Self (archive footage)
Ossie Davis narrates a history of "race films," films made before 1950 which catered to a primarily black audience.
(archive footage)
This insightful documentary features some of the major and most beautiful actresses to grace the silver screen. It shows how the movie industry changed its depiction of sex and actresses' portrayal of sex from the silent movie era to the present. Classic scenes are shown from the silent movie 'True Heart Susie,' starring Lillian Gish, to 'Love Me Tonight' (1932), blending sex and sophistication, starring Jeanette MacDonald (pre-Nelson Eddy), and to Elizabeth Taylor in 'A Place in the Sun' (1951), plus much , much more.
Woman (uncredited)
1878년 황폐한 오클라호마 인디언 보호지역
이곳에서 질병과 기아에 굶주린 최후의 샤이언족 1천 여명이 그들의 원래 고향인 와이오밍으로 대 이주를 결심하고 감행하지만 그것을 저지하려는 백인들과의 처절한 사투가 벌어진다.
Family Council Member (uncredited)
전직 해군이었던 단짝친구 마이클과 토마스. 남태평양의 아름다운 섬에서 생애 최고의 환상적인 날들을 보내고 있는 이들은 또 다른 친구인 닥터 데드햄과 함께 어울리며 흥미진진한 파라다이스의 인생을 즐기는 중이다. 그러던 어느 날 이들 앞에 아름다운 아가씨 아멜리아가 등장한다. 아버지를 찾아 이곳까지 왔다는 그녀. 아멜리아의 아버지는 바로 마이클의 친구 닥터 데드햄이다. 아멜리아의 등장은 이 아름다운 파라다이스에 또 다른 사건을 몰고 오는데...
Mourner at Wake (uncredited)
In a changing world where television has become the main source of information, Adam Caulfield, a young sports journalist, witnesses how his uncle, Frank Skeffington, a veteran and honest politician, mayor of a New England town, tries to be reelected while bankers and captains of industry conspire in the shadows to place a weak and manageable candidate in the city hall.
Hysterical Passenger
A terrified stewardess is stalked by her psychotic estranged husband.
'Grandma' Edwards
An inmate is persuaded to take part in a breakout by cellmates anxious to cash in on loot they believe she has hidden.
Dark Cloaked Woman at Fort Guarding Deranged Woman (uncredited)
이산 에드워즈는 남북전쟁 후 텍사스의 목장에 있는 집으로 돌아온다. 그는 동생과 동생의 처인 마사 곁에서 쉬고 싶어한다. 그러나 인디언인 코만치 무리들의 습격으로 그의 이러한 바람은 처참히 짓밟아진다. 복수를 다짐하며 이산은 인디언에게 납치된 조카 데비를 찾아 인디언과 백인 혼혈인 조카 마틴과 함께 머나먼 길을 떠난다. 그러나 마틴은 추적이 계속되어가면서, 삼촌의 인디언을 향한 강한 적개심을 알게 된다. 그로 인해 이제는 인디언으로 동화된 조카 데비를 죽이려고 하는 게 아닌가 의심을 품게 되는데...
Mrs. Manners
미디어 재벌인 에이모스 카인이 죽자 그의 사업체는 유일한 상속자인 아들에게 넘어간다. 아들은 평소 요트와 여자에만 빠져 있어서 회사 경영에는 관심이 없었다. 아들 카인은 회장직을 차지하자마자 회사 주요 간부들을 불러 모은다. 카인은 흥미로운 제안을 한다. 그는 최고 이사장 직을 비워둘 테니 경쟁을 통해서 그 자리에 오를 사람을 결정하겠단다. 이 게임에는 신문사 편집장인 그리피스, 통신사를 경영하는 마크 러빙, 칼럼리스트가 참여한다. 그리고 한 명 더. 게임 장을 서성이는 남자가 하나 있다. 영화의 주인공인 모블리는 방송에 출연하는 아나운서다. 그는 게임에 거리를 두면서도 가장 적극적으로 게임에 참여하는 사람이다. 신문사, 칼럼리스트, 방송사 즉, 카인 미디어를 움직이는 세 사람이 게임에 참여하면서 미디어 내 분파들 간의 암투가 간접적으로 드러나기 시작한다. 게임의 내용은 ‘립스틱 살인 사건’이다. 영화 초반부에 한 여성이 살해되는 사건이 일어나고, 카인은 죽기 직전, 이 사건을 1면에 싣게 하면서 사회적으로 큰 이슈가 되도록 하는데...
Mrs. Cobb, Steve's Landlady (uncredited)
A cop framed for a murder he did not commit hunts the San Francisco waterfront for the Mob racketeers who are responsible.
Emigrant (uncredited)
남북전쟁이 끝난 후 여기저기 떠돌던 클린트와 벤 형제는 우연히 만난 재스퍼의 돈을 훔치려 하지만 재스퍼로부터 의외의 제안을 받는다. 소떼를 몰고 몬타나까지 안전히 가준다면 더 큰 돈을 주겠다는 것이다. 제안을 수락한 형제는 거센 겨울 눈보라를 뚫고 목적지를 향하던 중 넬라라는 매력적인 여성을 만난다. (한국시네마테크협의회)
Witch in 'Macbeth' (uncredited)
Prince of Players is a biographical film about the 19th century American actor Edwin Booth.
Malibu Party Guest (uncredited)
연예계의 숨겨진 일화를 그린 영화. 영화배우 겸 가수로 주가를 높이고 있는 노먼 메인은 부와 명예를 지니고 있지만 삶이 권태롭다. 그런 어느 날 친구들과 다운비트 클럽에 갔다가 무명 가수 에스터의 선천적인 재질을 발견, 자신의 상대역으로 발탁시킨다. 두 사람은 점차 사랑하는 사이로 발전하고 비키 에스터라는 이름으로 바꾼 노먼은 팬들의 야유를 무릅쓰고 그녀를 공연에 출연시켜 대성공을 거두어 에스터는 하루 아침에 스타가 된다. 노먼과 에스터는 비밀리에 결혼식을 올리고 네바다 주의 사막에다 그들만의 보금자리를 꾸민다. 하지만 에스터의 인기가 높아 갈수록 노먼은 슬럼프에 빠지게 되면서 두 사람의 행복은 금이 가기 시작하는데...
