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In a small Southern town, the local sheriff tries to keep everything peaceful and under control.
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가만히 있어도 땀이 흘러내리는 찌는 듯한 무더운 여름, 플로리다의 작은 해안 마을 미란다. 사소한 사건만으로 소일하던 변호사 러신(Ned Racine: 윌리암 허트 분)은 어느날 매티(Matty Walker: 캐서린 터너 분)라는 관능적인 여인을 만난다. 돈 많은 남편 에드먼드(Edmund Walker: 리차드 크레나 분)가 지루해서 싫다며 하루 하루를 매우 따분하게 살아가고 있는 그녀는 어느덧 러신과 열정에 빠져든다. 매티는 자신과 러신과의 관계를 밖에 드러나지 않게 하려고 애쓴다. 그런데 러신은 어느날 매티의 집에 잠시 왔던 매리(Mary Ann: 킴 짐머 분)라는 여인의 뒷 모습을 보고 매티로 착각하여 자신과 매티의 관계를 들키게 되는데 매티는 그녀가 사촌이라 괜찮다고 한다. 그러던 어느날 매티는 남편을 죽이고 그의 재산을 가로채려는 자신의 환상을 농담삼아 러신에게 하게 되고 끝내 그녀를 소유하고 싶은 러신은 그녀와 공모해 그녀의 남편을 죽이기로 계획한다. 마침내 에드먼드을 죽이고 인적이 드문 곳에 폭탄을 장치하여 레이몬드의 시체와 폭발하게 한다. 그런데 매티는 마이아미에 있는 에드먼드의 유언장에 만약 자신도 죽으면 유산이 시누이와 반반씩 가게 된다며 유언장을 고치자고 하지만, 러신은 그렇게 되면 자신들이 용의자가 될 수 있기에 유언장에는 손대지 않기로 한다. 그런데 사건 직후 러신은 살해된 에드먼드의 변호사 하딘(Miles Hardin: 마이클 라이언 분)의 호출을 받는다. 매티가 유언장을 자신에게 새로 작성했다는 것. 새 유언장은 시누이와 매티가 반반씩 나누어 갖게 되도록 되어있는데, 마이아미가 아닌 플로리다법으로는 유산 상속이 되지 않아 두 유언장은 모두 인정할 수 없다는 것. 결국 유산은 미망인인 매티가 모두 상속받게 되는데.
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Based on the autobiography of Brooke Hayward, daughter of famous Broadway producer Leland Hayward and actress Margaret Sullavan, who grows up in the glamorous, cruel and emotionally unstable world of her parents.
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중앙아시아 사막의 모래 벌판에서 벌어지는 액션과 감동의 대스펙터클로, 캐러밴과 정부군이 대접전을 벌이는 라스트신은 처절하면서도 일대장관을 이룬다. 중동지역 주재 젊은 미국인 외교관 밀러는 대사의 명령에 따라 실종된 미상원의원의 딸 엘렌을 찾아나선다. 사막에서 우연히 캐러밴을 만난 그는 뜻밖에도 캐러밴과 함께 살고 있는 엘렌을 만난다. 밀러 역시 그들고 함께 생활하는 동안 애환을 함께 겪으며 그들을 이해하게 된다.
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Sam Longwood, a frontiersman who has seen better days, spies the gold-mine partner, Jack Colby, who ran off with all the gold from a mine they were prospecting fifteen years earlier. He tells his other partners from that time, Joe Knox and Billy, and they confront Colby demanding not only the thousand dollars he took but an addition fifty-nine thousand for their trouble. After being thwarted in this attempt, they, and a would-be named Thursday, hatch a plan to kidnap Colby's wife, Nancy Sue, who is coincidently Sam's old flame, but find that Nancy Sue is not the sweet girl that Sam remembers.
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An aging widow hides a deadly secret which she will do anything to keep buried.
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중년의 여배우 준은 BBC TV의 드라마에서 명랑한 교구수녀 역을 맡아 인기를 누리고 있다. 그녀가 맡은 조지 수녀는 자전거를 타고 마을을 돌아다니며 자잘한 사건들을 해결하는 태평하고 마음씨 좋은 인물. 하지만 현실의 ‘조지’는 머지 않아 역할을 잃을 위기에 처해있다. 게다가 오랫동안 동거해온 젊은 연인 앨리스의 태도도 근래엔 어딘지 냉랭하다. 긴장감이 고조되던 중 준을 드라마에서 방출시키려는 방송국의 간부 머시 크로프트가 준과 앨리스의 집을 찾아온다. 머시는 두 사람을 만나면서 자신의 숨겨진 동성애 성향을 깨닫게 된다. 머시는 준의 인형처럼 집에만 있던 앨리스에게 일자리를 제공하고, 머시와 앨리스는 점차 가까워진다.
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A dictatorial film director hires an unknown actress to play the lead role in a planned movie biography of a late, great Hollywood star.
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리처드 맥켄나의 동명의 베스트셀러 소설을 영화화한 작품. 1926년, 중국에서 의화단의 난이 일어나자 전함 산 파블로 호는 미국인들의 신변을 보호하라는 명령을 받고 즉각 양자강으로 출동한다. 중국인들의 약탈과 살인이 기승을 부리지만 중국인들의 일에는 개입하지 말라는 상부의 명령으로 산 파블로 호 선원들은 임무를 수행하는데 어려움을 겪는다. 스티브 맥퀸이 유일하게 아카데미 연기상 부문 후보에 올랐던 작품이다.
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A trio of gorgeous American tourists hope to find love while vacationing in Spain. Secretary Maggie Williams falls hard for a married newsman named Paul Barton while fighting off the advances of one of his employees. Singer Fran Hobson sets her sights on a handsome European doctor. And coed Susie Higgins receives an unexpected proposal from smooth-talking womanizer Emilio Lacaya.
