Ed Begley
출생 : 1901-03-25, Hartford, Connecticut, USA
사망 : 1970-04-28
Edward James Begley Sr. (March 25, 1901 – April 28, 1970) was an American actor of theatre, radio, film, and television.
Jonas is on the road to Salina. He stops at a gas station/restaurant and its owner, Mara, is struck by his resemblance to her dead son, Rocky. He decides to stay on and meets Mara's friend Warren and Rocky's sister Billie, but dark facts are to be revealed about the death of Rocky.
Dr. Henry Armitage
Dr. Henry Armitage, an expert in the occult, goes to the old Whateley manor in Dunwich looking for Nancy Wagner, a student who went missing the previous night. He is turned away by Wilbur, the family's insidious heir, who has plans for the young girl. But Armitage won't be deterred. Through conversations with the locals, he soon unearths the Whateleys' darkest secret — as well as a great evil.
John Cole
A sheriff with a reputation as a fast gun almost kills an innocent child. He makes up his mind that he is not going to carry around loaded weapons anymore, but, since he's the sheriff of a lawless town, he compromises by carrying an unloaded pistol and relying on his reputation to keep order.
Dennis McCarthy
A gang of kids helps a sea captain search for a pirate’s treasure that’s rumored to be hidden somewhere in the old dilapidated inn the sea captain just inherited from his dead brother. Along the way, they unravel a series of clues which lead to a variety of hidden passages and trap doors. But they are not alone in their quest for Jean Lafitte’s pirate goodies!
U.S. President
Earthlings chafe at the peace established by a benevolent alien race and set about to rebel.
Kermit Dodd
A young farmer becomes a singer against the wishes of his uncle.
Captain Wilson
전직 보안관 쿠퍼는 도둑의 꾀임에 빠져 살인범으로 오해를 받는다. 지나가던 보안관에 의해 목숨을 구해 무죄로 풀려난 쿠퍼는 도둑들에게 복수를 계획한다. 그들을 잡으러 레드 크리크로 가게되고, 쿠퍼는 위험에 빠지게 된다. 그는 다시 포트 그랜트로 가게되고, 사건에 휘말린 쿠퍼는 잡히게 된다. 그는 무서운 과거를 가진 레이첼의 도움으로 풀려나게 된다. 이를 계기로 둘은 서로 끌리게되고, 사랑을 나눈다. 쿠퍼는 마지막 복수를 위해서 다시 레드 크리크로 가게되고, 그 곳에서 결전이 펼쳐진다.
Sen. Allbright
Striking a zeitgeist nerve, Wild in the Streets stars Christopher Jones (Ryan's Daughter) as Max Frost, rock singer and poster boy for the counterculture revolution of the '60s. While performing with his band, The Troopers, at a political rally for Senate candidate Johnny Fergus (Hal Holbrook, Into the Wild), Max seizes the opportunity to spout his own political philosophies which include, among other things, that the voting age should be lowered to 14. And thus begins the tale of Max's meteoric rise. But as he moves further and further into uncharted waters, first as a voice for the youth movement (or is he just a mouthpiece for opportunist politicians?) and then as a nominee for President of the United States, Max will not bend to the will of the old guard. Instead he begins implementing his own ideas of what would make a better world, including re-education camps for those over the age of 35 along with a liberal dosing of LSD.
Preacher Broyles
A peace-loving, part-time sheriff in the small town of Firecreek must take a stand when a gang of vicious outlaws takes over his town.
General Midwinter
해리 파머는 MI5를 그만두고 삼류 사립탐정으로 살아가고 있습니다. 다시 정보국으로 복귀하라는 로스 대령의 요구를 무시한 그는 정체불명의 전화를 받고 역시 정체불명의 소포를 핀란드로 배달하는데, 알고 봤더니 그 고용주는 그의 미국인 친구인 레오 뉴비겐이었고 소포는 치명적인 바이러스가 들어있는 계란들이었죠. 여기서부터 해리 파머는 바이러스를 되찾으려는 영국 정보국, 반공산봉기를 일으키려는 라트비아 왕당파, 전세계의 공산주의자들을 모두 죽여없애는 것이 자신의 사명이라고 믿고 있는 텍사스 출신 광신도 장군, 봉기를 막으려는 소련 정보국 그리고 그들 사이에서 이득을 취하려는 여러 사람들이 등장하는 지독하게 복잡한 음모에 말려듭니다.
