Executive Producer
Thirty years after exile, Francesc Lamban journalist returns to the city where he was born to reunite with an old friend, attorney Ernest Salesa. The event takes place on the beach that saw the end of their relationship, and this fact is not accidental: Salesa has a business at hand transcendental and mysterious and has to convince Lamban to be part of it, at whatever price . While that behave remove ghosts from the past and the terrible memory of a love lost tragically common.
King of Horror, legendary actor, scriptwriter and director, Paul Naschy is regarded as the Spanish Lon Chaney and the most prolific filmmaker dedicated to the fantastic cinema in Spain.
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Production Supervisor
서쪽 바다로 항해하면 인도에 도착한다는 신념을 가지고 에스파냐 왕국으로 이민 온 이태리 출신 탐험가 콜럼버스. 그는 어린 아들 페르난도를 데리고 바다를 바라보다가 지평선 너머로 사라지는 배의 모습을 보고 지구가 둥글기 때문이라는 확신을 가진다. 지구는 평평한 땅이라 끝까지 가면 지옥으로 떨어질 것이며 그곳에는 괴물이 살고 있다는 공포와 미신이 난무했고 기존의 권리와 질서를 유지하려는 귀족들의 탁상공론까지 콜럼버스의 제안에 제동을 건다. 그러나 이자벨 여왕은 콜럼버스의 계획을 지원하여 1492년, 드디어 산타마리아 호를 비롯한 3척의 배로 항해를 시작한다. 극심한 공포와 난관을 헤치면서 예정의 2배가 넘는 2개월여 동안 서쪽으로 항해하던 콜럼버스 일행은 태초의 모습을 간직한 과나하니 섬을 발견하고 그곳을 인도의 일부라 생각하고 식민지로서 개척한다. 본토 대륙을 발견하기 위하여 2번째 항해를 한 콜럼버스는 서인도 제도에 민주적이고 이상적인 신세계를 건설하던 중 시련이 닥친다. 원주민과의 갈등과 동행한 귀족 목시카의 반란과 더불어 불어닥친 허리케인으로 그의 신세계는 황폐화되는데...
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
A series of images, music and sounds which transport through Mexico's history, without any narrative sequence. The film spins constantly round the question 'Where are the singers from?'
A young, honest cop investigates the arrival of international crime in Barcelona just before the Olympic Games.
A young, honest cop investigates the arrival of international crime in Barcelona just before the Olympic Games.
While a radio show is on air, wild things happen.
Associate Producer
A teacher whose true vocation is that of a bullfighter and, since bullfights are frowned upon in Catalonia, he is having a hard time working on what he likes. The crisis will force him to work in a theater performing a pornographic act to replace his partner's partner, whose social security problems have forced him to leave his job.
Paco, son of the commander of the Guardia Civil Evaristo Torrecuadrada, has been involved in Bilbao in the murder of a drug dealer couple. His fathers' efforts in suppressing evidence have nothing to do when the crime appears in the press. Paco is arrested and goes to prisson, where he return to do drugs.
Executive Producer
Paco, the teenage son of a Civil Guard commander in Basque Country, becomes addicted to heroin.
The plot follows the misadventures of two young friends who are forced into street hustling and ever-expanding life of crime when one impregnates the sister of the other and they need to get the money to pay for her to have an abortion.
Executive Producer
The plot follows a private detective, an ex communist and former CIA agent, who travels from Barcelona to Madrid to discover the identity of the assassin of the leader of the Spanish Communist party who was stabbed during a blackout while presiding over a meeting of the party's central committee. The film is a thriller with ironic political overtones.
Victoria, a beautiful woman, breaks into a large house, where strage people live without ever leaving the house. There is an enigmatical man who controls the lives of these people and the visit of Victoria will unchain passions and disclose the true feelings represed into their souls.
Executive Producer
While the Torete rob banks, the Heifer, another delinquent who has not noticed it, enters the same place to rob him. After failing the coup, both decide to associate.
Executive Producer
Luys Forest is a writer with a political past Falangist, who lives isolated in a coastal town, writing his memoirs (actually rewriting and adapting his autobiography with the times), and brooding over his failed marriage. His sister is worried about him and decides to send his daughter Mariana on how it is. Mariana comes to town and shake the world of Luys stable with free and uninhibited personality. Soon begins a game of seduction that ends up exposing the intellectual game of Luys.
A veteran policeman named Fernando feels a lot of hatred against Ángel because the boy ran him over with a car leaving him lame. Now Fernando accuses the young crook of having participated in a robbery at a gas station in which a murder has occurred. Helped by his friends, Ángel rebuilds the facts that serve him as an alibi, but while he is in pre-trial detention in La Modelo prison (Barcelona) a terrible mutiny will take place.
Executive Producer
A group of boys and girls are locked up a weekend in a friends house in which they do a party that little to little is converted in an orgy. But not everything is sex, there are also cinematographic digressions, chocolate and churros, and good humor.
