A portrait of a man of rare elegance and enigmatic charm, versatile and successful: Jean-Louis Trintignant, one of the most critically acclaimed French actors of the last sixty years, known for his numerous roles on stage and screen.
Jean-Louis Duroc
작은 상점을 운영하며 가족들과 평범한 나날을 보내던 ‘안느’는 어느 날 기억 속에 묻어두었던 지난 날의 사랑 ‘장-루이’의 소식을 듣게 된다. 세계적인 카레이서로 명성을 떨쳤던 그가 지금은 치매로 기억 속을 헤매고 있다는 사실에 깊은 생각에 잠긴 안느. 그가 유일하게 기억하는 사람이 자신이라는 말에 오랜 고민 끝에 그를 찾아 간다. 수십 년 만에 마주한 두 사람. 그러나 남자는 그녀를 알아보지 못한 채 자신이 사랑했던 한 여자의 이야기를 시작하는데…
Self - Actor (archive footage)
A walk through the career of French filmmaker André Téchiné, from his own point of view and that of those who worked with him: Catherine Deneuve, Daniel Auteuil, Emmanuelle Béart, Juliette Binoche and Sandrine Kiberlain, among others.
Georges Laurent
부족할 것 없는 프랑스 칼레 지역의 부르주아 ‘로랑’ 가문에 어린 소녀 ‘에브’가 다시 가족의 일원으로 합류한다. 조용히 가족들을 관찰하던 ‘에브’는 가족들의 위선적인 면들을 하나둘 알게 되는데…
아무르, 하얀리본, 피아니스트, 퍼니게임 칸국제영화제 심사위원대상, 감독상, 황금종려상 2회 수상 유럽을 대표하는 세계 최고의 거장 미카엘 하네케 그의 10년 간의 촬영 현장을 따라 기록한 미카엘 하네케의 영화, 배우, 우정, 그리고 사랑에 관한 모든 것
Michel has lived in a psychiatric hospital for many years. Blaise Othnin-Girard is fascinated by this figure outside any canon, including those to which a forced isolation would like to reduce him. Art, love, friendship in Michel's words seem different. "It seems to me that paradise ... is a love that pierces your belly and makes you really happy ... a feeling like an explosion of love in a faraway place. It's a place where you can enjoy, paradise." The director has not seen Michel since the therapeutic apartment in Mâcon in 2001, where he lived before some problems arose. He finds him now at the hospital in a Complex Psychiatry Unit: a closed and silent sector. His words reveal themselves between pain and resistance, humor and lucidity, hinting at a love affair between impeded bodies.
Georges Laurent
행복하고 평화로운 노후를 보내던 음악가 출신의 노부부 조르주와 안느. 어느 날 아내 안느가 갑자기 마비 증세를 일으키면서 그들의 삶은 하루아침에 달라진다. 남편 조르주는 반신불수가 된 아내를 헌신적으로 돌보지만, 하루가 다르게 몸과 마음이 병들어가는 아내를 바라보면서 그는 선택의 기로에 놓이게 되는데…
Agnès Varda travels around the world to meet friends, artists and filmmakers for an expansive view of the global contemporary art scene.
Portrait of Jean-Louis Trintignant, for the "empreintes" collection, produced by Pierre Bouteiller and written and directed by François Chayé.
Himself (archive footage)
Les Contes Secrets ou les Rohmériens features interviews with 16 actors who have appeared in Rohmer's films, and they talk on camera about his unusual working methods, his personality, and his spare but evocative signature style. Among the thespians who share their memories are Jean-Louis Trinitignant, Marie-Christine Barrault, Zouzou, Jean-Claude Brialy, Béatrice Romand, Françoise Fabian, and Andre Dussolier; the film also includes rare footage of Rohmer himself at work on the set of his 1978 effort Perceval.
M. Cannon
Insurance salesman tries to get money from his hippie cousin by fulfilling his dream: Arraigning for John Lennon and Janis Joplin's "second coming".
An exhaustive retrospective commented by Zidane, his greatest goals, soccer lessons where Zidane reveals his most precious secrets.
