Rovere. Charmed by his benevolence, feelings hitherto unknown are aroused, while Rovere, intrigued by Henry's dream, lives this shoot as an unexpected gift.
A famous English writer, Lewis Lafoly, forty and languidly elegant, meets Rosennn Auroch, a young and radiant woman on Bourbon Island in the Indian Ocean in 1909...
Jean Virno
Charles Senac, author of a single novel but crowned by the Prix Goncourt, is hated by the regulars of the bar-restaurant "Le Renard jaune" who regularly insult him. One morning he is found dead in his home. For inspector Giraud, it is clear that the culprit is among the customers of "Le Renard jaune".
하울 브란당의 희곡을 영화화한 작품. 아내와 딸과 함께 조용히 살아가는 게보에게는 사실 8년 전 집을 떠난 아들 주앙이 있다. 그런데 어느 날 밤, 주앙이 아무 일도 없었다는 듯이 집으로 돌아오고 이때부터 말로 설명하기 힘든 이상한 긴장감이 발생한다. 한정된 공간 안에서 벌어지는 인물들의 미묘한 심리 변화가 돋보이는 작품. (2014 한국시네마테크협의회 - 마누엘 드 올리베이라 회고전)
Si Kaddour Ben Ghabrit
In Paris during WWII, an Algerian immigrant is inspired to join the resistance by his unexpected friendship with a Jewish man. Based on not very known facts about the Muslim community in Paris during WWII, when the Paris Mosque and its dynamic leader played a pivotal role in supporting the resistance and rescuing Jews.
When a group of African immigrants builds a cardboard village between the pews of a church soon to be closed, an elderly priest must choose between his calling and his orders.
Michael Lonsdale
A bio-doc about Micheline Presle changes into a thrilling investigation of the long hidden truth about European cinema. This mockumentary thriller uncovers Hollywood's unsuspected plot against the European motion picture industry. Numerous directors and stars appear in the film, making it a choice morsel for all film lovers.
Le Psy
Titeuf is a comic series created by Swiss draughtsman Zep (real name Philippe Chapuis) depicting the life of a young boy (the title's namesake Titeuf, "Tootuff" in the English translation) and his vision of the adult world & themes such as love, sex, seduction and mysteries about the girls. In this film, Titeuf (Donald Reignoux) is off on a new comedic adventure! Things get complicated when Nadia (Melanie Bernier) doesn’t invite Titeuf to her birthday party, which is surely the most horrible moment of his life. Before long, Titeuf’s whole life is turned upside down when his parents are nearly deported. Everything continues to spiral out of control even in the midst of Titeuf’s exhaustive attempts to make matters right.
1996년 알제리 산골 수도원. 그 곳에 신과 인간 사이에서 숭고한 신념을 지켜낸 7명의 수도사와 1명의 의사가 있었다. 그들은 의료지원에서 고민상담까지, 가난한 마을 사람들의 몸과 마음의 상처를 치유해 주며 종교를 뛰어넘는 사랑으로 마을 사람들과 평화롭게 지낸다. 하지만 이슬람근본주의자들에 의한 내전사태가 심화되면서 평화롭던 생활은 위기에 빠진다. 신을 영접하는 수도사로 신의 사랑과 믿음을 몸소 실천하려 하지만 그들 역시 인간이기에 생명을 위협하는 폭력이 두렵다. 이제 그들은 신을 따르기 위해 수도원에 남아야 할지 안정된 삶을 쫓아 떠나야 할지, 삶과 신념을 사이에 둔 중대한 선택의 순간을 맞이하게 되는데…
In an airport, six destinies, during a short moment, will change, separate and meet. And if these characters were going through, without knowing it, the most important moment of their lives? Olivier and Lila ... Will he miss his love or will she miss the plane? Julia and Marcel ... Will she avoid death or will he mess up his life? Fanny and Max ... Will she lack of courage or will he be out of luck?
로마제국이 최후를 맞이하는 격변의 시기, 신의 이름으로 세상을 지배하려는 야망으로 가득찬 이들은 거대 전쟁을 일으킬 준비를 한다. 미모와 지성을 겸비해 모든 남성들의 선망의 대상이 되었던 세기의 여인, 천재 천문학자 히파티아(레이첼 웨이즈)는 전쟁의 소용돌이 속 오직 진리만을 위해 세상과 맞서 싸운다. 한편, 스승 히파티아를 향한 사랑과 야망 사이에서 갈등하는 오레스테스(오스카 아이삭)는 결국 권력을 선택하고, 신의 이름으로 수많은 사람을 전쟁으로 몰아넣는 주교 시릴은 자신의 길을 방해하는 히파티아를 처단하기 위해 온갖 음모를 계략한다. 노예의 신분으로 히파티아를 사랑했지만, 이룰 수 없는 운명 앞에 신을 택했던 다보스(맥스 밍겔라)는 죽음의 위기에 놓인 히파티아를 위해 마지막 순간 가장 비극적인 사랑의 방식을 선택하는데… 과연, 신의 이름으로 세상을 지배하려는 세력과 그에 맞서는 사람들의 역사를 뒤흔든 전쟁의 끝은 어떻게 될 것인가?
The old blind man (segment "Le Don")
칸영화제 60주년을 기념하여 조직위원장 질 자콥이 직접 제작과 편집을 맡고, ‘영화관(館)’ 하면 떠오르는 느낌을 주제로 역대 황금종려상 수상 감독 35명이 3분짜리 스케치 33편을 찍어 완성된 영화. 거장들의 개성 넘치는 작품 속에 그들만의 영화관(觀)이 엿보인다.
Mathias Jüst
A psychologist discovers troubling links between Nazism and modern-day big business.
le vicomte Prony
1835년, 온갖 스캔들이 난무하는 프랑스 파리. 사교계의 카사노바로 명성이 높은 마리니는 아름다운 외모와 뛰어난 화술로 여성들에게 높은 인기를 누리고 있다. 귀족 가문의 에르망갸드와 결혼을 앞두고 있는 그는 10년동안 이별과 만남을 습관처럼 반복하며 연인 관계를 유지해 온 스페인 무희 벨리니와의 관계를 정리한다. 주위의 만류에도 불구하고 마리니와의 결혼을 추진하는 에르망갸드의 할머니는 마리니에게 벨리니와의 관계에 대해 소상히 얘기해달라며 마리니와 밤을 지샌다. 그리고 무사히 결혼식을 치른 후, 마리니와 에르망갸드는 파리를 떠나 조용한 해안가 마을에서 행복한 신혼 생활을 즐긴다. 그들의 행복도 잠시 뿐. 어느 날, 벨리니가 나타나 마리니의 주변을 맴도는데…
A blind man tells his niece about the time he screened Casablanca to a rural village.
Bartleby (voice)
The Daltons have escaped to New York, where their accumulated loot is hidden in the carts of Monsieur Pierre's group of honest, naive European immigrants, who naively bought land in California from Crook, who inserted a clause they must claim it within 80 days. Joe emotionally blackmails Luke to guide them there, hoping to escape on the way. The usual route must shortened from 6 to 2 months, so no danger can be avoided. Given Lucky's reputation, Crook decides to shadow them to add sabotage, just to be sure- or is it?
