Heimliche Ehen (1956)

Жанр : драма, комедия, драма, комедия

Время выполнения : 1Ч 31М

Директор : Gustav von Wangenheim
Писатель : Gustav von Wangenheim

Краткое содержание


Paul Heidemann
Paul Heidemann
Gerd Michael Henneberg
Gerd Michael Henneberg
Helga Jordan
Helga Jordan
Siegfried Hömke
Siegfried Hömke
Junger Bauer
Waltraud Kogel
Waltraud Kogel
Sekretärin Seliger
Franz Kutschera
Franz Kutschera
Otto Lange
Otto Lange
Marga Legal
Marga Legal
Frau Oberlin
Theo Shall
Theo Shall
Steffie Spira
Steffie Spira
Frau Rotter
Margret Stange
Margret Stange
Hubert Suschka
Hubert Suschka
Architekt Weber
Eduard von Winterstein
Eduard von Winterstein
Armin Mueller-Stahl
Armin Mueller-Stahl
Hans Klering
Hans Klering
Hans Rose
Hans Rose
Fahrer Siewert


Gustav von Wangenheim
Gustav von Wangenheim
Gustav von Wangenheim
Gustav von Wangenheim
Hans-Joachim Wallstein
Hans-Joachim Wallstein
Creative Producer
Eugen Klagemann
Eugen Klagemann
Director of Photography
Artur Günther
Artur Günther
Set Designer
Dorit Gründel
Dorit Gründel
Costume Design
Wally Gurschke
Wally Gurschke
Günter Kochan
Günter Kochan


