Production Design
A simple story of a meeting between two completely different and distant people. By chance, they spend a few days together.
A simple story of a meeting between two completely different and distant people. By chance, they spend a few days together.
Director of Photography
A simple story of a meeting between two completely different and distant people. By chance, they spend a few days together.
Director of Photography
Эми — амбициозная девушка, всегда мечтавшая о роскошной жизни. Поработав в элитном эскорте, она получает предложение набрать девушек, готовых отправиться в гости к арабским шейхам. Это должны быть исключительно модели, участницы конкурсов красоты, звезды кино. Им обещана полная анонимность и сказочные условия. Всё выглядит очень заманчиво. Однако, совсем скоро этот манящий мир роскоши покажет свою темную сторону.
Чемпион по спидвею Лёва пользуется успехом у женщин, ему завидуют соперники на трассе. Веселый, добрый к людям, он радуется жизни и тому, чем занимается. Однако за лукавой улыбкой парня скрывается его ежедневная борьба со страхом, опасностью травм и аварий на стадионах для спидвея. Всё усложняется, когда на пути Лёвы встречается прекрасная Рома.
Director of Photography
Чемпион по спидвею Лёва пользуется успехом у женщин, ему завидуют соперники на трассе. Веселый, добрый к людям, он радуется жизни и тому, чем занимается. Однако за лукавой улыбкой парня скрывается его ежедневная борьба со страхом, опасностью травм и аварий на стадионах для спидвея. Всё усложняется, когда на пути Лёвы встречается прекрасная Рома.
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
Three Russian street kids, who live on their wits in a train station, take off to the countryside hoping to make it across the border to a better life in Poland. They are alternately looking for tenderness and pushing it away because they sense that it is a sign of vulnerability they can ill-afford. Kędzierzawska has the rare ability to take the world of children on its own terms. There is not a false note in this dazzlingly beautiful and emotionally involving story of three kids trying to find their path to a new life. - Adelaide Film Festival
Three Russian street kids, who live on their wits in a train station, take off to the countryside hoping to make it across the border to a better life in Poland. They are alternately looking for tenderness and pushing it away because they sense that it is a sign of vulnerability they can ill-afford. Kędzierzawska has the rare ability to take the world of children on its own terms. There is not a false note in this dazzlingly beautiful and emotionally involving story of three kids trying to find their path to a new life. - Adelaide Film Festival
Three Russian street kids, who live on their wits in a train station, take off to the countryside hoping to make it across the border to a better life in Poland. They are alternately looking for tenderness and pushing it away because they sense that it is a sign of vulnerability they can ill-afford. Kędzierzawska has the rare ability to take the world of children on its own terms. There is not a false note in this dazzlingly beautiful and emotionally involving story of three kids trying to find their path to a new life. - Adelaide Film Festival
Director of Photography
11-летний Марек, ученик военной школы, влюблен в Венецию. Вся его семья ездила в "город на воде": тётки, родители, даже 14-летний брат Виктор. Марк знает наизусть названия всех площадей и храмов Венеции, однако сам он ешё никогда не был в своем любимом городе. Его родители с его старшим братом снова собираются в Венецию, но наступает лето 1939 года, происходит эскалация конфликта с Германией, отец Марка уходит в армию, а мальчика отправляют на виллу к тёте Веронике...
Director of Photography
An impressionistic, black-and-white portrait of the day-to-day of a nonagenarian woman as she experiences the final act of her life. Danuta Szaflarska stars as Aniela, who lives in a massive yet rapidly-deteriorating wooden house, filled with souvenirs and treasures of eras gone by. Aniela runs into conflict in her dealings with others, particularly a nasty neighbor who sees her property as an eyesore and wants to do everything in his reach to buy it up and tear it down, and her married adult son, who - though kindly - triggers paranoia within Aniela (she cannot help but believe that he is scheming and planning to wheedle the property away from her). Driven aback by these individuals, Aniela finds one of her only sources of comfort and reassurance in her daily talks with her dog, Fila - and develops a great affinity for spying on the neighbors' doings whenever boredom creeps in.