Inquisitor General
궁중화가 고야의 아름다운 모델이자 영원한 뮤즈 이네스는 부당한 누명을 쓰고 종교재판소에 갇히게 된다. 이네스의 아버지인 부유한 상인 토마스는 딸을 구하기 위해 성당 재건 비용 기부 등 백방으로 노력한다. 이를 구실로 고야와 로렌조 신부를 집에 초대한다. 이네스가 부당한 심문에 자백 한 사실을 듣게 되고, 토마스는 어이없는 강변을 늘어놓는 로렌조를 심문한다. 로렌조에게 종교재판소를 모독하는 강제 고백의 고해문서를 받아낸 그는 심문의 고통은 이성을 마비시키고 허위고백을 할 수 있다는 것을 증명하려 한다.
전 세계의 이목이 집중된 1972년 뮌헨올림픽. 모두가 스포츠의 환희와 감동에 열광하는 가운데 끔찍한 인질 사건이 발생한다. 이 사건은 전 세계에 TV로 생중계가 되고, 팔레스타인 무장 조직 ‘검은 9월단’은 인질로 잡았던 이스라엘 선수단 11명을 살해한다. 전 세계는 엄청난 충격과 혼란에 휩싸이고, 팔레스타인은 이제 세계가 그들의 목소리로 귀기울이게 되었다고 자축한다. 하지만, 팔레스타인에 대한 보복을 결심한 이스라엘은 ‘검은 9월단’이 했던 것처럼 세계인의 이목을 끌 수 있는 비밀 공작을 준비하게 되고…. 이스라엘 정보기관 ‘모사드’는 최정예 요원들을 소집, 기록조차 없는 비밀 조직을 만들고 ‘검은 9월단’에 대한 복수를 명령한다. 조국애가 깊은 ‘모사드’ 출신 비밀 요원 ‘애브너(에릭 바나)’를 리더로 도주, 폭발물, 문서위조, 뒷처리를 담당하는 전문가들로 암살팀을 구성한다. 뮌헨 사건의 배후 인물로 지목된 팔레스타인인은 모두 11명. 이스라엘 비밀 요원들은 이들을 한 명씩 찾아내 치밀한 복수를 시작한다. 하지만 그들은 목표물을 제거할수록 조국의 임무와 복수의 정당성 사이에서 고민하기 시작하고, 살인에 대한 죄책감을 느낀다. 동시에 자신들 또한 누군지 모르는 암살팀의 표적으로 쫓기게 되는 아이러니한 상황에 빠져든다. 애브너와 비밀 요원들은 점점 더 큰 두려움과 죄책감에 사로잡혀가는데….
As Gentille opens, Fontaine Leglou is walking down a Paris street, and stops to confront a man whom she suspects is following her. She tells him he looks normal, but she's sorry, she doesn't have time to have coffee with him. When he convincingly protests that he was not following her, she apologizes and asks him to have coffee. Fontaine would seem to have a relatively good life. She works as an anesthetist at a fancy mental hospital, and she's got a live-in Nobel Prize-winning arctic scientist boyfriend, Michel, who seems to love her. But there's clearly something nagging at her. She walks around in a perpetually distracted state, and frequently mistakes other peoples' identities and their intentions. When Michel proposes to her, she needs some time to digest it before she responds.
Paul Doumer
On March 21, 1905, the hemicycle of the Palais-Bourbon resounded with the first session of a crucial and animated parliamentary debate, which was to last nearly ten months and occupy 48 sessions in the Chamber of Deputies. They have to study the bill of separation of the Churches and the State. This law, which founded laicity in France, was adopted on December 9, 1905.
A period drama set in the early years of the 20th century. Josef, a former construction worker who delighted in dancing on girders high above the city, who now sweeps up at the circus. Once the big top's owner spots the young roustabout defying gravity on the trapeze, however, he endeavors to pair Josef with his aerialist daughter Alice in a perilous sky-high pas de deux. Offers a romantic view of big top life, with a moth-eaten angel in his feathered, tattered costume.
Le professeur Stangerson
Newly married, Mathilde and Robert are honeymooning at a resort owned by their friends Edith and Arthur, the Chateau d'Hercule. But an unpleasant shock is in store for them.
Le gardien
브루노와 노엘은 일렉트로닉 음악 작곡가들이다. 브루노에게 중요한 건 음악과 사운드뿐이며 그는 자신을 둘러싼 세상의 모든 소음을 재정리하고 싶어한다. 그는 끊임없이 소음을 듣고 작곡하고 녹음한다. 막 레코드 계약을 맺으려고 할 무렵, 브루노는 수화기에서 들려오는 어떤 목소리에 빠져들게 된다. 목소리의 주인공의 이름은 리사. 그들은 밤에만, 그것도 철저한 어둠 속의 호텔방에서만 만난다. 그는 그녀와의 만남을 통해 얻은 그녀의 목소리, 허밍, 신음소리들로 음악을 만들고 영감을 얻는다. 하지만 몇 번의 만남 후, 그녀는 흔적도 없이 사라져 버리고 그녀에게 집착하게 된 브루노는 리사를 찾아나서게 된다. 이제 브루노에게 남겨진 단서라곤 그녀의 목소리뿐이다.
A mysterious writer is involved in a love affair with his stepson's wife, leading to a web of intrigue and desire.
Under threat in Algeria, Ismahel emigrates to France where he wants to live and work, with the hope that the people he's fleeing from will forget him the time he is away. In the letters that he writes to the daughter that he left behind in his homeland, he tells his own story in the guise of the biblical tale of Jonas and the Whale. Somewhere in France, an elderly farmer has just lost his young son. His three other children help him as much as they can to get through the trial of the funeral, but the ceremony is halted when the old man falls ill. The two stories unfold parallel to each other and are alternated.
더이상 서로를 보며 아파해야할 이유도, 미워해야할 이유도 없다고 생각한 질과 마리옹, 이제 그들은 각자의 삶을 살아가려고 한다. 함께 살던 집도, 둘 사이에 태어난 아이도, 함께했던 추억도 이제는 더이상 그 둘을 묶어둘 수 없었다. 한때는 열렬히 사랑했던 질과 마리옹, 그 둘이 헤어질 수 밖에 없는 이유는....
Don Salvadore
From his locksmith's shop, a simple guy dreams of becoming a crime boss, at the wheel of his Cadillac surrounded by blonde bimbos. He starts small, assassinating petty criminals. Gaining renown in the newspapers as "Le Furet" (The Ferret), he soon sets his sights higher. The police and organized crime both take up the chase.
Joseph Rouletabille, a reporter for a local newspaper, investigates the attempted killing of Mathilde Stangerson, who uses the yellow room of the title as her bedroom. At the time of the revolver shots her room was locked and the windows were barred, but when her father enters after having forced the door, there is no-one there except for Mathilde. So who did it and how did he get away?
Opaz (french voice)
600년 후의 지구, 한 무리의 사람들이 '액시스'라고 하는 거대한 나무에 의지해 그 속에서 살아간다. 그들은 자신들이 받드는 신을 위해 수액을 채집해 바친다. 그러나 무슨 이유인지, 나무가 점점 시들어가면서 수액도 말라간다. 그곳에서 살아가는 한 소녀 '케냐'는 항상 또 다른 세상이 있다고 믿으며 그곳을 찾으려 하고 있다. 우연한 사건으로 마을에서 도망치게 된 케냐는 외계 생명체 '베카노이'인을 만난다. 그리고 인간보다 훨씬 더 뛰어난 지능을 지닌 벌레의 도움으로 위험에 처한 마을 사람들을 구하러 나선다. 사람들이 믿고 있는 신이란 사실, '베카노이'를 없애려고 하는 외계 생명체였던 것. 그리고 그 '베카노이'와 '액시스'는 동일한 존재였다. '베카노이'가 사라지면, '액시스' 또한 사라지게 되는 것이다. '베카노이'의 선택을 받은 인간, 케냐는 사람들을 구하기 위해 최선의 선택을 해야만 한다.
