Jerry Wald

Jerry Wald

출생 : 1911-09-16, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

사망 : 1962-07-13

프로필 사진

Jerry Wald

참여 작품

The Stripper
An aging former movie starlet whose Hollywood career went nowhere, now reduced to dancing with a third-rate touring show, finds herself stranded in a small town where she's courted by an infatuated and naive local teenager.
젊은이의 모헙
오만한 어머니와 심약하지만 자존심 강한 의사 아버지 사이의 외동 아들 닉 애덤스. 늘 답답하고 불만스럽게 느껴지는 현실을 벗어나고자 닉은 그가 자란 시골 마을 미시간을 떠나 모험 가득한 대륙 횡단 여행을 하게 된다. 여행중 우연히 만난 펀치 드렁크로 고생을 하고 있는 전직 복서와 여행을 즐기는 알콜 중독자등이 그의 평범했었던 일상에 큰 영향을 주게된다. 뉴욕에서 직업을 구하기 위해 리포터로 활동을 하고 싶었지만 번번이 실패한 후 구급차 운전병으로 1차 세계 대전이 한창인 이태리 육군에 지원한다. 동료 병사와 우의를 다지고 새 생활을 열어 나가는 중에 부상을 입게 되고 간호사 아가씨와 사랑도 나누게 되는데...
와일드 인 더 컨츄리
어린 나이에 엄마를 잃고 주정뱅이 아버지와 망나니 같은 형 틈에서 거칠게 살아온 글렌은 심성은 착하지만 주변 여건들로 인해 문제아로 찍혀있다. 형과의 싸움으로 형이 크게 다치자 법정에서는 글렌을 두고 재판이 열린다. 그는 가석방 판정을 받지만 술 제조업을 하는 삼촌 블랙스톤의 일을 도우며 가석방 위원회의 감시를 받아야만 한다. 그러나 삼촌은 글렌을 데려와 싼값에 부려먹고 미혼모인 자신의 딸 노리와 결혼시키려는 속셈이 있었던 것. 글렌은 순진한 베리 리과 사귀고 있지만 그녀 부모의 반대에 부딪히고, 술에 빠져 사는 노리는 글렌에게 사랑을 고백하며 함께 도망치자고 한다. 한편 가석방 위원회에서 일하는 젊은 미망인 아이린 스페리는 거칠지만 순수하고 깨끗한 영혼을 가진 글렌을 눈여겨 본다. 상담을 통해 글렌이 뛰어난 글재주를 가졌다는 것을 안 그녀는 글렌에게 작가로서 성장할 기회를 주려고 노력하는데...
Residents of the small town of Peyton Place aren't pleased when they realize they're the characters in local writer Allison MacKenzie's controversial first novel. A sequel to the hit 1957 film.
사랑을 합시다
미국의 대부호 클레이몽(Jean-Marc Clement: 이브 몽땅 분) 회장은 한 연극무대에서 자신을 놀림감으로 삼는다는 이야기를 듣고 연극을 중지시키기 위해 극단을 찾아간다. 그러나 아이러니컬하게도 클레이몽은 연극배우인 아만다(Amanda Dell: 마릴린 몬로 분)를 보고 그만 짝사랑에 빠진다. 게다가 클레이몽 자신이 신분을 숨긴 채 극중에서 우스꽝스런 역할까지도 맡게 된다. 이때부터 클리이몽은 아만다의 환심을 사기 위해 갖은 노력을 다한다. 엄청난, 돈을 들여 당대 최고의 일류 개그맨과 댄서, 가수들의 레슨을 받지만 모든 것이 서툴기만 하다. 또한 클레이몽은 가난해서 빚으로 넘어가려는 극단을 살리고 자신의 부하직원을 후원자로 삼는가 하면, 아만다의 상대역이 되어 그녀의 사랑을 차지해 보려고도 하지만 역시 역부족이다. 그러나 이런 클레이몽을 언제나 격려하고 위로해 주는 아만다. 마침내 그는 아만다에게 자신의 진실한 사랑을 고백하며, 자신의 신분을 밝히지만 그녀는 믿으려 하지 않는다. 애가 탄 클레이몽은 그녀를 회사로 불러들여 자신을 믿게 하려 하는데.
The Story on Page One
An adulterous couple is accused of murder after the woman's husband is shot and killed during a scuffle. A high-profile court case tells the story.
