Set in the fictional village of "Ogw" in the valleys of south-east Wales. After her father Jack suffers a stroke Annie Mary Pugh is forced to take care of him but uses the circumstances to emancipate herself and find the courage to sing once again.
Reverend Jones
유럽 대륙에서 2차대전이 한창이던 1917년, 영국인 지도 측량사인 레지날드 안슨(Reginald Anson: 휴 그랜트 분)과 조지 가라드(George Garrad: 이안 맥니스 분)는 피농가루라는 산의 높이를 재기 위해 웨일즈 지방의 한 변두리 마을을 찾는다. 소박하면서도 고집센 이 마을 사람들은 피농갈 산에 대해 대단한 긍지를 갖고 있었다. 마을 사람들의 관심 속에서 드디어 산의 높이를 측정한 두 사람은, 그러나 농가루를 산이 아닌 언덕으로 판정한다. 980피트(299m)로서, 산이 되기 위한 높이인 1000피트에서 20피트(6m)가 낮았던 것. 피농가루가 지도에 등장하지 못하게 되자 상심한 마을 사람들은 고육지책으로 자기들이 피농가루의 높이를 높이기로 결의한다. 두 영구인 측량사들은 산을 쌓을때까지 기다려달라는 마을 사람들의 간청을 거절하고 다음날 예정대로 떠날 것을 결정한다. 한편 고집통 늙은 목사 존스(Rev. Robert Jones: 케네스 그리피스 분)와 수캐 모간(Morgan the Goat: 콜 미니 분)의 주도하에 마을 사람들은 두 측량사의 발을 묶어두기 위한 음모를 꾸민다. 결국 두 사람은 예정대로 떠나지 못하고 마을 사람들은 남녀노소 할 것 없이 모두 총동원되어 피농가루 언덕으로 흙을 실어 나른다. 온종일 작업한 끝에 14피트 높이까지 흙을 쌓는데 성공하지만 그날밤 억수같이 장대비가 쏟아져 공든 탑은 절반 가까이 무너져 내려버리는데...
Mad Old Man - Wedding One
찰스는 토요일만 되면 남의 결혼식에 달려가느라 바쁜 총각이다. 정작 자신은 짝을 구하지도 못한 채, 남의 들러리나 서 주는 신세다. 물론 챨스에게도 지나간 여자 친구는 많았지만, 그 누구에게도 진정한 사랑을 느끼면서 천생배필이라고 생각해 본 적이 없다. 어느 토요일, 챨스는 친구의 결혼식에 들러리를 서주러 갔다가, 눈에 번쩍 뜨이는 여인 캐리를 발견하게 된다. 결국, 그 여인과 하룻밤을 같이 지내게 되지만, 미국으로 돌아가야 하는 그녀는 아무런 언약도 없이 훌쩍 떠나 버린다. 아쉽지만 다시금 일상생활로 돌아 온 챨스. 결혼식에서 눈이 맞은 커플인 리디아와 버나드의 결혼식에 참석한 챨스는 거기서 예전의 그 여인 캐리를 다시 만나게 되어 펄쩍 뛰면서 좋아한다. 그러나, 그녀는 돈 많고, 명망있는 영국의 정치가 해미쉬와 약혼을 한 상태였다. 그녀를 사랑한다는 것을 알게 된 챨스는 또 다시 같이 하룻밤을 보낸 후, 그녀를 또 떠나 보낸다. 캐리의 결혼식 날, 챨스는 우울한 마음으로 친구들과 같이 참석을 한다. 불행하게도 그 결혼식에선 호탕한 친구 가레스가 심장마비로 쓰러지고, 곧이어 장례식에 다들 참석해야 하는 신세가 된다. 장례식에서 챨스는 영원한 사랑만을 찾는 것은 불가능하다고 생각하게 된다. 그로부터 열달 후, 챨스는 별로 사랑하지도 않는 헨이란 옛 여자 친구와 결혼을 하기로 결심한다. 찰스와 헨의 결혼식날, 전의 그 여인 캐리가 식장으로 찾아와서, 자신은 이혼을 했음을 알려준다. 자신이 진정으로 사랑했던 여인이 캐리라는 것을 깨달은 챨스는 헨과 하객들에게는 죄를 짓는 것이지만, 사랑하는 여인을 선택하기로 결정하고, 결혼식을 무산시킨다. 결혼에 대한 자신의 생각은 단지, 환상이었음을 알게 된 챨스는 이제 캐리와, 결혼이란 구속에 얽메이지 않고, 뜨겁게 사랑을 하면서, 아들도 낳아 기르며, 행복하게 살아가게 된다.
