Room Clerk
미국의 옛 서부. 그 시대는 황야를 개척해야 하는 남자, 여자 모두에게 뛰어난 자질들을 요구했다. 황야라는 환경이 가져다주는 역경을 헤쳐가기 위해선, 적어도 한가지의 특별한 기술을 필요로 했다. 매버릭은 매력적인 외모, 직업적인 도박가, 그리고 낭만적인 모험을 사랑했던 사람. 이 타고난 방랑자는 여기 저기서 문제를 일으키고 빠져나가곤 하며, 서부 역사상 가장 재미있고 화려한 인물로 남게 되었다. 매버릭은 타고난 도박가로 이름을 날리게 된다. 그런 명성이 쌓여갈때 전국에서 포커대회인 '루크러 챔피언 쉽'이 열린다는 소식을 듣고, 매버릭은 그 대회에 참석할 것을 결심한다. 대회를 향해 가던 매버릭은 뜻밖에 애너벨리라는 콧대높은 귀족 아가씨에게 사랑을 느끼고, 그녀의 환심을 사기위해 노력한다. 이전부터 매버릭을 체포하려고, 안간힘을 써 오던 쿠퍼 보안관은 출발부터 매버릭을 바짝 좇으며, 매버릭의 일거수 일투족을 감시하는데.
Grandpa Parks
Rock singer John Mellencamp makes his screen and directorial debut in this story by "Lonesome Dove" author, Larry McMurtry. The story, not too separated from Mellencamp's real life, finds him as a country music star whose meanderings and philandering has thrown his life into turmoil. Returning to his native Indiana to try to reestablish a normal life. Instead he takes up with an old lover (Lenz), ignoring his loving wife (Hemingway), and duplicating the lifestyle of his womanizing father (Akins).
Gimme Cap
H.D. Dalton is a champion rodeo rider whose career is ruined after being gored by a bull. He returns home to discover things have drastically changed -- the family farm has been abandoned, his old girlfriend Jolie is a now a widowed mother, and his sister Cheryl has put his father in a nursing home.
Saloon Old Timer
1955년에 남겨진 마티는 박사의 흔적을 찾는다. 브라운 박사가 1855년으로 갔음을 알게 되고, 폐광 속에 숨겨져 있던 드로리안을 찾아낸다. 1855년의 서부에 도착한 마티는 드로리안의 고장으로 곤경에 빠지지만, 맥플라이 가문의 선조인 세이머스와 매기 부부의 도움을 받고 박사도 만난다. 고장 난 드로리안으로 시간 여행을 하기위해서는 그에 달하는 속도가 유지되어야 하고, 박사와 마티는 그 속도를 얻기 위해 기관차를 이용할 위험한 계획을 세운다. 하지만 박사는 여교사인 클라라와 사랑에 빠져서 그 시대에 남고 싶어한다.
Charlie Lee
Captain Hayes of the mighty law enforcement squad named the Texas Rangers reached the pinnacle of his career when he captured the notorious John Henry, an outlaw cowboy, and put him behind bars. Twenty years later, upon his release, Henry is older but unrepentant. Within six hours after leaving his jail cell, he evens the score with Hayes by holding up the Bank of Texas for $20,000 in gold. Hayes, in his fury, gets himself out of retirement to take up the chase once more.
A small-town loser determines to have one more shot at the big time by winning a football game.
L.D. Sloane
Eugene Griswold is an average, suburban nine-to-five guy tired of working long hours for his income. Then Eugene gets mixed up in his inventor friend Stanley Flynn's get-rich-quick scheme which lands them both in prison and eventually leads to a series of misadventures when they are caught up in a bizarre prison breakout made by other prisoners which they are blamed for mastermining it and now must run from the law.
Police Officer
수천년 동안 아라비아 사막에서 '가장 빠른 부족'이란 영예를 지켜왔던 중동 어느나라 왕이 캘리포니아에서 커네티커트까지 대륙 횡단 경주의 우승을 노리고 특수 제작한 롤스로이스로 압둘 왕자를 참가시켰으나 우승을 놓친다. 이에 분개한 왕이 100만 달러의 상금을 걸고 '캐논볼 2'를 개최해 전세계 레이서들이 몰려든다. 그런데 상금을 노린 악당들에게 압둘 왕자가 납치되고 돈도 강탈당한다. 레이스를 중단하고 참가자들이 힘을 합쳐 왕자와 100만달러 탈환 작전을 벌여 왕자를 무사히 구하고, 이에 감사한 왕자가 상금을 200만달러로 올려 그 다음날 대륙횡단의 대장정이 시작된다.
Cottonmouth Gorch
In a small Southern town, the local sheriff tries to keep everything peaceful and under control.
저메키스 감독이 만든 선정적이고 요절복통 코미디. 중고차 세일즈맨 루디는 욕심 많은 맞은편 가게주인에 맞서 영업실적을 올리려고 기상 천외한 상술을 짜낸다. 예를 들어 전국에 방영되는 대통령 연설 중에 외설적인 광고전파를 삽입하기도 하는데..
Mr. Malcomb
1941년 12월 7일, 일본 제국주의 함대(the Imperial Japanese Fleet)가 진주만(Pearl Harbor)의 해군기지를 기습한다. 그로 인해 미국은 제2차 세계대전에 휘말리게 된다. 미국 시민들은 이에 충격과 분노를 느끼게 되고 서해안 지역에서는 캘리포니아주가 일본의 제2의 공격 목표란 소문이 떠돌면서 시민들이 공포에 시달리게 된다. 조셉 스틸웰 장군(Major General Joseph W. Stilwell)은 제3육군부대 사령관으로 남부 캘리포니아 지역의 방위 책임자다. 육군과 해군, 대공 포대는 작전에 돌입하고 민간 방위체제도 활동을 개시한다. 남북전쟁 이후 최초로 미국 시민들은 언제 어디서 어떤 규모로 공격해 올 지 모르는 적을 상대로 조국을 지키기 위해 전투에 임하게 된다.
Dewey and Wallace are small-town lawmen who are ordered by the governor to go undercover as prison inmates to find out where a gang of thieves have hidden their loot. While they're undercover, however, the governor dies, and because no one else knows about the ruse Dewey and Wallace are stranded in prison.
Harley Davidson
An old trucker steals his truck for one last cross-country run, with a madam and her crew on board.
An intriguing tale of courage and love in a savage wilderness, as two rivals become friends in order to survive the ordeals of a harsh winter. Follow the adventurous tales of these two as struggle with friendship and survival.
Digger (voice)
생쥐 버나드와 비앙카의 직업은 유엔 본부의 지하실에 자리잡은 국제 생쥐 구조대의 비밀첩보 요원. 어느날 마담 메두사에게 시달림을 받고 있던 고아 소녀 페니가 보낸 구조 요청 편지가 도착한다. 그녀는 엄청난 가치의 보석의 행방을 알고 있다는 이유로 악당 마담 메두사에게 납치돼 시달림을 당하고 있는 상태. 딱한 사정을 알게 된 국제 생쥐 구조대는 버나드와 비앙카 요원을 급히 파견하고 둘은 그녀를 구해내기 위한 일생일대의 모험을 시작한다. 신천옹 오빌, 잠자리 에빈루드와 같은 친구들의 전폭적인 도움을 받으며 버나드와 비앙카는 악어들의 호위 속에 접근조차 어려운 마담 메두사의 소굴로 들어가는데...
