Andrzej Seweryn

Andrzej Seweryn

출생 : 1946-04-25, Heilbronn, Germany


Andrzej Seweryn (born 25 April 1946) is a Polish actor and director. One of the most successful Polish theatre actors, he starred in over 50 films, mostly in Poland, France and Germany. He is also one of only three non-French actors to be hired by the Paris-based Comédie-Française. He is currently serving as director general of the Polski Theatre in Warsaw. Has three children with three different wives: daughter Maria Seweryn (born 1975) with his first wife, Polish actress, Krystyna Janda and two sons Yann-Baptiste and Maximilien.

프로필 사진

Andrzej Seweryn
Andrzej Seweryn

참여 작품

Duchnowski, father of Stanisław and Ignac
It's spring 1794, the atmosphere in Poland is tense. General Tadeusz "Kos" Kościuszko returns to the country and plans to incite an uprising against the Russians, mobilizing the Polish nobility and peasants. He is accompanied by his faithful friend and former slave, Domingo. The merciless Russian cavalry captain, Dunin, follows Kościuszko's trail with an arrest warrant, who wants to catch the general at all costs before he starts a national rebellion.
Irena's Vow
19-year-old Irena Gut is promoted to housekeeper in the home of a highly respected Nazi officer in Poland when she finds out that the Jewish ghetto is about to be liquidated. Determined to help 12 Jewish workers, she decides to shelter them in the safest place she can think of – the basement of the German Major's house. Over the next eight months, Irena uses her wit, humour and immense courage to hide her friends as long as possible.
Ukryta sieć
Dangerous Men
Joseph Conrad
Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński, Witkacy, Joseph Conrad and Bronisław Malinowski, four leading figures among the Zakopane bohemians, wake up after an all-night drunken party. Their hangover headaches are killing them, none of them remembers anything, and finding the corpse of a male stranger on the floor doesn’t help.
Inspired by real events, the story of a young mother of an autistic boy, whose long-term persistence and struggle with bureaucracy and human heartlessness led to significant changes in the Polish education system.
The Perfect Number
The young mathematician David dedicated his whole life to the study of prime numbers. Getting to know his distant cousin, Joachim, causes the man to gradually reevaluate his priorities. This meeting will have a huge impact on both of them and will provoke a long discussion on the mysterious world order, the meaning of life and its passing.
Everyone Knows Better
"Everyone Knows Better" is an original comedy, reminiscent of the best New York tradition of independent cinema, dominated by warm relations and close intimacy with the characters. It tells about the adventures of a couple who try to put together one family from two different worlds. Other people's children, ex-spouses, pushy grandparents. Will Ania and Grzesiek survive the invasion of their families who are trying to fight the relationship of their adult children?
Talking Heads 2021
The film was inspired by one of the most important documentaries shot by Krzysztof Kieślowski, Talking Heads (1980). The director asked his interlocutors seemingly simple questions, such as “Who are you?” and “What do you want?”.
은빛 지구로의 탈출
은빛 지구는 역사상 가장 획기적인 SF영화가 됐을지도 모른다. 막대한 예산, 사색을 불러일으키는 각본, 대담하고 예술적인 영상은 걸작의 탄생을 약속했다. 그렇다면 대체 왜 당시의 공산주의 영화계 결정권자들은 촬영 완료까지 2주밖에 남지 않은 상황에서 제작을 중단시켰을까? 경제적 이유였을까? 아니면 정치적이거나 예술적인 이유? 혹은 개인적 이유였을까? 이 영화의 파편들은 30여 년 전과 변함없이 지금도 제작진의 감정을 자극하고, 관객에게 영감을 준다. 이 다큐멘터리는 폴란드영화의 가장 큰 미스터리이자 가장 위대한, 그러나 실현되지 못한 꿈에 관한 이야기다.