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메트는 자신의 옛 애인인 릴이의 딸인 토니를 어려서부터 키워서 진짜 아버지 이상의 애정을 갖고 있다. 모험을 즐기는 매트는 자신의 서커스 단원을 이끌고 유럽 순회공연을 떠나지만 뜻하지 않은 사고로 망해버린다. 하지만 친구의 도움으로 다시 재기하여 이곳 저곳으로 재주있는 서커스배우들을 모으러 다닌다. 유럽에 자신이 사랑하던 릴리가 있는 거슬 알고 우여곡절 끝에 만나지만 릴리는 토니에게 엄마라고 나서지 못하고 옆에서 지켜만 본다. 말광량이 토니는 같은 서커스 단원인 스티브와 사랑에 빠지고 매트는 그 둘을 뜯어 말리느라 정신이 없다. 한편 같이 일하던 토니의 삼촌 알도는 릴리와 매트가 사랑에 빠지자 자신의 형이 릴리때문에 자살한 사실을 토니가 알도록 음모한다. 충격을 받은 토니는 매티와 릴이에게 화를 내고 떠나려고 하는데 때마침 서커스 천막에 불이나 그것을 계기로 그들은 다시 사랑을 확인하게 된다. 릴리와 토니는 서커스의 마지막 순서에 함께 공중곡예로 환호를 받게 된고, 매트도 스티브를 인정하여 네 사람 모두는 무대에서 행복하 찬 모습으로 웃는다.
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위대한 이집트가 시저의 손에 들어가고 그곳의 여왕 클레오파트라는 시저와 뜨거운 사랑에 빠진다. 호탕한 성격에 치밀한 두뇌를 지닌 시저는 이집트를 통치하며 문제없이 잘 이끌어 가던 중, 그를 시기하던 지하 세력에 의해 조종된 자신의 아들 부르터스의 칼에 맞아 비극적인 삶을 마감한다. 이런 혼란을 틈타 지하세력은 이집트를 삼키려 하지만 안토니우스의 재치와 용기로 다시 이집트는 평정을 되찾는다. 그리고 안토니우스는 클레오파트라의 신임과 사랑을 얻게 된다. 그러나 적국의 공격과 계속되는 간신들의 모반 속에 안토니우스 역시 혼란에 빠지고 클레오파트라는 자결을 결심한다.
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Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Fortunia, a noble king and his lovely young queen lack but one blessing to make their joy complete. The queen gives birth to a daughter named Snow White, but dies soon after. The king mourns her, but in time, he remarries because of the pleading of his people. His new queen is a beautiful, but evil woman who soon becomes jealous of Snow White's beauty.
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Drama that focuses on the later life of Peter, one of the closest disciples of Jesus.
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Dodie dreams of marrying a millionaire so that she can live 'the life'. Buzz, her boyfriend, however, is not rich as he is a salesman for a housing development. He proposes and Dodie accepts. Dodie next meets Pete, who she thinks is rich, but she soon finds out that he is just a boat mechanic. They have fun on their date and Pete proposes and Dodie accepts. Then Dodie meets Neil Patterson who is rich. They go to Mexico on his yacht and have fun on their date. Neil proposes and Dodie accepts. Now she has to choose.
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《이브의 세 얼굴》(영어: The Three Faces of Eve)은 1957년 개봉한 미국의 미스터리 드라마 영화이다. 누널리 존슨이 감독과 각본을 맡았다. 배우 조앤 우드워드가 해리성 정체성 장애를 앓고 있는 인물인 "이브" 역을 맡아 연기했으며, 이 역으로 제30회 아카데미 여우주연상을 수상했다.
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A teenager, recently in trouble with the police, is sent to live with his aunt and uncle on their Kentucky farm in order to rediscover life's values.
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Opportunistic con man Dan Kehoe ingratiates himself with the cantankerous mother of four outlaws and their beautiful widows in order to find their hidden gold.
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Based on the true story of a young Scottish lad, Peter Marshall, who dreams of only going to sea but finds out there is a different future for him when he receives a "calling" from God to be a minister. He leaves Scotland and goes to America where after a few small congregations he lands the position of pastor of the Church of the Presidents in Washington, D.C. and eventually he becomes Chaplain of the U.S. Senate.
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1847년 네덜란드인들이 남아프리카에 자유식민지를 개척하던 시기 폴 반 리백(타이론 파워)은 그곳 자위대를 지휘하고 있었다. 어느날 폴은 아일랜드로 말을 사러 오는데, 말의 주인은 캐시 오닐(수잔 헤이워드)이었다. 둘은 첫눈에 반해 사랑을 나눴지만 폴은 남아프리카로 돌아가야 했고, 그 위험한 땅에 캐시를 데려갈 수 없어 둘은 헤어진다. 이후 캐시는 자신에게 오랫동안 구애해 온 숀 킬데어(존 저스틴)와 결혼하였다. 반년 후 아일랜드에 큰 기근이 들어 땅은 황폐해졌고, 캐시는 새로운 땅을 찾아 남아프리카로 이주할 것을 결심하고 남편과 함께 배에 오른다. 아프리카의 케이프타운에 도착한 캐시 일가는 개척지인 호픈계곡으로 떠나는 이민단에 합류하고, 줄루족이 출몰하는 8백리 밀림 속으로 길을 떠난다. 어느날 줄루족의 습격을 받아 전멸하려는 순간, 폴의 군대가 나타나 캐시 일행은 구출되었지만, 그 와중에 캐시의 남편 숀이 목숨을 잃는다. 한편 이민단의 안내를 맡은 커트는 캐시에게 반하여 폴과 날을 세운다. 호픈계곡에 도착한 폴과 캐시는 결혼하여 농장을 경영하지만 폴은 캐시의 반대에도 불구하고 자위대로 돌아가고, 캐시는 폴과의 사이에서 생긴 아들을 낳는다. 시간이 흘러 깡패 두목이 된 커트 일당과 줄루족을 진압한 폴은 캐시와 재회한다. (출처 : 김승경(영화사연구자))
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In Ispahan, Persia, Hajji Baba is leaving his father's shop to seek a greater fortune, while the Princess Fawzia is trying to talk her father, the Caliph into giving her in marriage to Nur-El-Din, a rival prince known far and wide as mean and fickle. Her father intends Fawzia for Fawzia to marry a friend and ally, and makes plans to send her to him.
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At a carnival called the Garden of Evil, a man is murdered, apparently by a gorilla...or someone in a gorilla suit.
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Cavalry Captain Farraday attempts to prevent the delivery of Gatling Guns into the hands of hostile Indians.
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A supermodel gets murdered. While investigating the case the story of a waitress turned glamor girl is revealed.
