Our Very Own (1950)
SAMUEL GOLDWYN'S unforgettable, compelling entertainment triumph!
장르 : 드라마
상영시간 : 1시간 33분
연출 : David Miller
각본 : F. Hugh Herbert
Gail discovers the shocking news that she is adopted during a heated argument with her sister, Joan. With the reluctant support of her adoptive parents and baby sister, Penny, Gail goes in search of her biological mother and true identity.
Nick Pearson is a life-long bachelor who is finally settling down. On the brink of his wedding he is surprised to find he has a 13 year old son who has come to find his him through the help of a psychic. The problem is Nick can't stand kids and would happily send the boy back to live with his biological mother, except that no one has any clue who that might be. Having nowhere to turn Nick must hit the road with the boy and the neurotic, inept psychic to track down dozens of his disgraced ex-flings to whom he must ask the awkward question - with very mixed results.
화창한 날씨, 최고급 테이블 세팅, 눈부신 웨딩드레스! 최강 비주얼 커플 ‘미시’(아만다 사이프리드)와 ‘알레한드로’(벤 반스)가 꿈꾸던 로맨틱 웨딩은 완벽했다. 결혼 골인을 위한 마지막 관문! 남다른 패밀리를 만나기 전까지! 철부지 시아버지 ‘돈’(로버트 드 니로)부터 이혼 일보직전 시누이 ‘라일라’ (캐서린 헤이글), 29년 순정남 시동생 ‘제러드’(토퍼 그레이스)까지 둘째가라면 서러운 트러블 메이커 패밀리 총 집합! 우리 그냥 결혼하게 해주세요! 한 시도 방심할 수 없는 좌충우돌 결혼식, 무사히 마칠 수 있을까?
서로의 존재를 모르고 살다 19년 만에 기적처럼 만난 세쌍둥이 형제. 사연이 알려지자 사람들의 관심은 뜨거웠고, 형제들은 일약 스타가 된다. 하지만 기쁨도 잠시, 마침내 세상을 경악게 할 진실이 드러난다. 충격적인 실화를 다룬 작품.
OCTOBER BABY is the coming of age story of a beautiful and naive college freshman who discovers that her entire life is a lie and sets out on a road trip with a host of misfits to discover herself and the answers she craves.
아기 침팬지 오스카는 엄마와 함께 정글 속에서 생활하고 있었다. 그러던 어느날 갑자기 경쟁 침팬지 무리에게 습격당한 후, 오스카는 외톨이가 되었다. 혼자 살아남기 위해 발버둥 치고 있는 와중에, 다자란 어른 수컷에게 입양된다.
A teen learns that his birth mother is a mermaid after he begins to grow fins and slimy scales on his thirteenth birthday.
After a newlywed's husband apparently dies in a plane crash, she discovers that her rival for his affections is pregnant with his child.
친구 안젤리카가 책임질 수 없었던 아이 비토리아의 엄마가 되어 준 티나. 10년의 시간을 함께하며 티나는 비토리아가 완전히 자신의 딸이 되었다고 믿지만 비토리아가 안젤리카의 존재를 눈치채면서 상황은 걷잡을 수 없이 달라진다. 한편 안젤리카는 자신이 엄마가 될 수 있다고 생각해본 적 없지만 딸을 마주한 순간 한 번도 느껴보지 못한 감정을 마주하는데…
An adopted Irish American artist confronts her past when both sets of parents come together over a weekend for her to paint a family portrait.
