Ray Teal

Ray Teal

출생 : 1902-01-12, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

사망 : 1976-04-02

프로필 사진

Ray Teal

참여 작품

The Hanged Man
Judge Homer Bayne
A gunfighter who survives his own hanging helps a young widow who is trying to keep a ruthless land baron from taking her ranch.
The Rancher
A girl goes on vacation to the mountains where she finds a wild horse named Hacksaw. With a little help, she captures the stud and it doesn't take long until the man who helped her starts wagon racing, since Hacksaw refuses to have any man or woman on his back.
머나먼 대 평원을 가로질러 오로지 정착지를 찾기 위해 목숨을 걸고 소떼를 몰고 정착한 링컨 마을의 설립자 치삼. 소 도둑과 소에게 먹일 급수지를 놓고 치열한 생사의 전투를 거쳐 이젠 마을의 원로가 되었지만 정가와 손을 잡은 툰스탈 일당은 그런 치삼이 눈에 가시이다. 치삼의 세력은 이미 마을에서 덕망과 신의 그리고 서부의 사나이다운 불의를 보면 참지 못하는 기개로 모두의 존경심을 받고 있다. 그런 그를 모함하여 마을에서 몰아 내고 소떼와 치삼이 갖고 있는 광활한 목장지를 빼앗으려는 툰스탈 일당과의 엄청난 전쟁이 벌어진다. 여기에 서부에서 악명 높은 총잡이 빌리 더 키드가 치삼의 조카 샐리를 연모하고 둘은 사랑하는 사이까지 발전하지만 치삼은 샐리가 평범한 남성의 아내로 평범하게 살길 바란다. 그러던 중에 빌리 더 키드를 감싸주던 보안관이 암살을 당하자 빌리는 지체없이 복수극을 벌이고 그 사건이 빌미가 되어 툰스탈은 빌리를 처벌한다는 미명하에 그의 반대 세력을 몰살 시키려 하는 전투를 벌인다. 이 소식을 전해들은 치삼은 오랫동안 평화롭게 살아왔던 틀을 깨고 과감하게 소떼를 몰고 마을 사람들을 구하기 위해, 그리고 툰스탈을 처단하기 위해 쳐들어간다.
The Liberation of L.B. Jones
Chief of Police
Undertaker L.B. Jones, the richest black man in his county of Tennessee, is divorcing his wife for infidelity with a white policeman. Taking a stand against racism, he is greeted with a hostile bunch of Southern bigots and other various stereotypes.
Gallegher: The Mystery of Edward Sims
Sheriff Snead
The cub reporter, Gallegher, becomes involved in a land fraud, when some valueless land is sold to a group of Cornish immigrants. A murder implicates one of the immigrants, and it is up to Gallegher to prove that a local resident is actually the murderer and the swindler is a local banker.
Gallegher Goes West
In Part 1, Gallegher befriends a man on the stagecoach while heading west, only to discover he is a famous outlaw, the Sundown Kid. The sheriff is crooked, too, so it is difficult for Gallegher and his friend, Detective Snead, to capture the Sundown Kid. Gallegher and his colleagues work for the recall of the corrupt mayor of Brimstone, even though the mayor tries to stop them by force. In Part 2, Gallegher buys and trains a horse, then is surprised when a local rancher is accused of murder. The boy is sure it is a frame-up, and he tries to help out. Gallegher continues to help the rancher who has been framed for murder, and after he finds an incriminating watch, he is able to reach the trial just in time to save the day.
Ralph Taggart
Taggart's family is slaughtered by a rival rancher. Taggart mortally wounds the rancher and kills his son. Before he dies the rancher hires three bounty hunters to avenge him with the promise of $5000 as a reward. Taggart must flee into Apache territory to escape the wrath of the trio of hired killers.
Bullet for a Badman
Former Texas Rangers Sam Ward and Logan Keliher become enemies when Sam turns bank robber and Logan marries Sam's ex-wife.
The Adventures of Gallegher
An energetic newspaper copyboy in 1889 wants to become a reporter, and he is soon more deeply involved in his stories than he had expected. When he discovers a bank robbery, he helps the reporter, Brownie, to apprehend the four-fingered culprit. Later he helps the police chief who has been framed, and tries to convince the authorities that he has discovered a wanted felon in town.
Cattle King
Edwin 'Ed' Winters (Teton Ranch Foreman)
A rich landowner of Wyoming fights to prevent the Texas herds from trampling his rich meadows.
뉘른베르크의 재판
Curtiss Ives
뉘른베르크 전범재판은 2차세계대전에서 승리한 연합국이 주체가 되어 패전국 독일이 제3제국의 이름으로 저지른 반인도적 행위에 대해 개인적 책임을 추궁한 역사적 사건이다. 2차대전을 일으킨 독일이 연합군의 힘에 밀려 참패하자 연합군은 전범들을 재판하게 된다. 이영화에서 다루는 피고는 전쟁당시 재판관들이다. 미국측 재판관 헤이우드는 독일군 고위층 부부가 살던 대 저택에 머물게 되는데 이집의 전 여주인을 알게 된다. 그리고 전쟁후 남편이 독일군이었다는 이유로 미국인에 살해당한 이 부인을 만나면서부터 독일군들이 인도주의적 정신보다는 나라에 대한 충성심을 더 강요받았다는 사실을 깨닫게 된다. 재판이 진행되는 동안 시종일관 침묵으로 일관하던 피고 언스트 야닝은 나중에야 자신과 동료들의 부정 부패를 고발하고 그것을 알고도 침묵했던 자신이 가장 사악한 사람이라며 자신의 잘못을 고백한다. 헤이우드는 전쟁이라는 상황과 비인도적인 판결을 내릴 수밖에 없었던 독일 재판관들의 입장을 고뇌하다 사형대신 종신형을 선고하는데...
애꾸눈 잭
리오 지코(Rio: 마론 브란도 분)와 그의 절친한 벗 덴(Dad Longworth: 칼 말든 분), 그리고 그의 총잡이들은 1880년 멕시코를 무대로 악명을 떨치던 건맨들이었다. 여느때처럼 은행을 털고서 유유히 사라지던 리오 일행은 어디선가 나타난 멕시코의 수색대에 포위당하고 만다. 리오의 말이 총에 맞으면서 덴과 리오는 일행과 흩어지게 되고 덴마저 말을 구해오겠다는 약속을 하고 사라지자 중과부적인 리오는 결국 생포되고 만다. 5년여간의 수감생활을 하던 리오는 친구였던 덴이 돈을 노리고 자신을 배신했다는 사실을 알게 된다. 복수를 결심한 리오는 수소문 끝에 덴을 찾아내지만 그는 이미 손을 씻고 자신의 전력을 숨긴채 멕시코의 새로운 주에서 보안관을 하고 있으며 마리아(Maria Longworth: 카티 주라도 분)라는 여인을 만나 그녀의 딸인 리자와 함께 행복한 생활을 하고 있었다. 5년만에 운명적인 해후가 이루어지게 되고 덴은 변명을 하며 자신의 과오를 묻어두려 한다. 성숙한 여인으로 성장한 리자는 계부의 옛친구인 리오에게 관심을 갖게 되고 리오 또한 그녀에게 사랑의 감정을 느껴함께 밤을 보내게 된다. 이 사실을 알게 된 덴은 분노하고 리오를 쫓아낼 궁리를 하다가 술에 취한 리오가 살인을 하는 사고가 발생하자 태형에 처하며 오른손을 망가뜨려 버린다.
지옥에서 온 포세
평온하던 파라다이스 마을에 탈출한 사형수 넷이 들이닥친다. 이들은 보안관 웹과 마음 사람들을 쏴 죽이고 은행을 털고 한 여자를 납치해간다. 웹은 자신의 친구인 콜에게 보안관 배지를 주며 마을 사람들을 도와줄 것을 부탁한다. 콜은 마을 사람들과 추적대를 조직해 악당들의 뒤를 쫓게 되는데... (THE MOVIE)
신들의 법정
Jessie H. Dunlap
테네시주의 작은 마을, 고등학교 과학 교사 버트램 케이츠가 주(州) 법을 어겨 재판을 받게 된다. 케이츠가 금기인 다윈의 진화론을 아이들에게 가르쳤기 때문이다. 저명한 정치가이자 보수적인 근본주의자 매튜 브래디가 검찰 측을 지원하고 나선다. 한편, 역시 유명한 변호사이며, 논쟁적인 법의식을 가진 브래디의 라이벌 헨리 드러먼드가 케이츠의 변호를 맡는다. 창조론과 진화론이 맞붙은 이 뜨겁고 치열한 법정 공방에 언론의 관심까지 집중되며, 마을을 넘어 미 전역이 들썩이게 된다. 1925년에 실제로 일어났던 세기의 ‘원숭이 재판’을 소재로 한 희곡을 각색한 작품. 크레이머는 창조론과 진화론이 충돌한 이 사건을 매카시즘을 논할 매개로써 활용했으며, 영화를 통해 지적인 담론을 이어간다. 이후 여러 차례 TV 드라마로 리메이크되기도 했다.