Narration (Voice)
Lucien Emmerich / Jean-Baptiste Emmerich
Friends of a recently painter Jean-Baptiste Emmerich gather at a Paris railroad station for a four-hour journey to Limoges, where Emmerich wanted to be buried. The dozen travelers include art historian François and his lover Louis, who develops an interest in Bruno, whom he meets on a train. Traveling parallel with the train is a station wagon with Jean-Baptiste's body, and this vehicle is driven by Thierry, husband of Catherine, who's on the train with their daughter. François plays a taped interview with Jean-Baptiste, revealing his sexual appeal to both men and women. Lucie is convinced that she was his main love. Also on board is his nephew, Jean-Marie and Jean-Marie's estranged wife Claire. After the funeral in "Europe's largest cemetery," the story continues in the mansion of Jean-Baptiste's brother Lucien.
Le chirurgien
The McBee family has erected a government over a future 'colony', that looks like a run-down Paris divided into sectors by the Berlin Wall. All male family members suffer from a mysterious disease and are in urgent need of organ transplants. The perfect donor, Tykho Moon, probably has been killed in a fire, but according to rumours he's still alive. Although assassins stalk the family members, the McBees start a hunt for Tykho. Trying to escape the dragnet, Alex, a sculptor, meets Lena, a killer posing as a whore.
Albert Dehousse (old)
알베르(마티유 카소비츠)가 자신의 옛 시절을 회상하며 시작된다. 알베르의 아버지는 어머니의 말처럼 세계1차 대전에 참전해 사망했거나 주변 사람들의 말처럼 알콜 중독으로 죽고 없다. 2차 대전 말기 어머니와 함께 살고 있는 알베르는 방에 틀어박혀 창밖의 사람들을 관찰하고 사전으로 개념을 배운다. 1942년 연합군의 공습을 피하기 위해 집을 찾은 이베트와 사랑에 빠져 결혼한다. 결혼 후 세일즈맨으로 징집을 피해 살던 중 자신의 어머니가 나치의 협력자임을 알게됨과 동시에 이베트의 가족에게서 소외감을 느껴 파리로 떠난다. 호텔 입구에서 구걸을 하며 살아가던 그는 우연히 프랑스 레지스탕스 모임을 발견하고 거짓 삶을 만들어내기 시작한다. 신문을 읽고 프랑스 레지스탕스에 대한 정보를 모두 암기해 자연스레 레지스탕스 모임에 합류하고 어느새 그는 레지스탕스 영웅으로 재탄생한다. 중령이라는 중책을 맡고 독일로 떠나 공적까지 세웠지만 그는 자신의 정체를 폭로하고 만다.
Elliot Spencer
In Dieppe, a taciturn young man is fascinated by a woman whom he has only seen in the street. One day, he leaves Dieppe and Lola, the girl he was living with. He becomes a truck-driver. In the Middle East, Christian's travels end in a prison in the heart of the desert. There he meets Eliot who lives an isolated life within the prison environment. Since Eliot talks, Christian who was mute up to that point, listens then speaks too. But Eliot receives letters from a woman: Marie. And Christian starts dreaming that she's the woman he saw on the streets of Dieppe.
Colonel Masagual
1936. Rafael, son of a Spanish nobleman, leaves the French Catholic institution where he was resident, recalled in his country by his father. Senior officer in Franco's army, it is that his son is involved in the civil war that tore Spain. Before joining the front, Rafael is assigned to a unit whose main mission is to take care of prisoners and execute subversive elements. The garrison was commanded by Colonel Masagual, a friend's father Rafael. Very old regime , the colonel who lives openly with his homosexuality Casado, his aide, is an ambiguous character, melancholy and cynical lucidity.
L'oncle Irvin (voice)
한 과학자에 의해 만들어진 인간인 크랭크는 완벽한 인간이 아닌 조로증 환자이다. 크랭크는 꿈을 꾸기 위해서 아이들을 유괴해서 그들을 꿈을 훔치고 있다. 남자는 차력 등의 재주를 보여주는 힘이 장사인 광대로 크랭크에게 잡혀간 동생을 찾기 위해 어린 도둑 일당인 미에트와 함께 크랭크의 본거지인 '잃어버린 아이들의 도시'에 도착한다. 거기에는 난장이 비스마스 부인과 실패한 복제인간들이 크랭크의 지배하에 아이들을 납치해와 그들의 꿈을 훔치고 있다. 그러나 아이들은 크랭크를 무서워해서 언제나 악몽만을 꾸게 된다. '잃어버린 아이들의 도시'에 도착한 남자는 그와 함께온 몇명의 아이들과 함께 탈출을 시도한다
A documentary about the showing of Krzysztof Kieślowski's film RED at the 1994 Cannes Film Festival, including interviews with the director and the cast of the film.