Isaac of York
The evil brother of Richard the Lionheart is holding the king for ransom, and only Robin Hood and his band of merry men can save him...for a small fee, of course.
A group of Devonport-based Royal Navy ratings, due to sail to America for a six-month NATO exercise, go out on the town on their last night in port, hitting Plymouth's notorious Union Street district, with violent results.
Bishop Crick
When SAS Captain Peter Skellen is thrown out of the service for gross misconduct due to unnecessary violence and bullying, he is soon recruited by The People's Lobby, a fanatical group aiming to hold several US dignitaries hostage. But Skellen's dismissal is a front to enable him to get close to the terrorist group. Can he get close enough to stop the Lobby from creating an international incident?
himself (presenter)
When in 1776 the United States of America broke away from Britain, a country without a written constitution, with an established Church and an unelected House of Lords, Thomas Paine, an artisan from Thetford in Norfolk, England, made a call for freedom that is still reverberating around the world today.
When in 1776 the United States of America broke away from Britain, a country without a written constitution, with an established Church and an unelected House of Lords, Thomas Paine, an artisan from Thetford in Norfolk, England, made a call for freedom that is still reverberating around the world today.
Bruno Balderbach
독일에 주둔하고 있던 미군 장교 샌디 (리차드 토마스)는 갑자기 장벽이 설치되면서 동 베를린에있는 사랑하는 연인 일세 (유트 크리스텐슨)와 헤어진다. 그는 일세를 서 베를린으로 데려 오기 위해 땅굴을 파는 계획을 세우면서 같이 할 사람을 모은다. 이후에 서 베를린의 가족을 그리워하는 대학교 수 에머리히 (홀스트 부크 홀 츠), 부모를두고 서 베를린으로 온 대학생 야힘 (자크 브라 이어), 서 베를린으로 탈출하다가 부상당한 약혼녀를두고 온 조그 (니콜라스 파렐), 그리고 늙은 화가 코 만 스키 (호세 페라) 등의 남자들이 모여 땅굴을 파기시 작한다. 장벽 아래를 뚫는 대역사, 이들은 온갖 역경을 헤치고 오직 사랑하는 사람들을 만난다는 일념 하나만으로 마 침내 터널을 뚫는데 성공하지만, 서 베를린에있는가 족과 연인을 찾고 모으는 과정은 아슬 아슬한 첩보전을 방불케하고, 때마침 쏟아지는 폭우로 인해 터널이 파 괴되는 와중에 숨막히는 탈출을 시도하는 엔딩은 손에 땀을 쥐게한다. 과연 이들은 모두 탈출에 성공할 수 있 을까
Charlie Wilton
This true story follows the exploits of a top-secret British military mission to destroy Nazi radio ships in a neutral harbor during WWII. The daring plan is led by British Intelligence officers Col. Lewis Pugh (Gregory Peck) and Capt. Gavin Stewart (Roger Moore). Since the ships are in neutral territory the British Military command, while encouraging the scheme, must deny any knowledge of it if it fails. Pugh and Stewart enlist the aid of retired officer Col. Bill Grice (David Niven) and some of his former soldiers. On the pretext of being on a fishing expedition, these seemingly drunken old men in civilian clothing must board and destroy 3 Nazi ships, whose radio transmissions have resulted in Nazi submarines sinking allied ships. While Stewart arranges a diversion onshore, Pugh and Grice carry out the dangerous raid on and destruction of the Nazi ships.