Jerusalem Woman Aiding Demetrius (uncredited)
티베리우스 황제 치하 18년의 로마. 마루셀루스(Marcellus Gallio : 리차드 버튼 분)는 원로원의 유명한 갈리오 의원의 아들로 여자와 도박에 빠져 지낸다. 어느 날 마르셀루스는 그리스인 노예 드미트리우스(Demetrius : 빅터 마츄 분)의 경매에서 왕세자 칼리굴라(Caligula : 제이 로빈슨 분)가 드미트리우스를 원한다는 걸 알면서도 높은 가격을 불러 드미트리우스를 차지한다. 이 일을 계기로 마르셀루스는 예루살렘 수비대로 쫓겨난다. 마르셀루스는 예루살렘에서 예수라는 청년과 다른 두 사람을 십자가형에 처한다. 그후 꿈에 예수가 걸쳤던 성의가 나타나 악몽에 시달리고, 마침내 성의를 찾아내 없애버리기로 결심한다. 그러나 성의는 자유인이 되어 떠난 드미트리우스의 손에 있었다. 마르셀루스는 드미트리우스를 찾아 나서고 그 과정에서 많은 기독교인들을 만나게 된다. 마침내 마르셀루스는 드미트리우스를 찾아 성의를 손에 넣는다. 마르셀루스가 성의에 손을 대는 순간 평화와 안식을 느끼고, 성의의 주인인 예수의 추종자로 돌아선다. 한편 칼리굴라는 마르셀루스가 기독교인의 무리에 합류했다는 소식을 접하고, 그를 체포하기 위해 혈안이 된다.
Anna Swenson (Uncredited)
Whitney Cameron is in a quandary: he's attracted to his beautiful sister-in-law, Lynn, but also harbors serious suspicions about her. Her husband, Cameron's brother, died under mysterious circumstances, and now that the death of her stepchild, Polly, has been attributed to poisoning, he suspects that Lynn is after his late brother's estate, and killing everyone in her way.
GAR Woman at the Ball
켄터키의 작은 마을, 늙은 판사 프리스트는 재선에 도전한다. 경쟁자인 오만한 검사 메이듀는 노골적으로 프리스트의 판결에 불만을 표하기도 한다. 한편, 호탕한 청년 애쉬비는 아름다운 루시에게 반해 그녀를 위해 결투까지 하게 되는데, 다행히 프리스트가 나서 결투를 중지시킨다. 어느 늦은 밤, 흑인 청년이 백인 처녀를 강간했다는 혐의로 붙잡히고, 프리스트는 증거가 불충분하다고 판단한다. 마을사람들은 흑인을 옹호한 프리스트의 결정에 반발하는데, 과연 프리스트는 선거에서 이길 수 있을까?
Woman to Whom Norman Gave His Seat (uncredited)
1912년, 최대 호화 여객선 타이타닉 호가 아메리카를 연결하는 처녀 항해에 나선다. 상류층인 스터니 부인(Julia Sturges: 바브라 스탠 위크 분)은 남편인 리차드(Richard Ward Sturges: 클리프톤 웨브 분)와의 불화로 아네트(Annette: 오드리 달튼 분)와 아들을 데리고, 타이타닉호에 승선한다. 아들을 따라온 리차드는 가족들과 만나지만 아내는 냉담하기만 하다. 한편 타이타닉의 승무원인 기프 로저스(Giff Rogers: 로버트 와그너 분)는 승선하는 아네트를 보고 첫눈에 반한다. 부모님의 불화로 마음을 둘곳 없던 아네트 역시 그의 순수한 마음에 이끌려, 결국 이들은 신분의 차이를 넘어선 사랑에 빠진다. 한편, 뉴 펀들랜드 남방에 가까워질 무렵, 빙산의 위험을 알리는 여러번의 경고가 타이타닉 호에 전달된다. 그러나 선장은 이 경고를 무시하고 속력을 줄이지 않은 채 항해를 계속한다. 그 결과 출항한지 4일만에 타이타닉은 빙산과 부딪혀 침몰하기 시작한다.
Maid (Uncredited)
Upon awaking in the morning, a man finds his thoughts clouded by the possibility that he committed a murder.
Father Paul's Mother (uncredited)
미국에서 아일랜드로 온 숀은 곧장 이니스프리로 향한다. 동네 사람들은 그를 관광객이라 생각하지만 사실 7대 째 이 마을에서 나고 자란 토박이 출신이다. 마을에 도착한 숀은 양을 돌보는 아름다운 여인 메리를 만나 첫 눈에 사랑에 빠지지만 자신이 태어났던 옛 집의 소유권 문제 때문에 메리의 오빠 레드와 다투기 시작한다.
Maid (uncredited)
Radio star Kitty Moran, long married to partner Jack, finds she's pregnant, but miscarries. For a change, the couple turn their act into a series on early TV and try to adopt a baby. Finally they acquiring a girl in a somewhat back alley manner.
Mrs. O'Brien (uncredited)
서부의 유명한 총잡이인 지미 링고는 가는데마다 멋모르는 젊은이들 때문에 늘 싸움에 휘말린다. 그러던 중 에디라는 청년을 죽이게 되고, 그의 세 형에게 쫓긴다. 그는 사랑하는 여인인 페기와 아들이 있는 마을로 가지만 페기는 그를 만나주려 하지 않고 그녀를 기다리며 설득하는 동안 에디의 형들은 그를 쫓아 마을까지 온다. 가까스로 그 형들은 따돌렸지만 그 마을의 망나니인 헌트가 뒤에서 총을 쏘는 바람에 지미 링고는 죽게 된다. 그는 죽으며 헌트에게 벌을 내리는 대신 자신처럼 유명인으로서 쫓기며 살게 하라고 당부한다.
Leonard Borland loves his monied wife, but with his wrecking business looking shaky he treasures her all the more. So when she decides to try again to become an opera singer he indulges her. While organising a concert for her he meets glamorous Cecil Carver. She in turn discovers Leonard has a splendid voice, and encourages him to use it for reasons very much her own.
Sister Hattie
John Breen (John Wayne), a Kentucky militiaman falls in love with French exile Fleurette De Marchand (Vera Ralston). He discovers a plot to steal the land that Fleurette's exiles plan to settle on and aims to foil it.
Greenleaf's Maid (uncredited)
A scientist discovers a formula that makes a baseball which is repelled by wood. He promptly sets out to exploit his discovery.
Mrs. King
After surviving a murder attempt, an auto magnate goes into hiding so his wife can pay for the crime.
