Archie Stout

출생 : 1886-03-30, Renwick, Iowa, USA

사망 : 1973-03-10


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Archie Stout (March 30, 1886 – March 10, 1973), A.S.C. was an American cinematographer whose career spanned from 1914 to 1954. He enjoyed a long and fruitful association with John Ford, working as second unit cinematographer on Fort Apache (1948), She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949) and The Quiet Man (1952), becoming the only 2nd unit cinematographer to receive an Academy Award. In a wide-ranging career, he also worked on such films as the original version of The Ten Commandments (1923) and several Hopalong Cassidy and Tarzan films. His last film was the airborne disaster movie The High and the Mighty in 1954. In 1914, Mack Sennett was filming a comedy with Louise Fazenda, and it required a scene with a pelican "nibbling at [Louise's] posterior". However, the state law in California required that a representative of the fish and game committee be present at all times when handling the pelican. Archie was game warden of the fish and game commission of California at the time, and was assigned to oversee the handling of a pelican. However, several days after the scene with the pelican, Stout continued to observe and speak to Mack Sennett and his lead cameraman, Fred Jackman, throughout the rest of the shoot. Jackman, taking a liking to Stout, and in need of background shots, asked if Stout would be interested in getting the shots for him. Stout eagerly agreed, and after a brief lesson on how the camera worked, went up into the High Sierras to get the shots. Once the film was developed, Jackman saw the potential in Stout's abilities and hired him immediately. By the 1930s, Stout was "earning a reputation for outstanding outdoor photography" and was moving between director of photography positions and second unit jobs. He would go on to develop a strong professional relationship with actor John Wayne, shooting at least 25 of his films, most of which were westerns. Stout eventually became a part of director John Ford's camera crew, handling second unit photography on Fort Apache (1948), She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949), Rio Grande (1950), Wagon Master (1950) and The Quiet Man (1952). Between his background with nature and his eye for exterior shots, Stout would go on to be "among the top dozen cinematographers associated with Westerns". In an interview, Archie said in the first eight years of his career he "roughly made 300 pictures for Mack Sennett and the Christie boys". By the printing of the article, he would be shooting his 500th film. Although that is a staggering number of movies for a cinematographer, especially one well into his 50s, Archie was not too impressed with the number, saying that "in the old days a one-reeler was shot in two or three days, and as soon as you finished one you started right in with another".

참여 작품

하이 앤 마이티
Director of Photography
과거 비극적인 사고 때문에 괴로워하는 베테랑 조장사 댄 로만(존 웨인 역). 사고 이후 한 동안 모습을 보이지 않았던 댄은 노롤룰루에서 샌프란시스코까지의 노선을 왕래하는 비행기의 부기장으로 재임명된다. 하지만 태평양 한 가운데의 회항지대를 지날 무렵 프로펠러가 고장을 일으키면서 비행기 내부에는 공포가 몰려오기 시작하는데...
Director of Photography
아파치와 백인의 대결을 다룬 서부극
백야의 탈출
Director of Photography
북극에 인접한 캐나다의 래브라도 지방을 무대로 존 웨인을 비롯한 명배우들이 `Island In The Sky` 대거 참여했다. 2차 세계 대전이 끝난 직후, 물자 수송기를 조종하던 둘리(존 웨인 역)는 어느 날 항로를 잃고 북극 근처의 호수에 불시착한다. 이때부터 수송기에 탑승했던 둘리와 그의 부하들은 살아남기 위한 절박한 몸부림을 시작한다. 그러나 부족한 식량과 제한된 쉼터, 원시적인 무선통신과 언제 몰아닥칠지 모르는 북극의 날씨 앞에서 점점 좌절하고 만다. 한편, 비행 본부에 모여든 동료 조종사들은 이들을 수색하기 위해 지도에도 나와있지 않은 황량하고 살벌한 북극으로의 비행을 서두른다. 로이드 놀란, 월터 아벨, 제임스 아네스, 앤디 디바인, 해리 케리 쥬니어 역시 작품에 참여해 극의 리얼리티를 살려주었다. `Island In The Sky`는 인간의 용기와 희망, 생존 의지를 되돌아보게 만드는 명화이다.