Arthur Witty
잔인하기 이를데 없는 독재자가 권력을 쥐고 있는 중앙 아프리카의 로드지아에 그에 반대세력의 지도자가 감옥에 갇혀있고, 그를 감옥에서 빼내달라는 영국인 사업가의 부탁을 받은 알렌 포그너 대령, 숀 핀 대위, 라퍼 얀더스는 그곳으로 떠난다. 영국인 사업가는 이 지도자를 감옥에서 빼내어 새로운 세력으로 부상하게 한 다음 나중에 광산채굴권을 따내려고 한다. 용병 삼인방은 무사히 지도자를 구해내지만 사업가로부터 배신당하고 독재자의 손아귀에 떨어지게 된다.
Inspector Woods
It's the winter of 1935 and Max Brown is newly arrived in Willowgreen, Saskatchewan - a rural Canadian prairie town - on his first teaching job in a one room schoolhouse. He quickly realizes that this is not a dream situation: the winter is harsher than he's ever experienced, he's living in the basement of the school, the older of his students treat him poorly and his wages are paltry if and when he ever does get paid.
그리스에 거주하는 미국인 기업가 브랙켄의 가족인 부인 엘렌, 아들 지미, 딸 수지가 극좌파 테러리스트들에게 납치된다. 범인들은 몸값으로 엄청난 양의 무기와 탄약을 요구한다. 엘렌의 전 남편 멕케이브는 국제적인 밀수꾼, 그는 신문에서 이혼한 아내와 자기 아들인 지미가 납치된 사실을 알고 엘렌의 현재 남편 브랙켄과 공동 작전을 펴기로 한다. 범인들이 보내온 가족사진의 배경그림을 통하여 범인들의 은신처가 절벽 위에 있는 버려진 사원이라는 사실을 알아낸 멕케이브는 6인의 행글라이더 동호인들에게 접근하여 거액을 제시하고 승락을 얻어낸 후 야간에 함께 행글라이더로 절벽위 사원으로 접근한다. 가족들을 구출하여 나오다가 납치범들에게 발각되어 치열한 총격전이 벌어지고, 뒤쫓아온 브랙켄과 경찰의 지원으로 납치범들을 일망타진하고 가족은 무사히 구출된다.
Two CIA bunglers (Donald Sutherland, Elliott Gould) botch a Soviet defection, then both sides mark them for termination.
Julien Bour
A successful Paris magazine proprietor embarks on a destructive voyage of self-discovery after his wife shoots dead her own sister, with whom he has had an affair for several years.
David Callan, secret agent, is called back to the service after his retirement, to handle the assasination of a german businessman, but Callan refuses to co-operate until he finds out why this man is marked for death.
Ernest Henderson
Comedy legend Frankie Howerd stars as the victim of sinister shenanigans in this hilarious spoof of British horror films of the early ‘70s. Starring Hugh Burden and Oscar winner Ray Milland, and written by Terry Nation. Foster Twelvetrees, a struggling tragedian who scrapes a living by giving hammy performances from the classics, can hardly believe his luck when he’s invited to give a dramatic reading at the country home of a well-off family. Joy soon turns to outraged horror when he discovers dead bodies, foul intentions, lots of snakes and a madwoman in the attic. Can he uncover the hidden family secret before he comes to a sticky end..?
Actor/writer Kenneth Griffith's polemic eulogy to Irish patriot Michael Collins.
술집을 경영하고 있는 짐(Jim Radford: 제임스 부스 분)의 어린 딸이 시리(Seely: 케네스 그리피스 분)라는 중년 남자에 의해 살해된다. 하지만 시리가 증거 불충분으로 풀려나게 되자, 짐과 가족들은 복수를 결심하고 시리를 납치해 술집 지하실에 가둬버린다. 짐과 가족들은 분이 풀릴 때까지 시리를 때리고 짓밟지만 그것으로 다시 비극은 시작된다.
Jane Eyre is an orphan, sent to Lowood school, and eventually becomes a governess at Thornfield hall to a girl named Adele. While she is there, many strange things happen and eventually she and Edward Rochester, owner of Thornfeild and Adele's guardian, fall in love. Suddenly, when Jane is about to win the happiness she deserves, a dark secret comes to light, and it will take all of her courage, love and understanding to triumph.