An impressionistic, black-and-white portrait of the day-to-day of a nonagenarian woman as she experiences the final act of her life. Danuta Szaflarska stars as Aniela, who lives in a massive yet rapidly-deteriorating wooden house, filled with souvenirs and treasures of eras gone by. Aniela runs into conflict in her dealings with others, particularly a nasty neighbor who sees her property as an eyesore and wants to do everything in his reach to buy it up and tear it down, and her married adult son, who - though kindly - triggers paranoia within Aniela (she cannot help but believe that he is scheming and planning to wheedle the property away from her). Driven aback by these individuals, Aniela finds one of her only sources of comfort and reassurance in her daily talks with her dog, Fila - and develops a great affinity for spying on the neighbors' doings whenever boredom creeps in.
Director of Photography
Tomek, Marcel Lozinski's son, is eighteen now. Exactly twelve years ago, when he was six, his father filmed him while he was visiting a park in Warsaw. Tomek used to stop next to some old people sitting on the benches, and, with childish frankness, would ask them questions about joy, loneliness, fear of death, dreams, love and lack of love. Now, after twelve years, on his birthday, Tomek comes back to the garden of his childhood. A magical encounter will commence.
Director of Photography
История любви британского воина Тристана и ирландской принцессы Изольды. Действие разворачивается вскоре после падения Римской империи. Осиротевший в детстве, Тристан был воспитан другом его семьи лордом Марком. Повзрослев, Тристан становится храбрым рыцарем, успешно сражающимся с армией ирландского короля. Едва не погибнув в одной из битв, Тристан случайно оказывается у ирландских берегов, где его находит, а затем и исцеляет дочь короля Изольда. Между молодыми людьми, еще ничего не знающими друг о друге, вскоре зарождается настоящая любовь. Вернувшись домой, Тристан узнает, что ирландский король решил выдать свою дочь замуж за одного из британских лордов якобы для того, чтобы объединить эти государства. Будущим супругом Изольды должен стать победитель турнира. Защищая честь лорда Марка, Тристан побеждает в состязании. И только после этого он узнает, что его возлюбленная Изольда и есть та самая ирландская принцесса, которая теперь должна достаться его лучшему другу…
A mother of three is afraid of losing her husband if he finds out she's pregnant again, so she tries to conceal it.
Director of Photography
A mother of three is afraid of losing her husband if he finds out she's pregnant again, so she tries to conceal it.
Director of Photography
Начало 90-х. Гэри Брутецки — рецидивист, хулиган и грубиян, полуангличанин, полуполяк — в рамках программы ресоциализации прямиком из английской тюрьмы попадает в Румынию, на работу в больницу для сирот. Это место кажется преддверием ада. Единственное спасение для детей — их продажа на Запад.
A life of little Maria who lives in a foster family breaks after a sudden appearance of her mother Melanie who was absent for five years...
Director of Photography
A story of life and death, featuring Lozinski's six-year-old son Tomaszek and elderly people spending time on the benches of a Warsaw park. Riding his scooter, Tomaszek asks the elderly very adult, though basic, questions, which they are happy to answer. The boy's ideas of future and life are confronted with those of men at the end of their lives.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Twenty years old prostitute and drug addict, Jola, by chance meets Andrzej, a "railway station gay". They try to stay together, in spite of numerous diffculties. They both are carriers of the HIV virus. At the end of their travels they find themselves in the Red Palace - formerly the recreation centre for Party dignitaries, now a home for AIDS sufferers - which is run by father Jan. In the nearby small town aggression begins to grow again the unwanted guests; the house have been promised to the local people for housing purposes... The lives and fates of Jola, Andrzej, and father Jan become increasingly intertwined with one another...
This movie shows the simplest difference between Europe and former Soviet Union. It is the eponymous 89 mm - Russian train tracks are 89 mm wider than tracks in European countries. And because of this fact, it is not easy to go through the Soviet border by train in Brest as the passengers in the film do.
Director of Photography
Henryk Greenberg is a Polish-born American who lost much of his family in the Holocaust. Certain of the location where his father and younger brother were murdered, Greenberg returns to find most of his former neighbors predictably claiming foggy memories at first; but soon their recollections come more easily.