Colum O'More
During the troubles in Ireland an IRA bomb plot is hatched to blow up a British power station. Sean Rogan (Tom Bell) is an IRA bomb expert and escapes from prison to try and stop the destruction.
Capt. Roy Klodin
Hounded by the press for shooting a doctor, an ousted Los Angeles policeman (David Janssen) works his own case.
An amoral lowlife accidentally stumbles into an acting career that sets him on a trajectory to Hollywood stardom. But everyone on whom he steps on the way to the top remembers when he is nominated for an Oscar and he runs a dirty campaign in an attempt to win.
Matthew Harrison Brady
A young man, Bert Cates, is arrested in a small Bible Belt town for teaching the theory of Evolution in the public school. Two of the finest legal minds in the U.S. are called to the trial: Henry Drummond for the defense, and Matthew Harrison Brady for the prosecution. The trial proceeds on three levels, the guilt or innocence of Cates, the issue of the Bible vs. Darwin, and finally, the personal confrontation between Drummond and Brady.
Shamus Tobin
The buoyant Molly Brown has survived the first crisis of her life—a flood. Sixteen years later she sets out to make her way in the world. She assures the Leadville saloon keeper that she can sing and play the piano, and learns quickly. Soon she marries Johnny Brown, who in a few years will be able to replace the original cigar wrapper wedding ring with a replica in gold and gemstones. The Browns head for Europe and bring a few crowned heads back to Denver for a party that turns into a ballroom brawl. Molly goes to Europe alone, returning on the Titanic. She didn't survive a flood as a baby for the story to end here.
Tom 'Boss' Finley
가난하게 자란 챈스 웨인은 자수성가한 야심가 핀레이의 딸 헤븐리를 사랑했지만, 신분 차이 때문에 부모의 반대에 부딪히게 된다. 챈스 웨인은 사랑을 쟁취하기 위해 성공을 꿈꾸는데...
After suffering a near fatal accident in his last race over the hill, top British race car driver Greg Rafferty, is about to call it quits when he gets a telegram from racing car tire manufacture Joseph Bartell. He wants Greg to test out his latest invention, a heat resistant car tire, in actual racing competition.
Dave Burke
경찰 출신의 버크 라는 노인이 은행털이를 공모할 사람을 물색한다. 그를 방문한 두 명은 자니 잉그램(해리 벨라폰테) 이라는 흑인 싱어와 얼 슬레이터(로버트 라이언) 라는 중년 백수이다. 슬레이터와 자니는 처음에는 버크의 제안을 무시하지만 점점 상황이 안 좋게 되자 어쩔 수 없이 그와 손을 잡게 된다. 이렇게 밑바닥까지 추락한 곤란한 상황의 두 남자가 버크 라는 늙은 여우 같은 남자의 계획에 의하여 은행털이를 시도하는데..
Juror 10
뉴욕시의 법정에 아버지를 칼로 찌른 한 소년의 살인혐의를 두고, 12인의 배심원들은 만장일치 합의를 통해 소년의 유무죄 여부를 가려줄 것을 요구받는다. 판사는 유죄일 경우 이 소년은 사형이 불가피하다는 것을 이들에게 미리 일러둔다. 배심원 방에 모인 이들은 투표를 통해 유무죄 여부를 가리기로 한다. 사람들이 전부 소년이 유죄로 판단하는 가운데, 오직 한 배심원만이 소년이 무죄라고 주장하는데...
William Briggs
Staples, a successful plant operator, is brought in from Ohio to take an executive position at Ramsey & Co. in New York. He forms a friendship with Briggs, the long-time vice president, but it soon becomes apparent that Walter Ramsey, who has inherited the position of CEO, is grooming Staples to replace Briggs. Ramsey will not fire Briggs, instead doing everything he can to humiliate and sabotage Briggs until he resigns.
