Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS presents a 2013 concert celebrating Chita Rivera's 80th birthday as a fundraiser to aid struggling artists during the pandemic. Chita offers a musical retrospective of her career in the theatre with guest stars Tommy Tune and Ben Vereen. Includes songs from 'Seventh Heaven,' 'West Side Story,' 'Bye Bye Birdie,' 'The Happy Time,' 'Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well and Living in Paris,' 'Chicago,' 'The Rink,' 'Kiss of the Spider Woman,' & 'The Visit,' among others.
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Aliens from Outer Space are slowly switching places with real humans -- one of the first being a young man about to get married. Slowly, his new wife realizes something is wrong, and her suspicions are confirmed when her husband's odd behaviour begins to show up in other townspeople.
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When the South loses the war, Confederate veteran O'Meara goes West, joins the Sioux, takes a wife and refuses to be an American but he must choose a side when the Sioux go to war against the U.S. Army.
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Omar Khayyam was one of the greatest Persian poets. He was also a brilliant mathematician. Though his quatrains were written in the 11th century, they are still popular the world over. The details of his life are unknown, so this movie invents a biography for him and includes in it his real achievements - the invention of a new calendar and the penning of those epigrammatic poems. This film has him romancing a sultan's bride and foiling the assassin sect's plot to kill the sultan's son.
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Near the end of the French phase of the Vietnam War, a group of mercenaries are recruited to travel through enemy territory to the Chinese border.
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An inaccurate retelling of the life of silent filmmaker and comedian Buster Keaton.
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A young Mexican boy tirelessly tries to save his pet bull from death at the hands of a celebrated matador.
Original Music Composer
영국 빅토리아 여왕 시기, 모험을 즐기며 꼼꼼하고 감정을 잘 드러내지 않는 성격의 거부 필리스 포그(데이빗 니븐)는 자기가 속한 클럽의 친구들과 내기를 한다. 80일 동안에 지구를 한 바퀴 돌 수 있느냐는 논쟁을 벌인 끝에 그의 전 재산 2만 파운드를 건 것이다. 새로 일을 시작한 그의 충실한 집사 빠스빠르뚜(캔틴플라스)와 함께 그는 곧바로 세계일주 여행을 떠난다. 그러나 그들은 여행 시작부터 마르세이유행 열차를 놓치고, 여행사 직원으로부터 기구를 구입하여 여행을 계속하나 목적지가 아닌 스페인에 도착하게 되는 등 어려움을 겪게 된다. 빠스빠르뚜의 코믹한 투우 덕에 배를 얻어 타고 스페인에서 벗어난 그들은 계획된 여행경로를 따라 여행을 계속한다. 마지막까지 자신을 방해하며 뒤쫓는 탐정을 따돌리며 세계일주에 성공하지만, 결국 그는 기한보다 하루가 지나서 영국에 도착한다. 그러나 지구 반대편의 시차로 인한 착오였음이 밝혀지고 그는 내기에서 이긴다.
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After being shown what hypnotism can do, a doctor starts to study it in depth. When he experiments on a friend's wife, she regresses into an early life, that of Bridey Murphy.
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In this romantic drama, beautiful Red Cross volunteer Lee Ashley arrives on the South Pacific island of New Caledonia to learn more about the circumstances surrounding the death of her husband, Howard, in the Battle of Guadalcanal. There, Ashley falls for the gruff, seductive Marine Lt. Col. Colin Buck, but struggle and tragedy follow when the widow learns about the reality of Buck's life back home.
A Pinkerton detective goes undercover to infiltrate a gang of thieves whose boss is a feisty lady saloonkeeper. Complications ensue.
Original Music Composer
몽골족 족장 테무진은 어렸을때 아버지가 타타르 족장에게 독상당한 후 흩어진 부족민을 모아 부족의 중흥을 꾀하던 중 메르키트 족장에게 시집가던 타타르 족장의 아름다운 딸 보타이에게 마음을 빼앗기게 되어 결혼 행렬을 습격, 보타이를 취한다. 보타이를 되찾으려는 타타르족의 습격을 받아 보타이는 타타르족에게 돌아가고 테무진도 포로가 되지만 테무진을 사랑하게 된 보타이는 자신의 부족을 배신한다.
( 이 영화는 핵폭탄 실험 장소인 유타주 근처에서 촬영되었는데, 이 때문에, 웨인, 감독 딕 포웰, 수잔 헤이워스, 아그네스 무어헤드가 이른바 암으로 사망하는데 영향을 미쳤다고 전해진다. )
Original Music Composer
A gunfighter, stranded in the desert, comes across the aftermath of a stage robbery, in which all the passengers were killed. He takes one of the horses to ride to town to report the massacre, but finds himself accused of it. He also finds himself accused of the murder of the local banker, and winds up hiding in the basement of a house where the local sheriff, who is very sick, lives with his daughter.
Original Music Composer
남북전쟁이 끝난 후 여기저기 떠돌던 클린트와 벤 형제는 우연히 만난 재스퍼의 돈을 훔치려 하지만 재스퍼로부터 의외의 제안을 받는다. 소떼를 몰고 몬타나까지 안전히 가준다면 더 큰 돈을 주겠다는 것이다. 제안을 수락한 형제는 거센 겨울 눈보라를 뚫고 목적지를 향하던 중 넬라라는 매력적인 여성을 만난다. (한국시네마테크협의회)
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A man in priestly robes, seemingly the long-awaited Father O'Shea, arrives at a little-frequented Catholic mission in 1947 China. Though the man seems curiously uncomfortable with his priestly duties, his tough tactics prove very successful in the Seven Villages, as around them China disintegrates in civil war and revolution. But he has a secret, and his friendship with mission nurse Anne (an attractive war widow) seems to be taking on an unpriestly tone.
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Air Force reservist Lt. Col. Robert (Dutch) Holland is recalled into active duty at the peak of his baseball career.
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Legendary pirate and adventurer Sinbad is in single-minded pursuit of two things: beautiful women and a substance called Greek Fire--an early version of gunpowder.
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아카데미 7개 부문(작품, 감독, 남우주연(빙 크로스비), 여우주연(그레이스 켈리), 각본, 촬영, 미술) 노미네이트되어 여우주연, 각본상 수상. 프랭크 엘진은 한때 가수로써 명성을 떨치며, 전성기에 미모의 아내 조지와 결혼, 행복한 나날을 보냈지만 도중사고로 인해 아들을 잃고 만다. 자시의 부주의로 아들을 잃은 후 그 충격을 잊고자 거의 알콜중독상태가 되어 폐쇄적 삼을 살아가던 프랭크. 어느날 그에게 뮤직컬쇼 출연 제의가 들어온다. 어린 시절부터 프랭크를 존경하던 뮤지컬 감독 버니는 제작자의 반대에도 불구하고 그를 뮤지컬 주연으로 캐스팅 하지만 프랭크는 연습과정에서의 부진을 면치 못하고 재기의 의욕도 점차 상실해간다. 공연일자는 하루하루 다가오고 약해진 자신을 감당하지 못한 프랭크는 아내 조지에게 모든 탓을 돌리고 그의 말을 믿은 버니는 프랭크로부터 아내 조지를 떠나보내려 하는데.
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President Grant orders Indian fighter MacKay to negotiate with the Modocs of northern California and southern Oregon. On the way he must escort Nancy Meek to the home of her aunt and uncle. After Modoc renegade Captain Jack engages in ambush and other atrocities, MacKay must fight him one-on-one with guns, knives and fists.
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A lonely, unhappy owner of a Beverly Hills boarding house reflects on her lonely, unhappy life and the lonely, unhappy man she once loved.
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서부 산악 지대를 지나가는 말탄 사나이. 그가 본 것은 서부에 철도를 놓기 위한 토목공사 현장과 벌판에서 역마차를 습격하는 한 무리의 무법자들이다. 이 사나이의 이름은 쟈니 기타. 한때는 서부에 이름을 날렸던 유명한 무법자 총잡이다. 지금 그가 찾아가는 곳은 아리조나에 있는 선술집이다. 그 선술집의 주인은 비엔나로서 당당하고 멋진 서부의 여인이다. 원래 쟈니와 비엔나는 사랑하는 사이였지만 쟈니는 무법자로서의 생활을 택했고 그녀는 그와 헤어져 혼자 살아왔다. 그러다가 그녀는 자신이 참여할 서부 철도 사업을 위해 그를 총잡이로 고용했다. 하지만 옛 연인과 재회한 쟈니의 손에는 총 대신 기타가 들려 있었다. 이때, 먼지 바람 속을 뚫고 한 무리의 남자들이 몰려온다. 그들은 댄싱 키드와 그의 패거리들이다. 키드는 비엔나를 사랑하는데, 쟈니를 보자 대뜸 시비를 건다. 키드의 부하 바트 로네건이 쟈니와 티격태격하고 있을 때, 다시 마을 보안관과 엠마 스몰이 이끄는 마을사람들이 등장한다. 이들은 서부에 철도가 건설되는 것에 반대하고, 그 건설에 관여하는 비엔나를 쫓아내려 기회를 엿보고 있었다. 특히 엠마는 댄싱 키드를 사랑하지만, 그가 비엔나에게 관심이 있자 질투의 불길에 휩싸여 있다. 더구나 역마차를 습격하여 자신의 오빠를 죽인 무법자 일당이 댄싱 키드라고 몰아붙이면서도 그를 좋아하는 눈치다. 그리고 비엔나 때문에 마을에 액운이 있다고 주장하며 그녀를 마녀라고 몰아 붙인다. 차츰 마을 사람들은 이성을 잃기 시작히는데...