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Snobby TV star, Robert Jordan, worries that he is out of touch with the younger generation and that's why his TV show is failing. He becomes a Boy Scout leader in an effort to "get in touch." Overnight hikes and other adventures follow, all centered around one small boy who takes a liking to the old curmudgeon.
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A young bride is set to begin her honeymoon aboard a luxury liner. Her happiness does not last when she finds that her husband has disappeared. Trouble is, no one else ever saw him board the ship with her and his name has mysteriously dropped from the passenger list.
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The story of president Andrew Jackson from his early years, through his meeting with and subsequent marriage to Rachel Donelson Robards. The plot concentrates on the later scandal concerning the legality of their marriage and how they overcame the difficulties.
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Tonight We Sing is a 1953 musical biopic film, directed by Mitchell Leisen, based on the life and career of the celebrated impresario Sol Hurok. It stars David Wayne and Ezio Pinza.
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A New York cab driver helps an Irish immigrant with a baby locate her missing husband.
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This semi-film within a film opens in the office of producer George Jessel, who never saw a camera he couldn't get in front of, who is holding a story conference to determine the screen treatment for the life of Eva Tanguay, and Jessel is unhappy with what the writers present him.He tells them to look up Eddie McCoy, Eva's one-time partner, for the real inside story on the lusty and vital Eva. Eddie's version is that he discovered her working as a waitress in an Indianapolis restaurant in 1912, wherein singer Larry Woods and his partner Charles Bennett get into a fight over her and both land in the hospital, and McCoy convinces the manager to put Eva on as a single to fill their spot. She flopped, but McCoy arranges for Bennett to be her accompanist, and she went out of his life. The writers look up Bennett, now head of a music publishing company, who says McCoy's story is phony, and it was Flo Zigfeld who discovered Eva for his Follies.
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Upon awaking in the morning, a man finds his thoughts clouded by the possibility that he committed a murder.
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At the fiftieth anniversary of his town's founding, the town's first barber recalls his long-dead, spirited bride and the flaw in his own character that helped bring about her loss and several others.
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A young widower named Sam Crockett returns from Kansas City to his small hometown in rural Texas, bringing with him his feisty grandfather and two young sons, Steve and Yoyo. He tries to make a go of the old family homestead but faces financial problems and pressures from his well-to-do neighbor, Rod Marshall. He also begins an on-again-off-again romance with Rod's sister-in-law, even though she's engaged to wed the town's doctor. Events come to head when Sam's grandfather suffers a stroke.
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A marriage broker can't resist meddling in the life of a model, with disastrous results.
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A woman divorces her husband of 20 years because he gambles too much.
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Jim and Connie's postwar New York building troubles keep Jim from working on his novel. Ex-WAC from Jim's army days Roberta moves in, further upsetting Connie but pleasing Jim's friend Ed. Tenant Charley, who marries tenant Eadie, loans money to Jim to help him keep the building, money which this Casanova obtains from rich widows.
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Former football star Harry Joplin is down on his luck, both in his career and in his married life. He seems convinced of his own unworthiness, but a chance to play in a charity football game helps him see his life in a new light.
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Posing as a man over 70, a lecturer (Clifton Webb) enters an old-folks home to prove age is a state of mind.
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Sixty-five-year-old John Hodges must retire from Acme Printing. He later impersonates the president of the parent company and arrives at his old plant on an inspection tour. Acme president McKinley is so nervous not even his beautiful secretary Harriet can calm him. McKinley's wife Lucille becomes infatuated with Hodges. Many further complications ensue.
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A biographical film of Ben Hogan, from his start as a golf caddy to being considered one of golf's greatest players.
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2차대전 당시 독일의 점령하의 폴란드, 전쟁 때문에 집과 남편을 잃고 수용소에서 힘겹게 살아가는 빅토리아, 그녀는 함께 수용소에서 만난 카린과 친하게 지낸다. 카린은 미국에 큰 부자인 이모가 있고, 전쟁 전에 아기였던 아들을 이모에게 보낸 상황이었다. 수용소생활을 견디지 못하고 카린이 죽게 되고, 전쟁이 끝나자 빅토리아는 카린으로 신분을 위장하여 미국으로 가려고 한다. 카린이 이모를 본 것은 아주 어릴 때이기 때문에 자신을 알아볼 수 없는 거라는 확신을 하면서. 다행인지 불행인지 이모가 돌아가셨다는 소식을 듣게 되고, 결국 빅토리아에서 카린으로 변신한 그녀는 4년뒤에 극적으로 미국으로 가게 된다. 카린의 아들인 크리스는 이모의 유일한 먼 친적뻘되는 알란이 키우고 있다. 카린(실제로는 빅토리아)는 이모가 남긴 유산과 아이의 양육권에 대해서 알란과 맞서는데 알란은 카린을 사랑하게 되고 둘은 결혼을 한다. 재산권을 다툴 당사자끼리 결혼을 하게 되어 아무런 문제가 없이 해결된 셈이고, 이제 카린이 가짜라는 것만 숨기고 잘 살아가면 되는 상황이었는데...
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Rancher Clay and his brother, Steve, head out across the Sonora mountain pass, followed by Lednov, an ex-con seeking revenge on Clay for putting him behind bars. Clay and Steve unexpectedly cross paths with a group of dance hall girls -- including Mary, Marcia and Helen -- whose stagecoach has broken down, and help them get to the nearest ranch, where Lednov unfortunately catches up to Clay.
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When two US cavalrymen transporting a gold shipment get killed, US Army Intelligence investigator John Haven goes undercover to a mining and logging town to find the killers.
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Insurance detective Steve Hastings is sent by his company to investigate the disappearance of a fellow agent. His first lead is the agent's fetching sister, Victoria, whom he trails to Mexico City. After charming his way into her confidence, Steve helps Vicki unravel the mystery.
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US Marshall Vance is assigned to rid the Oklahoma Territory of outlaws.
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The body of a young actress is brought to her home town by the man who loved her. He knows that she wanted all the church bells to ring for three days after she was buried, but is told that this will cost a lot of money. The checks that he writes to the various churches all bounce, but it is the weekend and, in desperation, he prays that a miracle will happen before the banks reopen. It does, but not in the way he hoped.