태양은 밝게 빛난다
Director of Photography
켄터키의 작은 마을, 늙은 판사 프리스트는 재선에 도전한다. 경쟁자인 오만한 검사 메이듀는 노골적으로 프리스트의 판결에 불만을 표하기도 한다. 한편, 호탕한 청년 애쉬비는 아름다운 루시에게 반해 그녀를 위해 결투까지 하게 되는데, 다행히 프리스트가 나서 결투를 중지시킨다. 어느 늦은 밤, 흑인 청년이 백인 처녀를 강간했다는 혐의로 붙잡히고, 프리스트는 증거가 불충분하다고 판단한다. 마을사람들은 흑인을 옹호한 프리스트의 결정에 반발하는데, 과연 프리스트는 선거에서 이길 수 있을까?
Trouble Along the Way
Director of Photography
Struggling to retain custody of his daughter following his divorce, football coach Steve Williams finds himself embroiled in a recruiting scandal at the tiny Catholic college he is trying to bring back to football respectability.
말 없는 사나이
Second Unit Director of Photography
미국에서 아일랜드로 온 숀은 곧장 이니스프리로 향한다. 동네 사람들은 그를 관광객이라 생각하지만 사실 7대 째 이 마을에서 나고 자란 토박이 출신이다. 마을에 도착한 숀은 양을 돌보는 아름다운 여인 메리를 만나 첫 눈에 사랑에 빠지지만 자신이 태어났던 옛 집의 소유권 문제 때문에 메리의 오빠 레드와 다투기 시작한다.
거칠게, 빠르게, 아름답게
Director of Photography
테니스 영재인 플로렌스 팔리는 사랑과 어머니의 야망 사이에서 갈피를 잡지 못한다. 사회적 성공에 눈이 먼 어머니는 재능있는 테니스 선수인 딸을 통해 자신의 꿈을 실현하고자 애쓴다. 플로렌스는 챔피언이 되고도 행복하지 않은 자신의 삶에 대한 선택의 계기를 맞게 된다.
Director of Photography
이제 막 약혼을 하고 행복에 젖어있던 젊은 여성이 직장에서 귀가하던 중 강간을 당하고, 그녀의 삶은 산산조각이 난다. 일과 약혼자를 버리고 캘리포니아까지 도망친 그녀는 그곳에서 새로운 신분으로 위장하여 자신이 처한 고통과 두려움을 외면하고자 한다. 그녀는 이해심 많은 목사를 만나 조언을 듣게 되면서 비로소 삶의 용기를 얻게 된다.
왜건 마스터
Second Unit Director of Photography
위그스가 이끄는 모르몬교도들의 마차 행렬이 크리스털 시티에 도착한다. 모르몬교도들은 위그스를 대신해 목적지인 유타주의 산 후안까지 그들의 마차를 이끌어줄 마스터를 다시 구해야만 한다. 그런데 마을 사람들이 모르몬교도들을 못마땅해 하고, 결국 모르몬교도들은 마을에서 쫓겨나게 된다. 다행스럽게도 말 거래상인 트레비스와 샌디가 교도들의 왜건 마스터 자리를 맡기로 한다. 황량한 사막지대를 지나던 도중, 트레비스의 마차 행렬은 캘리포니아로 향하던 닥터 홀의 약장수 쇼단과 합류하게 된다. 얼마 후, 크리스털 시티에서 탈주한 강도단 클레그 일당과 마주치며 마차 행렬은 위험에 빠진다. 두 방랑자가 박해를 피해 정착할 땅을 찾아 떠나는 모르몬교도들의 길안내를 맡으며 겪는 갖가지 위험과 도덕적 갈등을 헤쳐가는 과정을 그리면서 공동체 생성의 근원, 평화주의와 폭력적 대립 등에 대해 탐구한다.