Andy Sloane
"Patterns" was an American television play broadcast live on January 12, 1955, remade as a film the next year with some of the same cast. Fred Staples is the newest executive in a large firm. He strikes up a friendship with Andy Sloane, the Vice President to whom he nominally reports. Staples is good at his job and the company's hard-nosed president, Walter Ramsey, is pleased with his choice. Staples has a crisis of conscience when Ramsey tells him that he's been recruited to replace Sloane, someone who has devoted his entire life to the company at the expense of his family. Sloane knows what Ramsey is up to but digs in his heels and refuses to quit. Tragedy ensues forcing Staples to make a choice.
Anthony Demmet
Rip-roaring big star, big budget semi-historical story about cattle baron Devereaux Burke, who is enlisted by an aging Andrew Jackson to dissuade Sam Houston from establishing Texas as a republic. Burke must fight state senator Thomas Craden, in the process winning the heart of Craden's newspaper-editor girlfriend Martha Ronda.
Neil Eichelberger
Special prosecutor John Conroy hopes to combat organized crime in his city and appoints his cop father Matt as chief investigator. John doesn't understand why Matt is reluctant, but cynical reporter Jerry McKibbon thinks he knows: he's seen Matt with mob lieutenant Harrigan. Jerry's friendship with John is tested by the question of what to do about Matt, and by his attraction to John's girl Amanda. Meanwhile, the threatened racketeers adopt increasingly violent means of defense.
Frank Allen
더 데이 신문사의 편집장인 에드가 암흑가의 보스 리엔지의 위협에 굴하지 않고 그의 범죄행각을 폭로하는 이야기를 그린 영화.
Howard Whitehead
An agent for horse jockeys faces his greatest challenge.
Capt. Brawley
짐(로버트 라이언)은 폭력과 범죄로 얼룩진 도시의 뒷골목을 누비는 젊은 형사이다. 그가 난폭하게 범인을 검거하면서 장이 파열되는 등 범인들이 잇달아 피해를 입자, 경찰의 이미지가 나빠질 것을 염려한 경찰 고위층에서는 그를 시골로 발령을 낸다. 눈이 하얗게 쌓인 산골 마을로 온 짐은 뜻밖의 살인사건을 접하게 되고, 그 사건을 해결하는 과정에서 맹인 여인 메리(이다 루피노)를 만나게 되면서 또다른 그의 운명이 시작된다.
Dave Blodgett
An eccentric Civil War widow is accused of being insane.
Post Commander
When Lt. John Harkness is assigned as the new skipper of a submarine chaser equipped with an experimental steam engine, he hopes that the U.S.S. Teakettle's veterans will afford him enough help to accomplish the ship's goals. Unfortunately, he finds the crew and its officers share his novice status or only have experience in diesel engines.
In 1869, the United States begins a railroad mail service to the West Coast which proves highly tempting to train robbers, in particular an organized gang with one of the mail's supposed guardians in their pay. Prizefighter Steve Davis, a former army intelligence man, is hired to track down the gang and save the Territorial Mail Service. Steve goes undercover in territorial prison, leans Morse Code from a fellow prisoner, breaks jail, infiltrates the gang...and finds time to romance dance-hall singer Mary, who proves to have hidden depths...
Gamblers who "took" an out-of-town sucker in a crooked poker game feel shadowy vengeance closing in on them.
Mr. August Hartnagle
Carefree Chuck Connor is on his way west and stops off to see an old friend and his four lads. When his host is killed in a riding accident Chuck realises he must take care of the family. They hit the road and he takes a job on a ranch, but he has to keep the children hidden as his boss hates kids. There's also tension with the neighbouring ranch, and when a girl on the run from her nasty uncle joins the family unannounced Chuck wonders what he has done to deserve all this.
Mackay, Head of Parole Board
A prison warden fights to prove one of his inmates was wrongly convicted.
