1963년 파졸리니는 뉴스릴을 사용한 영화 작업을 의뢰 받았다. 하지만 정치적 성향이 다른 극우 저널리스트 조반니 구아레스키가 영화에 참여함으로써 영화는 틀어지고 흥행에도 실패한다. 45년 후 쥬세페 베르톨루치 감독은 버려진 필름을 재구성한다. 당시 공개되지 않았던 파졸리니의 필름은 시적이고 정치적인 코멘터리로 가득할 뿐만 아니라 그의 급진적 역사인식을 적나라하게 보여준다. ‘우리의 삶은 왜 불만에 의해 지배되는가?’라는 의문으로 시작한 영화는 자유, 혁명, 계급투쟁에 대한 시각을 우주까지 확장시킨다.
Documentary about Sergio Leone
Matteo is a Roman barber whose business is full of debts. He decides to escape from this depressing reality by accepting his sister Angelina's invitation to Brazil.
Two dizygotic twins in the womb become aware of their existence in a series of surrealistic situations.
The complicated travails of several generations of Italian women provide the basis for this drama that is based on a novel by Susanna Tamaro. It begins with the peaceful death of Olga, the elderly family matriarch. Marta, her granddaughter returns from the US to attend the funeral and once in Olga's villa in Trieste, begins reading her grandmother's diary. Olga's story unfolds via flashback. As a young woman, Oldga had to marry Antonio a man she didn't love. Later she became passionately involved with a handsome doctor at the local spa. He impregnates her and shortly thereafter dies in a terrible car wreck. The result of their love is Illaria, who grows up to be terribly neurotic. She bears Marta and then she too dies in an automobile accident, leaving Marta to be raised by Olga.
A heavily indebted film producer tries to get back on his feet by producing a film starring Kim Novak. He also hopes to start a new relationship with his estranged son.
In 1st century BC Palestine, Joseph is a carpenter who wants to travel and see the world, but destiny makes him meet young Mary. The two fall in love and marry. One day, Mary becomes pregnant and tells Joseph an unbelievable truth... He decides to stay on her side, but things won't be easy.
A Jewish boy living in Amsterdam at the onset of WWII is taken to a concentration camp with his parents. Based on the memoir of Holocaust survivor Jona Oberski.
Marco is a judge investigating a case of arms trafficking, one of the judges to fight against corruption of Italian political life. Carla, his wife, lives dominated by the fear that her husband will be murdered and, unfortunately, her fears are realized. She decides to join a group of widows of judges to break the silence that has always protected the crimes of the Mafia, who always act in collusion with influential public figures. With the help of the group and the notes and documents of her husband, Carla produces a television documentary that endangers the lives of many people.
A woman wants to graduate to the Italian Naval Academy in the 60s. She has to fight her family, her friends and a world not ready to accept her.
Targeted by a dirty cop after witnessing a murder, ordinary bank clerk Mario flees to Puerto Escondido, Mexico, where a couple of oddball Italian expats drag him into a series of misadventures that'll make him revaluate his place in the world.
여위고 개성 없는 얼굴이나 마음씨가 착한 단테(Dante/Johnny Stecchino: 로베르토 베니니 분)는 파티장에서 아름다운 여자들에게 접근을 시도하지만 모두 실패한다. 파티장 밖으로 나오던 단테는 고급 차에 부딪히는데 여기에서 마리아(Maria: 니콜레타 브라스치 분)를 만나게 된다. 마리아는 어리숙한 단테에게서 그만의 독특한 내면의 진실을 발견하고, 어울리지 않는 두 사람은 가장 가까운 친구가 된다. 그러나 단테에 대한 그녀의 강한 불쾌감 때문에 그녀의 곁은 떠나게 되어 슬픔과 절망의 나날을 보내던 단테는 마리아로부터 연락을 받고 시실리행 열차를 탄다. 마리아는 당뇨병으로 고생하는 변호사인 그녀의 아저씨와 멋진 빌라에서 살고 있는데, 단테는 마리아의 아저씨와 친해지면서 쉽게 새로운 환경에 적응해 간다. 그러나 그곳 지하실에는 마리아의 연인인 자니 스테치노라는 사람이 숨어있는데, 그와 단테는 놀랍게도 너무나 흡사한 모습이다. 마피아로부터 도망 중이던 자니는 서로의 닮은 점을 이용해 은밀한 계략을 꾸며 단테를 궁지에 몰아넣는다.
Harvey, an old man from Scotland lives with his young son and daughter in an isolated house in Patagonia. Upon arrival of the emissaries of a development corporation he promptly stands against them by building a large fence (alambrado). A debut rich with sensibility and violent physicality, an unusual film of wind, isolation, loneliness, desolation ... and madness.
전쟁이 막바지에 온 이차대전 당시의 이태리 해군은 그리이스의 작은섬이 전략적으로 필요하다는 이유로 8명의 병사를 파견한다. 그러나 곧 전세는 불리해지고 사령부에서는 이들 병사를 보냈다는 사실조차도 잊어버린다. 사령부와의 연락도 두절된 채 전장으로부터 멀리 떨어진 무인도에서 이들은 버림받은 소외감을 느끼게 되고 전쟁을 잊은 채 섬에서의 생활을 시작한다. 그러나 피난갔던 마을 사람들이 돌아오고 지중해의 열기와 낙원과도 같은 나른한 리듬에 젖게 된다. 오히려 행복, 자유, 삶에 대한 예찬이 주민과 함께하고 있음을 느끼고 이제 병사들은 전쟁을 잊고 주민들과 어울려 밝은 지중해 햇빛 아래서 뛰어놀고 일하고 어울린다. 처음엔 경계하던 주민들과 병사들이 서로를 받아들이고 함께 축제를 벌인다. 이들은 투표를 하여 섬에서 살 것을 결정하고 완벽한 낙원의 생활을 즐기게 된다. 그러던 어느날 한대의 경비행기가 마을밖에 불시착하게 되고, 전쟁이 끝난것을 알게 된다. 그제서야 조국과 전쟁을 잊고 지내온 3년의 세월을 돌아보며이들은 이태리로 돌아가야 하는 현실을 맞이하게 된다. 그러나 바실리사(Vassilissa: 반나 바바 분)와 결혼한 파리나(Antonio Farina: 지우세프 세더나 분)는 창고의 올리브통 속에 숨어서 섬에 남고, 다른 병사들은 종전으로 혼란을 겪고 있는 조국을 위해 한번 더 봉사할 기회를 찾아 아쉬움을 남기고 섬을 떠난다. 세월이 흘러 이젠 늙은이가 된 몬타나 중위(Raffaele Montini: 클라우디오 비가그리 분)가 섬으로 돌아오는데.
Italian-French costume dramedy that takes place in France in the end of 18th Century during the French Revolution. It is "The Marriage of Figaro" meets "The Dangerous Liaisons" and it tells the story of two women, Mathilde Seurat, the actress and Julie Renard, the aristocratic wife and a mother (Delphine Forest plays both) with the same face who came from the different parts of society and at one point exchanged their identities and their lives. The movie also features Giancarlo Giannini and great Vittorio Gassman.