Hugo Drax (archive footage) (uncredited)
Roger Moore presents the ten best sequences ever to have appeared in the James Bond series, and cast members recall their favourite moments.
In a big isolated house, Mikael, a musician, is composing a psalm. A young woman, Linda, comes to retreive a suitcase belonging to Sébastien, her companion and Mikael's friend. It contains hundreds of photographs from all over the world. While he is travelling, Sébastien has asked Linda to organise the photographs with a view to an exhibition. Mikael invites Linda to reside with him. She accepts. That is the heart of the film – an intertwining of photographs which, juxtaposed by Linda, begin to speak. In parallel with this, Linda receives cassette-letters from Sébastien. A subtle relationship is established between Linda, the young debutante, and Mikael, the man of experience. Mikael goes off to direct his psalm, Linda stays alone. The walls become covered with photographs – wall of happiness, wall of misery – the fight between Good and Evil. Linda learns of the accidental death of Sébastien and stays alone.
Delphine Seyrig, an extraordinary woman and actress, died on October 15, 1990. From "Last Year at Marienbad" by Alain Resnais to "India Song" by Marguerite Duras, she played in 34 films for cinema, 13 films for television and 33 plays. Jacqueline Veuve, filmmaker and friend of Delphine Seyrig, wanted to break the silence that has fallen on her memory by making a documentary that traces with emotion and subjectivity the life of the mythical actress, the fierce feminist but also the simple friend.
Les Acteurs is the absurd story of Jean-Pierre Marielle desperately waiting for a cup of hot water, the story of a conspiracy against actors, the story of aging actors whose careers are slowly less active than they used to be, but a stunning tribute to French actors and their cinema.
The life and work of Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), an American writer who lived in France for more than half of her life ("... not the half that made me, but the half when I did what I did..."), presented in a montage of her autobiographical texts, with pictures from today mixed with archives from the past.
Documentary looking at the production of the James Bond movie 'Moonraker'. Narated by Patrick Macnee.
Maître Flavius (Voice)
Kom is from a tribe of monkeys who live in a canopy. He rejects elders' authority as well as the superstition that the lower world would be inhabited by demons. But he accidentally falls from the trees…
프랑스 파리, 아일랜드 테러리스트인 시무스(Seamus: 조나단 프라이스 분)는 그들이 원하는 가방을 손에 넣기 위해 용병인 샘(Sam: 로버트 드 니로 분)를 포함하여 6명을 고용한다. 이들은 전술가 샘을 위시하여, 카레이서 래리(Larry: 스킵 서듀스 분), 무기 전문가 스펜스(Spence: 숀 빈 분), 전자기기 전문가 그레고(Gregor: 스텔란 스카스가드 분), 프랑스 코디네이터 빈센트(Vincent: 쟝 르노 분), 여자 대원 다이어드레(Dierdre: 나타샤 맥엘혼 분)으로 구성되어 있다. 서로 잘 알지 못하는 이들은 임무를 수행하기 위해 무기를 구입하던 중 평소에 조심스러운 성격의 샘은 빈센트의 생명을 구하게 되어 그의 신임을 얻는다. 고용된 특수전문가 여섯명은 군대에서 훈련받은 용사로 전술과 무기에 관한 완벽한 지식을 갖춘 대단한 능력의 소유자들이다. 가방이 여러 경호원의 보호하에 수송 중이라는 정보를 가지고 그들은 니스로 향한다. 그곳에서 샘은 직접 현장을 답사하며 구체적 계획을 세우는데.
Monseigneur Loublié
God comes to Earth in order to make a film.
Don Luis
Spain in the mid-seventeenth century. A series of bloody wars has ravaged the nation. Don Juan the nobleman and his valet, Sganarelle, roam the countryside on horseback, on the run and lost.
Honoré de Balzac
The film's title is a pun, the double meaning referencing both the "wrong genre" and a person with distasteful motives. Insecure novelist Martial Bok promotes his new sexy novel La Fille de Dos ("Girl Observed From the Rear") with a round of book-signings and talk-shows. When beautiful hat designer Camille buys the book, Martial follows her and spies on her as she reads his book and removes her clothing. It's the beginning of his obsession and also an inspiration. After Martial's live-in girlfriend Lucie establishes contact with Camille for real, Martial is able to type out another sexy manuscript.
A couple takes charge of mounting the film of love and war of a filmmaker friend faded away.
Nelly leaves her lazy, unemployed husband to work for retired judge Mr Arnaud, forty years her senior, after he offers to clear her bills for her. While she types his memoirs the two develop a close friendship, but Arnaud becomes jealous when Nelly begins dating his good-looking young publisher.
Louis XVI
소위 많이 알려진 사람들의 사생활은 비교적 잘 보호되어 있다. 특히 정치가들의 사생활은 때론 정치생활에 치명타가 될 수도 있기에 철저하게 베일에 가려진 경우가 많다. 미국의 제 3대 대통령이었던 토마스 제퍼슨의 사생활. 실제 제퍼슨은 아내와 사별한 후 독신으로 살았다는 것이 정설이지만, 영화는 그가 아내와 사별한 후 연인을 사귀었고, 또 노예에게도 빠져 들었다는 이야기를 한다. 제퍼슨의 인생에서 유일하고도 전부인 여자가 되고 싶었던 딸은 아버지의 행동에서 혼란을 겪는다. 1780년 파리에서 미국 대사로 재직하던 제퍼슨의 이러한 사생활을 중심으로 영화는 이야기를 풀어간다. '미국 민주주의의 아버지'라고 불리는 제퍼슨조차 인간적 상황을 벗어날 수 없다? 어떤 인간도 사랑이라는 의식적이지 않은 함정을 피해갈 수 없다고 한다면, 한펀으로는 착잡하고 한편으로는 흥미진진하지 않은가? (최상희)
A homage to journalist Francis Ponge in a film that its author regarded as “natural.”
Dupont D'Ivry
1958년, 스티븐스(Stevens: 안소니 홉킨스 분)는 영국 시골로 여행을 떠난다. 여행을 하며 그는 1930년대 국제회의 장소로 유명했던 달링턴 홀, 그리고 주인 달링턴 경(Lord Darlington: 제임스 폭스 분)을 위해 일해왔던 지난 날을 회고해본다. 당시 유럽은 나찌의 태동과 함께 전운의 소용돌이에 휘말려있었다. 스티븐스는 그에게 충성을 다하지만, 독일과의 화합을 추진하던 달링턴은 친 나찌주의자로 몰려 종전 후 폐인이 되고 만다. 20여 년이 지난 지금, 자신의 맹목적인 충직스러움과 직업 의식 때문에 사생활의 많은 부분이 희생되었음을 깨닫는다. 아버지의 임종을 지켜보지도 못했고, 매력적인 켄튼(Miss Kenton: 엠마 톰슨 분)의 사랑을 일부러 무시했고 몇년 동안 켄튼과 스티븐스의 관계는 경직되어왔다. 내면에서 불타오르는 애모의 정을 감춘 채 스티븐스는 오로지 임무에만 충실해온 것이다. 결국 그의 태도에 실망한 그녀는 그를 포기하고 다른 사람과 결혼하고야 만다. 지금 스티븐스는 결혼에 실패한 켄튼에게로 향하고 있다. 그녀를 설득시켜 지난날 감정을 바로잡아 잃어버린 젊은 날의 사랑을 되찾기위해. 그러나 이러한 희망마저 무산되고 그는 새주인에 의해 다시 옛모습을 되찾게 된 달링턴성으로 혼자서 외로이 돌아온다. 지난날의 온갖 영욕을 이겨내고 꿋꿋이 살아남은 달링턴성은 어쩌면 자신과 조국 영국의 모습일지도 모른다는 생각을 하면서.
