Alexander Golitzen

출생 : 1908-02-28, Moscow, Russian Empire [now Russia]

사망 : 2005-07-26

참여 작품

Production Design
엄청난 강도를 지닌 대 지진이 캘리포니아를 강타, 로스엔젤레스의 큰 건물들이 무너지고 땅이 갈라지는 대혼란이 일어난다. 난공사를 전문적으로 하는 건축가인 스튜어트(찰톤 헤스톤 분)는 건설회사 사장 딸과 결혼을 했으나 그녀의 낭비벽과 버릇없음에 골치가 아프다. 아내 레미(에바 가드너 분)와의 불화가 계속되자 스튜어트는 회사 동료이자 미망인인 데니스(제느비브 뷔졸드 분)와 사귀기 시작한다. 남편의 외도를 알게된 레미는 스튜어트가 다니는 회사의 소유주인 아버지의 권력을 이용해 스튜어트와 데니스의 관계를 방해하려 한다. 한편, 거친 경찰관 루 슬레이드(죠지 케네디 분)는 다른 관할 구역의 동료 경찰관을 폭행한 사건으로 인해 정직처분을 받게 된다. 이에 화가 난 슬레이드는 아예 경찰직을 그만두려는 생각을 품는다. 이런 와중에 엄청난 강도를 지닌 대지진이 캘리포니아를 강타, 땅이 갈라지면서 LA의 대형건물들이 무너지고, 도시는 대혼란에 빠져든다. 지진으로 인해 건물이 무너지면서 지하에 사람들이 갇히게 되자 스튜어트와 슬레이드는 는 구조작업을 벌이지만, 가장 염려하던 댐이 무너지면서 거대한 물살이 LA를 덮친다.
Art Direction
정처 없이 떠도는 10대 히피 소녀 브리지. 차를 얻어 탔다가 봉변을 당할 뻔한 브리지는 우연히 만난 프랭크에게 도움을 청한다. 부동산업자로, 중년의 부유한 이혼남 프랭크는 스스럼없이 다가오는 브리지를 경계한다. 브리지는 계속 프랭크 주변을 맴돌고, 점차 프랭크도 브리지를 받아들이기 시작한다. 중년 남성과 10대 소녀의 사랑을 그린 로맨틱 드라마로, 각본가 조 하임즈는 프랭크 역에 클린트 이스트우드를 염두에 두었다고 한다. 이스트우드는 아주 잠깐 카메오로 등장한다.
Art Direction
Two men who have been friends since childhood find themselves on opposite ends of the law.
조 키드
Art Direction
과거에 악명 높은 현상금 사냥꾼이었지만 지금은 보호구역 영토에서 밀렵이나 하며 살아가는 조 키드(클린트 이스트우드)는 세상의 일 따위는 관심 없어 보인다. 뉴멕시코 토지 분쟁으로 현지 멕시코인들과 미국인들의 소유권 다툼이 계속되는데, 멕시코인들의 땅에 미국인들이 들어와 허가를 받고 살았었지만 법원의 화재로 멕시코인들의 토지 소유에 관한 기록이 없어지자 미국인들이 땅의 소유권을 주장하고 나선 것이다. 양치기 출신의 루이스 차마는 땅을 되찾으려는 멕시코인들을 이끌며 분쟁을 일으키고 그를 잡기 위해 혈안이 된 프랭크 할랜(로버트 듀발)은 조를 고용한다. 루이스 차마를 쫓던 프랭크 할랜은 산 아래 교회에서 인질들을 잡고 루이스 차마와 대치하는 상황에 이른다. 무자비한 프랭크 할랜과 그의 부하들을 뒤로 하고 루이스 차마를 설득하러 간 조는 그를 돕기로 하고 프랭크와 대결을 벌이는데...
The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid
Art Direction
The gangs of Jesse James and Cole Younger join forces to rob the First National Bank in Northfield, Minnesota, but things do not go as planned.
죽음의 순례자
Art Direction
빌리 필그림이 하얀 눈밭을 터벅터벅 고독하게 걸어간다. 미국 뉴욕에서 태어난 그는 2차 세계대전이 발발하자 유럽의 벨기에 전선에 투입된 것. 대오에서 낙오한 빌리는 다른 사람들과 함께 독일군 포로가 된다. 나치 독일은 포로들을 대량 살육할 목적으로 대단위 수용소를 짓는데, 포로가 된 주인공 빌리 일행이 임시로 그곳에 거처한다.
어둠 속에 벨이 울릴 때
Art Direction
클린트 이스트우드의 감독 데뷔작. 캘리포니아의 대중 음악 DJ인 데이브 가버(클린트 이스트우드 분)는 그의 라디오 쇼에서 한 여성으로부터 계속 "Play Misty For Me"를 요청하는 전화를 받는다. 갈란드는 그녀를 만나, 의심없이 그녀의 집에 찾아가고, 그곳에서 테러가 시작된다. 갈란드가 엘빈을 거부했을 때, 그녀는 그에게 더욱 정신을 잃게 되고, 그와 그의 약혼녀인 토비에게 폭력을 쓰게 된다. 갈란드의 생활과 사랑은 엘빈이 미쳐버림으로 뒤죽박죽이 되는데...
고독한 카우보이
Art Direction
형기를 끝낸 로맥스가 자신을 배신한 옛 동업자 샘 폴리를 찾아 나선다. 샘은 젊은 총잡이들을 고용하여 자신의 신변 보호를 하면서도 로맥스를 죽이지는 말라고 당부한다. 분별없는 젊은 총잡이들 때문에 건힐로 가는 길은 멀기만 하다. 로맥스는 도중에 우연히 고아 소녀를 떠맡아 데리고 가게 된다. 그는 교양과 정감을 갖춘 미망인 줄리아나를 만나면서 비로소 인간애를 맛보게 된다. (KBS2)
매혹당한 사람들
Art Direction
미국 남북전쟁 시기, 부상을 입은 북군 장군 존 맥버니(클린트 이스트우드)는 절체절명의 순간에 한 남부의 10대 소녀에게 구출 당한다. 그 소녀는 존을 자신이 있는 여학교로 데려가고 모든 여직원들과 여학생들은 깜짝 놀라 기겁을 한다. 시간이 흘러 학교생활에 적응하고 회복되기 시작할 무렵, 많은 사람들이 존에게 매력을 느끼기 시작한다. 하지만 곧 학교 분위기는 질투와 기만으로 가득 차게 되고, 여학생들은 그가 계속 그들의 성적 노리개가 되어 학교에 남아주길 바란다. 학생들 사이의 긴장상태가 팽팽해지자 교장(파멜린 페르딘)은 급기야 그의 다리를 자를 결심을 하는데...
롬멜 습격 작전
Art Direction
한 무리의 독일 군사들이 영국군 포로들을 이끌고 토부룩으로 향하고 있다. 그런데 그들의 앞길에 갑작스레 차한대가 나타나면서 무리는 긴장한다. 차를 쫓아가보니 그 곳에는 시체 몇구와 심하게 부상을 당한 듯 보이는 영국의 장교가 타고 있었다. 포로인 영국군 의사 타킹턴은 그를 치료하던 중 그가 꾀병을 부리고 있다는 사실을 알아낸다. 사실 그는 영국 8군 정보 기관의 포스터 대령으로 포로가 된 척 하고 토부룩으로 향하는 이들과 함께 합세하려는 속셈이었다. 영국군 포로들은 그의 지휘 아래 곧 독일 군인들을 제압하고 트럭과 통행증 등을 모두 빼앗고 자신들의 목적지로 향한다. 그들의 목표는 토부룩의 해안으로 상륙작전을 꾀하려 하는 해군들을 돕기 위해 토부록에 있는 대포와 무기들을 모두 무용지물로 만들고자 하는데 있었다. 그들은 완벽한 작전과 몇 번의 행운으로 무사히 토부룩에 도착한다. 이 곳은 유명한 장군 롬멜이 지키고 있는 곳이라 방어책이 만만치 않은 곳이다. 하지만 이들은 우여곡절 끝에 벙커와 대포들, 탱크에 들어가는 원료가 있는 보관소 등을 모두 폭파시키는 데 성공한다. 곧 롬멜 장군과 함께 독일군이 들이닥치지만 이미 너무 늦은 상태. 이 승리를 비롯하여 영국군은 그 때부터 전쟁에서 승세를 잡아가기 시작한다.
One More Train to Rob
Art Direction
Harker Flet and compatriots Timothy X. Nolan and Katy, along with three other men, steal $40,000 in money and jewelry from a California train in the gold-mining country of the 1880's. The six split up and while they are hiding out awaiting the rendezvous to divide the loot, Hark is cornered, framed and sent to prison. He is released after two-and-a-half years and sets out to find Katy and Nolan and get his share of the loot.
How to Frame a Figg
Art Direction
Don Knotts is Hollis Figg, the dumbest bookkeeper in town. When the city fathers buy a second-hand computer to cover up their financial shenanigans, they promote Figg to look after things, knowing he'll never catch on. Their plan backfires when Figg becomes self-important and accidentally discovers their plot.
I Love My Wife
Art Direction
Young surgeon becomes bored with his wife and family, he has a very successful career, but even with having so much in life, he feels empty and goes through a series of brief and meaningless relations with attractive women.
Art Direction
미국 링컨국제공항의 매니저인 멜 베이커스펠드(버트 랭카스터 부)는 두 가지 난관에 봉착해있다. 하나는 애정이 완전히 식어버린 아내와의 불화이고, 또 하나는 이착륙이 불가능할 정도의 폭설이다. 방금 비상착륙하던 비행기 하나가 활주로 한쪽을 막고 있다. 이런 공항을 무대로 그랜드호텔식 이야기가 펼쳐진다. 스튜어디스를 임신시킨 비행기 조종사 버논(딘 마틴 분)은 악천후를 뚫고 이륙을 하려고 한다. 승객 가운데에는 무임승차를 밥 먹듯이 하는 할머니와 괴로운 표정을 한 실직 폭파전문가도 포함되어 있다. 할머니는 끊임없이 수다를 떨며, 실직자는 비행기가 이륙한 후 폭파시켜 아내에게 거액의 보험금을 안겨줄 생각뿐이다. 눈은 끊임없이 오고, 활주로를 막아선 비행기를 치우는 것도 힘겹기만 하다.
Art Direction
포빈 박사는 적국의 대량 살상 무기 공격으로 부터 미국을 지켜줄 궁극의 슈퍼 컴퓨터 콜로서스를 개발하게 된다. 콜로서스는 적국의 공격에서도 살아 남을 수 있는 록키 산맥 안에 위치하고 인간들의 접근을 방지하기 위해 강한 방사능으로 둘러쳐지게 된다. 미 정부는 인간적인 감정이 없이 냉철하게 상황을 판단할 수 있다고 판단되는 이 슈퍼 컴퓨터에게 핵무기 사용 권리를 일임하게 된다. 적국의 일거수 일투족을 감시할 수 있는 이 컴퓨터의 개발에 사람들은 평화로운 미래를 보장 받는 듯하다. 그런데 갑자기 이 수퍼 컴퓨터가 인간의 통제를 벗어나기 시작한다.
Story of a Woman
Art Direction
Karin studies music in Rome and falls in love with Bruno. She learns that he is married and therefore returns to Sweden. She meets David. They marry and have a daughter. David is sent to Rome. Karin meets Bruno again.