언덕위의 집
Dr. Carson
웨이드 허니컷은 텍사스 동부에서 가장 부유하고 영향력 있는 남자로 여성 편력이 있어 부인 한나와 사이가 좋지 않다. 그에게는 비슷한 또래의 두 아들이 있는데, 첫째 레이프는 혼전에 하녀와 관계하여 얻었고, 부인 한나와의 사이에서 둘째 테론이 태어났다. 한편 테론은 아버지의 곱지 않은 시선 속에서도 한 시골 소녀와 사랑에 빠지는데, 그러면서 부모의 숨겨진 과거를 알게 된다. 일견 텍사스를 배경으로 한 대서사극으로 보이지만, 미넬리는 섬세한 연출력으로 멜로드라마적인 감정선을 놓치지 않고 극을 이끌어간다. 로버트 미첨을 비롯한 주연 배우들의 열연이 돋보이며, 칸영화제에도 진출했다. (시네마테크부산)
Girl on the Run
Lt. Harper
A Hollywood private eye (Efrem Zimbalist Jr.) seeks a singer being stalked by a hired killer.
Gunman's Walk
Jensen Sieverts
A powerful rancher always protects his wild adult son by paying for damages and bribing witnesses, until his crimes become too serious to rectify.
Saddle the Wind
Brick Larson
Steve Sinclair is a world a world-weary former gunslinger, now living as a peaceful farmer. Things go wrong when his wild younger brother Tony arrives on the scene with his new bride Joan Blake.
The Tall Stranger
A Union soldier returns to his western home at the end of the Civil War and finds himself caught in the middle of a land war between his greedy half-brother and a wagon train of Confederate homesteaders.
선다운의 결전
Morley Chase
바트는 동료인 샘과 함께 선다운 마을에 도착한다. 마침 이 날은 마을의 실질적인 지배자인 테이트의 결혼식이 있는 날. 바트는 마을에 들어서자마 테이트를 찾지만, 이 소식이 전해지자마자 마을 사람들은 바트를 적대적으로 대하기 시작한다. 바트 역시 순순히 물러서지 않는다. 과연 두 사람 사이에는 어떤 사연이 있는 것일까.
The Wayward Girl
Framed by her stepmother for manslaughter, a convict turns to a parole racket.
밴드 오브 엔젤
Mr. Calloway
비옥한 대농장에서 귀하게 자란 농장주의 딸 맨티는 아버지의 갑작스런 죽음 이후 자신의 어머니가 흑인 노예였다는 사실을 알게 된다. 슬퍼할 겨를도 없이 그녀의 삶은 급격하게 바뀌어 심지어 노예상인에게 팔려가기까지 한다. 하지만 맨티는 의외의 상대에게서 사랑을 느끼며 희망을 찾고, 남북전쟁이 발발하자 그녀의 삶은 다시 큰 전환을 맞는다. (한국시네마테크협의회)
The Oklahoman
Jason - Stableman
After his wife dies in childbirth, a doctor (Joel McCrea) settles down in the small Oklahoma town of Cherokee Wells to raise his newborn daughter. Unfortunately, not all the citizens there are hospitable, especially when the doctor hires a pretty Indian teenager (Gloria Talbott) as his child's nanny. Directed by Francis D. Lyon and released in 1957, this western also stars Barbara Hale, Brad Dexter, Verna Felton, Esther Dale, Douglas Dick, Michael Pate, Sheb Wooley, Ray Teal, Mimi Gibson and Anthony Caruso.
The Guns of Fort Petticoat
Salt Pork
Opposing his commanding officer's decision to attack a group of innocent Indians and wipe them out, Lt. Frank Hewitt leaves his post and heads home to Texas. He knows that the attack will send all of the tribes on the warpath and he wants to forewarn everyone. He gets a chilly reception back home however. With most of the men away having enlisted in the Confederate army Frank, a Union officer, is seen by the local women as a traitor. He convinces them of the danger that lies ahead and trains them to repel the attack that will eventually come.
The Phantom Stagecoach
Sheriff Ned Riorden
A stagecoach is plagued by robberies, but it takes an undercover Wells Fargo agent to discover that a rival company is responsible.
Utah Blaine
Russ Nevers
Western about Calhoun helping to overcome land-grabbing outlaws.
The Blessed Midnight
Mr. O'Hara
When a boy steals a cake for his beloved aunt on Christmas Eve, his young friend tries to set things straight.
The Burning Hills
Joe Sutton
When Trace Jordan's brother is murdered by members of the land-grabbing Sutton family, he vows to report this injustice to the nearest Army fort.
인디언 파이터
조니 하워스는 오레건 지방 경계 도처에서 악명높은 인디언 파이터들을 붙잡는 건방지고 성급한 카우보이다. 지방경찰 지휘관인 트래쉬는 레드 클라우드가 이끄는 인접한 시아웍스 부족의 문제 때문에 하워스를 불렀다. 그는 부족장을 만나 위협하고 평화롭게 지내자고 말한다. 하지만 하워스의 승진의 길을 저지하는 부족장의 딸인 오나티에게 흠뻑 빠져버린다. 그러던 중 황금을 찾기 위해 떠돌아 다니는 개척자들인 치빙톤과 웨스 토드가 나타나게 되자 긴장감은 더해졌다. 이에 부족장의 동생이 격분하게 되고 그 개척자들은 자신들의 위스키와 인디언의 황금을 교환하기를 시도한다. 하워스는 중개인으로 그들을 평화롭게 협의하게 도와주려고 한다. 시아웍스 부족은 개척자들의 짐마차를 자신들에게 해를 끼치지 않는 한 땅을 지나갈 수 있도록 허락한다. 하워스는 마차를 옮기는데 동행하게 되고 함께 한 미망인인 수산 로저스는 그와 결혼하기를 원한다. 그러나 하워스는 이미 오나티에게 마음을 빼앗겨 버린 상태이다. 그리고 치빙톤과 토드는 시아웍스 부족의 황금을 차지하기 위해 위험한 시도를 하게 된다.
필사의 도망자
State Police Lt. Fredericks
4년 전 고의적으로 경찰을 살해하고 투항했던 글렌 그리핀이 교도소를 탈출한다. 그리핀의 동생 할과 조비시란 죄수가 합세해 간수를 때려 눕히고 탈출에 성공한 이 세 사람은 한적한 주택가를 은신처로 삼아 어느 집에 침입한다. 갑작스런 탈주범들의 기습에 아내와 남편, 딸 그리고 어린 아들은 인질로 잡히고 이들은 자정까지 여자친구가 돈을 가져오면 떠날 거라 위협한다. 이에 족을 지키기 위한 가장과 탈주범들 사이에 불꽃 튀는 대결이 펼쳐진다.
Apache Ambush
Sgt. Tim O'Roarke
Two former enemies find themselves together on a cattle drive and fighting marauding Apaches and Mexican bandits.
산에서 만난 맷과 데이비는 선로 근처에서 매를 향해 총을 쏘다가 열차 강도로 오인을 받고 만다. 강도를 잡으려던 보안관과 마을 사람들의 공격을 받은 맷과 데이비는 부상을 입고, 데이비는 결국 불구가 된다. 한편, 맷의 기개를 눈여겨본 보안관과 사람들이 맷에게 보안관 자리를 제안하고, 이를 받아들인 맷은 데이비를 부관으로 삼는다. 그러던 중 은행을 털려던 악당 모건 일당의 행적이 드러나는데, 모건의 수하는 체포됐지만 모건은 달아나고 만다. 맷은 데이비를 두고 홀로 모건을 뒤쫓는다. 장르 영화의 대가인 할리우드 거장 니콜라스 레이의 테크니컬러 서부극으로, (1954)에 이은 두 번째 서부 영화이다. ((재)영화의전당)
The Man from Bitter Ridge
Shep Bascom
The Man from Bitter Ridge is a film directed by Jack Arnold. Jeff Carr, a special investigator, arrives in Tomahawk. His assignment is to discover who has been holding up the local stagecoach and is guilty for a series of killings that terrorize the town. Sheepman Alec Black is suspected by the local population but it is not long before Jeff realizes the man is innocent. Alec even becomes a good friend although he is in love with the same woman as him, Holly. Jeff will manage to arrest the real culprits but not before the latter try to compromise him down.