Executive Producer
Madrid, Roberto Orbea is a member of the Spanish communist party. He is married to Carmen, and he has been elected as Deputy in the first democratic elections in Spain. But his enemies, the fascist, know his double life. Roberto likes boys, and they hire Juanito to seduce the politician. They fall in love...
The confession, sincere and shamelessly, of the painter's life Ocaña and the reconstruction of his world, his provocations and his experiences. Ocaña, with joy and from his creative marginalization challenges: cross-dressing as a provocation, religion and fetishism, repression of machismo, lawlessness, homosexuality ... Marginal life that was hidden under the Franco dictatorship is openly displayed against the backdrop of a unique artist. A legendary and cult film.
Executive Producer
France, 1975. Jean, an exiled Spanish Communist, is a successful screenwriter who, after a tragic event, struggles with his political commitment, his love for his country, under the boot of General Franco, whose death he and his comrades have waited for years, and his complicated relationship with his son. (A sequel to “The War Is Over,” 1966.)
Executive Producer
Perros Callejeros is based on the juvenile delinquency of the 1970s and 80s in Spain. The story is set in Barrio de la Mina in Barcelona one of the most conflict neighbourhoods in Spain. The characters chosen were real juvenile delinquents all with criminal records, which the director used to give the film a realistic touch. This film is very powerful and dramatic, it shows how these kids were brought up to survive on the streets.
Barcelona in the seventies. Piper, comedian at the theater El Molino has specialized in effeminate roles, but in reality is a conqueror. His wife, Nita, sets a trap for him.
Frank and Roger are shocked by the death of their friend Gene--who apparently has died of an unknown disease--and decide to investigate. They visit the old haunts of their friend and meet Maria, the girl Gene was in love with. They soon discover that Maria has strange supernatural powers and the unexplainable mystery of Gene's death deepens. What really happened to Gene? Was he the victim of an evil force? What is the mystery of the strange and beautiful Maria?
Production Manager
Executive Producer
A killer is cleaning up the streets of Milan by murdering those considered as deviant. An ornamental dragonfly, soaked in the blood of the victim, is left on each body.
A bizarre cult that practices a ritual of sacrificing humans terrorizes a young doctor and his wife, who have just moved to the group's village.
Waldemar, the renowned adventurer, joins an expedition to find the Yeti in the Himalayas. While hiking the mountains, he's captured by two cannibalistic demon nymphets guarding a remote Buddhist temple and becomes their sex-slave. They transform him into a werewolf setting him loose to roam the mountain where he encounters a sadistic bandit.
Executive Producer
An evil ruler uses witchcraft and evil spirits to keep his subjects in line, but the his reign of terror prompts the people to revolt.
Executive Producer
An ex-convict, troubled by dreams that he strangles women, is hired as the caretaker on an estate owned by three very strange sisters. Soon after his arrival, a serial killer begins slaughtering blonde, blue-eyed women - and leaving their eyeballs in a bowl of water.
The mummy of long dormant, but powerful Caribbean voodoo priest Gatanebo gets revived on a luxury South Seas ocean liner as a big buff bald guy and proceeds to terrorize the passengers. Gatanebo beheads several folks, occasionally reverts back to his prune-faced mummified state, and falls for the ravishing Sylvia, who reminds him of his old flame Kenya.
Two couples are caught inside a bomb shelter as nuclear war rages outside.
Green Inferno hits the heart of the Amazon for big action.
Executive Producer
An Indian mystic uses magical chants to raise women from the dead, then sends them out to perform revenge killings for him.
Production Manager
The legendary Loreley has been living for centuries in a grotto beneath the river Rhein in Germany. Every night when the moon is full, she turns into a reptile-like creature craving for human blood. When one girl after another of a nearby boarding school is killed by her, a hunter named Sigurd is engaged to kill the monster.
The legendary Loreley has been living for centuries in a grotto beneath the river Rhein in Germany. Every night when the moon is full, she turns into a reptile-like creature craving for human blood. When one girl after another of a nearby boarding school is killed by her, a hunter named Sigurd is engaged to kill the monster.
Executive Producer
In Medieval France a warlock is be-headed and his wife tortured and executed. Hundreds of years later an isolated group of people discover his head buried on their property. Soon it comes back to life, possessing people and using them to commit sacrifices and to search for the rest of his body.
Count Dracula's pregnant granddaughter arrives at his castle, along with her husband, who is not a vampire. While she prepares to give birth to a new member of the Dracula line, her husband secretly launches into a series of affairs with the Count's resident "brides."
Production Manager
During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) a Republican detachment occupies a huge mansion near the front. One of the daughters of the owners of the house falls in love with a soldier, a young priest who seeks to keep hidden her condition.