사랑의 흔적
1936년, 영국 사우샘프턴(Southampton, England 1936). 가십 칼럼니스트인 셰일라 그레이엄(데보라 카 분)은 당대 미국 최고의 작가 중 한 사람으로 명성이 높았던 F. 스콧 피츠제럴드(그레고리 펙 분)를 할리우드에서 만난다. 피츠제럴드는 정신 병원에 입원한 아내의 치료비와 딸의 사립학교 비용을 대기 위해 할리우드에서 영화 시나리오 쓰는 일을 하고 있는 중이었다. 시나리오를 쓰는 틈틈이 이전에 누리던 명예를 다시 찾기 위해 "최후의 거물"이란 소설을 구상하고 있던 피츠제럴드와 그의 조수가 된 셰일리는 서로의 글에 대한 평이나 조언을 해 주기도 하고 서로 의지하며 사랑을 키워 나간다. 하지만 예전의 명성에 비해 초라해진 모습이나 경제적인 문제가 주는 부담감, 작품 활동에 대한 부담감 등으로 피츠제럴드가 가끔 술을 마시는 것 때문에 두 사람 사이에 사소한 갈등이 생기기도 한다. 그럼에도 여전히 아름다운 사랑을 쌓아가던 어느 날 갑자기 피츠제럴드가 심장마비로 사망하고 혼자 남게 된 셰일라는 바닷가를 거닐며 눈물을 짓는다.
The Best of Everything
An exposé of the lives and loves of Madison Avenue working girls and their higher-ups.
소리와 분노
Drama focusing on a family of Southern aristocrats who are trying to deal with the dissolution of their clan and the loss of its reputation, faith, fortunes and respect.
Mardi Gras
A military school cadet romances a visiting French actress during Mardi Gras. With songs, kissing and New Orleans locations.
무덥고 긴 여름밤
떠돌이 벤 퀵(폴 뉴먼)은 가는 곳 마다 방화범으로 오인 받아 추방당하던 중 남부 미시시피 지방의 어느 마을의 대 부호 농장주인 바너(오손 웰즈)를 만나게 되서 그의 농장에서 일을 하게 되는데 부지런하고 저돌적인 그를 바너는 마음에 들어 하고 중요한 일도 맡기며 신임하게 된다. 바너에게는 나약하고 무능한 아들(안소니 프란시오사)과 철부지 같은 며느리(리 레믹)가 있지만 주관이 강하고 똑똑한 사랑스런 딸(조안 우드워드)이 있다. 벤 퀵은 바너의 딸과도 사랑에 빠지게 되는데...
페이튼 플레이스
앨리슨은 페이튼 플레이스라는 작은 마을에 살고 있는 고등학생이다. 그녀는 아버지 없이 살고 있지만, 예의를 중시하는 어머니와 함께 웃음을 잃지 않고, 항상 웃으며, 밝게 살아가고 있다. 그러던 어느 날 그녀의 학교에 마이클이라는 젊은 교장선생이 부임하고, 교장선생은 앨리슨의 어머니를 마음에 두게 된다. 마을 부호의 아들인 로드니는 졸업파티에서 베티와 관계를 맺고 베티는 로드니의 아이를 가지게 된다.
Kiss Them for Me
Three navy war heroes are booked on a morale-building "vacation" in San Francisco. Once they manage to elude their ulcerated public relations officer, the trio throw a wild party with plenty of pretty girls.
노 다운 페이먼트
The marital difficulties of four couples living in a southern California housing development become intertwined. Among the unhappy couples are ne'er-do-well Jerry Flagg and his long-suffering wife Isabelle, flirtatious Leola Boone and her sadistic husband Troy, hard-working Herman Kreitzer and his understanding wife Betty, and newlyweds Jean and David Martin.
어페어 투 리멤버
바람둥이로 악명 높은 니키 퍼란티(캐리 그랜트)가 미국 최고의 갑부 로이스 클락(네바 패터슨)과 결혼하기 위해 대서양을 건너 뉴욕으로 향하는 배편에 올라있다. 배 위의 여성들은 세기의 바람둥이를 만날 수 있다는 사실에 흥분한다. 같은 배 위, 테리 맥케이(데보라 카)라는 아름다운 여성이 역시 뉴욕으로 향하고 있다. 우연한 계기로 니키 퍼란티와 테리 맥케이는 운명적인 만남을 갖고 테리의 약간은 건방진 태도에서 니키는 매력을 느낀다. 거부할 수 없는 테리의 매력에 이끌려 테리를 다시 찾은 니키, 두 사람은 이내 서로 끌리는 것을 느끼지만 테리는 이 관계가 더 진전되어선 안된다고 말한다. 니키뿐만 아니라 테리 역시 켄 브래들리(리처드 데닝)라는 사업가와 사귀고 있었고, 그 사업가는 테리가 시시한 나이트 클럽 가수였을 때부터 그녀를 돌봐오던 사람이었기 때문이다. 항해는 계속되고 두 사람은 의식적으로 만남을 자제하지만 그들의 움직임은 곧 배 위에서 관심거리가 되고, 그들의 만남은 뉴욕에까지도 소문이 전해질 위기에 놓일 정도로 빈번했다.