시몬은 자신의 유일한 친구인 경찰 미키의 잠복수사를 돕다가 일어난 총격 사건 후 미키를 쏜 자들을 추적한다. 살인도 서슴지 않는 폭력배 막스는 순수한 청년 조니와 함께 지낸다. 성깔 있는 막스는 조니가 귀찮지만 대가 없이 자신을 따르는 모습에 그와 함께 지낸다. 거리에서 목숨을 연명하던 그들에게 조직은 청부살인을 제안한다.
Richter Joseph Kern
발렌틴은 스위스의 제네바 대학 학생이며 패션모델로 활동한다. 그녀의 이웃에는 오귀스트라는 법대생이 살고 있는데 두 사람은 빈번하게 지나치면서도 서로의 존재를 인식하지 못한다. 어느날 패션쇼를 마치고 귀가하던 중 발렌틴은 개를 치는 교통사고를 내게 된다. 개의 목에 달린 인식표의 주소지로 찾아가지만 개 주인인 노인은 냉담한 반응을 보인다. 개를 치료하여 다시 찾아갔을때 발렌틴은 노인이 남의 집 전화를 도청하는 기벽이 있다는 걸 알게 되고 혐오감을 느끼게 되는데...
Récitant (texte de Paul Éluard) (voice)
August 1939. The fate of four young people, Ramona, Georges, Brigitte and Hans is upset by the outbreak of war.
Narrator (French version)
A documentary about Che Guevara in Bolivia, based upon his journal listing daily agendas
An upright judge must consider the petition of a scheming marquise who wants to have her estranged husband stripped of his rights.
René Montijoux
An unorthodox police commissioner investigates the suspicious death of a man run over by a train.
An unorthodox police commissioner investigates the suspicious death of a man run over by a train.
Colonel Édouard
When a plane crashes in his back yard, a wealthy young man (Lambert Wilson) decides he would rather be a pilot than a musician.
Le Commissaire Duché (images d'archives)
The mobster Raymond Bettoun gets out of prison and joins his son Maurice in Miami, a drug trafficker who is about to launch a huge operation. But he falls into a trap and a war begins in which Raymond will fight a last battle to try to save his son and what remains of his family.
Ginèse de Sepúlveda
Spain conquered the seas, found a new world and different realities than the one known in Europe. But a question needed to be answered with what they found in those new territories: do the Indians have souls? The Church, bound to protect and convert the natives and the conquerors who treated them like slaves and thought they were only merchandising, expose their arguments and reasonings at what would be known as the Vallidolid controversy. Between them, there's a cardinal hearing both parts and trying to get reasonable answers from this critical question.
le colonel SS
세상 물정 모르는 순진한 카미유와 일찍 세상을 알아 버린 조엘이 친구가 된다. 카미유는 조엘과 함께 하며 섹스에 눈뜨고, 녹록치 않은 인생의 어두운 밤을 맛본다. 애인에게 버림받은 조엘은 머리 끝까지 화가 나고, 조엘과 카미유는 닥치는 대로 들이받으며 동네를 쑤시고 다닌다. 한편, 갑작스럽게도 에이즈에 대한 공포가 카미유를 휘감는다. 들끓는 분노와 욕망이 세상의 모순과 뒤얽힌 카미유와 조엘의 기묘한 우정을 그린다. 두 남자의 행보를 담은 논쟁적 로드 무비 과 궤를 같이한다. (2017 영화의 전당 - [시네마테크] 서머 스페셜 2017)
Herbert d'Espivant
Two childhood friends who have not seen each other for a long time decide to meet again. They talk and look for what could have caused their estrangement: words pronounced in a certain way, an intonation etc. Very quickly, an argument begins and turns into a settlement of accounts.
In an imaginary dictature of a futuristic world, rebellion has broken out. The men in power scramble to the Bunker Palace Hotel, a bunker built long ago for just this kind of contingency. But a rebel spy sneaks in, and although her nature is very quickly suspected, she is left to observe the raving of the decadent power class, who keeps wondering what happened to their leader, who has failed to show up.