Rage at Dawn
Sheriff of Seymour
In this film's version of the story, four of the Reno Brothers are corrupt robbers and killers while a fifth, Clint is a respected Indiana farmer. A sister, Laura, who has inherited the family home, serves the outlaw brothers as a housekeeper and cook. One brother is killed when they go after a bank, the men of the town appear to have been waiting for them…
Rogue Cop
Patrolman Mullins
A police detective on the take tries to catch his brother's killer.
About Mrs. Leslie
A lonely, unhappy owner of a Beverly Hills boarding house reflects on her lonely, unhappy life and the lonely, unhappy man she once loved.
The Command
Dr. Trent
Once the commanding officer of a cavalry patrol is killed, the ranking officer who must take command is an army doctor.
위험한 질주
Frank Bleeker
조니(Johnny: 마론 브란도 분)는 오토바이 족을 이끌고 다니는 두목이다. 그는 십여 명의 친구들과 함께 다니며 사고를 치곤 했다. 어느 작은 마을에 도착한 조니 일당은 맥주 내기를 하던 중 동료 크레이지(Crazy: 진 피터슨 분)가 부상을 당하는 사건을 계기로 이 마을에 머물게 된다. 조니는 이 마을 술집의 여종업원으로 있는 캐시(Kathie: 매리 머피 분)에게 끌리는 자신을 느끼고, 캐시 역시 전혀 속을 알 수 없는 이 부랑자에게 끌린다. 마을 사람들 사이에서는 당장 이 오토바이 족을 내쫓아야 한다는 의견이 일지만 우유부단하고 용기가 없는 해리(Harry Bleeker: 로버트 키스 분)는 양쪽의 눈치만 살핀다. 한편, 조니가 묵고 있는 마을에 한때 같은 오토바이 클럽 멤버로 있던 치노(Chino: 리 마빈 분) 일당이 찾아온다. 치노는 조니와 싸움을 벌이고 이 과정에서 이 마을의 과격분자로 알려져 있는 찰리와 싸움이 붙게 된다.
Ambush at Tomahawk Gap
Hodiak, Brian, Derek and Teal have just been released from prison. They return to Tomahawk Gap, now a ghost town, to retrieve the money that they stole and was buried by a partner somewhere in the town. While hunting, the Indians attack, and a life and death battle ensues.
Hangman's Knot
In 1865, a troop of Confederate soldiers led by Major Matt Stewart attack the wagon of gold escorted by Union cavalry and the soldiers are killed. The only wounded survivor tells that the war ended one month ago, and the group decides to take the gold and meet their liaison that knew that the war ended but did not inform the troop. The harsh Rolph Bainter kills the greedy man and the soldiers flee in his wagon driven by Major Stewart. When they meet a posse chasing them, Stewart gives wrong information to misguide the group; however, they have an accident with the wagon and lose the horses. They decide to stop a stagecoach and force the driver to transport them, but the posse returns and they are trapped in the station with the passenger. They realize that the men are not deputies and have no intention to bring them to justice but take the stolen gold.
Montana Belle
Emmett Dalton
Oklahoma outlaw Belle Starr meets the Dalton gang when rescued from lynching by Bob Dalton, who falls for her. So do gang member Mac and wealthy saloon owner Tom Bradfield, who's enlisted in a bankers' scheme to trap the Daltons. Dissension among the gang and Bradfield's ambivalence complicate the plot, as Belle demonstrates her prowess with shootin' irons, horses, and as a surprisingly racy saloon entertainer. Written by Rod Crawford
Cattle Town
Judd Hastings
The governor of Texas sends a cowboy to keep the peace between ranchers and a land baron.
Allen - Bondsman
부푼 꿈을 안고 도시로 떠난 캐리는 열차에서 찰스 두루에라는 남자를 만나 함께 살게 되지만 정작 다른 남자 조지를 사랑하게 된다. 조지는 그녀와의 사랑을 위해 모든 것을 버리지만, 조지의 아이를 임신했다가 유산까지 하게 된 캐리는 조지를 위해 그의 곁을 떠난다. 이후 그녀는 뉴욕에서 여배우로 성장해나가는데.. '부도덕한 작품'이라는 평가를 받았던 미국작가 데어도어 드라이저(Theodore Dreiser)의 자연주의 걸작 소설을 원작으로 한 영화이다.
The Turning Point
Clint, Police Captain
Special prosecutor John Conroy hopes to combat organized crime in his city and appoints his cop father Matt as chief investigator. John doesn't understand why Matt is reluctant, but cynical reporter Jerry McKibbon thinks he knows: he's seen Matt with mob lieutenant Harrigan. Jerry's friendship with John is tested by the question of what to do about Matt, and by his attraction to John's girl Amanda. Meanwhile, the threatened racketeers adopt increasingly violent means of defense.
Jumping Jacks
W.W. Timmons
Nightclub entertainer Hap Smith has a new act since his former partner Chick Allen joined the army. With his lovely new female partner, Hap now plays a clownish parody of a soldier. When Chick organises a soldier show at Fort Benning, he realizes he needs his former partner's help—so, to get onto the base, Hap impersonates a hapless real soldier, but circumstances force them to prolong the masquerade, creating an increasingly tangled Army-sized SNAFU.
The Lion and the Horse
Dave Tracy
After selling it to a cruel rodeo owner, a cowboy attempts to buy back the wild stallion he snared.
The Captive City
Chief Gillette
A small-town newspaper editor defies threats to expose the mob.
Flaming Feather
A mysterious outlaw known as the Sidewinder, phantom leader of renegade Ute Indians, terrorizes the people of the Arizona Territory in the 1870s. When rancher Tex McCloud has his place burned out, he vows to find and kill the Sidewinder.
The Wild North
In the Canadian mountains, a trapper goes on the run accused of a crime and is pursued by a rugged and determined lawman of the Royal North-West Mounted Police.
북을 울려라
Pvt. Mohair
1840년 플로리다에서 인디언들에게 참패를 당하고 있던 미국 군인들. 그곳으로 리차드 터츠라는 미국 해병중위가 배를 가지로 플로리다주 퀴시 와이어트 대령 밑으로 발령 받았다. 그곳에서 40명의 군인만 가지고 요새를 무너 뜨리라는 터무니 없는 미션을 받는다. 하지만 와이어트 대장의 지도력을 바탕으로 요새를 무너 뜨리는데 성공하지만 후에 인디언들의 추격을 받는다. 그곳에서 와이어트 대장은 마난 여인과 사랑에 빠지게 되고 궁지에 몰린 와이어트 대장 일행은 죽음의 늪이라 불리우는 에버글레이즈로 들어간다. 거기서 반으로 나뉜 일행은 서로 떨어져 만나기로 한장소에 가지만 그곳에서 뜻밖의 일들이 발생한다.
Maj. Reno (uncredited)
John Vickers has spent eight years hunting for the three men who murdered the woman he loved. He finds one, Woodson, and kills him in a gunfight, but not before learning that the other two men have joined the U.S. Cavalry.
Tomorrow Is Another Day
Mr. Dawson
A man who spent his formative years in prison for murder is released, and struggles to adjust to the outside world and escape his lurid past. He gets involved with a cheap dancehall girl, and when her protector is accidentally killed, they go on the lam together, getting jobs as farm labourers. But some fellow workers get wise to them.
The Secret of Convict Lake
Sheriff Cromwell (uncredited)
After a group of convicts escapes from prison, they take refuge in the wilderness. While most of the crew are ruthless sociopaths, Jim Canfield is an innocent man who was jailed under false pretenses. When Canfield and his fellow fugitives reach an isolated farming settlement where the men are all away, it creates tension with the local women. Things get direr when rumors of hidden money arise, and Canfield discovers that the man who framed him is part of the community.
Fort Worth
Gabe Clevenger
Ex-gunfighter Ned Britt returns to Fort Worth after the civil war to help run a newspaper which is against ambitious men and their schemes for control.
비장의 술수
Sheriff Gus Kretzer
일류 신문사에서 기자생활을 하던 테이텀은 주벽과 성추문 등으로 신임을 잃고 한 조그만 신문사에 취직하게 된다. 따분한 지역 소식이나 써대던 지루한 나날들이 이어지던 어느 날 테이텀은 우연히 인디안 유적지에서 도굴을 하다 사고를 당한 레오에 관한 이야기를 취재하게 되는데...