Uncle Bill
The three surviving daughters of a murdered moonshiner band together with a racecar driver to run high-test shine behind the corpulent backs of the local likker syndicate.
The legendary frontiersman and hero of boyhood paperbacks joins forces with Captain John Fremont as chief scout on a secret expedition to Mexico. The disobedient Randy tries to rejoin his friends but only succeeds in putting them all in jeopardy.
Boomer Riley
A young Texas Man who saw his father get killed by a group of bandits, decides years later to go to work for the Pony Express. But he is not just working around the country to deliver mail, he is actually finding the bandits who murdered his father.
한 가족이 아주 고색이 창연한 고택으로 휴가를 보낼 이사를 오게 된다. 아주 작은 금액으로 집 주인은 너무도 순순히 이 집을 임대해 주는데 남편은 왠지 내키지 않아 하지만 아내인 마리안은 너무도 흡족해 한다. 어린 아들과 세 식구는 그렇게 이 집에서 때 아닌 휴가를 보내게 되는데 집 주인은 병든 늙은 노모를 2층에 두고 떠나며 보살펴 줄 것을 제안하였고 마리안은 그 약속을 지켜 매일 식사와 병간호를 한다. 단 누구도 그 방은 출입을 못하게 하며 병적으로 접근을 꺼려 하였고 날이 갈수록 이 집에선 이상한 기운이 감돈다.
Sheriff C.W. Thurston
Gang of robbers use dune buggies for their big heist.
Mayor T.L. Caffery
게터(Gator McKlusky: 버트 레이놀즈 분)는 남부 늪지대에서 활동 중이며 극한 상황에서 자신을 보호할 수 있는 기술을 지녔다. 그는 남부의 정치적 거물 맥콜(Bama McCall: 제리 리드 분)이 시장과 경찰을 장악하고 도박과 매춘 마약 등으로 돈을 버는데 대항한다. 그는 맥콜의 파렴치한 행동을 응징하기위해 증거를 수집하는 것을 눈치챈 맥콜은 게이터를 살해하려한다. 맥콜 부하의 끊임없는 추적과 암살 위협에도 불구하고, 게이터는 그때마다 벗어나고 반격을 가한다.
Sheriff Forbes
In post-Civil War Kentucky, young David Burnic becomes the unexpected heir to the family secret, a map leading to buried treasure on the Florida isle of Matecumbe.
Rattler S. Gravley
In 1884, an eleven-year-old Quaker boy sets out on his own to seek revenge against a gang of outlaws who senselessly murdered his family.
(archive footage)
A Western-genre narrative, loosely woven from old clips from B-Western features.
Grandpaw Bridges
Two men exploring the Louisiana swamps run into a Bigfoot-type creature.
Nevada Ticket Agent
Naive Iowa farm boy Lewis Tater dreams of being a famous Western novelist like his hero, Zane Grey. He leaves home to answer a writing correspondence course's ad for on-campus classes, only to discover that the school consists of a row of postboxes at an isolated Nevada train depot. On the run from the con men responsible, Lewis stumbles across "real" cowboys--cowboy actors shooting a movie in the desert. The would-be writer soon finds himself instead acting in Westerns, for the rundown Tumbleweed Productions studio, in Depression-era Hollywood.
Justice of the Peace Floyd
A wrong turn on a jazz singer's road trip results in her car breaking down near an isolated lodge run by a faded starlet and a cocksure, volatile country singer.
Rattlesnake Tom
Two bumbling hustlers in the 1920s attempt to gain the fortune of an heiress. Nothing will stop them, not even murder.
A crusty old rancher hires three young women to pose as his daughters. However, the real father of one of the daughters finds out about it, and kidnaps her to hold her for ransom--which the rancher can't pay.
Station Attendant
클린트 이스트우드가 그의 냉혹함과 비정의 이미지와는 달리 근엄하게 설교를 하고 있다. 이 고요함은 도중에 뛰어든 한 사나이로 의해 깨어진다. 갑자기 목사를 향해 권총의 방아쇠가 당겨진 것이다. 도망치던 목사는 지나던 한 젊은이의 차에 실려진다. 이는 두 사람의 기막힌 인연을 보여주는데... 젊은 라이트풋은 자동차 도둑, 클린트 이스트우드, 썬더 볼트는 지난 날의 악명높은 강도. 이 두사람은 또다시 옛날 실력들을 발휘하여 현금을 훔치는데...
In the wild west con-man 'Candy' Johnson heads to Nevada to set up his own gambling den and teams up with Lucy Cotton, a young woman he meets there. This failed television pilot film is loosely based on Honky Tonk (1941), which starred Clark Gable.
A small-town banker is forced to protect his town against a vicious gang of bank robbers determined to get the $200,000 stored in his bank.
Sheriff Gordon
A man feels obligated to hijack the plane his boss is on after he has gambled himself into overwhelming debt.
서부 역사상 가장 유명한 무법자 중 하나인 빌리 더 키드의 이야기를 새롭게 조명한 작품. 빌리 더 키드의 동료인 팻 개럿은 무법자로서의 삶에 회의를 느끼고 평범한 생활을 하기로 결심한다. 빌리의 일당을 떠나 마을에서 착실하게 생활한 팻은 신망을 쌓아 보안관이 되고 결국 자신이 빌리를 추적해야 하는 상황에 처한다. 올해 베를린 영화제에서 폐막작으로 선정, 디지털 복원판으로 상영되기도 했다. 사라져 가는 남성성에 대한 향수와 수정주의 서부영화의 기운을 동시에 품고 있는 이 영화는, 빌리의 부하로 등장하는 밥 딜런의 젊은 날과 그의 명곡 ‘Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door‘와 조우할 수 있는 특별한 기쁨을 준다.
Tom Sawyer and his pal Huckleberry Finn have great adventures on the Mississippi River, pretending to be pirates, attending their own funeral, and witnessing a murder.
Judge Robbins
A New York City cop who has retired to a small Western town is drawn into the local case of an Indian who is accused of murdering a sheriff.
J.J. 'Jumpy' Belk
Bobby Lee (Jack Conrad) has just been released from jail and wants to make a better life for he and girlfriend Ruthie (Rita George).
무장 강도 혐의로 4년의 형기를 마치고 출감한 맥코이. 가석방의 조건으로 부패한 정치인 잭이 요구하는 일을 하기 위해 아내 캐롤과 함깨 다시 일당을 조직, 은행을 털 계획을 세우고 치밀한 계획하에 은행을 습격, 수백만불을 강탈한다. 하지만 경찰과 충돌, 간신히 탈출하여 2차 집결지로 모인다. 그러나 일당 중 루디라는 자가 배신, 수백만불을 독차지 하려고 하는 것을 알고 그에게 총격을 가하고..