The efforts of an aspiring filmmaker to include an unwilling female in his production.
le général Gougeard
The French intelligence service want to use a double agent to eliminate a terrorist groupe. To do this, the captain Duroc will give to the traitor a car filled with explosives. But the whole thing is a double trap. One of the officer of the Service, Leroy, has plan a dreadful blow to discredit his new director. He had chosen Duroc because is not supposed to be an intelligent agent.
Simon, a famous violinist, sinks into alcoholism. He finds support from his lover, who is also the manager of the orchestra in which he plays. But is she really helping him or is she exploiting his dependence on her? A man who has been through the same experience as Simon, offers to help him...
Jean-Louis Duroc
20년전 스크립터였던 앤은 지금은 영화 프로듀서, 쟝은 현재도 카레이서에 미련을 버리지 않고 있다. 어느날 앤은 장의 소식을 듣게 되고 20년 전의 사랑의 추억이 뇌리를 스친다.
After serving his sentence, a robber returns to his small, quiet hometown to retrieve the loot. But a ruthless Police inspector and his equally nasty young subordinate are after the criminal.
Mr. Fodó, teacher
During the years following World War II, a new boy arrives to class 7/c, and the audience learns to know the lives of the drunkard teacher, his husband-cheating wife, the lonely music teacher hiding behind her paper flowers, the wise count deprived of all his properties, the jovial parish priest and especially the buffalo owner of tragic fate who lost his four daughters, alongside with the young protagonist.
Nina, young girl from the provinces discovering the capital, meets people by chance, and carries out apprenticeship of the theatre and love. Paulot first of all, reassuring figure of an ordinary man, solid as a rock. Then Quentin, a fallen actor tormented by a past drama, violent as lightning. Finally, Scrutzler, an inflexible and exhausted director who chooses Nina, throws her on the stage. A revelation is born through these three meetings. But, it is with herself that Nina has an appointment.
Roland Rivière
전쟁이 한창일 때, 살로메의 가족은 게슈타포의 추적을 피해 친구 롤랑과 엘렌 부부가 살고 있는 시골의 성으로 피신한다. 그러나 누군가의 밀고로 이들은 체포되어 강제 수용소로 가게 된다. 전쟁이 끝난 후 부모님과 오빠를 잃고 홀로 다시 이 시골 마을로 돌아온 살로메는 롤랑과 엘렌 부부의 협조를 얻어 밀고자를 찾기 시작한다.
Edouard is patriarch of a large family: his second wife, Jeanne, has just had a baby and finally had enough of his philandering. As the marriage between them unravels, Edouard's daughters experience their own emotional shock waves. Dina, in a relationship with playwright Paul, wants more from her daily life, while Sidone is married to a fellow musician but is terrified of performing in public. Fast-forward seven years: Edouard is gravely ill, and the family shares their issues, hopes and fears.
François Gaucher
The movie starts with an interview with director Claude Lelouch. He pleads viewers not to disclose the plot of the movie after leaving the projection room. Even the movie's trailer shows only a long sequence of faces gazing speechlessly in space. "Like all my movies, this one is about a man and a woman", says Lelouch in the interview.
Michel Gilquin
Cécile, a single mother, contrives to meet Gilquin, the married father of a classmate of her nearly-adolescent son. An affair ensues. Isabelle, approaching middle age with two children, discovers she's pregnant, goes into a funk, and arranges for a younger woman to seduce her husband. Adeline is distraught at her ex-lover's plan to leave France. The three women are colleagues at a radiology clinic. They come to each other's aid, but each must decide on her own what course to take: Cécile with Gilquin, Isabelle with her husband, and Adeline with her solitude.
Le Président de la République
Claire's handbag is stolen. It contained a letter written ten years previously by the man who is now the French President. In the letter he urges his pregnant mistress to have an abortion. Claire immediately alerts the President's men. From that moment, the machinery of state swings into action.
