
In the Folds of the Flesh (1970)

장르 : 드라마, 공포, 스릴러

상영시간 : 1시간 32분

연출 : Sergio Bergonzelli
각본 : Sergio Bergonzelli, Fabio De Agostini


Pascal Gorriot, an escaped criminal, accidentally witnesses Lucille disposing of her second husband Andre's body at sea. Thirteen years later, Andre's cousin turns up at Lucille's villa with his Alastian dog. It's not long before creepy Colin, Andre's son, strangles the unfortunate hound and Falaise, Andre's daughter, stabs their unwelcome family member to death. Another unwanted visitor friend arrives and rapidly seduces Falais. Colin is jealous and warns the Don Juan about the dangers of being a male praying mantis and it's not long before Falaise decapitates him. Pascal, the ex-convict who witnessed the murder of Andre is the next intruder. He takes the family hostage and demands blackmail money, prompting them to do away with him in an acid bath. The police investigate and a chain of deception and murder is revealed...


Eleonora Rossi Drago
Eleonora Rossi Drago
Pier Angeli
Pier Angeli
Falesse / Ester Gardere (as Anna Maria Pierangeli)
Fernando Sancho
Fernando Sancho
Pascal Gorriot
Alfredo Mayo
Alfredo Mayo
Police inspector (as Alfredo Majo)
Emilio Gutiérrez Caba
Emilio Gutiérrez Caba
Colin (as Emilio Gutierrez Caba)
María Rosa Sclauzero
María Rosa Sclauzero
Elizabeth (as Maria Rosa Sclauzero)
Víctor Barrera
Víctor Barrera
Michel Bordelin (as Victor Alcazar)
Giancarlo Sisti
Giancarlo Sisti
Gaetano Imbró
Gaetano Imbró
Luciano Catenacci
Luciano Catenacci
Antoine (as Luciano Lorcas)
Bruno Ciangola
Bruno Ciangola
Augusta Di Vincenzi
Augusta Di Vincenzi
Concentration camp guard [flashback] (uncredited)


Sergio Bergonzelli
Sergio Bergonzelli
Jesús Villa Rojo
Jesús Villa Rojo
Original Music Composer
Mario Pacheco
Mario Pacheco
Director of Photography
Donatella Baglivo
Donatella Baglivo
Eduardo Torre de la Fuente
Eduardo Torre de la Fuente
Art Direction
Sergio Bergonzelli
Sergio Bergonzelli
Sergio Bergonzelli
Sergio Bergonzelli
Sergio Bergonzelli
Sergio Bergonzelli
Mario Caiano
Mario Caiano
Fabio De Agostini
Fabio De Agostini
Fabio De Agostini
Fabio De Agostini
Giuseppe Cesare Monello
Giuseppe Cesare Monello
Costume Designer
Fernanda De Rossi
Fernanda De Rossi
Makeup Artist
Alfredo Tiberi
Alfredo Tiberi
Assistant Makeup Artist
Luciano Vito
Luciano Vito
Luciano Catenacci
Luciano Catenacci
Production Manager
José Antonio Pérez Giner
José Antonio Pérez Giner
Production Manager
Ferdinando Merighi
Ferdinando Merighi
Assistant Director
Juan Ignacio Galvar Viches
Juan Ignacio Galvar Viches
Assistant Director
Giuseppe Aldrovandi
Giuseppe Aldrovandi
Assistant Art Director
Horacio Rodríguez
Horacio Rodríguez
Assistant Art Director
Pietro Ortolani
Pietro Ortolani
Ettore Corso
Ettore Corso
Assistant Camera
Antonio Maccoppi
Antonio Maccoppi
Camera Operator
Antonio Fusco
Antonio Fusco
Assistant Editor
Rosanna Brasile
Rosanna Brasile
Fabio Ceccarelli
Fabio Ceccarelli
Production Coordinator
Félix Moreno
Félix Moreno
Production Coordinator

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