통제할 수 없는 운명과 부정할 수 없는 과거에 의해 만사가 결정된다고 생각하는 닉 카민스키(Nick Kaminsky: 케빈 앤더슨 분)의 엘더스타운 방문은 수수께끼같은 우연들의 연속인데 그 우연 모두가 닉을 욕정에서 빚어 지고 죽음으로 그늘진 운명으로 냉혹하게 내몬다. 표면상으로 그는 어머니의 임종을 지키려고 이곳에 온 것이지만, 어려서 친엄마가 누군지 모른 채 입양된 그는 어머니가 죽음을 맞이하는 시점에 어머니를 처음 만나게 되는 것이다. 대학 동료였던 폴 케슬러(Paul Kessler: 빌 풀만 분)와의 만남은 그가 이 도시를 방문한 초점을 다른 방향으로 바꾸는데. 닉은 철재골조 건축에 관한 수권의 책을 쓴 유명한 작가로 폴이 작업을 하는 랄스 백화점의 폭파에 관심을 갖게 된다. 랄슨 백화점은 철재골조 건축의 획기적 건물이었는데, 1953년에 그 도시의 전설로 남은 치정 살인사건이 일어난 후, 줄곧 판자로 둘러싸여 있었다. 그 건물의 파괴에 대한 닉의 흥미를 한층 자극하는 것은 폴의 아내 제인(Jane Kessler: 파멜라 기들리 분)이었다. 그들이 제인의 생일날 처음 만났을 때 그 둘은 즉각 서로에게 매료되는데, 수십년 동안 갖힌 그건물의 무시무시한 비밀과 환상에 대한 상호교감으로 함께 묶여진 것 같았다. 그의 어머니의 삶이 그 막바지에 다달하고, 랄슨 빌딩이 허물어질 때가 가까와짐에 따라 닉과제인의 강박관념은 자라나고, 그의 방문을 둘러싼 미스테리가 얽힌 실타래 사이로 풀려가고, 과거의 죄가 부활하며, 돌이킬 수 없는 마지막 운명을 향해 치닫는데.
Joy is an emotionally damaged young woman of eighteen, who was given up at birth, to grow up in homes and with foster families. She lives on the fringes of society, getting by on benefits and earning a little extra by playing the accordion in the subway. In addition, she is a skilled shoplifter and has never been caught.
Dr. Arthur Calgary visits the Argyle family to return an address book lost some time ago by Jack Argyle, only to find out that Jack has been executed for the murder of his mother. Calgary can prove that Jack was innocent. In spite of opposition from a hostile family, he is determined to solve the crime.
Coring, a gay beautician, is left with a baby by his former ward, Dennis. The baby grows up thinking that Coring is his real father. Everything seems to be smooth until the kid's mother suddenly shows up to claim her son.
Colours is the story of Pinky, a tomboy who hosts a popular TV show, Colours. Her sister, Pooja and her life changes when Lt.Com. Sanjaynath becomes a regular visitor to their house.
The teenager Ebba, has no idea who her real mother is, or where she is. In India, she and her friend Camilla go on a search for Ebba's mother.
뮬라는 시골에서 가족과 함께 살고 있다. 딸의 첫 성체 성사를 앞두고, 아이의 생물학적 엄마 카야가 이들을 찾아온다. 카야는 아이를 낳고 6년 동안 홀연히 자취를 감춘 뮬라의 여동생이다. 가족들은 화해를 원하지만, 카야가 딸을 데려가기 위해 왔다고 믿는 뮬라는 불안하다. 한편, 카야가 온 뒤 일련의 초자연적 현상이 일어나자 마을 사람들은 심경에 변화가 생긴다. 공포감을 느낀 뮬라는 동생이 사라지기를 바라지만, 카야는 다른 이유가 있어서 마을에 온 듯하다.
As young children, half-siblings Axel and Yanne are adopted to Norway. They are separated on arrival, him to material wealth on Oslo's west side, her to an average family on the east side. In contrast to her younger brother, Yanne remembers their journey to Norway, but she has no idea where he might be now.
Gemini is a special child with some behavioral disorders. She is an adopted child and to make things even more difficult, her parents are not in the best of terms. She is often ridiculed by her peers, but two of her teachers realize her potential and urges her to egg on.
쾌활하고 발칙한 빨강머리 10대 소녀 알리스는 엄마가 입양했을 당시의 애교 넘치는 딸의 모습과는 한참 멀어져 버렸다. 끊임없이 사고를 치던 알리체는 엄마의 실망감으로 인해 계속 거짓말을 하다못해, 자신이 만든 허구의 세계와 현실의 경계조차 모호해지는 지경에 이른다. 알리스의 임신 사실을 엄마가 알아채기 전까진.