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In the small town of Brookford, everybody can trace their ancestors back to the Revolutionary War, except Sam and Susie Parker. One day, however, they find a letter written by George Washington that mentions the bravery of a Revolutionary War hero named Parker.
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A mill-owner's ambitious daughter almost ruins her husband's political career.
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A private detective foils the plans of villains attempting to take over Panamanian oilfields when he hides a valuable map in plain sight.
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City police surround a building attempting to capture a suspected murder. The suspect knows there is no escape but refuses to give in.
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A shell-shocked young GI mistakenly believes he is dying, and a young artist takes it upon herself to prove to him that he's not.
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Singer Ann wants back her money that the manager of a big-band has embezzled.
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In 1940s Los Angeles, when womanizing composer Keith Vincent is found dead, the inquest concludes it was a suicide but police detective Joe Warne isn't so sure.
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Two actors who play detectives on the radio find themselves investigating a real crime masterminded by an arch-criminal named the Cobra.
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Art curator George Steele experiences a train wreck...which never happened. Is he cracking up, or the victim of a plot?
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Marine veteran Johnny Christopher meets and is immediately drawn to beautiful Evelyn Smith one day on the beach. Evelyn's new job as secretary to a U.S. senator in California soon brings unexpected intrigue and trouble for her and Johnny. The machinations of a sinister group of Nazi spies lead to mysteries and mistaken identities, and the two soon find themselves framed for murder!
Costume Design
A pilot of a B 29 meets Louise Anderson, a singer in a New York nightclub. He falls in love with her, but he had to leave next day for action in the Pacific. He lets paint her picture on his bomber, the "Bamboo Blonde" and becomes a hero with his crew sinking a Japanese battleship and shooting down a Japanese fighter wing. Back in New York, he leaves his fiancée and engages him to Louise.
Costume Design
After some gun play with a posse, the James Gang head for Quinto in a section of land which is not a part of America. Anyone there is beyond the law so the town is populated with outlaws. Next to arrive is Sheriff Rowley, following his brother whom the Gang have brought in injured. Rowley has no authority and gets on well enough with the James boys but is soon involved in other local goings-on, including a move to vote for annexation with Oklahoma which would allow the law well and truly in.
Costume Design
Ding Dong Williams, a clarinet player who can neither read nor write music is employed at a motion picture studio. The studio plans to use him and his six-piece band but his musical deficiencies are discovered and the plan scrapped. But the secretary of the head of the music department intercedes on his behalf and he is given a chance in the film.
Costume Design
A young Navy sailor has one night to find out why a woman was killed and he ended up with a bag of money after a drinking blackout.
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A World War II veteran hunts down the Nazi collaborators who killed his wife.
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A shipwreck victim washes up on a homicidal big-game hunter's Caribbean island.
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In this musical comedy, an arrogant war journalist is sailing back to the Big Apple after the end of WW II. En route, he has been assigned to watch over a band of teenagers who were trapped in Europe four years ago while entertaining the troops. Their entrapment has done nothing to dim their enthusiasm for performing and while waiting for passage the crews entertain everyone at every opportunity. Songs include: "I'll Buy That Dream" (sung by Anne Jeffreys), "Heaven Is a Place Called Home," "Seven O'Clock in the Morning (Waking up Boogie)," "Somebody Stole My Poor Little Heart" (Herb Magidson, Allie Wrubel), and "The Lord's Prayer" (arranged by Albert Hay Malotte).
Costume Design
George Raft plays a sailor who sets out to solve his father's mysterious death.
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Heading west for his health, Colonel Lambeth takes his daughter Rill along. Lost on the desert they are saved by Pecos and Chito. The Colonel hires the two and the Lambeths soon find themselves mixed up in Pecos' trouble. Pecos has killed Sawtelle's brother and Sawtelle as head of the vigilantes is after him.
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A Hollywood talent agency tries to avoid finacial ruin by getting its best clients on the air.
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A soldier loses his girlfriend to his best buddy.
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In this western, a young cowboy rides out to avenge his father's killer. Eventually, he finds the scoundrel, but by this time opts not to kill him for the cowboy has fallen in love with the outlaw's niece. Later, the killer ends up killed and the hero is blamed for the crime.
Costume Design
제2차세계대전 당시 일본군에게 점령당한 필리핀에서의 저항세력에 대한 전쟁영화
Costume Design
19세기 스코틀랜드의 어느 마을, 유명한 교수이자 의사인 맥팔레인 박사의 조수로 일하게 된 의학생 페티스는 해부학에 쓰일 시체를 가져다주는 그레이(보리스 칼로프)라는 괴상한 마부를 알게 된다. 무슨 영문인지 맥팔레인 박사는 그레이에게 뭔가 약점이 잡힌 듯한 모습이고 정체 모를 그레이는 맥팔레인 박사의 인생에서 악마같은 존재로 어슬렁거리고 있다. 또한 그가 가져오는 시체들도 정부에서 받아오는 노숙자의 시체가 아니라 무덤을 도굴하여 가져온다는 사실을 알게 된다. 불길한 예감에 페티스는 박사의 곁을 떠나려고 하나 인간의 도덕적 양심과 의학의 발달이 가져다주는 기여 사이에서 혼동을 느끼며 결국 맥팔레인 박사와 그레이 사이에서 머물게 된다. 그들의 행동을 감시하듯 지켜보는 늙은 하인 조셉(벨라 루고시), 그리고 젊고 착한 청년 페티스의 장래를 걱정하는 박사의 부인, 거기에 박사에게 꼭 수술을 받아서 하반신 마비가 된 딸을 걷게 만들려는 마시 부인 등 주변인물들과의 복잡한 관계가 얽히게 되면서 상황은 뭔가 불길한 결말을 향해서 달리게 되고 결국 무시무시한 비극이 일어나게 되는데...
Costume Design
After suffering a head injury during the Blitz, John Loder, a theatre actor comes to believe himself to be the Brighton Strangler, the murderer he was playing onstage.
Costume Design
After nearly running over him with her cab, Patty Mitchell picks up a fare who claims to have amnesia. As he fumbles to remember the basic facts of his identity, Patty becomes interested in the stranger and decides to help him in his search. But as the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place, and Patty's interest becomes more personal, the stranger finds that he is the prime suspect in a murder case.
Costume Design
A New York magazine sends its editors to South America to find beautiful girls.