Card cheats travel by cruise ship to the Adriatic coast to fleece a wealthy aristocrat.
Monsieur Popescu
The Assassination Bureau has existed for decades (perhaps centuries) until Diana Rigg begins to investigate it. The high moral standing of the Bureau (only killing those who deserve it) is called into question by her. She puts out a contract for the Bureau to assassinate its leader on the eve of World War I.
When British Capt. Charles Edstaston arrives at the court of Catherine the Great in St. Petersburg, Russia, he is stunned by the palace's disorderly condition. The severely intoxicated Prince Potemkin concludes that the handsome Edstaston would be a suitable lover for Catherine, and he coerces the bewildered visitor into her bedchamber. Edstaston manages to escape, but he is repeatedly recaptured and delivered to the mischievous Catherine.
Mr. Church
A young man's attempts at seduction and social climbing lead to mayhem.
Strolling Player
전 유럽이 영토를 노린 정략결혼과 정치적 음모로 이합집산을 거듭한 1183년, 스코틀랜드에서 피레네에 이르는 방대한 영토의 주인으로 군림하고 있던 잉글랜드 왕 헨리 2세는 말년에 접어들자 크리스마스를 앞두고 왕위 계승자를 정하기 위해 모든 관계자들을 궁정으로 불러들인다. 두 왕자를 앞세워 아버지에 대한 반역을 주도한 죄로 10년째 성에 갇혀 지내던 그의 아내 엘리노 왕비와 호시탐탐 영토의 반환을 노리는 프랑스 왕 필리프 2세, 프랑스 왕의 여동생이며 헨리 2세의 정부가 되어버린 알레 공주, 정치적 야망이 가장 크고 용감한 셋째 리처드 왕자, 권력욕에 눈이 어두워 천박하기만 한 둘째 제프리 왕자, 아버지의 사랑을 받지만 무기력하고 불운한 막내 존 왕자가 모여든 궁정에서 또 한 번 왕권을 노린 음모가 싹튼다. 후대인들로부터 12세기 유럽에서 가장 강력한 여성으로 손꼽히는 엘리노 왕비의 탁월한 계략으로 반목을 거듭하던 왕자들이 드디어 본심을 드러내고 아버지 왕을 처단할 계획을 세우면서 잉글랜드 왕가와 나라는 파멸 위기에 놓인다. 헨리 2세는 그들에 맞서기 위해 냉혹한 결정을 내리고 피비린내 나는 가족 간의 왕권 다툼은 골이 깊어진다.
A father tells his son a fairy story. Animated short.
Mr. Weaver
Margaret Ross is an impoverished old woman who lives alone in a seedy apartment and enjoys a rich fantasy life as an heiress. One day she discovers stolen money hidden by her son and believes her fantasy has come true.
Pepe Gamazo
Unsuccessful singing bullfighter Juan arrives in Barcelona to try his luck in a big town. He finally persuades a devious local impresario to book him, but only on the condition that Juan first manages to spend an evening with Olimpia, a "shrewd merciless beauty" who seems effortlessly to collect apartments and Maserati sports cars while leaving a trail of broken hearts behind her. Juan approaches the challenge by pretending to her he is an emissary for a rich count. Written by Jeremy Perkins
Lenny the Dip
Rogues Jelly Knight, Scapa Flood, and Lennie the Dip leave prison expecting boss The Duke to have their stash ready to share out. Instead, Duke's girl Sara gives them the news Duke is dead and the money gone on nursing care. They soon discover that Duke is actually running Hope Springs Nature Clinic with the help of most of the local villains. Very strange - and the nearby army camp and Sara's encouragement of Lieutenant Vine would seem to be no coincidence either. Written by Jeremy Perkins
Can there be a bleaker portrait of a life half-lived? Cinematic treatment of poet R.S. Thomas's story of Twm, the "shy soul" who lives and dies alone in the "grim house nailed to the mountainside", oblivious to the interest shown in him by young girls in the village and to his own isolation as he scratches a living from the farm.