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A wild-west trader and his New York wife head out for the California by wagon train. The trader is killed enroute, and his wife finds herself with child. She continues on hoping to find a man and a home.
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마리아(Maria Williams: 매기 맥나마나 분)는 로마에 있는 미 연방 지역 기관의 비서직으로 임명 받아 미국을 떠난다. 로마에 도착한 마리아는 마중나와 있는 아니타(Anita Hutchins: 진 피터스 분)를 만난다. 들뜬 기분에 사로 잡힌 마리아는 아니타와 함께 회사로 향하던 중 '트래비 분수대'를 지나게 된다. 뒤로 돌아서 동전을 던지며 소원을 빌면 소원이 이루어진다는 말에 마리아는 '최소한 1년 동안은 로마에 머물게 해 달라'고 기도한다.
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Ventriloquist Jerry Morgan has failed with another love affair. The reason: when the relationship reaches the point when it is time to discuss marriage, his two dolls become mean and jealous. Morgan's dollmaker Papinek is a member of a spy ring who has stolen the secret plans for the top-secret Lafayette airplane. Since Morgan is leaving for Zurich the same night, he decides to hide the secret plan in the heads of the dolls.
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An aging actress has a hard time admitting she is too old to play the ingenue role anymore.
Original Music Composer
In this war drama, set during the Korean War, an Air Force nurse gets involved in a love triangle on the front lines.
A war correspondent who was stationed in Paris during WW II married a French girl who was murdered by the Nazis. After the war he returns to to try to find his son, whom he lost during a bombing raid but has been told is living in an orphanage in Paris.
Additional Soundtrack
앤 공주는 왕실의 제약과 정해진 스케줄에 싫증이 나 로마를 여행하던 중 왕실을 몰래 빠져 나간다. 그녀는 한 신사의 도움으로 서민의 생활을 즐기게 되지만, 그 신사는 특종을 찾아다니는 신문 기자였고 특종을 잡기 위해 앤 공주와 로마의 거리를 다니며 여러가지 해프닝을 겪는다. 이 사실을 모르는 앤 공주는 친절한 그에게 정이 들기 시작하고, 단지 특종만을 위해서 그녀와 함께 했던 기자 조 역시 순수한 앤 공주에게 끌리기 시작한다. 드디어 앤은 궁전으로 다시 돌아가고 조가 신문 기자였던 것을 알게 된 앤은 그에게 실망한다. 그러나 조는 앤 공주의 사진을 기사로 쓰지 않고 그녀에게 선물이라며 전해주는데...
켄터키의 작은 마을, 늙은 판사 프리스트는 재선에 도전한다. 경쟁자인 오만한 검사 메이듀는 노골적으로 프리스트의 판결에 불만을 표하기도 한다. 한편, 호탕한 청년 애쉬비는 아름다운 루시에게 반해 그녀를 위해 결투까지 하게 되는데, 다행히 프리스트가 나서 결투를 중지시킨다. 어느 늦은 밤, 흑인 청년이 백인 처녀를 강간했다는 혐의로 붙잡히고, 프리스트는 증거가 불충분하다고 판단한다. 마을사람들은 흑인을 옹호한 프리스트의 결정에 반발하는데, 과연 프리스트는 선거에서 이길 수 있을까?
Original Music Composer
1890년 초여름의 태양이 내리쬐는 어느날. 초록빛으로 물든 아름다운 와이오밍 고원에 한 사나이가 말을 타고 나타난다. 단정한 몸차림에 침착한 태도, 그리고 눈매는 온화하면서도 예리함이 번뜩이며 뜨내기 카우보이와는 다른 모습이다. 이곳엔 동부에서 이주해 온 개척민들이 살고 있다. 개간한 토지는 그들의 소유로 법률이 보장해 주었다. 수수께끼의 사나이는 개척민의 한 사람인 죠 스타레트의 집에서 물을 얻어 마시고 저녁 식사까지 초대 받는다. 사나이는 스타레트의 호의에 감사하는 마음으로 하룻밤 신세를 진다. 수수께끼의 사나이는 이름이 셰인이라고 자기 소개를 간단히 한다. 스타레트는 아내 마리안과 아들 조이, 단출하게 세 식구이다. 스타레트는 의지가 강인하고 그곳 주민들의 대변자이다. 그러나 스타레트는 이 지방에서 오래 전부터 목축업을 하고 있는 라이커라는 사나이 때문에 골치를 앓고 있었다. 라이커는 툭하면 개척민들을 못살게 들볶으며 이들의 모든 땅을 차지하려 한다. 스타레트가 부리던 머슴들도 라이커의 등쌀에 견디지 못하고 떠나버리고 만다. 그간의 사정을 말한 스타레트는 셰인에게 월동 준비가 끝날 때까지만이라도 머물러 달라고 한다. 그래서 스타레트의 일을 도와주기로 한 세인은 마을에 물건을 사러갔다가, 라이커 일당에게 곤욕을 치루지만 말썽을 일으키지 말라고 한 스타레트의 당부 때문에 묵묵히 참고 집으로 돌아온다. 마을 사람들은 스타레트 일당 때문에 마을에 갈 때는 단체로 가기로 한다. 이때 또다시 시비를 걸어오는 스타레트 일당과 싸움이 붙은 셰인은 물러서지 않고 싸워 이긴다. 하지만 적수가 많아 위기에 빠졌을 때 스타레트가 도와주어 모두 쓰러뜨린다. 이를 지켜보면서 자랑스러워하는 죠이. 총을 좋아하는 죠이는 셰인을 만났을 때부터 그의 반짝이는 권총에 관심을 갖는다. 결국 죠이의 간절한 요청에 셰인이 커다란 소리를 내며 사격 시범을 보이자 눈이 둥그래진다. 어머니 마리안은 셰인에게 점점 더 깊은 호감을 느끼고 셰인도 이를 느낀다.
Original Music Composer
The Dutch East Indies, at the end of the nineteenth century. An adventurous captain of an American merchant vessel is looking for a sunken Dutch vessel containing 10,000 precious diamonds. Unfortunately, he's not the only one and then there's also that volcano on the nearby island of Krakatau, waiting to explode in its historical, disastrous eruption...
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Honest Robert Maynard finds himself serving as ship's surgeon under the infamous pirate Blackbeard.
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A washed-up movie queen finds romance, but continues to desire a comeback.
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An idealistic United Nations official learns the harrowing truth about war when she falls in love with an American officer charged with the evacuation of civilians. As hostilities escalate, the officer and his small detachment are left to hold the line until allied forces can be brought into action.
Original Music Composer
미국에서 아일랜드로 온 숀은 곧장 이니스프리로 향한다. 동네 사람들은 그를 관광객이라 생각하지만 사실 7대 째 이 마을에서 나고 자란 토박이 출신이다. 마을에 도착한 숀은 양을 돌보는 아름다운 여인 메리를 만나 첫 눈에 사랑에 빠지지만 자신이 태어났던 옛 집의 소유권 문제 때문에 메리의 오빠 레드와 다투기 시작한다.
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Biography of humorist and movie star Will Rogers
Original Music Composer
In 18th-century France, a young man masquerades as an actor to avenge his friend's murder.
Original Music Composer
Aging advertising executive Alan Miller is a recovered alcoholic who now does interventions on behalf of Alcoholics Anonymous, is called by the elevator operator of a residential hotel to come and intervene in the case of one of the guests, struggling Broadway actress Jenny Carey. The two find they have even more in common than their taste for drink. But Jenny wants to put an end to their romance because Alan is a married man, who moreover is the father of two children. How will Jenny and Alan resolve their feelings without destroying Alan's marriage?
Original Music Composer
화려한 서커스단을 배경으로 서커스 단원 간의 복잡한 인간 관계를 묘사한 영화
Original Music Composer
A burlesque comic doubles for a spy in Tangier and meets the spy's girlfriend, who is also a spy.