전직 로데오 선수였던 주인공이 고향에 돌아와 보니 옛날 모습은 간데 없고 사람들의 마음 속에 자리잡았던 순진함이 사라지고 오로지 돈 벌 궁리만하는 속물들만 판치는 세상에서 주인공 주니어 보너는 다시 한번 로데오 경기에 도전한다. 사람들은 그런 그를 비웃지만 서부시대에 살았으면 좋았을 법한 이 순수한 남자는 그저 자신이 좋아하는 일에 매달릴 뿐이다...
Officer Roddenberry
Three anti-war activists hijack a B-52 bomber.
Turquoise Smith
Biography of the famed motorcycle daredevil, much of which was filmed in his home town of Butte, Montana. The film depicts Knievel reflecting on major events in his life just before a big jump.
At the beginning of the 19th century a man and his son settle in Arizona which used to be a frontier state and full of criminals at that time.
Doc Schultz
A con artist arrives in a mining town controlled by two competing companies. Both companies think he's a famous gunfighter and try to hire him to drive the other out of town.
Reed, the Lawyer
An alcoholic drifter decides to run for sheriff in a small town. However, in order to get elected, he must find out who killed a visiting preacher.
Uprooted from their comfortable home in Pennsylvania, James and Kate Tanner, along with their sons, Virgil and Andy, journey to the wild country of 1890s Wyoming to become farmers. Soon, they come face-to-face with tornadoes, bears and wolves. But through the hardships their love for each other endures, even when a local rancher sees the newcomers as "squatters" on his land, and will stop at nothing – including murder – to drive them out.
In 1825, English peer Lord John Morgan is cast adrift in the American West. Captured by Sioux Indians, Morgan is at first targeted for quick extinction, but the tribesmen sense that he is worthy of survival. He eventually passes the many necessary tests that will permit him to become a member of the tribe.
Undertaker L.B. Jones, the richest black man in his county of Tennessee, is divorcing his wife for infidelity with a white policeman. Taking a stand against racism, he is greeted with a hostile bunch of Southern bigots and other various stereotypes.
Cicero Everhart
A period piece about the McIver family trying to protect there home from Civil War deserters. Actor Jodie Foster, then approximately 8, plays Suellen McIver. Actor Mitch Vogel, Jamie, is their protector.
Racial tensions threaten to explode when a black man is elected sheriff of a small, racially divided town in the Deep South.
Dr. Peabody
미국 미시시피 주의 ‘제퍼슨’이란 마을에 사는 11살짜리 소년 ‘루시어스’. 그는 이 마을의 소문난 부잣집 아들이다. 그의 할아버지 ‘보스’는 당시 아주 귀한 자동차를 새로 사들인다. 할아버지를 비롯한 집안 어른들이 며칠간 여행을 떠나자 이 집 마구간에서 일하는 젊은 청년 ‘분(스티브 맥퀸)’은 이웃 테네시 주의 큰 도시 멤피스에 놀러가기 위해 어린 루시어스를 부추긴다.
둘은 흑인 하녀와 루시어스의 삼촌에게 거짓말을 하고 할아버지의 차를 훔쳐 타고 출발하는데 차의 뒤에 숨어 있던 루시어스의 6촌 형인 흑인 청년 ‘네드’까지 합세하게 된다. 마침내 멤피스로 엉뚱하고 장난스런 모험여행을 떠난 세 사람.
멤피스에 도착하자 분과 루시어스는 분이 평소 자주 들르는 윤락업소에서 하루 묵게 되고 분이 좋아하는 윤락업소 아가씨 ‘코리’를 위해 루시어스는 코리의 조카와 싸움을 하게 되는데, 자신을 위해 손까지 다친 루시어스에게 감동한 코리는 매춘을 그만두고 새 출발을 하기로 결심한다.
한편 네드는 귀하고 비싼 자동차를 경주마 한 마리와 바꾸고 이 경주마를 이용해 경마에서 이기면 자동차를 다시 되찾을 수 있다고 분을 설득한다. 11살짜리 소년 루시어스가 기수가 되어 말 경주에 참석한 이들은 어렵사리 우승을 하게 되고 차를 다시 찾아 고향마을로 돌아온다. 그리고 분은 코리와의 결혼을 결심하고 만약 그가 아들을 낳으면 이름을 루시어스라고 짓겠다고 말한다.
남북전쟁이 끝난 뒤, 제임스 랭든 대령이 이끄는 남부군 대대와 그의 가족들은 미국 땅을 떠나 멀리 멕시코로 향한다. 전쟁에 패한 미국땅에서 더 이상 살고 싶지 않은 그들은 멕시코에서 새로운 삶을 개척하고자 한다. 한편 북군의 존 헨리 토마스 대령은 군복을 벗고 황야로 돌아가 부하들과 함께 말을 돌본다. 3천 마리의 말을 소유한 존과 그 부하들은 이제 그 말을 팔아 고향으로 돌아갈 것이다. 제임스 일행과 존의 일행은 우연히 만나게 되고 남군과 북군이었다는 약간의 거리감 속에서도 서로에게 신뢰를 느낀다. 멕시코 국왕이 보낸 특사들이 말을 사러 존을 찾아오고 그들은 무사히 멕시코까지 말을 데리고 가면 그때 돈을 지불하겠다고 한다. 제임스와 존은 인디언들의 공격을 같이 막아내는 등 위기상황을 서로 도우면서 가까워지고, 그 와중에 제임스의 딸과 존의 양자인 인디언 청년은 서로에게 사랑을 느낀다. 멕시코에 도착해 국왕의 부하들에게 큰 환대와 함께 환영파티를 받은 제임스 일행. 그러나 그들은 순식간에 돌변해 총으로 위협한다. 그들은 국왕의 부하가 아니라 혁명군이었던 것. 혁명군들이 원하는 것은 혁명에 필요한 말. 그들의 리더는 제임스에게 다음날 정오까지 존이 가진 말들을 가져오지 않으면 남은 사람들을 총살하겠다고 한다. 양키에게 자존심을 굽힐 수 없다던 그는 할 수 없이 존을 찾아가고 존과 부하들은 함께 고민하는데....
The story, set in Kansas during the 1920's, covers less than a year in the life of a black teenager, and documents the veritable deluge of events which force him into sudden manhood. The family relationships and enmities, the fears, frustrations and ambitions of the black teenager in small-town America are explored with a strong statement about human values.
Reverend Wainscoat
1913년 멕시코. 범죄를 일삼는 8명의 악당들은 그들을 추적하는 인간 사냥꾼들에게 포위된다. 무고한 사람들까지 죽음을 당할 정도의 격렬한 총격전 끝에 악당 5명은 끝내 추격의 올가미를 빠져 나간다. 리더인 파이크 비숍, 충성스런 더치, 불만투성이의 소치 형제와 이들의 앙숙인 멕시코 출신의 앤젤. 여기에 왕년에 총잡이로 이름을 떨치던 시키즈까지 가세해 여섯명이 된 일행은 추격자들의 끈질긴 추격을 역시 끈질기게 피해간다. 이들 일행에게 악당 두목 아파치는 무기를 수송하는 기차를 털라고 사주를 한다. 와일드 번치 일당이 감행한 이 작전은 성공을 거두지만 아파치는 앤젤을 인질로 잡는다. 무기를 인도하는 과정에서 앤젤이 무기를 빼돌렸다는 것이다. 파이크를 비롯한 나머지 와일드 번치 일당은 동료 앤젤을 구하기 위해 결과가 뻔한 싸움을 감행한다.