Marcel Jazy
1979년, 니카라과는 소모사 일가의 독재가 50년이나 계속되는 가운데 전국에서 반독재 시위가 줄을 잇고 대량학살을 감행하는 정부군에 대치가 팽팽한 내란 상태. 여기에 뛰어든 미국인 기자 두 명과 여성 리포터의 활약상이 그려진다. 누가 진짜 적인지, 누가 진정한 우군인지 한 치 앞을 내다 볼 수 없었던 니카라과 동란 현장. 소모사 일가의 독재가 50년이나 계속되는 가운데 전국에서는 독재 반대의 시위가 줄을 잇고 반정부 좌익, 게릴라의 투쟁과 대량학살을 감행하는 정부군의 대치가 팽팽한 내란 상태였다. 여기에 뛰어든 미국인 기자 3명, 일류 사진기자인 러셀(Russell Price: 닉 놀테 분)과 타임지 기자 알렉스(Alex Grazier: 진 핵크만 분), 그리고 방송국 여성 리포터 클레어(Claire: 조안나 캐시디 분)는 세계 어느곳이건 전쟁이 터졌다하면 나타나는 민완기자이며 서로 친숙한 사이였다. 또한 알렉스와 클레어는 연인 사이기도 했다. 세 기자는 한 조가 되어 게릴라의 지도자이며 민중의 영웅으로 추앙받는 인물을 취재하기도 하고 소모사 대통령과의 단독 인터뷰도 추진한다. 그러는 가운데 애인이 바뀌어 러셀과 클레어가 연인 관계에 접어들기도 한다. 그 무렵 러셀은 기자로서의 사명감을 시험받는 사건에 직면한다. 정부군에 피살된 민중의 영웅을 살아있는 것처럼 꾸며달라는 많은 사람들의 부탁을 받은 것이다. 그것은 난처한 일이었다. 기자로서 거짓 정보를 쓰느냐, 민중의 역사적 진실을 위해 희생하느냐?
Christian Lacassagne
A well-known business lawyer is shot dead in the courthouse. A commissioner of the Criminal Brigade is in charge of the investigation and is helped by a journalist.
Julien Vercel
사냥을 하던 클로드가 살해되는데, 인근의 부동산업자 줄리앙의 지문이 클로드의 차에서 발견된다. 경찰은 줄리앙의 부인이 클로드와 은밀한 관계였음을 알아내고, 더욱더 줄리앙을 의심한다. 협박전화까지 받은 줄리앙은 비서 바바라와 함께 사건을 조사하기 시작한다. 트뤼포의 마지막 작품. 전체적으로 히치콕식 살인미스터리의 외양을 띠지만, 빠르고 경쾌한 대사와 서로 대립하면서도 긴밀한 유대를 가지는 남녀관계의 묘사는 하워드 혹스적인 느낌을 갖게 한다.
Prof. Lenski
Based on an actual Cold War incident in which a Ukrainian prisoner of conscience was forced to defend his Christian faith while under Soviet interrogation
The son of a university professor discovers his father's secret life and has to decide what to do about it.
Monsieur Sauce
During the French Revolution, a surprising company shares a coach, trying to catch up something - the time itself, perhaps.
Daniel Salmon
Scandal in the property business.
Le commissaire Duché
The Bettoun clan: Raymond (the patriarch), Maurice (the son), Jacky (the nephew), Roland (the nephew), Albert (Raymond's cousin), Pépé (Raymond's friend), Samy (the bodyguard) are a family clan of Jewish Blackfoot kingpins of French organized crime. Their activities include running casinos, organizing underground boxing matches, illegal gambling, pimping, racketeering and bloody settlements of scores against other Arab and French clans. But in the shadows, Pascal Villars has sworn the loss of the Bettoun. He will succeed in setting the Arab clan against the Jewish clan, for the great benefit of the police commissioner Duché, who has been trying in vain for ten years to bring down the Bettouns.
On the island of Jersey, off the French coast, Mélanie, a beautiful woman gifted with a captivating personality, enjoys having unimportant love affairs that her husband Victor, a perfumer older than her, seems to endure with total indifference.
Louis Faguet
Two great friends who practice cycling, Commissioner Servolle and real estate developer Faguet, see their friendship tested by the investigation carried out following the murder of Faguet's wife.
