Carpet and Chaos (2016)
장르 : TV 영화, 코미디
상영시간 : 1시간 31분
연출 : Nader T. Homayoun
While supposedly taking mud baths in Korea, the paterfamilias of a family from Tehran’s Grand Bazaar dies of a sudden heart attack in Brive-la-Gaillarde. His wife and his oldest son travel to France to bring his body home and to investigate the circumstances of his death.
When her daughter is kidnapped in Belize and held hostage to be used for human organ trafficking, Kate Johnson goes on a crusade to infiltrate the cartel and rescue her.
“벤, 수술은 성공적이었어” 세상 무서울 것 없이 패기 넘치던 청년 ‘벤’ 어느 날, 예기치 못한 사고로 인해 혼자서는 아무것도 할 수 없게 된다. “내 집이라 생각해, 신입” 인생 최대 위기 속 다시 운동을 시작하겠다는 의지로 찾아간 재활치료센터에는‘벤’을 당혹스럽게 만드는 개성만점 친구들이 가득한데...
연상의 상사인 ‘헬레나’를 유혹해 자살로 몰고 가는 젊고 매력적인 캐릭터 ‘시그리드’ 역으로 단숨에 세계적인 스타가 된 마리아 엔더스(줄리엣 비노쉬). 그로부터 20년 후 마리아는 자신을 톱 배우로 만들어 준 연극의 리메이크에 출연 제안을 받지만, 그녀에게 주어진 역할은 주인공이 아닌 나이 든 상사 ‘헬레나’다. 리허설을 위해 알프스의 외딴 지역인 실스마리아를 찾은 마리아는 관객들의 기억 속에 영원히 ‘시그리드’로 남고 싶다는 욕망에 사로잡히고, 잔인하고 이기적인 ‘시그리드’보다 솔직하고 인간적인 ‘헬레나’가 더 매력적이라 주장하는 매니저 발렌틴(크리스틴 스튜어트)과 끊임없이 충돌하는데... 급기야 ‘시그리드’ 역을 맡게 된 할리우드의 스캔들 메이커 조앤(클로이 모레츠)의 젊음을 동반한 아름다움마저 질투하기 시작한 마리아. 과연 그녀의 무대는 무사히 막을 올릴 수 있을까?
A Muslim cop goes undercover at his estranged father's mosque while his daughter hides her passion for a forbidden dance, uncovering a shocking family secret.
천사처럼 따뜻한 마음을 가진 택시기사 솔로는 어느 70세 노인으로부터 특별한 임무를 받는다. 그것은 바로 노인의 자살여행을 위해 2주 동안 운전기사가 되는 것. 솔로는 2주라는 짧은 기간 동안 노인의 마음을 돌려 그를 살리기로 결심한다. 미국 내 이주민들의 삶을 그려온 감독이 세네갈 출신 흑인과 백인 노인의 특별한 우정을 그려낸 감성 코미디 영화.
평범한 여학생이었던 소냐와 멜라니. 어느 날 소냐는 IS 조직에 가담해 테러를 계획했다는 혐의로 무장경비대에게 잡혀 보호관찰을 받게 된다. 한편, 할머니의 죽음으로 슬퍼하던 멜라니는 SNS에서 만난 '왕자님'이라는 남자친구로 인해 위로를 얻고 그와 함께 더 나은 세상을 만들기 위해 시리아로 갈 계획을 세우는데... 이것은 단순한 10대의 반항이 아니다. 평화롭던 그들의 일상속에 서서히 스며든 IS, 과연 무엇이 소녀들을 그렇게 만들었는가.
Alex, a Greek Orthodox schoolteacher, falls for Lebanese Muslim lawyer, Eve. The relationship is forbidden by both families, and thus the emotional dilemma of 'Alex and Eve' is created.
They once played together in a band called Chix and were inseparable. Today, each of them has their own problems.
In Hamburg, Ibrahim "Ibo" Secmez, of Turkish descent, wants to direct the first German kung-fu movie. For now, he makes commercials for his uncle's kebab restaurant. Titzie, an aspiring actress and Ibo's German girlfriend, finds she's pregnant. Ibo is uncertain about fatherhood - compounded by his father's disowning him for getting a German girl pregnant - so Titzie sends him packing. He makes attempts at getting it right, but as the birth approaches, he's still not ready. In the background are three thugs in search of good tripe soup and a Capulet-Montegue feud between the kebab joint and a Greek taverna across the street. Can Ibo be the glove upon that hand?
During the Cultural Revolution, two young men are sent to a remote mining village where they fall in love with the local tailor’s beautiful granddaughter and discover a suitcase full of forbidden Western novels.
Arguing that advertising not only sells things, but also ideas about the world, media scholar Sut Jhally offers a blistering analysis of commercial culture's inability to let go of reactionary gender representations. Jhally's starting point is the breakthrough work of the late sociologist Erving Goffman, whose 1959 book The Presentation of the Self in Everyday Life prefigured the growing field of performance studies. Jhally applies Goffman's analysis of the body in print advertising to hundreds of print ads today, uncovering an astonishing pattern of regressive and destructive gender codes. By looking beyond advertising as a medium that simply sells products, and beyond analyses of gender that tend to focus on either biology or objectification, The Codes of Gender offers important insights into the social construction of masculinity and femininity, the relationship between gender and power, and the everyday performance of cultural norms.