Miss Jenkins (uncredited)
시골에서 이주한 지 얼마 안 되어 소외감을 떨치지 못하는 데보라, 겉으로는 남편과 행복해 보이지만 진정한 교감을 이루지 못하는 리타, 가난한 집안 출신으로 부자 남편과 결혼해 재력을 자랑하는 로라 메이는 공동의 친구 애디 로스로부터 그녀들의 남편들 중 한 사람과 떠난다는 편지를 받는다. 정확하게 누구의 남편인지 알지 못하는 상황에서, 세 여인은 부부 생활의 결정적 장면과 회한을 되새기는데....
Mrs. Perley Sweet
3인의 강도단 로버트, 페드로, 윌리엄이 애리조나주의 작은 마을에 도착한다. 그들은 마을 초입에서 우연히 벅과 인사를 나누게 되는데, 사실 벅은 보안관이다. 수상한 낌새를 알아챈 벅은 이들을 눈여겨보는데, 아니나다를까 곧 이들이 은행을 털어 달아난다. 벅이 그들을 추격하는데, 윌리엄이 그만 총상을 입고 만다. 도주한 세 사람은 사막지대를 헤매는데, 물도 떨어지고 모래폭풍 때문에 결국은 말도 잃는다. 한편, 세 사람은 버려진 마차에서 금방이라도 아이를 낳을 것 같은 만삭의 여인을 발견한다. 그들은 그녀를 도와 아이를 받고, 그녀는 세 사람의 이름을 따 아기의 이름을 짓고, 아기를 돌봐줄 것을 부탁하고는 숨을 거둔다. 3인의 무법자는 아기를 무사히 안전한 곳으로 데려가기로 한다.
Molly Thatcher
A state welfare agent persuades a Maine lobsterman to take a troubled orphan boy aboard.
Mrs. Gates
아파치 요새는 본부대에서 떨어진 작은 요새로 남북 전쟁에 참전했던 보잘것없는 무리들이 모여 있다. 이 부대에 새로운 사령관인 오웬 더스데이 중령(헨리 폰다)이 그의 사랑스러운 딸 필라델피아를 데리고 부임한다. 그는 새롭게 부임한 요새에 대해 치욕감을 느끼고 자신이 명예를 회복하고 자신이 능력 있는 지도자임을 증명하기 위해 고심한다. 결국 그의 야심은 부하들과의 갈등을 야기시킨다. 필라델피아가 하사관 아들인 젊은 중위 마이클과 사랑에 빠지면서 그의 속물근성은 딸과의 사이도 악화시킨다. 그러나 가장 큰 사건은 더스데이 중령이 자신의 야망을 성취하기 위해 경험 많은 요크 대위(존 웨인)의 충고를 무시하고 아파치와의 전쟁을 꾀하면서 일어난다.
Race Spectator (uncredited)
The romance of a rancher's niece and a rival rancher's son parallels that of a stallion and a mare.
Woman Leaving Apartment (uncredited)
Daisy Kenyon is a Manhattan commercial artist having an affair with an arrogant and overbearing but successful lawyer named Dan O'Mara. O'Mara is married and has children. Daisy meets a single man, a war veteran named Peter Lapham, and after a brief and hesitant courtship decides to marry him, although she is still in love with Dan.
Resort Guest (uncredited)
In this chronicle of a vaudeville family, Myrtle McKinley (class of 1900) goes to San Francisco to attend business school, but ends up in a chorus line. Soon, star Frank Burt notices her talent, hires her for a "two-act", then marries her. Incidents of the marriage and the growing pains of eldest daughter Miriam are followed, interspersed with nostalgic musical numbers.
Woman in Santa Line (uncredited)
아빠 없이 자란 수잔은 산타클로스 할아버지의 존재에 대해 의문을 갖고 있었으나 이런 생각은 엄마가 일하는 백화점에서 산타로 일하는 크리의 등장으로 완전히 바뀌게 된다.
수잔에게 산타의 존재를 믿게 하려는 크리의 노력으로 수잔은 물론이고 그 주변의 사람들도 마침내 사랑과 밑음, 그리고 가족의 소중함에 대해 새로이 눈을 뜨기 시작한다.
Simpson's Sister (uncredited)
멕시코에서 사들인 수천 두의 소를 몰고 와이어트 어프는 세명의 동생과 함께 캘리포니아로 떠난다. 툼스톤 마을 부근에서 야영중 막내 동생에게 소떼를 맡기고 마을에 갔다와보니 동생이 살해되고 소떼도 흔적도 없이 사라지 만다. 어프는 이 도둑떼들이 부근의 악당 클랜턴 부자일거라고 생각하고 복수를 위해 보안관이 된다. 어프는 두 동생을 보조원으로 채용하고 이들을 쫒기 시작한다. 당시 툼스톤 마을은 무법천지였고 어프는 술집에서 홀리데이 박사와 교류하며 절친한 친구 사이가 된다. 어느날 어프는 박사의 정부인 치와와가 살해된 동생의 장식품으로 치장한 것을 발견하고 추궁한 결과 클랜턴의 아들 빌리가 주었다는 것을 알게 되지만 치와와는 빌리의 총에 죽고 만다. 어프의 동생 버질은 이 사실을 알게 되자 빌리를 사살하고 그의 아버지인 클랜턴이 등뒤에서 쏜 총에 맞아 죽는다. 어프는 남은 동생 모건과 홀리데이 박사와 함께 OK 목장에서 총격전을 벌이며 일당을 일망타진한다.
Woman Watching Parade (uncredited)
Clint Barkley first sees Smoky as a runaway, and drives him back to the ranch where he meets the owner, Julie Richards. He is given a job on her ranch, but the head cowhand is doubtful about Clint and fears that since he refuses to talk about himself, he must have some dreadful secret in his past. Clint and Smoky become close to each other, weathering the hardships of Western life and the suspicions of others together, until one day, Smoky tragically vanishes. Will Clint ever see him again?
Fisherwoman (uncredited)
작가인 리차드는 사랑스러운 엘렌과 사랑에 빠져 결혼하게 된다. 그러나 행복한 그들에게 곧 어두움의 그림자가 드리워지게 된다. 그의 형과 엘렌 사이에서 태어나지 못했던 아이가 있었음을 알게되었는데 그것이 형에대한 엘렌의 터무니없는 질투심에서 시작되었음을 알게되었다. 그녀는 점점 가족에 대한 태도가 돌변하게되고, 예기치 못했던 사건들이 생겨나면서 점점 불행의 늪으로 빠져들게 된다. 엘렌은 점점 스스로를 제어할 수 없는 감정에 이르게 되는데...