Original Music Composer
Wendell Corey and Forrest Tucker star as a pair of World War II Army Air Corps officers. In between their battles over the affections of a beautiful nurse, Corey and Tucker prepare to fly a bombing mission in the South Pacific. Before boarding their B29 Superfortress, Tucker appears to be chickening out, but he's steadfastly at his cockpit post at takeoff time.
뉴욕 강력계 경찰 제임스 맥레오드(커크 더글러스 분)는 범죄에 강박적으로 집착하며 타협이라곤 모른다. 또한 담당사건의 용의자들을 차갑게 대하다 못해 혐오한다. 뿐만 아니라 아내 메리(일리노어 파커 분)의 과거를 알게 되면서 그녀의 불결함을 용서하지 못한다. 이런 모습은 어린 시절 그를 학대하던 그의 아버지와 그로 인해 정신병원에서 죽은 어머니가 안겨준 고통으로 만들어졌다. 아버지의 트라우마에서 벗어나지 못하고 스스로 악마가 되어가는 그는 어느 날 수사중이던 한 범죄자의 총을 맞게 되는데...
Original Music Composer
A music publishing company tries to swindle a song from a country girl that they inadvertently recorded without her permission.
Original Music Composer
전시의 선전영화들이 그렇듯 이 작품도 미 해군의 요청에 의해 만들어진 다큐멘터리로, 1950년 한국전쟁이 일어날 당시의 한국의 모습과 북한이 남한을 침공한 이후 한국전쟁에 참전한 미군과 UN군의 모습을 담았다. 당대의 다른 다큐멘터리와는 달리 컬러로 만들어졌으며, 기존의 영상자료를 활용하지 않고 새로 촬영한 영상을 사용했다는 점이 대단히 흥미롭다. 선전영화로 만들었음에도 불구하고, 포드는 중립적인 관찰자적 시선을 견지하려 했음을 느낄 수 있다. 이 다큐멘터리는 2차 세계대전 끝난 후에 만들어진 최고의 전쟁기록이라는 찬사를 받기도 했다.
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An American takes up bullfighting to impress the ladies but learns to respect the sport.
Original Music Composer
When the Lemon Drop Kid accidentally cheats gangster Moose Moran out of his track winnings, the Kid promises to repay Moose the money by Christmas. Creating a fake charity for "Apple Annie" Nellie Thursday, the Kid tricks his gang into donning Santa suits and "collecting dough for old dolls" like Nellie who have nowhere to live.
Original Music Composer
When a businessman who has had a double indemnity policy taken out on him dies mysteriously, his insurance company sends an undercover investigator to town to determine exactly what happened.
A documentary featuring musicians including Artur Rubinstein, Jan Peerce-Nadine Conner, and Jascha Heifetz.
Original Music Composer
David gives his wife, Joyce, an unexpected—and unpleasant—surprise when he suddenly demands a divorce. When she then learns that David has taken up with a younger woman, Joyce decides to make the most of this separation by taking a solo trip to the Caribbean. However, just before diving into a vacation fling, she runs into Emily, an old chum whose own divorce has left her embittered. Joyce then debates giving married life one last chance.
Original Music Composer
미국 기병대의 대령인 커비 요크(존 웨인 분)는 부인(모린 오하라 분)과 15년이나 떨어져 지내고 있다. 물론 이들 사이에는 갓 청년이 된 아들 제프(클로드 자맨 2세)가 있다. 미육군 사관학교에 다니다 수학에서 낙제를 하여 퇴학당한 제프는 신병으로 입대를 자원하게 되는데 배치받은 곳이 바로 아버지 커비가 근무하는 곳이었다. 이것이 이들 부자에게는 15년만의 만남이었다. 아들이 훌륭한 군인으로 성장하길 바라지만 겉으로는 냉랭한 태도로 일관하는 아버지 앞에 요크 부인이 나타나 아들을 군에서 빼내고 고향으로 돌려보내라고 요청한다. 그러나 아버지는 물론 자신의 소신대로 살아가려는 제프 스스로가 이를 거절한다. 이러한 가족의 갈등 속에서도 인디언과의 싸움은 계속되고 어린이들이 인디언의 포로가 되어 교회에 갇히게 되는 사태가 벌어진다. 결국 치열한 전투 속에서 커비는 인디언의 화살에 맞게 되지만 아들 제프의 도움으로 살아나고 전투도 승리로 이끌게 되어 이들 가족에게는 사랑과 행복이 다시 피어난다.
Original Music Composer
Johnny Casar runs away from the orphanage to start a successful career as a roller skater and after setbacks learns to curb his ruthlessness and ambition.
Original Music Composer
An industrialist and a pianist meet on a trip and fall in love. Through a quirk of fate, they are reported dead in a crash though they weren't on the plane. This gives them the opportunity to live together free from their previous lives. Unfortunately, this artificial arrangement leads to greater and greater stress. Eventually the situation collapses when they come to pursue their original, individual interests without choosing a common path.
Original Music Composer
Gail discovers the shocking news that she is adopted during a heated argument with her sister, Joan. With the reluctant support of her adoptive parents and baby sister, Penny, Gail goes in search of her biological mother and true identity.
Original Music Composer
Two tobacco growers battle for control of the cigarette market.
Original Music Composer
Al Goddard, a detective who works for the United States Postal Inspection Service, is assigned to arrest two criminals who've allegedly murdered a U.S. postal detective.
Original Music Composer
Two sisters fall in love with the same man. After the wedding, the new husband realizes he may have married the wrong sister.
Original Music Composer
어린 소년 "바트"는 폭우가 쏟아지는 어느날 총포상에서 권총을 훔쳐 달아나다 보안관에게 잡힌다. 다음날 재판장에서 누나와 친구들의 증언으로 소년은 어릴 때 장난감총으로 병아리를 죽이면서 충격을 받은 이후 총을 잘 쏘는 재능이 있음에도 생명을 죽이지 않는다는 게 밝혀진다. 총에 대한 그의 집착이 평범하지 않다는 것도 드러난다. "바트"는 감화원으로 보내진다. 시간이 흘러 감화원에서 몇 년을 보내고 군대에서 사격술 교관으로도 근무한 "바트"(죤 달)는 고향에 돌아와 가족과 친구들을 다시 만난다. 어느 날 동네에 들어온 서커스 공연장에서 사격의 명수 "애니 로라"(페기 커밍스)를 본 "바트"는 그녀와 사격술 내기를 하면서 "로라"와 친해지고 뛰어난 사격술 덕분에 서커스 공연단의 일원으로 들어가게 된다. 시간이 흐르면서 "로라"와 서로 사랑하게 된 두 사람은 공연단에서 나와 전국 각지를 돌며 새로운 삶을 꾸려 나가게 된다. 세월이 흐르고 가진 돈이 떨어지기 시작하자 이들은 범죄의 유혹에 빠져들게 된다. 그 두 사람은 작은 도시들을 돌며 귀금속상과 호텔 그리고 주유소 등 가리지 않고 대담한 강도 행위를 계속하게 되는데 이러한 강도 행위는 전파를 타고 고향의 친구들과 가족들에게도 알려지게 된다. 점점 죄책감에 빠저드는 "바트"는 괴로워 하지만 그때마다 "로라"의 치명적인 설득에 빠져들곤 한다. 몇 달이 지난 후 두 사람은 소를 잡는 도살장에 침입하여 돈을 털어 나오다가 도망치는 과정에서 경찰의 추격을 받게 되고 도망치는 과정에서 사람을 죽이면서 이들의 범죄는 돌이킬수 없는 상황으로 이르게 된다. 경찰의 추적망이 서서히 좁혀 지면서 두 사람은 기차를 이용하여 "바트" 누나의 집으로 피신하는데 얼마 지나지 않아 이제는 보안관과 기자가 된 친구들이 이를 눈치채고 찾아오자 그들을 피해 두 사람은 다시 산속 늪지대로 도망가는데...
Original Music Composer
After a long absence, Mary Jane visits her schoolfriend Eloise, and Eloise's daughter Ramona. Eloise drinks too much and is unhappily married to Lew Wengler. Eloise falls asleep and remembers her time with her true love, Walt Dreiser, at the beginning of the Second World War. She recalls the events that lead up to her split with Mary Jane, and how Lew married Eloise rather than Mary Jane.
Original Music Composer
분대장 스트라이커는 언제 있을지 모를 전투에 대비해 분대원들을 매우 강하게 훈련시켜 분대원들로부터 원성의 대상이다. 하지만 그의 엄격함 속에는 이혼으로 인해 생이별 하게 된 아픔이... 태평양 전쟁터 타리와 섬에서 일본군의 살인적인 포화로 줄줄이 쓰러지게 되고 명령을 무시한 분대원들과 충돌이 빚어지게 되는데...