Captain Giakoumis makes the big decision to forsake the sea and live peacefully close to his wife and his adopted son, Andreas, who is about to sit for examinations in order to become a lieutenant. However, a terrible secret burdens his soul. He has a daughter, Agni, whom he had years ago when he had an affair with Maria, a prostitute from Troumpa. Maria, before she died, expressed the wish that Giakoumis recognize their daughter as his child. He, however, refused, since Agni ended up becoming a prostitute. The girl, to take revenge on her father, starts an affair with her half-brother with the intention of dragging him down into the mud. In the end, however, she falls in love with him, and this love blesses everyone and everything.
Booze, pills and loneliness mark a young actress' rise to stardom.
Biography of celebrated American jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes.
When Fred Smith's wife dies in childbirth, Emma Thatcher, who has been nanny to the couple's three children, cares also for the family's new addition. Fred becomes rich and successful, then he and Emma marry. When Fred dies, his will becomes a source of trouble between the children and Emma.
An heiress takes a job as a department store clerk.
In the South Pacific islands, two brothers, one good and one bad, fight over the same girl and over a bag of pearls.
An airplane carrying three Brits crash lands in the kingdom of Rukh. The Rajah holds them prisoner because the British are about to execute his three half-brothers in neighboring India.
Ella Bishop is an inhibited girl whose frustrations grow as she approaches womanhood. As a women, her ambitions to teach cause her to lose her only opportunity for true love. Ella's life becomes one of missed chances and wrong choices. As she reaches old age, she reflects back and realizes she allowed the years to go by without achieving what she believes to be her true fulfillment. However, her years have not been without glory, and her moment of triumph arrives when her numerous now-famous students from over the years, return to honor their beloved Miss Bishop.
A soldier blinded in war returns home and attempts to adjust to civilian life.
Julie Bronson, whose father operates a desert cafe, is attracting the unwanted attention of a half-crazed gangster known as The Ghost who runs a desert night club several miles away.
The future is bleak for a troubled boy from a broken home in the slums. He runs away when his step father breaks his violin, ending up sleeping in the basement of a music school for poor children.
Movie producer chooses a simple girl to be "Miss Humanity" and to critically evalute his movies from the point of view of the ordinary person.
An outbreak of cholera threatens a luxury liner in this surprisingly low-budget melodrama from RKO. En route from Shanghai to San Francisco, chief engineer Crusher McKay (Victor McLaglen) and shipboard doctor Tony Craig (Chester Morris) become rivals for the attention of nurse Ann Grayson (Wendy Barrie). A Chinese stowaway, meanwhile, infects the stokehold with cholera and it is left to Crusher to keep the engines at full throttle until reaching harbor. But morale sinks to an all-time low when Crusher himself is stricken and the overworked men threaten with mutiny. Tony attempts to keep the stokers in check but the situation is growing more dangerous by the minute when a heroic Crusher rises from his sickbed. Leaving their previous petty squabbles behind, Tony and Crusher manage to guide the ship safely to harbor, where the doc and Ann rekindle their romance.
An Italian war bride has problems dealing with her husband's possessive mother.
The hapless king of a small European nation must put up with a domineering queen, a daughter who wants to elope with her boyfriend, a peasant revolt and a scheming general.
The 16th-century sculptor woos the Duchess of Florence despite the duke.
A documentary about the first flight over Mt Everest.
All-American basketball player, Billy signs up with the world-famous "Harlem Globetrotters", an all-Negro professional team. Billy struggles with important life decisions and their consequences.
A crime reporter writes book to expose names and methods of the criminal leaders. He is held on a charge after refusing to explain how he got his information, but is released and helps to expose the syndicate.
Director William A. Wellman adds another to his long line of salutes-to-aviation films in this bio of an aviation pioneer, John Montgomery (Glenn Ford.) In 1883 he built a practical glider despite the opposition of his friends, who thought he was crazy, and of his family, who were afraid that his dreams of flying would hurt his father's political ambitions. He pursues his education at Santa Clara University where the Jesuits lend a helping and understanding hand. An earthquake destroys what appears to be a working model for an airplane, but a gold-sorting machine Montgomery invented, and then neglected, promises to provide for his financial needs to keep working on his aircraft until he gets involved in costly lawsuits defending his invention.