Tynmore Sister (uncredited)
브루클린의 가난한 아일랜드 이민자 가정. 책을 좋아하는 당찬 13살 소녀 프랜시는 아버지 조니를 무척 따른다. 엄마 케이티는 악착같이 살림을 꾸리려 하지만, 조니는 안정된 일자리보다 꿈을 그린다. 그러던 중 케이티는 셋째를 임신하고, 조니에게 프랜시가 학교를 그만두게 해야겠다고 한다. 딸이 얼마나 학교를 좋아하는지 아는 조니는 눈보라 속에 일자리를 구하러 간다. 베티 스미스의 동명 소설을 각색한 카잔의 데뷔작으로, 가난한 이민자 가정의 소녀 프랜시의 성장을 그렸다. (2017년 영화의 전당 - 엘리아 카잔 특별전)
Leah (uncredited)
나는 영국의 불황기였던 1820년에 태어났다. 돈과 지위가 전부였고 사랑이란 단어는 냉대받던 시절이다. 종교는 편협과 잔혹이란 가면을 쓰고 있었으며 가난하고 불행한 자들이 갈 곳은 없었다. 나는 부모 형제가 없는 고아로 게이트헤드의 리드 숙모님 댁에서 어린 시절을 보냈다. 나는 그녀에게서 따뜻한 말 한마디를 들은 기억이 없다.
Madame Blanche - Townswoman (uncredited)
프랑스 산골마을 루르드. 가난한 집안의 맏이로 태어난 베르나데트는 어린 시절부터 천식을 앓았다. 병약한 소녀이긴 했지만 천성적으로는 티없이 맑고 착한 소녀였다. 어느 날 동생과 함께 땔감을 줍기위해 나가서 우연히 발견한 동굴에 호기심을 갖고 들어가서 뜻밖에 일을 겪게된다. 베르나데트가 성모를 보았다는 소문이 돌기 시작하고 그에 사람들과 신문을 통해 그녀는 프랑스 전역에 알려지게 된다. 베르나데트는 시당국의 탄압을 받게 되고, 베르나데트가 파 놓은 땅속에서 샘물이 솟아 오르고 병자들이 치유되는 기적이 일어나면서 소문을 들은 사람들은 시골마을인 루르드로 모여 들게 되는데.... 그리고 성모로부터 은총을 받은 베르나데트는 수련수녀가 되어 수녀원으로 가게되는데...
Miss Hartwig
A forger steals and kills for a rare book from a library in order to make forgeries to sell to rich suckers.
The story of a small town in Norway that resists German occupation during World War II. Based on a John Steinbeck novel.
Mrs. Sloan
Roger Hudson, a wealthy businessman who has moved to Washington to work for the government as a "dollar a year man," is late for a radio broadcast about his new department, the Mobilization of Woman Power for War. He takes a cab driven by Dixie Dugan, who hopes that being a cabbie while the country's men are away fighting will help the war effort. Her incompetent driving, however, results in an accident for which Roger must take responsibility in order to reach the radio station in time. Dixie then returns home, where she lives with her father Timothy, who is constantly practicing his air raid warden duties, her mother Gladys, an aspiring Red Cross worker, and cousin Imogene, who studies incessantly to become a "quiz kid." The Dugans rent out their spare rooms to Dixie's fiancé, Matt Hogan, and to blustering Judge J. J. Lawson. Matt, who works in a munitions factory, wants Dixie to settle down and marry him, but Dixie is determined to help her country.
Old Lady (uncredited)
Compassionate small-town lawyer Richard Clarke moves to New York City to seek his fortune, but is unsuccessful until he takes a friend's advice and tries to convince the world he's a ruthless heel. Suddenly he's the most popular lawyer in town -- but he could lose his fiancée.
Mrs. Inge (uncredited)
The ghost of a murdered man returns to Earth to help a young couple find his killer.
Mrs. Stone (uncredited)
Wartime documentary propagandizing for greater participation in the U.S. war effort during the Second World War.
Mrs. Phillips (uncredited)
Biography of Edgar Allan Poe and the women in his life.
Autograph Seeker (uncredited)
Private detective Michael Shayne is on the case again, but this time he's stuck on a jury for a murder trial. So, what does he do? Why, he skips out on sequestration in order to solve the case himself!
Molly (Robinson sequence)
Ten screenwriters collaborated on this series of tales concerning the effect a tailcoat cursed by its tailor has on those who wear it. The video release features a W.C. Fields segment not included in the original theatrical release.
Aunt Mae (uncredited)
A washed up baseball player returns to Brooklyn to manage his old team but an old sports reporter is eager to prove that he is a loser.
Mrs. Purdy (uncredited)
Sir Arthur Blake has inherited title and lands from his brother. He also has his orphaned nephew Benjamin working for him as a bonded servant. While he believes the lad was born out of wedlock and so cannot claim the inheritance, he is taking no chances. Benjamin eventually rebels against his uncle and sets sail to try and make his fortune. This may enable him to return to prove his claim to being the rightful heir to the estate.
Mrs. Bertha Toby
In order to win back his girlfriend, Mike Shayne promises to give up his detective practice and get a job as riveter in an aircraft plant. He quickly finds himself investigating the theft of industrial diamonds from the plant's safe and, utilizing a variety of false identities, traces them first to a dress factory and later to a Hawaii-bound ocean liner. Escaping several attempts on his life, he is able to uncover a Nazi smuggling ring, but the location of the missing diamonds continues to elude him.
Elderly schoolteacher Nora Trinell, waiting to meet presidential nominee Dewey Roberts, recalls him as her student back in 1916 and his relation to Dan Hopkins, the man she married and lost.
Mrs. McCord (uncredited)
A hunter happens upon a fugitive and his daughter living in a Georgia swamp. He falls in love with the girl and persuades the fugitive to return to town.
Aunt Martha
Laurel and Hardy join the army. They are hardly soldiers, but they believe their employer, (Dick Nelson) will need them now he's drafted.
