Dinara Drukarova

Dinara Drukarova

출생 : 1976-01-03, Leningrad, USSR (St. Petersburg, Russia)


Dinara Anatolyevna Drukarova is a Russian actress and director dividing her career between Russia and France. Presently appearing in "Le Bureau des Légendes" (2018).

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Dinara Drukarova
Dinara Drukarova

참여 작품

Grand marin
Lili has left everything behind to travel to the edge of the earth and accomplish her dream, fishing the Northern seas. She persuades Ian, the captain of a trawler by the name of Rebel, to give her a chance and let her join the crew. The only woman on board, they call her Sparrow. Hidden behind a frail appearance is a will of steel, and her courage and determination ultimately win over their respect. Adopted into this world of often unfortunate individuals, Lili will conquer her right to live differently, free. Debut film.
Grand marin
Lili has left everything behind to travel to the edge of the earth and accomplish her dream, fishing the Northern seas. She persuades Ian, the captain of a trawler by the name of Rebel, to give her a chance and let her join the crew. The only woman on board, they call her Sparrow. Hidden behind a frail appearance is a will of steel, and her courage and determination ultimately win over their respect. Adopted into this world of often unfortunate individuals, Lili will conquer her right to live differently, free. Debut film.
Grand marin
Lili has left everything behind to travel to the edge of the earth and accomplish her dream, fishing the Northern seas. She persuades Ian, the captain of a trawler by the name of Rebel, to give her a chance and let her join the crew. The only woman on board, they call her Sparrow. Hidden behind a frail appearance is a will of steel, and her courage and determination ultimately win over their respect. Adopted into this world of often unfortunate individuals, Lili will conquer her right to live differently, free. Debut film.
6번 칸
고대 암각화를 보러 가기 위해 여행을 떠나는 핀란드 유학생 여자. 무르만스크 행 기차 ‘6번 칸’에서 만난 낯설고 무례한 남자. 거리를 두려는 여자 ----------- 가까워지려는 남자. 목적지에 다다를수록 두 사람의 관계는 미묘한 변화를 겪게 되고…
Teens in Love 9
Come and see how teenagers enjoy life, love & lust through their first relationship, and being eager to gain as much experience as possible!
A Magical Journey
11-year-old Polina, who knows nothing about her past and parents, lives with her spiteful aunt and wicked cousin. They secretly plan to get rid of the girl at the day of her birthday, all to get their hands on her mysterious inheritance. Chased by the villains, Polina manages to escape on a magical quest to discover the secret about her family. But she only has until midnight to achieve this goal.
My Branch So Thin
A young woman lavishes the last care on her mother's lifeless body. At his side, a woman watch, a babouhcka , as they say among the Russians. The young groped, the day before with a sure hand, wash this body, prepare it. They accompany him, rock him and console him by the last goodbye.
My Branch So Thin
A young woman lavishes the last care on her mother's lifeless body. At his side, a woman watch, a babouhcka , as they say among the Russians. The young groped, the day before with a sure hand, wash this body, prepare it. They accompany him, rock him and console him by the last goodbye.
My Branch So Thin
Young woman
A young woman lavishes the last care on her mother's lifeless body. At his side, a woman watch, a babouhcka , as they say among the Russians. The young groped, the day before with a sure hand, wash this body, prepare it. They accompany him, rock him and console him by the last goodbye.
Serge and his four colleagues work in a small company that has just been brought out by a large corporation. As a welcoming gift, they are invited by their new employer to spend a day of relaxation at a spa.
키스 앤 크라이
Sarah's mother
Fifteen-year-old Sarah has returned to Colmar, where she has taken up high-performance figure skating and competition. The rivalry between the girls and the trainer's harsh words put her body to the test on the ice, while her adolescent desires distract her from her athletic ambitions.
Raphaël is 50-something and in a rut. Without telling his wife, he buys a sailboat and convinces his childhood friend Patrick, an eternal teenager, and Alain, a hypochondriac, to go on a tour of the Mediterranean Sea with him. Holidays just like in the old days! The three friends however soon notice that they are not as fit as they used to be and don't really share the same interests anymore. All that changes when they take two much younger women on board who join them on their tour...