Martin raises alone his son Jonas. Road works Ministry, which employs him, is upset by fighting for power between the Director and Gosselin his assistant.
The naive and self-conscious Leah mistakenly signs a pact with the devil Abargadon. But she's on Heaven's hit list, so the Archangel Gabriel intervenes to bring about the demon's demise. But Leah begins to find Abargadon attractive and not so bad. She decides to save his soul.
A two-part documentary made for French TV about Georges Perec, directed by his former partner Catherine Binet. It features a mixture of archival footage, scenes from Perec’s films and to-camera readings of excerpts from his work by various actors and friends of the author (Michael Lonsdale, Marina Vlady, Alain Cuny, Sami Frey, Edith Scob, Harry Mathews and others).
The theme of Romeo and Juliet is the starting point from which the film spins a web of several stories. A love story between a boy and a girl whose families are Algerian: they are young, beautiful and they are trying to build a family and a social life in France. They love each other, and yet conflicts, family pressure and contradicting desires alternately tear them apart and unite them. The story of Romeo and Juliet, minus death.
Xavier Lorion
In 1944, a dashing German soldier and a beautiful French girl fell deeply in love while World War II raged on. More than forty years later, Ernest Kestner, retired and recently widowed, leaves his adopted home in New York and returns to France to visit his headstrong, estranged daughter, with the fleeting hope of finding the love he was forced to leave behind. But this is no ordinary vacation in the charming French countryside. The mood is strangely dark, and what Kestner and his daughter encounter is completely unexpected as the veteran soldier seeks the ultimate Souvenir - born from the ashes of a horrible, hidden secret. Based on the true story of Oradour-sur-Glane, a French town that was nearly wiped out near the end of WWII. Most every man, woman and child was gunned down or burned in retaliation for the French Resistance. The entire ruined town has been preserved as a national memorial. - Written by Mackinac Media Inc.
From the construction of a sculpture "life size" in the earth, the director Boris Lehman imagines a story that staged a sculptor (Paulus Brun) struggling with an impossible order. The man of land is "golemise", takes life in the countryside, and ends up dying on an opera stage.
Story about the young Balthazar thrown from one remarkable event to the other. On his way through a plague hit the landscape, he meets the Kabbalists, priests - and himself.
A German TV documentary that chronicles the daily rehearsals, the filming and all the behind the scenes of Jean-Jacques Annaud's classic "The Name of the Rose". From actors perspectives to the ideas used by the director to produce an impeccable international epic adaptation of Umberto Eco's best selling novel, the film presents the obstacles behind the creation of a production of such large scale and also the making of the many difficult scenes, most of the ones presented here are the characters' murders inside the mysterious abbey.
The Abbot
1327년 이탈리아 북부에 있는 베네딕트 수도원에서 그림 그리는 채식 수사 아델모의 시체가 발견되면서 수도원은 술렁이기 시작한다. 당시 교회의 청빈을 주장하는 프라시스코 수도회와 그를 반박하는 교황청 및 다른 교단들의 반목이 심화되자 이를 해결키 위해 이 수도원에서 각 교단이 모여 토론을 하기로 함으로써, 프란시스코 수사인 윌리엄(William of Baskerville: 숀 코넬리 분)은 수련 제자 아조(Adso of Melk: 크리스찬 슬레이터 분)를 데리고 이곳에 들른다. 뛰어난 두뇌의 소유자 윌리엄이 수도원이 심상치 않음을 간파하자 수도원장(The Abbot: 미쉘 론스데일 분)은 윌리엄에게 이 사건을 해결해 달라고 요청한다. 그러던 중 그리이스어 번역사가 다시 살해되고 요한 계시록의 예언대로 수사들이 죽음을 맞자 수도원은 악마의 역사가 시작됐다고 극도의 불안에 떤다. 서고를 은밀히 지키던 두 사람은 심야에도 서관에서 누군가가 책 한권을 훔쳐 달아나는 것을 목격하고 뒤를 밟았지만 그들이 발견한 것은 주방에서 정사를 벌이고 있는 마을처녀와 수도승. 가난한 마을 처녀는 그렇게 해서 식량을 구하고 있는 것이었다. 윌리엄은 사서와 보조사서의 행동을 수상쩍다고 느끼던 중 암호가 적인 양피지를 발견, 사서외엔 아무도 못들어 간다는 도서관에 비밀의 열쇠가 있다고 판단, 잠입을 시도하지만 실패한다. 한편 죽은 수사마다 혀와 손가락 끝에 검은 잉크자국이 베어 있는데. 그러던 사이에 이단 심문에서 유죄로 선고된 두 수도승, 여기에 마녀로 선고된 마을처녀도 함께 묶여서 세사람의 발아래 장작이 쌓이는 순간 윌리암은 범인을 알아내고 서고탑 안으로 들어가는데.
To relieve her boredom, a lonely woman embarks on adventures that turn out to be disappointing.
This quickly-filmed avant-garde farce by prolific director Raul Ruiz features an insomniac (Michel Lonsdale) whose main preoccupation is surreptitiously watching private matters -- he is a voyeur. He and an equally disreputable acquaintance rape a woman alongside the Seine, a crime made all the worse because she is pregnant. The rest of this slow-paced film deals with the consequences of that action.
Ernst Manfredi
A man who was a confidant of Adolf Hitler dies and leaves a fortune to make amends for his Nazi past—but his son has to search the world to find it.
Saint Eloi
King's Dagobert I intestinal and sexual problems loom large as he survives an attack on his royal caravan then barely makes it to Rome to personally give thanks to the Pope. After he arrives at the Vatican, he becomes involved in the battle between two contenders for the papacy and has to face the machinations of a ruthless Byzantine princess.
This afterword to India Song (Duras' celebrated 1975 film) is organized in several parts. It begins with an interview to Marguerite Duras by Dominique Noguez, an expert in her work; the interview links the film to the two movies whom it's related to: The Ravishment of Lol V. Stein and The Vice-Consul.
Several themes are tackled: childhood, autobiographical traces, relationships between differents characters and different films and more. India Song's main actors — Delphine Seyrig and Michael Lonsdale, who played Anne-Marie Stretter and the French vice-consul — join the conversation and talk about their roles and their craft. Marguerite Duras then evokes her memories of the shooting with the composer Carlos D'Alessio and her camera operato Bruno Nuytten.
The conversations are punctuated by clips of the film.
Le docteur
A courageous judge tries to dismantle a drug traffickers ring.
Narrator (original version only)
Chronopolis tells the story of a gargantuan city lurking in the sky colonized by powerful immortals who have become jaded with eternal life. Most of their time is spent monotonously constructing bizarre and unusual objects while waiting for the ultimate gift to arrive in their hands.