Serious, logical Martha (Barbara Sukowa) and dreamy, superstitious Anna (Stefania Sandrelli) have been best friends. That is, until Martha's lover Victor (Sami Frey) decides he'd rather be Anna's lover. Mortified, Martha flees to Africa, leaving the field clear for her ex-friend. When Anna comes down with cancer, she pleads with Victor to get her to come back and somehow put this rupture in their friendship behind them. Curiously, Martha does come back, and after some understandable tension and a few bitter words, they manage to reestablish their friendship, though it is now on a different basis.
A big-time businessman throws in the towel on his company and high-tails it out to Bali just as its stock is about to be publicly offered. There, he tries to avoid the insistent phone calls coming from Manhattan and records his philosophical ponderings about this mid-life crisis on videotape. Before long, he is partying with another burnt-out businessman and avidly avoiding the attentions of colleagues who have come to Bali to try and get him to come back to Manhattan.
Two stage actors leave on a tournée, but there's a matter to be settled: one has become the lover of the other's girlfriend and since they are very good friends, cannot bring himself to tell him.
Misery money-lender Arpagone is looking to arrange three weddings simultaneously - to cut down on costs. One for himself and the others for his two children. Of course he doesn't approve of the choices his son and daughter have made and conspires to arrange more well to do spouses against their will. However, fate will prove itself to be on the side of true love, not of the greedy.
영화는 마치 한 장면의 꿈처럼 약간 정신이 이상한 샐비니의 일상을 따라간다. 샐비니는 마을 근처 숲에서 창문으로 한 여성을 훔쳐보는 남자들을 쳐다본다. 여성은 남자들을 위해 스트립쇼를 하고, 샐비니는 이를 보며 그의 할머니에 대한 기억을 떠올린다.
After a mysterious girl tells Marco her boyfriend (and estranged longtime friend of his) Rudy has been arrested in Morocco, he and four other friends leave for Marrakech with a large sum of money to get him out of jail.
Father Maurice, a priest living in a residential college for priests in Rome, is called out one day to "exorcise" the devil from someone. The devil turns out to be in the form of a fun-loving man called Giuditta. What Father Maurice doesn't know is that this type of devil will turn his life around.
이탈리아의 거대한 영화 스튜디오 치네치타에서 펠리니가 수년간 만들어 온 작품들에 대한 인터뷰가 진행된다. 마르첼로 마스트로얀니는 창문 옆을 떠다니는 마술사로 분장하고 펠리니는 그를 아니타 에크버그의 빌라로 데려간다.
콜롬비아, 브라질, 페루 3국에 접경하여 관심밖 땅인 아마존 정글의 심장부로 마르코 베니에리(Marco Venieri: 존 세비지 분)는 그의 죽은 형 루카를 찾아나선다. 루카는 도피 중인 이태리 테러리스트로 자살로 죽었다고 되었지만, 마르코는 그 진상을 알고 있었다. 한편 이태리 대사는 마르코를 가장 어둡고 위험한 여행길로 안내하고 거기서 형을 발견하게 되는데...
Oscar dreams of becoming an actor or a stuntman. To contact a manufacturer he stages an accident and consequently injures a young actress, then tries to limit the damage by taking the girl to his home.
한 방송국에서 은퇴한 배우들을 그러모아 특별한 TV쇼를 만든다. 이 쇼를 위해 할리우드의 전설적 배우 진저 로저스와 프레드 아스테어를 흉내내며 활동하다 30년 전 은퇴했던 아멜리아와 피포가 다시 뭉친다. 스텝을 따라가기도 벅찬 노년의 두 배우. 하지만 그들의 등장은 화제를 모은다.
두 남자의 15세기로 시간여행
An Italian businessman travels to Brazil looking for a new job. When things don't go his way, he becomes despondent until he meets a beautiful woman who reveals Rio de Janeiro's most magical, secret locales.
1921년, 좀도둑질을 일삼던 누들스는 친구들과 함께 밀수품 운반 일을 하며 돈을 벌어들인다. 누들스 무리에 위협을 느낀 벅시는 누들스의 친구를 죽이고, 분노한 누들스는 벅시를 살해한 후 감옥에 들어가게 된다. 1932년, 출소한 누들스는 어린 시절 첫사랑 데보라와 밀주 사업으로 크게 성공한 맥스를 다시 만나지만, 금주법 철폐로 밀주 사업도 위기를 맞는다. 맥스는 누들스에게 연방준비은행을 털 것을 제안하지만 누들스는 거절한다. 1968년, 베일리 재단 파티에 초대 받은 누들스는 재단 창립 기념 사진 속에서 데보라를 발견하고 그녀를 찾아가는데...
범인이 경찰로 위장하여 연쇄 살인을 벌이는 사건에 접한 뉴욕 경찰은 혼란에 빠진다. 편집증이 있는 프레드 형사(Lieutenant Fred O'Connor: 하비 키이텔 분)는 용의자를 그만의 아지트로 데려가 심문을 한다. 그러던 중 연쇄살인의 진범 레오(Leo Smith: 존 라이든 분)를 체포하여 그의 방식대로 처리하려 하지만 이를 눈치챈 동료 밥(Bob Carvo: 레오나드 만 분)의 저지를 받는다. 결국 심한 다툼 끝에 프레드는 밥을 살해하고 만다. 당황한 프레드는 레오의 도움으로 밥의 죽음을 또 다른 범죄처럼 꾸미는데...
A 1983 Italian film.
A young girl from the provinces, comes to Paris with one goal: to become a part of the rich bourgeoisie. To achieve this she will use her unique beauty and charm.
Rome, 1960. Four different people meet each other at the Olympics. They follow the games and become friends, talking about their sad lifes.
Three Italians travel to their hometown to vote for elections: Pasquale is a Southern immigrant living in Munich who's genuinely happy to come back to Italy, even if just for a few days, but the country he dreams of is far from reality; Furio travels to Rome with his family, but his niggling attitude threatens to push his wife Magda over the edge; young Mimmo is also going to Rome, but the trip is repeatedly interrupted by worries about his grandma's health.
The film begins when Eugenio, a 14 year old child, is conduced from his grandparents home outside Rome, to Giancarlo (his father) in the city, by Giancarlo's friend (called "Moustache"). As Eugenio is bothering Moustache, he threatens Eugenio with leaving him in the middle of the country. He finally does it. When Giancarlo finds out, they return for Eugenio, but he is now lost. Meanwhile we're told the story of the child and his relation with the family, and why he feels unwanted.
A former astronaut helps a government agent and a police detective track the source of mysterious alien pod spores, filled with lethal flesh-dissolving acid, to a South American coffee plantation controlled by alien pod clones.
Piero arrives in Paris from Luino after having won a pool tournament with friends. In the train he meets the famous place Ramazzini and has so many incidents that culminated with his arrest and the confiscation by the commissioner Juvet. Released, find randomly hospitality at the madame Lenormand and know the great painter Valentine. Both women are tied up, as a wife and lover, Maurice, in prison for robbery. A day Piero wears a mistake and the coat of astrakhan, Maurice, and then...