Le médecin major
In the 1860's, Giorgio (Giraudeau), a young Italian soldier is sent to a remote post, far away from his lover, Clara (Antonelli). He is lodged in the house of the colonel (Girotti). He becames friends with the colonel and the local doctor (Trintignant). Among the inhabitants of the house, there is a strange young woman - Fosca (d'Obici) who is both unattractive and mad. However, she has a passion that Giorgio will have to cope with.
In southern France, in a quiet little town, the mayor, who also owns a castle with some cattle, is in the wine cellar with some other people: the pharmacist, the veterinary, and some of his employees. As they are drinking wine, they hear a terrible noise and the heat's getting higher and higher. They don't realize what's happening: when they come out of the cellar, they realize that everything has burned, and all the buildings are destroyed...
The story of a serial killer but bears little resemblance to a slasher movie. We know almost at once who the killer is and the emphasis is not on the murders but on his psychology as he falls in love with one of his prospective victims - a weakness which, of course, will be his downfall.
Julien Tellier
Alice invites all four men she has loved in her life for the dinner of New Year's Eve at the same time and unites them all in her house. In sentimental flashbacks they recall the former times. At 35, Alice is a career woman who doesn't think she has time for a lasting relationship. Thus, her love life has been, and probably always will be, a series of trysts and one-night stands.
Horace Vannister
The scene is the restless Paris of the interwar years where an attractive and ambitious woman successfully makes her way in a world previously reserved for men: that of high finance. Originating from a humble background, she quickly becomes popular with small savers by offering them outstanding interest rates. Extremely popular, she makes no secret of her taste for the good things in life and her homosexual affairs. They will cost her dearly...
비싼 와인과 음식이 가득한 테이블이지만 실상은 비어있다. 쇠퇴하는 진보 지 식인들이 초상, 특정 사회 계층의 행동에 관한 달콤 쌉쌀한 이야기에 여전히 현대적인 분위기, 우울, 친절, 열광이 담겨있다.
파리에서 가난한 번역가로 활동하던 올가는 사업가인 로랑과 결혼해 스위스의 시골에 정착한다. 큰 부자인 로랑 덕에 올가는 아무 부족한 것 없이 안락한 생활을 누리지만 마음 한 구석은 점점 텅 비어 간다. 그러던 어느 날 남편의 사업상 친구인 피에르와 함께 저녁 식사를 하게 되고 올가는 점점 피에르의 매력에 빠져든다. 그리고 남편이 파리로 출장을 간 사이 올가는 결국 혼자서 피에르를 찾아 가는데...
Henri Rainier
Henri Rainier has everything a man could want. A glamorous wife, two beautiful daughters and a well-paid job with a large bank. Then, one day, his entire world collapses. In the wake of a high-profile financial scandal, he is summoned into his director's office and accused of negligence. Rainier has no choice but to resign, but he soon realises that he has been made a scapegoat. He begins his own investigation in an attempt to clear his name and discover who is responsible for the enormous hole in the bank's finances. It soon becomes apparent that he is up against a very powerful and dangerous opponent.
Marie, the charming daughter of Italian immigrants, has a dream : to become rich. In Roubaix, where she lives, she meets and marries small-time crooner Marcel Potier. Together they leave for the South of France where they live happily but poorly. Now, Marie hasn't forgotten her hopes of wealth and with this aim still in mind she pushes Marcel into becoming the swimming instructor of Achille Zopoulos, an oil tycoon.
le jardinier
Marie, the charming daughter of Italian immigrants, has a dream : to become rich. In Roubaix, where she lives, she meets and marries small-time crooner Marcel Potier. Together they leave for the South of France where they live happily but poorly. Now, Marie hasn't forgotten her hopes of wealth and with this aim still in mind she pushes Marcel into becoming the swimming instructor of Achille Zopoulos, an oil tycoon.
After 10 years separation from his wife, a film director (Jean-Louis Trintignant), imagines he can make up with her by giving her a part in his next film, an adaptation of Tshekov's "Three Sisters". He goes location scouting and stays in Bex, a Spa near Lake Leman, together with the three actresses : Julie, his ex-wife (Delphine Seyrig), the mysterious Cecilia, that his producer wants him to take (Lea Massari), and Esther (Valérie Mairesse), a teenager. They all stay in an old decaying hotel. In this isolated mansion the four of them will fight but also discover each other.
Alex Moineau
A man and his stepson driving across Europe are terrorized by a man following them in a pickup truck.