Rev. Owen Thomas
A naive but caring prison chaplain, who happens to have the same last name as an upper class cleric, is by mistake appointed as vicar to a small and prosperous country town. His belief in charity and forgiveness sets him at odds with the conservative and narrow-minded locals, and he soon creates social ructions by appointing a black dustman as his churchwarden, taking in a gypsy family, and persuading the local landowner to provide free food for the church to distribute free to the people of the town. When the congregation leaders realise the mistake and call for the Church of England to remove him, this turns out to be a very, very difficult issue - until one clergyman realises that a British project to send a man into space is in need of an astronaut...
Lt Commander Badger, RN: an exceptionally likeable fellow, the Artful Bodger has one besetting sin a shining honesty which compels him to say the right thing at entirely the wrong time! When untimely remarks to some new recruits are splashed across the tabloids, the rush is on to find him a new posting somewhere far away.
Lydiat Shell
A group of Welsh rugby supporters leave their village for the first time to watch an away game in the city.
Jo and Mark are working the "outraged husband" racket when they fall foul of the sinister Kleinie....
Ieuan Jenkins
John Lewis is bored of his job and his wife. Then Liz, wife of a local councillor, sets her sights on him. But this is risky stuff in a Welsh valleys town - if he and Liz ever manage to consummate their affair, that is.
A London accountant (Herbert Lom) forms six gangs into a syndicate which he tries to control with a killer (Sean Connery).
A British drama about a girl becoming a woman after she relocates to London. She and her young boyfriend become tempted by one of her older admirers money.
A vicious gang of crooks plan to steal the wages of a local factory, but their carefully laid plans go wrong, when the factory employs an armoured van to carry the cash. The gang still go ahead with the robbery, but when the driver of the armoured van is killed in the raid, his wife plans revenge, and with the police closing in, the gang start to turn on each other.
Dr Shole
A government team researching cures for plague find their results put on the Official Secrets list. One of their number is so incensed by this that he lets the maimed and jealous companion of a female colleague draw him into what, technically, could be a treasonable act.
Mr Meade
The boys of Melbury Primary School are plunged into turmoil when the new French Master turns out to be a Mistress! Madelin Leforge's (the French Mistress) effect on the boys is swift and amazing. Suddenly everyone wants extra French Lessons just to glimpse the teacher in revealing shorts and bikinis. As discipline crumbles, a scandal explodes when the Head discovers the mademoiselle's mother was an old flame. Madeline must be dismissed to save further embarrassments.
A plastic surgeon and his nurse join a bizarre circus to escape from the police. Here he befriends deformed women and transforms them for his "Temple of Beauty". However, when they threaten to leave, they meet with mysterious accidents.
Phil Hart
A boy tells his parents that a bus conductor turned him off the bus home for not having a ticket. The story gets out of control and the conductor, a war veteran with memory problems, is harassed until events take a tragic turn.
A seedy London promoter turns a naive, working-class teenager into a pop singing sensation.
A California commercial pilot sees a telecast in London of an interview with Sir Mark Lodden at his home. The Canadian is convinced that the baronet is a fraud, and he is actually a look-alike actor named Frank Welney.
Naive Stanley Windrush returns from the war, his mind set on a successful career in business. Much to his own dismay, he soon finds he has to start from the bottom and work his way up, and also that the management as well as the trade union use him as a tool in their fight for power.
Sir John's Assistant (uncredited)
Great Britain has had an international agreement for the last 50 years with a small pacific island. It has been ignored until the death of their king brings it to the attention of the Foreign Office in Whitehall. They decide to send Cadogan de Vere Carlton-Browne to re-establish friendly relations.