두려움 없이
Director of Photography
재능 넘치는 미모의 무용수 캐럴 윌리엄스는 소아마비에 걸려 다리를 절게 되고 절망한다. 급기야 실의에 빠져 적의를 품게 된 그녀는 자신의 댄스 파트너이자 안무가인 가이 리처드와의 약혼을 깨지만 그럼에도 불구하고 가이는 그녀 곁을 지키기로 결심한다. 비참함 속에서 홀로 머물려고만 했던 캐롤은 타인의 도움을 허락하면서 슬픔을 나누는 법을 천천히 배워간다.
Lust for Gold
Director of Photography
A man determined to track down the fabled Arizona gold mine known as The Lost Dutchman has an affair with a married treasure hunter, whose pursuit of the mine has lead her to double-cross her husband.
아파치 요새
Director of Photography
아파치 요새는 본부대에서 떨어진 작은 요새로 남북 전쟁에 참전했던 보잘것없는 무리들이 모여 있다. 이 부대에 새로운 사령관인 오웬 더스데이 중령(헨리 폰다)이 그의 사랑스러운 딸 필라델피아를 데리고 부임한다. 그는 새롭게 부임한 요새에 대해 치욕감을 느끼고 자신이 명예를 회복하고 자신이 능력 있는 지도자임을 증명하기 위해 고심한다. 결국 그의 야심은 부하들과의 갈등을 야기시킨다. 필라델피아가 하사관 아들인 젊은 중위 마이클과 사랑에 빠지면서 그의 속물근성은 딸과의 사이도 악화시킨다. 그러나 가장 큰 사건은 더스데이 중령이 자신의 야망을 성취하기 위해 경험 많은 요크 대위(존 웨인)의 충고를 무시하고 아파치와의 전쟁을 꾀하면서 일어난다.
Tarzan and the Huntress
Director of Photography
A shortage of zoo animals after World War II brings beautiful animal trainer Tanya, her financial backer and her cruel trail boss to the jungle. After negotiating a quota with the native king, they take more animals than allowed. Tarzan intervenes.
천사와 악당
Director of Photography
Notorious shootist and womanizer Quirt Evans' horse collapses as he passes a Quaker family's home. Quirt has been wounded, and the kindly family takes him in to nurse him back to health against the advice of others. The handsome Evans quickly attracts the affections of their beautiful daughter, Penelope. He develops an affection for the family and their faith, but his troubled past follows him.
Abilene Town
Director of Photography
Marshall Dan Mitchell, who is the law in Abilene, has the job of keeping peace between two groups. For a long time, the town had been divided, with the cattlemen and cowboys having one end of town to themselves, while townspeople occupied the other end. Mitchell liked it this way, it made things easier for him, and kept problems from arising between the two factions. However…
Captain Kidd
Director of Photography
Cutthroat pirate William Kidd captures Admiral Blayne's treasure ship and hides the bounty in a cave. Three years later, Kidd, posing as a respectable merchant captain, offers his services to the king. Seeking a social position, Kidd also negotiates for Blayne's title and lands, provided he can prove Blayne was associated with piracy. Launched upon his royal mission, Kidd is unaware that Blayne's son Adam is among the crew, determined to clear his father's name.
타잔과 아마존
Director of Photography
A group of archaeologists asks Tarzan to help them find an ancient city in a hidden valley of women. He refuses, but Boy is tricked into doing the job. The queen of the women asks Tarzan to help them.
Dark Waters
Director of Photography
Leslie Calvin, the sole survivor of a submarine accident, goes to her relatives in order to recover emotionally. Unfortunately, she encounters various scam artists led by Mr. Sydney who intend to kill her and steal the family assets. Dr. George Grover helps Leslie to defeat Sydney.
Summer Storm
Director of Photography
It's a tale of power and passions when a Russian siren, who wants the finer things in life, sinks her hooks into a judge, a decadent aristocrat and an estate superintendent, with surprising results.
내일 일어날 일
Director of Photography
A young turn-of-the-century newspaper man finds he can get hold of the next day's paper. This brings more problems than fortune, especially as his new girlfriend is part of a phony clairvoyant act.