Magg. Med. Rovine
중위 지오반니 드로고는 매서운 유목민인 타타르인의 공격이 임박한 오래된 바스티아니 국경 요새로 배치되어 오게 된다.
Paul Carter
Paul and Sarah are married and have two children. He is a press photographer in a newspaper that rather seeks sensational business. She does not work and it weighs on her, especially since Paul is often called to move, leaving her alone. To make a "scoop", Paul courted Solange, the daughter of a minister who had an accident. One day, Sarah sees them in the street. Jealous and annoyed, she tries to get closer to Paul ...
Fred Malone
In this black comedy, Fred (Jean-Louis Trintingnant) works for an insurance company as a computer engineer. Fred is bored with enduring the trials of his shrewish wife, so, after using actuarial tables to calculate the most common means of death, he cleverly prepares the family bathroom and brings about her demise. For a while he is content with his new freedom, but then he recognizes that a friend is in a similar situation.
Massimo Campi
Police commissioner Santamaria is investigating the murder of the ambiguous architect Mr. Garrone. The investigations soon drive him into the Torino's high society. Santamaria suspect Anna Carla and at the same time falls in love for her. Lello is the lover of Massimo, Anna Carla’s gay friend. He is following another direction in order to find out the truth, and his results are confusing the Policeman. But another murder happens...
Le Sénateur
민선으로 당선된 칠레 아옌데 정권이 안팎의 정적들로부터 공격을 받는다. 결국 미국 CIA의 지원을 받는 군부 실력자 피노체트가 대통령 궁을 전면 공격하고 나선다. 아옌데는 피노체트에 끝까지 저항한다. 그는 결국 피노체트의 군사들에게 총탄을 맞고 숨진다. 이후 칠레는 피의 억압이 시작된다. ‘산티아고에 비가 내린다’는 칠레 군사가 공격해 온다는 것을 알려주는 암호로 라디오 기상 뉴스에서 이를 알렸다. (2017년 제4회 사람사는세상영화제)
Émile Buisson
The film story depicts Emile Buisson, following the death of his wife and child, escaping from a psychiatric institution in 1947 and returning to Paris. Buisson, who three years later would become France's public enemy number one, begins a murderous rampage through the French capital.
Paul Varlin
After his wife and daughter are raped and killed by a motorbike gang a man sets out to take revenge.
Philippe Noiret plays a rich, Parisian banker whose daughter, Carolina, is kidnapped by a ruthless organization. They threaten to have her abused by the sadistic clients of a brothel they run if Father doesn’t pay the ransom on time.
David Daguerre
정부가 숨기고 싶어하는 비밀을 알고 있다는 이유로 정부가 자신을 죽이려 한다는 과대망상에 사로 잡혀 도망다니고 있는 다비드와 그를 믿고 도와주려는 토마스 그리고 그의 연인 줄리아의 도주극을 그린 스릴러.
Him (Michel)
In this WW II drama based on an autobiographical story by director Michel Drach, a Jewish boy and his family living in Nazi occupied France, attempt to escape the cruel invaders. Later the boy grows up to become a filmmaker obsessed with chronicling his childhood.
Nicolas Mallet
그가 가는곳엔 항상 여자가 따른다. 타고난 정열로 매일 쉴사이 없이 바쁜남자! 그의 곁엔 숱한 여자들이 스쳐가는데! 그런데 그를 끝내 차지하고만 여자가 나타났다. 그녀는 정말 행운녀일까? 아니면......
The Police Commissioner
A young woman is questioned by the police and the judges, suspected of being a modern witch. The girl who shared her apartment has been found dead, and a pair of scissors impaled through her heart, as she lay attached to the bedposts. Apparently, the girl does have powers, to make all people around her fall prey to her spell, glissing progressively into desire, lust, and the unknown.