Doc Adams
In the turn-of-the century Texas town of Cottownwood Springs, marshal Frank Patch is an old-style lawman in a town determined to become modern. When he kills drunken Luke Mills in self-defense, the town leaders decide it's time for a change. That ask for Patch's resignation, but he refuses on the basis that the town on hiring him had promised him the job for as long as he wanted it. Afraid for the town's future and even more afraid of the fact that Marshal Patch knows all the town's dark secrets, the city fathers decide that old-style violence is the only way to rid themselves of the unwanted lawman.
An orphan boy, Cav Rand, saves to buy a horse, but others plot to get it.
The blacksmith of a small western town finds himself an outcast. He had led the townspeople west in hopes of starting a new life, only to find the town that they founded is to be bypassed by the railroad.
Pop Cushings
Jesse W. Haywood (Don Knotts) graduates from dental school in Philadelphia in 1870 and goes west to become a frontier dentist. Penelope "Bad Penny" Cushing (Barbara Rhoades) is offered a pardon if she will track down a ring of gun smugglers. She tricks Haywood into a sham marriage as a disguise. Haywood inadvertently becomes the legendary "Doc the Haywood" after he guns down "Arnold the Kid".
어느 무법자 형제의 탈출을 그린 전형적인 오락 액션 서부극
Pete Jensen
When four geologists who form a combine of five industrial companies turn up dead, the race is on to determine whether the culprit is a group of high-powered industrial interests or the government. A trouble-shooter is hired to find a net of deadly intrigue and treachery. The prize: a field to be leased to private industry by the state.
A hustler of humble origins steals $200,000 from a gangster and heads to Monte Carlo.
Ivan Moss
클라이드는 차를 훔치려 하지만 차 임자인 여자가 자기를 쳐다보고 있는 것을 신경쓰지 못했다. 그녀의 이름은 보니. 보니는 클라이드에게 매섭게 달려들고 클라이드는 이런 그녀에게 오히려 매력을 느낀다. 보니 역시 당돌하고 어두운 개성을 가진 클라이드에게 점점 이끌린다. 두 사람은 범죄를 함꼐 저지르며 급속도로 가까와진다. 그 후 그들은 돌아다니면서 작은 은행을 터는 등의 객기를 부리고 클라이드의 형 부부와 우연히 알게된 프랭크 등이 합류하면서 대담한 강도 행각을 벌인다. 그러나 그들은 경찰의 추격이 가까워질수록 서로를 믿지 못하는데...
New Yorker Carlo Cofield goes on a vacation to Southern California, where he quickly becomes immersed in the easy-going local culture while getting entangled in two beachside romances.
전문 도박사, 신시내티 키드(스티브 맥퀸 분)는 시시한 도박판에 염증을 느끼며 하루하루 무료한 생활을 하고 있다. 때마침 당대 최고의 도박사, 랜시 하워드(에드워드 G. 로빈슨 분)가 게임을 하기 위해 뉴올리언스에 오자 그에게 도전장을 내민다. 뉴올리언스 출신의 또 다른 전문 도박사, 슈터는 딜러를 자청하며 신시내티 키드와 랜시 하워드의 게임을 주선한다. 하지만 랜시 하워드의 오랜 숙적인 슬레이드의 계략에 휘말려 승부를 조작하기로 마음먹는다. 마침내 한 호텔방에서 도박판이 벌어지고 한창 게임을 하던 신시내티 키드는 슈터의 행동에서 뭔가 수상쩍음을 눈치 챈다. 그리고 그를 닦달해서 슬레이드가 부정한 방법으로 자신에게 유리한 게임이 되도록 만들고 있다는 사실을 알게 된다. 공정한 방법으로 당당하게 전설적인 도박사를 누르고 싶었던 신시내티 시티는 슬레이드의 제안을 뿌리치고 소신껏 행동한다. 몇 시간의 휴식 후 다시 게임이 시작되고 엄청난 판돈이 오간다. 최종 베팅의 순간... 두 도박 고수의 게임을 지켜보고 있던 사람들은 모두 신시내티가 이길 것이라고 예상한다. 하지만 사람들의 예상과는 달리 행운의 여신은 랜시 하워드의 손을 들어준다. 패배를 인정하고 허탈한 마음으로 호텔을 나온 신시내티 키드는 항상 자신을 따라다니며 동전 던지기를 조르는 구두닦이 소년을 만난다. 소년의 부탁대로 동전 던지기 게임을 하지만 스스로 최고의 도박사임을 자부하던 신시내티 키드는 이번에도 지고 만다.
Clayton Howell
식량보다도 소중한 위스키를 지켜내기 위해 인디언과 여성 금주단체와 필사적으로 싸우는 기병대. 위스키를 두고 펼쳐지는 팽팽한 대립관계 속에서 싹트는 사랑과 절제가 담긴 영화. 1860년대를 배경으로 한 영화로, 콜로라도에서 위스키를 실은 마차 40여 대를 인디언으로부터 보호하려는 기병대와 여성 금주회원들 간의 얽히고 설킨 소동을 보여주는 코믹 서부극이다. 영화는 다큐멘터리 스타일로 진행된다. 진지한 목소리의 성우가 역사적 배경과 맥락을 제공하고, 영화 진행 내내 역할 및 단체의 설명을 나레이션을 통해 제공한다. 1876년 콜로라도 덴버에 혹독한 추위가 올 것이라고 예견되었다. 마을 사람들은 추위로 인해 마을의 농산물 생산이 어려워질 것이고, 곡물이 부족해지면 위스키 생산도 줄어들 것이라는 생각을 한다. 위스키없인 못사는 사람들은 다가올 위스키 부족이 두렵기만 한데…. 특히 인디언들의 위스키 공격이 걱정되는 사람들은 위스키가 제대로 배달되길 바란다. 결국 ‘프랭크 웰링험’의 선적회사를 이용하여 마차 40대에 위스키를 가득 싣고 덴버로 향한다. 위스키가 가득 실린 소중한 마차들을 호위할 기동대가 지원되고, 젊은 대위 ‘폴 슬레이터’가 주축이 되어, 지휘관 ‘태듀스’ 대령의 지휘 아래 위스키는 안전하게 운반되는듯 했다. 하지만 갑자기 나타난 복병, 여성 금주단체. 금주단체의 리더인 ‘코라 템플턴 매팅게일’ 마담과 그녀의 추종자들이 마차를 가로채서 위스키를 모두 파기하려 한다. 위스키를 지키려는 기동대와 위스키를 파괴하려는 여성 금주단체, 인디언들 그리고 덴버 술집주인들로 구성된 민병대 등의 좌충우돌 싸움이 흥미진진하게 펼쳐진다. 그러던 중 태듀스 대령과 마담 코라를 연결해 준다. 이 둘은 극단적인 대립관계였음에도 불구하고 티격태격하다가 사랑에 빠지게 되고, 영화는 헤피엔딩으로 마무리된다.