Дом у озера
Зима 2006 года. Ощутив необходимость изменить свою жизнь, доктор Кейт Форестер покидает свой необычный дом у озера в пригороде Иллинойса и устраивается на работу в чикагскую больницу. По дороге в город Кейт оставляет в почтовом ящике письмо, которое должен получить новый обитатель дома. Когда же в него вселяется талантливый, но разочаровавшийся в жизни архитектор Алекс Уайлер, он видит этот дом совсем не таким, каким описала его в своём письме Кейт. Для Алекса это жилище имеет особое значение, поскольку оно было построено его отцом, знаменитым архитектором, который ради карьеры оставил свою семью. В итоге Алекс решает придать дому его первоначальный вид. Однажды странный случай заставляет Алекса написать ответное письмо Кейт; в процессе их переписки выясняется, что он живёт в 2004 году, а она — в 2006-м. И лишь загадочный почтовый ящик служит неким соединяющим их мостиком.
Один, два, три
МакНамара — глава отделения компании «Кока-Кола» в Германии — ответственный работник и настоящий карьерист. Однажды на его голову сваливается Скарлетт, дочь большого американского начальника, и МакНамара нянчится с ней, надеясь, что это поможет ему получить вожделенное назначение. Но дело принимает скверный оборот, когда девушка влюбляется в коммуниста из Восточного Берлина и выходит за него замуж.
Живот архитектора
Американский архитектор приезжает вместе с женой Луизой в Рим, чтобы подготовить выставку, посвященную уже забытому французскому архитектору Булле. Этого события он ждал 10 лет. И вот, сверяя свою жизнь с биографией Булле, он задается вопросами: есть ли у его беременной жены роман с молодым ухажером? не хочет ли жена отравить его? и нет ли у него рака желудка?
A Dandy in Aspic
Double-agent Alexander Eberlin is assigned by the British to hunt out a Russian spy, known to them as Krasnevin. Only Eberlin knows that Krasnevin is none other than himself! Accompanying him on his mission is a ruthless partner, who gradually discovers his secret as Eberlin tries to maneuver himself out of a desperate situation.
26 августа 1961 года, за один день до начала строительства стены, чемпионат по плаванию. Гарри перешел границу Восточного Берлина с фальшивым паспортом и в Западном Берлине соединился с группой диссидентов. Они решили выкопать 140-метровый туннель и сделали это. Это душераздирающая история любви, отчаянья и спасения 29 восточных немцев основана на реальных фактах.
Antonio Gaudí
Catalan architect Antonio Gaudí (1852-1926) designed some of the world's most astonishing buildings, interiors, and parks; Japanese director Hiroshi Teshigahara constructed some of the most aesthetically audacious films ever made. With camera work as bold and sensual as the curves of his subject's organic structures, Teshigahara immortalizes Gaudí on film.
Reimagining A Buffalo Landmark
The Richardson Olmsted Campus, a former psychiatric center and National Historic Landmark, is seeing new life as it undergoes restoration and adaptation to a modern use.
Хара и его трещина
Архитектор и его коллеги скрывают обстоятельства пропажи человека.
Escape from East Berlin
East Berlin, shortly after the construction of the Berlin Wall. Kurt Schröder and his family dig a tunnel to escape to West Berlin as they struggle to overcome the obstacles blocking their underground path to freedom.
Eastern Cross
OSTKREUZ tells the episodic story of 15-year-old Elfie, who literally and metaphorically inhabits a no-man’s-land between the two Germanies shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The film deploys a neorealist aesthetic to reinforce the difficulties confronting the girl, and by inference, Germany.
Never Mind the Wall
Germany 1982: The country is divided into two parts. Nele, coming from West-Germany, travels to East-Germany where she meets Captain, singer of a band. They fall in love with each other, but the regime "takes care" of their relationship, meaning: They can not see each other again. Germany 1990: The country is reunited. Nele starts searching their lost love...
Das Wunder von Berlin
East Germany, 1988: working as a state security service agent, Jürgen Kaiser is loyal to the party line, but worried about his son Marco, a punk. As he is arrested after a concert, Marco is forced to join the army, where he surprisingly identifies with socialism and believes he has to defend his country against the capitalist enemy. While Jürgen is astonished, his wife Hanna and Marco's girlfriend Anja, supporting the civil rights movement, don't like his new attitude...
Zwei unter Millionen
Bauhaus 100
In 1919 an art school opened in Germany that would change the world forever. It was called the Bauhaus. A century later, its radical thinking still shapes our lives today. Bauhaus 100 is the story of Walter Gropius, architect and founder of the Bauhaus, and the teachers and students he gathered to form this influential school. Traumatised by his experiences during the Great War, and determined that technology should never again be used for destruction, Gropius decided to reinvent the way art and design were taught. At the Bauhaus, all the disciplines would come together to create the buildings of the future, and define a new way of living in the modern world.
The Berliner
Long before he played the corpulent Goldfinger, German actor Gert Froebe was a scarecrow-skinny comedian. In Berliner Ballade, Froebe makes his screen debut as Otto, a feckless Everyman who tries to adjust to the postwar travails of his defeated nation. Stymied by black-market profiteers and government bureaucrats, Otto begins fantasizing about a happier life at the end of that ever-elusive rainbow. Director R. A. Stemmle doesn't have to strive for pathos: he merely places his gangly star amidst the ruins of a bombed-out Berlin, and the point is made for him. Filmed in 1948, Berliner Ballade was later released in the U.S. as The Berliner.
Going Attractions: The Definitive Story of the Movie Palace
Celebrating the splendor and grandeur of the great cinemas of the United States, built when movies were the acme of entertainment and the stories were larger than life, as were the venues designed to show them. The film also tracks the eventual decline of the palaces, through to today’s current preservation efforts. A tribute to America’s great art form and the great monuments created for audiences to enjoy them in.
First Person Singular: I.M. Pei
Architect I.M. Pei speaks about his famous works, such as the addition to the Louvre in Paris, the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., and the Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas, Texas. Footage of these projects shows both interiors and exteriors. Various other experts comment on the impact and importance of Pei's work.
Heroes Like Us
A young man from an early age falls in love with a girl whose family is not in good standing with the ruling Communist party. His father however is a member of the "Stasi", the secret state police. The father not only hinders his son's relationship with the girl, but he arranges for his son, after finishing school, to become a Stasi spy himself.
The World of Buckminster Fuller
Architect, engineer, geometrician, cartographer, philosopher, futurist, inventor of the famous geodesic dome and one of the most brilliant thinkers of his time. Fuller was renowned for his comprehensive perspective on the world's problems. For more than five decades he developed pioneering solutions reflecting his commitment to the potential of innovative design to create technology that does "more with less" and thereby improve human lives. He spent much of his life traveling the world lecturing and discussing his ideas with thousands of audiences. Now more relevant than ever, this film captures Fuller's ideas and thinking told in his own words.
Berlin Babylon
A documentary focusing on the rebuilding projects in Berlin after the fall of the Berlin Wall.