Along the Great Divide
Deputy Lou Gray
New Federal marshal Len Merrick saves Tim Keith from lynching at the hands of the Roden clan, and hopes to get him to Santa Loma for trial. Vindictive Ned Roden, whose son Ed was killed, still wants personal revenge, and Tim would like to escape before Ned catches up with him again. Can the marshal make it across the desert with Tim and his daughter? Even if he makes it, will justice be served?
Home Town Story
Complaining Electrical Worker (uncredited)
Blake Washburn blames manufacturer MacFarland for his defeat in the race for re-election to the state legislature. He takes over his uncle's newspaper to take on big business as an enemy of the people. Miss Martin works in the "Herald" newspaper office. When tragedy strikes, Blake must re-examine his views.
The Redhead and The Cowboy
Brock (Union agent)
Gil Kyle finds himself caught up in the politics and unrest of the American Civil War and soon gets himself framed for a murder. His only alibi is Candace Bronson, who is aiding the Confederate cause and has left the territory to deliver a vital message about a Yankee gold shipment. So he sets off in pursuit, running into desperados, government agents, and guerrilla fighters, who are more interested in profit than ideals. Written by Alfred Jingle
Where Danger Lives
Sheriff Joe Borden (uncredited)
A young doctor falls in love with a disturbed young woman and apparently becomes involved in the death of her husband. They head for Mexico trying to outrun the law.
When You're Smiling
When You're Smiling is distinguished by the presence of several top recording artists of 1950. The wafer-thin plotline concerns the misadventures of Texan Gerald Durham (Jerome Courtland), who arrives in the Big City to learn the ropes of the music business. Durham not only ends up with a recording contract, but also wins heroine Peggy Martin (Lola Albright) in the bargain. So much for the story. The principal selling card of When You're Smiling consists of the guest-star turns by Frankie Laine, Bob Crosby, The Modernaires, The Mills Brothers, Kay Starr and Billy Daniels.
Man at Bar
Ken, an ex-WWII GI, returns home after he's paralyzed in battle. Residing in the paraplegic ward of a veteran's hospital and embittered by his condition, he refuses to see his fiancée and sinks into a solitary world of hatred and hostility. Head physician, Dr. Brock cajoles the withdrawn Ken into the life of the ward, where fellow patients Norm, Leo and Angel begin to pull him out of his spiritual dilemma.
The Petty Girl
Policeman #1 (uncredited)
An artist famous for his calendar portraits of beautiful women becomes fascinated by a prim and proper professor and tries to get her to pose for his arwork. She declines his offer, but he's determined not to take no for an answer.
No Way Out
Day Deputy in Hospital Prison Ward (uncredited)
Robbers Ray Biddle and his brother are shot and taken to the local hospital. There, the two are treated by Dr. Brooks, the hospital's only black doctor. The brothers assault Brooks with racist slurs. And, when his brother ends up dying on the operating table, Ray accuses the doctor of murdering him. Blind with rage, Ray works to turn the white community of the city against Brooks, who finds an unlikely ally in the dead man's widow, Edie.
Edge of Doom
Ned Moore
A priest sets out to catch the man who killed one of his colleagues.
Cell Block / Yard Guard (uncredited)
A prison warden fights to prove one of his inmates was wrongly convicted.
Our Very Own
Mr. Jim Lynch
Gail discovers the shocking news that she is adopted during a heated argument with her sister, Joan. With the reluctant support of her adoptive parents and baby sister, Penny, Gail goes in search of her biological mother and true identity.
윈체스터 73
Marshall Noonan (uncredited)
1873년 형 모델 윈체스터 라이플은 서부를 평정한 명기로, 카우보이, 악당, 보안관, 병사, 인디언까지 모두가 탐내던 소총이다. 닷지 시의 와이어트 어프 보안관은 독립 100주년 기념 사격대회 우승 상품으로 바로 윈체스터 73을 내놓는다. 린 맥아담도 이 사격대회에 참가자로 등록하지만, 그의 목적은 상품보다 자신만큼 사격 실력이 대단한 총잡이를 찾아내는 것이다.
아스팔트 정글
Cop in Car Barn Slugged by Dix (uncredited)
전설적인 범죄자 독은 출감하자마자 오래 전부터 준비해 온 보석상 강도를 실행에 옮기기 위해 금고 전문털이 루이스, 운전사 거스, 건달 딕스를 끌어 들인다. 자금이 필요한 그들은 변호사이자 악덕 고리대금업자인 에머리히에게서 돈을 지원받기로 하지만, 에머리히는 독을 이용해 보석을 가로챈 뒤 애인과 함께 외국으로 도망치려는 계획을 꾸민다. 당시 23세였던 젊은 마릴린 먼로를 만날 수 있는 걸작 범죄영화.
Harbor of Missing Men
Frank Leggett
A smuggler hides from hit men with a Greek fisherman and his daughter.
Motorcycle Officer
Young auto mechanic Dan Brady takes $20 from a cash register at work to go on a date with blonde femme fatale Vera Novak. Brady intends to put the money back before it is missed, but the garage's bookkeeper shows up earlier than scheduled. As Brady scrambles to cover evidence of his petty theft, he fast finds himself drawn into an ever worsening "quicksand" of crime.
The Kid from Texas
Sheriff Rand
Billy the Kid becomes embroiled in Lincoln County, NM, land wars. When rancher who gave him a break is killed by rival henchman, Billy vows revenge. New employer takes advantage of his naivety to kill rivals, lets the Kid take rap. Kid takes to the hills with friends until caught. Escapes hanging but remains in area to be near employer's young wife with whom he's infatuated
건 크레이지
California Border Inspector (uncredited)
어린 소년 "바트"는 폭우가 쏟아지는 어느날 총포상에서 권총을 훔쳐 달아나다 보안관에게 잡힌다. 다음날 재판장에서 누나와 친구들의 증언으로 소년은 어릴 때 장난감총으로 병아리를 죽이면서 충격을 받은 이후 총을 잘 쏘는 재능이 있음에도 생명을 죽이지 않는다는 게 밝혀진다. 총에 대한 그의 집착이 평범하지 않다는 것도 드러난다. "바트"는 감화원으로 보내진다. 시간이 흘러 감화원에서 몇 년을 보내고 군대에서 사격술 교관으로도 근무한 "바트"(죤 달)는 고향에 돌아와 가족과 친구들을 다시 만난다. 어느 날 동네에 들어온 서커스 공연장에서 사격의 명수 "애니 로라"(페기 커밍스)를 본 "바트"는 그녀와 사격술 내기를 하면서 "로라"와 친해지고 뛰어난 사격술 덕분에 서커스 공연단의 일원으로 들어가게 된다. 시간이 흐르면서 "로라"와 서로 사랑하게 된 두 사람은 공연단에서 나와 전국 각지를 돌며 새로운 삶을 꾸려 나가게 된다. 세월이 흐르고 가진 돈이 떨어지기 시작하자 이들은 범죄의 유혹에 빠져들게 된다. 그 두 사람은 작은 도시들을 돌며 귀금속상과 호텔 그리고 주유소 등 가리지 않고 대담한 강도 행위를 계속하게 되는데 이러한 강도 행위는 전파를 타고 고향의 친구들과 가족들에게도 알려지게 된다. 점점 죄책감에 빠저드는 "바트"는 괴로워 하지만 그때마다 "로라"의 치명적인 설득에 빠져들곤 한다. 몇 달이 지난 후 두 사람은 소를 잡는 도살장에 침입하여 돈을 털어 나오다가 도망치는 과정에서 경찰의 추격을 받게 되고 도망치는 과정에서 사람을 죽이면서 이들의 범죄는 돌이킬수 없는 상황으로 이르게 된다. 경찰의 추적망이 서서히 좁혀 지면서 두 사람은 기차를 이용하여 "바트" 누나의 집으로 피신하는데 얼마 지나지 않아 이제는 보안관과 기자가 된 친구들이 이를 눈치채고 찾아오자 그들을 피해 두 사람은 다시 산속 늪지대로 도망가는데...
Capt. J.R. Wolverson
A Westerner searches for a white woman held by the Apaches.
Davy Crockett, Indian Scout
Capt. McHale
It's 1848 and a wagon train with an Army escort is heading west through Indian territory, It's scout is Davy Crockett, nephew of his more famous namesake. There is spy amongst them informing the Indians. They survive the first Indian attack and then push on. They have a choice of two passes through the mountains. Learing of the pass to be defended by the Indians, they head for the other. But upon ariving, the Indians attack. Somehow they have been informed.