체인지 오브 해빗
Art Direction
진보적인 의사 존 카펜터는 빈민가에 진료소를 만들고 3명의 수녀를 간호사로 고용하여 진료를 시작한다. 간호사로 고용된 미셸수녀는 기타를 치는 존 카펜터의 멋진 모습에 사랑을 느끼게 되고 혼란에 빠진다.
석양을 향해 달려라
Art Direction
인디언 윌리 보이는 백인 로라와 사랑에 빠지지만 로라의 부모는 이를 적극 반대한다. 밀회가 거듭되던 어느 날, 윌리 보이는 순간의 실수로 살인을 하게 되고 로라와 산속으로 도망간다. 그들을 추적하는 보안관과의 쫓고 쫓기는 추격전이 계속되는데... (THE MOVIE)
The Love God?
Art Direction
Ornithologist Abner Peacock sells off his modest-selling birdwatching periodical to a charlatan who turns it into a girlie mag, making it a massive financial success. After Peacock and the magazine are taken to court on obscenity charges, he unwillingly becomes a reluctant hero and ends up a swinging libertine.
The Lost Man
Art Direction
A gang of black militants plots to rob a factory to finance their "revolutionary struggle."
고양이의 눈
Art Direction
폐의 2/3가 없는 고모의 유산을 노리고 살해 계획을 세운 조카와 여자친구의 이야기
영광이여 영원히
Art Direction
세계적으로 유명한 레이스 경기인 '인디 500'을 주제로, 레이싱 경기로 생업을 이어나가는 사람들의 삶과 사랑을 그린 작품.
건파이터의 최후
Art Direction
In the turn-of-the century Texas town of Cottownwood Springs, marshal Frank Patch is an old-style lawman in a town determined to become modern. When he kills drunken Luke Mills in self-defense, the town leaders decide it's time for a change. That ask for Patch's resignation, but he refuses on the basis that the town on hiring him had promised him the job for as long as he wanted it. Afraid for the town's future and even more afraid of the fact that Marshal Patch knows all the town's dark secrets, the city fathers decide that old-style violence is the only way to rid themselves of the unwanted lawman.
스위트 채리티
Art Direction
여주인공은 예쁘지만 마음이 여린 매춘부다. 타락했으나 무구함을 간직하고 있는 그녀의 삶을 뮤지컬로 옮겨 연혼의 고양과 구원이라는 주제를 격정에 실어 묘사
Art Direction
세상에서 가장 위험한 직업 중 하나인 석유 시추 전문 소방관 챈스 버크먼(존 웨인), 그의 조수 그렉(짐 허튼)과 숙련된 그의 팀은 매번 죽음을 무릅쓰고, 도처에 발생하는 맹렬한 유전 화재를 진압합니다. 그의 아내 매들린(베라 마일스)은 그런 그가 걱정되는데 지쳐가면서, 그들의 결혼 생활은 무너지기 시작하는데.. 이영화는 1968년 개봉된 영화로, 존 웨인 주연의 석유 시추 전문 소방관들의 대활약을 그린 작품이다.
Art Direction
아리조나 경찰 쿠건은 범인을 뉴욕에서 아리조나까지 호송명령을 받고 뉴욕으로 간다. 하지만 쿠건은 범인을 놓치고 만다. 이미 범인의 부하들이 진을 치고 있다가 쿠건을 따돌렸던 것. 쿠건은 다시 심기일전, 범인을 꼭 잡겠다고 다짐한다.
House of Cards
Art Direction
In 1960s Paris, an American boxer stumbles upon an international fascist conspiracy that aims to create a new world order.
Don't Just Stand There
Art Direction
In exchange for helping writer-adventurer Lawrence Colby smuggle 300 watch parts into Paris from Switzerland, Martine Randall asks Colby to help solve a complicated situation involving her friend Sabine Manning, a well-known author of sex novels.
Did You Hear the One About the Traveling Saleslady?
Art Direction
Agatha Knabenshu arrives in a small town in Missouri to sell player pianos to the locals. She's fired after her disastrous sales attempts nearly destroy the town. The stranded saleslady becomes friendly with an equally bumbling inventor and moves in with his family. The two then try to sell his automatic milking machine, but things turn sour when their demonstration causes a stampede.
The Shakiest Gun in the West
Art Direction
Jesse W. Haywood (Don Knotts) graduates from dental school in Philadelphia in 1870 and goes west to become a frontier dentist. Penelope "Bad Penny" Cushing (Barbara Rhoades) is offered a pardon if she will track down a ring of gun smugglers. She tricks Haywood into a sham marriage as a disguise. Haywood inadvertently becomes the legendary "Doc the Haywood" after he guns down "Arnold the Kid".
In Enemy Country
Art Direction
Wartime secret agents are on a mission to destroy a deadly new type of torpedo, hidden in a Nazi stronghold in France.
What's So Bad About Feeling Good?
Art Direction
A new infection that simply makes people feel happy is treated as a threat by the authorities while its "victims" work to spread it to others.
Journey to Shiloh
Art Direction
At the beginning of the Civil War, seven friends embark on a cross-country journey in order to join the Confederate army.
형사 매디건
Art Direction
겉으로는 평화로운 뉴욕의 어느 봄날 아침. 경찰 국장인 안소니는 경찰대학에서 신입생들에게 연설을 하기 위해 기다리고 있다. 하지만 그는 오랜 친구인 찰스 반장이 한 술집에서 돈을 뜯어내고 있으며, 심문 도중에 흑인 아이를 폭행했다는 뚜렷한 증거를 확보한 탓에 마음이 편치 않다. 거기다 일급 수사관들인 다니엘과 로코가 살인 혐의자를 잡으러 아파트를 급습했다가 오히려 총을 빼앗겼다는 소식까지 듣게 된다. 팽팽한 긴장감을 유지하는 액션 드라마로 대도시 경찰의 일과를 리얼한 디테일로 그려냈다. (서울아트시네마 - 2009 시네바캉스 서울)
Art Direction
Reluctant New York City private eye P.J. Detweiler is hired as a bodyguard to protect Maureen Preble, the mistress of shady millionaire William Orbison. In truth, Orbison plans a deadly intrigue in which P.J. is to play a central part. Meanwhile, complications ensue as P.J. gradually falls in love with Maureen. (Wikipedia)
A Man Called Gannon
Art Direction
A seasoned cowboy takes a young tender-foot under his wing. They become embroiled in a range war, and end up on opposite sides.
더 발라드 오브 조시
Art Direction
A frontier widow aims to raise sheep despite a cattle rancher in old Wyoming.
Art Direction
An eccentric Los Angeles dowager decides to fight back when her two greedy daughters attempt to have her declared legally insane.
Art Direction
A mysterious woman in black moves in with married Manhattan thrill-seekers and helps one trick the other.
The Reluctant Astronaut
Art Direction
Don Knotts is Roy Fleming, a small town kiddie-ride operator who is deathly afraid of heights. After learning that his father has signed him up for the space program, Roy reluctantly heads for Houston, only to find out upon arriving that his job is a janitor, not an astronaut. Anxious to live up to the expectations of his domineering father, Roy manages to keep up a facade of being an astronaut to his family and friends. When NASA decides to launch a lay person into space to prove the worthiness of a new automated spacecraft, Roy gets the chance to confront his fears.
The Perils of Pauline
Art Direction
Pauline becomes involved in a series of adventures around the world and is aided by her ever present friend, George.
Art Direction
제리코라는 한 마을을 무대로 합법을 가장해 행패를 부리며 실권을 잡은 총잡이 악당을 지나가던 한 건맨이 마을 사람들의 응원으로 처치한다는 정석 서부극이다.
The King's Pirate
Art Direction
Handsome British officer, Lt. Brian Fleming is sent undercover to infiltrate a lively band of pirates.
The Ride to Hangman's Tree
Art Direction
Three young outlaws try to stay together and keep one step ahead of the law.
모던 밀리
Art Direction
Millie Dillmount, a fearless young lady fresh from Salina, Kansas, determined to experience Life, sets out to see the world in the rip-roaring Twenties. With high spirits and wearing one of those new high hemlines, she arrives in New York to test the "modern" ideas she had been reading about back in Kansas: "I've taken the girl out of Kansas. Now I have to take Kansas out of the girl!"
Art Direction
In September 1942, the German Afrika Korps under Rommel have successfully pushed the Allies back into Egypt. A counter-attack is planned, for which the fuel dumps at Tobruk are a critical impediment. In order to aid the attack, a group of British commandos and German Jews make their way undercover through 800 miles of desert, to destroy the fuel dumps starving the Germans of fuel.
Art Direction
마이클 케인과 셜리 매클레인이 뜨내기 강도 커플로 등장하는 코믹 미스터리 스릴러
Let's Kill Uncle
Art Direction
A 12-year-old orphan who has just inherited a fortune is trapped on an island with his uncle, a former British intelligence commander who intends to kill him. A young girl is the boy's only ally against the sarcastic uncle, who uses hypnotism, a pool of sharks, fire, and poisonous mushrooms as weapons.
강 건너 텍사스
Art Direction
The Louisiana wedding of debutante Phoebe Ann Naylor to Don Andrea de Baldasar, El Duce de la Casala is stopped by the Cavalry over a matter of honor. Don Andrea flees across the river to Texas, where he meets up with Sam Hollis and his Indian sidekick, Kronk, who are carrying rifles to the town of Moccasin Flats. Don Andrea rescues an Indian maiden, Lonetta, tames some longhorns, competes with Sam for Phoebe's affections, eludes a Comanche war party and the cavalry and ultimately saves the town and gets his girl.
Art Direction
A man tries to recover a horse stolen from him by a Mexican bandit.
보 게스티
Art Direction
프랑스 외인부대의 다지노 원사는 익명의 중대원에게 경고성 편지를 한통 받는다. 그는 보 그레이브스를 의심하고 있다. 범인 색출과 군기잡기의 일환으로 다지노 원사가 훈련의 강도를 나날이 높여가자 중대원들의 불만도 커져만 간다. 그러던 중 보의 동생 존이 외인부대로 오고 이를 안 다지노는 보와 존이 형제라는 이유만으로 괴롭히기 시작하는데... (채널 더 무비)
The Plainsman
Art Direction
Calamity Jane tries to help Buffalo Bill Cody and Wild Bill Hickock stop an Indian war.
Incident at Phantom Hill
Art Direction
At the end of the Civil War, a major shipment of gold has been stolen and buried in the desert. Only one man knows the whereabouts of gold and the army sends captain Matt Martin to arrest him and come back with the gold. Martin, his prisoner and a handful of men enter Indian territory in search of the precious cargo. The Apaches, outlaws and storms will make it not too easy.
Munster, Go Home!
Art Direction
Herman discovers he's the new lord of Munster Hall in England. The family sails to Britain, where they receive a tepid welcome from Lady Effigy and Freddie Munster, who throws tantrums because he wasn't named Lord Munster. An on-board romance had blossomed between Marilyn and Roger, but on land Marilyn discovers Roger's family holds a longstanding grudge against the Munsters.
Art Direction
A young, determined sheriff and his posse chase a gang of murderous train robbers, and a kidnapped woman into New Mexico.
레어 브리드
Art Direction
When her husband dies en route to America, Martha Price and her daughter Hilary are left to carry out his dream: the introduction of Hereford cattle into the American West. They enlist Sam "Bulldog" Burnett in their efforts to transport their lone bull, a Hereford named Vindicator, to a breeder in Texas, but the trail is fraught with danger and even Burnett doubts the survival potential of this "rare breed" of cattle.
Moment to Moment
Art Direction
When an erring wife's supposedly dead lover turns up an amnesiac, it's her unsuspecting shrink husband who's enlisted to get those memories back.