하더 데이 폴
Executive Producer
전직 스포츠 전문 기자 에디 윌리스가 권투 기획자 닉 벤코와 일을 하게 된다. 에디는 닉이 아르헨티나에서 스카우트한 토로 모레노의 홍보를 전담한다. 덩치만 큰 토로는 아직 경기 기술이 부족했지만 닉은 모든 수단을 동원해 토로를 스타로 만들기로 한다. 에디는 닉의 계획이 못마땅했지만 돈 때문에 거절하지도 못한다. 조작된 승부 속에서 토로가 명성을 쌓아 가던 중 토로와 경기를 하던 챔피언 던디가 경기 도중 쓰려져 사망하고 만다. 토로는 사람을 죽였다는 죄책감에 절망에 빠지고, 그런 토로를 지켜보는 에디의 마음도 편하지 않다. 비정한 권투 세계를 배경으로 한 누아르. 카리스마 넘치는 연기로 누아르 영화에서 크게 활약했던 험프리 보가트의 마지막 작품으로, 그는 1956년 초에 암 선고를 받았다.
킴노박의 애심
The life story of the famous pianist and band-leader of the 1930s and 1940s.
에바 필립스(조안 크로포드)는 그녀 주변의 비극적인 삶을 사는 사람들을 조종하는 교활한 남부의 사교 인사다. 그녀는 부유한 제분소 주인인 아베리(배리 설리반)과 결혼했지만, 아베리는 에바의 무정함에 매일 술을 마시고 급기야는 그녀를 불신하게 된다. 한편, 아베리의 여동생 캐롤 리(베시 파머)가 약혼을 발표하자 에바는 캐롤과 캐롤의 약혼자이자 여왕벌인 에바 자신의 비밀스런 사랑 프렌티스와의 약혼을 막으려 하는데...
미스 새디 탐슨
금발의 아름다운 새디(리타 헤이워드)가 미군기지가 있는 남태평양의 작은 섬에 도착한다. 그녀의 등장으로 해군들 사이 소동이 벌어지자 이 섬에 크나큰 영향력을 미치고 있는 선교사(호세 페러)는 그녀를 못마땅하게 생각하기 시작한다. 그녀가 하와이의 바에서 몸을 팔았던 여인임을 알게 된 그는 새디를 섬에서 몰아내는 계략을 세운다. (2014 한국영상자료원 - 40주년 기념 영화제_ 발굴, 복원 그리고 재창조전) 서머셋 모옴의 단편을 수정하여 커티스 번하트 감독이 입체영화로 만들었다. 1950년대 초반 호러, 스릴러 장르의 3D영화와는 달리 대스타였던 리타 헤이워드를 주인공으로 신중하게 준비된 이 영화는 하와이 카우아이 섬을 무대로 테크니컬러, 와이드 스크린, 다채널 음향으로 촬영되었다. 영화는 물체가 화면 밖으로 튀어나오는 일반적인 3D 효과보다 분위기와 리타 헤이워드라는 배우의 몸과 얼굴을 세심하게 이용하고 있다. 핀업 걸(pin-up girl)로 화려한 미인이었던 리타 헤이워드의 약간은 나이든 얼굴의 클로즈업과 ‘The heat is on'을 노래하며 춤추는 장면은 이 영화의 절정의 순간이라 할 수 있겠다. 개봉 당시 이 댄스 장면으로 인해 미국의 몇 개 주에서는 검열로 인해 상영이 금지되기도 했다. (2014 한국영상자료원 - 40주년 기념 영화제_ 발굴, 복원 그리고 재창조전)
러스티 맨
베테랑 로데오 선수인 제프 맥클라우드(로버트 미첨)는 경기 중에 부상을 입은 후 그 일을 그만두고 어린 시절을 보냈던 고향으로 돌아온다. 그곳에서 그는 자기 소유의 목장을 사려고 열심히 돈을 모으고 있는 웨스(아서 케네디)와 루이즈(수잔 헤이워드) 부부를 만나게 된다. 로데오 팬인 웨스는 로데오 챔피언이었던 제프를 알아보고는 자신이 일하는 목장에 소개시켜준다. 곧 웨스는 제프에게 상금의 절반을 제공하는 대가로 로데오 선수가 되는 방법을 가르쳐 달라고 부탁한다.