Voices from Chernobyl
Valentina Timofeïevna
This film does not deal with Chernobyl, but rather with the world of Chernobyl, about which we know very little. Eyewitness reports have survived: scientists, teachers, journalists, couples, children... They tell of their old daily lives, then of the catastrophe. Their voices form a long, terrible but necessary supplication which traverses borders and stimulates us to question our status quo.
August 1914. While Jean Mordant is away winning the title of Wrestling Champion of the World in Buenos Aires, his daughter Mimi is raped by German occupiers in Ostend. Jean swears he will avenge this immoral disgrace. With his coach Victor and young nephew Guido, he enrolls in the prestigious ACM (Armored Car Division). But the heavily-built armored vehicles keep getting stuck in the mud of Flanders. The battalion is hastily transferred to the Eastern front. Jean is devastated by frustration for he has just learned that Mimi is pregnant. But war conditions are ruthless and he and his friends embark on a dramatic journey that ultimately will drag them around the world.
My Golden Days
Paul is preparing to leave Tajikistan, while thinking back on his adolescent years. His childhood, his mother's madness, the parties, the trip to the USSR where he lost his virginity, the friend who betrayed him and the love of his life.
1001 Grams
Female Custom Officer
When Norwegian scientist Marie attends a seminar in Paris on the actual weight of a kilo, it is her own measurement of disappointment, grief and, not least, love, that ends up on the scale. Finally Marie is forced to come to terms with how much a human life truly weighs and which measurements she intends to live by.
Pontoise (30 ans)
어느 토요일 저녁, 당직 근무를 마친 여 형사 퐁투아즈 앞에 한 여자가 찾아온다. 10년 전 자신의 남편을 8층 아파트에서 밀어서 살해한 범인이 자신이라고 고백하는 여자.. 충격적인 자백 앞에 당시 사건을 되짚어 보던 퐁투아즈는 완벽하게 자살로 종결된 그녀의 남편 사건엔 한 점의 타살의혹도 없었음을 확인하고 여자를 돌려보내려고 하는데.. 하지만 유죄가 분명하므로 체포해달라며 완강하게 주장하는 여자.. 12시간 뒤면 공소시효가 만료되는 시점에서 자신의 유죄를 입증하려는 여자의 이야기가 시작된다. 결혼 생활 내내 툭하면 폭언과 폭력을 일삼았던 남편에 대한 분노.. 아이들과 스스로를 보호하지 못하는 상황에서의 공포와 절망.. 그리고 사건 이후의 죄책감까지.. 그녀의 삶에 대한 이야기를 들을수록 그녀보다 더 그녀를 이해하게 되는 퐁투아즈... 심문이 계속될수록 그녀를 체포하지 않으려는 퐁투아즈와 무슨 수를 써서든 유죄를 입증하고 체포되려는 여자의 팽팽한 심리가 부딪히는데...
In cities like Paris there are countless people from Eastern Europe who have forsaken their homelands because they can see no future there. Lucia and her little daughter Marussia are two such people. They have been thrown out by the Russian acquaintances they were staying with and must tramp the streets with their trolley suitcases searching for somewhere else to live. A Russian Orthodox priest offers them their first night's shelter. They spend the second night in a homeless hostel and party through the third with a chance acquaintance. On the fourth night they sleep clandestinely in a cinema and on the fifth with a Russian artist in a hotel … Lucia is good-looking, dresses elegantly and is certainly not shy of men. This serves the mother and her daughter well. In spite of all the uncertainties in their lives, the two frequently share tender moments.
Nurse #2
행복하고 평화로운 노후를 보내던 음악가 출신의 노부부 조르주와 안느. 어느 날 아내 안느가 갑자기 마비 증세를 일으키면서 그들의 삶은 하루아침에 달라진다. 남편 조르주는 반신불수가 된 아내를 헌신적으로 돌보지만, 하루가 다르게 몸과 마음이 병들어가는 아내를 바라보면서 그는 선택의 기로에 놓이게 되는데…
슬로바키아의 가난한 자매 미르카와 애나는 둘도 없이 서로 아끼는 사이다. 미르카는 쉽게 돈을 벌 목적으로 인터넷 매춘을 시작하지만, 애나는 늘 책을 옆에 끼고 사는 가난한 몽상가이다. 미르카의 첫 고객은 마이클. 그러나 그가 호텔 바에서 우연히 거래처 사람들과 만나는 통에 미르카와의 만남은 성사되지 못한다. 허전한 마음에 마이클은 아내에게 전화를 걸어 마음을 고백한다. 마이클의 아내, 로즈는 25살의 브라질 사진작가인 루이와 바람을 피운다. 그러나 이제는 이 관계를 정리하기로 한다. 루이의 여자 친구인 로라는 루이의 바람기를 더는 용서치 않고 브라질행 비행기에 오른다. 로라의 옆 좌석에 앉은 존은 수년 전에 집을 나가 소식이 끊긴 딸의 행방을 찾고 있다. 서로 꼬리를 물고 연관된 이 모든 이들은 각자의 갈림길에 서 있다. 이 갈림길에서 어느 쪽으로 갈지 스스로 택하는 이도 있고, 떠밀려 가는 이도 있다. 그 길의 끝이 어떠하든, 이들 각자는 자신의 결정에 책임을 져야 한다.