더 고스트 앤 미스터 치킨
Art Direction
Luther Heggs, a typesetter for the town newspaper, pitches an idea for a story about a local haunted house where a famous murder/suicide occurred 20 years earlier. After the editor assigns Luther to spend one night alone in the mansion, Heggs has a number of supernatural encounters and writes a front page story that makes him a hometown hero...until the nephew of the deceased sues him for libel.
워 로드
Art Direction
A knight in the service of a duke goes to a coastal village where an earlier attempt to build a defensive castle has failed. He begins to rebuild the duke's authority in the face of the barbarians at the border and is making progress until he falls in love with one of the local women.
Art Direction
어느 날 뉴욕의 한 건물에서 갑작스런 정전이 일어난다. 회계원인 데이빗는 전등을 들고 건물을 빠져 나오던 중 도움을 요청하는 여성을 만나 입구까지 바래다 주지만 그 여성은 데이빗의 얼굴을 보자마자 반색을 하며 달아나버린다. 의아한 마음으로 건물을 빠져 나온 데이빗은 한 유명인사가 정전 중 건물을 뛰어내려 자살을 한 것으로 추정되는 현장을 보게 된다. 그리고 집으로 돌아가던 중 평소 알던 사람들이 자신을 대하는 태도에 이상한 점이 있다는 것을 깨닫고 건물에서 만난 여성을 떠올리지만 기억을 하지 못한다. 점점 의혹이 커지는 상황에서 집에 도착한 데이빗은 어떤 남자로부터 살해협박과 함께 도시를 떠나라는 강요를 받는데...
댓 퍼니 필링
Art Direction
Joan Howell, a young and pretty maid-for-hire, meets and begins dating wealthy New York City businessman Tom Milford. Embarrassed about bringing him back to her tiny apartment that she shares with her roommate Audrey, Joan brings Tom over to a fancy apartment that she cleans on a daily basis not knowing that it's his place. Tom plays along with the charade despite not knowing who Joan really is, while she tries to tidy up Tom's place not knowing who he really is. Written by Matthew Patay
나는 네가 한 짓을 보았다
Art Direction
Teenage friends Kit and Libby make prank phone calls for fun but then find themselves involved in a brutal double murder committed by one of their targets.
The Art of Love
Art Direction
Struggling artist fakes his own death so his works will increase in value.
Art Direction
무대는 남북전쟁이 막바지로 치닫고 있는 1864년, 남부동맹의 한 주인 버지니아의 셰넌도어 분지. 16년 전 아내와 사별한 뒤 아들 여섯과 딸 하나를 혼자 키워낸 찰리 앤더슨은 아들 여섯을 하나도 전쟁에 내보내지 않고 성실히살아가기만 하면 된다고 믿고 있다. 그러나 마을사람들은 앤더슨의 가족을 비난하며 그대로 내버려두지 않는다.
Wild Seed
Art Direction
A 17-year-old girl runs away from her east coast home, going west to Los Angeles to meet her biological father. She has learned from letters her mother kept that he was tragically separated from her before the girl's birth. On the road, she is protected and befriended by an independent-minded young drifter who helps her on her journey.
Bus Riley's Back in Town
Art Direction
Bus Riley returns to his small town after time in the army. On his return, his ex-girlfriend wants to resume their relationship. The only problem is she has married in the mean time. Searching for fulfilment in his life, Bus decides to get a job with his gay friend who is a mortician. When the mortician makes a pass at him, Bus quickly gets out.
Art Direction
Taggart's family is slaughtered by a rival rancher. Taggart mortally wounds the rancher and kills his son. Before he dies the rancher hires three bounty hunters to avenge him with the promise of $5000 as a reward. Taggart must flee into Apache territory to escape the wrath of the trio of hired killers.
파더 구즈
Art Direction
During World War II, South Sea beachcomber Walter Eckland is persuaded to spy on planes passing over his island. He gets more than he bargained for as schoolteacher Catherine Frenau arrives on the run from the Japanese with her pupils in tow!
Kitten with a Whip
Art Direction
Straitlaced senatorial hopeful David Stratton has no idea what he's in for when he arrives home from a trip to find sexy teen Jody curled up asleep in his daughter's bed. Soon, delinquent Jody is holding David -- and his plush suburban home -- hostage while she hides out from the cops and throws wild parties with her beatnik pals. David, terrified of scandal, agrees to drive Jody and her friends to Mexico, a decision he regrets when the ride gets out of control.
러브 앤 플라워스
Art Direction
At one of his many visits to his doctor, hypochondriac George Kimball mistakes a dying man's diagnosis for his own and believes he only has about two more weeks to live. Wanting to take care of his wife Judy, he doesn't tell her and tries to find her a new husband. When he finally does tell her, she quickly finds out he's not dying at all (while he doesn't) and she believes it's just a lame excuse to hide an affair, so she decides to leave him.
Island of the Blue Dolphins
Art Direction
Based on the beloved book by Scott O'Dell, this family movie tells the adventures of a young Native American girl. After her father is killed by a malevolent white trapper, Karana joins her community as they leave their island home in the Pacific to live on the mainland. Upon her departure, Karana realizes that her brother has been left behind. She immediately swims back to be with him and the two remain on the abandoned island. Though Karana is able to domesticate a wolf, her brother is not so fortunate with the animals and is killed by a pack of wild dogs. She is left to survive against the odds.
Bullet for a Badman
Art Direction
Former Texas Rangers Sam Ward and Logan Keliher become enemies when Sam turns bank robber and Logan marries Sam's ex-wife.
Wild and Wonderful
Art Direction
Cognac, a pampered poodle and popular star on French television, creates marital problems for his pretty owner Giselle when he becomes jealous of her new husband.
The Brass Bottle
Art Direction
A genie tends to get his master into more predicaments than he gets him out of.
맨스 페이버릿 스포츠?
Art Direction
Roger Willoughby is a renowned fishing expert, who, unbeknownst to his friends, co-workers, or boss, has never cast a line in his life. One day, he crosses paths with Abigail Paige, a sweetly annoying girl who has just badgered his boss into signing Roger up for an annual fishing tournament.
캡틴 뉴먼, M.D.
Art Direction
In 1944, Capt. Josiah J. Newman is the doctor in charge of Ward 7, the neuropsychiatric ward, at an Army Air Corps hospital in Arizona. The hospital is under-resourced and Newman scrounges what he needs with the help of his inventive staff, especially Cpl. Jake Leibowitz. The military in general is only just coming to accept psychiatric disorders as legitimate and Newman generally has 6 weeks to cure them or send them on to another facility. There are many patients in the ward and his latest include Colonel Norville Bliss who has dissociated from his past; Capt. Paul Winston who is nearly catatonic after spending 13 months hiding in a cellar behind enemy lines; and 20 year-old Cpl. Jim Tompkins who is severely traumatized after his aircraft was shot down. Others come and go, including Italian prisoners of war, but Newman and team all realize that their success means the men will return to their units.
For Love or Money
Art Direction
Wealthy Chloe Brasher has three beautiful daughters; Bonnie, Kate, and Jan. Chloe pays attorney Deke Gentry to fix them up with three suitable husbands.
스릴 오브 잇 올
Art Direction
A housewife's sudden rise to fame as a soap spokesperson leads to chaos in her home life.
Tammy and the Doctor
Art Direction
Tammy becomes a nurse's aide, works in a hospital, cares for an old rich woman, and causes romantic commotion in the life of Dr. Mark Cheswick.
아드리안 메신저
Art Direction
연쇄 살인마를 쫒는 전 영국 정보부 요원이 조사에 나서지만 용의자는 변장의 귀재로 좀처럼 정체를 드러내지 않는데...
Art Direction
A cowboy has to get 12,000 dollars in stolen bonds from the ex-girlfriend of his partner, or the gang holding him hostage will kill him.
앵무새 죽이기
Art Direction
대공황 이후 암울한 시기, 앨라바마주의 조그만 마을. 백인 처녀 마옐라는 집안 일을 도와주던 흑인 청년 톰을 유혹하다가 아버지에게 들키고, 화가 난 아버지는 '흑인이 백인 여자를 강간하려 했다'며 누명을 씌어 톰을 고소한다. 마을의 존경받는 변호사 애티커스 핀치가 누명을 쓴 톰의 변호를 맡지만 인종적 편견이 만연한 마을에서 흑인을 변호하는 일은 쉽지 않다. 톰의 무죄를 믿는 핀치는 마을 사람들의 비난을 무릅쓰고 그를 변호하기 위해 노력하는데..
If a Man Answers
Art Direction
Rich socialite Chantal marries photographer Eugene and everything seems blissful until her envious friend attempts to break them up. In desperation, she turns to her mother, but the advice she receives may do more harm than good.
The Spiral Road
Art Direction
A selfish and prideful young Dutch doctor, through a series of circumstances, comes to learn that he does indeed "need" a higher spiritual being and other people.
로니 브레이브
Art Direction
감옥에 갇힌 친구를 구하려다 오히려 쫓기게 되는 카우보이를 소재로 만든 영화. 결국은 추격자의 총탄에 쓰러지는 한 카우보이의 이야기가 사라져가는 서부 시대의 희생자로 그려지고 있다. 서부 영화 치고는 자동차와 헬리콥터가 등장하는 이색적인 화면이 쫓기는 외로운 한 카우보이의 뒷모습에 쓸쓸하게 투영이 되어 저물어가는 서부 시대의 애환을 더 더욱 애처롭게 묘사하고 있는 수작이다.
Six Black Horses
Art Direction
Audie and Dan Duryea are hired by a mysterious woman to take her across Indian country to her husband. On route, she tries to seduce Audie by offering to give him Duryea's share of the money if he will help her achieve her real goal: kill Duryea for having killed her husband. Audie dreams of a getting enough money to buy a ranch of his own, but his loyalty to his friend prevails. In the end, Duryea is killed anyway by the Indians and gets his wish: a funeral carriage pulled by - you guessed it - six black horses.
케이프 피어
Art Direction
강간 폭행 죄로 6년간 수감됐던 맥스 케이디(Max Cady : 로버트 미첨 분)는 석방되자 마자 샘 보든(Sam Bowden : 그레고리 펙 분)을 찾는다. 샘은 케이디의 유죄 판결에 결정적인 역할을 한 검사였다. 케이디는 샘에게 자신이 수감됐던 것에 대한 복수를 하겠다고 통고한다. 위험을 인지한 샘은 사립 탐정을 고용하기도 하고 경찰의 비호를 받으려고도 하지만 케이디는 불사조처럼 빠져나가며 점점 더 샘을 초조하게 압박할 따름이다. 케이디가 자신의 아내인 페기 보든(Peggy Bowden : 폴리 버겐 분)과 딸, 낸시 보든(Nancy Bowden : 로리 마틴 분)을 강간함으로써 복수를 하려는 것을 알아챈 샘은 케이디를 다시 교도소로 보내고자 하지만 그렇게 할 근거가 없어 무효화되고, 경찰 서장인 마크 더튼(Police Chief Mark Dutton : 마틴 발삼 분) 또한 케이디를 그 지역에서 추방함으로써 샘을 돕고자 하지만 별다른 효과를 발휘하지 못 한다. 절박해진 샘은 결국 케이디를 유인해 잡기 위해 아내와 딸을 케이프 피어 강의 요트로 보낸다. 케이디가 소리 없이 나타나 샘의 아내와 딸을 유린하려는 위기 일발의 순간 샘이 나타나 그들을 구하고자 한다.