남북 전쟁이 끝나갈 즈음 뉴 멕시코의 한 요새에 고립된 던디 소령. 남군 포로들과 죄수들 관리가 주업무인 던디 소령에게 큰 시련이 닥친다. 아파치 인디언들이 기병대를 몰살한 뒤 여자와 아이들을 멕시코로 데려 가는 것이다. 부대의 인원으로는 추적은 물론 전투도 불가능한 상태. 마침내 죄수와 포로들은 자유를 조건으로 던디 소령과 함께 아파치에 대항하여 장렬한 전투를 치르게 되는데...
Percy Cook
Clay Spencer is a hard-working man who loves his wife and large family. He is respected by his neighbors and always ready to give them a helping hand. Although not a churchgoer, he even helps a newly arrived local minister regain his flock after he and Clay get into a bit of trouble. If he has one dream in life it's to build his wife Olivia a beautiful house on a piece of land he inherited on Spender's mountain. When his eldest son, Clayboy, graduates at the top of his high school class and has the opportunity to go to college, Clay has only one option left to him.
Fire Tender
A young boy discovers the existence of a group called the Mooncussers - a gang of pirates that work at night and sends out false homing signals to ships at sea. The ships then crash on the shore, where they are looted by the gang.
Drunk (uncredited)
테네시 윌리엄스의 희곡을 영상화한 죠지 로이 힐 감독의 첫 데뷔작. 신혼여행 중인 한 신혼부부가 결혼에 문제가 있는 친구들을 방문해 그들의 결혼생활 문제를 도우려 한다.
Two friends join together to strike oil during the Oklahoma oil boom of the 1920s, and wind up fighting over the same oil wells and the same girl.
Dan Hatcher
가난하게 자란 챈스 웨인은 자수성가한 야심가 핀레이의 딸 헤븐리를 사랑했지만, 신분 차이 때문에 부모의 반대에 부딪히게 된다. 챈스 웨인은 사랑을 쟁취하기 위해 성공을 꿈꾸는데...
Teet Howie
Parrish McLean lives with his mother Ellen on Sala Post's tobacco plantation in the Connecticut River Valley. His mother winds up marrying Sala's rival Judd Raike, ruthless planter who wants to drive Sala out of business. Judd insists that Parrish learn the business from the ground up.
Bob Skaggs (uncredited)
웨이드 허니컷은 텍사스 동부에서 가장 부유하고 영향력 있는 남자로 여성 편력이 있어 부인 한나와 사이가 좋지 않다. 그에게는 비슷한 또래의 두 아들이 있는데, 첫째 레이프는 혼전에 하녀와 관계하여 얻었고, 부인 한나와의 사이에서 둘째 테론이 태어났다. 한편 테론은 아버지의 곱지 않은 시선 속에서도 한 시골 소녀와 사랑에 빠지는데, 그러면서 부모의 숨겨진 과거를 알게 된다. 일견 텍사스를 배경으로 한 대서사극으로 보이지만, 미넬리는 섬세한 연출력으로 멜로드라마적인 감정선을 놓치지 않고 극을 이끌어간다. 로버트 미첨을 비롯한 주연 배우들의 열연이 돋보이며, 칸영화제에도 진출했다. (시네마테크부산)
An impractical widower tries to hang onto his Miami hotel and his 12-year-old son.
County Veterinarian (uncredited)
아버지가 죽고 패트릭은 아버지의 유언에 따라 뉴욕의 메임 고모 집으로 가게 된다. 또한 니커버커 은행의 드와이트 배브콕이 패트릭의 전 재산을 관리하고 자유분방한 성격의 고모로부터 아이를 보호하도록 되어있다. 자유분방한 고모와 보수적인 배브콕의 성격 때문에 많은 갈등이 생기는데, 결국 메임을 믿지 못한 배브콕의 의견에 따라 패트릭은 메임과 떨어져 기숙학교에 다니게 되는데...
A kid who wants to enter his car in the drag races joins a rock band to make enough money to do it.
Georgia farm boy Will Stockdale is about to bust with pride. He’s been drafted. Will’s ready. But is Uncle Sam ready for Will? In No Time for Sergeants, Andy Griffith is certifiably funny in the role that clinched his stardom. Wearing a friendly, wide grin, he ambles into the U.S. Air Force – and lots of folks’ll never be the same.
A reporter stumbles on a runaway heiress whose story could salvage his career.
Nolan Brown (uncredited)
Whenever it becomes known how good he is with guns, ex-gunman George and his wife Dora have to flee the town, in fear of all the gunmen who might want to challenge him. Unfortunately he again spills his secret when he's drunk. All citizens swear to keep his secret and support him to give up his guns forever -- but a boy tells the story to a gang of wanted criminals. Their leader threatens to burn down the whole town, if he doesn't duel him.
Ed (uncredited)
After aging criminal Roy Earle is released from prison he decides to pull one last heist before retiring — by robbing a resort hotel.
Norman's Driver (uncredited)
연예계의 숨겨진 일화를 그린 영화. 영화배우 겸 가수로 주가를 높이고 있는 노먼 메인은 부와 명예를 지니고 있지만 삶이 권태롭다. 그런 어느 날 친구들과 다운비트 클럽에 갔다가 무명 가수 에스터의 선천적인 재질을 발견, 자신의 상대역으로 발탁시킨다. 두 사람은 점차 사랑하는 사이로 발전하고 비키 에스터라는 이름으로 바꾼 노먼은 팬들의 야유를 무릅쓰고 그녀를 공연에 출연시켜 대성공을 거두어 에스터는 하루 아침에 스타가 된다. 노먼과 에스터는 비밀리에 결혼식을 올리고 네바다 주의 사막에다 그들만의 보금자리를 꾸민다. 하지만 에스터의 인기가 높아 갈수록 노먼은 슬럼프에 빠지게 되면서 두 사람의 행복은 금이 가기 시작하는데...
Eli Danvers
A year after a violent train robbery the Pinkerton detective agency hires a bounty hunter to find the three remaining killers. He tracks them to Twin Forks but has no clue to their identity. Tensions surface as just his presence in town acts as a catalyst.
Railroad Yard Watchman
사막에서 무언가에 충격을 받은 소녀가 발견된다. 급파된 수색팀이 발견한 것은 원폭 실험의 결과로 엄청나게 거대해진 개미. 은 1950년대 최고 걸작 SF물 중 하나로 '무모한 과학 실험이 만든 몬스터' 영화의 원형이다
어색한 특수효과 탓에 무서워야할 개미가 인형같아 보이지만 그래도 당시로서는 매우 충격적이었다. 원폭 이후의 시대상을 반영한 이 영화를 적나라한 '안티 커뮤니즘(개미=공산당)'으로 읽는 이도 있다. 1954년 워너 작품 중 최고의 흥행을 기록한 영화이지만 , 등장하는 개미 인형 중 제대로 만들어진 것은 단 두 개 뿐이고 나머지는 움직이지도 않는 것이었다.
Gus Snider
Reformed parolee Steve Lacey is caught in the middle when a wounded former cellmate seeks him out for shelter. The other two former cellmates then attempt to force him into doing a bank job.
Buster's shenanigans running a sporting goods store and his antics in a local theatre group.