(2018년 안산명화극장)
Original Music Composer
성경에 나오는 괴력의 사나이 삼손(빅터 마추어)은 젊은 날엔 방황하며 지낸다.그는 유대민족의 청년이지만, 이방인인 블레셋족의 아름다운 처녀 세마다(안젤라 란스베리)와 결혼하려 한다. 그러나, 그와의 결혼을 반대하는 그녀의 친척들이 공격해오고, 급기야 그 와중에 그녀는 살해당하고 만다. 삼손은 그에 대한 복수를 하기 위해 당나귀 턱뼈로 블레셋족을 닥치는 대로 죽인다. 한편, 죽은 세마다의 여동생인 데릴라는 삼손이 지닌 괴력을 탐지하기 위해 그와 결혼한다. 삼손은 아름답고 변덕스런 데릴라에게 빠졌지만, 자신의 힘의 비밀을 쉽게 알려주려 하지 않는다. 잘못된 정보를 실천에 옮긴 블레셋족들의 낭패를 즐겁게 구경하는 삼손. 하지만 데릴라는 그를 구슬려서 결국 긴 머리칼에 힘의 원천임을 알아내고, 머리칼을 자른다. 이리하여 블레셋족의 노예로 전락한 그는 10년 동안 감금되는데, 그제서야 여호와를 찾으며 그동안의 죄를 참회한다. 그동안 그의 머리칼은 계속 자라지만, 어느 누구 하나 눈여겨보는 이가 없다. 마침내 10년 후 블레셋족이 잔치가 있던 날, 삼손을 이끌어내서 희롱하려고 한다. 이때 이미 눈이 먼 그는 거대한 팔레스타인 사원의 기둥을 잡고, 자신의 마지막 힘을 다 써서 무너뜨린다. 처음에는 비웃던 사람들이 그의 괴력으로 빚어진 참사에 놀라고, 데릴라 역시 그 소동의 와중에 비참한 최후를 맞이한다.
Original Music Composer
Cleve Marshall is an assistant district attorney who falls for the shadowy Thelma Jordon. With her sordid past -- and her relationship with thief Tony Laredo kept secret from the married attorney, Jordon seduces the easily swayed Marshall, and uses him to cover up her misdeeds. When Jordon becomes the prime suspect for the murder of her wealthy aunt, she turns to Marshall, who goes to great lengths to clear her name.
On Chicago's South Side reporter Ed Ames finds the body of a dead girl. Her address book leads to a host of names of men frightened by her death but claiming never to have known her. Ames comes to know quite a lot, dangerously so.
Original Music Composer
Texas, 1878: cheerful outlaw-buddies Jim, Lorn and Wahoo rescue spunky orphan Rannie Carter from rustling racketeers, then are forced to separate. Lorn goes on to bigger and better robberies, while Jim and Wahoo are (at first reluctantly) maneuvered into joining the Texas Rangers. For friendship's sake, the three try to keep out of direct conflict, but a showdown begins to look inevitable. And Rannie, now grown into lovely young womanhood, must choose between Lorn and Jim
19세기말 미국의 어느 기술자가 정신을 잃은 뒤 깨어나 보니 영국의 아서 왕 시대로 날아갔다는 내용으로 봉건제와 지배계급에 대한 풍자를 담았다.
A prim psychology professor fights to hide a murder she committed in self-defense.
Original Music Composer
제일 러셀은 인디언에게 총을 파는 백인 배반자 일당을 추적하기 위해서 미국 정부가 고용한 컬래미티 제인으로 등장한다. 그녀는 이민자로 위장하여 서부로 가는 포장마차를 타기 위해 목욕탕에서 만난 무능하고 겁 많은 치과의사 체인리스 피터 포터와 결혼한다. 인디언들은 치과의사의 웃음가스를 들이마시고 호프는 모든면에서 영웅과는 거리가 멀지만 용감한 전사로 오인된다. 호프는 성적 매력이 물씬 풍기는 러셀에게 정신 없이 끌리게 된다...
Original Music Composer
After the accidental death of an idiot heir, a stunt man is hired to impersonate him while the family gathers to determine the dispersment of the estate of Miss Tatlock's millions.
Original Music Composer
When heiress Jean Courtland attempts suicide, her fiancée Elliott Carson probes her relationship with John Triton. In flashback, we see how stage mentalist Triton starts having terrifying flashes of true precognition. His partner, Whitney Courtland, uses Triton's talent to make money; but Triton's inability to prevent what he foresees, causes him to break up the act and become a hermit. Years later, Triton has new visions and desperately tries to prevent tragedies in the Courtland family. Can his warnings succeed against suspicion, unbelief, and inexorable fate?
Additional Music
In the late 19th century, on board a ship sailing from Jamaica to England, Olivia Harwood, a recent widow, takes on the task of caring for several malaria patients, including Mark Bellis, a mysterious and tormented painter.
A young woman spends much of her time fantasizing about what might be, but a realistic admirer tries to convince her to live the life she has.
Original Music Composer
At the turn of the 20th century, travelling salesman Virgil Smith journeys to Vienna in the hope he can sell a gramophone to Emperor Franz Joseph, whose purchase of the recent American invention could spur its popularity in Austria.
Original Music Composer
공화당을 지지하는 언론계의 거물 케이 손다이크는 자신이 사랑하는 남자 그랜트를 미국의 대통령 자리에 앉히기로 결심한다. 그녀가 원하는 것은 대통령이 된 연인 뒤에서 실질적인 권력을 휘두르는 것이다. 케이는 자신의 신문사를 이용해 민주당 전당대회를 교착 상태에 빠트리고, 결국에는 뜻밖의 다크호스인 그랜트의 지지율을 높인다. 한편, 소원해졌던 그랜트의 아내 메리는 남편과 케이의 관계를 알면서도 남편의 선거운동을 돕기로 하고, 메리와 함께하면서 그랜트는 점차 자신의 목소리를 내기 시작한다. 퓰리처상을 수상한, 러셀 크루즈와 하워드 린제이의 동명희곡을 영화화했다. 정치극으로 다시 돌아온 카프라는 원작에서 다룬 논쟁적인 주제들을 다소 유화시키면서도, 당대 미국 정치판의 추악한 이면에 대한 분노와 슬픔을 주인공 그랜트가 선거운동을 하면서 변해가는 모습을 통해 그려냈다. (영화의 전당)
Original Music Composer
Stroud, a crime magazine's crusading editor has to post-pone a vacation with his wife, again, when a glamorous blonde is murdered and he is assigned by his publishing boss Janoth to find the killer. As the investigation proceeds to its conclusion, Stroud must try to disrupt his ordinarily brilliant investigative team as they increasingly build evidence (albeit wrong) that he is the killer.
Original Music Composer
Bootleggers on the lamb Frankie and Noll split up to evade capture by the police. Frankie is caught and jailed, but Noll manages to escape and open a posh New York City nightclub. 14 years later, Frankie is released from the clink and visits Noll with the intention of collecting his half of the nightclub's profits. But Noll, who has no intention of being so equitable, uses his ex-girlfriend Kay to divert Frankie from his intended goal.
Original Music Composer
In a far off country, their king is critically wounded after an assassination attempt and the only heir is a timid New York radio personality, Michael Valentine (Bob Hope). After reluctantly traveling to his father's homeland, Michael is not happy that he's become the target of the same terrorist organization that attacked the king.
Original Music Composer
1763년 중죄인 애비 헤일은 영국에서 처형을 당하거나 또는 식민지에서 도제사리로 보내져 14년간 노역을 하든 둘 중 하나를 선택해야 하는 여인의 약정에 입찰하기 위해 두 사람은 런던에서 버지니아로 돌아가는 같은 배에 타고 있다. 승자인 홀덴은 친절하게 그녀에게 자유를 말하고 그의 약혼자를 만나러 배로 간다. 패자는 계약을 무효로 하고 여인을 국경지방으로 데리고 간다.
Original Music Composer
A psychology professor comes up with a theory that women have a desire to be subjugated. A newswoman, using a pseudonym, accuses him of advocating wife-beating. There is trouble, when he falls in love with her, unaware of who she is.
Original Music Composer
"Wicked" Lily Bishop joins a wagon train to California, led by Michael Fabian and Johnny Trumbo, but news of the Gold Rush scatters the train. When Johnny and Michael finally arrive, Lily is rich from her saloon and storekeeper (former slaver) Pharaoh Coffin is bleeding the miners dry. But worse troubles are ahead: California is inching toward statehood, and certain people want to make it their private empire.
Original Music Composer
A WAC officer returns from the war to find her husband wants a divorce.
Original Music Composer
Neale and Pedro fly cargo between Chungking and Calcutta. When their buddy Bill is murdered they investigate. Neale meets Bill's fiancée Virginia and becomes suspicious of a deeper plot while also falling for her charms.