Preacher's Wife (uncredited)
After her family's mansion is burned down by Yankee soldiers for hiding the rebel leader Captain Sam Starr (Scott) Belle Shirley (Tierney) vows to take revenge. Breaking Starr out of prison, she joins his small guerrilla group for a series of raids on banks and railroads, carpetbaggers and enemy troops. Belle's bravado during the attacks earns her a reputation amongst the locals as well as the love of Starr himself. The pair get married, but their relationship starts to break down when Sam Starr lets a couple of psychotic rebels into the gang, leaving Belle to wonder if he really cares about the Southern cause.
Night Manager (uncredited)
A woman-hater who inherits a beauty salon gets a new perspective on females after capturing a gang of thieves.
County Clerk's Assistant (uncredited)
조지아 주 사바나 강가의 토바코 로드(Tobacco Road)에 가난하고 게으른 ‘지터 레스터’가 아내 에이다, 아들 듀드, 혼기를 넘긴 딸 엘리 메이와 함께 살고 있다. 은행에 담보로 들어간 이 가족들의 집에 대해 은행가인 조지 페인이 100달러의 임대료를 요구하고 조상대대로 살던 집에서 쫓겨나게 생긴 지터는 베시 라이스에게 돈을 빌려달라고 한다. 베시 라이스는 죽은 전남편의 보험금 800달러가 갖고 있었지만 그 돈으로 새 차를 구입해 20세밖에 안된 지터의 아들 듀드와 결혼해서 자동차를 구입해 목회를 꾸리려는 계획을 세우고 실행에 옮긴다. 지터는 베시의 차를 팔아 돈을 챙기려는 한편 어린 아내가 집을 떠나 상심한 벤지에게 큰 딸인 메리 엘리와 결혼시키려고 한다. 한바탕 소동을 치르던 중 실의에 빠진 지터에게 캡틴 팀은 자신이 은행에 돈을 갚아주었다며 6개월 더 살 수 있게 되었다는 반가운 소식과 함께 10달러를 쥐어주며 목화씨와 비료를 구입해 농사를 지으라고 희망을 안겨준다.
Maria Liggett
Wendy Ballantine's parents decide to retire from show biz so she can have a normal life. They are unwelcome in the small town until a storm lets the family show their stuff.
Muley's Wife (uncredited)
톰 조드는 감옥에서 막 출소하여 어머니와 가족이 있는 곳으로 돌아온다. 어쩌다 싸움에 휘말렸다가 실수로 사람을 죽여 4년을 복역한 뒤 가석방된 것이다. 하지만 돌아온 현실은 어둡기만 하다. 지독한 가뭄 그리고 거대 회사와 은행 빚에 쪼들리다 못해 가족은 쫓겨나기 직전이다. 마침내 톰 조드의 가족은 일자리가 넘친다는 낙원의 땅 캘리포니아로 이주를 결정한다. 고물 트럭에 삼대가 모두 타고 길을 떠난다. 한때는 마을의 존경받는 목사였으나 지금은 걸인이 된 케이시도 그들과 함께 간다. 하지만 우여곡절 끝에 도착한 그곳은 듣던 것과 다르다. 여기도 악독한 농장주들이 폭력과 술수를 동원해 배고픈 하층민들을 갈취하고 있다. 톰 조드는 이 모든 과정을 겪으며 사회를 보는 새로운 눈, 사회 개혁 의지를 갖게 된다.
Mrs. Stetson
A man involved in a crime (Nolan) kills his key witness by mistake and resigns himself to death. He changes his name so as not to harm his family. The law is not content with his explanation, however.
Mrs. Jonathan Fry (uncredited)
Swanee River is a 1940 American biopic about Stephen Foster, a songwriter from Pittsburgh who falls in love with the South, marries a Southern girl, then is accused of sympathizing when the Civil War breaks out. Typical of 20th Century Fox biopics of the time, the film is more fictional than factual biography.
Pioneer Woman (uncredited)
젊은 농부 길버트 마틴과 부유한 집안에서 자란 아름다운 여인 라나는 결혼을 하고 부부는 뉴욕주 ‘모호크 계곡’의 새로운 농장을 마련해 산다. 라나는 거친 농장 생활에 힘들어하지만, 점차 익숙해진다. 행복도 잠시 미국독립전쟁이 터지고, 영국인들에게 매수당한 인디안 ‘모호크족’이 그들의 마을로 쳐들어온다. 길버트와 라나는 농장을 잃고, 설상가장으로 길버트는 전쟁에 참전하게 되는데...
Extra as Empire State Building Tourist
New York store clerk joins a hobo and an illegal immigrant heading for his newly bought land in Arizona.
Carlotta Blakeford
With a full Hollywood background and settings but more an expose of scandal-and-gossip magazines of the era, has-been actor John Blakeford agrees to write his memoirs for magazine-publisher Jordan Winston. When Blakeford's daughter, Patricia, ask him to desist for the sake of his ex-wife, Carlotta Blakeford, he attempts to break his contract with Winston.
Mrs. Mary Novak
A simple Pennsylvania coal miner is drawn into the violent conflict between union workers and management.
His Wife
A young couple struggling against poverty must keep their marriage a secret in order for the husband to keep his job, as his boss doesn't like to hire married men.
지루한 겨울 오후에, 앨리스는 꿈꾸며, 그녀는 거울 뒤에있는 땅을 방문하고 있습니다. 이것은 그녀의 크기를 바꾸거나 플라밍고로 크로켓을 치는 것과 같은 이상한 일들이 일어나는 초현실적 인 악몽으로 드러납니다.
Mother Scott
Featuring members of the 1931 National Champion football team from the University of Southern California Trojans, with team members Russell Saunders and Oscar "Dutch" Hendrian also cast in roles other than just team members.
Aunt Jane
A young girl from Sunnybrook goes to live with her wealthy relatives and falls in love with a doctor. Adapted from Kate Douglas Wiggin's famous novel.
Ma Shelby
In their farm house in a New York village, Ma Shelby prepares breakfast for her four children, Isaac, Tommy, Johnny and Susan, and then awakens them. The racket the boys make as they play and fight awakens their father, who spanks the eldest, Isaac. When a visitor chides Pa for not working, Ma sticks up for her husband, saying that he has a weak back and that he is waiting for a promised government job.
Part of a 7-part series exploring all aspects of Hollywood.