The Texas Rangers Ride Again
Director of Photography
With thousands of cattle being rustled from White Sage ranch the 1930's Texas Rangers are called in. They manage to get one of their agents into the gang by making them think he is the Pecos Kid on the lam.
위대한 서부인
Special Effects
미국의 시민 전쟁이 끝나자, 사람들은 자유로운 땅이 보장되어 있는 서부 텍사스 지역으로 몰린다. 텍사스의 페코스 마을에 정착한 로이 빈(Judge Roy Bean: 월터 브레넌 분)은 스스로를 판사라 부르면서 마을을 통치한다. 실제로는 소몰이꾼인 로이 빈은 멋대로 법을 시행하고 죄없는 시민들을 재판하여 마구 사형시킨다. 어느 날 이 마을에 소를 훔쳤다는 죄목으로 콜(Cole Hardin: 게리 쿠퍼 역)이라는 사람이 붙잡혀온다. 재판을 받은 콜은 사형에 처할 위기에 빠진다. 하지만 그는 로이 빈이 릴리 랭트리(Lily Langtry: 릴리언 본드 분)란 여배우를 병적으로 좋아한다는 사실을 눈치채고, 자신이 랭트리를 만난 적이 있으며 그녀의 머리카락을 갖고 있다고 거짓말을 하여 위기를 모면하고...
Second Unit Cinematographer
평범하고 수줍음 잘 타는 그녀는 몬테 카를로에서 몇년 전 아내 레베카와 사별한 부유한 신사 맥심을 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 그녀는 아직도 전처를 잃은 슬픔에 다소 불안정한 심리 상태의 맥심과 결혼 후 그의 대저택 '맨덜리'에 입성한다. 아름답지만 음산하고 기묘한 분위기를 풍기는 대저택 ‘맨덜리’는 죽은 레베카가 마치 살아 숨쉬고 있는 것처럼 레베카에게 깊게 물들어 있다. 집사 댄버스 부인 마저 시종일관 무표정함을 유지하며 경계심을 드러내 그녀를 노이로제 상태로 몰아간다. 하지만 남편 맥심은 자신의 심적 고통 때문에 미처 그녀에게 신경을 쓰지 못하고 그들 부부의 결혼 생활은 위기를 맞이하게 된다. 어느 비 바람 몰아치던 저녁, ‘맨덜리’ 저택의 비밀이 드러날 사건이 일어나는데…
Rulers of the Sea
Director of Photography
The struggle of a man to build a steam ship to take him across the Atlantic in spite of all setbacks, and his win against a crack sailing boat in the early 19th century.
보 게스티
Director of Photography
제스트 3형제 보.딕비 그리고 존은 레이디 브랜든의 부유한 가정에 입양되어 떼어 놓을 수 없는 형제. 형제는 숙원이던 프랑스 외인부대에 입대한다. 그러나 이들 형제들이 보석을 가지고 있다는 정보를 포착한 마르코프 상사는 보석을 빼앗기 위해 우선 딕비를 다른요새로 보낸다. 갑작스런 지휘관의 죽음으로 요새를 지휘하게 된 마르코프 상사는 곧 대규모 아랍부대의 공격을 받는다. 소수의 병력으로 수차례 적의 거센 공격을 막아대는 수비대는 하나 둘씩 다죽어가고 보 역시 총에 맞고 쓰러지는데...
The Adventures of Marco Polo
Director of Photography
The Venetian traveler Marco Polo meets Kublai Khan and foils a plotter with fireworks in medieval China.
Additional Photography
남태평양에 위치한 마나쿠라 섬. 이곳엔 순진하고 자유를 사랑하는 원주민들이 평화롭게 살아간다. 그러나 마나쿠라를 통치하는 프랑스의 총독 드라지는 이런 원주민들의 삶을 이해하지 못하고 정의와 의무, 법과 질서만을 강조한다. 마라마와 테랑기는 이곳 원주민으로 서로 사랑하는 사이다. 두 사람은 섬주민들이 축복해 주는 가운데 결혼식을 올리고 행복한 신혼의 단꿈에 젖어 있었다. 그러던 어느날, 테랑기는 타히티로 일을 나갔다가 그만 백인을 때려 6개월 형을 선고받게 된다. 함께 타이티로 항해를 떠났던 네이글 선장은 타히티의 총독에게 테랑기를 석방해 줄 것을 간청하지만 총독은 강경하게 이를 거절하는데...