During the year 1673, Rome was besieged by poverty and violence. The rich Mr. Argante has two servants to look after him, while his wife is only waiting to see him dead to inherit.
AD 37년, 로마 황제 티베릴우스(Tiberius : 피터 오툴 분)의 폭정 시절, 황제가 입양아인 칼리큘라(Caligula : 말콤 맥도웰 분)보다 친손자인 제멜리스(Gemellus : 브루노 브라이브 분)를 더 귀여워하자, 칼리큘라는 자신이 왕위에 오르지 못하면 죽음을 당할 것임을 알고, 꼭 살아남아서 황제가 되어야겠다고 결심한다. 황제의 심복이며 칼리큘라를 싫어하는 네르바(Nerva : 존 질거드 분)는 그가 황제가 되면 로마가 망한다며 자살을 한다. 이에 충격을 받은 칼리큘라는 생명의 위협을 느끼기 시작하고, 궁정의 수호대장 메크론(Macro : 구이도 마나니 분)은 아내마저 칼리큘라에게 바칠 정도로 그에게 충성하지만 칼리큘라는 그 또한 믿을 수가 없다. 어느날, 티베리우스는 심장마비를 일으켜 침대 위에 누워만 있는 신세가 되자, 칼리큘라와 메크론은 누워있는 그를 베개로 눌러 죽이고 25세에 로마 황제로 즉위한다. 처음에는 치정에 전념하던 그도 점점 주위 사람들을 의심하고, 측근들을 사소한 트짐으로 하나씩 제거하면서 서서히 광기를 드러낸다. 여동생 드루실라(Drusilla : 테레사 안 사보이 분)를 동생 이상으로 사랑하여 동거하는가 하면 음란한 왕비 케소냐(Caesonia : 헬렌 미렌 분)가 낳은 딸을 아들이라고 우긴다. 칼리큘라는 또한 웅대한 이집트풍의 연극을 기획하고 부인과 함께 직접 출연하기도 한다. 칼리큘라의 폭정은 날이 갈 수록 심해져 드루실라가 열병으로 죽자 급기야는 황실 안에 커다란 매음굴을 만드는데...
Guido is an international journalist with an unusually difficult relationship with his daughter, Mimi. He hasn't seen her for several years and has just taken her away from the boarding school she was immured in. She is now 15, and for some reason is doing everything in her power to get him to have sex with her. She even brings herself to orgasm while lying in the bed next to him. He goes nearly apoplectic trying to avoid her advances. Eventually, her school chum Therese comes to visit them, and Guido at last has a semi-suitable object for his by now quite overheated passions. The story is loosely based on a novel by Guido Morselli.
A meek book-keeper is introduced to gun shooting by a friend, and appears to be very gifted. But things go wrong when he gets involved with gangsters.
Two minstrels singing for their supper in Rome discover they've both been lovers to the same woman, and one of them is the father of her infant son; a privilege neither is willing to concede.
A large international cast takes part in this comedy in which the stories of numerous individuals whose cars are stalled in a massive Roman traffic jam are told.
In three vignettes, two exes, a tour guide and a married couple struggle to overcome a series of misadventures during their vacations.
A background of rising fascism in Venice in 1930s. A music-student, Matthias, mixes with the town's bourgeoisie and falls in love with a mature teacher, Carla, the mother of his friend Renato, and then with his young colleague, Elena.
A mother so insanely overprotective of her grown son decides to make a deal with death by offering alternate victims plucked from among her fellow tenants in a 1938 Italian apartment building.
Summer Sunday at a small beach house at the coast of Rome. Many people and stories: women's basketball team, two sports-obsessed soldiers, two men with their girlfriends and the priest with a big secret, an elderly couple with their pregnant granddaughter, and engagemented couple wanting to have sex for the first time.
안토니오는 아름다운 아내와 함께 자기 사업에 열중하는 40대의 중년 신사다. 그러나 그는 아내 모르게 사업을 빙자하여 사생활을 즐기고 있었다. 그러던 어느 날, 살인 현장에 있었다는 이유로 누명을 쓰고 도망자가 되어 자기 집안이 건너다 보이는 옆집에 숨어 지내게 된다. 남편이 돌아오지 않자 아내는 남편이 타고 다니던 마차를 타고 다니다가 평소 남편의 애정 행각을 알게 되고 복수라도 하듯이 남편의 친구들과 어울린다. 그러나 그녀는 우연히 남편이 옆집에서 자기를 주시하고 있다는 것을 알게 된다.
Amedeo and Ofelia, middle aged brother and sister, own jointly an old decadent, but still attractive, condominium. They want to sell it, but before they have to evict all the tenants. Of course, these don't want to leave at all. The cat (Il Gatto), mascot and beloved by all, dies and this gives the two an excuse to enter the tenants' life. Amedeo starts to court the young Wanda and Ofelia seduces the priest Don Pezzolla. In the meantime police is looking for the cat killer...
Three sexy and comic episodes.
Three episodes of casual erotic character: a porn scriptwriter and his secretary, a man locked up among homosexuals, and a shy man who decides to hire a prostitute over the phone.
Rome, 1880. Gregorio Ferramonti (Anthony Quinn) has decided to close his bakery, the family business. Then he tells his sons Pippo (Gigi Proietti), Mario (Fabio Testi) and Teta that they will have to fend for themselves. But Irene (Dominique Sanda), the wife of Pippo, a beautiful, calculating and ambitious young woman, wants to take over the inheritance. Acting on intelligence, weighing every step and its consequences, she manages to convince the brothers that they must prevent at all costs that his father falls in love again to avoid the risk of losing their inheritance.
제 3 제국의 운명이 끝을 향해가고 있을 무렵, 타락한 이탈리아 귀족들 네 사람이 성욕을 마음껏 분출할 수 있는 천국을 만들기로 합의한다. 악명이 자자한 뚜쟁이 네 사람을 확보한 뒤 나치군인 몇 사람을 끌어 모은다. 이 타락한 귀족들은 이탈리아 10대 소년 소녀 백여 명을 강제로 데려와 "재미와 게임"을 위해 외딴 빌라에 가둬 놓는다. 권력자들은 매일 어떤 방식으로 성욕을 분출할지 회의하고 그 수위도 점점 높아지는데…
Three rogues set out to rob $300,000 from an Indian-hating cavalry major.
The Marquise Eugenia di Maqueda, an orphan raised by the nuns, marries Raimondo Corrao, but on their wedding night she finds out that he is her brother. The piece of news is in a letter written from Paris by their father, a womaniser who lives and hides from them in the French headtown. The pair decide, to avoid the scandal, to live as brother and sister. He will later leave for the war in Lybia, she will find solace and sexual satisfaction in the arms of the family chauffeur.