Clash by Night
An embittered woman seeks escape in marriage, only to fall for her husband’s best friend.
The Blue Veil
A World War I widow loses her only child and spends the rest of her life as a children's nurse.
Storm Warning
On the way to her new job, Marsha Mitchell takes the opportunity to visit her sister Lucy, whom she has not seen in a few years. There she not only meets her husband for the first time, but also the Ku Klux Klan.
브레이킹 포인트
A fisherman with money problems hires out his boat to transport criminals.
The Glass Menagerie
An aging Southern Belle makes life horrible for her ambitious son and crippled daughter because of her dreams of what life should be.
A single mistake puts a 19-year old girl behind bars, where she experiences the terrors and torments of women in prison.
더 댐드 돈 크라이
Fed up with her small-town marriage, a woman goes after the big time and gets mixed up with the mob.
Perfect Strangers
Romance at a murder trial with a pair of sequestered jurors who are the only ones who think that the woman in the dock is innocent. Separated from their normal lives, jurors Terry Scott and David Campbell start to fall in love.
영 맨 위드 어 혼
독창적인 백인 트럼펫 연주자 빅스 바이더벡의 삶과 사랑을 담고 있다.
The Inspector General
An illiterate stooge in a traveling medicine show wanders into a strange town and is picked up on a vagrancy charge. The town's corrupt officials mistake him for the inspector general whom they think is traveling in disguise. Fearing he will discover they've been pocketing tax money, they make several bungled attempts to kill him.
Always Leave Them Laughing
A self-absorbed comedian steps all over his friends and colleagues in order to achieve success.
Task Force
After learning the finer points of carrier aviation in the 1920s, career officer Jonathan Scott and his pals spend the next two decades promoting the superiority of naval air power. But military and political "red tape" continually frustrate their efforts, prompting Scott to even consider leaving the Navy for a more lucrative civilian job. Then the world enters a second World War and Scott finally gets the opportunity to prove to Washington the valuable role aircraft carriers could play in winning the conflict. But what will it cost him and his comrades personally?
Flamingo Road
A stranded carnival dancer takes on a corrupt political boss when she marries into small-town society.
John Loves Mary
After four long years apart, there are so many things returning World War II soldier John Lawrence wants to tell his sweetheart, Mary McKinley. That he loves her. That he's missed her. And that he's married.
One Sunday Afternoon
The third film version of James Hagan's play, this time with songs added, starring Dennis Morgan as a dentist who marries patient and loyal Dorothy Malone despite his constant infatuation with sexy flirt Janis Paige. Filmed previously in 1933 ("One Sunday Afternoon") and 1941 ("The Strawberry Blonde").
돈 쥬앙의 모험
The adventures of the notorious Spanish Lothario Don Juan highlights Errol Flynn's swashbuckling and romantic antics.
조니 벨린다
A small-town doctor helps a deaf-mute farm girl learn to communicate.
키 라르고
21회 아카데미 여우조연상(클레이어 트레보어) 수상. 의협심 강한 프랑크 맥클라우드 소령은 예편 후 동료 전우의 가족을 방문하기 위해 '키 라르고'섬을 찾는다. 하지만 그를 복병처럼 그를 기다리고 있었던 것은 무시무시한 태풍과, 위조화폐 거래를 위해 밀입국해서 호텔을 전세내 투숙하고 있던 마피아 로코 일당. 밖에선 태풍이 몰아치는 가운데 가족과 인질로 잡힌 맥클라우드는 기회주의적이고 야비한 로코와 한바탕 심리전을 펼친다. 결국 탈옥했던 인디언 두 명과 경찰 한 명이 살해되고 태풍은 지나가나 짧은 안도의 순간처럼 맥클라우드와 친구의 부인 노라의 애정을 확인하자마자 맥클라우드는 로코 일당을 태우고 쿠바로 끌려가게 된다. 태풍이 지나간 뒤의 적막처럼 이별을 아쉬워하며 섬엔 적막이 감도는 가운데 배를 몰고 쿠바로 향하던 맥클라우드는 지금껏 보여준 온유한 태도를 버리고 로코의 정부 게이가 준 총으로 매섭게 인간 쓰레기를 청소하고 키 라르고 섬으로 돌아간다.