Hills of Old Wyoming
Director of Photography
An evil deputy is using Indian half-breeds to rustle cattle. This causes trouble between the cattlemen and Indians. Hoppy, Windy and Lucky see that justice is served. Songs abound.
Director of Photography
Hoppy goes undercover as an outlaw (which permits him, for once, to drink and be mean to children) to track down a bunch of outlaws operating along the border. Loco, the head bad guy, deflects suspicion from himself by pretending to be a moron.
Trail Dust
Director of Photography
Hoppy, Johnny and Windy are fighting a malicious gang trying to stop a cattle drive from reaching a drought-stricken North.
Hopalong Cassidy Returns
Director of Photography
A crusading newspaper editor recruits his old friend Hoppy to take the job of Marshall in a town rife with vice and murder directed at helpless miners.
Sea Spoilers
Director of Photography
Bob Randall, temporarily in command of the Coast Guard vessel Niobe, expects a promotion and the captaincy of his ship. Instead, he is replaced by Lieutenant Mays, son of the area commander. Mays is afflicted with a fear of the sea, although he has served well in Coast Guard aviation. His father, however, thinks Mays can overcome his fear by taking command of the Niobe. When seal poachers kidnap Bob Randall's girlfriend Connie, Bob and Mays disagree about the proper means of rescuing her and capturing the seal poachers. When Mays's inexperience and phobia foil their attempts at rescue, Bob comes up with his own plan.
Three on the Trail
Director of Photography
An evil gang is involved in both cattle rustling and the robbing of stagecoaches. Hoppy must stop them without help from the sheriff who turns out be a major outlaw himself.
Call of the Prairie
Director of Photography
Hoppy returns to find Johnny in trouble. Buck Peters has been shot by Porter who made it look like Johnny did it. When Johnny flees he runs into Linda. He takes a liking to her only to learn her father Shanghai is one of Porter's gang. Going after Shanghai, he gets captured by the gang and Porter now plans to kill him. But Hoppy is near by and Johnny will get unexpected help from Shanghai.
Heart of the West
Director of Photography
Problems come in the form of one of Hopalong Cassidy's neighbors, but the matter is settled when Hoppy roots out the troublemaker.
Bar 20 Rides Again
Director of Photography
Cattle rustler Nevada dreams of living like an emperor in the West. Hoppy and the Bar 20 boys aim to put an end to his dream.
The Eagle's Brood
When the outlaw El Toro saves Hoppy's life, Hoppy agrees to find his missing grandson.
Texas Terror
Director of Photography
Sheriff John Higgins quits and goes into prospecting after he thinks he has killed his best friend in shooting it out with robbers. He encounters his dead buddy's sister and helps her run her ranch. Then she finds out about his past.
Hop-a-long Cassidy
An evil ranch foreman tries to provoke a range war by playing two cattlemen against each other while helping a gang to rustle the cattle. Each cattleman blames the other for missing cattle. With the help of Bill Cassidy (Hop-along, because of an earlier bullet wound) and Johnny Nelson, the warring cattlemen join forces to do in the outlaws.
서쪽으로 향해
Director of Photography
Ballard's trail jumpers attack the Wyatt Company wagon train, killing young John's parents and kidnaping his brother, Jim. In post-Civil War California, John Wyatt, now a man, pulls together a vigilante posse, The Singing Riders, who all ride white horses, dress alike, and ride the trails singing and rounding up outlaw gangs. Meanwhile, John is ever on the lookout for the gang that murdered his parents As a youngster John Wyatt saw his parents killed and his brother kidnapped. On a wagon train heading West he meets his brother who is now a spy for the gang which originally did the dirty work. He and his brother both fall for Mary Gordon When Ballard and his men attack the Wyatt wagon train, they kill all except two young brothers. Twelve years later one brother John has organized a vigilante group. The other brother Jim is now part of Ballard's gang and the two are destined to meet again
Paradise Canyon
Director of Photography
John Wyatt is a government agent sent to smash a counterfeiting operation near the Mexican border. Joining Doc Carter's medicine show they arrive in the town where Curly Joe, who once framed Carter, resides.