연인이여 돌아오라
Art Direction
광고 사업에서 제리는 술과 여자를 접대하는 방법으로 광고를 따내고, 정직하게 일하는 캐롤은 그런 제리의 방법이 맘에 들지 않는다. 번번이 제리에게 골탕을 먹는 캐롤은 복수할 방법을 찾게 되는데...
플라워 드럼 송
Art Designer
A young woman arrives in San Francisco's Chinatown from Hong Kong with the intention of marrying a rakish nightclub owner, unaware he is involved with one of his singers.
그늘과 양지
Art Direction
Ambitious but thwarted, Rae Smith meets handsome Marine Paul Saxon, (of the Saxon department store chain), as he passes through Lincoln, Nebraska, on his way home from World War II. There's a definite spark between them but circumstances intervene and he leaves town without her. Later she learns he's married. Determined to make it as a fashion designer, Rae moves to New York and becomes a great success. One day she happens to meet Paul again and again there's that spark but he's still married so, as a form of escape, Rae moves to Rome to set up shop. Once again she meets Paul and finally they begin an actual affair since Paul's shrewish, drunken wife, Liz, won't give him a divorce. Time passes, the affair continues whenever time and place permit, but then, Paul's young son finds out about Rae and Rae's back-street world begins to crumble.
마지막 일몰
Art Direction
브렌단 오말리는 과거의 연인이었던 벨 브페켄리지를 찾아 멕시코에 도착한다. 그런데 그녀는 한 술주정뱅이의 아내가 되어 살아가고 있다. 마침 벨의 남편은 텍사스로 소떼를 몰고 갈 계획을 세운 참이었다. 한편 보안관 다나 스트리블링은 브렌단을 처벌하기 위해 쫓아오고... 두 남자는 벨과 함께 긴 여정에 오른다.
지옥에서 온 포세
Art Direction
평온하던 파라다이스 마을에 탈출한 사형수 넷이 들이닥친다. 이들은 보안관 웹과 마음 사람들을 쏴 죽이고 은행을 털고 한 여자를 납치해간다. 웹은 자신의 친구인 콜에게 보안관 배지를 주며 마을 사람들을 도와줄 것을 부탁한다. 콜은 마을 사람들과 추적대를 조직해 악당들의 뒤를 쫓게 되는데... (THE MOVIE)
The Great Impostor
Art Direction
Fictionalized account of Ferdinand Waldo Demara Jr., who stole or created fictional identities and worked in a variety of occupations, most quite successfully.
누군가 노리고 있다
Art Direction
Kit Preston begins to unravel when she receives threatening telephone calls informing her she's soon to be murdered.
Production Design
트라키아 출신의 노예 스팔타커스(커크 더글러스)는 검투사를 훈련하는 바티아투스(피터 유스티노프)에게 팔려가게 된다. 경기장에서 훈련을 받던 스팔타커스는 동료 검투사를 이끌고 반란을 주도한다. 반란은 마을에서 마을로 퍼져가고 도망친 노예들이 합류하며 커다란 세력이 된다. 노예들은 스팔타커스를 따라 바다 건너 고향으로 돌아가기 위해 남하를 계속한다. 한편 수도 로마에서는 대립하는 두 원로원이 반란군을 각기 자신의 정치적인 입지를 강화하는 데 이용하려 한다.
Seven Ways from Sundown
Art Direction
Audie Murphy is again the kid who puts on a badge to catch the bad guy, skillfully played by Barry Sullivan. On the way back to town the two develop a curiously close relationship - Sullivan passes up several chances to get away - but in the end Sullivan "asks for it" and Murphy obliges.
College Confidential
Art Direction
Sociology professor Steve MacInter is conducting a survey at Collins College about the mores and lifestyles of the young people. Some of the good citizens begin to find exception to his sociological survey when they find out it includes questions about sex. Reporter Betty Ducayne receives an anonymous tip that the good professor is engaging in corruption of youth and when Steve's past comes up to haunt him, all heck breaks loose.
더 리치 우먼
Art Direction
An endocrinologist in a dysfunctional marriage with an aging, alcoholic wife journeys to Africa seeking a drug that will restore youth.
The Private Lives of Adam and Eve
Art Direction
A modern couple dream that they are Adam and Eve.
오퍼레이션 페티코트
Art Direction
A World War II submarine commander finds himself stuck with a damaged sub, a con-man executive officer, and a group of army nurses.
슬픔은 그대 가슴에
Art Direction
배우를 지망하는 백인 미망인 로라와 그녀의 딸 수지는 우연히 흑인 미망인 애니와 그녀의 혼혈아 딸 사라와 같이 살게 된다. 매번 오디션에서 떨어지던 로라는 진심으로 자신을 사랑하는 사진작가 스티브를 만나 프로포즈를 받는다. 그러나 무대에 설 기회를 잡은 로라는 스티브의 손길을 뿌리치고 스타의 길을 선택한다. 몇년 뒤 스타가 된 로라는 스티브와 재회하고 다시 사랑을 이루려 하지만, 불행하게도 수지 역시 스티브를 사랑하게 되는데...
The Wild and the Innocent
Art Direction
Charming tale of mountaineer-trapper Murphy's first taste "big city" life with young, sweet Sandra Dee in tow. She flees her family, which tried to trade her for some of Murphy's beaver pelts, and tags along with the reluctant Murphy. They get into all manner of trouble in town, and Murphy has to shoot the sheriff to rescue Dee from her job as a dancehall girl.
Curse of the Undead
Art Direction
A mysterious epidemic has struck an Old West frontier town and young girls are falling deathly ill. Doc Carter, his lovely daughter Dolores, and preacher Dan Young have their hands full caring for the infirm. When one of the patients dies unexpectedly, Dan notices two puncture wounds on her neck. His investigation leads him to the strange gunslinger Drake Robey, who always seems to be slower on the draw than his opponents, but who—despite being outdrawn, and even shot—always manages to survive these deadly encounters. Dan soon discovers that Drake also has an aversion to crucifixes, sleeps in coffins, and cannot tolerate sunlight...
A Stranger in My Arms
Art Direction
An Air Force pilot finds romance with his war buddy's widow.
총탄에는 이름이 없다
Art Direction
로즈버그에 존 갠트(오디 머피)가 온다. 그는 악명 높은 살인 청부업자라 마을이 술렁인다. 그는 사냥감이 먼저 총을 빼게 한 후 공격하므로, 정당방위가 되어 지금까지 사람을 죽여도 죄를 추궁 받지 않았다. 그는 평범하게 지내지만, 사람들에게는 의심이 생긴다. 악덕 은행가는 갠트가 자신을 노리고 있는 것이라 생각하고, 숨어서 권총으로 노리다가 실패하자 머리를 쏘아 자살한다. 친구의 아내와 사랑의 도피를 해 이 마을에서 살고 있는 남자는 아내의 전 남편이 살인 청부업자를 보냈을 것이라 생각하고, 목장의 공동경영자들은 파트너가 이익을 독점하기 위해서 살인 청부업자를 고용했다고 생각해 서로 총격전을 시작하는데...
몬스터 온 더 캠퍼스
Art Direction
A college paleontology professor acquires a newly discovered specimen of a coelecanth, but while examining it, he is accidentally exposed to its blood, and finds himself periodically turning into a murderous Neanderthal man.
The Restless Years
Art Direction
A pretty, sheltered teenager falls for a boy from the wrong side of town.
퍼펙트 퍼로
Art Direction
A love-starved soldier stationed at an Arctic base wins a furlough in Paris, but a pretty, no-nonsense military psychologist is ordered to accompany him as chaperone to keep him out of trouble.
Ride a Crooked Trail
Art Direction
After robbing a bank Murphy assumes the identity of his pursuer, a famous US Marshal, when he stumbles into a town and is confronted by the local judge, Matthau. Murphy is forced to remain as the new Marshal; an old flame, Scala, nearly unmasks him by accident, only to be forced to assume the ruse of being Murphy's wife. The "couple" given a house and respectability, which neither has had before. They maintain the charade to avoid hurting a young orphan boy, Matthau's ward. Scala is torn by her loyalty to boyfriend planning to rob the bank and growing feelings for Murphy
Money, Women and Guns
Art Direction
Celebrated detective traces and finds beneficiaries to the will of a gold prospector murdered by bushwhackers.
The Saga of Hemp Brown
Art Direction
Ex-army sergeant Jed Givens and his gang rob an army payroll shipment led by Lt. Hemp Brown. Givens kills a civilian woman and all the soldiers, leaving Brown alive to face a military tribunal in which he is branded a coward, stripped of all insignia and drummed out of the army. Brown sets out to track down Givens in an effort to clear his name.
Kathy O'
Art Direction
A movie publicist is assigned to keep the public from learning that a beloved child star is an egotistical little brat.
Raw Wind in Eden
Art Direction
Passengers struggle to survive after their plane crashes on a remote island. Director Richard Wilson's 1958 drama stars Esther Williams, Jeff Chandler and Rosanna Podesta.
Step Down to Terror
Art Direction
Pursued by detectives, Johnny Walters leaves the city to visit his family in a small California town. Among the household: his dead brother's luscious widow Helen, who soon is attracted to him. Ominous events and conflicting evidence leave Helen suspicious, but uncertain about her brother-in-law as tension builds...
Voice in the Mirror
Art Direction
Jim Burton, chronic alcoholic, is cared for by Ellen, his incredibly patient, sexy, hard-working wife. A doctor's warning that Jim could become mentally ill strikes enough fear into him that he really wants to cure himself...but can't. One night, he meets William Tobin, a fellow drunk, and finds that he helps himself by trying to help Tobin. Thus is born, amid setbacks, a group resembling Alcoholics Anonymous.
내 사랑 황혼에 지다
Art Direction
An alcoholic captain sails a two-master through danger with a call girl and others on board.
Wild Heritage
Art Direction
Travails of a family heading West in a covered wagon.
사랑할 때와 죽을 때
Art Direction
패색 농후한 1944년 이른 봄, 러시아 전선에서 고향으로 일시 귀환한 독일군 병사 에른스트는 폐허로 변한 거리를 보고 충격을 받는다. 부모님도 행방불명이고, 가까스로 어린 시절의 여자친구 엘리자베스와 재회하지만 어머니의 주치의였던 그녀의 아버지도 게슈타포에 끌려가 소식 불명인 상태이다. 어느덧 사랑이 싹튼 두 사람은 결혼하고 연락이 끊어졌던 부모님과도 연락이 되지만, 그는 다시 전장으로 돌아가야만 한다. 격전지를 전전하던 그는 종전이 가까워진 이른 봄날, 아내로부터 아이의 탄생을 알리는 편지를 받고 기뻐한다.
The Last of the Fast Guns
Art Direction
A rich, dying Easterner hires gunfighter Brad Ellison to find his brother and heir in Mexico. En route, it becomes clear to Ellison that his is a dying profession. At a remote rancho, Ellison enlists ranch foreman Miles Lang to help him search the hills where the missing man is rumored to have lived. They find nothing ...except that someone wants to kill them; and Ellison becomes wrapped in a maze of double crosses.
The Thing That Couldn't Die
Art Direction
A 400 year old disembodied head hypnotizes a female psychic, who recovered it using a dowsing rod, to search for the rest of its body.
This Happy Feeling
Art Direction
On a stormy night, young woman asks another guest at party to rescue her from her lecherous boss and take her to the train station. When her rescuer suggests that she stop at his place to get out of her wet clothes, she dashes from his car. The door she knocks on for help is the home of a retired actor and there she spends the rest of the night. He makes no passes and next morning she discovers young man who drove her from party is a next door neighbor, before long the two men are competing for her affections.