하이파의 밤
영화의 주인공은 갤러리와 연결된 거대한 클럽이다. 이스라엘에서 차별이 적은 도시 하이파에서도 이 클럽의 존재는 각별하다. 갤러리에선 ‘정치적 예술’을 주제로 사진전이 개최되고, 클럽에선 이스라엘과 팔레스타인 사람이 여기저기서 마주 보며 이야기를 나눈다. 그렇다고 해서 마냥 화기애애한 분위기가 전시되진 않는다. 정치적으로 자유로운 듯 보이는 공간속에서 일군의 인물들이 내뱉는 대화는 세대, 가족, 예술, 성, 문화, 역사의 차이와 갈등을 가감 없이 드러낸다. 평화와 자유를 내세운 공간의 안쪽은 그래서 더욱 뜨겁다. 중동의 문제를 종교와 인종에 국한해 단순하게 해석하는 것에 맞서, 아모스 기타이는 복잡다단한 이면을 감추지 않는다. 기타이는 여전히 예술을 통해 정치적인 이슈를 말하는 중이다.
Truth Makes Free
Jan Zieja
A Security Service Major wishes to "buy" gullible priest Zieja and turn him into an agent who will discredit the opposition. The priest's interrogations become a natural pretext for a journey through the history of Poland in the twentieth century: from the Bolshevik war of 1920, through World War II, up to modern times. It turns out that the seemingly naive Father Zieja is actually a clever rebel.
Solid Gold
Tadeusz Kawecki
Kaja Miller is a police officer that is abducted and abused on one of her missions. Eight years later she meets her former boss Nowicki, who takes her to Gdynia with the task of exposing a large criminal circuit.
The Chechen Diary of Polina Zerebova
The Diary of Polina Żerebcowa, now an acclaimed writer and journalist, is a moving record of entering adulthood during the course of the war. The Chechen author describes her childhood and youth, which spanned from 1994 to 2004. First as a nine – year-old girl, then as a teenager, she documents her process of adolescence, presents her own vision of the world and immortalizes the experiences that shape her-she records her whole life, which takes place during the horrific Chechen wars. And although Polina's diary is a loose personal note, it is exceedingly evocative and lyrical. It leaves no one indifferent. The show, whose main character is the aforementioned diary presented by the outstanding actor, Andrzej Seweryn, gives Polina her voice so that she can tell us about what she experienced, what happened over the course of 10 years, during the two Chechen wars. Thus the story of how to remain human in the most inhumane circumstances is created.
The Last Family
Zdzislaw Beksinski
Beksiński is a gentle man with arachnophobia, despite his hardcore sexual fantasies and his fondness for painting disturbing dystopian works. Beksiński is a family man who wants only the best for his loving wife Zofia, neurotic son Tomasz and the couple's aging mothers. His daily painting to classical music eventually pays off and he makes a name for himself in contemporary art. Good Catholic woman Zofia tries to hold the family together, but troubled son Tomasz proves to be a handful with his violent outbursts and suicidal threats. Their relief is brief when he starts dating women and becomes a radio presenter and movie translator, and the concerned parents must be on constant watch to prevent their son from hurting himself. But Beksiński never believed that family life would always be sunshine and rainbows. As he tapes everything with his beloved camcorder, the 28-year Beksiński saga unfolds through paintings, near-death experiences, dance music trends and funerals...
Anatomy of Evil
Roman Szerepeta
Lulek, a hit man, is released from prison and given an offer he can't refuse by the man who put him away. If he kills the chief of the Central Bureau of Investigations, he will earn a huge sum of money and have his record cleared so he can leave.
Andrzej Milewski, ojciec Marty
37-year-old Marta gets married and wants to have a baby. But her toxic relationship with overbearing mother complicates her life in many ways.
The Vulture
Imagine that you have the power to decide on people's lives. Who would you condemned, and whom he saved? In the center of Europe suddenly, without a trace, people begin to disappear. The investigation goes into the hands of Vulture (Michal Zebrowski) - a police officer who appears to be devoid of feelings. Tough, incorruptible, no obligations and favors to others. Until he meets Natasha (Anna Przybylska) - a woman other than those that he met so far. Vulture begins a dangerous game with the enemy ahead of him is still a step. Discovers a world in which people are leading a double life. For the first time, logical thinking will drive him into a trap with no way out. Suddenly, the hunter turned into animals. Balancing on the border between passion and reason, the world of logic and clever manipulation, you will have to answer the question: is there anything more important than life?