A peaceable man becomes marshal of his town at the end of a cattle trail and faces the problems of law enforcement with trail drovers and gunhands.
A horse trainer who has fallen on hard times looks to his horse, Broadway Bill, to finally win the big race.
Cannonball Taylor
Curly Blake, nephew and heir of wealthy Red Rock rancher Jed Gordon, persuades his uncle not to invest in a crooked land scheme promoted by former judge Harmon Steele and his secretary Lem Martin.
After claim jumper Sanders kills a miner, he changes clothes with Perry. In pursuit, the Marshal kills Perry claiming he was the murderer. Setting out to clear Perry's name, Jimmy works his way into the outlaw game. But Sanders overhears Jimmy's plans and he and his boss Morgan set a trap to kill Jimmy.
Jimmy and Cannonball escort Anne Lamont, the new school teacher, to Oreville, where she is molested by two outlaws. Marshal Blackjack Flint wounds Slade, who tells Derringer that lawman Flint is wanted by the law and, unknown to Anne, is also her father. Derringer than kills Slade and begins to blackmail Flint. Jimmy and Cannonball join the fray on the side of Flint, the reformed outlaw.
Cannonball Taylor
Outlaws attempting to kidnap Steve Blaine from a stagecoach are ran off by the sharpshooting of his sister, Sally and rescuers Jimmy Wakely and Cannonball Taylor. Steve is investigating his father's sudden death after charges of theft from the Sloan/Carson mine. Sloan is killed after Wakely learns that ore is being smuggled across the Mexican border into the mine, and then sold at the higher U.S. prices
Jimmy Wakely befriends Hank Carrdigan, a former outlaw who has served his sentence and wants to go straight. Jimmy, after clearing Hank of a wrongful shooting charge, helps him get a job as an express messenger. Hank drives off some bandits in an attempted hold-up, but recognizes his son Tom as one of the bandits. A later robbery is blamed on Hank but Jimmy and his sidekick Cannonball Taylor bring in the real culprits and clear Hank's name.
Cannonball Taylor (as 'Cannonball' Taylor)
Kate Diamond owns the Roaring Falls Trading Post from where she directs her gang's gun-smuggling to the Indians. After she short-changes smuggler Stacey, his men attempt to steal the hidden guns, and attack her foreman Nebraska, but he is saved by Jimmy and "Cannonball" on their way to file a homestead claim at Canyon City. Jimmy renews a long acquaintance with Sheriff Harris and his daughter Jessica. The sheriff is wounded by half-breed Danny when he finds a rifle hidden in the latter's wagon, but Jimmy captures the outlaw, a go-between for Kate and the Indians.Wounded and in bed, Sheriff Harris ask Jimmy not to tell Jessica that she is only adopted and that Nebraska is really her father, although he believes her to be dead.
Jimmy Wakely a lawman goes undrrcover with a singing job at Dawson's saloon....
Jimmy and his pal Cannonball are hired by a rancher and horse breeder to capture Midnight, a wild stallion that has been interfering with local herds and has a reputation as a killer.
Jimmy and Cannonball find the body of Don Muquel after he has been shot and robbed by henchmen Ramsay and Sturgis. Jimmy is accused of the crime by Jose Esteban but the latter's rich uncle, Don Esteban, clears his friend Jimmy. Jose accuses the the settlers, led by John Chambers, of confiscating the land of the native Californians, through murder and theft. Actually, surveyor Willard Jackson is making forged copies of stolen land-grant papers after his men have killed the rightful owners. Playing both ends against the middle, Ramsay urges Chambers and his daughter, Diane, to drive off the Californians.
Jimmy Wakely and "Cannonball" Taylor protect shipments along a stage and freight line from villainous bandits.
After Marshal Jordan is honored by Jimmy, Cannonball and others for his forty years as a law officer, the Sawyer mine is blown up by Belle's foreman, Kern, following Sawyer's refusal to sell out. Dan Jordan, the Marshal's son, interested in Belle, secretly the head of the outlaws, is lured by her from scouting the road on which his father guards a ore shipment. Jimmy and Cannonball drive off the outlaws, headed by Kern and Burton, but the Marshal is fatally wounded. The town council appoints Jimmy the new Marshal, which disappoints Dan, but Belle persuades him to become Jimmy's deputy, in order to get information from him about ore and payroll shipments. Dan quits as deputy and fights Jimmy when the latter suspects Belle of involvement in the robberies.
Jimmy and Cannonball stumble across a murder scheme, hatched by beautiful but deadly Janice Thompson.
Cannonball Taylor
After the Texas Rangers are disbanded, the the reconstruction years following the Civil War, a private state-police force extorts money from the citizens in a "protection" scheme. Ex-Rangers Jimmy Wakely and "Cannonball" Taylor foil an arrest by state-police officers Hamon and Kelly. Commissioner Jed Brant tells his nephew that his old friend Jimmy is plotting against the law-and-order forces. Vic's fiancée and ranch-owner, Sheila Carol, refuses to sign up with the crooked police outfit, and believes Jimmy is an outlaw. On Chief Barton's order, Hamon shoots ex-Rangers Murphy and Payson, so they can be blamed for a raid on Sheila's ranch.
Cannonball Taylor
A singing cowboy named Jimmy ends up posing as an outlaw called "the Melody Kid" after his big-mouthed friend Cannonball spreads tall tales.
Jimmy joins Cannonball on a visit to the widow Fennamore, Cannonball's old girlfriend, at Firehole. Engineer Colton is killed by henchman Smoky Morgan and Philip Judson hides the body. The engineer, at the request of the widow's niece, Martha, had come to inspect a polluted reservoir. Land Company head Turner and Judson contaminated the water to get the ranchers to vacate so they can grab the land. Judson hires Easy to pose as the engineer, and he reports the reservoir useless but Jimmy's test proves the waters are not deeply polluted. Judson kills Easy to keep him from talking, and casts the blame on Cannonball. But Jimmy has a trick up his sleeve, right after the next song.
Jimmy finds a dying Ranger Braden who asks him to give his money belt to his sister. When he rides into town he finds another man claiming to be Ranger Braden. When the money belt is found in Jimmy's saddle bag, the fake Marshal tries to arrest him. But Jimmy escapes and hopes a telegram to Ranger headquarters will clear him.
Jim Stewart comes to Mesa City and buys a ranch from publisher Matt Edwards, who is confined to a wheelchair. The area is terrorized by an outlaw gang known as The Phantoms. When Jim's cattle herd is rustled and his ranch foreman Pop Evans killed, he takes an active hand against the gang in his guise as the Durango Kid.
Cannonball Taylor
Steve Holden, a secret service agent, is suspended when his boss becomes suspicious of his activities as The Durango Kid. Can Steve prove his innocence?
In the lawless town of Dusty Gulch, the Durango Kid comes to the aid of Reverend Harding in his fight against Blaze Howard and his henchman. When Durango foils all bad guy's plans, Blaze's boss Doc Weston realizes Cannonball it tipping off Durango. Weston then lets Cannonball overhear false information that will send Durango into a fatal trap.