Original Music Composer
In 1834, Charles Stewart (Alan Ladd), the spoiled, dissolute son of a shipping magnate, is shanghaied aboard the Pilgrim, one of his father's own ships. He embarks upon a long, hellish sea voyage under the tyrannical rule of Captain Francis Thompson (Howard Da Silva), assisted by his first mate, Amazeen (William Bendix). One of his crewmates is Richard Henry Dana Jr. (Brian Donlevy).
Original Music Composer
With a screenplay adapted by Lillian Hellman from her own play, director William Dieterle's 1946 drama stars Robert Young as a U.S. ambassador in Europe in the years before WW2.
Original Music Composer
Russell and Lynn are a pair of college students in the 1920s. They get mixed up with kind-hearted bootlegger Donlevy who helps them get their boy friends back.
Original Music Composer
Soon after a veteran's return from war his cheating wife is found dead. He evades police in an attempt to find the real murderer.
Music Director
Soon after a veteran's return from war his cheating wife is found dead. He evades police in an attempt to find the real murderer.
Original Music Composer
During World War I, small-town girl Josephine Norris has an illegitimate son by an itinerant pilot. After a scheme to adopt him ends up giving him to another family, she devotes her life to loving him from afar.
Orchestra Conductor
A film recreating a broadcast of the Westinghouse Radio Program starring John Charles Thomas and John Nesbitt. Program narrator was Gayne Whitman and musical director was Victor Young. The Ken Darby Chorus backed up the great American baritone.
Original Music Composer
An American singer stranded in Mexico is hired by a banker to distract a Mexican matador who is making a play for the banker's wife. They hatch a scheme whereby she pretends to be a Spanish countess.
Original Music Composer
When a man asks another man more facile with words to do his wooing for him, there are always complications. The man with no talent for writing marries the girl, confesses one night he didn't write the letters and ends up with a knife in his back. The writer of the letters fell in love with the woman he wrote to and wants to become her second husband even if she did murder husband number one. Singleton doesn't remember the murder or anything about the first 22 years of her life as Victoria Remington. Then at her second wedding she wonders why she said "I take you, Roger," instead of "I take you, Allen."
Original Music Composer
Pickpocket Kitty's life changes when painter Thomas Gainsborough makes her portrait. The artwork gains the attention of Sir Hugh Marcy, who later decides to use her for his benefit.
Original Music Composer
War hero flier Bob Collins goes on a war bond selling tour with two buddies, and substitute "chaperone" Ivy Hotchkiss. Bob's a cheerful Lothario with several girls in every town on the tour. After some amusing escapades, Bob and Ivy become romantically involved, agreeing it's "just fun up in the air." Then Ivy finds out the real reason why it shouldn't be anything more.
Original Music Composer
Benny's girl friend is being romanced by the town ne'er do well who keeps coming up with get-rich-quick schemes. Benny's father is a simple man who is bewildered by the world at large.
Original Music Composer
Emily Blair is rich and deaf. Doctor Vance, who grew up poor in Blairtown, is working on a serum to cure deafness which he tries on Emily. It doesn't work. Her sister is carrying on an affair with her fiance Jeff. Vance tries a new serum which causes Emily to faint... Will it work this time?
Original Music Composer
An English lady falls in love with a French pirate after he kidnaps her from her ancestral home on the coast of Cornwall and sweeps her off her feet into a world of adventure.
Original Music Composer
The biography of Dr. W.T. Morgan, a 19th century Boston dentist, during his quest to have anesthesia, in the form of ether, accepted by the public and the medical and dental establishment.
Original Music Composer
As the Japanese sweep through the East Indies during World War II, Dr. Wassell is determined to escape from Java with some crewmen of the cruiser Marblehead. Based on a true story of how Dr. Wassell saved a dozen or so wounded sailors who were left behind when able bodied men were evacuated to Australia.
Original Music Composer
보호감호를 마치고 막 출소한 스테판 닐은 어느 자선 바자회에서 먹을 거리를 산 까닭에, 첩보전의 소용돌이에 휘말린다. 그 속에는 비밀 정보가 수록되어 있었기 때문. 역시 영화화되었던 〈제3의 사나이〉등 많은 첩보 소설을 쓴 영국 소설가 그레이엄 그린의 동명 소설을 원작으로 한 영화로, 히치콕의 그림자를 진하게 느낄 수 있는 작품이다. (2007년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 프리츠 랑의 아메리카 특별전)
Original Music Composer
The singing/dancing Angel sisters, Nancy, Bobby, Josie, and Patti, aren't interested in performing together, and this plays havoc with the plans of Pop Angel to buy a soy bean farm. They do accept an offer of ten dollars to sing at a dubious night club on the edge of town where a band led by Happy Marshall is playing.
Original Music Composer
런던에서 콘월의 작은 마을에 놀러온 로더릭과 파멜라 남매는 절벽 위에서 서 있는 낡은 저택을 발견하고 한 눈에 매료됩니다. 남매는 거의 충동적으로 집을 사들이지만 곧 저택에 이상한 일들이 일어난다는 사실을 알게 되지요. 집에서 기르는 개는 2층에 올라가지 않으려 하고 방 어딘가에는 찬기가 흐르며 동이 틀 무렵에는 여자의 흐느끼는 울음 소리가 들립니다. 저택의 비밀을 캐던 남매는 10여년 전에 저택에 있었던 멜로드라마틱한 살인과 죽음에 대해 알게 되고...
Original Music Composer
A writer for a radio program needs some fresh ideas to juice up his show. For inspiration, he rents a room with a typical American family and begins to secretly write about their true life antics. The show becomes a big hit, but he begins to feel guilty about his charade when he falls in love with the family's pretty older daughter.
Original Music Composer
No relation to the 1950 Frank Capra film of the same name, the 1943 Technicolor musical Riding High is a by-the-numbers vehicle for Dorothy Lamour and Dick Powell. Lamour stars as Ann Castle, a former burlesque queen who heads westward to claim her father's silver mine. Powell plays mining engineer Steve Baird, who like Ann has a vested interest in the worked-out mine. With the help of genial counterfeiter Mortimer J. Slocum (Victor Moore), Steve and Ann are able to peddle mining stock, thus saving her from bankruptcy. The stockholders are in a lynching mood when it appears that they've been flim-flammed, but a last minute "miracle" saves the day. Featured in the cast are Paramount stalwarts Cass Daley and Gil Lamb, the former doing her quasi-Martha Raye act and the latter swallowing his harmonica for the millionth time. Production values are excellent and the songs are exuberantly performed; it's only in its hackneyed plot that Riding High slows to a clip-clop.
Original Music Composer
After the mysterious disappearance of a German soldier from a Prague cafe, the staff and customers are held captive by the Nazis accused of murder and collusion with the Czech resistance.
Original Music Composer
1937년 파시스트와 공화정부파로 갈라져 싸우던 스페인 내전에서 미국 청년 로버트 죠단은 정의와 자유를 위해 공화 정부파의 의용군에 투신하여 게릴라 활동에 종사하고 있다. 죠단에게 내려진 새로운 임무는 적군의 진격로에 해당하는 산중의 대철교를 3일 후에 폭파시키라는 것이다. 죠단은 안세르모라는 늙은 짚시를 안내로 삼고, 목적하는 산지로 찾아들어간다. 한편, 철교를 폭파시키기 위해서는 이 산악지방의 집시의 힘을 빌지 않고서는 불가능하다. 이 짚시의 두목은 술을 좋아하는 파블로로 그는 이일에 선뜻 협력하려들지 않는다. 그래서 죠단은 파블로의 아내 필라와 이 일을 협의하게 된다. 그녀는 자진하여 집시를 지휘해서 이 계획을 원조할 것을 제의한다. 파블로의 부하는 전원 필라의 명령에 따라 착착 계획을 진행하는데 이러는 중에 스페인의 소녀 마리아는 뜨겁게 죠단을 사랑하게 된다. 드디어 3일째인 이른 아침, 죠단일행은 철교 폭파에 성공한다. 그러나 그는 말을 몰고 달리는 순간, 적군의 포화에 쓰러지는데...
Original Music Composer
A railroad man and the owner of a freight line battle for control of a crucial mountain pass.
Original Music Composer
Shortly before Pearl Harbor, American opportunist Jones and partner Johnny are in China to sell oil to the invading Japanese army. Cynical about the sufferings of the Chinese, Jones meets compassionate teacher Carolyn Grant while travelling cross-country to Shanghai. Sparks fly between these strong-willed characters, neither budging an inch. But when Jones witnesses a Japanese atrocity, his feelings toward his customers (and Carolyn) begin to change...
Music Director
Newly appointed sheriff Pat Garrett is pleased when his old friend Doc Holliday arrives in Lincoln, New Mexico on the stage. Doc is trailing his stolen horse, and it is discovered in the possession of Billy the Kid. In a surprising turnaround, Billy and Doc become friends. This causes the friendship between Doc and Pat to cool. The odd relationship between Doc and Billy grows stranger when Doc hides Billy at his girl Rio's place after Billy is shot.