Girls on the Loose
Art Direction
A nightclub operator (Mara Corday), her sister (Barbara Bostock), a beautician (Lita Milan) and two other women rob a payroll.
Live Fast, Die Young
Art Direction
A teenager finds her wayward sister running with thieves in San Francisco.
검은 함정
Art Direction
마크 바르가스는 멕시코의 마약 단속 책임자이다. 아름다운 미국인 아내 수잔과 멕시코 국경에서 짧은 신혼여행을 보내던 바르가스는 미국의 돈 많은 택지 개발 업자가 폭발사고로 죽는 것을 목격하게 되고 정의감 넘치는 바르가스는 스스로 이 사건에 뛰어든다. 그 와중에 비협조적인 부패 경찰 행크 퀸란과 부딪히게 된다. 한편 바르가스는 조만간 마약왕이 그란데에 대한 증언을 하기로 되어 있었고, 그란데는 바르가스의 부인인 수잔을 납치, 협박하여 바르가스의 입을 틀어막으려고 한다. 어딘가 구린 구석이 있어 보이는 행크는 택지 개발 업자의 사건을 멕시코 측으로 은근 슬쩍 넘기기 위해 그란데와 결탁하여 바르가스를 궁지로 몰아넣는데...
Damn Citizen
Art Direction
Louisiana's governor asks war hero Francis C. Grevemberg (Keith Andes) to lead the state police against corruption.
Flood Tide
Art Direction
When the testimony of a crippled child sends a murder suspect to prison, a friend of the accused sets out to investigate the crime on his own.
The Lady Takes a Flyer
Art Direction
Change of pace comedy casts Lana Turner and Jeff Chandler as competing pilots who fall in love.
Day of the Badman
Art Direction
Judge Jim Scott must contend with the vicious relatives of a murderer he's about to sentence...and his unfaithful fiancee.
더 피메일 애니멀
Art Direction
Jaded movie star Vanessa Windsor, saved from a studio accident by handsome extra Chris Farley, pursues him, and soon he's the 'caretaker' of her beach house. Vanessa's sexy, alcoholic adult daughter Penny accidentally meets Chris, who rescues her from an 'octopus' boyfriend. Before you know it, Chris is involved with both mother and daughter, and his only way out is to take a job in a Mexican picture about man-eating orchids...
Man in the Shadow
Art Direction
In effect, modern cow town Spurline is run by Virgil Renchler, owner of the Golden Empire Ranch. One night, two of Virgil's henchmen go a little too far and beat a "bracero" ranch hand to death. Faced with an obvious cover-up and opposition on every hand, sheriff Ben Sadler is goaded into investigating. His unlikely ally: Renchler's lovely, self-willed and overprotected daughter. Will Ben survive Renchler's wrath?
The Monolith Monsters
Art Direction
Rocks from a meteor which grow when in contact with water threaten a sleepy Southwestern desert community.
빛바랜 천사
Art Direction
제1차 세계대전 참전 당시 일급 비행사로 이름을 날리던 로저는 전쟁이 끝난 후 고작 비행 스턴트맨으로 전락하고 만다. 그는 오로지 비행에만 탐닉할 뿐, 가난에 기달리는 가족들에 대해서는 신경을 쓰지 않는다. 한 신문사의 기자 버크가 전쟁 영웅들의 전후 생활을 취재하기 위해 로저의 집으로 찾아왔을 때, 버크는 몰락한 영웅의 삶에 실망을 금치 못한다. 한편 로저의 아름다운 아내 라번을 사랑하게 된다. (Naver 영화)
Slim Carter
Art Direction
Hughie Mack, a not so nice western singer, is discovered by Clover Doyle as the next movie cowboy hero. His name is changed to Slim Carter and a promotional buildup begins. Leo Gallaher, an orphan boy wins the contest to spend a month with Slim. Leo is a good influence on his cowboy hero. Clover sees the good and more in Slim. Montana Burriss is Slim's double.
Art Direction
A young woman touring Germany is caught between a married symphony conductor and a doctor from back home.
Joe Dakota
Art Direction
A stranger rides into town and says he is looking for a local Indian. Told he left town, the truth everyone has been hiding comes out including the stranger's true identity.
The Land Unknown
Art Direction
Navy Commander Alan Roberts is assigned to lead an expedition to Little America in Antarctica to investigate reports of a mysterious warm water inland lake discovered a decade earlier. His helicopter and its small party, including reporter Maggie Hathaway, is forced down into a volcanic crater by a fierce storm. They find themselves trapped in a lush tropical environment that has survived from prehistoric times.
My Man Godfrey
Art Direction
The eccentric Bullock household again need a new butler. Daughter Irene encounters bedraggled Godfrey Godfrey at the docks and, fancying him and noticing his obviously good manners, gets him the job. He proves a great success, but keeps his past to himself. When an old flame turns up Irene's sister Cordelia starts making waves.
Art Direction
A gang of bank robbers with a posse in hot pursuit. Riding into the desert, they take refuge in Quantez, a small town they find deserted. Their horses tired and near death, they’re forced to stay the night — with the plan to cross the border into Mexico the next day.
Appointment with a Shadow
Art Direction
George Nader plays a reporter whose career is ruined by liquor. A comeback opportunity presents itself when Nader is a bystander at the arrest of a well-known criminal.
Slaughter on 10th Avenue
Art Direction
A rookie assistant DA is assigned to investigate the murder of a longshoreman, killed for exposing gangster involvement on the piers, and meets up with a "code of silence" amongst all potential witnesses.
천가지 얼굴의 사나이
Art Direction
청각장애인을 부모로 둔 체이니(제임스 캐그니 분)는 극장에서 판토마임과 막간 사이의 촌극 연기자로 일하고 있었다. 그러던 어느 날, 클레바 클라이튼(도로시 말론 분)을 만난 체이니는 그녀를 조수로 채용하게 된다. 함께 일하면서 사랑에 빠진 두 사람은 결혼까지 하게 되지만 체이니가 자신의 양친이 청각장애인이라는 사실을 밝히자, 클레바는 혐오감을 감추지 않는다. 심지어는 아들을 낳고 나서도 아기가 청각 장애일 거라며 쳐다보지도 않으려 한다. 아기가 정상이었음에도 클레바는 불안 증세를 보였고, 체이니가 극장에서 성공을 거듭할수록 그녀의 증세는 더해간다. 결국 클레바는 체이니와 어린 아들을 남겨두고 집을 나가버리고, 체이니는 부양할 돈이 없어 아들마저 다른 가정에 빼앗기고 만다. 결국 체이니는 아들을 되찾겠다는 일념으로 헐리우드를 행한다. 그 곳에서 그는 자신의 재능을 이용해 할 수 있는 일이라면 무엇이든 서슴지 않고 모두 다 해낸다.
나이트 페세이지
Art Direction
부모와 형제를 떠나 악의 세력으로 방황하고 있는 아우를 찾아 서부를 아코디언 하나만을 둘러메고 헤메고 다니는 형 ‘그랜트’ 그리고 폐광을 근거지로 삼고 무법자 ‘하빈’의 부두목으로 있는 아우 ‘키드’. 형과 아우는 어려운 조건속에서 서로 만나지만 마음을 돌리고 형을 돕던 동생 키드는 ‘하빈’의 총에 맞아 쓰러지고 총알이 떨어진 형이 절대절명의 순간에 아우는 단 한발이 남은 총을 형에게 건네 주고 눈을 감는다. 한발의 총알로 그랜트는 하빈을 쓰러 뜨리지만 아우 키드는 형 그랜트의 팔에 안긴채 숨을 거두고 만다. 60년대에 최고의 인기를 구가했던 오디 머피가 검은 가죽 점퍼 복장으로 출연해서 장안의 젊은이들의 우상을 다시 볼 수 있게 되었다는 것은 잊혀진 옛 추억의 감회를 다시 새롭게 한다는데 의의가 깊다고 하겠다. 영화 내내 아름다운 산악 풍경 또한 이 영화의 빼 놓을 수 없는 볼거리이고 세인에서 낯이 익은 ‘브란돈 드 와일드’의 모습은 영화내내 오디 머피와 함께 즐거움을 선사해 주고 있다.
The Kettles on Old MacDonald's Farm
Art Direction
Ma and Pa do their bit to hook lumberman Brad Johnson up with spoiled socialite Sally Flemming. Ma teaches Sally how to behave like a hick so she'll be compatible with Brad.
더 데들리 맨티스
Art Direction
The calving of an Arctic iceberg releases a giant praying mantis, trapped in suspended animation since prehistoric times. It first attacks military outposts to eat their occupants, then makes its way to the warmer latitudes of Washington and New York. A paleontologist works together with military units to try to kill it.
The Girl In The Kremlin
Art Direction
In Moscow 1953, four terrified women prisoners are brought before Joseph Stalin, who chooses the beautiful Dasha. He punishes her by shaving off her long hair. Moments later, a plastic surgeon leads Stalin into the operating room and transforms his face so that he is unrecognizable. He vanishes, but OSS agent Steve Anderson searches for him in Europe.
Man Afraid
Art Direction
A preacher (George Nader) fears for his family (Phyllis Thaxter, Tim Hovey) after killing a teenage burglar whose father seeks revenge.
The Night Runner
Art Direction
A mental patient with a violent past is released from the institution, against the advice of his doctors, and sent back to his old neighborhood. Was he released too soon?
The Tattered Dress
Art Direction
After a wild night, wealthy Michael Reston's adulterous wife Charleen comes home with her ripe young body barely concealed by a dress in rags; murder results. Top defense lawyer J.G. Blane, whose own marriage exists in name only, arrives in Desert View, Nevada to find the townsfolk and politically powerful Sheriff Hoak distinctly hostile to the Restons. In due course, Blane discovers he's been "taken for a ride," and that quiet desert communities can be deadly...
Mister Cory
Art Direction
An opportunistic young man from the slums gambles his way to wealth, power and high society.
놀랍도록 줄어든 사나이
Art Direction
영화 "나는 전설이다"의 원작 소설 작가이기도 한 리처드 매드슨의 소설 "줄어드는 남자"를 원작으로 한다. 몸이 점점 줄어들어 손가락 크기 만해진 한 남자의 이야기.
Art Direction
A suspected diamond smuggler returns to Istanbul and finds the lady love he thought was dead...or does he?
Gun for a Coward
Art Direction
A young cowboy, whose dedication to the principles of peace and reason has earned him a reputation for cowardice, overcomes his psychological aversion to violence after his elder brother unjustly censures him for not joining in a foolhardy gunfight in which their youngest brother is killed.
The Unguarded Moment
Art Direction
A high-school music teacher is the victim of a student who writes indecent notes and assaults women.
Rock, Pretty Baby
Art Direction
A high school rock group enters a band contest.
The Mole People
Art Direction
A party of archaeologists discovers the remnants of a mutant five millennia-old Sumerian civilization living beneath a glacier atop a mountain in Mesopatamia.