백작 부인 린다는 연로하고 오만한 남편과의 고달픈 생활에 못이겨 이혼을 바라고 있었으나 사랑하는 아이들 때문에 그 결심에 주저하고 있었다. 이러한 린다에 있어서는 남동생 쓰리오가 마음의 지주였다. 그는 메이드 로자와 사귀고 있었으나 누나 린다에 대한 애정은 형제애를 초월할 만큼 이상했다. 쓰리오는 린다를 아이들을 볼모로 이혼을 거절하는 폭군 백작한테서 지키기 위해 살해하기에 이른다. 물론 완전 범죄를 노렸었지만 그 계획은 무너지고 만다. 세상 사람들의 호기심 속에 재판은 시작되고.
고전 에서 발췌한 10개의 이야기를 가지고 경이로운 시각적 효과와 감각으로 만든 영화. 한 남자가 자신이 사랑하는 노예가 납치되자 그 노예를 찾아 외국으로 떠난다. 그는 이 나라 저 나라로 여행하면서 사람들로부터 에로틱한 이야기들을 듣는다. 그런 이야기에 몹시도 끌렸지만 그는 연인을 잊을 수 없으며 다시 찾고자 한다.
Two factory workers living in Northern Italy form a romantic connection. The woman, torn between the freedoms of the North and her traditional Sicilian values, slowly allows herself to love...
서부개척시대도 이미 끝물에 다다를 무렵, 무법자들은 전설의 총잡이 잭 보러가드(헨리 폰다 분)를 물리치고 천하제일 명성을 떨칠 야망에 불탄다. 하지만 늙은 잭은 지긋지긋한 총잡이 세계를 은퇴하고 유럽으로 떠날 생각뿐이다. 한편 어릴 적부터 잭을 우상으로 여기던 갑툭튀 또라이 총잡이 Nobody(테런스 힐 분)는 잭과 마주치게 된다. 끝없이 목숨을 노리고 달려드는 무법자들을 처리하기도 버거워하는 잭을 보면서, Nobody는 잭이 마지막으로 영웅다운 업적을 이루기를 꿈꾸며 갈구거나 돕거나 하길 반복한다. 결국 잭은 은퇴할 결심을 굳히고 마지막으로 금광 살인사건에 개입하는데, 전성기때처럼 정의와 의리에 불타는 모습은 온데간데 없고, 동생 살해를 시주한 동시에 자신까지 죽이려고 했던 금광 주인 설리번에게 입막음용으로 돈과 금을 갈취하며 현실과 타협하면서 은퇴 겸 은둔생활을 위하여 유럽으로 도망가려는 그의 모습을 뒤에서 지켜본 Nobody는 적잖게 실망하게 된다. 그러나 그 덕분에 금광의 이득권을 걸고 설리번과 대립하던 와일드 번치 150명의 심기를 건드려서 그들에게 쫓기는 신세가 된다. 그리고 Nobody가 지켜보는 가운데 150:1의 대결을 승리로 이끌어 전설은 아니고 레전드급임을 만천하에 인증한 잭이었지만, Nobody는 죽지 않고서는 서부를 떠날 수 없다고 충고하고 마침내 신-구 총잡이 두 사람은 만인이 지켜보는 가운데 1대1 결투를 벌이는데...
How the Italian Fascist Party managed to turn the physical elimination of a political enemy into a test of strength fundamental for the ascent into the totalitarian regime.
It's 1577. The Mother Superior at the convent of Archangel is seriously ill. The determined and calculating Mother Giulia plots to become the next Mother Superior. She receives tough competition from tormented lesbian Sister Chiara and the lusty Sister Carmela.
Locked up in prison and awaiting execution, bored young vagabonds Bernardino and Mammone pass their time competing in a vulgar storytelling competition, relating indecent accounts about castration, unsavory testicles and an atypical threesome. Not intended for the faint of heart, this audacious piece of moviemaking focuses on tales of jealousy, murder and uncontrollable desires.
Mastro Geppetto is a poor carpenter with no wife and no children. The man is very lonely, and when trading a piece of wood with his colleague Mastro Ciliegia, he decides to build himself a puppet to make him company.
This Italian western comedy has no shooting deaths, but a lot of fistfights. Provvidenza is a bounty hunter. He makes his living solely by catching his dim but powerful friend, the Hurricane Kid (Gregg Palmer) and turning him in for the reward money. A fully armed horseless carriage is one of the inventive elements of this film. One of the film's sillier highlights is an amazingly loud and long belch by the Kid. -From http://www.spaghetti-western.net
In Mussolini's Rome a murderer is targeting young girls. The movie explores how the fascist mind works, how it plays its values off the sentiment of the masses and explores the role of the press in creating a unified narrative.
초서의 유명한 소설 를 노골적인 성적 표현을 담아 개작했다. 파졸리니는 이 영화에서 과격한 표현주의와 그 이상의 것까지 보여준다. 영국에서 촬영된 이 영화에서 파졸리니는 쵸서의 외설스러운 세계에 활기를 불어넣는다.
An aging American millionairess journeys to Rome each year with her chauffeur George to play the card game scopone with destitute Peppino and his wife Antonia.
Filli and the cavemen from "When Women Had Tails" are living a carefree life inside a dinosaur skeleton. But when conman Ham introduces them to the concept of currency and economics, their lives fall apart. On top of that, Filli starts to fall in love with Ham.
Roma.During a clash between demonstrating laborers (whose fight the students have joined) a policeman and a student are both killed. The investigating magistrate - in charge of the case with two commissioners - wants to believe to the version of the police: the student was killed by one of the laborers, while the policeman would have been killed by Massimo Trotti.
Trastevere is a 1971 Italian comedy film. This is the first and only film directed by actor and screenwriter Fausto Tozzi. The film was heavily cut by producer Alberto Grimaldi, who cut off the roles of Umberto Orsini, Martine Brochard and Riccardo Garrone.
좀도둑질을 일삼는 무식하고 가난한 후안은 꾀를 내어 지나가는 역마차에 탄다. 부자들이나 타는 역마차에 동승한 그는 지주, 공증인, 성직자, 아델리타, 미국인 남자로부터 짐승 취급을 당한다. 그러나 마차의 길목에서 지키고 있던 후안의 패거리들은 마차를 탈취하고, 후안은 자기가 당했던 모욕을 고스란히 되돌려준다. 후안은 우연히 아일랜드 폭탄전문가 존 맬로리를 만나 다이너마이트의 위력을 알게 되고, 존을 자기의 계획에 끌어들이기 위해 애 쓰는데….
파졸리니가 각본, 감독, 배우를 겸했으며 14세기 이탈리아의 작가 보카치오가 쓴 소설에 나오는 몇몇 이야기를 풍부하게 제작한 서사 영화이다. 파졸리니는 예술가, 성직자, 마법사들이 거주하는 중세 이탈리아의 이야기들을 하나의 음탕한 타피스트리로 엮는다. 전 르네상스의 위대한 화가 지오토의 역으로 나오는 파졸리니는 감각과 불경스러운 유머로 관객들을 원숙한 영화적 풍경으로 이끈다.