Original Music Composer
For those, if any, who have wondered why so many Paramount contractees appeared in United Artists' films during the war years, this is another one of the Paramount productions that was sold to United Artists in the early-40's when U.A. was having trouble meeting their exhibitor contracts because of lack of product, mainly due to their loss of production in England. A group of starving, but young and willing, actors band together to share finances and an apartment. Norman Reese (William Holden) orders no love nonsense between the boys and girls till they are set on broadway, but Marge Benson (Barbara Britton) and Tony Dennison (James Beown) are already secretly married. A friend drops in to see Dottie Coburn (Martha O'Driscoll) and is shocked to find the boys and girls sharing the same apartment and insists it is her duty to inform Dottie's father (Jay Fassett.)
Original Music Composer
Newly appointed sheriff Pat Garrett is pleased when his old friend Doc Holliday arrives in Lincoln, New Mexico on the stage. Doc is trailing his stolen horse, and it is discovered in the possession of Billy the Kid. In a surprising turnaround, Billy and Doc become friends. This causes the friendship between Doc and Pat to cool. The odd relationship between Doc and Billy grows stranger when Doc hides Billy at his girl Rio's place after Billy is shot.
Original Music Composer
A young woman pretends to be a fortune teller in order to find romance.
Original Music Composer
Upper-class female reporter is (despite herself) attracted to hulking laborer digging a tunnel under the Hudson river.
Original Music Composer
A beautiful heiress is an excellent poker player. Her comfortable life changes when her father and his fortune die during market crash of the 1800's.
Original Music Composer
제프(빙 크로스비 분)와 터키(밥 호프 분)가 밀항을 한 상선이 항해를 하던 중 사고로 침몰하면서 두 사람의 모험이 시작된다. 극적으로 생존한 두 사람은 아프리카 해안에 도착하고, 어렵게 사막을 건너 모로코로 가게 된다. 빈털터리였지만 굶주림에 지친 두 사람은 무작정 식당에 들어가 배불리 음식을 먹는데, 그때 나타난 노예상인이 제프에게 돈을 지불하고 터키를 노예로 산다. 터키가 팔려간 후, 양심의 가책을 받고 괴로워하던 제프는 결국 터키를 찾아 나선다. 그리고 웅장한 궁전에 잠입한 제프는 노예로 팔려간 줄 알았던 터키가 모로코 공주(도로시 라무르 분)와 멋진 시간을 보내고 있는 모습을 보고 깜짝 놀란다. 사실 공주는 세력가인 카심(안소니 퀸 분)과 결혼하기로 되어 있었지만, 첫 남편이 비명횡사하게 된다는 점성술사의 예언을 들은 공주가 터키를 희생양으로 선택한 것이었다. 한편, 공주는 터키를 찾아온 제프에게 반하게 되고, 마침 점성술사로부터 예언이 틀렸다는 말을 전해 듣자마자 제프와 결혼식을 올리게 된다. 하지만 소식을 전해들은 카심이 부하들을 이끌고 쳐들어와 공주와 하녀를 납치해 가고, 제프와 터키는 사막에 버려진다. 하지만 두 사람은 사막을 헤매다 카심의 본거지를 찾아내고, 우여곡절 끝에 공주와 하녀를 구출해낸다. 그리고 두 쌍의 남녀는 함께 미국으로 떠난다.
Original Music Composer
Jim Gordon commands a unit of the famed Flying Tigers, the American Volunteer Group which fought the Japanese in China before America's entry into World War II. Gordon must send his outnumbered band of fighter pilots out against overwhelming odds while juggling the disparate personalities and problems of his fellow flyers.
Original Music Composer
A crooked politician finds himself being accused of murder by a gangster from whom he refused help during a re-election campaign.
Original Music Composer
독창적이고 흥미로운 코미디 영화로 명성을 날린 프레스턴 스터지스의 1942년도 작품. 코믹한 오프닝 타이틀에서 톰과 제리의 결혼 장면이 보이고, ‘그리하여 두 사람은 영원히 행복하게 살았습니다’라는 자막이 뜬다. 그리고 뒤이어 ‘정말 그랬을까요?’라는 자막이 또다시 등장하는데 당연히 대답은 ‘아니오!’다. 결혼한 지 5년 된 톰(조엘 맥크레)과 제리(클로데트 콜버트) 부부. 그러나 발명가인 톰은 돈을 한 푼도 벌어오지 못한다. 아파트 월세조차 못 낼 형편이 되자 제리는 돈 많은 남자와 재혼해 톰이 발명에 전념할 수 있도록 재원을 마련해주기로 한다. 부자들이 모인다는 플로리다의 팜비치로 가는 기차를 탄 제리는 우연히 서반구에서 가장 부유한 남자 중 하나라는 존 하켄색커 3세를 알게 된다. 하켄색커는 제리에게 관심을 보이면서 선물공세를 퍼붓고, 한편 제리를 단념하지 못한 톰은 아내를 찾아 팜비치로 온다. 얼떨결에 하켄색커에게 톰을 오빠라고 소개한 뒤 제리는 진퇴양난에 빠지는데…
Original Music Composer
A policeman's family helps to exonerate him of murder charges in the death of a man he had under interrogation.
Original Music Composer
A young girl's parents are killed on a tropical island, and the girl is raised and protected by the jungle animals. When she is found, as a grown woman, she is taken back to the United States to claim her inheritance. There are several people, with vested interests, who stand to gain something if she is shown not to be the missing heir.
Original Music Composer
In Hoyt City, a statue of founder Ethan Hoyt is dedicated, and 100 year old Hannah Sempler Hoyt (who lives in the last residence among skyscrapers) is at last persuaded to tell her story to a 'girl biographer'. Flashback: in 1848, teenage Hannah meets and flirts with pioneer Ethan; on a sudden impulse, they elope. We follow their struggle to found a city in the wilderness, hampered by the Gold Rush, star-crossed love, peril, and heartbreak. The star "ages" 80 years.
Original Music Composer
키웨스트에 해적들이 우글거리면서 배를 일부러 난파 시켜 화물을 건지고 이익을 얻고 있었다. 주빌리의 선장인 잭 스튜어트도 부선장이 해적과 손을 잡고 배신을 해서 화물을 잃게 되었다. 키웨스트에서 록시 클레이본을 만나게 되고 사랑을 하게 된다. 데보로사가 있는 찰스턴으로 돌아간 잭은 킹 커틀러의 짓이라는 걸 알지만 아무도 증거를 찾지 못한다. 데보로사의 직원인 잭은 증기선인 써던크로스를 지휘하는 것이 소원이지만 배가 난파하여 펠리칸호를 타고 대기하게 됐다. 록시는 데보로 준장을 만나기 위해 찰스턴으로 가지만 데보로사의 변호사인 스티브 톨리버를 만나게 된다. 잭을 돕기 위해 스티브를 계속 만나는데 스티브는 록시를 사랑하게 된다. 록시는 잭과 결혼을 하려고 하지만 스티브가 그걸 막는다. 킹 커틀러는 잭과 스티브를 고래잡이 배에 팔아 넘기려고 하지만 실패한다. 잭은 자신이 써던크로스의 지휘를 맡게 된 사실을 알게 된다. 하지만 아팠던 데보로 준장이 죽고 스티브가 데보로 회장이 된다. 그렇게 되면 자신이 지휘를 하지 못하게 될 거란 걸 킹으로부터 들은 잭은 킹과 돈을 잡고 일부러 써던크로스를 난파 시키기로 한다. 써던크로스는 난파당하고 재판을 하게 된다. 재판을 하는 과정에서 배에 록시의 사촌인 드루실라가 몰래 탔다는 사실이 드러난다. 증거를 찾기 위해 잭과 스티브는 난파당한 배를 찾아간다. 바다 속에서 왕문어가 나타나 스티브가 위험에 빠진다. 잭은 스티브를 구하고 자신은 죽는다. 해적들의 모든 소행이 밝혀지자 킹의 동생인 댄을 사랑하는 드루실라가 죽은 걸 알고, 킹의 모든 짓을 이야기하려 하지만 킹은 동생을 쏴 죽인다. 위기의 상황에서 필 선장은 킹을 죽이고 록시와 스티브는 연인으로 발전한다.
Original Music Composer
When Andrew Long, hyper-efficient small town accountant, finds a $1240 discrepancy in the city budget, his superiors try to explain it away. When he insists on pursuing the matter, he's in danger of being blamed himself. In his trouble, the spirit of Andrew Jackson, whom he idolizes, visits him, and in turn, summons much high-powered talent from American history...which only Andrew can see.