Odile Etrange
When bored courtesan Zelie de Chaumet begs her lover, the corrupt and powerful Stetz, to take her slumming, the pair encounter Pierre Boucheron, alias 'The Rat' , boy-king of the Paris underworld, and the innocent Odile. Love, life and jewels are risked and lost in this powerful romantic melodrama as the four characters' lives are changed by this chance encounter for ever.
A wealthy young Southern aristocrat, Joseph, graduates from a seminary and, before he takes charge of his assigned parish, decides to go out and see what "the real world" is all about. He winds up in New Orleans and finds himself attracted to a poor, unsophisticated orphan girl, Bessie. One thing leads to another, and before long Bessie finds that she is pregnant with Joseph's child.
Paddy Adair
A girl refuses the attentions of a young playboy with whom her sister is in love.
Dorothy Hawke
Dorothy, a young girl, is seduced by her father's chauffeur. She gives birth to a child who is given to the chauffeur's wife. The chauffeur, on a drunken binge murders the child, unaware that the child is his own.
The Little Dear One
After the relatively low box office takings of 'Intolerance', D. W. Griffith would revisit his epic film three years later by releasing two of the film's interlocking stories as standalone features, with some new additional footage. The second of these was 'The Mother and the Law', which demonstrates how crime, moral puritanism, and conflicts between ruthless capitalists and striking workers help ruin the lives of marginal Americans.
Lucille Cameron
Lucille Cameron, the spirited daughter of a Kentucky colonel, discovers that her father is nearly bankrupt as a result of his dealings with New York horseman and stock promoter Jim De Luce....
Belgian Girl
The Kaiser is playing cards with King Albert of Italy, who loses, but is rescued by Miss Liberty Loan.
Susan Sweeney
Susan Sweeney inherits a country hotel. When she arrives to take possession, she discovers it to be not the palatial resort she believed, but a run-down inn with an attached saloon. As she struggles to make something of her new operation, she becomes involved in the life and difficulties of her new community....
Marjorie Caner
When Marjorie Caner returns from abroad, she is quite lonely in her millionaire father's big house. Learning that a young poet, Anthony Quintard, is living in poverty next door while working on the libretto of a great opera, she skips across the roofs and brings him a Christmas banquet. The poet sees Marjorie, and knowing that he detests wealth, she pretends to be the secretary of the Caner family.....
In the poorest section of the city lives Nell, who spends her days at her grandfather's bird store, finding constant delight in the companionship of her feathered friends. One day Nell's grandfather is run over by a car driven by Mr. Morris, a millionaire, who offers to purchase a bullfinch at a large price in order to forestall a damage suit.
When circus aerialist Polly Fisher is injured, she is taken to the nearby home of minister John Hartley. The two fall in love and marry secretly. But when the news leaks out, the minister loses his pastorate over disdain by the parishioners for Polly's background as a performer. Polly must decide whether to stay with the man she loves or leave him for the good of his calling.
The Dear One (Modern Story)
서로 다른 시기에 발생한 이야기를 동시에 진행한, 구성이 매우 복잡한 흑백 작품으로, 20세기 초 미국 젊은이들의 고민, 16세기 유럽 종교개혁 시기의 위그노 학살, 예수의 생애에 대한 에피소드, 고대의 바빌로니아 이야기가 동시에 등장한다. 선구자적인 이런 시도는 다음 세대 영화인에게 영감의 원천이 되었다. 시간적으로는 서양 고대에서 20세기 현대를, 공간적으로는 오리엔트에서 출발해 지중해를 지나 서유럽을 거쳐 미국 역사를 동시에 다루었다. 흥행에는 실패하였지만 데이비드 와크 그리피스는 이 작품으로 영화 예술의 아버지라 불렸다.
Brutal rental agent Joseph McGuire demands that Molly-O marry McGuire's son Denny, lest her family be thrown out of their humble shack. But Molly-O prefers the company of carriage driver Larry O'Dea, who unfortunately is just as broke as she is. Or is he?
Julie / the Child-Wife
When the son of a leader of a Paris underworld family known as The Apaches is arrested and tried in court, the boy's mother asks the judge for mercy, but he refuses. In retaliation, the family kidnaps the judge's young daughter, and raises her to be one of their own, schooling her in the ways of crime.
Hoodoo Ann
A teenage orphan is taken in by a childless couple and quickly falls for the boy next door.
Flora Cameron
북의 스톤맨가는 과격한 노예제 폐지론자인 아버지 오스틴 스톤맨과 두 아들, 아버지를 보살피는 딸 엘지가 있었다. 카메론의 두 아들이 남부의 피에드몽에 있는 스톤맨가를 방문한다. 카메론가의 맏아들인 벤은 친구인 스톤맨이 갖고 있던 동생 엘지의 사진을 보고 한눈에 반한다. 그후 전쟁의 기운이 몰아치고 북의 통치를 거부하는 남의 분리선언으로 남북전쟁의 소용돌이에 휘말리고 두 가문의 남자들 역시 전쟁에 참가하게 된다. 2년반의 치열한 전투 끝에 남부는 항복을 하고 링컨은 남부에 온건 정책을 쓴다. 그러나 링컨이 존 윌키스에게 저격을 당하여 사망하자 스톤맨이 실권을 장악한다. 남부는 스톤맨의 총애를 받는 혼혈인 린치에게 그 권한이 넘겨진다. 그러나 남부의 무정부적 상태에서 벤의 여동생이 흑인 거스에 의하여 절벽에 떨어져 죽는다. 분노한 백인 암살단은 대학살을 예고하고...
남북의 대립 이전부터 친교를 갖고 있던 북과 남의 훌륭한 두 백인 가문, 스톤맨가와 카메론가의 가족들이 남북 전쟁을 전후로 하여 겪게 되는 사랑과 갈등, 치열한 삶과 죽음의 곡예, 그리고 이들의 정치적 대립과 의식의 변화 과정을 당시의 역사적인 사실을 바탕으로 하여 사실적으로 촬영되었다.
Participant in Mob Scene (uncredited)
This shows the regeneration of a gang leader, who remains true to his first sweetheart after his change of fortune.
Molly Boone
Molly Boone's father has been sent to prison for twenty years for alleged complicity in the killing of a revenue officer, Uriah Hudson, whom she secretly suspects of having a hand in sending her father to prison, is her persistent suitor.
The Maid
Thwarted by his despotic uncle from continuing his love affair, a young man's thoughts turn dark as he dwells on ways to deal with his uncle. Becoming convinced that murder is merely a natural part of life, he kills his uncle and hides the body. However, the man's conscience awakens; Paranoia sets in and nightmarish visions begin to haunt him.