After the birthday party of his wife Odile, Louis accompanies a friend to the station. When the train leaves he starts reminiscing about his youth.
Senator Onésimo Sanchez
While Erendira, a beautiful teenage girl, has a surreal mystical vision, her grandmother's house catches on fire and burns to the ground. Her grandmother holds Erendira responsible and, in order to extract restitution from the girl, forces her into prostitution. Erendira's surreal mystical experiences continue while her grandmother grows rich from exploiting her.
Five highly-trained KGB agents are sent to the west to assassinate several Soviet dissidents. In order to stop the diabolical plot, an American agent must infiltrate Soviet intelligence and obtain information from a Russian computer.
A reporter travelling to Latin America witnesses a murder through the lens of his camera.
Commissioner Bancau
After a feminist is found murdered in her own home, a police detective investigates the crime with the help of several determined women.
After a businessman is captured by kidnappers, his rescue seems incumbent on a group of filmmakers, rather than a lackluster police force -- a premise that is matched by the rest of this movie. The kidnapping victim rambles on philosophically with his captors, who end up leaving him alone -- thereby providing him with a chance to escape. As he makes a break for it, he is literally hounded by some guard dogs. Then there are also some interviews with people who know one of the kidnappers, though it is not clear why. Neither the victim, nor the kidnappers, nor the filmmakers can compete with the canines, the only protagonists who add some bite to the action.
Bertrand Haines-Pearson
In this eerie, atmospheric tale, a young woman is on a train when she sees some people she thinks she knows from her childhood. On arriving home, her husband tells her that a certain countess has died. At that point, the film cuts to a scene of the countess singing in a mausoleum while the visual image of the graveyard's many tombstones passes before one's eyes. Back home, the husband -- also a "father-figure" -- is looking over his collection of wooden angels. Some time elapses, and he surreptitiously sees a thief come down through the chimney, steal some things, and then leave. To combat any recurrence, he builds an iron, escape-proof cage around the fireplace, and then goes away on a trip. When he comes back, he finds the thief dead in the cage. Thus far, the camera has only shown the husband in profile or from the back. Then there is another story about a young girl, with a spiteful, nasty mother, who is trying to cope with her own attraction to a man.
Garth Jones (scenes deleted)
1919년 캠브리지 대학에 해럴드 아브라함이라는 청년이 입학한다. 유태인이자 고리대금업자의 아들인 그는 유태인들을 멸시하는 사람들의 코를 납작하게 만들기 위해 열심히 공부했고 결국 그가 원하는 학교에 입학한 것이다. 그의 또다른 희망은 유태인에 대한 편견을 없애고 자신이 영국을 대표하는 육상선수로 파리 올림픽에 출전하여 금메달을 목에 거는 것. 학교 규칙상 허용이 되지 않음에도 불구하고 육상선수 출신인 우사비나를 개인 코치로 두고 맹연습을 감행하는 해럴드는 자신의 단점을 하나씩 고쳐가며 단거리 주자로서의 면모를 갖춰간다. 1920년 스코틀랜드의 한 마을. 에릭 리델이라는 청년이 바람을 가르며 트랙을 달린다. 그는 스코틀랜드에서 가장 빠른 사람으로 불리며, 프랑스와의 경기를 비롯해 각종 경기에서 우승한 경력을 지니고 있다. 그러나 그는 육상을 포기하고 다시 중국에서 선교활동을 하도록 끊임없이 애원하는 여동생 때문에 신앙과 육상 사이에서 갈등을 겪고 있다. 시간이 흘러 마침내 다가온 프랑스 올림픽의 개막일. 에릭과 해럴드는 영국을 대표하는 육상 선수로 발탁되어 프랑스행 배에 오른다. 그러나 에릭은 자신의 출전일이 일요일이라는 것을 알고 갑자기 출전을 포기하게 되는데...
Martin Bormann
Dramatization depicting the events surrounding Adolf Hitler's last weeks in and around his underground bunker in Berlin before and during the battle for the city.
Jean (Niels Arestrup), the lead character in this psychological journey is torn by a search for his lost childhood, the overwhelming need to love a woman of his dreams (someone he has invented), and a struggle with his latent bisexuality. Jean finds some photos inside an automatic photo station that look like his mother who died soon after he was born. He starts to fantasize about the woman, giving her a name and identity and waiting for her to appear. During this time, he meets Carole (Christine Boisson) and has an affair with her, all the while pretending he has this other relationship with the woman in the photo. Significantly, the couple who introduce him to Carole is childless, and they eventually split up - perhaps a comment on the importance of childhood to the adult world. In the end, Carole discovers that Jean's "other woman" has no real existence, causing a crisis that finds a symbolic expression as the last scenes close on the story.
Jean Papeuil
Hugo Drax
미국에서 영국으로 공수 중이던 문레이커가 공중에서 탈취를 당한다. 조사를 맡은 007은 문레이커를 개발, 제조한 장본인인 드랙스가 배후의 인물임을 알아낸다. 드랙스 산업기지에 위장 취업한 CIA 요원 굿헤드와 연합으로 조사하던 중 드랙스가 인간만을 죽이는 독가스로 지구를 깨끗이 청소한 뒤 선택받은 젊은 남녀들로 신인류 제국을 건설하려는 야망을 가지고 있다는 것을 알아낸다. 007과 굿헤드는 몰래 그들 틈에 숨어 드랙스의 우주 기지로 날아간다. 레이더 방해 장치를 파괴하여 지상에 이곳의 존재를 알린 007과 굿헤드는 발사된 독가스 캡슐을 걱정한다.
바스크족 양치기 안소니 퀸은 미국태생 과학자 존 버그슨을 나치 점령하의 프랑스에서 페레네 산맥을 넘어 스페인으로 탈출시키는 작전을 맡게 된다. 그러나 막상 프랑스에 들어가 보니 교수뿐 아니라 병든 아내와 두 자녀가 있음을 알고 놀랜다. 이들 뒤를 냉혹한 친위대 대위 폰 베르코브가 지휘하는 게슈타포가 습격해왔다. 비밀통로로 탈출한 교수일행은 탈출 도중 레지스탕스의 습격을 받으나 위기를 모면해 짚시 캬라반의 도움으로 싼리무로 가게되나 대위에게 발각되는데...
A paean to Darwin and his theories, this documentary on the increasing complexity of life forms as they go up the evolutionary scale is fascinating in its visual images. Microscopic organisms in a tiny drop of water vie for the viewer's interest with birds and monkeys and other animals in their natural setting. Intelligence and awareness increase on the way toward more evolved species until it becomes clear that different kinds of apes and monkeys are fairly calculating in their use of tools and communication. One drawback is that the narration does not entertain on a par with the images captured on camera.
A group of friends listen as one man tells them a story about a time when, in a small cafe, he discovered a peephole into the ladies' bathroom and became addicted to looking through it at female genitals. They ask him questions and come to conclusions about sex. This is a filmed, scripted version. Then, the actual person who this happened to relates the same story; this time, however, it is an unscripted documentary, in which the same things occur as in the scripted one.
The Waiter
Mourning for a lost relationship can be every bit as devastating as mourning for someone who has died. In this drama based on the director's own novel, a couple with an unhappy marriage agree to a trial separation. They try to patch things up, and at the same time other relationships begin to develop for them.