Oh, You Beautiful Doll
Period musical about a song plugger who vows to turn an opera composer's music into popular hits.
Rusty's Birthday
Virgil Neeley
A lost dog tries to find his way back to his beloved master in the final film of the Rusty series.
Once More, My Darling
Truck Driver
An actor is recalled to active duty with the Army's C.I.D. to find the thief who stole historical jewels in occupied Germany and the trail leads to the boyfriend of a young debutante from Bel Air.
Mr. Soft Touch
Squad Car Police Officer (Uncredited)
When he learns that a gangster has taken over his nightclub and murdered his partner, returning WWII hero Joe Miracle steals the money from the club's safe and hides in a settlement home, while the mob is on his tail.
Based on the novel by James Oliver Curwood about Kazan, the wolfdog.
It Happens Every Spring
Mac (uncredited)
A scientist discovers a formula that makes a baseball which is repelled by wood. He promptly sets out to exploit his discovery.
Streets of Laredo
Texas, 1878: cheerful outlaw-buddies Jim, Lorn and Wahoo rescue spunky orphan Rannie Carter from rustling racketeers, then are forced to separate. Lorn goes on to bigger and better robberies, while Jim and Wahoo are (at first reluctantly) maneuvered into joining the Texas Rangers. For friendship's sake, the three try to keep out of direct conflict, but a showdown begins to look inevitable. And Rannie, now grown into lovely young womanhood, must choose between Lorn and Jim
Bad Boy
Policeman Bob
A lawman tries to find the source of a juvenile delinquent's bad behavior.
Hello Out There
The Husband
Director James Whale's last film, it was supposed to be part of an anthology film but was never released. A down on his luck gambler ends up in jail in a small Texan town where he meets and falls in love with Emily. They make plans to go to San Francisco but may not get the opportunity.
One Sunday Afternoon
Policeman on bicycle
The third film version of James Hagan's play, this time with songs added, starring Dennis Morgan as a dentist who marries patient and loyal Dorothy Malone despite his constant infatuation with sexy flirt Janis Paige. Filmed previously in 1933 ("One Sunday Afternoon") and 1941 ("The Strawberry Blonde").
잔 다르크
Bertrand de Poulengy, a squire
잉그리드 버그만이 잔 다르크로 주연한 빅터 플레밍 감독의 역사물. 오리지널 런닝 타임은 145분이며, 커트 판은 100분이다. 1948년 아카데미 촬영상, 의상상 수상.
Whispering Smith
Smith is an iron-willed railroad detective. When his friend Murray is fired from the railroad and begins helping Rebstock wreck trains, Smith must go after him. He also seems to have an interest in Murray's wife (and vice versa).
로드 하우스
Policeman (uncredited)
시골 마을에서 작은 술집을 운영 중인 제프티는 묘한 매력을 지닌 가수 릴리를 고용한다. 술집의 매니저인 피트는 처음에는 그녀의 제멋대로인 행동 때문에 거부감을 느끼지만 곧 그녀에게 사랑을 느낀다. 그리고 제프티와 피트, 릴리는 위험한 삼각관계에 빠진다. 두 남자의 마음을 동시에 사로잡는 아이다 루피노의 매력적인 연기가 깊은 인상을 남긴다. (2018년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 탄생 백 주년 기념 아이다 루피노 회고전: 거칠게, 빠르게, 아름답게)
Walk a Crooked Mile
Police Sergeant
A security leak is found at a Southern California atomic plant. The authorities stand in fear that the information leaked would go to a hostile nation. To investigate the case more efficiently, Dan O'Hara, an FBI agent, and Philip Grayson, a Scotland Yard sleuth, join forces. Will they manage to stop the spy ring from achieving their aim?
Two friends return home after their discharge from the army after the Civil War. However, one of them has had deep-rooted psychological damage due to his experiences during the war, and as his behavior becomes more erratic--and violent--his friend desperately tries to find a way to help him.
Daredevils of the Clouds
Jim Mitchell
Terry O'Rourke, an American operating a small airline in Canada, is having a tough time making a go of it; he has to cope with unfavorable weather conditions, a rocky terrain, and a large Americam company determined to buy him out at their low price. In addition, one of his primary employees is working against him. One of his airplanes is transporting a cargo of gold and the pilot arranges for the gold to be stolen. He planned to parachute to safety, letting the airplane be looted when it crashed, but a co-worker cuts his parachute cord and he is killed. O'Rourke, with the air of one of his best pilots, Kay Cameron, sets out to track down the culprits.
Plain Clothes Policeman in L.A.
As part of a bet, a compulsive gambler agrees to marry the winner, a professional gambler. Before he can "collect," she skips town. The gambler hires a private detective to track her down so he can collect his "winnings."
I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoes
Around Christmas time, a woman tries to prove the innocence of her dancer husband jailed for a crime she just knows he didn't commit.
로 딜
복수를 노리는 갱 조 설리번이 저지르지 않은 범죄로 누명을 쓰고 감옥에 가게 된다. 두 여성을 끌어들인 조는 여자들을 이용해 탈옥한 뒤, 자신을 함정에 빠뜨린 갱단 두목을 이끌어내려고 한다.
Fury at Furnace Creek
Sergeant (uncredited)
The Arizona wilderness, 1880. Gen. Fletcher Blackwell sends a message telling Capt. Walsh, who is escorting a wagon-train through Apache territory, heading for the fort at Furnace Creek, that he should cancel the escort and rush to another town. Apache leader "Little Dog" is leading the attack on the wagon-train and massacring everyone at the poorly manned fort. As a result the treaty is broken with the Indians and the white settlers take over the territory with the help of the cavalry, as the Apaches are wiped out and only "Little Dog" remains at large. Gen. Fletcher Blackwell is court-martial-led for treason.
The Miracle of the Bells
Koslick, Miner
The body of a young actress is brought to her home town by the man who loved her. He knows that she wanted all the church bells to ring for three days after she was buried, but is told that this will cost a lot of money. The checks that he writes to the various churches all bounce, but it is the weekend and, in desperation, he prays that a miracle will happen before the banks reopen. It does, but not in the way he hoped.
The Black Arrow
Nick Appleyard
A young British nobleman comes back from fighting in the War of the Roses to discover that his father has been murdered by an old family friend who is now an outlaw. However, he becomes suspicious about the exact circumstances of his father's death and determines to find out exactly what happened.
Tenth Avenue Angel
Mounted Train Yard Guard (uncredited)
Flavia's been told that her Aunt Susan's fiancé, Steve, has been on a trip around the world, but in truth he's finished his prison term. Steve wonders how he can make some money and is approached by his old associates. When Flavia discovers the truth about Steve, she loses all faith in her family and in God, and it will take a miracle to restore Flavia's belief and Steve out of trouble.
Black Bart
Pete (uncredited)
Cheerful outlaw Charlie Boles leaves former partners Lance and Jersey and heads for California, where the Gold Rush is beginning. Soon, a lone gunman in black is robbing Wells Fargo gold shipments. One fateful day, the stage he robs carries old friends Lance and Jersey...and notorious dancer Lola Montez, coming to perform in Sacramento. Black Bart and Lance become rivals for both Lola's favors and Wells Fargo's gold.
High Wall
Police Lieutenant (uncredited)
Steven Kenet, suffering from a recurring brain injury, appears to have strangled his wife. Having confessed, he's committed to an understaffed county asylum full of pathetic inmates. There, Dr. Ann Lorrison is initially skeptical about Kenet's story and reluctance to undergo treatment. But against her better judgement, she begins to doubt his guilt.
Roses Are Red
A crooked crime boss tries to put a crony into office.
Mr. Perkins
An orphan helps a doctor fight an epidemic in a small western town, in one of Allan Dwan’s closely observed studies in Americana.
Michigan Kid
A former U.S. marshal rescues an instant heiress from an outlaw's gang.
Deep Valley
Prison Official
A shy California farm girl falls head-over-heels in love with Barry Burnett, a fugitive from a chain gang building a road through the wilderness.
The Long Night
Mr. Hudson (uncredited)
City police surround a building attempting to capture a suspected murder. The suspect knows there is no escape but refuses to give in.
Ed Burma
A cattle-vs.-sheepman feud loses Connie Dickason her fiance, but gains her his ranch, which she determines to run alone in opposition to Frank Ivey, "boss" of the valley, whom her father Ben wanted her to marry. She hires recovering alcoholic Dave Nash as foreman and a crew of Ivey's enemies. Ivey fights back with violence and destruction, but Dave is determined to counter him legally... a feeling not shared by his associates. Connie's boast that, as a woman, she doesn't need guns proves justified, but plenty of gunplay results.