재개발이 한창 진행중인 동네에 살고 있는 노부부 줄리앙(장 가방)과 끌레망스(시몬느 시뇨레), 저 두 사람이 과연 사랑을 했을까, 싶을 정도로 두 사람은 서로에게 전혀 관심이 없음은 물론 서로 불신하면서 타인처럼 살고 있다. 젊은 시절 그들은 써커스 단원으로 일하면서 사랑을 했고 결혼까지 하게 되었지만, 세월이 흐른 지금은 일상적인 대화까지 거부하면서 한 지붕 다른 가족이 되어버렸다. 줄리앙은 오직 길에서 주워온 고양이에게만 애정을 쏟는다. 결국 남편을 저주하는 끌레망스가 고양이를 죽이고, 이 사건을 계기로 두 사람의 관계는 파국으로 치닫는다.
이탈리아계 미국인 무정부주의자 사코와 반제티 사건을 다룬 영화
Bubu leaves his job in a bakery, forces his girl-friend into prostitution, and from then on lives out of the money she makes. The young couple find their place in the world of prostitutes and pimps, but the lack of perspective in their life - which is permanently haunted by the possibility of an incurable and fatal venereal infection - and the humiliations the girl endures strain their relationship and lead to conflicts.
A traveling gravedigger during an (unspecified) war adopts a orphan he finds alone in the desert. After the war with the orphan grown and business slow, the orphan begins to generate business himself by shooting people. The orphan wants to make one big score by robbing a bank but the gravedigger resists. Their dream is to open a fancy funeral parlor and cemetery. The orphan becomes obsessed with a prostitute he saw who was later abandoned by her outlaw partner after a robbery attempt on a gold wagon goes bad. He eventually leaves the gravedigger to find her
A hitman is double-crossed by his girlfriend and barely escapes a murder attempt. He then sets out to take his revenge on the woman and the gang boss who put her up to it.
On the streets of a damp metropolis lie the corpses of hundreds and hundreds of boys and girls. No one can give them a resting place because of a law enacted by a repressive State. But the young Antigone, with the help of a foreigner, Tiresias, violates this rule in the name of pietas, undermining the established order.
Two anarchistic brothers live by petty thievery and try to recover from their Catholic upbringing. Bandiera and Rabbino were children when they pushed their drunk of a father out of a window for killing their pet sheep. When a girl is raped by her father, she is brought by young "rescuers" to the home of the two brothers who then watch their friends take advantage of her sexually. The brothers take her in, and the three live happy and celibate if not uneventful lives until the brother's are sent to jail for stealing.
Metello struggles to escape from the poverty that led to the premature death of his parents, and that is the lot of the working class in northern Italy during the second half of the 19th century. Metello fights his way out from his condition through hard work, a determined will to resist oppression inherited from his father, but also by taking advantage of his good looks when dealing with women. Metello progressively assumes an important role in the organization of an emerging workers movement, and attempts to conciliate his risky political activities with his private life.
이 영화는 남편 제이슨이 더 이상 자신을 사랑하지 않으며 코린트 왕의 딸 크레우사와 결혼하기를 바란다는 것을 알게 된 여자 마법사 메데아의 이야기이다. 메데아는 복수하기로 결심하고 크레우사와 자신이 제이슨에게 낳아준 두 아들을 독살할 책략을 꾸민다.
Tells a dark story about a young lawyer that falls in love with a strange girl with an unknown past.
Through the childhood and the adolescence of Giacomo Casanova (from his memoirs), this is a description of how people live in the Venice of the 18th century: customs, habits, medicine, religion and most of all - the omnipresence of hypocrisy. Written by Yepok
Mysterious romance involving an uninhibited woman and a photographer, shot in strange modernist interiors and abstract sports car-on-a-highway to nowhere exteriors.
언젠지 알 수 없는 과거, 자신의 아버지를 죽인 젊은이 칸니발이 야생동물들에게 갈갈이 찢기는 형벌을 받게 된다는 이야기. 그리고 전쟁 후, 독일 기업가의 아들 줄리안은 인간관계를 꺼려 자신의 농장에서 돼지를 키우는 이야기. 이렇게 두 개의 이야기로 구성된 작품.
A beautiful smiling guy's walking on the streets of a city, bringing with him a large paper poppy. The boy is the goodness and innocence of youth, which is soon cut short by human wickedness.
다섯 명의 감독이 연출한 다섯 개의 에피소드로 된 옴니버스 영화. EP1. 무관심 [L'indifferenza] : 선량한 사마리아인 우화에 대한 내용 (카를로 리자니) EP2. 임종 [Agonia] : 임종 직전의 사람이 미노르 무화과나무 우화로 선에 대한 의문을 던지는 내용 (베르나르도 베르톨루치) EP3. 종이꽃다발 [La sequenza del fiore di cart] : 현대 세계의 공포에 대한 죄의식을 다룬 내용 (피에르 파올로 파졸리니) EP4. 사랑 [L'Amore] : 혁명, 민주주의에 관한 견해의 차이로 헤어지는 남녀에 대한 내용 (장 뤽 고다르) EP5. 논의하자, 논의하자 [Discutiamo, discutiamo] : 대학생들과 벨로치오 감독 간에 사회주의, 개혁 등에 대한 토론을 다룬 내용 (마르코 벨로치오)
파솔리니의 영원한 소년 전령사 니네토 다볼리가 여전히 순진한 얼굴로 로마 거리를 돌아다닌다. 그리고 소란한 거리와 사람들이 만들어내는 다양한 풍경은 쿠바 혁명, 베트남 전쟁의 이미지들과 겹쳐지며 독특한 분위기를 만들어낸다.
A seductive and ruthless spy in the service of Germany steals state secrets- including the formula for poison gas-from England and France during World War I. British intelligence, in turn, tries to hunt her down.
프랭크가 보낸 세명의 총잡이가 기차역에서 누군가를 기다린다. 드디어 그들이 기다리던 한 남자가 하모니카를 불며 기차역에 도착하고, 그들 세 총잡이는 모두 이름 없는 그 남자의 총에 쓰러진다. 한편, 프랭크와 그 부하들은 아일랜드 출신인 맥베인 일가를 잔인하게 살해하는데, 뉴올리언즈에서 이제 막 도착한 맥베인의 새 아내 질로서는 황망할 수밖에 없다. 두 사람은 한달 전 이미 결혼을 한 상태였다. 다시 뉴올리언즈로 돌아가려던 질은 마음을 고쳐먹고 맥베인과 아이들의 시체만 있는 그 집에서 혼자 생활을 시작한다.
A humble scientist from Padua proves that the Earth revolves and that it is not the center of the universe.
맑시즘, 섹스, 종교 등의 주제가 혼재되어 있는 파졸리니의 영화. 매력적인 테렌스 스탬프가 부르조아 가족의 일원으로 들어가 어머니, 아버지, 아들, 딸, 하녀를 차례로 유혹해 그들의 삶에 심대한 영향을 미치는 비범한 이방인을 연기한다. 파졸리니는 지배 계급은 그들이 통제할 수 없는 단 한 가지, 섹스로 파괴될 수 있다고 가정하며, 이를 초현실적이고 감각적인 알레고리로 보여준다.