Version Française
Rita's daughter is sick with leukemia. In order to obtain the money for a bone marrow transplant, she travels from Ukraine to Russia to become a surrogate mother. The homosexual couple who are the biological parents of the child die in an automobile accident. Rita is left six month pregnant, without any money, and with a dying daughter to care for. In order to save her daughter, Rita is prepared to do anything. She's drawn into the criminal world, from which she escapes with her daughter to Jordan in the Near East, where Bedouins treat cancer by means of nontraditional medicines.
세르주 갱스부르
Olga Gainsburg (la mère)
프랑스의 싱어송라이터 세르주 갱스부르(1928-1991)의 전기영화.
Silent Voice
An elderly woman wants to meet her son’s murderer. A sixteen-year-old girl who has crossed paths with a young hoodlum needs an adult to accompany her to the prison visiting room. A young medical supplies delivery man is offered a deal to take the place of a gangster inmate so that the latter may escape. Two women, one man, three destinies that come together in the visiting room of a prison…
French Courvoisier
It is the end of a meal. Eight people are gathered around a big table. They evoke the memory of a lost friend. Through the stories of each about the absentee, the character traits, the haabits or the expressions, a portrait in hollow is outlined.
Young lady
When the dead body of Mr Kaplan is found, a kitchen knife in the back, all eyes turn to the maid. When the widow reveals that her departed husband was incapable of giving her children, all eyes turn to the widow. Beneath this passionate crime, a modern day detective will discover that temptation, devotion, remorse and desire are the best fuels for killing love.
The Stone Council
In France, the single translator Diane Siprien adopts an Asian baby named Liu-San in a foundation directed by Sybille Weber. Years later, a weird mark appears on the boy's chest and Diane and Liu share their dreadful nightmares. Diane is assigned for a three-day job in Germany and she leaves Liu with her friend Sybille. However, while going to the airport, Diane finds Liu hidden in the backseat and startles with an eagle flying toward the windshield, crashing her car. Liu falls into a coma and his digital recorder records the boy speaking in an unknown dialect. When Diane searches the translation and the origins of Liu, she is surrounded by mysterious murders. She discovers that the dialect is from the mystic Mongolian Tseven tribe and that Liu is a powerful Observer; further, he is in danger, threatened by sorcerers that need the boy for their Council of the Stone..
To Get to Heaven First You Have to Die
Twenty-year-old Kamal has been married for a few months but his wife is still a virgin. Learning that there is nothing physically wrong with him after visiting a doctor, Kamal sets off to town to search for another woman. The city is full of them but Kamal is still unable to meet anyone, until a chance encounter on a bus. But it looks as if this accidental meeting will take Kamal much farther than he was prepared to go… By the director of ‘Angel on the Right’. —Celluloid Dreams
Sweet Dreams
At night she dreams about it, during the day she believes she's dreaming. However, Élise continues, reacts, and despite her pain, chooses life.
The Music of Love: Beethoven's Secret Love
The year is 1817. Minon, a five-year-old girl, leaves her aunt Therese of Brunswick, who has raised her like a mother since her birth, to go and live with her parents, the Count and Countess von Stakelberg. One day, Gabrielle, her housekeeper, who is no longer in her right mind, reveals that her real father is the composer Ludwig van Beethoven. Twenty years later, still intrigued by this confession, Minon decides to unravel the mystery of her origins. She returns to the place of her early childhood, hoping to find the truth with her aunt, who was for years the faithful friend of the great composer.