My Favorite Brunette
State Trooper Sergeant (uncredited)
Baby photographer Ronnie Jackson, on death row in San Quentin, tells reporters how he got there: taking care of his private-eye neighbor's office, Ronnie is asked by the irresistible Baroness Montay to find the missing Baron. There follow confusing but sinister doings in a gloomy mansion and a private sanatorium, with every plot twist a parody of thriller cliches.
Undercover Maisie
Wolf at Union Station (Uncredited)
Maisie Revere, a showgirl stranded in Los Angeles, decides to join the local police department on the persuasion of Lieutenant Paul Scott who wants to use her as an undercover agent to expose a conman.
Undercover Maisie
Man at Union Station
Maisie Revere, a showgirl stranded in Los Angeles, decides to join the local police department on the persuasion of Lieutenant Paul Scott who wants to use her as an undercover agent to expose a conman.
욕망의 상속자
Motorcycle Cop (uncredited)
험프리 보가트는 전설이다. 아메리칸 필름 인스티튜트가 1999년에 시행한 조사를 비롯하여 몇 가지 여론조사가 모든 시대를 통틀어 그를 가장 위대한 배우로 지목했다. 보가트 자신도 인정했듯이 그가 한 연기 대부분이 특별히 두드러지지 않는 역할이었음에도 불구하고 그토록 변치 않는 인기를 누린다는 사실 자체가 바로 그의 재능에 대한 증명이다. 보가트는 언제까지나 좋은 평가를 받을 것이 분명한 몇 편의 고전 영화에 출연했다. 전체적으로 살펴보면 평범한 수준의 연기도 많지만, 또 존 휴스턴 감독이 말했듯이 비록 그의 배우 생활이 스스로 자초한 날카로운 언사와 불같은 성미와 바람기 많은 보가트라는 페르소나 때문에 고충을 겪은 것이 사실이라 해도, 스크린에서 보는 그에게는 부인할 수 없는 마력이 있다. 많은 영화와 텔레비전 프로그램에서 풍자의 소재가 되기도 하는, 그의 동료 배우 스펜서 트레이시가 붙여준 별명 '보기'는 모든 남자가 되고 싶어 하는 남자다. 외과의사와 광고 일러스트레이터 사이에서 태어난 보가트는 거의 40세가 되어서야 배우로서 지명도를 얻기 시작했다. 학생 체질이 아니었던 그는 1918년에 명망 있는 필립스 아카데미에서 쫓겨났다. 해군예비군으로 시간을 보내다가 밤에 펼쳐지는 화려한 생활에 매료되어 연기 생활을 시작했다. 브로드웨이에서 작은 역할을 연기하다가 영화로 옮겨 갔다. 그의 1930년대는 특출한 연기도 없이 여러 갱스터나 터프가이들 중 하나로 등장하거나 특별히 뛰어나게 연기하지 못한 채 판에 박힌 역할들을 맡았던 서른 편 이상의 B급 영화로 채워졌다. 보가트는 워너브라더스사가 제임스 캐그니 같은 대스타들이 거절한 2등급 배역만 자신에게 떠맡긴다고 불평했다.
우리 생애 최고의 해
Mr. Mollett
프레드와 호머는 제2차 세계대전 참전 용사들로 전쟁이 끝나고 귀향하는 길에 만나 친구가 된다. 그들은 집에 돌아간다는 기쁨에 들뜨면서도 한편으로 가족과 사회에 적응해야 한다는 두려움에 사로잡힌다. 또한 항공모함의 화재로 두 손을 잃고 불구가 된 호모는 사랑하는 애인과 가족이 자기의 이런 모습을 어떻게 받아들일지 초조해한다. 고향으로 돌아온 첫날, 세 사람은 호머의 삼촌이 경영하는 술집에서 우연히 다시 만나 즐거운 한 때를 보내고 술에 만취한 프레드는 알의 집에까지 가서 자게 된다. 그 다음날 아침, 아내와 반가운 재회를 한 프레드는 그녀와의 새 삶을 꿈꾼다. 프레드는 나이트 클럽에 다니고 있는 아내를 설득해 일을 그만두게 하고 자신이 일을 구해보려 하지만 생각과는 달리 쉽게 취직을 하지 못해 고민한다. 한편, 호머는 가족들이 자신을 정상인으로 바라보지 않고 동정어린 시선으로 바라본다고 생각하며 가족을 피해 겉돈다. 또한 사랑하는 윌마를 회피하고 그녀를 떠나보내려고 한다.
Till the Clouds Roll By
Movie Studio Orchestra Conductor (uncredited)
Light bio-pic of American Broadway pioneer Jerome Kern, featuring renditions of the famous songs from his musical plays by contemporary stage artists, including a condensed production of his most famous: 'Showboat'.
The Strange Woman
Alex Duncan
Isaiah, a 19th-century businessman, has his eye on the beautiful and very young Jenny. Finally of age, she accepts his marriage proposal, but their love affair quickly turns sour. Ephraim, Isaiah's college-age son, comes for a visit, immediately striking up a chemistry with Jenny. She promises marriage -- if he murders his father first. But Jenny also swoons for John, the fiancé of her best friend, Meg.
Policeman (uncredited)
A fatally shot female gangleader recounts her sordid life of crime to a police officer just before she dies.
The Missing Lady
Interrogating Detective with Black Mustache (uncredited)
While investigating the theft of a valuable jade statue known as "The Missing Lady" -- and the subsequent murder of an art dealer -- imperceptible sleuth Lamont Cranston aka the Shadow (Kane Richmond) finds himself being blamed for the crime. It doesn't help the Shadow's claims of innocence when more bodies begin piling up. Good thing he knows exactly who's guilty among an increasingly smaller group of suspects.
Strange Voyage
Capt. Andrews
A group of men go on an expedition seeking sunken treasure, and wind up battling bad weather, rough seas and each other.
Deadline for Murder
Frank (uncredited)
A favor for an old friend leads a Los Angeles gambler (Kent Taylor) into a dangerous search for a missing document.
Dangerous Business
Plainclothesman (uncredited)
Two young lawyers open an office together. They are hired to defend a utilities magnate who claims he has been framed. He is kidnapped by a gangster, and a battle royal ensues when the lawyers try to rescue him.
Blonde Alibi
Detective Jones (Uncredited)
Soon after a young woman breaks off her engagement to a doctor, the doctor is found murdered. Suspicion falls on his ex-fiancé and a pilot with a checkered past.
The Bandit of Sherwood Forest
Little John
Robin Hood's swashbuckling son comes to the rescue when England's boy-king is captured by the evil, power-hungry William of Pembroke.
Steve - Maritime Commissioner (uncredited)
A rough and tumble man of the sea falls for a meek librarian.
Captain Kidd
Michael O'Shawn (uncredited)
Cutthroat pirate William Kidd captures Admiral Blayne's treasure ship and hides the bounty in a cave. Three years later, Kidd, posing as a respectable merchant captain, offers his services to the king. Seeking a social position, Kidd also negotiates for Blayne's title and lands, provided he can prove Blayne was associated with piracy. Launched upon his royal mission, Kidd is unaware that Blayne's son Adam is among the crew, determined to clear his father's name.
A Gun in His Hand
Police Lt. O'Neill (uncredited)
In this MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short, a young man graduates from the police academy at the top of his class. He then teams up with some local thieves and uses his knowledge of police procedures to pursue a career of undetected crime.
닻을 올리고
Assistant Movie Director (uncredited)
전쟁에서 무공을 세워 특별 휴가를 받은 두 병사의 이야기. 여자에 관해서는 완전 쑥맥인 클레어런스(프랑크 시나트라)와 그와는 정반대의 성향인 조셉(진 켈리). 조는 여자 친구를 만나러 가지만 달리 할게 없는 클레어렌스는 그를 졸졸 따라 다닌다. 여자 사귀는 방법을 묻기도 하고... 그러던 중 경찰에게 끌려가는 어린아이를 발견하는데 그 아이는 해병이 너무 좋아 군에 입대를 하고 조르고 겨우 달래어 집에 데려다 주다가 보호자인 이모를 만나게 된다. 그 아이의 이모는 배우 지망생이었고 클레어렌스는 그녀, 수잔을 좋아하게 된다. 조는 클레어런스와 수잔을 맺어주려 노력하지만 그녀는 조를 좋아한다. 어느덧 수잔에게 이끌리는 조, 하지만 클레어런스를 생각하고 선뜻 행동으로 옮기지 못한다.