Day of the Siege
Jan Andrzej Morsztyn
Storyline: In the summer of 1683, 300 000 Ottoman Empire's warriors begin the siege of Vienna. City's fall, will open way to conquer the Europe. The Sept 11 is the day of main battle between Polish cavalry under the King Jan III Sobieski and Turks.
당신은 아직 아무것도 보지 못했다
저명한 극작가 앙뜨완이 죽고 그의 성에 초대받은 13명의 배우들!! 그들은 과거 앙뜨완의 연극 ‘에우리디스’에 출연했던 배우들이었다. 모두가 모인 자리에서 그들은 앙뜨완이 남긴 영상메세지와 함께 젊은 배우들이 연기하는 새로운 ‘에우리디스’를 보게 되는데..
A member of a therapy group is found dead. A prosecutor and a police officer try to solve the mystery of his death.
Little Rose
Adam Warczewski
Pressured by his superiors to disgrace public intellectual Warczewski, a professor and respected writer whom they believe to be a "camouflaged Zionist," rough security-services colonel Rozek enlists his sexy but naive girlfriend, Kamila, to insinuate herself into the distinguished older man's life and report on his every move. Not particularly interested in serving communism but eager to please her domineering lover, Kamila accepts the mission, reporting under the code name "Little Rose." As quick scenes contrast Kamila's crude pleasures with Rozek and her more refined experiences with Warczewski, it becomes clear that the more time the unschooled young woman spends with the professor, the more she comes to have true feelings for him.
Possibility of an Island
La Possibilité d'une île is a 2008 film directed by Michel Houellebecq, loosely based on his 2005 novel The Possibility of an Island.
Piers Hasselburg
이번에 그리너웨이의 주인공이 된 인물은 바로 네덜란드의 거장 램브란트. 일찍이 램브란트는 전 세계 가장 위대한 화가로 추앙 받기도 했지만, 나중에는 결국 불명예를 안고 무일푼으로 세상을 떠났다. 암스테르담 머스켓 민병대의 초상화를 의뢰 받은 렘브란트는 그림을 그리면서 17세기 네덜란드 사회의 음모를 드러내게 되고, 이 작업은 예술가이자 한 인간으로서의 그를 몰락시키는 결과를 몰고 온다. 그리너웨이는 렘브란트의 가장 유명한 작품에 관한 조망에서 더 나아가, 사회의 규범이 아웃사이더들에 의해 파괴되는 것을 용납하지 않았던 사회의 모습과, 시대에 의해 규정되고 무시되었던 한 인간을 그리고 있다. 그리너웨이는 예술의 본성에 대한 논쟁을 촉발시키기보다는 “성과 죽음, 그 밖에 얘기할 것이 무엇이 있겠는가?”라는 질문을 담아 한 인간의 일대기를 그리고 있다. - 제12회 부산국제영화제
Who Never Lived
A young, charismatic priest John, his time missionary in Africa, every day helping Warsaw young people addicted to drugs. Unconventional methods, which are used in pastoral work, raise many doubts about his superiors. Surprisingly, however, his life undergoes a sudden transformation when routine testing finds out that he is HIV positive.
Who Never Lived
A young, charismatic priest John, his time missionary in Africa, every day helping Warsaw young people addicted to drugs. Unconventional methods, which are used in pastoral work, raise many doubts about his superiors. Surprisingly, however, his life undergoes a sudden transformation when routine testing finds out that he is HIV positive.
In Your Image
Professeur Cardoze
Ridden by guilt for not being able to have a child, wife decides to conceive by cloning. The daughter she gives birth to is therefor almost identical to her. The child starts to grow rapidly and slowly replaces mom in the household.
rejent Milczek
폴란드의 고전인 동명의 연극 작품을 영화로 옮긴 코미디 작품. 17세기 폴란드의 어느 오래된 성. 이 큰 성에는 어떤 이유에서인지 두 가문이 함께 살고 있다. 성을 반씩 나눠 살고 있는 두 가문은 서로를 몰아내기 위해 호시탐탐 기회를 노리지만 두 가문의 아들과 딸이 사랑에 빠지며 예상 외의 전개가 벌어지기 시작한다.