Original Music Composer
Shy sailor Casey Kirby suddenly becomes known as a sea wolf when his picture is taken with a famous actress. Things get complicated when bets are placed on his prowess with the ladies.
Original Music Composer
As her fifth wedding anniversary approaches, a woman realizes that she is fed up with always coming in second to her husband's advertising business. Just at the moment when she is trying to decide what to do, she meets a handsome attorney, and their innocent flirtation begins to turn into something a bit more serious.
Original Music Composer
Gwen Saunders teams up with her uncle's employee, Steve Bennett, in an attempt to double her $10,000 investment in the family firm. If she can reach the $20,000 mark, her uncle T.T. Ralston will match the figure. Steve bets that if he can spend an entire day without telling a lie, Ralston and his business partners must double Gwen's money. Bennett then earns the enmity of everyone involved in his attempt to win the bet.
Romanian-French gigolo Georges Iscovescu wishes to enter the USA. Stopped in Mexico by the quota system, he decides to marry an American, then desert her and join his old partner Anita, who's done likewise. But after sweeping teacher Emmy Brown off her feet, he finds her so sweet that love and jealousy endanger his plans.
Original Music Composer
A young South Seas native boy is sent to the U.S. for his education and returns to his island after his father dies to try to stop a revolution.
Original Music Composer
New York chorus girl Cindy Lou Bethany becomes frustrated when she prepares for an audition for a Broadway musical, but the auditions close and her roommate, Gwen Abbott, is hired to be secretary to Top Rumson, the show's financial backer. Gwen tells Cindy that the director, Lloyd Lloyd, and composer, Dick Rayburn, have been sent to the South on a talent search for a classic Southern belle type to star in the show, although their shows usually feature Myra Stanhope, an actress whose style is hopelessly inappropriate for this show. Desperate for work, Cindy returns to her aunt Lily Lou and uncle Jefferson Davis Bethany's home in the South and schemes to get Lloyd and Rayburn to audition her.
Original Music Composer
Don Bolton is a movie star who can't stand loud noises. To evade the draft, he decides to get married...but falls for a colonel's daughter. By mistake, he and his two cronies enlist. In basic training, Don hopes to make a good impression on the fair Antoinette and her father, but his military career is largely slapstick. Will he ever get his corporal's stripes?
Original Music Composer
Stranded in Africa, Chuck and his pal Fearless have comic versions of jungle adventures, featuring two attractive con-women.
Original Music Composer
Capitalizing on the famous radio 'feud' between comedians Jack Benny and Fred Allen. The two stars play versions of themselves, constantly at each other's throats due to real and imagined slights.
Original Music Composer
Phoebe Titus is a tough, swaggering pioneer woman, but her ways become decidedly more feminine when she falls for California bound Peter Muncie. But Peter won't be distracted from his journey and Phoebe is left alone and plenty busy with villains Jefferson Carteret and Lazarus Ward plotting at every turn to destroy her freighting company. She has not seen the last of Peter, however.
Original Music Composer
A reporter sleuths the mystery behind an oft-married Viennese doctor whose wives met mysterious fates.
Original Music Composer
In 1939, American Tom Martin, who fought in the Spanish Civil War, awaits execution at the hands of the Fascist victors when reporter Augusta 'Gusto' Nash, for a scoop, aids him in an audacious escape. Of course, Tom tries to romance Gusto; but though she likes him, her career comes first, and Tom himself prefers freedom-fighting to settling down. Comedy becomes drama as their mixed feelings lead them on a circuitous path through the deepening chaos and catastrophe of the early days of World War II.
Original Music Composer
Director Ted Brooks and comedians Jack Norcross, Dandy Joslyn and Phil Miller are part of a troupe of promising young players rehearsing for a WPA show at the Garrick Theater in New York and are stunned when the government withdraws their funding on the day of the show's dress rehearsal. Destitute, the troupe plans to return home when Mac, the stage doorman, offers to allow four of the men, Phil, Dandy, Jack and Ted, to use the theater for a boardinghouse. After accepting Mac's offer, the men improvise bedrooms out of the set pieces and meet amateur actress Lorie Fenton from Cleveland, who is eager to audition for them. When the men learn she recently received a small inheritance, they allow her to audition, hoping she will back the show.
Original Music Composer
Texas Ranger Dusty Rivers ("Isn't that a contradiction in terms?", another character asks him) travels to Canada in the 1880s in search of Jacques Corbeau, who is wanted for murder. He wanders into the midst of the Riel Rebellion, in which Métis (people of French and Native heritage) and Natives want a separate nation. Dusty falls for nurse April Logan, who is also loved by Mountie Jim Brett. April's brother is involved with Courbeau's daughter Louvette, which leads to trouble during the battles between the rebels and the Mounties. Through it all Dusty is determined to bring Corbeau back to Texas (and April, too, if he can manage it.)
Original Music Composer
Popular songwriter Oliver Courtney has been getting by for years using one ghost writer for his music and another for his lyrics. When both writers meet at an inn, they fall in love and then try to sell their songs under their own name. The problem is every song publisher thinks they're copying Courtney's style.
Victor Young and his Orchestra play "Tiger Rag".
Original Music Composer
The managers of a teak lumber camp in Burma compete for the affections of a beautiful American entertainer who gets stranded in Rangoon.
Original Music Composer
At a family gathering, an elderly man reflects on the follies of his youth during his freshman year at college.
Original Music Composer
Paul Kriza is a cashier of a bank in a small town, and the happy husband of Anna and the father of four children. He is sent to New York to deliver some securities for the bank. There, he is tagged as easy-pickings by a con-game gang and Mary Brown, gang accomplice, proves he is. Waking up in the morning he discovers he has been robbed of the securities and, when he confronts the gang, he is hit on the head and taken out to be left on a railroad track. He comes to, struggles with the henchman and the man is killed when a train comes roaring by. Paul escapes but his watch is found and he is reported as the dead man. But he can't go home again.
Original Music Composer
Viennese surgeon Dr. Braun and his daughter Leni come to a small town in North Dakota as refugees from Hitler. When the winds of the Dust Bowl threaten the town, John Phillips leads the townsfolk in moving to greener pastures in Oregon. He falls for Leni, but she is betrothed to the man who helped her and her father escape from the Third Reich. She must decide between the two men.
Original Music Composer
Radio star Jack Benny, intending to stay in New York for the summer, is forced by the needling of rival Fred Allen to prove his boasts about roughing it on his (fictitious) Nevada ranch. Meanwhile, singer Joan Cameron, whom Jack's fallen for and offended, is maneuvered by her sisters to the same Nevada town. Jack's losing battle to prove his manhood to Joan means broad slapstick burlesque of Western cliches.
Original Music Composer
Easterner Madeline Hammond buys a ranch not knowing Hayworth is using it to smuggle ammunition across the border. When trouble starts, she brings back Gene Stewart ex-foreman who left the country after fighting with the Sheriff.
Original Music Composer
When transplanted Texan Bob Seton arrives in Lawrence, Kansas he finds much to like about the place, especially Mary McCloud, daughter of the local banker. Politics is in the air however. It's just prior to the civil war and there is already a sharp division in the Territory as to whether it will remain slave-free. When he gets the opportunity to run for marshal, Seton finds himself running against the respected local schoolteacher, William Cantrell. Not is what it seems however. While acting as the upstanding citizen in public, Cantrell is dangerously ambitious and is prepared to do anything to make his mark, and his fortune, on the Territory. When he loses the race for marshal, he forms a group of raiders who run guns into the territory and rob and terrorize settlers throughout the territory. Eventually donning Confederate uniforms, it is left to Seton and the good citizens of Lawrence to face Cantrell and his raiders in one final clash.
Original Music Composer
Broadway producer Nickie North and press agent Scoop Trimble find an investor for their next show who insists that they cast his ex-girlfriend, Clarice Sheldon, in the lead role and rehearse out of town. The crew set up on a family farm, and all is well until the leading man falls for the farmer's daughter, Patience Bingham. When flighty starlet Sheldon finds out he has a new girlfriend, she takes off, leaving North and Trimble to find a new leading lady.
Original Music Composer
Two playboys try to forget previous romances in Singapore - until they meet Dorothy Lamour...
Original Music Composer
A London artist struggles to complete one last painting before going blind.
Original Music Composer
When they decide they might as well be penniless husbands and wives as penniless campus sweethearts, three couples at a Midwestern university, against the advice of their friends, get married. Joe and Susie Tucker prove that two can live as cheap as one by setting up housekeeping in a trailer, and working at whatever odd jobs turn up.
Original Music Composer
Man about town and First Class cricketer A.J. Raffles keeps himself solvent with daring robberies. Meeting Gwen from his schooldays and falling in love all over again, he spends the weekend with her parents, Lord and Lady Melrose. A necklace presents an irresistible temptation, but also in attendance is Scotland Yard's finest, finally on the trail.