팔레스타인 혁명에 대한 지가 베르토프 그룹의 미완결된 기록화면과 그에 대한 정치적 담론을 담고 있는 영화. 팔레스타인 저항군의 뉴스를 담은 TV뉴스를 바라보는 프랑스의 가정(여기)과 전쟁의 강을 건너는 ‘다른 곳’의 경계를 무너뜨리려는 날카로운 자기성찰의 목소리와 함께 68혁명 이후 유럽 급진주의의 실패에 대한 반성을 담고 있다. (2018년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 1968+50 새로운 세상, 새로운 영화)
As a nun, Katharina von Bora lives the life destined for her until she comes into contact with a completely new world of thought in the early 20s through the writings of Martin Luther. She flees with some of her co-sisters and comes without legal status, without income and rejected by her family to Wittenberg, where she meets Martin Luther personally. Katharina decides to marry the reformer and, as his wife, becomes a respected housekeeper, an equal interlocutor and the mother of their children together.
Diagnosis burnout: The successful career woman Toni Lehmstedt can be referred to a psychiatric clinic after a physical breakdown. Urs Egger's free adaptation of the biographical novel of the same name by Miriam Meckel with Grimme award winner Marie Bäumer in the leading role.
Hartmut Mackowiak, a German taxi driver, tries to help 6 year old Turkish girl to find her mother.
Family Neufund is an exchange student from England in the house! The host parents Martin Brambach and Aglaia Szyszkowitz see this as a chance to finally win a girlfriend for their idiosyncratic 16-year-old daughter. But at the airport is not the expected "hip" Sandy McCartney from London in front of them, but a 13-year-old Indian boy! You want to get rid of the little Hindu as soon as possible. In a roundabout way, Zayn Baig in the role of the unwanted guest and Lena Urzendowsky as a loner are still pretty good friends.
A young married woman from Montreal's Orthodox Jewish community finds freedom from the strictures of her faith through her relationship with a young man who is mourning the death of his estranged father.
Director Mark Wexler embarks on a worldwide trek to investigate just what it means to grow old and what it could mean to really live forever. But whose advice should he take? Does 94-year-old exercise guru Jack LaLanne have all the answers, or does Buster, a 101-year-old chain-smoking, beer-drinking marathoner? What about futurist Ray Kurzweil, a laughter yoga expert, or an elder porn star? Wexler explores the viewpoints of delightfully unusual characters alongside those of health, fitness and life-extension experts in this engaging new documentary, which challenges our notions of youth and aging with comic poignancy. Begun as a study in life-extension, How To Live Forever evolves into a thought-provoking examination of what truly gives life meaning.
For Cologne newspaper journalist Michael Heinrich, a year-long posting as Itally correspondent is a dream coming true. His lawyer wife Susanne agrees to take her long-postponed sabbatical year there, but janitor Filippo and his hunky cousin Toni still hasn't finished the apartment in Principe Ercole's 'palazzo'. Angelic son Tobias and pubescent brat Caroline object being torn away from their world, but soon take to welcoming Romans. Roman utilities and Vatican bureaucracy test Michael's patience as well as Ercole's frisky niece Maria and Susanne's visiting parents. Controversial archaeology professor Neri offers Michael a 'steal' scoop on the missing main Etruscan sanctuary. Written by KGF Vissers
After eight years of close collaboration with her supervisor, Mathilde suddenly finds herself inexplicably victim of moral harassment by him. In parallel, Thibault has just split up with his girlfriend after a frustrating two-year relationship where they exchanged very little. Mathilde and Thibault have never met, they are just two figures among millions of others. Two people who may bump into each other or who may merely pass each other by. But one day in September, their paths meet.
In the German gangster comedy, Jan Josef Liefers and Justus von Dohnányi play two petty criminals who are supposed to do a job on Mallorca, but who can't stand each other.
A woman becomes trapped in the middle of a feud between two men while attempting to free her younger brother from a life of petty crime.
Ivan and Chiara meet on a Sicilian island to prepare the wedding for Ivan’s brother and Chiara’s best friend. Despite the fact that Ivan is determined not to repeat the failure of his last relationship and Chiara does not want to jeopardise her marriage, the two fall in love with each other. They resolve to live their relationship for only a few days and then break it off when the wedding guests arrive on the island. But can love be controlled? Or is it love that controls us?
Following a long prison term, 30 year-old Céline must find a place in society. Hiding her past, she introduces herself with a new identity to get work for a trial period in a hotel. Céline finds herself endlessly walking a tightrope between truth and fiction. When she meets Idir, despite the threat of being unmasked, Céline falls in love and finds herself a prisoner to her own lies. But how can one live without taking risks?