Prymas - trzy lata z tysiąca
Kardynał Stefan Wyszyński/Molenda, sobowtór prymasa
판 타데우스
가문 대대로 내려오던 저택을 잃은 슬픔에 잠겨 있던 호레즈코 백작 앞에 갑자기 중세에서나 볼 것 같은 인물이 나타난다. 그 남자는 얼굴에 칼로 벤 상처가 있는 허약한 노인이었다. 이 노인이 고개를 들어 호레즈코 백작을 바라보자 백작은 그가 자신의 시중을 들던 충성스런 하인, 제르베즈라는 사실을 알게 된다. 제르베즈는 호레즈코 가문 사람들이 잔인하게 학살당하던 그 끔찍한 날 밤의 사건을 들려준다. 그리고 이 학살의 장본인은 다름 아닌 판사의 동생 소플리카이다. 이야기를 들은 호레즈코는 흥분해 소플리카와의 계약을 모두 취소하고 무슨 일이 있어도 가문의 명예를 회복하겠다고 다짐한다. 그러나 그는 우선 소플리카 가문과의 사냥에 참여해야 한다.
With Fire and Sword
Jeremi Wiśniowecki
In the mid-17th century, Poland was the largest, most democratic, and most tolerant country in Europe. However, a tragic civil war brought about the gradual decline of the once glorious republic...
Dyrektor agencji reklamowej
Kuba is an employee of an ad agency. Everything begins with the disappearance of a Russian model who appeared on one of their billboard advertising. Kuba is drawn into the brutal murder case, and becomes the target of an organized gang.
Genealogies of a Crime
At her son's funeral, Solange, a lawyer famous for losing hopeless cases, agrees to defend René, her son's age, accused of murdering his wealthy aunt, Jeanne, who's part of the Franco-Belgian Psychoanalytic Society, known for odd views and methods. She reads Jeanne's journal, documenting René's criminal tendencies. Solange believes him innocent, manipulated into the murder or framed. Odd psychiatrists turn up, including Georges Didier, who runs FBPS, and his rival, Christian, who believes crime originates in a story's taking hold of a person. After the verdict, René and Solange's relationship changes, Georges and his society commit a bizarre act, and the police record Solange's story.
루시 오브락
le lieutenant Schlöndorff
A love story or a tale of the resistance, this poignant movie tells both the haunting story of a French resistance cell in Lyon but also the love of Lucie Aubrac for her husband...
토탈 이클립스
Mr. Maute De Fleurville
랭보는 16세 때 11살 연상의 베를렌느를 만난다. 랭보는 당시 상류사회의 모순을 민감하게 느끼고 직설적이고 파괴적인 방식으로 저항하는 성격을 가지고 있다. 반면 베를렌느는 랭보와 비슷한 생각을 하면서도 속으로만 가슴을 앓던 온유한 인물이다. 베를렌느는 천부적인 시적 재능과 자신이 갖지 못한 열정을 가진 랭보에게 반해, 아내와 자식까지 버리고 랭보와 함께 유랑생활을 한다. 랭보는 베를렌느의 유약함을 조롱하면서도 자신의 어떤 투정도 다 받아들이는 그의 따뜻함에 집착한다. 그러나 이들의 관계는 한 방의 총성으로 마감된다. 베를렌느는 자신을 떠나겠다는 랭보에게 배신감을 느낀 나머지 권총을 쏘아 부상을 입힌 혐의로 2년형을 선고받는다. 이후 랭보는 절필하고 아프리카를 방랑하다 37세에 숨을 거둔다. 그러나 베를렌느는 랭보와의 기억을 "나의 가장 빛나는 죄악"이라고 회상한다.
쉰들러 리스트
Julian Scherner
2차 세계대전 당시 독일군이 점령한 폴란드. 시류에 맞춰 자신의 성공을 추구하는 기회주의자 쉰들러는 유태인이 경영하는 그릇 공장을 인수한다. 그는 공장을 인수하기 위해 나찌 당원이 되고 독일군에게 뇌물을 바치는 등 갖은 방법을 동원한다. 그러나 냉혹한 기회주의자였던 쉰들러는 유태인 회계사인 스턴과 친분을 맺으면서 냉혹한 유태인 학살에 대한 양심의 소리를 듣기 시작한다. 마침내 그는 강제 수용소로 끌려가 죽음을 맞게될 유태인들을 구해내기로 결심하고, 독일군 장교에게 빼내는 사람 숫자대로 뇌물을 주는 방법으로 유태인들을 구해내려는 계획을 세우는데...