The Dawn Rider
Director of Photography
When John Mason's father is killed, John is wounded. Attracted to his nurse Alice, a conflict arises between him and his friend Ben who plans to marry Alice. John later finds the killer of his father but goes to face him not knowing Ben has removed the bullets from his gun.
The Desert Trail
Rodeo star John Scott and his gambler friend Kansas Charlie are wrongly accused of armed robbery. They leave town as fast as they can to go looking for their own suspects in Poker City.
Rocky Mountain Mystery
Director of Photography
A mining engineer teams up with a crusty deputy sheriff to solve the mystery killings at an old mine where the owner's family waits for him to die, and where a valuable radium strike may have been made.
'니스 더 아리조나 스카이즈
Director of Photography
Chris Morrell, the guardian of half-Indian girl Nina, is helping her find her missing white father. so she can cash in on her late mother's oil lease. Outlaw Sam Black is after the girl and her father as well. Besides dealing with the Black gang, Morrell has to find another robber, Jim Moore, who switches clothes with him after he finds Chris unconscious from a fight with Sam Black. Along the way, he meets a lady who's the sister of Jim Moore, another bad hombre who's in cahoots with Jim Moore, and an old friend who takes in Nina and helps Chris locate Nina's father and fight off the various desperadoes
The Lawless Frontier
Director of Photography
Tobin is after the bandit Zanti who killed his parents. He finds him just as Zanti is about to kill Dusty and kidnap Ruby. Saving the two, he goes after Zanti. He catches him but Zanti escapes the Sheriff's handcuff's and this time Tobin has to chase him into the desert.
The Trail Beyond
Director of Photography
Rod Drew hunts for a missing girl and finds himself in a fight over a goldmine as well.
The Star Packer
Director of Photography
John Travers and Yak, his faithful Indian sidekick, pick up where a murdered sheriff leaves off, and try to nab the mysterious Shadow.
Randy Rides Alone
Director of Photography
Bandits lead by Matt the Mute enter a bar and kill multiple people. Randy Bowers comes to town and is framed by Matt the Mute, who is working with the sheriff (who doesn't know Matt is really a criminal). Randy escapes with the help of the niece of the dead owner of the bar. Bowers ends up running from the sheriff, and ends up in the cave in which the bandits have their hide-out…
The Man From Utah
Director of Photography
The Marshal sends John Weston to a rodeo to see if he can find out who is killing the rodeo riders who are about to win the prize money. Barton has organized the rodeo and plans to leave with all the prize money put up by the townspeople. When it appears that Weston will beat Barton's rider, he has his men prepare the same fate for him that befell the other riders.
West of the Divide
Director of Photography
Ted Hayden impersonates a wanted man and joins Gentry's gang only to learn later that Gentry was the one who killed his father.
The Lucky Texan
Director of Photography
Jerry Mason, a young Texan, and Jake Benson, an old rancher, become partners and strike it rich with a gold mine. They then find their lives complicated by bad guys and a woman.
Sixteen Fathoms Deep
Director of Photography
A sponge diver hopes to make enough money to buy his own boat and marry his girlfriend. A rival diver, however, has other plans for him.
Riders of Destiny
Director of Photography
James Kincaid controls the local water supply and plans to do away with the other ranchers. Government agent Sandy Saunders arrives undercover to investigate Kincaid's land swindle scheme, and win the heart of one of his victims, Fay Denton.
Ranger's Code
Director of Photography
When his Ranger father is shot down and seriously wounded by rustlers, young Bob Baxter is given a Ranger's badge and a delivery to town of the rustlers.
Rainbow Ranch
Director of Photography
An emergency at his Aunt's ranch gets Ed Randall leave from the Navy. He returns to find the water cut off and her note due the next day. When the man he seeks legal advice from is murdered, Ed is accused and he now finds himself in jail with a lynch mob forming outside.