In this sardonic comedy, after an executive is killed in a mysterious automobile accident, the French offices of his multinational company is inundated with mysteriously threatening be-ribboned anti-capitalist tracts, delivered overnight to everyone's desks. Later, the executive's body is brought to company offices for an official wake -- only no one at the company has ordered that such a thing be done. A mysterious prankster, who is able to imitate the voice of the company's president, has arranged these things. When Americans from the head office get wind of these developments, they institute a search for the perpetrator which leads to mysterious subterranean passages under the company's skyscraper.
Georges Aubert
Adaptation of the classic Herman Melville short story. The narrator, an elderly Manhattan lawyer with a very comfortable business helping wealthy men deal with mortgages, deeds, and bonds, relates the story of the strangest man he has ever known.
1942년, 나치가 점령한 프랑스 파리에서 로베르 클라인은 성공한 미술품 거래상으로 전쟁 중에도 부유하게 살고 있다. 하지만 사실 그는 유태인들이 어쩔 수 없이 내놓는 미술품들을 헐값에 사들여 되파는 식으로 돈을 벌고 있다. 그러던 어느 날, 클라인은 자신이 유태인이라는 오해를 받고 있음을 알게 된다. 그는 자신이 유태인이 아님을 밝히기 위해 조사를 시작하지만, 점점 위기에 몰리게 된다. 미국 출신으로 구 소련, 영국 등에 걸쳐 활동했으며, 사회파 감독으로 불리는 조셉 로지의 대표작. 인간의 이중성과 복잡한 내면을 탁월하게 묘사하여 세계적 절찬을 받았고, 신분을 입증하기 위해 분투하는 클라인 역의 알랭 들롱은 직접 제작에도 참여했다. (시네마테크부산 2010 - 알랭 들롱 & 이브 몽땅 특별전)
The Vice Consul of Lahore
The full soundtrack to Marguerite Duras' 1975 film India Song, about a French ambassador's wife in 1930s India, is here repurposed with all new cinematography. As we hear all the dialogue of a bygone movie, we travel visually through images of absence and decay, bereft of life. It's the ghost of a film, and a further commentary on colonialism.
The President of the Republic
Brumaire, the director of public relations at the Élysée, is trying to boost the rating of his government.
A César nominated short drama.
A small industrialist from Toulouse, goes to Paris to negotiate the buyout of his company from an American financial group. During his stay, the representative of the large firm calls on a luxury call girl to facilitate their "business".
Stephane Mostri
A girl from an asylum is engaged as nurse to a small, spoiled orphan boy, whose uncle has evil designs on him, and who hopes to kill him and cast the blame on the girl.
What is real and what is fiction? Faced with writer's block with his novel, Lewis Fielding turns to a film script about a woman finding herself after his wife Elizabeth returns from Baden Baden. She didn't quite find herself there but had a brief encounter in a lift with a German who says he is a poet. Now the German is in England, gets himself invited to tea where he claims he admires Fielding's books. Which one does he like the best? "Tom Jones." Amused at being confused with the other Fielding, the novelist works the German into the plot.
Le Vice-Consul de Lahore
1930년대의 인도. 프랑스 대사관 부영사의 아내인 안느 마리는 인도의 더운 날씨가 견딜 수 없이 싫다. 그녀는 인도의 더위와 답답한 생활에 짜증이 나기 시작하고, 그 짜증은 덥다는 이유로 인도를 좋아하는 사람들에 대한 적개심으로까지 발전한다. 그리고 그 모든 것을 잊기 위해 안느는 사랑을 찾아나선다. 한편, 그녀의 남편은 아내의 외도를 알고 있지만 아내가 왜 그런 행동을 하는지 이해하고 짐짓 모른 척 지낸다. 그러나 그녀가 정작 원했던 것은 남편의 사랑이었다. 단지 그가 요구하지 않았기 때문에 밖으로만 나돌았던 것. 남편은 그 사실을 알고 당황한다.
David Sutter
Somewhere in rural France, a young English female tourist is sexually assaulted by two men in the countryside. After she manages to escape, a party of local hunters agree to track her in order to cover up the scandal.
Pierre Pucheu - le ministre de l'intérieur
In occupied France during the WWII, a German officer is murdered. The collaborationist Vichy government decides to pin the murder on six petty criminals. Loyal judges are called in to convict them as quickly as possible.
Le peintre
Bernardette is feeling bored in a country house. She decides to send weekend invitations to a lot of people.
le médecin
The painful life of a mentally unstable but highly gifted woman is unveiled in this film, based on episodes from the life of an actual person. Aloise (Delphine Seyrig) creates a series of haunting drawings while she is incarcerated in an institution for the insane in turn-of-the-century Switzerland. She endures torments as a musically gifted girl and later as a young woman; her developing madness and the barbaric treatments of the time are shown.
Cardinal Barberini (later Pope Urban VIII)
Challenged by a new student, tutor and theorist Galileo co-opts emerging telescope technology and discovers irrefutable proof of the heretical notion that the earth is not the center of the universe. But in a rigid society ruled by an uneasy alliance of aristocracy and clergy already undermined by the Plague and the Reformation, science is a threat and enlightenment is a luxury. Faced with either death at the hands of the Inquisition or recantation to a hypocritical but all-powerful Papacy, Galileo must choose between his own life and the restless scientific curiosity that he has spurned family, friends, and wealth to pursue.
Inspecteur Fournier
"In Serieux comme le plaisir, two men and a woman live quite happily together in a romantic liaison. The woman is probably wealthy anyway, so the trio doesn't worry much about money. One day they decide to take a trip in their beat-up car, managing the whole affair in their own special, insouciant manner. They are followed by a suspicious policeman who thinks there's something fishy about this group..."
Le juge Souftries
When an American tourist is murdered in the south of France, the police must investigate. In this movie, the police inspector re-creates the girl's journeys through France until the murder is solved. Suspicions are narrowed down to four possible perpetrators early on, and flashbacks illuminate the roles each one played in the girl's vacation.
Michel Dolannes resigns from a major newspaper as a journalist to launch a new journal 'Le Cosmopolite' which reveals all kinds of shady deals.One day, he is killed but who is the killer?
Le chapelier
공산주의라는 유령이 부르주아를 두렵게 만든다고 말했던 칼 마르크스와는 달리 부뉴엘은 20세기 후반 부르주아를 가장 두려움에 떨게 만드는 게 자유라는 환영이라고 말한다. 1808년 프랑스군에 저항하다 학살된 스페인 혁명가들의 주검과 1970년 파리 부르주아들의 부조리한 삶을 연결시키면서 부뉴엘은 에 이어 부르주아 계급의 가치, 질서의 몰락을 또 한번 코믹하게 묘사한다. 10개 남짓한 에피소드로 이루어진 영화는 꼬리에 꼬리를 물고 이어지며 초현실적인 분위기를 자아낸다. (씨네코드 선재 - 시네프랑스)
Duc de Croyter (as Michel Lonsdale)
American Neil Bowman is traveling through France when he meets British photographer Lila. They are hired by French land owner Duc de Croyter to escort a Hungarian scientist to New York. But they soon realize that the job is not a cushy number, and have to deal with a gang of kidnappers who will stop at nothing to get their hands on the scientist
Le reporter TV / Ponce Pilate
A very personal interpretation, to say the least, of the passion of the Christ According to St. John.