Whenever people are released from their society's constraints, there is the possibility that they will behave badly, at least according to the rules of the society they have left behind. This seems to have been particularly the case for Europeans living in colonial establishments in Africa and Asia. In this drama, based on a story by Stefan Zweig, Dr. Steiner (Andrzej Seweryn) was caught with his fingers in the till at a German hospital. Rather than prosecute him, they gave him the option of emigrating elsewhere. He chose to serve at a clinic in a remote part of Portuguese Goa. He has been on his best behavior for years, but when the beautiful wife (Fanny Ardant) of a diplomat comes to him asking for an abortion, he is tempted to ask for sexual favors in return, and his life swiftly goes out of control.
The Conviction
A girl and her art professor get trapped inside a castle-museum after it closes at night. After a little resistance she agrees to have sex with him, but then she sues the professor for rape. The professor will have to prove his innocence.
The Mahabharata
One of the great masterpieces of world literature comes to vivid life in an elaborate production from acclaimed theater and film innovator Peter Brook. This collection of ancient Sanskrit stories (composed into the longest book ever written) comprises a series of enlightened fables at the heart of countless beliefs, legends, and teachings; indeed, its very title means "the great story of mankind." Brook and writer Jean-Claude Carriere worked for eight years to develop this epic concerning two sides of a royal family, the Pandavas and the Kauravas, whose struggle leads to a fascinating voyage of emotions, passion and vision of glory. Briefly, the Mahabharata is a tale of two rival sets of brothers, cousins to eachother, each born into royalty and with divinely guided paths in life. The result, however, is a great war, death, destruction - a vast epic.
The French Revolution
A history of the French Revolution from the decision of the king to convene the Etats-Generaux in 1789 in order to deal with France's debt problem. The first part of the movie tells the story from 1789 until August 10, 1792 (when the King Louis XVI lost all his authority and was put in prison). The second part carries the story through the end of the terror in 1794, including the deaths by guillotine of Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette, Danton, and Desmoulins.
은빛 지구
소수의 사람들이 새로운 문명을 찾기 위해 지구를 떠난다. 그러나 이 여정은 그들을 고난으로 밀어넣고 사람들은 하나 둘 씩 세상을 떠난다. 한편 여정 도중 새롭게 태어난 아이들은 부모들의 뜻과는 다른 그들만의 새로운 문명을 만들려고 한다. (2018년 제12회 시네마테크의 친구들 영화제)
The Malady of Love
The Pedlar
Physician Robert Briand (Robin Renucci) runs a leper colony in the 15th century that takes in new residents who suffer from the ravages of syphilis. When the beautiful Marie-Blanche (Isabelle Pasco) is brought to the grim, prison-like facility, Robert finds she displays no apparent signs of disease. He risks everything when he falls in love with the woman and makes plans to run away with her. Erland Josephson plays Robert's father, with Piera Degli Esposti as Robert's faithful assistant Terese.
The Woman of My Life
Simon, a famous violinist, sinks into alcoholism. He finds support from his lover, who is also the manager of the orchestra in which he plays. But is she really helping him or is she exploiting his dependence on her? A man who has been through the same experience as Simon, offers to help him...
Qui trop embrasse...
How couples unite, interact, separate, reunite or find other partners. The links in this chain begin with Christian and Nathalie, who are coworkers and friends. Christian discovers that his lover Francoise is having an affair, and Nathalie advises him to give his feelings some time to heal, about two years. Nathalie is angry that her lover Mark does not want to see her more often, while he is jealous of the men in her past. Meanwhile, Francoise finds out that her new lover is not that interested in her anymore, and after they split, she encounters him with someone else. As romance fluctuates like the lunar tides, the myth of one true love takes a beating.