Costume Design
Just as Nevada wins $7000 in yellowback bills, Ben Ide takes his $7000 and heads out to buy mining equipment. Burridge has his man Powell kill Ide and retrieve the money and Nevada finds Ide just as the posse arrives. Found with the money Nevada is arrested and Burridge now gets Powell to incite the local citizens to lynch Nevada.
Costume Design
Suave amateur detective Tom Lawrence--aka Michael Arlen's literary hero The Falcon--arrives in Hollywood for some rest and relaxation, only to find himself involved in the murder of a movie actor. There's no shortage of suspects: the costume designer to whom he was married, a tyrannical director, a beautiful young French starlet, a Shakespeare-quoting producer, even a New York gangster. Helping The Falcon solve the crime is a cute, wise-cracking cab driver and a pair of bumbling cops.
Costume Design
During the California Gold Rush, two down-on-their-luck vaudevillians attempt to become wealthy by bringing a girlie show to an all-male western mining town.
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Fibber McGee and Molly innocently get mixed up with the federal government.
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When an itinerant reluctantly returns home to help his sickly mother run her shop, they're both tempted to turn to crime to help make ends meet.
Costume Design
Frankie Foster and Stanley Benson are a pair of small-potatoes performers. Both try to make it to the big-time after winning an amateur talent contest. Though this leads them to a few professional gigs, something is missing from their act and they are not popular. Believing a little cash will boost their career, Frankie heads for Washington, D.C. to see if her wealthy father will help them. En route Frankie is mistaken for the wife of the well-known pilot Johnny Pearson and ends up in his suite having to pretend she is his spouse. When the pilot meets her, romantic sparks fly.
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A lonely child, neglected by her parents, encounters and befriends a German Shepherd, but she's unaware the animal is a military dog being trained for service in WW2.
Costume Design
When allied troops liberate a small battle-scarred Belgium town in 1944 the American and British commanders do all they can to help the war-weary people back on their feet. There are mental and physical wounds to heal, fields to plough, the church to rebuild. But a top Nazi, knowing the War is lost, has infiltrated the town and is fostering dissent and disunity.
Costume Design
The Falcon travels to Mexico where he gets involved with murder and a mysterious painting.
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A heroic guerilla group fights back against impossible odds during the 1941 Nazi invasion of Russia.
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A lawyer tries to clear his wife's lover of murder charges.
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Gildersleeve, running for office, is aided by two ghosts and hindered by a mad scientist and an invisible woman.
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Jo Jones, a young defense plant worker whose husband is in the military during World War II, shares a house with three other women in the same situation.
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Circumstances force a womanizing playboy on leave from the Merchant Marine to ask two shipmates to help him by dating two surplus girlfriends.
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When a Texas playboy is murdered in a New York City nightclub the Falcon investigates. When he learns that the victim was slipped rattlesnake venom, the trail leads to Texas, his own kidnapping and near death.
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In the jungles of Burma, U.S. Army Privates Jerry Miles, and Mike Strager, are still spending most of their time on KP duty. However they are captured by the Japanese and taken to a prison camp and discover that their long-suffering Sergeant Burke has also been captured. They manage to escape and find their way to a Burmese village in which two American showgirls, Janie and Connie who have escaped from Shanghai, are stranded. They all borrow an elephant and head for India.
Costume Design
Bandleader Kay Kyser takes his troupe of nutty musicians, goofball comics and pretty girl singers on a tour around the world to entertain the troops during World War II.
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The Falcon is called to a young woman's school to investigate a murder. When he arrives, another victim is discovered.
Costume Design
On a trip to New York, a small-town blowhard gets caught between a wealthy widow and a gold digger.
Costume Design
A woman in search of her missing sister uncovers a Satanic cult in New York's Greenwich Village and finds that they could have something to do with her sibling's random disappearance.
Costume Design
Two bumbling GIs manage to get themselves invited to a dinner party at a boarding house "for women only". When the cook comes down with scarlet fever, the authorities quarantine the house and the pair find themselves locked up in a house full of attractive women.
Costume Design
Two industrialists disappear from an airplane while the plane is in the air. Also missing is $100,000. The Falcon investigates and discovers a plot against the government.
Costume Design
An 11 year old radio star decides to throw in her scripts and go undercover to get a better feel for her roles, but when she is kidnapped, trouble soon follows in this comedy.
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Dennis mistakenly believes Carmelita is going to have a baby. Little does he know that the blessed event is her cat's new kittens.
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Flying Tiger Fred Atwell sneaks away from his famous squadron's personal appearance tour and goes incognito for several days of leave. He quickly falls for photographer Joan Manion, pursuing her in the guise of a carefree drifter.
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A conman poses as a war relief fundraiser, but when he falls for a charity worker, his conscience begins to trouble him.
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A documentary/drama about the training of bombardiers during WWII. Major Chick Davis proves to the U.S. Army the superiority of high altitude precision bombing, and establishes a school for bombardiers. Training is followed in semi-documentary style, with personal dramas in subplots. The climax is a spectacular, if somewhat jingoistic, battle sequence.
Costume Design
독일 점령기 프랑스. 소심하고 겁 많은 중년의 초등학교 교사 앨버트 로리는 동료인 루이스 마틴을 남몰래 사랑한다. 루이스는 나치 정권의 열렬한 지지자인 철도 기술자 조지 램버트와 약혼한 사이다. 로리는 겁이 많아 보이지만, 사실 레지스탕스의 일원이다. 어느 날 테러가 발생하고, 독일 당국은 로리를 포함한 일군의 인질들을 잡아들여, 진범을 잡지 못하면 이들을 총살하려 한다. 아들에 대한 맹렬하고 이기적인 집착으로 루이스를 매우 질투하는 로리 부인은 루이스의 남동생 폴을 의심하고, 램버트에게 고발한다. 이로 인해 폴은 살해당하고, 램버트는 자살을 선택한다. 결국 이 모든 죽음의 혐의는 앨버트에게 돌아가고, 독일 경찰은 그에게 거부할 수 없는 제안을 한다.
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A top baseball pitcher "loses" his pitching skills whenever he falls in love. After marrying a movie star extreme measures are taken for the benefit of the team.