다크 패시지
아내를 죽인 죄로 종신형을 선고받은 빈센트는 탈옥해서 마침 지나가던 베이커의 차를 얻어 탄다. 그러나 그때 라디오에서 자신의 탈옥 속보가 나오자 엉겁결에 베이커를 폭행하고, 이때 아이린이라는 여자가 나타나 도움을 준다. 아이린의 호의를 의아해하던 빈센트는 그녀의 아버지 역시 아내를 죽였다는 누명을 써서 종신형을 살던 중 옥사했으며, 이로 인해 아이린이 자신을 도왔음을 알게 된다.
The Unfaithful
Christine Hunter kills an intruder and tells her husband and lawyer that it was an act of self-defense. It's later revealed that he was actually her lover and she had posed for an incriminating statue he created.
Little Miss Broadway
Jerry Wald
Upon leaving finishing school, Judy Gibson goes to meet her presumed wealthy and socially prominent relatives. However they are penniless Broadway characters and take possession of a Long Island mansion owned by an incarcerated thief so Judy doesn't find out the truth. Judy arrives with her fiancé and his father, who tries to sell worthless stock to Judy's family. They give him $200,000, part of the stashed loot they found belonging to the home-owner thief.
After being found wandering the streets of Los Angeles, a severely catatonic woman tells a doctor the complex story of how she wound up there.
A classical musician from a working class background is sidetracked by his love for a wealthy, neurotic socialite.
밀드레드 피어스
어느 날 밤 해변의 방갈로에 갑자기 총성이 울려 퍼진다. 쓰러지던 남자는 “밀드레드…”라는 한 마디와 함께 숨이 끊어진다. 용의자로 연행된 밀드레드 피어스는 형사를 앞에 두고 순순히 범죄를 고백할 뿐 아니라 자신의 지난 인생을 이야기하기 시작한다.
Pride of the Marines
Marine hero Al Schmid is blinded in battle and returns home to be rehabilitated. He readjusts to his civilian life with the help of his soon to be wife.
오브젝티브 버마
A group of men parachute into Japanese-occupied Burma with a dangerous and important mission: to locate and blow up a radar station. They accomplish this well enough, but when they try to rendezvous at an old air-strip to be taken back to their base, they find Japanese waiting for them, and they must make a long, difficult walk back through enemy-occupied jungle.
In Our Time
It is early 1939 in Poland when Mrs. Bromley and Jennifer come to buy antiques for her business in London. Jennifer meets Count Stephen and they wine, dine and see the sights though out the city. He wishes to marry, but his family is against plain Jennifer. When she tries to leave, he catches her at the train station and they are married. To be self sufficient, they modernize the family farm with tractors and increase production, but then Germany starts the war.
데스티네이션 도쿄
미국의 한 특수부대가 세계2차대전 중 일본 본토에 연합군의 강행 상륙을 준비하기 위한 임무를 부여받는다. 이에 따라서 캐시디 (케리 그란트)가 이끄는 특수전 요원들을 동경만에 침투하여 항공 공격 목표 설정 장치을 설치하려는 작전을 전개하는데...
Background to Danger
An American gets caught up in wartime action in Turkey.
Action in the North Atlantic
Merchant Marine sailors Joe Rossi (Humphrey Bogart) and Steve Jarvis (Raymond Massey) are charged with getting a supply vessel to Russian allies as part of a sea convoy. When the group of ships comes under attack from a German U-boat, Rossi and Jarvis navigate through dangerous waters to evade Nazi naval forces. Though their mission across the Atlantic is extremely treacherous, they are motivated by the opportunity to strike back at the Germans, who sank one of their earlier ships.
The Hard Way
Helen Chernen pushes her younger sister Katherine into show business in order to escape their small town poverty.
The Hard Way
Helen Chernen pushes her younger sister Katherine into show business in order to escape their small town poverty.
George Washington Slept Here
New Yorkers Bill and Connie Fuller have to move from their apartment. Without Bill's knowledge, Connie purchases a delapidated old farmhouse in Pennsylvania, where George Washington was supposed to have actually slept during the American Revolution.
Across the Pacific
Rick Leland makes no secret of the fact he has no loyalty to his home country after he is court-marshaled out of the army and boards a Japanese ship for the Orient in late 1941. But has Leland really been booted out, or is there some other motive for his getting close to fellow passenger Doctor Lorenz? Any motive for getting close to attractive traveller Alberta Marlow would however seem pretty obvious.