프랑스 혁명이 민중혁명의 국면에 접어들고 과거 혁명세력이 주도권을 잡은 이후, 로베스 삐에르의 공포정치가 혁명을 압도하는상황을 배경으로 하고 있다. 이때 벌어지는 당통과 로베스 삐에르의 대립은 정치적, 이념적 갈등, 그리고 혁명의 자기파괴적 달레마와 모순의 문제를 내포한 것이다. 당통은 로베스 삐에르가 혁명의 이름으로 혁명을 파괴하고, 또한 독재를 경계한다고 하면서도 실제로 독재로 가고 있다고 공격한다. 따라서 국민의 적은바로 혁명정부이며, 이 정부를 이끄는 공공안전위원회의 테러리즘과 전체주의가 혁명을 배반하는 것이라 비난한다. 반면 로베스 삐에르는 중산 계급을 중심으로 시민의 우상이 되고 있는 당통을 처형한 후에 남는 것은 오로지 공포정치 밖에 없음을 알면서도, 당통에 대한 재판에 질 경우 혁명은 끝이 난다는 위기감 때문에 당통은 반혁명자로 처형할 것을 결심하기에 이른다. 당통은 관용과 평화와 정의를 주장하는 자신의 희생이 마침내 민중의눈을 뜨게할 것이라 스스로 믿고 처형 후에 자신의 잘려진 머리를 민중드르에게 보여줄 것을 당부하였지만 민중은 그의 뜻에 따르지 않았다. 로베스 삐에르는 그의 처형 순간 혁명이 잘못돼가고 있음을 자인하지만....
Greek drama
Peer Gynt
Le cuisinier / Le propriétaire d'Haegstad / Le père de la mariée
French television adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's five-act play in verse.
Childish Questions
A young architect is locked up in prison. He recalls his uncompromising youth and gradual sliding into the moral swamp of compromises. He was not alone. A group of his friends, dreamers and glass house builders, accompanied him.
철의 사나이
kapitan Wirski
이 영화는 1980년대 말 폴란드의 공산정권을 붕괴시킨 거대한 자유노조운동에 대한 이야기이다. 속편에 등장했던 다큐멘터리 감독 아그니에츠카(크리스티나 잔다 분)가 다시 모습을 드러내는데 그녀는 폴란드 노동자의 영웅이었던 비르쿠트의 아들 마테우시(예르지 래드지빌로빅츠 분)의 아내가 되어있다. 마테우시는 1980년 그단스크에서 발생한 파업에서 자유노조운동에 앞선 주동자로, 지식인들이 노조에 가입하도록 설득한다. 영화는 가까운 미래의 화면과 그단스크의 새로운 파업을 교차로 보여줌으로써 결과에 대한 예상과 함께 기대를 하게 한다.
Lekarz "tworzący" Pernata
핵으로 인한 세계의 갈등 이후 한 나라에서 과학을 통해 신인류를 만들어내려는 시도가 이뤄진다. 실험을 통해 페르나트라는 골렘이 창조되는데, 이 인조인간이 전체주의 통제 하의 국가에서 개인에 대한 자각을 갖게 된다.
Marek Kamiński
A well-regarded engineer in a big enterprise is hounded by trumped up attacks on his integrity when he delves too deeply into how bonuses are handled by the management. He gets into an argument with the guard, is arrested and subsequently fired. An old friend, a journalist, tries to sort things out but the victim's stubbornness and past problems with his wife lead to lossess by both.
The Conductor
Adam Pietryk, mąż Marty
A violinist in a provincial Polish orchestra, whose husband is the director of the ensemble, on a visit to the US ties up with the world- renowned symphony conductor. As it turns out he was once in love with violinist's mother. The conductor, a slightly unstable hypochondriac, returns to Poland to lead the provincial orchestra. He also tries to revive old love affair using the violinist as a surrogate of her mother. Her husband is resentful of the conductor for both personal and professional reasons.
Roman and Magda
Roman Barwiński
A moral action drama showing a crisis and breakup of a married couple from the perspective of the both spouses, Roman and Magda. Through flashbacks the film reveals a shocking study of the disintegration of the relationship between two adult people and their gradual dehumanization.
Rodzina Połanieckich
Edward Bukacki
The love story of Stanisław Połaniecki and the beautiful Marynia Pławicka, set in the scenery of manor houses and Warsaw from the end of the 19th century.