바람에 쓴 편지
Art Direction
카일 해들리는 석유 갑부의 아들이다. 뉴욕에서 루시라는 매력적인 여성을 만난 뒤 카일은 그녀와 순식간에 결혼한다. 이들의 만남을 주선했던 미치는 뭔가 떨떠름한 표정을 짓게 된다. 한편, 오랫동안 미치를 짝사랑했던 이가 있다. 메릴리는 카일의 여동생으로 버릇없는 편이지만 미치를 끔찍하게 사모한다. 메릴리는 미치와 카일의 관계에 끼어들어 둘을 갈라놓고, 집안은 쑥대밭이 된다. 영화는 한 가지 미스터리로부터 출발한다. 우리는 도입부에서 이상한 광경을 목격한다. 누군가 술에 만취한 채 방황하고 있고 어느 대저택엔 거센 바람이 몰아친다. 명백한 살인의 전주곡이다. 다음에 우리는 플래시백, 그러니까 시간을 거슬러올라 과거를 들여다본다. 무슨 일이 있었던 것일까.
Showdown at Abilene
Art Direction
Jim Trask, former sheriff of Abilene, returns to the town after fighting for the Confederacy to find everyone thought he was dead. His old friend Dave Mosely is now engaged to Trask's former sweetheart and is one of the cattlemen increasingly feuding with the original farmers. Trask is persuaded to take up as sheriff again but there is something about the death of Mosely's brother in the Civil War that is haunting him.
Pillars of the Sky
Art Direction
First Sergeant Emmett Bell faces off with Apache chieftain Kamiakin in this nuanced portrayal of racial tensions between Native Americans and white settlers in 1860s Oregon Country.
Walk the Proud Land
Art Direction
Indian Agent sent to try new approach to peace with Apaches based on respect for automomy rather than submission to Army. Wins over reservation chiefs and the Indian widow (Bancroft) given to him as housekeeper. Through use of diplomacy and demonstrations of faith in Apache leaders, reservation is put on the road to automomy. Conflicts arise between Apache widow and Eastern wife but latter has a lot to learn.
Away All Boats
Art Direction
The story of USS 'Belinda', a U.S. naval ship, and its crew during the battle of the Pacific 1943-1945, as it prepares for action and landing troops on enemy beachheads.
프란시스: 유령의 집에 가다
Art Direction
A Ha-Ha-Haunted House Has Got 'Em! ...and it's every ghost for himself!
Congo Crossing
Art Direction
Congotanga, West Africa, has no extradition laws; the government is controlled by foreign gangsters, headed by Carl Rittner. The latest plane from Europe carries lovely Louise Whitman, fleeing a French murder charge, and Mannering, who pays resident hit man O'Connell to kill her. Through a chain of circumstances Louise, O'Connell, and heroic surveyor David Carr end up alone in the jungle on Carr's mission to determine the true border of Congotanga... in which Rittner is keenly interested.
Behind the High Wall
Art Direction
A group prison breakout goes from bad to worse when the desperate warden tries to steal the gang's dough.
The Rawhide Years
Art Direction
Ben Matthews gives up the flashy life of a riverboat gambler, hoping to settle down in Galena with his girlfriend, luscious entertainer Zoe. But Galena's leading citizen is murdered on the boat; Ben, on arrival, finds a lynch mob after his neck, and flees. Three years of wandering later, Zoe's letters stop coming and Ben returns to find her and attempt the hopeless task of clearing himself.
먼지 속의 별
Art Direction
The sheriff of Gunlock is planning to hang Sam Hall, who shot three farmers found on cattle land, at sundown. At the casino, betting is 8 to 3 he won't make it. The cattlemen are set to rescue Sam; the farmers hope to lynch him before he can be rescued; and Hall schemes for escape with his girl Nellie. But Sheriff Jorden is most concerned with finding out who hired Hall: a leading suspect is the sheriff's future brother-in-law.
Outside the Law
Art Direction
A government agent's son wins respect and love when he challenges counterfeiters.
A Day of Fury
Art Direction
Town marshal Alan Burnett life is saved by a stranger he meets on the trail. His rescuer turns out to be Jagade, a gunslinger just returned after years away, who finds when he gets into town that he can't abide the peace that has been settled between "his" people (i.e. the saloon-keepers, gamblers, etc.) and the righteous, "respectable" folk.
우리 가운데서 걷는 생명체
Art Direction
Scientists surgically transform the Creature into an air-breather, but being able to live on land is not enough to make him comfortable with humans. Enraged, he turns his wrath on anyone who comes near as he desperately tries to return to the deep-water world where he truly belongs.
The Kettles in the Ozarks
Art Direction
Ma and the kids head out to help Pa's brother Sedgewick with the his farm in Mournful Hollow, Arkansas. Things get tighter when a couple of bootleggers rent Sedge's barn to manufacture moonshine. With Ma and the kids, the bootleggers get their pay.
Raw Edge
Art Direction
A Texan arrives in Oregon and seeks justice for his innocently-hanged brother
Art Direction
Jim Slater's father (whom he never knew) died in the Apache ambush at Gila Valley, and Jim is searching for the one survivor, who supposedly went for help but disappeared with a lot of gold. In the process, he gets several people gunning for him, and he keeps meeting liberated woman Karyl Orton, who may be on a similar mission. Renewed Apache hostilities and an impending range war provide complications.
The Price of Fear
Art Direction
A co-owner of a race track goes on the run after witnessing something he shouldn't have at the track.
World in My Corner
Art Direction
A scrappy fighter from Jersey City named Tommy Shea -- "born in a dump, educated in an alley" -- catches the eye of wealthy businessman, Robert Mallinson, who allows him to train at his Long Island estate. Shea soon falls for Mallinson's daughter, Dorothy, but fears he doesn't have the money to support her in proper style. To get this money, Shea decides to work with crooked fight-promoter Harry Cram, even though this means dropping his honest manager, Dave Bernstein. As the big fight approaches, however, Shea begins to have second thoughts.
Red Sundown
Art Direction
When his life is saved in a shootout by a fellow gunman whose life he in turn had saved, Alex Longmire promises to give up his way of life. Riding into town he finds the only job available is deputy to sheriff Jade Murphy, an honest man caught between small farmers and a local cattle baron. And he has a pretty daughter. So Longmire decides to stay and see if he can use his expertise with firearms for good.
There's Always Tomorrow
Art Direction
When a toy manufacturer feels ignored and unappreciated by his wife and children, he begins to rekindle a past love when a former employee comes back into his life.
The Square Jungle
Art Direction
Grocery clerk Eddie Quaid, in danger of losing his father to alcoholism and his girl Julie through lack of career prospects, goes into boxing.
천국이 허락한 모든 것
Art Direction
평온한 삶을 살던 여자 주인공이 다른 세계에 소속된 남자 주인공을 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 둘은 결혼하고 싶어하지만 주변 사람들의 만류 때문에 둘의 사랑은 위기에 처하게 된다. 이 영화의 여자 주인공 캐리는 대학생 남매를 두고 있는 상류 사회 출신의 과부이고 남자 주인공 론은 괜히 소로 흉내를 내며 끝도 없이 멋있는 척하는 15살 연하의 근육질 정원사이다.
The Spoilers
Art Direction
In 1899 Alaska, miners have to protect themselves from a phony legal team trying to steal their gold claims.
Art Direction
거대한 괴물 거미가 등장하는 고전 SF 영화. 클린트 이스트우드가 짧게 등장하기도 했다. 타란튤라는 실제하는 거대한 거미종의 이름이다.
Running Wild
Art Direction
To get evidence against a crooked garage owner, a rookie cop masquerades as a hard case who wants a job as a mechanic.
Lady Godiva of Coventry
Art Designer
Fictionalized account of events leading up the famous nude ride (alas, her hair covers everything) of the militant Saxon lady.
Lady Godiva of Coventry
Art Direction
Fictionalized account of events leading up the famous nude ride (alas, her hair covers everything) of the militant Saxon lady.
The Second Greatest Sex
Art Direction
In 1880, Osawkie, Kansas is feuding with rival town Mandaroon over which will be county seat, keeping the town's men away from home most of the time. The last straw is when Matt Davis feels compelled to go on a new foray on his wedding night; his bride Liza (just call her Lysistrata) takes teacher Cassie's advice and organizes a marital strike to make the men-folk stop their nonsense.
불타는 전장
Art Direction
전투의 불사신 샌더스 중사의 실제모델이며, 미국의 전쟁영웅인 오디머피의 자전적 실화를 영화화
프란시스: 해군에 가입하다
Art Direction
In the U. S. Army intelligence office, bumbling lieutenant Peter Stirling receives a coded message from his friend, Francis, a talking mule. The note urges Pete to hurry to the Coronado, California naval base, where Francis is about to be sold as surplus. Pete rushes to the train station, but before he can board, nurse Betsy Donevan mistakes him for her shell-shocked brother, Navy boatswain Slicker Donevan. She tries to forcibly remove his uniform so he will not get into trouble for impersonating an Army officer. Finally she realizes that Pete is not Slicker but merely his mirror image.
Female on the Beach
Art Direction
Lynn Markham moves into her late husband's beach house the morning after former tenant Eloise Crandall fell from the cliff. To her annoyance, Lynn finds both her real estate agent and Drummond Hall, her beachcomber neighbor, making themselves quite at home. Lynn soon has no doubts of what her scheming neighbors are up to, but she finds Drummond's physical charms hard to resist. And she still doesn't know what really happened to Eloise.
Art Direction
A part-Indian mining engineer looks for gold in an Arizona ghost town with his socialite bride.
The Shrike
Art Direction
Film version of Joseph Kramm's Pulitzer Prize play, about a Broadway playwright driven to a nervous breakdown by his shrewish wife.
This Island Earth
Art Direction
Aliens have landed and are hiding on Earth, but need Earth’s scientists to help them fight an inter-planetary war.
Revenge of the Creature
Art Direction
In a tributary of the Amazon, a monster – half-man, half-fish – is captured and placed in a reservoir in a Florida national park to be observed by scientists.
The Man from Bitter Ridge
Art Direction
The Man from Bitter Ridge is a film directed by Jack Arnold. Jeff Carr, a special investigator, arrives in Tomahawk. His assignment is to discover who has been holding up the local stagecoach and is guilty for a series of killings that terrorize the town. Sheepman Alec Black is suspected by the local population but it is not long before Jeff realizes the man is innocent. Alec even becomes a good friend although he is in love with the same woman as him, Holly. Jeff will manage to arrest the real culprits but not before the latter try to compromise him down.
Chief Crazy Horse
Art Direction
When young Crazy Horse, of whom great things were predicted, wins his bride, rival Little Big Man goes to villainous traders with evidence of gold in the sacred Lakota burial ground. Of course, a new gold rush starts despite all treaties, and Crazy Horse becomes military leader of his people. Initial Indian victories lead to the inevitable result. Uniquely, all is told from the Indian perspective.
Cult of the Cobra
Art Direction
While stationed in Asia, six American G.I.'s witness the secret ritual of Lamians (worshipers of women who can change into serpents). When discovered by the cult, the High Lamian Priest vows that "the Cobra Goddess will avenge herself". Once back in the United States, a mysterious woman enters into their lives and accidents begin to happen. The shadow of a cobra is seen just before each death.
유성과 같은 사나이
Art Direction
애론로젠버그가 1955년에 제작한 서부극. 디 링포드의 원작, 다니엘 D 뷰체프가 각색, 킹비더가 감독한 서부 개척시대를 배경으로 한 영화. 일반적으로 알고 있는 액션 웨스턴 서부극이라기보다 무자비하게 확장하는 대목장으로부터 살아남기 위해 중소목장의 마지막 선택인 목초지에 철책을 치게 되지만 그로 인해 새로운 곳으로 떠날 수밖에 없는 카우보이들의 심정을 느끼게 한다. 목표가 없는 방랑 카우보이 뎀시 레이 역에 커크 더글러스를 캐스팅하였으며 반면 목적을 위해 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는 야심 찬 대목장 경영 여주인 지니 크레인의 양면의 얼굴을 엿 볼 수 있다.