Juke Girl
Associate Producer
During the depths of the Great Depression a hitch-hiker Steve Talbot and jukebox-joint hostess Lola Mears stumble into Cat-Tail Florida where farmers and pickers struggle under the buyer who rules by monopoly, dirty contracts and violence. Steve helps organize against the buyer, leading to further escalation ending in a lynch mob.
Larceny, Inc.
Three ex-cons buy a luggage shop to tunnel into the bank vault next door. But despite all they can do, the shop prospers...
All Through the Night
Associate Producer
Broadway gamblers stumble across a plan by Nazi saboteurs to blow up an American battleship.
The Man Who Came to Dinner
Associate Producer
An acerbic critic wreaks havoc when a hip injury forces him to move in indefinitely with a Midwestern family.
Navy Blues
On a layover in Hawaii two conniving Navy seamen borrow money to lay down bets that their ship will win the upcoming gunnery practice trophy, having found out that the current gunnery champ has just transferred aboard their ship. What they haven't learned, however, is that the marksman's enlistment is up before the contest is supposed to take place.
Hank McHenry and Johnny Marshall work as power company linesmen. Hank is injured in an accident and subsequently promoted to foreman of the gang. Tensions start to show in the road crew as rivalry between Hank and Johnny increases.
Out of the Fog
A Brooklyn pier racketeer bullies boat-owners into paying protection money but two fed-up fishermen decide to eliminate the gangster themselves rather than complain to the police.
Million Dollar Baby
A sudden windfall has unexpected consequences on a working class girl during the Great Depression.
They Drive by Night
Joe and Paul Fabrini are Wildcat, or independent, truck drivers who have their own small one-truck business. The Fabrini boys constantly battle distributors, rivals and loan collectors, while trying to make a success of their transport company.
Brother Orchid
When retired racket boss John Sarto tries to reclaim his place and former friends try to kill him, he finds solace in a monastery and reinvents himself as a pious monk.
Flight Angels
Federal Airlines ace pilot Chick Faber is grounded by Flight Superintendent Bill Graves when a doctor says his eyesight is failing. Aided by Mary Norvell and Nan Hudson, Graves persuades Chick to take a job as teacher in the school for airline hostesses, and Chick and Mary get married. He learns that the Army is going to test a stratosphere plane that he and Artie Dixon designed and feels that he should make the first flight but permission is refused.
Torrid Zone
A Central American plantation manager and his boss battle over a traveling showgirl.
Three Cheers for the Irish
Peter Casey has been with the New York City police department for 25 years. He's totally surprised when he's asked to retire on his 25th anniversary with the force. He's even more unprepared for the romance that develops between his favorite daughter, Maureen, and the Scottish cop who takes over his beat.
포효하는 20년대
프랑스에서 정전협정이 조인된 후, 미국 병사 세 명이 그들의 미래에 대해 고심한다. 에디 바틀렛은 예전의 직업인 차 수리공을 할 수 있을 거라고 굳게 믿고 있으며, 한때 술집 지배인을 했던 죠지 할리는 최근에 제정된 금주령 같은 건 안중에도 없다. 또한 법대생이었던 로이트 하트는 법 공부를 계속할 계획을 갖고 있다. 하지만 그들이 돌아왔을 때 미국은 많이 변해있다. 에디는 실업자들이 넘쳐나는 통에 차 수리공 자리는 얻지도 못하고 할 수 없이 택시를 운전하게 된다. 어느 날 에디는 나이트클럽 여주인인 파나마 스미스 앞으로 가는 밀주를 배달하다가 경찰에 체포되지만 파나마에게 불리한 증언을 하지 않는다. 파나마는 고마움의 표시로 에디가 밀주업에 참여할 수 있게 도와준다.
On Your Toes
A Russian dance company agrees to stage the new ballet written by a vaudeville hoofer.
Naughty But Nice
Donald Hardwick (Dick Powell) is a stuffed-shirt, classical music professor. His family and small-town music college that he works are of equal mindset. When Don visits his black-sheep aunt in New York in order to find a buyer for his Rhapsody he is exposed to her shocking swing music crowd. His life begins to make dramatic changes after drinking a "lemonade" that turns out to be a Hurricane.
The Kid from Kokomo
Gruff boxing manager "Square Shooting Murph" Murphy manages a naive boxer from Indiana, Homer Baston.Homer is willing to give up his boxing career searching for his parents, so Murphy hires two jailbirds to play his long lost parents to keep him in the ring.
Going Places
A sports store clerk poses as a famous jockey as an advertising stunt, but gets more than he bargained for.