Without Anesthesia
Jerzy Rosciszewski
A famous Polish journalist presents a problem for the powers-that-be when he displays his full political skill and knowledge on a television show featuring questions and answers on a world conference by a panel of journalists. His enemies take away his privileges when he is away. The shock of being "unwanted" parallels a deeper disappointment in his private life: his wife has an affair with a jealous young rival, and after 15 years of marriage and two daughters wants a divorce. She offers no explanations as he tries to untie these problems himself. All the moves he makes are the wrong ones. He takes on drinking heavily with students eager to attend his seminar after discovering the class has been canceled. The journalist, once suave and commanding is reduced to silence.
The Border
Zenon Ziembiewicz
Man of Marble
Man of Marble is a Polish film about a student making a film about a bricklayer who was once idolized. She interviews people who knew him and finds old footage that lead to an unfolding mystery that causes her producer to cancel the project.
Sein letzter Fall
The Leaves Have Fallen
Young former partisan recalls his war experience during a trip to the sea.
나이츠 앤드 데이즈
Anzelm Ostrzeński
Nights and Days is a family saga of Barbara Ostrzenska-Niechcic, (played by Jadwiga Baranska) and Bogumil Niechcic, (played by Jerzy Binczycki) against the backdrop of the January Uprising of 1863 and World War I. The film is a rather straightforward and faithful adaptation of a novel by Maria Dabrowska with the same title. The plot is woven around the changing fortunes of a noble (upper-class) Niechcic family in the pre-WWI Poland. There are two main crossing threads: a social history one and an existential one. The cinematographic version is a condensation of the 12 part award winning TV serial of the same title and using the same cast and producers.
약속의 땅
Maks Baum
안제이 바이다 감독의 약속의 땅은 특정 시대, 특정 장소의 폴란드에 대한 다층적인 탐구를 담은 찰스 디킨스풍의 묘사가 두드러진 영화다. 19세기 말 우츠 시는 유럽 섬유 산업의 중심지로, 전세계에서 가장 큰 유대인 집단이 장악하고 있었다. 이곳은 수천 명에 달하는 실업가들의 탐욕을 채워줄 무한한 기회가 제공되는 초기 자본주의자들의 땅이다. 안제이 바이다 감독은 의욕에 찬 세 명의 친구들에 초점을 맞춰 이야기를 전개하지만 동시에 수많은 인물들에 대한 세밀한 관찰도 놓치지 않는다. 사회 내부에서의 계급 갈등, 인간의 어두운 면, 자본주의 체제의 본질 등에 대한 완벽한 묘사가 눈에 띄는 작품이다. (2012년 제17회 부산국제영화제)
A Girl and the Pigeons
Stach, Edek's brother
TV adaptation of a short story by Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz. In after-war Poland father discourages his only surviving child, Edek, from falling in love by buying him pigeons to take care of.
A wealthy German family is divided by the immorality of Nazi Germany, circa 1944. Former professional colleague, Joachim Peters, escapes from a Nazi concentration camp, and seeks refuge with his friends, the Sonnenbruchs. Torn between their duty as German citizens, and their greater humanitarian sensibilities, the family is divided in how to deal with Joachim's presence.
작은 도시의 젊은 교사가 수학여행 학생들을 인솔하고 바르샤바에 오는데, 자신을 떠나 새로운 삶을 시작하기 위해 바르샤바로 온 아내를 어떤 지하도에서 만난다. 혼자 남겨진 남편 – 젊은 교사 – 은 아내와 재결합하여 아내와 함께 지냈던 과거를 다시 되살릴 기회로 생각하지만, 불행히도 아내는 그에게 다시 돌아오고 싶어 하지 않는다. 그녀는 이미 냉소주의와 감정이 메마른 대도시의 생활에 익숙해져 이미 돌이킬 수 없게 선을 넘은 상태였기 때문이다.
Album polski
University student Anna and her boyfriend Tomek use a precious photograph to trace and unveil the complex wartime and post-war past of their parents.
Hans and Jan Bitner live separated from each other by an iron curtain. Hans works in an office in Strasbourg, he leads a quiet, almost monotonous life. Bitner is a Polish patriot, involved in the affairs of "Solidarity" and the fight for a free Poland. He lives in Sopot with his family. Seemingly, their lives are completely different, but there is one detail that connected their lives forever. Both will have to answer very important questions about their identity.
Dom Juan ou le Festin de pierre
Dom Juan