Smoke Signal
Art Direction
Capt. Harper's cavalry patrol returns to the fort to find it besieged by Ute Indians. The apparent cause is the recapture of Army traitor Brett Halliday, who deserted to the Utes in a previous war; but Brett has a different story. With capture imminent, the only chance for the surviving men (and one woman) is to boat down a wild, uncharted river, where Harper and Halliday must pull together, like it or not.
Abbott and Costello Meet the Keystone Kops
Art Direction
Harry and Willie are scammed into buying the Thomas Edison studio lot by a man named Gorman. They decide to follow Gorman's trail to Hollywood where, unbeknownst to them, he has taken the identity of a foreign film director. The lads wind up as stunt doubles in film the which Gorman is now shooting, while the conman tries to have the bungling pair done away with before they realize who he really is.
Six Bridges to Cross
Art Direction
Follow the evolution of a small time juvenile delinquent hood to a big time racketeer. Based on the famous 1950 Brinks Robbery in Boston that netted the crooks $2.5 million. The story delves into the psychology of the perpetrators, as well as the intricate mechanics of the hold-up.
So This Is Paris
Art Direction
Three sailors on leave head for Paris with one thing on their minds.
Art Direction
Western remake of "Destry Rides Again", starring Audie Murphy, Mari Blanchard, Thomas Mitchell, Lori Nelson and Lyle Bettger.
The Yellow Mountain
Art Direction
A formula brawling-buddies western where one goes bad and then returns to the fold. Pete Menlo owns some gold claims in Nevada where he is joined by his old friend Andy Martin. Crooked mine-owner Bannon wants to merge their interests so they can create a monopoly but is turned down. Pete is interested in "Nevada" Wray, daughter of mine-owner "Jackpot" Wray, but she has eyes only for Andy. The rejected Pete joins forces with Bannon and they learn that, because of location, "Jackpot" Wray may be the owner of all the gold in the respective veins. Bannon and his men try to get rid of Andy.
록허드슨의 벵갈연대
Art Direction
1857년 영국령 인도. 영국 벵골 기병연대의 장교 클레이본 대위(록 허드슨)는 명령에 불복종한 혐의로 제적당하지만, 영국의 지배에 반항하는 세포이들의 항쟁이 일어나면서 부대로 복귀한다. 그는 평소 사랑해오던 대령의 딸(알린 달)을 구출하기 위해 안간힘을 쓰고, 기나긴 고생 끝에 전우들과 연인을 구출해내는 데 성공한다.
Four Guns to the Border
Art Direction
Outlaws on the lam battle attacking Apaches.
드러난 알리바이
Art Direction
Questioned as a murder suspect, solid (but drunk) citizen Al Willis attacks his police questioners, is beaten, and swears vengeance against them. Next night, Lieut. Parks is murdered; Willis is the only suspect in the eyes of tough Chief Conroy, who pursues him doggedly despite lack of evidence. The obsessed Conroy is dismissed from the force, but continues to harass Willis, who flees to a sleazy town on the Mexican border. Of course, Conroy follows. But which is crazy, Conroy or Willis?
The Black Shield of Falworth
Art Direction
In the days of King Henry IV, stalwart young Myles and his sister Meg have been raised as peasants, without any knowledge of who their father really was. But one day, they journey to Macworth castle. There, Myles falls in love with the Macworth's daughter Anne, makes friends and enemies, and learns to be a knight.
Dawn at Socorro
Art Direction
Brett Wade, gambler, gunslinger, and classical pianist, is wounded in a gunfight with the Ferris clan; the doctor finds signs of tuberculosis. En route to Colorado for his health, Brett stops in Socorro, New Mexico along with Ferris gunfighter Jimmy Rapp. Sheriff Couthen fears another shootout, but what Brett has in mind is saving waif-with-a-past Rannah Hayes from a life as one of Dick Braden's saloon girls.
프랜시스: WACS에 가입하다
Art Direction
Peter Stirling (with his old friend the talking mule) is recalled to active the WACs!
Art Direction
If you remember Shelley Winters from "The Poseidon Adventure" or "Bloody Mama," you might tend to forget what a knockout she was early in her career. This film will give you the chance to see her as a sexy nightclub singer teaching her just-in-from-the-sticks friend Colleen Miller the ropes in New York City. When Winters finds out that her married boyfriend Barry Sullivan has fallen for Miller, the recriminations...and bullets...start to fly!
머나먼 대지
Art Direction
제프와 그의 친구 벤은 소를 팔기 위해 와이오밍에서, 고기가 높게 거래되는 급성장한 마을들이 있는 캐나다까지 소몰이를 한다. 그들은 캐나다와 국경을 맞대고 있는 미국의 최북단 마을인 알래스카의 스케그웨이에 도착한다. 그러나 스케그웨이에는 자기 스스로가 법인 포악한 보안관 게넌이 있었고, 제프는 운이 없게도 소떼를 몰고 마을로 들어가다 실수로 거리 중앙에 있는 교수대를 박살내는 사고를 저지르게 된다. 제프는 게넌에게 사과를 하고 소를 잘못 몬 자신의 실수를 인정했는데도 게넌은 손해배상으로 제프의 소를 강탈해간다. 제프는 친구 벤과 함께, 보안관인 게넌의 사법권이 닿지 않는 캐나다의 도슨 지방으로 가 그곳에서 소를 되찾아올 기회를 노린다.
War Arrow
Art Direction
A thrilling Cavalry-versus-Indians adventure starring Jeff Chandler as an Army official recruiting Seminole allies, against his superior's wishes, to stop a planned Kiowa attack.
글렌 밀러 스토리
Art Direction
신음악의 창조를 위해 고심하는 젊은 트럼본 주자 글렌 밀러는 그가 편곡한 작품이 벨 폴락에게 인정받으면서 그의 악단에서 함께 일하게 된다. 순회 공연 중 덴버에서 학생 시절의 여자 친구 헬렌을 만나고 그후 결혼한다. 그들의 소원은 악단을 갖는 것. 오랜 숙원이 이뤄지고 그의 음악은 대중의 인기를 얻으며 대히트한다. 제2차 대전이 발발하자 공군에 지원, 밴드리더로 활약한다. 그러나 유럽 전선으로 위문 공연을 가던 도중 도버 해협에서 행방불명된다.
맨 프롬 더 앨라모
Art Direction
During the war for Texas independence, one man leaves the Alamo before the end (chosen by lot to help others' families) but is too late to accomplish his mission, and is branded a coward. Since he cannot now expose a gang of turncoats, he infiltrates them instead. Can he save a wagon train of refugees from Wade's Guerillas?
The Great Sioux Uprising
Art Direction
During the Civil War, in Wyoming, horse dealers Joan Britton and Stephen Cook are competing to supply the Union Army with horses. A Cherokee is in the area to stir up the Sioux against the Union just as Cook decides to steal a herd of Sioux horses. Ex-army doctor Jonathan Westgate opposes Cook’s unscrupulous methods as well as being Cook’s rival for the affections of Joan. It seems Westgate is the only one able to prevent a new Indian war.
내가 바라는 모든 것
Art Direction
1900년, 나오미 머독은 무대에 서기 위해 가족을 그녀의 작은 마을에 버려두고 왔다. 10년 후, 딸 릴리는 리버델 고등학교의 연극축제에 그녀를 초대한다. 그녀의 도착일, 마을은 술렁거리고, 그녀가 떠났을 때의 문제들이 들어나고 사람들의 감정 폭풍은 새로운 국면을 맞는데...
Take Me to Town
Art Direction
Saloon entertainer Vermilion O'Toole and her former partner in crime Newt Cole escape from a train ride to prison and hide out in logging town Timberline. Meanwhile, the three sons of widower Will Hall come to town in search of a wife for their dad. Vermilion needs to lay low to escape the marshal, so she accepts the boys' offer to visit pioneer community Pine Grove. Once there, she annoys local Mrs. Grundys but eventually starts to fit in.
에어 코만도
Art Direction
Shrimpers and oilmen clash when an ambitious wildcatter begins constructing an off-shore oilrig.
Column South
Art Direction
In the weeks prior to the start of the Civil War, Confederate sympathizers hope to help their cause by inciting a Navajo war in the New Mexico Territory. Director Frederick de Cordova's 1953 western stars Audie Murphy, Robert Sterling, Joan Evans, Ray Collins, Dennis Weaver, Palmer Lee, Jack Kelly, James Best, Bob Steele and Ralph Moody.
The Lone Hand
Art Direction
Zachary Hallock and his son Joshua are farmers who live in a frontier town that suffers the assaults of a band of outlaws. After the murder of a Pinkerton's detective, the farmers decide to unite against the bandits, but Hallock rejects the proposal. To the astonishment of his son and his fiancée, Hallock decides to join the outlaws.
법과 질서
Art Direction
Frame Johnson's attempt to settle down in Tombstone is interrupted when a mob tries to mete out some frontier justice.
Desert Legion
Art Direction
A commander in the Foreign Legion romances a mysterious and exotic princess.
Art Direction
Kittridge is hired by the villans but turns to defend the rancher Saxon after learning the true situation. Kittrige wins Saxon's ranch with a cut of the cards but Saxon has other reasons for loosing the gamble. Telford and Lake try everything from bushwacking to setting a wildfire to stop the Saxon/Kittridge herd of cattle from reaching the railhead.
City Beneath the Sea
Art Direction
Two adventures dive for treasure off the coast of Jamaica.
Abbott and Costello Go to Mars
Art Direction
Lester and Orville accidentally launch a rocket which is supposed to fly to Mars. Instead it goes to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. They are then forced by bank robber Mugsy and his pal Harry to fly to Venus where they find a civilization made up entirely of women, men having been banished.
Art Direction
19th-century army officer Lance Caldwell is assigned to Fort King in the Everglades. Immediately clashing with his commanding officer Major Dade, Caldwell opposes Dade's plans to wipe out the Seminole Indians. The fact that Caldwell was the boyhood chum of Seminole chief Osceola is all the more reason to resist Dade's genocidal policies. After a deadly confrontation which costs dozens of lives on both sides, Osceola rescues Caldwell, whereupon the latter is court-martialed. Later on, Osceola comes to Fort King to talk peace, and is promptly killed by persons unknown. An attempt is made to frame Caldwell for the killing, but the truth eventually prevails.
The Mississippi Gambler
Art Direction
Mark Fallon, with partner Kansas John Polly, tries to introduce honest gambling on the riverboats. His first success makes enemies of the crooked gamblers and of fair Angelique Dureau, whose necklace he won. Later in New Orleans, Mark befriends Angelique's father, but she still affects to despise him as his gambling career brings him wealth. Duelling, tragedy, and romantic complications follow.
Girls in the Night
Art Direction
Juvenile delinquents (Joyce Holden, Glenda Farrell, Harvey Lembeck) trap a neighborhood hoodlum in New York.
모든 깃발을 향하여
Art Direction
British Naval Officer fights pirates on Madagascar.
실버 크리크의 대결
Art Direction
A gang of claim jumpers is infesting the territory, gaining ownership of undermanned mining operations through extortion...and leaving no live witnesses. But one victim, quick-drawing gambler Luke Cromwell, escapes. Meanwhille, Marshal Lightnin' Tyrone is also after the gang; recovering from one raid, he meets femme fatale Opal Lacy, who may not be healthy for him to know. When Luke, now calling himself the Silver Kid, joins forces with Marshal Tyrone, the gang had better watch out ...unless something drives a wedge between the new allies.