Docteur Mézy
스타비스키(장 폴 벨몽드 분)는 프랑스 상류 사회에 속하기를 갈망했던 유태계 러시아인 아버지의 꿈을 언젠가는 자신이 이루겠다는 생각으로 살아 왔다. 그리고 그는 아버지의 그 꿈을 극단적으로 실천한다. 세련된 매너와 영리함으로 무장한 이 매력적인 사기꾼은 곧 프랑스 상류 사회 여성들이 가장 사귀고 싶어하는 인물이 된다. 그러던 어느 날, 스타비스키는 경찰의 지명수배 대상이 되고, 얼마 후 자살한 채로 발견된다. 핵심권력과 관련된 이 사건은 곧 프랑스 전역에 걸쳐 겉잡을 수 없이 퍼져나갔다. 스타비스키는 거짓말과 속임수로 많은 정재계 인사들 사이에서 거액의 뇌물을 수수해 왔던 것이다. 1933년 7월 24일 일요일 어느날, 그날도 어김없이 스타비스키는 성대한 파티를 즐기고 있었다. 늦은 저녁, 그의 충복인 보렐리는 벌이던 사업이 심각한 상태에 있음과 최근 꾸민 정크 본드 계획을 비롯해 이제까지 해왔던 사기 행각이 밝혀질 것 같다는 사실을 스타비스키에게 알린다. 그와의 대화 를 끝으로 파티장을 빠져나간 그는 돌아가신 아버지의 무덤을 찾는다. 그리고 그는 산 속의 작은 오두막에서 자살한 채로 발견된다.
The Judge
A young woman is questioned by the police and the judges, suspected of being a modern witch. The girl who shared her apartment has been found dead, and a pair of scissors impaled through her heart, as she lay attached to the bedposts. Apparently, the girl does have powers, to make all people around her fall prey to her spell, glissing progressively into desire, lust, and the unknown.
Lefebvre's Le Droit à la Ville as visualised by Jean-Louis Bertucelli
Documentary short about Hans Bellmer.
1970s France. In this modern Parisian city suburb, the paths cross of two neighbours living on the same landing, Georges and Claude: one burying his mother, the other about to marry his daughter. Two family events which, on that day, are going to have to co-exist as best they can!
Deputy Commissioner Claude Lebel
1962년 프랑스령 알제리의 독립을 허용한 이래 드골 대통령은 프랑스 국민들, 특히 알제리 주둔군이나 식민지 거주 국민들로부터 매국노로 크게 지탄을 받았으며 암살 기도까지 여러 차례 있었다. 군 출신의 드골 제거 조직인 OAS의 저격 사건 후 조직이 와해되고 대표가 처형당하자 후임자인 로댕 대령은 프랑스인이 아닌 외국의 살인청부업자에게 일을 시키기로 결정한다. 적임자로 선택된 것은 영국인으로 콩고나 도미니카에게 독재자들을 암살한 전력의 30대 미남으로 암호명은 재칼이다. 그는 오직 혼자서 일하고 철저한 비밀 유지를 위해 연락도 잘되지 않는 신비스러운 인물이다. 그가 요구한 돈은 50만 달러. 재칼은 랜트카를 타고 이태리를 거쳐 더건이란 이름의 위조여권으로 프랑스에 입국하지만 프랑스 첩보 부대에서는 레벨이란 민완 수사관이 나서서 재칼이라 암호명과 차종까지를 밝혀낸다.
Out 1: Spectre begins as nothing more than scenes from Parisian life; only as time goes by do we realize that there is a plot—perhaps playful, perhaps sinister—that implicates not just the thirteen characters, but maybe everyone, everywhere. Real life may be nothing but an enormous yarn someone somewhere is spinning...
Julien, le réalisateur
Julien, a movie director, is on the phase of editing his new film, "Juliette sacrifiée". Hurried by his producer, he asks for the help of a professional editor. It is Anne, with whom Julien is soon falling in love. During the whole of the movie, both are sitting in front of the editing table, where they listen to music, talk about politics and what movies should and should not be about.
Film montage of documents shot between 1895 and 1900 by the operators of the Lumière brothers.
Le commissaire Lucas
Campana, a commissar at the drugs bureau of Paris police gets an undercover job in Nice to catch an Italian-French mafia boss. As he slips into the identity of a gangster's brother, who was already killed, he has to play the role of a loving husband with child - something that is not so easy for a confirmed single like Campana. Unfortunately American killers chase behind the Nice mafia clan too, in order to get control of French drug trades to USA.
Muriel is a shy woman who bluffs and blusters around in order to hide her shyness and to protect her loneliness, even though she longs wistfully for a companion of some sort. She has been lonely so long that now she is an old maid and has never been wooed. In this gentle French film, Muriel gets a glimpse of romance when Gabriel walks into the seaside hotel she is vacationing in. His car has broken down, and he has to stay there for a few days while it is repaired. Hers is the only dinner table with room at it, and Gabriel cannot prevent himself from charming women. She is stiff with him at first, but soon they develop a friendship.
While two theater groups rehearse plays by Aeschylus, two solitary individuals wander the Parisian streets hustling the populace for cash.
Inspecteur Bertrand
A judge investigating police corruption finds that the deeper he digs, the more roadblocks he finds.
Father Henri
1954년 프랑스 디종의 봄. 15살의 로랑은 ‘까뮈’를 읽고 자살을 논하고 ‘찰리 파커’의 신보에 열광하는 재즈광이다. 엄마인 ‘클라라’의 눈에는 여전히 예민하고 순수한 어린 아이일 뿐이지만 로랑은 변화의 길목에 서서 한껏 객기를 부리고 있다. 처음 맛 본 쌉싸름한 담배의 맛, 갖고 싶은 물건을 살짝 가방에 넣는 손의 떨림, 대책 없이 취해 무작정 훔쳐버린 여인의 입술 감촉, 이 모든 것이 로랑의 마음을 간질이며 두근거리게 하는 것들. 하고 싶은 모든 것이 금지되어 있는 로랑의 심장은 열로 달아오른다. 심장의 두근거림 속에서… 소년이 자란다. ‘Heart Murmur’(류마티스 성 열병)라는 병에 걸린 로랑은 아빠와 두 형들과 떨어져 엄마와 단 둘이 요양을 가게 된다. 온천 치료로 유명한 리조트로 향한 둘은 모자(母子) 사이가 아닌 친구 사이처럼 스스럼 없이 즐거운 시간을 보낸다. 평소 엄격하고 차가운 아빠 보다는 열정적이고 자유분방한 엄마와 각별한 관계이긴 했으나 로랑은 점점 더 복잡한 감정을 가지게 되고 리조트에서 파티가 벌어진 어느 날 둘 사이에 특별한 일이 벌어진다.
Hippolyte the brother of Marylène
In this whimsical French comedy, Cookie is a tough, sweet little rich girl, and is rather smart, too. She's smart enough and charming enough to outwit her kidnappers by setting one against the other until they have all killed each other or died trying to prove thier worth to her.
Un juif
The whole film takes place in a single room where representatives of the two political forces and their enemy "the Jew" are gathered. A female character establishes the dialogue between these individuals and comments on the ideology of each; Until the final scene where everyone seems to rally to a common idea.
Philippe de la Tour / Dimitri Korkesky
Eric, a 14-year-old boy, is now almost alone. His mother, faced with her husband's bizarre behavior, left the marital home. Eric's father, for his part, leads a triple existence. On the other hand, he maintains apparently normal relations with his son, but at the same time he leads an unacknowledged, secret life "elsewhere", where confused, equivocal relations bind him to a strange, elusive woman, whose vision sometimes inspires feelings of filial love, sometimes reveals to him the bitter taste of a passion faded by time.