Outlaws of the Rockies is the fourth of Columbia's revitalized "Durango Kid" series. Charles Starrett is back in the saddle as the masked do-gooder Durango, aka easygoing sheriff Steve Williams. Accused of being a member of an outlaw gang, Williams is forced to don his Durango disguise to bring the actual criminals to justice.
Stage line owner Brent has his men robbing Halliday stages and when his manager Waring learns of it, Brent has him killed. Jeff Waring arrives and takes his uncle's job. He soon learns what's happening and the Durango Kid goes into action. This keeps Halliday going and gives them a chance to get the mail contract by winning the stagecoach race.
The Durango Kid fights to catch the rustlers who killed an Army officer.
The outlaw gangs are robbing the railroads and the Rangers cannot follow them when they move to New Mexico. So Kip decides to take a vacation to New Mexico and, as the Durango Kid, bring Cass and his gang back to justice. But Cass and his gang are killed at the bank in a double cross and Kip must still find the loot. For this, he enlists the help of Tex and Grubstake, although Grubstake does not know it.
Steve Holden and his men successfully raid a wagon train. Among the local ranchers who decide to stop the raiding are Virgil Trent and his daughter Gail. At a meeting, Sidney Padgett, Cannonball and other townspeople conclude that someone is tipping the gang off on important shipments. Trent volunteers to contact the outlaws. He meets Steve and persuades him to cross to the side of the law and protect the ranchers. Steve soon suspects Padgett and tricks him into revealing his identity as the secret leader of the bandits, and in a furious battle between Steve's men and the outlaws, the former win.
This Columbia western starring Charles Starrett finds Steve Randall (Charles Starrett) forming a radio show with Jimmy Wakely (Jimmy Wakely) and his Saddle Pals, and are in town for a rodeo. Reporter Connie Pearson (Constance Worth) persuades them to visit Marty Jones (Elvin Fields), a fatherless boy, who has been sent to a boy's home after stealing Steve's wallet, ran by Tom Goodwin (Forrest Taylor.) Marty tells Steve that the home is a phony and is a front for cattle rustlers. Steve passes the information on to Connie, who doesn't believe him, so he and Jimmy wire the ranch for sound. They are caught and Goodwin turns them over to Sheriff Barnes (Edmund Cobb), and then plans to skip the country
A posse, hunting the assailant of Denton's Partner, captures Steve Carlisle (Charles Starrett), who identifies himself as a mineralogist sent to check the area for quartz for radio parts. Calling at the Denton ranch, Steve hires Cannonball Mullins (Dub Taylor), who has just been fired by Jane Fielding (Vi Athens), Denton's ward. Steve learns that she wants to sell the ranch to the Empire Syndicate. Paul Edwards (Lloyd Bridges), syndicate representative, plans to convert the ranch into a swank hotel-gambling operation. At a party which Jane gives for Edwards, Hiram Denton (William Gould), is murdered and Steve is accused. He and Cannonball escape before the sheriff can take them into custody, and in searching for evidence find that Jane and Edwards are married and have done the killings in order to gain the ranch.
It's World War 2 and saboteurs are out to destroy the ranchers food crop. Steve Travis and sidekick Cannonball have been called in to investigate. Avoiding the attempts on his life by the gang, Steve uses a pair of eyeglasses to discover their leader, a supposedly deaf mute shoe repairman.
This western features a singing cowboy, a brave hero, and a bumbling sidekick who band together to defeat a ruthless range boss.
Former Hopalong Cassidy sidekick Russell Hayden retains his nickname of Lucky in this average entry in his short-lived starring series for Columbia.
Doc 'Canonball' Jones
Trailing outlaws, Lucky runs into a trap and loses his horse. The outlaws then use his horse to frame him for murder. During his fight with the outlaws he recognized one of them and he now has Cannonball get him out of jail. Then he gets Cannonball to lead the outlaw out of town where he hopes to beat a confession out of him. After clearing himself he plans to go after the boss of the gang.
Cannonball Boggs
In this wartime western, an evil Nazi and his partner endeavor to sabotage a western gunsight plant.
Song and comedy revue, featuring Western talents, along with a theatrical troupe taking their vacation on the Lazy B Ranch run by Steve Bradley. Steve is about to enter the army and he and Tex Coulter compete for the love of Connie Grey.
Cannonball Taylor
When Rangers Lucky and his brother chase outlaws, the brother is killed. To find the killer Lucky quits the Rangers and robs the bank. This gets him into the outlaw gang where he learns of their next raid. Sneaking out at night he tells his girl friend who must now convince the Sheriff that Lucky is not an outlaw and that he must sent his men out to catch the gang.
A rancher who becomes a pilot staunchly defends the newly formed Civil Air Patrol from the cattle barons who fail to see the value of airplanes on the range.
Seaman Stubby Gordon
A naval officer who had deserted several years earlier is drawn back to the Navy when World War II begins. He re-enlists under an assumed name, and is assigned to a minesweeper, where he has to perform hazardous duties while at the same time keeping his real identity a secret.
With Silver City Raiders, perennial western sidekick Russell Hayden launched his own starring series. Hayden plays "Lucky", the same character he'd previously essayed in the Hopalong Cassidy films. This time around, Lucky tries to prove that crooked land baron Dawson (Paul Sutton) doesn't have prior claim on the entire territory. When legal methods prove only moderately effective, Lucky and his chums use more direct methods to drive Dawson and his ilk out of town.
Krag Sabine has aroused the wrath of all the ranchers by stealing their land with the aid of his henchmen, led by Ace Barco; when Lafe Martin objects, the outlaws shoot him down. Lucky Randall promises Ann Martin he will avenge her wounded father. He sets up headquarters on the Martin ranch and sends for Bob Merritt and his men, the Texas Playboys (Jesse Ashlock, Leon McAuliffe, Cotton Thompson, Junior Barnard and Luke Wills). Krag organizes his remaining men for an attack on the ranch. Lucky's men get the upper hand but Krag escapes with Ann as his hostage.
Fur thieves, who murder trappers when they refuse to give up their pelts at a low price, occupy the attention of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police. The leader of the gang is Victor Renaud, also the mayor of the small Canadian town where the gang is headquartered. Lucky Kerrigan is broken from the mounted service for apparent disobedience to orders, which results in the death of a fellow Mountie. Lucky, working undercover, aids the Mounties in rounding up the gang and gains back his uniform, and also the love of Gabrielle Renaud, Renaud's sister who was unaware of his criminal activities.
A good entry in one of the better B-Western series of the 1940s, A Tornado in the Saddle starred Russell Hayden as the new sheriff of Crestview. Hot on the trail of a gang of claim jumpers led by Dalton (Tristram Coffin) and Slim (Donald Curtis), the novice lawman also has to deal with hotheaded wrangler turned deputy Bob Wilson (Bob Wills), whom he is constantly forced to fight, but only after prudently removing his sheriff's star.
Hayden enters the lawless prairie in which criminals have had free reign to manipulate the innocent settlers.
Chubby William Tracy starred as Dodo Doubleday, a feckless Army draftee blessed (or cursed) with a photographic memory. Inexplicably promoted to sergeant, Doubleday becomes the bane of topkick Sgt. Ames' (Joe Sawyer) existence.