Mr. Seymour
말괄량이 길리(Gillie: 헤일리 밀즈 분)는 친구들로부터 따돌림을 당하는 외로운 소녀이다. 어느날 자신이 살고 있는 아파트에서 살인을 목격하게 된다. 친구들에게 자랑을 할 생각으로 살인범 코친스키가 버린 권총을 감춰둔다. 한편 폴란드인 선원 코친스키(Korchinsky: 호르스트 부흐홀츠 분)는 여자 친구 아냐(Anya: 이본느 밋첼 분)를 찾아 길리의 아파트 단지를 방문한다. (사실 길리가 코친스키를 그 아파트까지 안내한다.) 변심해 버린 여자 친구에게 화가 난 코친스키는 그녀를 권총으로 죽여 버리고 도망간다. 그 때 마침 아냐의 정부가 아파트에 온다. 하지만 그는 아냐가 죽은 것을 발견하지만 자신의 불륜이 드러날까 두려워 그 또한 도망친다. 결국 이웃에 의해 신고되고 경찰은 길리에게 여러가지 질문을 한다. 천재적인 거짓말쟁이 길리는 그라함 경관(Superintendent Graham: 존 밀즈 분)의 질문을 이리저리 피해가면 자신의 살인 목격 사실을 숨긴다. 한편 코친 스키는 자신의 살인을 목격한 길리를 유괴하지만 같이 있는 동안 둘은 서로의 마음을 털어놓으며 친해지게 된다. 코친스키가 해외로 도망갈 수 있도록 도와 주기로 결심한 길리는 다시 경찰의 손에 넘어가지만 코친스키를 잡으려는 경찰들을 방해하려 한다. 마침내 코친스키는 배를 타게 된다. 하지만 자신의 자유를 눈앞에 둔 상황에서 바다에 빠져 허우적대는 길리를 보게 된다. 코친스키는 자신을 도와 준 어린 소녀 길리를 구할 것인지 아니면 자신의 자유를 선택할 것인지 결정해야 하는 상황에 처하게 되는데...
Adolf Hitler
Wartime thriller with film noir elements based on a true story as written in A.P. Scotland's autobiography "The London Cage". The plot has greatly exaggerated the actual events of A.P. Scotland's experiences, including the addition of a fictional love interest.
When a clerk tries to dodge paying a bus fare, it sparks a series of unforseen consequences
영국의 전형적인 서민 공동 주택인 플랫에 살고 있는 윌슨은 어느 날 잠을 못 이루며 괴로워하게 된다. 그는 아파트를 돌아다니며 방문을 두드려 아파트에 살고 있는 다른 사람들을 깨운다. 윌슨은 몹시 불안하고 두려워보였지만 사람들은 이런 윌슨을 이해하지 못하고 모두들 그를 이상한 사람으로 생각한다. 잠을 못이루고 돌아 다니는 윌슨을 이상하게 생각한 호기심 많은 폴린은 윌슨에게 말을 걸다가 그에게 떠밀려 넘어지면서 가볍게 상처를 입는다. 이에 격분한 폴린은 아파트의 다른 사람들을 찾아가 윌슨을 내쫓아야 한다고 선동을 하고, 아파트 주인을 찾아가 이 사실을 알린다. 또한 분을 이기지 못한 폴린이 경찰에 신고를 함으로써 사건은 크게 번진다. 폴린은 신고를 받고 찾아온 경찰이 윌슨을 조사하려고 다가가는 순간, 윌슨이 경찰을 떠밀어 계단에서 굴러 떨어진 사건이 발생한 것이다. 경찰과 소방대가 출동하고 구경꾼이 모여들지만 윌슨은 자신의 방문을 굳게 걸어잠근 채 방문을 열려고 하지 않는다.
Wireless Operator John 'Jack' Phillips
모든 면에서 세계 최고를 자랑하며 영국인들에게 자부심을 주었던 타이타닉 호는 1912년 리버풀을 출발해 뉴욕으로 처녀 항해를 시작한다. 대부호와 귀족들인 1등실 승객들과 그 보다는 초라하고 옹색하지만 짙은 인간미를 지닌 2등실, 3등실 승객들, 그리고 모든 선원들까지 합해 2,200명에 달하는 사람들을 태우고 항해를 하던 타이타닉은 몇 차례의 다른 배들로부터 항로에 얼음과 빙산이 있다는 경고를 받지만 이를 무시하고 항해하다 빙산에 부딪쳐 침몰하는 운명에 처하게 된다. '가라앉지 않는 배'라고 자부하며 항해하던 이 세계 최고의 초호화 여객선 타이타닉호가 속수무책으로 침몰하는 동안 사람들은 죽음의 사투를 벌이게 되는데...