Sunset Pass
Director of Photography
A US marshal goes undercover to bust up a bunch of rustlers.
Under the Tonto Rim
Director of Photography
Western comedy.
The Mysterious Rider
Director of Photography
The ranchers have given money through Benton to the crooked lawyer Harkness to save the titles to their land. When Harkness gets a better offer, he steals Benton's receipt for the money and Benton is jailed. To fight back, Benton escapes jail at night to become the Phantom.
The Man from Arizona
Director of Photography
A cowboy saves his injured friend from a vigilante group, which believes that he is part of a bandit gang that attacked a wagon train. The cowboy sets out to find the bandit gang and clear his friend's name.
Heritage of the Desert
Director of Photography
A young man must defend his land from claim jumpers in this adaptation of the popular Zane Grey novel.
The Arm of the Law
Director of Photography
A reporter and a detective team up to solve the murder of a nightclub singer who had been involved in a divorce scandal.
Law of the West
Director of Photography
For revenge the outlaw Morgan steals the Carruthers young son. Seventeen years later Carruthers arrives in the valley where Morgan, his gang, and the now grown Bob hide. After Morgan shoots Tracy, he tells Bob that Carruthers did it and sends Bob out after him. But unknown to Bob, Morgan has put blanks in his gun.
Law of the Sea
Director of Photography
A sadistic, evil ship captain lusts after a beautiful young girl he spots in town. It turns out that she's the girlfriend of a young man whose father the captain had blinded and cast adrift on the ocean many years before.
Forgotten Women
Director of Photography
Acting on a tip from former stage actress Fern Madden, who is now working as a movie extra, Jimmy Burke, a Hollywood reporter, publishes an article revealing an independent film producer to have mob connections. As a result of the story, Jimmy becomes city editor.
Mother and Son
A woman loses all her money in the 1929 stock market crash, and in order to support her family, goes back to her previous occupation--owner of a gambling house--which her son is dead set against.
The Sunrise Trail
Director of Photography
Working under cover, Tex goes south of the border and joins Rand's gang where he befriends gang member Kansas. He plans to lead the gang into the Sheriff's trap, but hopes to spare his new friend.
Director of Photography
Two rival seamen fight for both a promotion to a captaincy in their shipping line and the attentions of a Havana saloon singer. Sparks fly as they both try to out do each other in obtaining what they know their opposite is after. In the end they will need to work together in order to save the day.
Headin' North
Director of Photography
Having helped his father escape the law, Jim Curtis heads north with the Marshal chasing him. He and his pal Snicker elude the Marshall by changing clothes with two actors. Now forced to do vaudeville skits, Jim finds the man responsible for his and his father's problem working in the same saloon.
The Sea God
Director of Photography
The Sea God is an early sound melodrama about two men vying for Fay Wray and wealth in the South Pacific.
Director of Photography
A spoiled young rich girl is sent to prison for accidentally running down a pedestrian. There she learns about a life and people she had never even imagined existed before.
The Return of Dr. Fu Manchu
Director of Photography
The villainous master criminal Dr. Fu Manchu sets out to destroy the people he holds responsible for the death of his family.
The Benson Murder Case
Director of Photography
A ruthless, crooked stockbroker is murdered at his luxurious country estate, and detective Philo Vance just happens to be there; he decides to find out who killed him.
Men Are Like That
Director of Photography
A loud-mouthed lout alienates everyone except his patient wife.
Dangerous Paradise
Director of Photography
Heyst, a hermit on his own tropical island, plays unwilling host to red-headed stowaway Alma. Danger looms...
와일드 파티
Camera Operator
Wild girls at a college pay more attention to parties than their classes. But when one party girl, Stella Ames, goes too far at a local bar and gets in trouble, her professor has to rescue her. Gossip linking the two escalates until Stella proves she is decent by shielding an innocent girl and winning the professor's respect.
His Nibs
Director of Photography
Shenanigans at a small town movie theater.