Jennie Joyce
A dramatic comparison between the mating habits of animals and the way humans choose their own partners. The film is now considered to be a lost film.
Apple Pie Mary Smith
John Howard Payne leaves home and begins a career in the theater. Despite encouragement from his mother and his sweetheart, Payne begins to lead a life of dissolute habits, and this soon leads to ruin and misery. In deep despair, he thinks of better days, and writes a song that later provides inspiration to several others in their own times of need.
American lover
Silent biographical action–drama film starring Pancho Villa as himself. The movie incorporates both staged scenes and authentic live footage from real battles during the Mexican Revolution.
A thin gent in formal wear, amid a club or party, reads a book about primitive man after he's ignored by a pretty lady. We see the book enacted: Weakhands loses his girlfriend to Bruteforce, but chances upon a design for a weapon to vanquish his rival and win her back. His tribe sees this and sets him up as their leader. With the club, he fends off various creatures (a winged lizard, a snake, a dinosaur) and a rival tribe led by Monkeywalk. The women even manage to repel an attack. But the rival tribe discovers the secret of the club themselves, and capture the women. Weakhands, sitting in despair, chances upon a new weapon: the bow and arrow.
Griffith adapts the story of the Apocryphal Book of Judith to the screen. During the siege of the Jewish city of Bethulia by the Assyrian tyrant Holofernes, a widow named Judith forms a plan to stop the war as her people suffer in starvation, nearly ready to surrender.
Sally Cameron
Two young girls are sent away to live with their uncle, which sets off a chain of events resulting in an Indian attack on the town.
Ann Calvert - Sister Owner
An oil tycoon corners the market, then cuts jobs and causes much suffering. Because she's lost her job, a young girl almost falls into the hands of white slavers.
The Young Woman
In the home of ease and refinement a new life opens to the girl. She no longer is obliged to resist the sordid way of poverty and sin. The woman's indulged son, overcome by his weakness and debt, robs his mother. It is then the girl saves the home from disgrace.
The Daughter
Behold in this film the Uplifter, a peculiarity of the human species, quite convinced that all that is, is wrong. Forth to the uplift he minds everybody's business but his own, until that business is as clean, pure and spotless as himself. Verily in these later days is there no school of art named, "Minding One's Business."
The Daughter
The hardship of earning an existence for the family made it impossible for the mother to approve the little pretty things which her daughter liked. Lack of attention made her son dissolute, but later the sturdy stock of his mother showed in him and the cozy home he provided for dad and sister made them forget the past.
The Other Parents' Daughter, as an Adult
A little over six minutes survive of this Biograph short. Not to be confused with another Biograph short, Olaf- An Atom (1913, starring Harry Carey, later re-released as The Wanderer), a film not directed by Griffith.
The Little Tease, as an Adult
The supposition was that she was born a tease, for from her first teeth to the time she was almost grown, she vented her witcheries on her unsuspecting parents and the wild things of her mountain home. But that was before the man from the valley lost his way and later found it back again, bearing away the little tease to the valley. While she suffered the qualms of broken faith, her father passed through a like struggle, for he felt the precepts of the "beloved book" had failed him. He closed the door of his cabin upon the world and the light from his window, lighting the wayfarer over the mountain path, disappeared. The struggle over, it came hack in its place in time to beckon the little tease as she left the valley behind.
Rose and her cousin Mary dwell in the land of romance, but real Romeos are scarce in this prosaic age. Yet Rose, in spite of a gay young Lothario who steps in the way of her own true love, finds her way to love-land. That was where Mary's perfidy came in. It showed up Lothario's true character, while at the same time it brought Mary back to her own determined young lover.
Mother, Loving Family
Sim Sloane and his beloved son were the reprobates of the village, not what would be called lovers of peace and kindness. But granddad dwelt in a house filled more with love, and when Sim came in for his brutal sport, he soon went out assisted by granddad. Incited by ridicule and drink, Sim swore to get even. That was where granddad's new supply of powder came in. Sim appropriated it and although he wrecked the house of love, he destroyed through his venom the only thing he cherished in life.
One of Gato's Sweetheart's Friends
This is the story of Gato, an Italian immigrant, who lives with his wife, Marie, and his younger brother, Giuseppe, on a small truck farm in the west. Gato becomes so intent on his work that he neglects to show his wife the little attentions she demands. A foppish wandering Italian, Sandro, sees in this an opportunity to work his ends, but is prevented by the timely interference of Giuseppe.
Undetermined Secondary Role (uncredited)
In this story the young wife concerned is called upon to solve a rather momentous question. After separating from her husband, whom she has discovered to be a brute and a criminal, she is about to give herself to another man, believing her husband dead, when he appears before her fleeing from justice. Shall she deliver him to the law or surrender to his claims? She yields in one instance, but not in the other. Then justice intervenes.
Angelina Millingford - a Maid
In the apartment hotel lived the aspiring maid, whose solicitude maintained order in the bachelor's apartment. He was her ideal, and the all-adoring bell-boy was firmly but gently given to understand that maids who read "Heliotrope Glendening's Advice to Young Ladies" look higher than ice-water toters. A compromising complication, however, with an unexpected visit from a beautiful lady, quite convinces the aspiring one that wealthy young bachelors may be the grandest men ever, but their aspirations, when it comes to the crucial test, are not for chambermaids. Science influences his actions so much that he gets into trouble with the police.
The Tender-Hearted Boy's Sweetheart
A butcher boy steals meat to give to a beggar woman and is ultimately rewarded for his kindness.
The Girl
Summoned to the trading post, granddad promised the girls the money from the deal. He remained true to the end, though it seemed for a time as if his purpose would never he fulfilled. Cunning minds were thwarted and the girl received a double promise.
The Telephone Girl
D.W. Griffith short intercuts two different stories before mixing them together at the end. The film focuses on a telephone girl (Mae Marsh) who leaves work for her lunch break at the same time as "The Lady" (Claire McDowell) goes to a jewelry store to pick up some priceless jewels. When the telephone girl returns to work she gets a phone call from the house of "The Lady" as a robbery (Harry Carey) has broken in and is trying to steal the jewels.
The Wife's Friend
Each night, after the day's work at the factory, the three bachelor friends met and declared anew their attachment over a social glass. They bound themselves to remain thus as long as life might last, never to marry. But one was a traitor, while the other two were called away. A widened breach, a quarrel, fanned the resentment, but true friendship at last claimed its own.