Nigel Dennis publishes a scandal magazine. But for each story he writes, he first approaches the person whose scandalous behavior is described (or rather implied, to avoid any libel suit) and says he will suppress the story in return for money. Several of his victims first decide individually to kill him instead of paying, but fail in amusing ways. Then they find that to protect their various secrets they must now join forces for a rather different purpose...
Charlie Bull
With their headmistress under lock and key in her majesty's prison, the St Trinian's girls find themselves under the protection of the army. However, when the sixth form take a fancy to winning a trip to Italy through means fair or foul, the army discover this is one battle they can't win. Let loose in Europe, it is not long before St Trinian's have succeeded in endangering European relations.
Cyril Johns
Jim Dixon feels anything but lucky. At the university he has to do the bidding of absent-minded and boring Professor Welch to have any hope of keeping his job. Worse, he has managed to get entangled with unexciting but neurotic Margaret Peel, a friend of the Professor's. All-in-all, the pub is the only friendly place to be. His misery is completed at a dreadful weekend gathering of the Welch clan by the arrival of son Bertrand. Not so much that Betrand is loud-mouthed and boorish - which he is - but that he has as companion Christine Callaghan, the sort of marvellous and unattainable woman Jim can only dream about.
Hearse Driver
Roger Thursby is an overly keen, newly-qualified barrister who rubs his fellow barristers up the wrong way. When he is thrown in at the deep-end, with a particularly hot-tempered judge and tricky case, Thursby learns how to prove himself not only to the judge and fellow barristers but also to the public gallery.
Having been sent a picture of her husband, a war hero killed in France, Meg Elgin is led to believe he is still alive and arranges a meeting at a London railway station. When she arrives there with the police accompanying her, she catches sight of a man in the distance wearing an old coat of her husband's. When he is pursued and captured, he turns out to be Duds Morrison a former soldier and out-of-work actor recently let out of prison. He refuses to tell them anything, and having nothing they can charge him with, the police release him. His interest aroused by the pictures sent to Meg, her new fiancé Geoffrey Leavitt follows Morrison and tries to demand an answer from him about his sudden appearance masquerading as Meg’s dead husband.
After a quayside mix-up with the Italian family of his fiancée, Able Seaman Knocker White finds himself literally left holding the baby. Unable to return it before his ship sails he enlists the help of best mate Puncher Roberts to smuggle the child aboard. But babies are surprisingly demanding and gradually the whole crew is drawn into helping keep it fed and washed - and undiscovered. Even so, the officers above deck start to puzzle over the increasingly strange happenings on board.
In a totalitarian future society, a man whose daily work is rewriting history tries to rebel by falling in love.
Private Dai Jones
Stanley Windrush has to interrupt his university education when he is called up towards the end of the war. He quickly proves himself not to be officer material, but befriends wily Private Percival Cox who knows exactly how all the scams work in the confused world of the British Army. And Stanley's brigadier War Office uncle seems to be up to something more than a bit shady too - and they are both soon working for him, behind the enemy lines.
Ken Orwell (as Kenneth Griffiths)
A newspaper reporter finds himself drawn into the aftermath of a racetrack robbery.
The Secretary
나치의 박해를 받던 추기경이 국가의 정권이 공산정부로 넘어가게 되자 이유없이 감옥에 갇힌다. 새로 정권을 잡은 공산당의 정치가들은 나라에서 카톨릭이라는 종교 자체를 묵살 시킬려고 주인공을 고문하고 세뇌 시킨다. 하지만 종교적 신념으로 무장한 그를 설득하기란 쉽지가 않는데.
Yankee charter pilot Morris inadvertently finds himself in the midst of thieves who have purloined a costly antique jade figure from an exhibit. He tracks the thieves to Battersea, where he rescues the fair Germaine from their unsavory clutches, and the Buddha boosters gain only jaded justice.