어롱 케임 존스
An easy-going cowboy is mistaken by the townsfolk for a notorious gunman. The cowboy decides it would be best to leave town, until he meets the gunman's girlfriend.
백 투 바탄
Lt. Col. Roberts (uncredited)
제2차세계대전 당시 일본군에게 점령당한 필리핀에서의 저항세력에 대한 전쟁영화
The Clock
A G.I. en route to Europe falls in love during a whirlwind two-day leave in New York City.
Circumstantial Evidence
A man waits on death row while his son and friend try to prove that he did not kill a grocer with an ax.
Keep Your Powder Dry
Army Captain/Camouflage Leader (uncredited)
A debutante, a serviceman's bride and a girl from a military family join the Women's Army Corps.
Hollywood Canteen
Army Captain (uncredited)
Two soldiers on leave spend three nights at a club offering free of charge food, dancing, and entertainment for servicemen on their way overseas. Club founders Bette Davis and John Garfield give talks on the history of the place.
Nothing But Trouble
Two bumbling servants are hired by a dizzy society matron to cook and serve a meal to visiting royalty.
공주와 해적
Guard (uncredited)
실베스터는 비열한 행동를 했던 연예인으로 영국에서 추방되어진다. 배를 타고 미국으로 떠나기 위해 해외여행을 하던 중 그는 예쁜 마가렛공주를 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 그녀는 그에게 관심도 없다. 그러던 중 높은 파도 속에서 그녀가 탄 배는 해적에게 납치당한다. 해적은 공주의 신분을 알고 그녀를 유괴하여 왕에게 몸값을 받아내려 계획은 세운다. 공주의 유일한 희망은 비열한 코미디언 실베스터 뿐이다. 과연 실베스터는 하찮은 농담 따윈 그만 두고 그녀를 구조해 낼 수 있을까?
The Missing Juror
Chief of Detectives at Line-Up (Uncredited)
A newsman tracks down a phantom killer of murder-trial jurors.
Strange Affair
Truck Driver (Uncredited)
Eminent psychiatrist Dr. Brenner invites cartoonist Bill Harrison and his wife, Jack, to a banquet honoring war refugees. Bill volunteers to pick up fellow psychiatrist Dr. Baumler at the train station, but the man vanishes when he has Bill stop so he can use a pay phone. At the dinner, Bill and Jack are seated with Brenner's daughter, Freda, and, to Bill's surprise, another man is introduced as Baumler -- who dies moments later.
Cry of the Werewolf
Ed, a Policeman
A young gypsy girl turns into a wolf to destroy her enemies.
Maisie Goes to Reno
Policeman (Uncredited)
A Brooklyn showgirl gets mixed up in a divorce between a soldier and his wife.
Secret Command
Shipyard Worker (uncredited)
Secret Command features Pat O'Brien as a onetime foreign correspondent in the wartime employ of the FBI. Under an assumed name, O'BRIEN goes to work at a shipyard, intending to keep both eyes open for potential saboteurs. To maintain the cover, O'BRIEN is given a "wife" (Carole Landis) and two children. When O'BRIEN's brother Chester Morris shows up, he can't comprehend the charade and nearly spills the beans to the Nazi spies O'BRIEN hopes to trap. Based on the short story The Saboteurs by John and Ward Hawkins, Secret Command offers a graying but still feisty Pat O'Brien doing what he does best.
U-Boat Prisoner
C.P.O. Shaw (uncredited)
Bruce Bennett plays merchant seaman Archie Gibbs, who manages to survive when his ship is torpedoed by a German submarine. Disguising himself in the uniform of a dead Nazi spy, Gibbs is picked up by the Nazi U-boat. He manages to convince the German sailors that he's the spy, and in this guise he tries to rescue a group of captured Allied scientists.
Bathing Beauty
Maitre d' at Adams Club (uncredited)
After breaking up with her fiancé, a gym teacher returns to work at a women's college, but a legal loophole allows him to enroll as one of her students.
Main Street Today
Ed a Citizen at Committee Meeting (uncredited)
This patriotic short film promotes America's war effort at home. The story looks at a fictional small town's main street, seeing where additional workforce, for increased production of materials needed by the military, might come from.
논 셸 이스케이프
Through flashbacks, the story of a Nazi war criminal is exposed.
퀴리 부인
Driver (uncredited)
어린 폴란드 물리학 박사 마리는 잠시 동안 피에르의 연구실에서 일하게 되고 둘은 결혼한다. 베크렐의 영향을 받은 그들은 방사능을 연구하기로 한다. 많은 실험 후 그들은 우랴륨보다 훨씬 강한 방사능성을 내는 물질을 발견하고 그것의 분리작업을 시도한다. 대학교의 임시 연구소에서 수년의 실험후에 그들은 극소량의 새로운 원소를 분리하는데 성공한다. 그러나 그들의 대단한 발견에도 불구하고 남편 피에르는 교통사고로 사망한다. 퀴리부인의 일대기를 다룬 영화로 과학도로서의 그녀의 꿈과 사랑을 다룬 전기영화다.
Whistling in Brooklyn
Traded Beaver Baseall Player (uncredited)
Radio crime show host "The Fox" finds himself on the trail of a serial killer while a suspect himself.
The Chance of a Lifetime
Policeman Joe (Uncredited)
A mad scramble for stolen loot ensues after Boston Blackie has prisoners released for work in a wartime defence plant.
Dangerous Blondes
Detective Charlie Temple
Mystery writer Barry Craig (Allyn Joslyn) and his wife Jane (Evelyn Keyes), prefer solving crimes rather than writing about them. They get a chance when killings plague the fashion photography studio of Ralph McCormick (Edmund Lowe). After his secretary, Julie Taylor(Anita Louise) reports an attempt to murder her there, Erika McCormick's (Ann Savage) Aunt Isabel Fleming (Mary Forbes) is stabbed and the evidence points to Madge Lawrence (Bess Flowers) an older model and an apparent suicide. Police Inspector Joseph Clinton (Frank Craven) declares the case closed...but then Erika is murdered.
Ode to Victory
Master Sergeant - Orchestra Conductor (uncredited)
This short uses a musical suite to show Americans what they are fighting for in World War II. As an orchestra in military dress plays different "chapters" of the work, relevant excerpts from MGM films show the history of America. The chapters are: 1) Birth of Freedom; 2) The Land Divided; 3) Coming of Age: 4) Land of the Free. At the end, a chorus sings a patriotic exhortation. (Written by David Glagovsky)
Crime Doctor
Detective with Pipe (uncredited)
Robert is found beside the highway with a head injury and amnesia. His amnesia motivates him to become a Physician and the country's leading criminal psychologist.
Prairie Chickens
Two unemployed cowhands help a pill-popping rancher find the nasty varmint who's been rustling cattle.
Slightly Dangerous
Pedestrian lifting Peggy up (uncredited)
Small-town soda-jerk Peggy Evans quits her dead-end job and moves to New York where she invents a new identity.
Thousands Cheer
Ringmaster at Circus (uncredited)
Acrobat Eddie Marsh is in the army now. His first act is to become friendly with Kathryn Jones, the colonel's pretty daughter. Their romance hits a few snags, including disapproval from her father. Eddie's also plagued by fear of having an accident during his family's trapeze act in the army variety show, which also features a gallery of MGM stars.
Northwest Rangers
Poker Player
Boyhood friends grow up into different professions: one a dedicated Canadian Mountie, the other a notorious gambler.
Overland Mail
Phony Indian
Two investigators for a stagecoach company are assigned to find out why the company's stages keep being ambushed. They discover that the culprits are white men disguised as Indians, and they set out to discover who is behind the plot.
Secret Enemies
Casey (uncredited)
FBI agents Carl Becker and John Trent raid a New York hotel, sending Nazi spies to an upstate hunting lodge.
Apache Trail
Ed Cotton
The brother of a notorious outlaw is put in a charge of a stagecoach line way station in dangerous Apache territory. A stagecoach arrives at the station with a valuable box of cargo, and the outlaw brother soon shows up, though denying that he's planning to take the cargo box. Soon, however, rampaging Apaches attack the station, and the station manager, his brother and a disparate group of passengers and employees must fight them off.
Escape from Crime
An ex-con becomes a daredevil photojournalist.
Fingers at the Window
Police Car #12 Driver (uncredited)
In Chicago, an unemployed actor aims to solve the mystery concerning a string of ax murders, apparently committed by a lunatic.