The film consists of six short stories created by different directors, but all the stories share one thing: a warm irony to current events.
Some puppets come to life in a theater with no windows. This time the puppets interpret William Shakespeare's Othello.
Set in Sicily, this violent crime drama tells the tale of an Italian cop who heads to a small island town to look into the death of a construction supplier. Once there he is shocked by the influence the Mafia has over the people and even himself.
A war hero turned unemployed is hired by a British man whose life he saved during the war, for a secret mission: to kill a neo-nazi.
Professor James Anders is a seemingly mild-mannered teacher, an American working in Rio De Janeiro. Anders, bored with years of teaching, decides to put together a team to pull off a diamond heist during the Rio Carnival. Four international experts are brought together to carry out the robbery: a safe cracking expert, a master thief, a mechanical genius, and a playboy.
In this delightful romantic comedy, four beautiful women attempt to deal with their sexual frustrations in fashionable Rome society.
In pre-war Italy, a young couple have a baby boy. The father, however, is jealous of his son - and the scene moves to antiquity, where the baby is taken into the desert to be killed. He is rescued, given the name Edipo (Oedipus), and brought up by the King and Queen of Corinth as their son. One day an oracle informs Edipo that he is destined to kill his father and marry his mother. Horrified, he flees Corinth and his supposed parents - only to get into a fight and kill an older man on the road...
Little Rita has a dream: she dreams of a better world and she believes that all the evil in the world originates from gold. So she has decided to blow up all the gold she can put her hands on. In her mission she is assisted by the Indian Chief Bisonte Seduto and by her friend Francis. Little Rita kills Ringo and Django, but she is taken prisoner by the Mexican bandit Sancho who wants to steal her gold. Black Star rescues her and seems determined to help her, but does he?
A collection of sketches that tells the story of prostitution through the ages.
Seven brothers team up to rescue their gold and their women from a ruthless bandit.
Ciancicato Miao and his son, after the death of his wife and mother by mushroom poisoning, are dedicated to find her replacement and have no luck until they find a mysterious deaf mute green-haired woman.
1967년 개봉한 코미디 옴니버스 영화이다. 다섯 편의 에피소드로 구성되어있으며, 각 에피소드를 다섯 명의 감독이 연출하였다.
남북 전쟁이 끝난 후의 혼란한 서부, 전쟁에 참여했던 많은 사나이들이 갱으로 변신 강탈과 폭력, 습격과 총격전이 난무한다.
Andrew's brave front convinces his father that he is unaffected by his mother's death. Playmate and protector of his little brother Miles, he is often blamed when mischief goes wrong. Only when tragedy strikes does his father recognize Andrew's true qualities.
미국의 남북전쟁이 한창인 때, 블론디는 멕시코인 총잡이 투코와 함께 동업 중이다. 블론디는 현상범 투코를 잡아 현상금을 받고, 투코가 교수형을 당하는 순간 구해주는 역할. 한편 세텐자라 불리우는 범죄자는 엄청나 돈이 묻힌 비밀장소를 추적 중이다. 그런데, 투코와 실랑이를 벌이던 블론디는 돈이 묻힌 장소를 죽어가는 사람에게 듣게 되고, 결국 둘은 돈을 찾아 나서는데...
A young student joins her rich lawyer stepfather and then her mother who the selfish man does not love, for a summer vacation in Sardinia with the man's posh friends
A historian goes to a castle library to translate some ancient erotic literature. While there he discovers what he believes to be supernatural forces at work.
무산 계급에 속한 한 부자가 경작지, 고속도로, 건설 중인 건물의 풍경으로 황량한 도시 주변부 길을 걸으며 성 프란치스코와 마르크스, 채플린에 이르기까지 갖가지 담론을 들려준다.
Four unrelated short comedies by four different directors. "Queen Sabina"chronicles the sexual misadventures of a teenage girl on the road home. "Queen Armenia" centers on a self-serving opportunistic gypsy babysitter who uses her employer's kids for her own gain. The third episode, "Queen Elena" centers on a husband who learns a lesson about the perils of infidelity after he succumbs to the wiles of the seductive wife next door. The last vignette, "Queen Marta" centers on a wealthy woman who, when drunk, uses her butler as an outlet for her lust.
멕시코 국경지대. 각각 미국인인 웬체스터 잭과 멕시코인인 H.로드리게스를 우두머리로 한 두 라이벌 갱단은 장고라는 총잡이의 출현에 놀란다. 그는 노마라는 여인을 데리고 막 그곳에 도착했는데 사랑하는 아내의 죽음에 복수를 하기 위해 윈체스터 패거리들을 거의 일망타진한다. 그리고 나선 로드리게스 일당과 총과 금을 두고 결전을 펼친다.
Ranch owner MacGregor has seven sons and oldest Gregor leads his brothers to Las Mesas, a small town where they want to sell horses. They get into trouble with local people who are related with evil Santillana. After getting imprisoned and losing their horses they decide to go after Santillana's gang.
Mademoiselle de Maupin escapes from her uncle's castle, invaded by Hungarian troops, under the guise of a clergyman named Theodore. An army recruiter forces Theodore to enlist in the King's army, and not even the religious robe is an insurance against it. Theodore is assigned to be aide-de-camp to Alcibiade, a man as virile in combat, as he seems troubled for the figure of his aid. D'Albert, an aristocrat, will expose Theodore's true sex, and after a number of confusing, comedy situations, Alcibiade will appease his troubled feelings.
Episodic comedy about the corrupting influence of money.
A young man hatches a plan to sleep with another man's infertile wife. Based on the play by Machiavelli.
An anthology film / black comedy about three ordinary men who become involved in violent crimes.
마을의 시장이자 공산당원인 뻬뽀네와 공산당을 반대하는 돈 까밀로 신부. 그는 뻬뽀네의 약점을 잡아 자매결연을 맺으러 떠나는 사절단에 합류하여 러시아로 떠나는데….
While visiting his favorite resort village during winter, a writer investigates the apparent suicide of a woman he was infatuated with.
파솔리니는 카메라를 들이대고서 이탈리아의 여러 사회 계층과 계급, 여러 지방의 남녀들에게 그들의 성 정체성과 성적 태도에 대해 질문한다. 그들 중에는 알베르토 모라비아와 같은 저명인사 겸 친구도 있으며, 길에서 처음 만난 필부들도 있다.
A young woman tries to deceive both her husband and her prospective lover, but is hoist with her own petard.
파졸리니는 그의 트레이드 마크인 자연주의로 예수에게 인간성을 부여하여 파졸리니 자신만의 예수를 창조한다. 다큐멘터리 형식으로 촬영된 이 작품은 예수의 사도들과 최후의 만찬, 유다의 배신을 담아낸다.
A young married woman who is desperately unhappy is tempted into a lesbian relationship with an interior decorator.
Five comedic episodes, all starring Alberto Sordi and Silvana Mangano.