Executive Producer
1972년에 스페인과 포르투칼 합작으로 '아만도 데 오소리오'감독이 만든 작품. 1985년에 국내에 '무덤의 사자들'이란 제목으로 비디오 출시가 된 적이 있으며, 속편은 '돌아온 이블데드'란 이름으로 국내에 유통됐다. 줄거리를 간략히 요약하자면, 세 남녀가 열차를 타고 가다가 커플의 닭짓으로 여자 쪽에 호감을 가족 있던 레즈비언 끼가 다분한 여성 '버지니아'가 참다 못해 열차에 내려 근처 들판에 있는 고성에서 하룻밤을 보내다가 잠에서 깨어난 좀비 기사들에게 물려 죽으면서 시작되는 이야기다.
Executive Producer
La Araucana is a Chilean film based on an epic poem in Spanish about the Spanish conquest of Chile, by Alonso de Ercilla; it is also known in English as The Araucaniad. It is considered the national epic of the Kingdom of Chile and one of the most important works of the Spanish Golden Age
Production Director
In a castle, somewhere in the Thirld World, Diaz is delirious, dreaming of the power he had in Eldorado, while oppressing the indians, workers and peasants. He is well aware of the menace his old victims represent, while a miracle-making shepherd fascinates and frightens him. Diaz finds a countrywoman, symbol of purity, and prepares a ceremony in his castle resembling his own funeral. - IMDb
Production Manager
Pascal Gorriot, an escaped criminal, accidentally witnesses Lucille disposing of her second husband Andre's body at sea. Thirteen years later, Andre's cousin turns up at Lucille's villa with his Alastian dog. It's not long before creepy Colin, Andre's son, strangles the unfortunate hound and Falaise, Andre's daughter, stabs their unwelcome family member to death. Another unwanted visitor friend arrives and rapidly seduces Falais. Colin is jealous and warns the Don Juan about the dangers of being a male praying mantis and it's not long before Falaise decapitates him. Pascal, the ex-convict who witnessed the murder of Andre is the next intruder. He takes the family hostage and demands blackmail money, prompting them to do away with him in an acid bath. The police investigate and a chain of deception and murder is revealed...
Production Manager
Unit Production Manager
Production Manager
In this violent spaghetti western a murderous robber hijacks a payroll train, murders everyone aboard and then stashes his loot. A gunslinger learns about it and decides he wants the money for himself and so hatches an elaborate plot to get at it. He lures the crook into a rigged poker game, and afterward a gunfight ensues. The quick-drawing gunman makes short work of the robber, then teams up with an insurance agent to look for the hidden fortune. Unbeknownst to them, the robber had an ace up his sleeve...
Production Manager
미국의 남북전쟁이 한창인 때, 블론디는 멕시코인 총잡이 투코와 함께 동업 중이다. 블론디는 현상범 투코를 잡아 현상금을 받고, 투코가 교수형을 당하는 순간 구해주는 역할. 한편 세텐자라 불리우는 범죄자는 엄청나 돈이 묻힌 비밀장소를 추적 중이다. 그런데, 투코와 실랑이를 벌이던 블론디는 돈이 묻힌 장소를 죽어가는 사람에게 듣게 되고, 결국 둘은 돈을 찾아 나서는데...
A portrait of several characters of Spanish culture who were very popular at another time, but who were completely forgotten in their old age. All of them show the reality of abandonment and the decay of oblivion. They really are broken toys.
Production Manager
Unit Production Manager
Jose Antonio Amor co-stars with Sonia Bruno and Maria Blanco in this comedy drama about a married man with three children. When his family leaves on vacation, the man has an affair with a pretty office worker. The relationship between the two develops slowly before they end up in bed together. Speeded up shots are used effectively to illustrate the thoughts of the characters. Technical aspects and performances are fine and overshadow some uneven editing.
Production Manager
Margarita is a beautiful and explosive girl studying in the Faculty of Arts somewhere in Galicia. To the chagrin of the rest of the girls in the class, all the boys want to date her, to the point moniker of "the bride of the Faculty". However, who really steals the heart Margarita is another person ...
Unit Production Manager
Carmen, Merche and Paula are three young singers living in the same pension. Every night are forced to dodge men arriving from Madrid in search of adventure. They are assisted by Don Narciso, a fellow board that has solutions for everything. What I really want is to get married and all three have found a boyfriend, but every couple has their problems.
Unit Production Manager
Cascales Orencio is a humble farmer who one day, unexpectedly, is surprised by two Air Force parachutists. After the event, and with the help of two military decides to join the volunteer corps paratrooper Sewer.Just imagine Orencio tribulations that await on the base!
Production Manager
Berta is a German who comes to a small fishing village to marry Lorenzo, owner of an island and that only known her through his letters. The early days of their marriage are a constant disappointment, especially when it finds that her husband has no resemblance to the author of the letters. He lives embittered by an old story and is hated by all.
Production Director
By chance, Miguel el Tarta becomes a potential boxing champion. Manipulated by Manolo, his opportunistic and cynical best friend, and several unscrupulous individuals, Miguel is thrown into the ring, where he tries to fight with more enthusiasm than technique.