Nazi Agent
Officer Graves (uncredited)
Humble stamp dealer Otto Becker has little to do with international politics, so when he receives a surprise visit from his estranged twin brother and Nazi spy, Baron Hugo von Detner, his world is thrown into turmoil. Threatening Becker with deportation, Hugo forces him to use his shop as a front for espionage.
여성의 해
Married Sports Reporter (uncredited)
샘 크레그(스펜서 트레이시)는 뉴욕 스포츠 기자다. 해외통신원 테스 하딩(캐서린 헵번)이 기고한 스포츠 무일함에 대한 논평에 분노를 느낀 샘은 반론기사를 실는다. 이 기사에 다시 테스가 반론기사를 실으면서 두사람은 만나게 되는 날까지 반론에 반론이 계속된다. 마침내 두사람은 만나게 되고 샘은 테스를 야구장으로 데리고 가면서 두사람의 논쟁은 끝나지만.. 두사람은 사랑에 빠지게 되면서 결혼하기에 이른다. 그러나 그들의 행복한 결혼 생활은 그들의 서로 다른 라이프 스타일로 인해 위기에 처하고 일에 중독된 테스를 견디다 못한 샘은 이별을 고하고 시골로 떠난다. 홀로된 테스는 허전함과 외로움에 느낀다. 여성운동가인 엘렌이 아버지와 결혼하게 되면서 엘런으로부터 모든 것을 이루웠지만 늘 외로웠다는 그녀의 말을 듣게 되면서 테스는 결혼에 대하여 진지하게 다시 생각하게 된다. 결국 테스는 샘을 찾아가고.. 생활이 바뀌지 않는한 서로에게 불행할 것이라며 거절하는 샘에게 아내로서 노력하겠으니 다시 시작하자고 하는데..
Wild Bill Hickok Rides
Jack Handley
The Western hero takes on a ruthless land baron whose henchmen killed his best friend.
The Bugle Sounds
An old-time cavalry sergeant's resistance to change could cost him his post.
Don Winslow of the Navy
Gang Radioman Barker
A movie serial in 12 Chapters: US naval officer Don Winslow is given command of Tangita Island, near Pearl Harbor, where a ring of saboteurs is trying to destroy ships carrying supplies to the troops stationed in the islands and sabotage the war effort under orders from an unknown leader.
They Died with Their Boots On
Barfly (uncredited)
The story follows General George Armstrong Custer's adventures from his West Point days to his death. He defies orders during the Civil War, trains the 7th Cavalry, appeases Chief Crazy Horse and later engages in bloody battle with the Sioux nation.
Honky Tonk
Poker Player on Train
Fast-talking con-man and grifter Candy Johnson rises to be the corrupt boss of Yellow Creek, but his wife's alcoholic father tries to set things right.
요크 상사
Marching Soldier (uncredited)
시나리오와 연기 면에서 특히 뛰어나고 아마도 혹스의 영화들 가운데 제작비가 가장 많이 들어간 영화인 는 혹스의 필모그래피에서 최상의 퀄리티를 가진 영화로 보긴 힘들지만 여하튼 그의 가장 ‘존중받는’ 영화들 가운데 하나이긴 하다. 실화에 기초해 만들어진 이 영화는 테네시주의 한 지역에 살던 농부가 1차대전 중 혁혁한 공로를 세우는 전쟁 영웅으로 바뀌게 되는 이야기를 다룬다. 이것은 말 그대로 영웅의 이야기로 볼 수도 있으나 다른 한편으로는 원래 종교의 가르침을 중시하던 남자가 그것에 어긋나는 일을 하면서 마음 속에서 겪는 혼란을 그린 비극으로 간주할 수도 있다. 이 영화로 혹스는 생애 유일한 아카데미 감독상 후보에 올랐으며 주연을 맡은 게리 쿠퍼는 남우주연상 트로피를 가져갔다.
Billy the Kid
Sammy Axel (uncredited)
Billy Bonney is a hot-headed gunslinger who narrowly skirts a life of crime by being befriended and hired by a peaceful rancher, Eric Keating. When Keating is killed, Billy seeks revenge on the men who killed him, even if it means opposing his friend, Marshal Jim Sherwood.
지그펠드 걸
Pawnbroker (Uncredited)
1920년대, 유명한 쇼 제작자 지그펠드의 무대에 서는 것은 브로드웨이 드림을 안고 뉴욕으로 온 수많은 젊은이들의 꿈이다. 그 무대에 서는 세 명의 코러스 걸들의 운명을 따라간다.
Outlaws of the Panhandle
Walt Burnett
Outlaws of the Pandhandle was the last of Charles Starrett's "formula" westerns for Columbia: hereafter, Starrett would be seen only in the guise of frontier medico Steven Monroe or masked do-gooder The Durango Kid. For the moment, however, the star is cast as Jim Endicott, bound and determined to put an end to the underhanded activities of gin-mill operator Faro Jack Vaughn (Norman Willis). The villain's strategy is to get the local cowpunchers tanked up on rotgut that they'll prove to be easy pickings for a gang of rustlers-and will be unable to complete work on a railroad spur which will bypass the outlaws' hideaway.
Kitty Foyle
Clarinet Player (uncredited)
Kitty Foyle, a hard-working white-collar girl from a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania low, middle-class family, meets and falls in love with young socialite Wyn Strafford but his family is against her.
The Green Hornet Strikes Again!
Chief Guard at Steel Mill
Second serial featuring The Green Hornet and Kato.
Trail of the Vigilantes
Deputy Sheriff
A reporter goes undercover to break up an outlaw gang.
Pony Post
Claud Richards
Atkins is the boss of one of the Pony Express relay stations. He has been causing trouble and is replaced with Cal Sheridan. Atkins now gets the Richard brothers to raid one of the relay stations and they kill Norma's father. Cal sees that the horse of one of the raiders has a broken shoe and Norma sets out to find that horse.
American Spoken Here
Bartender (uncredited)
This MGM John Nesbitt's Passing Parade series short takes a look at the origins of North American slang.
Third Finger, Left Hand
Cameraman in Ohio (uncredited)
Magazine editor Margot Merrick pretends to be married in order to avoid advances from male colleagues. Unfortunately, things don't go to plan when Jeff Thompson, a potential suitor, uncovers the deception and decides to show up at Margot's family home posing as her husband!
Prairie Schooners
Wolf Tanner
Wild Bill Hickok (Bill Elliott) leads a wagon train of settlers from Kansas to Colorado. Along the way, they cross a group of Indians who don't want any more settlers on their land.
Melody Ranch
His Arizona hometown of Torpedo invites Gene back to be the honorary sheriff of the Frontier Days Celebration.
I Love You Again
Watchman (uncredited)
Boring businessman Larry Wilson recovers from amnesia and discovers he's really a con man...and loves his soon-to-be-ex wife.
New Moon
A revolutionary leader romances a French aristocrat in Louisiana.
Adventures of Red Ryder
Calvin Drake employs a group of low-lifes to drive away land owners along the path of a new railroad; Red Ryder opposes this strategy.
Set against the backdrop of WWI Europe, a man and woman of different classes are brought together by their love of Lippizan horses.
Viva Cisco Kid
Josh - Stage Holdup Man
Cisco saves a stagecoach from being robbed and takes a shine to one of the passengers whose father is in cahoots with a vicious criminal who plans to murder him.
Strange Cargo
Guard (uncredited)
Convicts escaping from Devil's Island come under the influence of a strange Christ-like figure.
Northwest Passage
Bradley McNeil
Based on the Kenneth Roberts novel of the same name, this film tells the story of two friends who join Rogers' Rangers, as the legendary elite force engages the enemy during the French and Indian War. The film focuses on their famous raid at Fort St. Francis and their marches before and after the battle.
Star Reporter
An idealistic young newspaper reporter crusades against organized crime.
Western Jamboree
Knowing that is contains valuable helium gas, a gang of bad guys first tries to purchase the ranch which Gene straw-bosses. When that fails, they lay a hidden pipeline to snag the gas.
Give Me a Sailor
Sailor Playing Clarinet (uncredited)
Jim and Walter are two brother sailors in the United States Navy. Walter tells Jim as soon as they get home he is going to ask his beautiful girlfriend, Nancy Larkin to marry him. But Jim is also in love with Nancy so he begs Nancy's ugly duckling sister, Letty to help break Walter and Nancy up. Letty agrees only under one condition, he help her to win Walter!
Radio Patrol
About a young radio cop and a beautiful girl try to stop an international criminal gang from getting their hands on the formula for a new bulletproof steel.