살인죄로 14년형을 선고받고 복역 중인 약혼녀 부베를 찾아가는 마라(Mara: 클라우디아 카르디날레 분)의 회상으로 영화는 시작된다. 마라는 이곳 저곳 옮겨 다녀야만 하는 부베(Bebo: 죠지 차키리스 분)와의 면회를 자그만치 14년째 계속하고 있으며 오직 그가 석방될 날만을 기다리고 있다. 마라가 부베를 처음 만난 것은 북부 이탈리아의 산중에 있는 가난한 빈촌에서 2차 세계대전이 끝날 무렵인 1944년 7월 한여름 마라의 집에 부베라는 청년이 찾아오게 되면서이다. 부베는 레지스탕스로 나치에게 처형된 오빠 산태의 동지로 산태의 전사를 전하러 왔던 것이다. 이들은 처음 본 순간 서로 이끌렸고 하룻밤을 마라의 집에서 묵은 부베는 전쟁에서 기념으로 가지고 온 낙하산 천으로 옷이나 만들어 입으라는 말을 남긴 뒤 떠난다. 그 후부터 부베의 편지가 끊이지 않았다. 그로부터 1년 후 겨울, 다시 찾아온 부베는 마라의 의사를 묻지도 않은 채 마라의 아버지(Mara's Father: 에밀리오 에스포지토 분)에게 약혼 승락을 받는다. 그리고 얼마 후 부베가 다시 찾아왔을 때 부베는 친구가 경찰에 사살되어 보복으로 경찰을 죽이고 쫓기는 신세였다. 그래서 이들은 본의 아니게 도피 행각을 하게 되는데 부베의 집에서의 냉대와 끈질긴 경찰의 추적으로 두 사람은 하는 수 없이 공장지대로 몸을 숨긴다. 국외로 탈출하려는 부베에게 처음으로 몸을 허락한 마라, 다시 부베는 기약없이 떠나고 마라는 한 청년을 알게 되지만 헤어진다. 1년만에 유고 정부로 부터 송환되어 재판을 받게된 부베에게 마라는 더 이상 인연을 끊으려고 재판장에 갔다가 부베가 아직도 사랑한다는 말에 포기하고 만다. 그리고 14년이라는 장기형을 선고받은 부베를 면회간 마라는 그의 아내가 될 것을 다짐하고 그때부터 부베가 나올 날만을 기다리며 주위의 온갖 유혹도 뿌리치고 부베의 연인으로 한 달에 두 번씩 그를 만나러 가는 그녀의 여행이 시작된다.
Stefano is a shy and sensitive teenager who has just completed his studies in Switzerland and is considering becoming a monk. But his father, a rich Milanese publisher, who had the ambition to see his son succeed him, refuses and takes him on a cruise with a young woman to take this idea out of his mind...
Two surreal/satirical comedy episodes.
Documentary footage (from the 1950s) and accompanying commentary to attempt to answer the existential question, Why are our lives characterized by discontent, anguish, and fear? The film is in two completely separate parts, and the directors of these respective sections, left-wing Pier Paolo Pasolini and conservative Giovanni Guareschi, offer the viewer contrasting analyses of and prescriptions for modern society. Part I, by Pasolini, is a denunciation of the offenses of Western culture, particularly those against colonized Africa. It is at the same time a chronicle of the liberation and independence of the former African colonies, portraying these peoples as the new protagonists of the world stage, holding up Marxism as their "salvation", and suggesting that their "innocent ferocity" will be the new religion of the era. Guareschi's part, by contrast, constitutes a defense of Western civilization and a word of hope, couched in traditional Christian terms, for man's future.
한 남자가 비행기에서 만난 스튜어디스에게 병적으로 빠져드는데, 정작 여자는 그의 지나친 관심에 거부감을 느낀다. 결국 그녀는 남자를 떼어놓기 위해 스스로의 외양을 정숙해 보이던 것에서 단정치 못하고 방탕한 모습으로 바꾼다. 이에 충격을 받은 남자는 자신이 예전에 촬영한 그녀의 모습을 벽에 영사시켜 놓고 그것을 바라보며 애타게 울부짖는다.
Story of Roberta, a beautiful young woman from a wealthy industrialist family and her relationship with Franco, a rough car mechanic and stranger whom she meets on the beach of Forte dei Marmi.
"Les quatre vérités" aka "The Four Truths" is a movie anthology that consists of four segments, all loosely parodying fables from the 17th-century French poet Jean de la Fontaine. The US cut usually features only 3 segments.
Agostino is a 13-year-old boy on vacation in Venice with his widowed mother. When a local stud seduces her, jealous Agostino joins a local group of juvenile delinquents out of protest. They force him to face his budding sexuality..
Parigi O Cara is probably the most camp in the history of Italian cinema, certainly a favourite with the GLBT community who quote its lines by heart. Unique as it's the only film where Franca Valeri (now 90) is the unquestioned star, in the role of Delia, a snobbish, stingy prostitute who is moving to Paris looking for greener and more lucrative pastures. An anti-neorealist, amoral, almost abstract comedy, which anticipates Almodóvar, a ferocious, though gentle, non-moralistic portrayal of the 60's boom and its broken dreams. The dialogue between Delia and her brother (played by Fiorenzo Fiorentini), when he does (or does not) tell her he is a homosexual, is memorable, a primordial coming-out, a masterpiece of allusions. But what makes it one of the first examples of a film with a "gay point of view" is the approach: perceptive, non-conformist, caustically witty. A film ahead of its times, still unbeaten.
When a good-natured factory supervisor living in Milan with his Northern wife returns to his native Sicily, a decades' old oath forces him to fulfill a nightmarish obligation.
맘마 로마(안나 만냐니 분)는 포주인 카르미네(프랑코 시티 분) 밑에서 일하던 매춘부다. 카르미네가 결혼하여 시골로 내려가면서 잠시 자유를 찾은 맘마로마는 새로운 삶을 살기로 계획하고, 시장에서 과일과 야채 가게를 시작한다. 그리고, 그녀는 시골집에 맡겼던 16살 된 아들 에토레(에토레 가로폴로 분)를 데려와 함께 살게 된다. 최하층의 삶을 살고 있는 엄마는 아들만은 소시민의 환경에서 살게 되기를 바랬지만 카르미네는 다시 일하러 나오던지, 아니면 완전한 자유를 위해서는 200,000 리라의 몸값을 내라고 한다.
Luca, a petrol dealer, marries a magazine dancer, Ippolita, a girl who likes to be courted by the many passing motorists. One day, the woman discovers that her husband has betrayed her with Adriana. Ippolita decides her revenge: she assures Luke that she will keep her duties as a wife only when she too has allowed herself similar distractions. Through a series of animated events, the two resume married life: but Luca will not be able to know if Ippolita was really unfaithful to him.
한 여자가 강가에서 살해당한 채 발견된다. 경찰은 좀도둑, 건달, 군인 등 유력한 용의자들을 조사하기 시작하고, 이들은 자신의 무죄를 입증하기 위해 알리바이를 설명하기 시작한다. 그리고 이들의 이야기 속에는 다양한 사람들의 살아가는 모습이 생생히 담겨있다.