Hard to Get
When spoiled young heiress Maggie Richards tries to charge some gasoline at an auto camp run by Bill Davis, he makes her work out her bill by making beds. Resolving to get even, she pretends to have forgiven him, and sends him to her father to get financing for a plan Bill has. What happens next was not part of her original revenge plan.
Brother Rat
Story of three buddies at the Virginia Military Institute. Cadet Bing Edwards is secretly married and soon to be a father.
Garden of the Moon
Don Vincente is determined to make a success of himself and his band. He gets his break by performing at the Garden of the Moon, which is broadcast over the radio. The problem is that John Quinn is the club's ruthless, scheming manager who will do anything to keep Vincente under his thumb. John's assistant, Toni Blake, falls for Vincente, complicating the escalating war.
Gold Diggers in Paris
When the representative of the Paris International Dance Exposition arrives in New York to invite the Academy Ballet of America to compete for monetary prizes, the taxi driver mistakenly brings him to the Club Ballé, a nightclub on the brink of declaring bankruptcy. The owners, Terry Moore and Duke Dennis, jump at the chance to go, despite being aware of the mistake. They hire ballet teacher, Luis Leoni, and his only pupil, Kay Morrow, to join the group, hoping to teach their two dozen show girls ballet en route to Paris by ship. Also going along and rooming with Kay is Mona, Terry's ex-wife, who wants to keep an eye on her alimony checks. Naturally, Kay and Terry fall in love.
Hollywood Hotel
After losing a coveted role in an upcoming film to another actress, screen queen Mona Marshall (Lola Lane) protests by refusing to appear at her current movie's premiere. Her agent discovers struggling actress Virginia Stanton (Rosemary Lane) -- an exact match for Mona -- and sends her to the premiere instead, with young musician Ronnie Bowers (Dick Powell). After various mishaps, including a case of mistaken identity, Ronnie and Virginia struggle to find success in Hollywood.
Hollywood Hotel
After losing a coveted role in an upcoming film to another actress, screen queen Mona Marshall (Lola Lane) protests by refusing to appear at her current movie's premiere. Her agent discovers struggling actress Virginia Stanton (Rosemary Lane) -- an exact match for Mona -- and sends her to the premiere instead, with young musician Ronnie Bowers (Dick Powell). After various mishaps, including a case of mistaken identity, Ronnie and Virginia struggle to find success in Hollywood.
Varsity Show
Winfield College students rebel against a stodgy professor who won't permit "swing" music be played in their varsity show. They appeal to a big Broadway alumnus and have him direct their show. What they don't know is that this "star's" last three shows were flops.
Ready, Willing and Able
Two starving songwriters will only get funding if they get British actress Jane Clarke to star in their show.
Sing Me a Love Song
A young playboy inherits a financially-troubled New York City department store. To learn the business, he poses as a store clerk, and quickly falls for a pretty employee in the store's music department. Comedy with songs.
Sons o' Guns
Broadway star Jimmy Canfield stars in a patriotic show on the great white way during WWI. He plays the heroic soldier, but he is doesn't want to join the Army. To evade some troubles with fellow actress Berenice, he acts like joining the forces going over there, but that turns out to be real. In France he falls in love with a French barmaid and is arrested as spy. He escapes from prison, only to end in the uniform of a German officer leading "his" soldiers in an Allied trap. But being escaped from prison and wearing the enemy's uniform isn't that healthy in wartime.
Stars Over Broadway
An aggressive agent turns a hotel porter into an overnight sensation.
I Live for Love
A failed actor finds success as a radio singer.
Little Big Shot
A con man and his partner inherit a dead gangster's precocious daughter.
Broadway Gondolier
Additional Dialogue
A taxi driver travels to Venice and poses as a gondolier to land a radio singing job.
In Caliente
At a Mexican resort, a fast-talking magazine editor woos the dancer he's trashed in print.
Living on Velvet
A lay-about falls for his best friend's fiancee. The two of them run away from a life of privilege to one of middle-class normalcy. When an influx of money enters their life, their differences come to light.
Sweet Music
A midwest band leader and his lead singer share a love-hate relationship as they try for success in New York.
Sweet Music
A midwest band leader and his lead singer share a love-hate relationship as they try for success in New York.
Maybe It's Love
Director William C. McGann's 1935 film stars Gloria Stuart and Ross Alexander as a young couple in love who face economic woes once they're wed.