Costume Design
The Falcon is framed for the murder of a banker and the theft of war bonds. He makes his escape into the mountains where he hides out in a rustic lodge. From here he uncovers a phony war bond operation.
Costume Design
This lurid exposé of the Hitler Youth follows the woes of an American girl declared legally German by the Nazi government.
Costume Design
스타일리스트로 일하는 젊은 이레나는 자신이 발칸 반도에 생존하던 캣 피플의 후예임을 알게 된다. 그들은 평상시에는 인간의 모습을 하고 있지만, 야수로 변신하는 불길한 힘을 갖고 있으며 인간과 맺어져서는 안 된다. 어떤 특수 효과나 배경 음악의 힘도 빌지 않고, 어둠의 힘만으로 투르뇌르는 관객들을 최면 상태로 몰고 간다.
Costume Design
Soldier Johnny Grey is engaged to marry singer Mapy Cortes, but his plans go awry when he learns that he is the heir to $100,000 from his great-grandfather -- a bequest that comes with a catch: before claiming the money, Johnny must marry a descendant of his great-grandfather's Civil War enemy, General Havelock-Allen. Not wanting to disrupt his planned marriage to Mapy, Johnny must figure out how to concoct a temporary marriage-of-convenience with the descendant -- who turns out to be the beautiful Terry Havelock-Allen.
Costume Design
A U.S. Navy crew aboard a merchant marine ship battle Nazis.
Costume Design
In this drama, an ex-vaudevillian dancer opens up a dance band agency and help street kids at the same time by hiring them to help out. Unfortunately, the local gang of hood's leader resists his attempts. More trouble ensues when the dancer helps a convict gain parole by hiring him. It later turns out that the ex-con is only interested in trying to use the agency as a front for extortion. Songs include the Oscar nominated "When There's a Breeze on Lake Louise," "Your Face Looks Familiar," "Heavenly, Isn't He?" "Let's Forget It," "You're Bad For Me," and "A Million Miles From Manhattan."
Costume Design
It's Fibber and Molly's 20th anniversary and they want to throw a big party. But when everyone declines their invitation, they decide to go on a second honeymoon instead. After one night at the broken down Ramble Inn, where they spent their first honeymoon, they decide to go across the lake to a swanky (and expensive) lodge, where they bump into their old friends Edgar Bergan, Charlie McCarthy, Gildersleeve, and Mrs. Uppington, so the party is on again.
Costume Design
A gentlemanly detective known as The Falcon calls on his brother to help him stop the Nazis from assassinating a key diplomat.
Costume Design
A pair of shipboard smugglers have a large diamond hidden inside a small elephant statuette, which they plant on absentminded Lord Epping to get it past customs. Now, his lordship is visiting Uncle Matt Lindsay who looks just like him. Thanks to flirtatious Diana's efforts to get the elephant back, the comic confusion proliferates, with 'spitfire' Carmelita (now a blonde) playing a prominent part.
Costume Design
Meek busboy Little Pinks is in love with an extremely selfish showgirl who despises and uses him.
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Carmelita and Uncle Matt find themselves in a haunted house, but the "ghosts" are actually enemy agents who are trying to frighten away visitors in order to develop a nitroglycerin bomb.
Costume Design
While an escaped convict, Moose Malloy, goes in search of his ex-girlfriend Velma, police inspector Michael O'Hara attempts to track him assuming him to be a prime suspect for a number of mishaps.
Costume Design
A woman attempts to shelter a young girl from the publicity surrounding her socialite parents' divorce.
Costume Design
This package for comedy and the musical numbers has Luke Brown being drugged by the gangster operators of the swank Boathouse Inn; most notably Roxie a sexy pickpocket. Brown has information that Chow Brewster and his cousin have inherited $3,000,000. The owner of the Inn intends to keep Brown under wraps until they can drive Chow to suicide. He will then marry Chow's cousin before she finds out about her inheritance.
Costume Design
Two Marine sergeants (Victor McLaglen, Edmund Lowe) flirt with a cafe girl (Binnie Barnes) in San Diego, then find out she's a spy.
Costume Design
Karanina "Nina" Novak, is befriended by Nifty, the leader of a four-piece orchestra, and in return, secures an engagement for them at the Little Aregal Cafe, with herself as the vocalist, by pretending she once knew the King or Aregal back in the old country. Steve shows up pretending to be the King of Aregal, and complicates the growing romance between Nina and Nifty. When Steve runs off with Opa, the real King of Aregal (also Steve) appears and complicates things again.
Costume Design
In the second film of the series (and not a second part of anything), Gay Lawrence, aka The Falcon, is about to depart the city to marry his fiancée, Helen Reed, when a mystery girl, Rita Mara, asks for his aid in disposing of a secret formula for making synthetic diamonds. He deliberately allows himself to be kidnapped by the gang for which Rita works. His aide, "Goldy" Locke, trails the kidnappers and brings the police. But the head of the gang escapes, and the Falcon continues the pursuit.
Costume Design
An advertising executive and his temperamental wife adopt a war orphan who turns out to be a beautiful woman.
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An elderly gentleman comes to a young woman's aid by pretending to be her uncle. Comedy.
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Having forsaken the detective business for the safer confines of personal insurance, Gay Laurence is compelled to return to his sleuthing ways. Along with sidekick Jonathan "Goldie" Locke, he agrees to look into a series of home party robberies that have victimized socialite Maxine Wood. The duo gets more than they bargained for when a murder is committed at Wood's home, but Lawrence still finds time to romance the damsel.
Costume Design
A Chicago gang led by Slade carries out an audacious brokerage robbery. Lieutenant Bill Mason takes the case, continuing his friendly-enemy relationship with crime reporter Ann Rogers. One gang member is caught; eventually, others follow. But Mason hasn't a clue to Slade, principally because he's unaware she's a woman.
Costume Design
Director Leslie Goodwins' 1941 military drama, about various men who become buddies when they join the paratroopers, stars Robert Preston, Edmond O'Brien and Buddy Ebsen.
Costume Design
Janie is a telephone operator who is caught up in the lines of love of three men: car salesman Tom, Chicago millionaire Dick and auto mechanic Harry. But Janie just can't seem to make up her mind between them. While fantasizing about her futures with each of the men, Janie spends her time desperately trying to juggle between them until she can make a decision.