Jean-Pierre is a hit man in Paris. He wants to stop; an incentive is reconnecting to Michelle, a childhood friend. He's ready to commit himself to her, but she has her own secrets: she sells bomb components to thugs. He hears rumors of a missing briefcase, which he finds in Michelle's flat. He asks no questions, and soon both of them are in trouble with Jean-Pierre's ex-employer and with her bomb buyers. Two other characters complicate the maneuvering: Jean-Pierre's best friend, who's always losing money on the ponies, and the ex-employer's new contract killer, a seemingly fragile woman. Is there any way that Jean-Pierre can protect Michelle and escape with his life? Written by
Le dernier des immobiles
Nicola, a young filmmaker, drags an amateur film crew along to meet Matthieu, a paralyzed poet in an electric wheelchair, who lives in a mill. As time goes by and nothing really takes shape, Nicola realizes the inanity of his project, the film slips more and more out of his control and he becomes increasingly absorbed in a ludicrous, poetical search for inspiration.
Since Otar Left
The one joy in the lives of a mother and daughter comes from the regular letters sent to them from Paris from the family's adored son, Otar. When the daughter finds out that Otar has died suddenly, she tries to conceal the truth from her mother, changing the course of their lives forever.
Small Cuts
Bruno, a communist newspaper journalist, is suffering a mid-life crisis. Torn between his wife Gaëlle and his young girlfriend Nathalie, his political beliefs battered by the wind of history, Bruno seems to have lost his bearings.
The Heart of the Bear
A young Estonian goes to the Siberian Taiga to live as a hunter in a remote forest hut. He hopes to find his true self far from civilisation. The natives he meets introduce him to the myths of the north. The first is a young village teacher who wants to be a good wife to him. The second is a wild and untameable native who becomes his mythical bear-woman. When he accidentally kills a great black bear, his own shadow-creature, he burdens himself with guilt. However, he is given a chance of finding his inner balance. A romantic drama with mythical elements and breathtaking landscapes.
Son of Gascogne
You're a provincial kid in Paris and suddenly you're the center of attention: Movie stars, famous directors and sexy women are doting on you because they all think you're the son of their long-dead legendary friend. You never knew your dad, but the facts of this famous guy's life suggest that he might have fathered you. Your mom tells you nothing. All the fuss makes you uncomfortable at first but soon you find it's rather fun to be the son of the famous Gascogne. And in the midst of it all you fall in love. It is, after all, springtime in Paris.
We, the Children of the 20th Century
It focuses on how youngsters in capitalist Russia turn to crime. Either they thrive at their game or they get locked up. In any case they're trapped. The portrayed kids are old men, acting wise and tough while in fact they're victims.
An Independent Life
This is the second installment of a three-part series of autobiographical films about the director's life. The first, which won various awards for its maker, was entitled Zamri Oumi Voskresni and was later retitled Zari, Umri, Vokresni ("Freeze-Die-Come to Life"). At the end of that film, set at the conclusion of World War II, the young Valerka was striving hard to overcome the inertia of just getting by, along with his sometime friend Galiya. In this one, he is adjusting to Galiya's death and is back in school and is living with his mother, a prostitute. After a girl at the school is found to have been gang-raped, the headmaster chooses Valerka to be one of the scapegoats, though he had nothing to do with the deed. The punishment seems mild enough, he was simply expelled from school. However, after quarrelling with his mother about the incident, he takes to the road, and discovers a society so bleak, degraded and hopeless that it is a wonder he remained alive.
얼지마, 죽지마, 부활할거야
1947년 극동에 위치한 탄광도시 스촨. 열두살 소년 발레르카는 옛 소련 지식인들의 유배지이자 일본군 죄수와 포로들이 사는 강제노동 막사에서 엄마와 단 둘이 살아가고 있다. 엄마 니나는 생계를 위해 매춘을 하고 썰매가 갖고 싶은 발레르카는 엄마 몰래 돈을 모은다. 그러나 시장에서 차를 팔아 어렵게 모은 돈으로 산 썰매를 누군가 훔쳐간다.
It Happened Near the Sea
The events of the film take place in a resort area South of the seaside city, beautiful and alien. The heroine of the film - girls orphanage for children with a sick spine, physical energy of the characters looking out in painfully cruel scheme of mutual relations. And finds cruel and unfair to the weaker......