A Town Gossip
To fulfill a dying mother's bequest for her daughter, the town pastor purchases the daughter a stylish hat, and gossip spreads through the town.
The Young Woman
An abusive father and husband attends a play one night and sees that the "villain" in the piece does to his family exactly what he is doing to his own family.
Calumny is one of the most despicable crimes against our neighbor, and while the wife in this story acted conventionally, she nevertheless maligned the other woman simply because of her profession, an actress. While out on a shopping tour, the wife and her husband enter a store, leaving their little child in the auto in the care of the chauffeur. This gentleman pays but scant attention to the child, so the little one wanders off and strolls into the stage door of a theater during the matinee. The parents upon their return to the auto discover the child's absence and trace him to the theater stage, where they find him in the arms of one of the show girls. The mother matches the child from the girl's arms, scornfully exclaiming, "How dare you contaminate my child with your touch?" For this remark, together with the derisive laughter it occasions, the girl vows to be avenged.
An old man tells his grandchildren about prehistoric man: Caveman Weakhands is unable to court a woman because of his physical weakness. Humiliated by Bruteforce, he bumps into Lillywhite, who has also been cowering in her cave in mourning. The two new lovers form a connection, but Bruteforce separates the couple and sends Weakhands scrambling. In his cave, Weakhands thinks up the design of a stone club. With this equalizer, he soon vanquishes Bruteforce and wins Lillywhite back again-- An early step in human progress.
Nora, the waif, is forced to attend school. She warms to her teacher for the way that he defends her against the taunts of some of the students, but when she's made to wear a dunce cap, she flees the schoolhouse in shame. Unsupervised by her alcoholic father, Nora becomes a determined truant, wandering the town during school hours. There she catches the attention of a huckster, who convinces her that they will run away and be married. The schoolmaster, meanwhile, preoccupied by Nora's absence, leaves his other students to go find her. He encounters her at a crossroads, being spirited away by the huckster, and calls the man's bluff by saying that he'll find them a minister.
The 'Adopted' Daughter
A first-born baby girl, is sent away and placed in the care of Gretchen, a trusted peasant woman, who is the widowed mother of a child about the same age. The two children grow up as sisters. Later, upon her deathbed, the noble lady repents and sends for her child to reinstate her. Gretchen takes this opportunity to make a great lady of her own daughter Lena, the goose girl, by sending her to court instead of the real heiress. Hence Lena is taken before the noble lady as she breathes her last, happy in the belief that she has made reparation. Lena is now a great lady, but the title does not fit well. She longs to be back with Gretchen and her "geeses".
A Murdered Settler (uncredited)
A Mexican is thrown out of a bar by a young prospector and swears to get even. Later he kidnaps the prospector's wife. In the meantime a group of drunkards shoot and kill an old Indian man. His son (Robert Harron) vows revenge and asks the tribal chief for help. The chief, however, knows better and tells him that revenge is useless. Robert Harron disobeys and mobilizes all young warriors for battle. The plot thickens. The prospector and the Mexican, who holds his wife captive, start shooting each other. However, when the Indians attack, these two make a temporary truce and join forces against the common enemy.
The Young Woman's Friend
Mary Pickford as "The Young Woman", is quite taken with Edwin August; in fact, he is her "ideal". But Mr. August's refusal to get mixed up in a street brawl makes him look like a coward to Ms. Pickford. Meanwhile, convict Alfred Paget has escaped from prison; and, he is "A Beast at Bay". While Pickford and August go for a ride in her automobile, criminal Paget ambushes one of his guards, taking the man's clothing and gun. Pickford drops off August, still arguing he is a coward, and drives off. Alone, Pickford gets out of her car to retrieve a fallen garment; then, on-the-lam Paget moves in to carjack her. From a distance, August witnesses Pickford being taken at gunpoint - can he save his girl, and prove he's not a coward?
First Mexican Couple - the Woman
Dick Logan, a young writer, stops at a little border town and takes lodging at the Mexican Inn. Two tramps see the amount of money he has and plan to steal it. In the town he befriends a Mexican girl by stopping her uncle from beating her for having broken a water jar. Retiring to his room, he is awakened by the two tramps breaking into his room. He steals out and gets lodging at a nearby house, which happens to be the home of the Mexican girl and her uncle. The tramps follow him and try again. The girl, however, saves him from harm, and it looks as if Dick had found a real heroine for a real romance.
An elderly actor who lives with his wife and daughter is dismissed from his acting job because he is considered too old. On his way home from the theatre he panics at the thought of telling his family the bad news and decides to disguise himself as a beggar. His daughter's beau accidentally gives him a five dollar gold piece, thinking that it was a smaller coin. A chase ensues with a policeman, the daughter, and her beau in hot pursuit. When caught he is recognized by his shocked daughter, but is quickly forgiven by all. Meanwhile the actor hired to replace him has already been fired and a messenger is dispatched to rehire the Old Actor to the delight of his wife, daughter, and fellow actors.
The Young Woman's Companion
A young woman's peaceful existence is shattered when she is abducted by the crew of a boat of smugglers, who then also turn against their captain.
On Beach
Percy and Harold are rivals and both take the object of their affections for an outing.
A young girl who lives by the sea with her parents, is the object of one fellows affection. One day she meets a wily artist painting on the beach, he seduces the young girl and gives her a ring, with the promise of marriage. When the young admiring fellow comes to propose, she proudly announces her engagement to the artist. Shocked he leaves and her parents demand meeting her husband to be. She goes to bring him home, and finds he already has a sophisticated fiancée. Distraught she hurries home, and when her father realizes what she has done, he orders her out of the house. As she wanders despondent along the sea, the young fellow who has found out about her betrayal, immediately goes to see her. Finding she has been disowned by her father, he goes looking for her...
After the Civil War, an ex-soldier and his family settle in the Dakota Territory. The son quarrels with the father and leaves home. Riding in the hills, he spots a band of Indians attacking a neighboring homestead, and he races back to warn his family as the Indians chase him.
Ramona, a young girl growing up on her adoptive mother's rancho in California, falls in love with the Indian lad Alessandro. When Ramona is denied permission to marry Alessandro, the two lovers elope, only to find a life of great hardship and unhappiness amidst the bigotry and greed of the white landowners.