Costume Design
Everyone in a large department store knows that a rising star is married to the owner's daughter, except her husband.
Costume Design
Alan Mowbray and Donald MacBride reprise their roles in "Curtain Call" as theatrical producers Donald Avery and Geoffrey 'Jeff' Crandall. This time they try to con a millionairess into funding their latest show by posing as old friends of her lost love.
Costume Design
George Sanders makes his final appearance as crook-turned-detective Simon Templar, a.k.a. "The Saint," in The Saint in Palm Springs. The gimmick in this one is a set of rare stamps, smuggled from England. Wendy Barrie is the true heir to this treasure, and the Saint is engaged to protect her and the stamps. Our hero meets Barrie in a posh Palm Springs resort, where a gang of homicidal thieves have converged to relieve the girl of her inheritance. Three murders and one kidnapping attempt later, the villains are foiled by the Saint, with the aid of his onetime partner in crime Pearly Gates (Paul Guilfoyle). The Saint in Palm Springs is the sixth in RKO's series of films based on the character created by Leslie Charteris.
Costume Design
Kitty Foyle, a hard-working white-collar girl from a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania low, middle-class family, meets and falls in love with young socialite Wyn Strafford but his family is against her.
Costume Design
Dennis heads west to work on an important business deal minus the Mexican Spitfire, Carmelita. His hot-tempered spouse decides to surprise him, but ends up as the surprised one when she sees him with another woman. Instead of a second honeymoon, Carmelita begins divorce proceedings
Costume Design
Hollywood stuntman falls in love with a big name actress but still wants to pursue his risky career. The women gives him a choice-the stunts or her. He chooses the stunts and still manages to get her.
Costume Design
A draftswoman, the sister of an aging, alcoholic pilot, secretly uses her brother's ideas to solve design problems for an experimental military plane in an attempt to save the company and salvage her brother's reputation.
Costume Design
Newspaper reporter Michael Ward plunges into a nightmare of guilt, fearing that his "evidence" has sentenced the wrong man to death.
Costume Design
The future of a group of strangely connected lives is determined on one crucial night at a dinky motel in the desert.
Costume Supervisor
A crop of millionaire inmates struggle to get accustomed to prison life, while inmate Nick Burton watches out for everyone's interests on the inside.
Costume Design
A runaway heiress hides in a doctor's trailer for a rollicking trip to San Francisco.
Costume Design
The Saint Takes Over, released in 1940 by RKO Pictures, was the fifth motion picture featuring the adventures of Simon Templar, a.k.a. "The Saint" the Robin Hood-inspired crimefighter created by Leslie Charteris. This film focuses on the character of Inspector Henry Farnack. When Farnack is framed by a gang he is investigating, it is up to The Saint to clear his name.
Costume Design
Father's return from the insane asylum spells calamity for the Fairfield family.
Costume Design
Two theatrical producers plan to get even with a demanding actress by tricking her into starring in the worst play they can find.
Costume Design
A young millionaire gets hiccups whenever he kisses a pretty woman.
Wardrobe Designer
Family film, based on a Booth Tarkington tale, about a young boy who takes extreme measures to keep the stray dog he befriends.
Costume Design
Marine lieutenants Dan and Jim fight bandits in the South American jungle, while competing for the attention of beautiful Joan Grant.
Costume Design
Reformed jewel thief Simon Templar lands in hot water when a look-alike smuggles stolen goods out of Egypt.
Costume Design
Two married couples become engulfed in a storm of emotional fury when Doctor Leslie Yates runs into writer Doris Wilding, his old college flame, whom he has not seen in ten years. After reminiscing about their past, Doris and Leslie make a dinner date with their respective spouses. On the eve of the Yates's dinner party, Leslie's wife Helen brings home a magazine article written by Doris, which sparks Leslie's memory of his separation from her.
Costume Design
Newlyweds Dennis and Carmelita have several obstacles to deal with in their new marriage: Carmelita's fiery Latin temper, a meddling aunt and a conniving ex-fiancee who's determined to break up their marriage.
Costume Design
A New York City newspaper is sued for libel after reporting the wrong verdict in a murder trial.
Costume Design
A pigeon breeder is hired to train a racehorse that wins only when it drinks beer.
Costume Design
American Steve Kendall, a freighter's radio officer, discovers seaman Carlson sending an unauthorized message ashore as the ship approaches his war-poised homeland. Carlson is shot in cold blood when he jumps ship and Kendall, implicated in the espionage, swims ashore to avoid arrest. A woman he meets at the dock hides him in her apartment, where he learns Carlson was her brother, and they both work in a sabotage ring. Nedra is a singer at Tio's Cafe, and she approaches Tio for help when both the saboteurs and the secret police try to capture Steve.
Costume Design
Jed Marlowe is a brilliant, scheming, unscrupulous criminal lawyer whose specialty is defending criminal he knows is guilty but gets them off through loop-holes or bribery. Then his daughter, misled by her father’s courtroom performance, but unaware of his back-room tactics, marries the killer her father has just unjustly save from the electric chair. What’s a poor father to do?
Costume Design
An outlaw kidnaps a dancer and her lover in order to win a bet.
Wardrobe Designer
A rookie cop tries to prove his friend is innocent of a robbery, despite the police commissioner's objection to his use of a trained German Shepherd dog named Ace.
Costume Design
Saving a dog from the pound gets a man mixed up in murder.
Costume Design
Suave private detective Simon "The Saint" Templar arrives in San Francisco and meets Val, a woman whose police inspector father killed himself after being accused of corruption and dismissed from the force. Convinced of the man's innocence, Templar takes it upon himself to vindicate the memory of Val's father. To do so he must take on the city's most dangerous criminal gang, while also battling hostile members of the police department.
Costume Design
An ace reporter with a girlfriend nails a numbers racketeer for murders.
Costume Design
Heiress Nancy Crocker Fleming will only receive her inheritance if she marries a "plain American." Her late father was afraid a foreign gigolo would steal her heart and money. So Nancy pays Tony Anthony, working on a WPA road project, to marry, then divorce her. When Nancy inadvertently drives off with Tony's dog, Tony seemingly kidnaps her to retrieve the pooch, which leads to a cross-country race between the two to reach Reno and the divorce court since neither one wants to be the second to file papers.