L'homme qui fuit
"봄"은 현대 소설과 동등한 위치에 있는 보기 드문 작품이다. 수많은 비유와 유추, 자동 인용으로 가득 차 있는 "봄"은 신문을 오려내는 인간의 흥미와 다를 바 없는 구실에 지나지 않는다. 이 영화의 본질은 바르트가 카탈리시스, 즉 유인반응이라 불렀던 것으로 구성된다. 즉 모든 요소가 이야기의 부분적 요소로 작품과 직접적으로 연관되지 않고, 오히려 지연시키고 전복시키는 것이다. 아눙은 자신의 작품을 문학적 소설과 결별하고자 했고, 영화를 회화와 음악과 동등한 수준으로 만들고자 헌신해왔다.(도미니크 노게즈)
Two suicides take place in the same room of a hotel in Paris. The police investigate the reason why two previous tenants was pushed to hang themselves at that particular place.
le commissaire Donald Both
Veterinary surgeon William Chaminade is having a peaceful holiday in the South of France when he is witness to an event that will change not only his life but the destiny of France! A young woman tries to kill herself by jumping from the upstairs window of the hotel where he is staying. Thanks to the services of a passing athlete, the woman is unharmed, and she reveals that her distress is down to her husband’s apparent lack of interest in her. Immediately, Chaminade has a brainwave. He will open a special centre for people like this unfortunate young woman, who will be able to satisfy their romantic needs, at the tax payers’ expense. All is well until this innovative ’pleasure centre’ draws the attention of an over-zealous tax inspector, Dupuis...
Julien & Marc
While working on a documentary about the city of Bruges, an artistically frustrated filmmaker must deal with the increasing difficulties in his marriage.
숲 속에 있는 한 호텔에서, 서로를 알지 못하는 세 투숙객이 서로를 바라본다. 여러 인물이 서로를 다른 시점에서 바라보는 구조이다. 예를 들면 한 사람이 다른 사람을 바라볼 때, 또 다른 사람이 그 사람을 바라보고, 화자 혹은 서술하는 역활의 무언가가 각 이야기를 종합하고, 이 눈들이 바라보는게 무엇인지 말해주는 식이다.
Edouard Loriebat
자연 동면 상태에서 깨어난 25세의 할아버지. 그는 손자의 애인에게 사랑의 손길을 보내는데...
Le mari
A bourgeois couple check into a hotel. All seems fine until a man loses his nail clippers
Sickened to see his students always sleeping in class, a teacher with a colleague and an anarchist start a war against the television. They climbed on Paris roofs to coat the T.V. antennas with a special product cutting the signal reception.
Georges Tabard
성인이 된 앙투안은 자원입대를 하지만 적응하지 못한다. 제대 후 방황하던 앙투안은 첫사랑 크리스틴과 재회하고, 그녀의 도움으로 호텔 야간경비원으로 취직한다. 그런데 본의 아니게 사설탐정을 돕게 되어 호텔에서 쫓겨나고 만다.
Julie Kohler is prevented from suicide by her mother. She leaves the town. She will track down, charm and kill five men who do not know her. What is her goal? What is her purpose?
Un acteur au théâtre
Young Africans in Paris face insecurity and vague future. Should they stay in France, or return to their homes?
L'Avocat de la Défense
20 years later, the recreation of the trial of a simple man that confesses himself as a war criminal, Carl Emmanuel Jung.
Thomas Perkins
Marc is a French secret agent whose only weapons are judo and karate. With the help of his sidekick Jacques, the duo goes to protect a noted scientist from falling into the hands of a gang of underworld thugs. Marc finds love with one of the female gang members who turns out to be a double agent with the British Secret Service.
Lastac / Lataque, expert en écritures / Le juge (voice)
Jean-Louis Matouzec works for French National Library as an expert looking after the restoration of old manuscripts.He falsifies marriage certificates as his wife refuses divorce.
Debu-Bridel (uncredited)
노르망디에 상륙한 연합군을 저지하는 데에 실패한 나치로서, 이제 파리의 함락은 시간문제일 뿐이다. 이에 히틀러는 파리를 불태워 잿더미로 만들어버리라는 명령을 내린다. 이 명령을 받은 파리 점령군 사령관은 고민한다. 그 자신 예술을 사랑하는 사람이었던 그는 군인으로서 명령에 복종할 것인가, 아니면 예술의 도시 파리를 보호함으로써 역사의 죄인이 되지는 말아야 할 것인가를 두고 진퇴양난에 빠진다. 연합군의 입성을 앞두고 치열한 활동을 벌이던 레지스탕스들도 이 소식을 듣고는 파리를 지키기위한 숨막히는 사투를 시작한다. 사령관이 파리의 소각 명령을 차마 내리지 못하고 망설이는 사이에 연합군 선봉이 파리에 입성하고, 점령군 사령부는 레지스탕스들의 공격을 받는다. 사령관은 히틀러의 전화를 미처 받지못하고 항복한다. 이때 놓여진 수화기에서 히틀러의 절규하는 목소리가 들린다. "파리는 불타고 있는가?"
Le conférencier au club des timides
Pétepan learns that his money has been lost by Robinhoude brothers.He asks his assistants to withdraw his amount from the bank.
L'homme (M)
An adaptation of the Beckett play
A couple of hit men set out to kill an old friend.
At the end of the 19th Century, young Fanning finishes his studies in theology at the University of Cambridge. During a walk through the countryside, the boy, inspired by the lecture of romantic novels, discovers an abandonned house, from which an old man is coming out. He returns to the house regularly without ever seeing its mysterious inhabitant. Fanning finally surprises the old man while he is sitting on a bench at the cemetery and manages to gain his confidence...
Four young girls' love of boys put their newly opened all-services company in peril.
un autre homme en voiture
섬세하고 나약한 지식인인 조셉 케이의 집에 경찰이 들이닥치고 그는 죄목도 밝히지 않은 채 구속된다. 그 뒤 케이는 자신의 무죄 석방을 위해 경찰과 변호사, 법관들, 끝내는 신까지 차례로 만난다. 한편 경찰과 변호사, 법관들도 인간인지라 헛점 투성이였고, 그들이 헛점을 위장하기 위해 허세를 부리는 것을 목격한 케이는 좌절하며 반항한다.
Charles Dufaut
Michel Jussieu, a film producer, returns one morning to the cabaret where he forgot his sweater. He discovers the corpse of an extreme right-wing journalist, but immediately he is knocked out. He wakes up in the police station ...
Husband try to kill his wife with a help of the plan he saw in a film. But reality is not a film.
Juliette is a young woman who just can't help lying. She lies to her sister, Sophie, to Sophie's fiancé Martin, and to all the men she attracts with her womanly charms. But when she falls for an older man, a 40-year old lawyer, her reputation as a liar precedes her and she cannot convince him that he really does love him…
Between a whimsical wife, two insolent girls, a son who is engaged in strange chemical experiments and a mother-in-law who is being courted by a rich English lord, André Costais, an intractable industrialist, is struggling to impose his authority on his family.
Andreï Prodarov
Back from Indochina, Tony and Dick, two French soldiers, are now in possession of more than 20 million, entrusted by a trafficker. They buy a nightclub in the district of Montparnasse but are soon hunted by the thug who wants to recover his money.