정직하고 성실한 의사 걸리버가 이상한 나라들을 여행하면서 겪은 그 나라의 정치와 풍습, 생활방식 등 인간 내면의 사악함과 정치의 부조리를 과장하지 않고 차분하게 보고서 형식의 문체로 소설을 전개시켰다. 인맥과 친분관계로 돌아가는 부조리한 현실에 비관한 외과 의사 걸리버는 남쪽 바다를 함께 항해하자는 윌리엄 프리처드 선장의 제안을 받아들여 기나긴 항해에 나선다. 첫번째 항해에서 난파당해 도착한 곳은 ‘소인국의 나라’12센티미터 밖에 되지 않는, 그야말로 작은 인종들이 사는 작은 국가에서 그는 거인이 된다. 그의 소인국 체험 일기가 담긴 1부는 영국의 왕궁과 정치를 풍자한 것이며, 인간의 도덕적 타락과 정신적 왜소함에 대해 가혹하게 비판한 것이다. 소인국을 탈출한 걸리버가 두번째로 착륙한 곳은 ‘거인국의 나라’이다. 그는 거꾸로 자신이 소인이 되어 벌과 쥐, 고양이에게 위협을 느끼며, 오만 방자하고 타락한 거인들의 노리개가 된다.
정직하고 성실한 의사 걸리버가 이상한 나라들을 여행하면서 겪은 그 나라의 정치와 풍습, 생활방식 등 인간 내면의 사악함과 정치의 부조리를 과장하지 않고 차분하게 보고서 형식의 문체로 소설을 전개시켰다. 인맥과 친분관계로 돌아가는 부조리한 현실에 비관한 외과 의사 걸리버는 남쪽 바다를 함께 항해하자는 윌리엄 프리처드 선장의 제안을 받아들여 기나긴 항해에 나선다. 첫번째 항해에서 난파당해 도착한 곳은 ‘소인국의 나라’12센티미터 밖에 되지 않는, 그야말로 작은 인종들이 사는 작은 국가에서 그는 거인이 된다. 그의 소인국 체험 일기가 담긴 1부는 영국의 왕궁과 정치를 풍자한 것이며, 인간의 도덕적 타락과 정신적 왜소함에 대해 가혹하게 비판한 것이다. 소인국을 탈출한 걸리버가 두번째로 착륙한 곳은 ‘거인국의 나라’이다. 그는 거꾸로 자신이 소인이 되어 벌과 쥐, 고양이에게 위협을 느끼며, 오만 방자하고 타락한 거인들의 노리개가 된다.
Original Music Composer
Hoppy and Lucky are headed to South America to deliver a heard of cattle. Bay guy Ralph Merritt gets in their way. For a while.
Buck Colins heads a group of local ranchers who are trying to prevent the railroad from completing its line through their property. Till now they have been able to charge tolls on herds passing through. Hoppy goes undercover to expose them.
Original Music Composer
Despite his talent as a musician, a city boy decides to become a boxer. He's successful as a fighter — much to the dismay of his parents. When gangsters try to by a piece of him, he begins to have second thoughts.
Music Director
Producer Bob Temple, who's brought an American show to London, loves his star Diana, but she won't take him seriously as a lover. To show her, he picks up stranger Lady Arlington, whose financier husband neglects her. On a weekend at the Arlington country house, Bob is used by both Lady A. and her friend to make their husbands jealous; this works all too well, and Bob is in danger from both husbands.
A newspaper reporter gets involved with shady stock promoters when he listens in on a jury room session.
Original Music Composer
John Abbott returns to the desert land he owns, and after being wounded by hired gunman Chick Chance, he is befriended by rancher Andrew Naab and his son, Marvin. Naab's daughter, Marian, falls in love with John but is about to marry Snap Thornton to keep a promise made by her father. She runs away on her wedding day but is captured and held hostage by outlaw Henry Holderness. John, the Naabs and fellow ranchers rush to her rescue.
Original Music Composer
The story of Sam Houston, hero of the Texas revolution, statesman, and first president of the Republic of Texas.
Original Music Composer
One of the last bills signed by President Lincoln authorizes pushing the Union Pacific Railroad across the wilderness to California. But financial opportunist Asa Barrows hopes to profit from obstructing it. Chief troubleshooter Jeff Butler has his hands full fighting Barrows' agent, gambler Sid Campeau; Campeau's partner Dick Allen is Jeff's war buddy and rival suitor for engineer's daughter Molly Monahan. Who will survive the effort to push the railroad through at any cost?
Original Music Composer
A young captain hoping to replace the U.S. Army's horses with mechanized vehicles faces court-martial after his commanding officer, who's opposed to modern changes, is killed.
A baritone aids a young servant in making her dream of singing professionally come true.
Original Music Composer
In the 1840s, Ramsey MacKay, the driver for the struggling Wells Fargo mail and freight company, will secure an important contract if he delivers fresh oysters to Buffalo from New York City. When he rescues Justine Pryor and her mother, who are stranded in a broken wagon on his route, he doesn't let them slow him down and gives the ladies an exhilirating ride into Buffalo. He arrives in time to obtain the contract and is then sent by company president Henry Wells to St. Louis to establish a branch office.
Original Music Composer
In 1890, two British expatriates, Robert Herrick and Huish, and German Captain Jakob Thorbecke, are commissioned to sail a Yankee schooner called The Golden State , whose captain and crew have died of smallpox. From Tehua in the South Seas to Australia, they are to deliver a cargo of champagne. Thorbecke decides to head for Peru, however, so he can sell the merchandise and pocket the money. While sailing, Faith Wishart, daughter of the deceased captain, comes out of her hiding place on board and, by briefly holding Thorbecke at gunpoint, demands he make the delivery.
Victor Young - Orchestra Leader
An early Technicolor musical that concentrates on the fashions of the late 1930s, this film was reissued under the title All This and Glamour Too. The top models of the era, including several who are advertising household products, are in the cast. The plot centers around a chic boutique, whose owner, George Curson (Warner Baxter), tries hard to please his customers while keeping peace with his unhappy wife. A wealthy young woman, Wendy Van Klettering (Joan Bennett), decides to take a job as a model at the fashion house, just to amuse herself, but her presence annoys Curson, who must put together the best possible show to compete with rival fashion houses at the Seven Arts Ball. The film includes several hit songs, including the Oscar-nominated "That Old Feeling" by Sammy Fain and Lew Brown.
Music Arranger
An ad man gets his model girlfriend to pose as a debutante for a new campaign.
Original Music Composer
J.B. Ball, a rich financier, gets fed up with his free-spending family. He takes his wife's just-bought (very expensive) sable coat and throws it out the window, it lands on poor hard-working girl Mary Smith. But it isn't so easy to just give away something so valuable, as he soon learns.
Original Music Composer
직장에서 은퇴 후 단 둘이서 다정하게 살아가던 바크와 루시 부부는 흩어져 살던 자식들을 불러 모아 은행에 집을 빼앗기게 됐다는 소식을 전해준다. 자식들은 경제적 어려움을 이유로 곤란해 하다가 결국 바크와 루시를 따로 모시겠다고 하고, 부부는 내키지 않아하면서도 어쩔 수 없이 이 결정을 받아들인다.
Original Music Composer
When a young woman named Barbara Clarke has an affair with adventurer Roger Coverman, it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts. After a meddling girl arouses their suspicions, the town's elders accuse Barbara of being a witch. She is tried, convicted of sorcery and sentenced to death. As the townspeople prepare to burn Barbara at the stake, Roger tries desperately to save the woman he loves.
Original Music Composer
A cream-of-the-crop gathering of 1930's radio stars, who lend themselves to a storyline about a failing radio station which needs to put on a huge ratings winner to have any chance of continued operation. An interesting mixture of the stars whose fame continued to grow, those who became bit players in show business history, and those who have been forgotten entirely, except at the Internet Movie Database of course!
A San Francisco singer flees Chinatown on murder charges and poses as a missionary in Alaska.
Original Music Composer
Here is Johnny Green conducting his lush dance orchestra in a medley of four of his own popular compositions. His band singer Marjory Logan and The Tune Twisters (male trio) sing two more Green songs (both with lyrics by James Dyrenforth): "What Now" and "Not Bad." Green chastises his second pianist (and arranger), Dave Terry, for infringing on Green's musical territory. With the aid of trick photography, Green, with a wave of his baton, reduces the orchestra to miniature size, then Dave Terry does the same to Green. The film closes with an intricate version of "Sweet Sue-Just You"(Victor Young-Will Harris), featuring Green's saxophone section.
Scarpia in 'Tosca' (uncredited)
A beautiful Russian spy seduces an Austrian military officer in order to obtain secret plans. When she falls in love with him, both are placed in danger.