Lon Backett
캣 피플, 과거로부터, 등과 같은 호러 스릴러와 필름누아르 장르 면에서 활약한 거장 "자크 투르뇌르" 감독이 명배우 조엘 맥크리어, 딘 스톡웰 등과 함께 한 서부극이자, 미국의 명평론가 "조너선 로젠봄"이 뽑은 최고의 미국영화 중 하나입니다
Capt. Garcia
When he's discharged from a military hospital, ex-GI Bob Corey goes on a search for his army buddy Steve Connolly. A reformed crook, Connolly is on the lam from a trumped-up murder rap, and Corey hopes to clear his pal. Tagging along is Army nurse Julie Benson, who has fallen for Corey.
Myron Lupus
Nick Carraway, a young Midwesterner now living on Long Island, finds himself fascinated by the mysterious past and lavish lifetyle of his landlord, the nouveau riche Jay Gatsby. He is drawn into Gatsby's circle, becoming a witness to obsession and tragedy.
Edgar Stone
A scientist discovers a formula that makes a baseball which is repelled by wood. He promptly sets out to exploit his discovery.
John J. 'Johnny' Brady (as Edward Begley)
It's Tulsa, Oklahoma at the start of the oil boom and Cherokee Lansing's rancher father is killed in a fight with the Tanner Oil Company. Cherokee plans revenge by bringing in her own wells with the help of oil expert Brad Brady and childhood friend Jim Redbird. When the oil and the money start gushing in, both Brad and Jim want to protect the land but Cherokee has different ideas. What started out as revenge for her father's death has turned into an obsession for wealth and power.
James 'J.B.' Cotterell
시간이 지나도 오지 않는 남편에게 전화를 걸려 던 레오나는 우연히 오늘 밤 11시 15 분에 살인을 계획하는 통화를 엿듣게 되는데 단서가 모호하다는 이유로 경찰 엔 사건 접수조차 되질 않고 아빠 역시 심장이 안좋은 딸아이의 투정 정도로 대수롭지 않게 생각할 뿐이다.
제약 회사를 운영하는 아버지로부터 아낌없는 사랑을 받고 자란 레오나 애인이있는 헨리를보고 한눈에 반한 레오나는 자신의 우월한 조건을 이용해 헨리와 결혼을 하지만 장인의 꼭두각시 놀음을 벗어나고 싶어하는 헨리와 다툼이 잦아지면서 신경 쇠약 증상이 점점 심해져 간다.
장인의 그늘에서 벗어나고 싶어했던 자신을 이용해 레오나를 죽이려는 악당들의 음모를 뒤늦게 알게 된 헨리는 침대에서 일어나 창문으로 다가가 도와달라고 소리치라고 다급하게 전화기에 대고 외친다.
Josh Hovey
A state welfare agent persuades a Maine lobsterman to take a troubled orphan boy aboard.
Chief Bernard Harmatz
After two gang-related killings in "Center City," a suspect (who was framed) is arrested, released on bail...and murdered. Inspector Briggs of the FBI recruits a young agent, Gene Cordell, to go undercover in the shadowy Skid Row area (alias George Manly) as a potential victim of the same racket. Soon, Gene meets Alec Stiles, neurotic mastermind who's "building an organization along scientific lines." Stiles recruits Cordell, whose job becomes a lot more dangerous.
Horatio J. Hammond
Tacey and Harry King are a suburban couple with three sons and a serious need of a babysitter. Tacey puts an ad in the paper for a live-in babysitter, and the ad is answered by Lynn Belvedere. But when she arrives, she turns out to be a man. And not just any man, but a most eccentric, outrageously forthright genius with seemingly a million careers and experiences behind him.
Paul Harris
In a quiet Connecticut town, a kindly priest is murdered while waiting at a street corner. The citizens are horrified and demand action from the police. All of the witnesses identify John Waldron, a nervous out-of-towner, as the killer. Although Waldron vehemently denies the crime, no one will believe him. District Attorney Henry Harvey is then put on the case and faces political opposition in his attempt to prove Waldron's innocence. Based on a true story.