Costume Design
Annabel Allison, star of Wonder Pictures, is irked at her poor publicity, especially when a rival gets engaged to a Marquis; so she makes studio head Webb re-hire disgraced publicity agent Morgan for her personal appearance tour. The trip proceeds with a flurry of Morgan's crazy, slapstick publicity stunts. Then Annabel has her chance to "bag" a real Viscount.
Costume Design
A showgirl with a dubious reputation flees the cops and transforms herself into a phony evangelist offering "cures" to the sick and disabled.
Costume Design
On the day of his funeral, a dedicated smalltown doctor is remembered by his neighbors and patients.
Costume Design
A wealthy businessman promises to donate a huge endowment to his college alma mater, but there's one condition -- his loser of a son, a student at the school, must become a football hero. Comedy.
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A faded star is suspected of killing a studio executive.
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Broke Gordon Miller tries to land a backer for his new play while he has to deal with with the hotel manager trying to evict him and his cast.
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Wonder Pictures has been striking out at the box office lately, causing the seedy PR man to involve main star Annabel in ever outrageous stunts for publicity.
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Given the job of training young pilots for important post-war cargo flights, hard-boiled Col. Stockton forces ex-officer Stag Cahill back into the military to be his aide at the academy. Complications arise when Stockton's son Kenneth arrives for training and Stockton, believing his son to be a slackard, looks for an excuse to drop him from the program. Rivalry develops between Stag and Ken as well, as they fall for the same girl.
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Fake fortunetellers win the confidence of clients and then get them to part with their money by buying mining stocks which are worthless.
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Teddy Shaw, a bored New York office girl, goes to a camp in the Catskill Mountains for rest and finds Chick Kirkland.
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A Paris sculptor (Richard Dix) fakes blindness in Los Angeles to recover his blackmailed sister's love letters.
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A respected citizen with secret ties to the local mob is faced with revealing his criminal connections to save two innocent people from execution
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When a bank is robbed, a not-so-bright teller is wrongly suspected of being part of the holdup team. Comedy.
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A young singer, Marge Dexter, becomes involved in trouble when she works in a nightclub in which two of the band-members are in reality undercover-police officers who believe that the club is the headquarters of a dangerous gang of crooks.
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A crime novelist devises a scheme to catch the thief who has stolen the valuable "Konjer Diamonds". Director Lew Landers' 1938 B-film stars Preston Foster, Whitney Bourne, Cecil Kellaway, Donald Meek, Samuel S. Hinds, Arthur Lake, Paul Guilfoyle and June Johnson.
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Gangsters are attempting to control the solutions (and winning) of the puzzles in a national newspapers picture puzzles contest craze.
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A true-to-life gangster movie stirs up an all out mob assault on Hollywood.
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Bluford H. Smythe, who has made it big in the big city, has returned to his small hometown of Glenwood after being away for twenty years. Accompanying him is his personal secretary, Ambrose Ames. Despite it being purely a vacation to get some rest and relaxation, the leading citizens of the town welcome him back with some official gatherings. Mayor Jonas Tompkins, who never liked Bluford, holds no grudges against him and too welcomes him with open arms. Although Bluford had no intention of making the news public, the townsfolk learn that he has indeed come back to do business, specifically develop a summer resort in Glenwood to rival that of the best summer resorts worldwide.
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An explosives carrier at an oil field falls in love with a colleague's daughter.
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A man and woman, who've never met, are forced by circumstances to share the same apartment. A remake of the 1933 film "Rafter Romance".
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Two men running a carnival airplane ride are hired to fly to retrieve what they think are photos for a reporter. Actually, they are retrieving diamonds stolen from a noted gem dealer. As it turns out, their plane crashes on the very estate of the dealer. Thinking the duo are police officers, the dealer offers his home for their convalescence from the accident. Meanwhile, the diamonds have been snatched by a kleptomaniac dog and buried on the estate. When the smugglers track down the pair, they try to convince the dealer that they are officials from an institution from which the two have escaped. Before long, the carnival fellows, the crooks, the gem dealer and his family, along with a platoon of cops, are tearing up the grounds to find where the dog has buried the diamonds.
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College football player is expelled for ticket scalping, and teams up with reporter to expose his school's hypocrisy.
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Hildegarde Withers and Inspector Piper try to solve a murder while attending a popular Broadway show.
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The adventures of three disparate cadets at the US Naval Academy--one the son of a Navy enlisted man, the other the scion of a wealthy family, the third decent but somewhat slow-witted--and their struggles with the rigors of the academy, women, and each other.
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This wacky vaudeville-style romp casts the irreverent comedy team as feuding co-owners of a drug company, William “Willy” Hobbs (Wheeler) and Claude Augustus Horton (Woolsey), who agree to wrestle each other for the sole ownership of the business. The winner will take the company and the loser must become the other’s valet for a year. But when Hobbs loses, he sends his wife to Florida and schemes to trick Horton. What follows are hilarious hijinks as only Wheeler and Woolsey can pull off!
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Millioniare Curran, thinking his son too intellectual, sends him west to learn logging at one of his lumber camps. Unknown to his father, Grant Curan is a professional wrestler and easily able to handle the thugs that attack him at the lumber camp. This enables him to stay on the job and he soon undercovers how his father is being cheated by the local boss.
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After being released from prison, con man Thurston Hall gathers his gang of cronies--along with innocent chump Guy Kibbee--to help him sell worthless stock in a New Mexico gold mine.
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Barry Brandon, a criminal lawyer, visits the night club of Denny Larkin, his primary client, with Betty Walker, a spoiled society girl. The police raid the club and Brandon pleads that the whole group is guilty, just to get even with Larkin for a rebuke. On the same night in court, Madge Carter is on trial for disorderly conduct, and Brandon volunteers to defend her, and proves the case against her if a frame-up. Finding that she is penniless, Brandon hires her as his secretary, and falls in love with her. Brandon is appointed district attorney and has ambitions of becoming the state governor. Having dinner at Betty's home, she maneuvers him, while he is drunk, into marrying her. Later, Madge is a witness when Larkin shoots down a fellow gangster. By threatening Brandon's life, he forces her to commit perjury at his trial, and say he fired in self-defense. Brandon, the prosecuting attorney (who has had his marriage to Betty annulled) knows she is lying but doesn't know why.