Popular Italian comic Alberto Sordi does an excellent job of creating a bumbling yet effective police inspector by the unlikely name of Dante Lombardozzi, in this entertaining comedy-murder mystery by director Luigi Comencini.
Giacinto Rossi, a poor driver up to his neck in debt, is imprisoned for simulated crime. He finds himself in a cell with Tagliabue, an unscrupulous murderer; Sorcio, an elderly thief; and Papaleo, an honor-obsessed intellectual who murdered his fiancée's lover. Giacinto is forced by the three men to make a daring escape from prison.
누추한 로마 빈민가에서 매춘부의 기둥서방 노릇을 하던 아카토네는, 자신의 파트너 마델레나가 유치장에 갇히자 생계가 막막해 진다. 그러던 중 아카토네는 순수한 스텔라를 알게 되고....
The death of a wealthy patriarch in 1885 sets off an interfamily power struggle. Son Ferdinando buys out his other relatives in order to gain full control over the dead man's property. But Ferdinando's nephew Amerigo holds out. Amerigo's stance is weakened when he heads for Florence and meets prostitute Bianca.
The ironic study of a young man's poignant adventures and sensual adventures...based on "Roman Tales" by Alberto Moravia.
When Italy surrenders to the Allies, part of the Italian army is dispersed and soldiers begin to return to their homes.
1943. The affair between Anna, unhappily married to wheelchair-bound Pino, and deserter Franco unfolds in foggy Ferrara, intertwining with the power struggle taking place within local Fascist ranks that culminates in a massacre of civilians, including Franco's father – Pino sees it all from his window, but will he tell anyone?
The poetess Sappho led an uprising against the corrupt government of the island of Lesbos.
Two middle-aged bachelors use the same apartment for their romantic meetings.
Syracuse lies between the warring nations of Rome and Carthage; as long as the balance of power between the nations remains intact, both nations are willing to preserve the neutrality of Syracuse. However, Rome has now gotten the upper hand in its struggle for power. The fate of Syracuse lies in the hands of its leader, the famed inventor and scientist Archimedes.
Problems arise for Antonio Magnano when he is unable to consummate his marriage to the beautiful Barbara Puglisi and his virility is called into question. Despite the fact that he loves his beautiful wife and they have otherwise been happily married for a year, his problem becomes a source of contention for all concerned.
Nando is dissatisfied with his repetitive and mortifying work. He manages to escape from daily mediocrity only at night, when he enters his fantasy world.
This is a very light comedy involving multiple love triangles (or really more complicated geometries) of confused, mismatched, or ambivalent lovers. The script includes witty dialogue and humorous situations; most of all on display is the ridiculousness of the human compulsion to pair up. - timlin-4
The exploits of three young Roman criminals are chronicled in this socially conscious drama. The young men commit petty crimes all day begin with arms theft, and culminating with a night with three streetwalkers. After their pleasure, the boys try to cheat the hookers, but they ladies are smarter than that and have stolen their cash ahead of time. It's back to the city for the boys, where they continue their destructive games...
A young girl finds out that her father, an impoverished Baron, actually works as a stage actor.
Various short stories. Giovanna arrives from Rome with her husband Alberto for a film audition. The journalist Gino comes to interview the great industrial Signore Carsoli. The famous American actress Rita is in search of her umpteenth husband. Leopoldo and Angelina from Sicily are on vacation in Rome where they meet the street smart Nicola.
Philippe Derblay, master of Pont Avesnes ironworks, is an honest and generous young man loved by his workers. He has long been in love with Marchioness Claire de Beaulieu.
Zenobia, Queen of Palmira, revolts against Rome and defeats the Roman troops, but she makes a big mistake when she falls in love with enemy officer Marco Valerio.
Federico, Bruno, Pirro and Benny are married. The first three have beautiful wifes, Benny instead is married to a ugly woman. Ornella is Bruno's wife, she is very jealous and maintains that all men are deceitful, granted the opportunity, while Claudine, Federico's wife, maintains the contrary point of view. So they bet that Tosca, a former dancer, will succeed in seducing Federico.
Lorella must marry Dr. Matteini, but when she goes to Naples to meet him, she meets Michele, who sings in restaurants. The fateful spark is ignited, and although Michele is poor, Lorella decides to marry him against his mother's wishes.
In the summer, while their wives and children are away, four men try to enjoy their free time.
Gianna Maria Canale as the Duchess who is offered a banquet and requests for a hard-boiled egg. The stingy Spanish lord, who used his last gunpowder to fire a salute to the noble lady and thus has no more when a bunch of pirates, led by Nadir, launches an attack against his castle. Nadir is the dashing fiery hero.
A man has problems connecting with his son after coming home from work in Africa, after his wife's death.
This is an Italian Romance starring Terence Hill
The wife of a conductor with a stormy past agrees to meet a blackmailer in a small hotel.
Antonio De Papis is a lawyer and his specialization is separation by mutual consent. He is contrary to marriage because he sees so many of them going wrong. So when his nephew calls on him asking for his approval to his marriage, Antonio suggests to him to spend a day in his office to see what marriage really is.
Nannina is engaged to a sleazy, unruly boxer who ends up in jail after a fight with a traffic policeman.
A family of wanderers adopts a girl who is left alone after getting lost. Meanwhile, his father adopts an orphan. Some time later, as an adult, the girl becomes the main attraction of the Luna Park where the wanderers work, and falls in love with the adopted son of the missing father. This arouses envy and spite from a barker from the Luna Park, secretly in love with the girl, who begins to spread slander on their behalf.
Everyday all kind of people pass through a Police Station, especially if it is downtown. Today, however, the chief of police has bought his first car and he has decided to test it with his wife going to Ostia. But first a theatrical company sent out of the theatre, last Alfredo Todini arrested while walking wearing a gown and in the mean a series of human cases, ranging from the pathetic to the funny one, get in the way of his wish.
An unworthy nephew, with the help of a girl who seduces the young guardian, robs the aunt of the family jewels. He also manages to put the blame for the theft on the caretaker, engaged to a young woman who is actually the woman's natural daughter. The thief also tries to blackmail his aunt by threatening to reveal the truth after so many years, but a commissioner manages to prove the innocence of the suspect and the guilt of his nephew.
A poor farmer is invited to the King's court and tries to prevent the princess' marriage to a villanious knight.
The adventures of Roberto, an heroic Italian soldier from Trieste during World War One.
Carlo Mastelli, the young radio presenter of "New Voices" has run short of ideas and his program is likely to be suspended from the radio schedule if he does not find any new ones.
A police officer meets a girl who is near to falling into the net of shady individuals. To prevent this, he invites her into the police station and tells her a story.
A ghost who has spent 400 years in a trunk because of a jealous husband tries to take revenge on a descendant of the man but all in all he's a good bloke and when he gets the occasion he helps a youth wrongly accused of murder.
Three friends, a mechanic, a clockmaker, and a night warden are engaged to three sisters but are broke and cannot get married and pay the rent. They convince their future father-in-law to buy three little flats for them but the man buys them from a swindler and the friends run the risk of going to prison.