Henry Slosson
When his wife stops writing to him and his letters are returned unanswered, Dan becomes extremely concerned about her welfare. He returns home but is only able to meet with her briefly before she is found murdered. Dan is the obvious suspect but has only 36 hours to find out who murdered her. In so doing he uncovers a shocking catalogue of his wife's past affairs and an identity that he knew nothing about.
Jimmy Ellis
Men from Scotland Yard and military intelligence build a dossier on a sabotage ring.
Jack Trevennick
Supernatural fantasy made by John Schlesinger and Alan Cooke as students.
Maurice Bruno
When ship's fireman Peter McCabe walks out on his long-suffering wife, he leaves her impoverished, with two young daughters and a boy born soon after his departure. After an absence of fourteen years McCabe returns, sacked and humiliated, trailing trouble in his wake.
Thomas Williams
1940s British realist film about the life and struggles of a family in a Welsh mining town.
Set on Blackpool’s Golden Mile, Jim (Douglass Montgomery), a once promising scientist, sets up in business as a patent medicine man selling hair tonic at the fair with his ex-army colleague Dan (Ronald Shiner). Following a fight with local hoods over pitch spaces, Jim falls for Jane (Hazel Court), the girl on a nearby candy floss stall. The two begin dating but Jim fails to mention he is already married.
Nick Martin's BBC Colleague
A detective gets involved with a wealthy socialite who can't seem to stop hiccuping.
Len Phillips
Charts the events occurring during a typical 24-hour period on London’s thoroughfare Bond Street. Linking the four stories together is the impending wedding of society girl Hazel Court and Robert Flemyng.
Wartime Miners' Representative (uncredited)
A politician rises rapidly to fame and fortune and discovers that power corrupts and ultimately becomes the very type of politician he had set out to displace.
Archie Fellows
The French owner of an antique shop, Desius Heiss, (Oskar Homolka) has become disillusioned with society since his torture as a prisoner on Devil's Island, since when he has allowed his shop to become a front for criminal activity, and he himself is a receiver of stolen goods.
Archie Fellowes
A shrewd ex-prisoner runs a successful antique shop -- until his assistant discovers the collectibles are stolen goods and begins blackmailing him.
Ranger Don Stuart fights a forest fire with timber boss friend Tana 'Butch' Mason, and finds evidence of arson. He suspects Twig Dawson but can't prove it. Butch loves Don but he, poor fool, won't notice her as a woman; instead he meets socialite Celia in town and elopes with her. The action plot (Don's pursuit of the fire starter) parallels Tana's comic efforts to scare tenderfoot Celia back to the city.
A steelworker rises through the ranks to become manager of three steel mills, but ruthless ambition overwhelms him.
Butcher's Boy
A professor teaching at a correspondence school discovers that a Nazi agent is trying to prevent a trade treaty being signed between England and South America.
Harry's Pal in Billiard Hall
Depressing and realistic family drama about the struggles of unemployment and poverty in 1930s Lancashire. The 20-year-old Kerr gives an emotionally charged performance as Hardcastle, one of the cotton workers trying to make life better. Interlaced with humour that brings a ray of sunshine to the pervasive bleakness, this remains a powerful social study of life between the wars, and was a rare problem picture to come out of Britain at the time.
George Smerdon
Eden Philpotts' "provincial" comic novel and play The Farmer's Wife was first filmed in the silent era by Alfred Hitchcock. The 1940 talkie version was directed by Leslie Arliss, son of stage star George Arliss. The story remained the same: A middle-aged widower attempts to select a wife from his rural district's eligible females (Basil Sydney). Three unsuccessful dalliances later, the farmer settles for his housekeeper, whom the audience has been rooting for all along. The Farmer's Wife is a prime example of the sort of fare that struck a proper chord with British filmgoers, but whose appeal would be lost to any other nationality.
Short government film on the dangers of gossip in wartime.
During the evacuation of British troops from Dunkirk in 1940, a young woman takes her motorboat to join the flotilla to rescue soldiers and also to search for her husband, a British soldier who was fighting in France and who may be among the troops waiting to be rescued.
An account of two battles between Zulus and the British at Isandhlwana and Rorke's Drift.