The Golden Horde
Art Direction
The Princess of Samarkand and an English knight confront the armies of Genghis Khan.
You Never Can Tell
Art Direction
Ex-police/army dog King inherits a fortune from an eccentric millionaire. But someone poisons him for his fortune. He gets to go back to earth as a human detective to bring his killer to justice and protect the girl who used to look after him.
Art Direction
Frenchie Fontaine sells her successful business in New Orleans to come West. Her reason? Find the men who killed her father, Frank Dawson. But she only knows one of the two who did and she's determined to find out the other.
Spy Hunt
Art Direction
Roger Quain, escorting two zoo-bound black panthers on the train from Milan to Paris, is unaware that a Western agent, Catherine Ullven, has hidden a microfilm in the collar of one of the animals. But when the train is derailed in the Swiss Alps and the panthers escape, she is forced to involve him in her mission, which now includes enemy agents hunting the microfilm, the animals, Catherine and Roger. Corrected from an original submission by Guy Bellinger.
Art Direction
An Arab sheik's daughter (Maureen O'Hara) avenges his death, blamed on Hassan (Paul Christian) and his Black Riders.
Sword in the Desert
Art Direction
First American film about the conflict between Jewish nationalists and the British in the creation of the state of Israel.
The Lady Gambles
Art Direction
When Joan Boothe accompanies husband-reporter David to Las Vegas, she begins gambling to pass the time while he is doing a story. Encouraged by the casino manager, she gets hooked on gambling, to the point where she "borrows" David's expense money to pursue her addiction. This finally breaks up their marriage, but David continues trying to help her.
You Gotta Stay Happy
Production Design
Indecisive heiress Dee Dee Dillwood is pushed into marrying her sixth fiancée, but unable to face the wedding night, she flees into the adjacent hotel room of commercial pilot Marvin Payne, who just wants to sleep. She then persuades him to take her to California.
The Saxon Charm
Art Direction
In order to get his way, New York producer Matt Saxon manipulates and controls everyone around him but his latest protégé, novelist Eric Busch, finally stands-up to him.
Tap Roots
Production Design
Set at the beginning of the Civil War, Tap Roots is all about a county in Mississippi which chooses to secede from the state rather than enter the conflict. The county is protected from the Confederacy by an abolitionist and a Native American gentleman. The abolitionist's daughter is courted by a powerful newspaper publisher when her fiance, a confederate officer, elopes with the girl's sister. The daughter at first resists the publisher's attentions, but turns to him for aid when her ex-fiance plans to capture the seceding county on behalf of the South.
미지의 여인에게서 온 편지
Art Direction
사귀던 여자의 남편에게서 결투신청을 받은 스테판은 당분간 피해 있기로 마음먹지만 미지의 여인에게서 온 편지를 읽느라 기회를 놓친다. 그 편지에는 스테판이 촉망받던 음악가였을 때 그를 사랑했던 한 여인의 일생이 담겨 있었다. 스테판이 음악가로서의 일생을 포기하고 술과 여자로 방탕한 생활을 하는 동안 그 미지의 여인은 스테판의 아이까지 낳아 기르다가 결국은 병으로 아이마저 잃고 자신도 죽게된다. 스테판은 서서히 자신도 한때나마 사랑했었던 리자라는 이름의 그녀를 기억하게 된다. 자신의 주변에서 늘 서성였던 그녀의 존재를 몇번씩이나 잊어 버린데서 비롯된 젊은 날의 회한에 비로소 스테판은 절망하게 되는데...
Magnificent Doll
Art Direction
While packing her belongings in preparation of evacuating the White House because of the impending British invasion of Washington D.C., Dolly Payne Madison thinks back on her childhood, her first marriage, and later romances with two very different politicians, Aaron Burr and his good friend James Madison. She plays each against the other, not only for romantic reasons, but also to influence the shaping of the young country. By manipulating Burr's affections, she helps Thomas Jefferson win the presidency, and eventually she becomes First Lady of the land herself.
패시지 계곡
Associate Producer
1856년, 서부 개척지에서 운송업을 하는 로건은 친구 조지의 약혼녀 루시를 조지가 있는 오리건의 잭슨빌까지 데려다 주기로 하는데, 잭슨빌까지의 험난한 여정 속에서 로건과 루시는 서로에게 끌린다. 한편, 일확천금을 꿈꾸며 도박에 빠진 조지는 로건이 준 돈도 잃고, 광부들의 금에까지 손을 대고, 도박꾼의 아내에게 추파도 던진다. 로건 역시 경쟁자 브래그와 대치하는 가운데, 마을에서는 살인 사건이 일어난다. 존 포드의 〈역마차〉(1939)의 원작을 쓴 미국의 서부 소설 작가 어니스트 헤이콕스의 『협곡 통과』를 바탕으로 한 서부극. 서부 개척지를 배경으로, 꿈과 야망, 우정과 사랑을 비롯해 도박, 살인, 인디언과의 갈등 등을 다루고 있다. ((재)영화의전당)
진홍의 거리
Art Direction
25살의 출납원 크리스토퍼 크로스는 금시계와 약간의 귀중품이 있다. 비가 오는 밤, 그는 키티의 남자친구 자니로부터의 학대에서 그녀를 구한다. 아마추어 화가인 크리스를 그녀는 부자로 생각하게 된다. 키티는 크리스와 자니의 아파트에 살게 되고 크리스는 걸작을 그려내게 되는데...
Salome, Where She Danced
Art Direction
During the Austrian-Prussian war, Anna Marie is a dancer who is forced to flee her country after she is accused of being a spy. She ends up in a lawless western town in Arizona, where she uses her charms and dancing skills to transform herself into "Salome" during her dance routines.
The Climax
Art Direction
Dr. Hohner, theatre physician at the Vienna Royal Theatre, murders his mistress, the star soprano when his jealousy drives him to the point of mad obsession. Ten years later, another young singer reminds Hohner of the late diva and his old mania kicks in. Hohner wants to prevent her from singing for anyone but him, even if it means silencing her forever.
Cobra Woman
Art Direction
A man (Jon Hall) tracks his kidnapped bride (Maria Montez) to a jungle island, where her twin is the high priestess.
Gung Ho!
Art Direction
A true-life epic that revolves around an exclusive bataillon of the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II, "Carlson's Raiders," whose assignment is to take control of a South Pacific island once possessed by the United States but now under Japanese command.
오페라의 유령
Art Direction
파리의 오페라 하우스. 극단의 소프라노 단원인 아름다운 여인 크리스틴은 뛰어난 재능에도 불구하고 빛을 보지 못하는 조연이다. 또한 그녀를 지켜보며 안타까운 연정을 키워나가는 바이올린 주자이자 작곡가인 에릭은 자신의 음악을 인정받기 위해 출판사와 극장 등 여러 곳을 찾아가지만 차가운 냉대뿐인데.
아라비안 나이트
Production Design
칼리프의 동생이 셰라자드라는 춤추는 여자에게 홀려 구애하자 이 여자가 왕비의 자리를 원하므로 형의 자리를 빼앗기 위해 반역을 일으켰으나 실패한다. 그들을 구하러 온 추종자들에게 습격당한 칼리프는 곡예단원에게 구출되고 세라자드의 간호를 받게 된다. 칼리프의 신분을 모르는 세라자드는 그와 진실한 사랑을 하게되고 행방불명된 칼리프 대신 왕위에 오른 동생은 약속을 지키기 위해 그녀를 데려오고 칼리프는 죄수로 갇히게 된다. 역심을 품은 새 칼리프의 측근 신하가 세라자드에게 칼리프의 잔에 독을 넣으면 네가 사랑하는 그 포로를 풀어주겠다고 하자 그녀는 응한다. 그녀를 신부로 맞아들이는 연회에서 막 술잔을 들이키려는 찰나 그녀는 양심의 가책에 잔을 든 손을 밀쳐내고 칼리프의 옛부하들이 들이닥친다. 피바람이 불고 칼리프는 자신의 지위와 사랑을 되찾는다.
Eagle Squadron
Art Direction
An American joins the British Royal Air Force just before Pearl Harbor is attacked, and falls in love with a beautiful English girl.
Art Direction
Englishmen fighting Nazis in Africa discover an exotic mystery woman living among the natives and enlist her aid in overcoming the Germans.
막연한 그 감정
Art Direction
A happily married woman sees a psychoanalyst and develops doubts about her husband.
해외 특파원
Art Direction
주인공 맥클란은 기자들과 함께 스파이 조직에 연루되면서 복잡한 암살을 비롯한 사건들이 벌어진다. 기자의 카메라에 숨겨진 총으로 벌어지는 암살 장면이나, 네덜란드의 풍물인 풍차가 등장하는 스펙타클한 장관, 그리고 전쟁이 시작되는 날 런던에서 출발하는 대서양 횡단 비행기 씬 등이 유명한 이 영화의 장면들이다. 초창기 영화에서 보여준 스토리 스텔링이라는 단순한 이야기 나열에 그치지 않고, 영화 본래의 기술인 볼거리 중심의 미장센 연출을, 완벽한 카메라와 편집, 계산된 연기 지도 등으로 보여준다. 이 영화가 헐리웃에서 대성공을 거두자 제작자들이 히치콕에게 찾아와 최고의 대우를 해 주겠다는 계약서가 줄을 이었다고 한다.
Slightly Honorable
Art Direction
A lawyer is framed for the murder of a young party girl and tries to clear his name.
Eternally Yours
Art Direction
Anita, engaged to solid Don Barnes, is swept off her feet by magician Arturo. Before you can say presto, she's his wife and stage assistant on a lengthy world tour. But Anita is annoyed by Arturo's constant flirtations, and his death-defying stunts give her nightmares. And forget her plan to retire to a farmhouse. Eventually, she has had enough and disappears.
Trade Winds
Art Direction
After committing a murder, Kay assumes a new identity and boards a ship. But, Kay is unaware that Sam, a skirt chasing detective, is following her and must outwit him to escape imprisonment.
Assistant Art Director
남태평양에 위치한 마나쿠라 섬. 이곳엔 순진하고 자유를 사랑하는 원주민들이 평화롭게 살아간다. 그러나 마나쿠라를 통치하는 프랑스의 총독 드라지는 이런 원주민들의 삶을 이해하지 못하고 정의와 의무, 법과 질서만을 강조한다. 마라마와 테랑기는 이곳 원주민으로 서로 사랑하는 사이다. 두 사람은 섬주민들이 축복해 주는 가운데 결혼식을 올리고 행복한 신혼의 단꿈에 젖어 있었다. 그러던 어느날, 테랑기는 타히티로 일을 나갔다가 그만 백인을 때려 6개월 형을 선고받게 된다. 함께 타이티로 항해를 떠났던 네이글 선장은 타히티의 총독에게 테랑기를 석방해 줄 것을 간청하지만 총독은 강경하게 이를 거절하는데...
야성의 부름
Art Direction
Jack Thornton has trouble winning enough at cards for the stake he needs to get to the Alaska gold fields. His luck changes when he pays $250 for Buck, a sled dog that is part wolf to keep him from being shot by an arrogant Englishman also headed for the Yukon. En route to the Yukon with Shorty Houlihan -- who spent time in jail for opening someone else's letter with a map of where gold is to be found -- Jack rescues a woman whose husband was the addressee of that letter. Buck helps Jack win a $1,000 bet to get the supplies he needs. And when Jack and Claire Blake pet Buck one night, fingers touch.