Средние века. Два крестоносца пребывают с христианской миссией в языческую деревню, расположенную глубоко в горах, где их вере, воззрениям и дружбе предстоит серьезное испытание. Когда любовь сталкивается с судьбой, слово с молчанием, безумие с правилами - жертвы неизбежны.
Discarnate Entity
Нейробиолог работает над препаратом, расширяющим границы человеческого разума. Однако вскоре эксперименты становятся причиной смертельной сверхъестественной угрозы, нависшей над его командой.
"I'm not what I believe to be, I have to go behind my face, behind yours faces to understand: what does it means ? What want my body's cells". Olivier de Sagazan is a painter/sculptor. In 1996 start with performance art, over 200 performances all over the world.
"I'm not what I believe to be, I have to go behind my face, behind yours faces to understand: what does it means ? What want my body's cells". Olivier de Sagazan is a painter/sculptor. In 1996 start with performance art, over 200 performances all over the world.
"I'm not what I believe to be, I have to go behind my face". Olivier de Sagazan is a painter/sculptor. In 1996 start with performance art, over 100 performances in USA, China, India and Europe. In his existential performative series « Transfiguration », he builds layers of clay and paint on his own face to transform, disfigure and take apart his own figure, revealing an half human and animal who is seeking to understand his real nature. At once disquieting and deeply moving, this new body of work reveal the puppet and the puppeteer that we have inside of us. As he says: « We are living in a collective hallucination. Art can be a knife to open this masks and illusions and observe them by the distance through the creative process.
"I'm not what I believe to be, I have to go behind my face". Olivier de Sagazan is a painter/sculptor. In 1996 start with performance art, over 100 performances in USA, China, India and Europe. In his existential performative series « Transfiguration », he builds layers of clay and paint on his own face to transform, disfigure and take apart his own figure, revealing an half human and animal who is seeking to understand his real nature. At once disquieting and deeply moving, this new body of work reveal the puppet and the puppeteer that we have inside of us. As he says: « We are living in a collective hallucination. Art can be a knife to open this masks and illusions and observe them by the distance through the creative process.
Man At Desk: France
Фильм, снятый полностью на 70-миллиметровую пленку, представляет собой полуторачасовое путешествие по самым удивительным местам планеты (всего в фильме покажут 25 стран на 5 континентах).
Olivier de Sagazan Performance
Olivier de Sagazan Performance