Rambling 'Round Radio Row #5
Jerry Wald - Radio Row Reporter
The Happines Boys Billy Jones and Earnie Hare are invited to a party, but separate themselves from the rest of the guests, so they can not be urged to perform. However, they are watching the other guests from radio doing their stuff: song team Reece & Dunn, as well as the Funnyboners are singing, Smith Ballew and Frances Langford are exchanging love songs, Arthur Tracy tries his luck with a girl, just to find out that she prefers Bing Crosby and 4 orchestra leaders are trying to find out, who the best conductor is, by conducting a piece of recorded music....
Rambling 'Round Radio Row #5
The Happines Boys Billy Jones and Earnie Hare are invited to a party, but separate themselves from the rest of the guests, so they can not be urged to perform. However, they are watching the other guests from radio doing their stuff: song team Reece & Dunn, as well as the Funnyboners are singing, Smith Ballew and Frances Langford are exchanging love songs, Arthur Tracy tries his luck with a girl, just to find out that she prefers Bing Crosby and 4 orchestra leaders are trying to find out, who the best conductor is, by conducting a piece of recorded music....
Rambling 'Round Radio Row #7
A radio salesman is trying to sell some gypsies a radio. But they have their easy to operate crystal ball, that even works as a TV. They show him how easy it works by listening to the doings of the Rhythm Boys, Tito Guizar, the Picken Sisters and Ann Lee, and let him try to receive a Frank Hazard program.
Rambling 'Round Radio Row #6
Host Harry Rose mixes a "cocktail" of musical acts.
Rambling 'Round Radio Row #6
Host Harry Rose mixes a "cocktail" of musical acts.
Rambling 'Round Radio Row #3
J.C Flippen acts as MC on a broadcast from a short vacation cruise of many New York based radio personalities of 1932. Among them are Tess Gardella, Johny Marvin, Bill Hall, Baby Rosemarie and the Four Lombardo Brothers, who all do their part on the broadcast.
Rambling Round Radio Row #4
The Happiness Boys, Billy Jones and Earnie Hare, are invited to a party, but separate themselves from the rest of the guests, so they can't be urged to perform. However, they are watching the other guests from radio doing their stuff: Song team Reece & Dunn as well as the Funnyboners are singing; Smith Ballew and Frances Langford are exchanging love songs; Arthur Tracy tries his luck with a girl, just to find out that she prefers Bing Crosby; and 4 orchestra leaders are trying to find out who the best conductor is by conducting a piece of recorded music....
Rambling 'Round Radio Row #2
Returning to New York on an ocean liner, Lois Whiteman, Harry Barris and Art Jarrett decide to visit composer Burton Lane, who is also aboard, to rehearse a little. Saxophonists Benny Krueger and Rudy Wiedhoeft meet and perform with their instruments.
Rambling 'Round Radio Row #2
Returning to New York on an ocean liner, Lois Whiteman, Harry Barris and Art Jarrett decide to visit composer Burton Lane, who is also aboard, to rehearse a little. Saxophonists Benny Krueger and Rudy Wiedhoeft meet and perform with their instruments.
Rambling 'Round Radio Row #2
Returning to New York on an ocean liner, Lois Whiteman, Harry Barris and Art Jarrett decide to visit composer Burton Lane, who is also aboard, to rehearse a little. Saxophonists Benny Krueger and Rudy Wiedhoeft meet and perform with their instruments.
Rambling 'Round Radio Row #2
Returning to New York on an ocean liner, Lois Whiteman, Harry Barris and Art Jarrett decide to visit composer Burton Lane, who is also aboard, to rehearse a little. Saxophonists Benny Krueger and Rudy Wiedhoeft meet and perform with their instruments.
Rambling 'Round Radio Row #1
Jerry Wald has to write about radio, visiting Sid Gary gives him the tip it might be more easy for him to write this article at the radio station than at his newspaper office. At the studio they listen to the Boswell Sister's rehearsal, which is interupted by some not so friendly remarks by orchestra leader Abe Lyman, they listen at the door, where a Colonel Stoopnagel broadcast is prepared, as well as to the rehearsal of a new song for an broadcast by Kate Smith.
Rambling 'Round Radio Row #1
Jerry Wald
Jerry Wald has to write about radio, visiting Sid Gary gives him the tip it might be more easy for him to write this article at the radio station than at his newspaper office. At the studio they listen to the Boswell Sister's rehearsal, which is interupted by some not so friendly remarks by orchestra leader Abe Lyman, they listen at the door, where a Colonel Stoopnagel broadcast is prepared, as well as to the rehearsal of a new song for an broadcast by Kate Smith.