Cannonball Taylor
Columbia's King of Dodge City was the first of several westerns costarring "Wild Bill" Elliot and singing cowboy Tex Ritter. Though Elliot is billed first, the plot and action are evenly divided between the two B-picture favorites. The story takes place in Kansas, just after the Civil War. Wild Bill Hickok (Elliot) is summoned from Dodge City to Abilene, there to neutralize a crooked political machine. Hickok is aided every step of the way by Tex Rawlings (Ritter), a seemingly harmless drifter who is appointed sheriff after proving his prowess with his six-guns.
Dave Crockett (Bill Elliott) comes to the aid of ranchers living on the Yucca Strip, who want their area made part of the United States. A greedy land baron, however, wants the property as his own.
Cannonball Taylor
Wild Bill Hickock and Cannonball help two young people in love and bring the murderer of Cannonball's father to justice.
The scout's grandson foils land-grabbers; his sidekick flirts with twins.
Wild Bill Hickock (William Elliott), aka The Peaceable Man, meters out justice in the tough town of Deadwood in this highly fictional western from Columbia. Unlike the historic character, Elliott's gunfighter survives his encounter with the South Dakota hellhole, where he arrives to aid beleaguered livery stable owner Clint Wilson (Richard Fiske) and his sister, Madge (Dorothy Fay), in their battle against self-appointed town czar "Flash" Kirby (Arthur Loft). But before he gets that far, there is a little matter of proving Kirby guilty of wrongdoing and to achieve that, Wild Bill earns the enmity of both the Wilsons.
Elliott is hunted by Curtis who has spent six years behind bars because of his testimony. After knocking out several baddies and putting up with the zany antics of his sidekick Taylor, Elliott guns down his antagonist, but Luana Walters, the girl he almost marries, will not abide a gunslinger so Elliott is compelled to ride off alone into the sunset once more.
When his brother Dave is put in jail, Bill Hickok returns to help him. Dave has been charged with attempted murder when the other man drew first. Judge Barlow put him there and Bill gets the Judge to confess. Bill learns that Rance McKee is behind all the trouble and he forces the Judge into the decisions he wants. So Bill heads out by himself to face McKee in the showdown.
Bill learns that two con artists whom he has dealt with before are at it again. Crowley runs the saloon and Adams the newspaper and both are highly respected by the citizens. Bill has foiled their schemes before and this time he breaks into Adams' office and resets the front page saying Adams confesses to be a fugitive criminal. When the citizens gather the next day the end is near for Adams and Crowley.
Wild Bill Hickok (Bill Elliott) leads a wagon train of settlers from Kansas to Colorado. Along the way, they cross a group of Indians who don't want any more settlers on their land.
In this old-time Western from director George Sherman, peaceable cowpoke Jack Summers takes the job of sheriff to help his adopted town in its bid to beat out a nearby settlement for a lucrative railroad contract. Trailcross is trying to get the new railroad and Stevens wants it to go to Mason City. Jack and sidekick Nevady arrive and when Jack faces down Stevens' men, he is made Marshal. The townspeople raise money for the railroad and entrust it to Jack. But Stevens plants two of his henchmen as Jack's escorts and they rob him. With the Railroad Officials due to arrive, Jack must retrieve the money.
When Matt Kilgore and his men frame and then hang an innocent man, Lige Saunders sends for his son Wild Bill who arrives to find his father shot by Matt's brother. When the brother is killed in his fight with Bill, Matt sends two fake Deputies to arrest Bill whom he then plans to hang. But Matt's sister, attracted to Bill, overhears the plan and rides for help.
Bill Saunders recruits a team of paroled convicts to subdue a lawless gang.
Cannonball Simms
The second of Columbia Pictures' four "Wild Bill Saunders" westerns, Pioneers of the Frontier features William Elliott as the title character who discovers that his uncle Mort (Lafe McKee) has been murdered by an unscrupulous ranch foreman, Matt Brawley (Dick Curtis). But before he can right Brawley's wrongs, Wild Bill is arrested for a murder he didn't commit. Sidekick Cannonball Sims (Dub Taylor) and disgruntled girl rancher Joan Darcy (Dorothy Comingore) plot to break Wild Bill out of jail but Brawley is wise to their plan.
Bill Elliott stops the evil cattle rustlers, who use up sheriffs like disposable razor blades. Instead of the customary gun battles, Elliott was known for his fisticuffs action and so he uses his knuckles to clean out the bad guys and win the heart of Iris Meredith, who had been the main lady for Charles Starrett in his westerns.
Reporter (uncredited)
잭슨시를 대표하는 상원의원이 임기 중에 급사한다. 잭슨시의 다른 상원의원인 조세프 페인은 잭슨시 주지사에게 전화를 걸어 새로운 상원의원을 선출하라고 지시한다. 새로운 의원의 조건은 페인과 그의 재정적 후원자인 짐 테일러의 댐건설 계획을 방해하지 않을 인물이어야 한다는 단서가 붙는다. 주지사는 고민 끝에 보이스카웃 단장인 제퍼슨 스미스를 임명한다. 아이들과 다람쥐나 잡으러 쫓아다니는 순박한 촌뜨기야말로 정치판의 꼭두각시 역할로 적격이라는데 의견을 같이했기 때문이다. 스미스는 죽은 아버지의 친구이자 존경하는 정치가인 페인 의원과 함께 워싱턴으로 향한다. 상원의원으로 임명된 제퍼슨은 잭슨시의 월워크 계곡에 소년 야영장을 만들려는 계획을 입안하여 상정하려 하지만 월워크 계곡에 댐을 건설하려는 페인과 테일러의 계획과 맞부딪친다. 이에 페인은 스미스를 등원시키지 않으려고 음모를 꾸미는데...
Bit Part (uncredited)
Dr. Tony Flagg's friend Steven has problems in the relationship with his fiancée Amanda, so he persuades her to visit Tony. After some minor misunderstandings, she falls in love with him. When he tries to use hypnosis to strengthen her feelings for Steven, things get complicated.
Ed Carmichael
시카모어 가족은 사업가였지만 인생을 즐기는 것에 역점을 두기 시작 한 반더호프 할아버지에 의해 이끌어지는 별난 가족이다. 시카모어 가족 일원은 누구나 자신들이 하고 싶은 것을 하며 산다. 할아버지의 딸인 페니 시카모어는 우연히 집으로 타자기가 배달된 것을 계기로 소설가가 되는가 하면 페니의 남편은 지하실에서 폭죽을 만드는 것에 열을 올리고, 또 그 두 부부의 딸인 에씨는 발레 지도 선생의 평가와는 달리 자신이 최고의 발레리나라고 꿈꾸는가 하면, 에씨의 남편 에드는 일보다는 실로폰을 연주하거나 에씨가 만든 사탕을 하나하나 포장지에 싸서 파는 것으로 시간을 보낸다. 시카모어 가족에서 정상적인 단 한 사람 앨리스 시카모어는 부유한 토니 커비와 사랑에 빠지는데, 고루하고 거만한 커비 일가가 시카모어 가족의 집에 저녁 식사를 하러 오면서 재앙 같은 사건이 벌어진다.