Julien Maroyeur
1940년 5월, 독일이 유럽을 침공하자 줄리앙(장 루이 트레티낭 분)은 어린 딸과 임신한 아내를 데리고 피난길에 오른다. 그러나 피난민을 실어나르는 기차에는 여자와 노인들만이 승객 차량에 탈 수 있었고, 남자들은 가축운반 차량에 밀어 넣어진다. 기차는 공포에 사로잡힌 분열된 나라를 가로질러 가고, 줄리앙은 도망 중인 한 유태계 독일 여인 안나(로미 슈나이더 분)를 자신의 아내인 것 처럼 가장해 기차를 탈 수 있게 도와준다. 이를 계기로 두 사람은 곧 사랑에 빠져든다. 자신들의 사랑이 곧 깨어질 수 밖에 없는 것임을 알기에, 그들은 그 무엇보다도 뜨겁고 격렬한 사랑을 나눈다. 얼마 후 줄리앙의 진짜 아내가 나타나고, 안나는 조용히 줄리앙에게서 떠나간다. 3년이 지난 1943년 겨울, 독일 게슈타포가 줄리앙을 찾아와 안나의 신분을 확인해 줄 것과 둘의 관계를 설명할 것을 요구한다. 줄리앙은 목숨을 거는 위험을 감수하며 사랑하는 여인에게 구원의 손길을 뻗는다.
Jean-Pierre Laubray
When the police find Simone seated near her husband's corpse it is predictable that she is charged with the murder. Jean-Pierre Laubray is appointed counsel for the defence. He begins an inquiry into the case and he finds out that the murdered man had killed a barman in a robbery the night before. He finds out as well he was a leg-man of Cristiani's for his election campaign. He tries to contact Juliette, Cristiani's daughter, and he discovers that Bruno, Juliette's brother, also died that same night in a car accident...
Le Metteur en scène de la troupe des 'Enfants du Gard'
A father plans to kill in the same day the nine members of the jury who condemned his son to death.
A father plans to kill in the same day the nine members of the jury who condemned his son to death.
A father plans to kill in the same day the nine members of the jury who condemned his son to death.
Lucien Bellon
A French hit man is hired by a crime family to end the life of a rival mobster, but things fall apart when the boss who hired him is killed.
폴(말론 브랜도)은 아파트를 둘러보러 왔다가 아름다운 젊은 여성인 쟌느(마리아 슈나이더)를 만난다. 둘은 미친듯이 서로를 탐닉하고 적나라한 정사를 즐기지만 서로에 대해서 알기를 원하지 않는다. 그런 관계를 맺고도 폴과 쟌느는 자신의 생활로 돌아가 폴은 자신의 아내가 자살한 허름한 한 여관으로, 쟌느는 그녀에 관한 영화를 만들고 있는 그녀의 약혼자 톰에게 돌아간다. 그러나 그들은 다시 아파트에서 만나 다시 서로를 원하는 깊은 관계가 되는데...
François Darien
Sadiel, rebel leader in a North African state, takes refuge in Switzerland in the aftermath of a coup. Aware of the threat posed by Sadiel, the ruthless Colonel Kassar contacts the French security services to help in capturing the political activist. A police informer, Darien, is forced to lure Sadiel to Paris, allegedly to make a television coverage about the Third World. Arriving in Paris, Sadiel is captured and delivered to his opponents. Disgusted by the way he has been manipulated, Darien tries to turn back the clock, unknowing who’s dealing with.
A crook on the run hooks up with a criminal gang to commit a kidnapping. However, things don't go quite as planned.
Stéphane Carella
의문의 연쇄 살인사건을 다룬 스릴러.
Marcello Clerici
로마의 유복한 집안에서 자란 마르첼로는 어린 시절의 트라우마와 정신병원에 입원해 있는 아버지로 인해 불안에 시달린다. 남들처럼 평범하게 살아가는 것이 유일한 목적인 그는 평범한 가정을 이루고자 중산층 집안의 줄리아와 결혼하고, 대중의 강력한 지지를 받는 무솔리니 정권의 비밀경찰에 자원한다. 첫 임무로, 자신의 스승이자 프랑스에서 정치적 망명 중인 반독재 인사 콰드리 교수의 암살을 지시받은 마르첼로는 파리로 신혼여행을 떠나 콰드리 교수와 그의 아내 안나에게 접근한다. 처음엔 경계와 의심을 늦추지 않던 이들 부부는 그를 차차 신뢰하게 되지만, 안나에게 걷잡을 수 없이 끌리게 된 마르첼로는 자신의 본심과 임무 사이에서 혼란을 겪게 되는데…
Simon the Swiss
A thief known as Simon the Swiss faces up and downs in his criminal profession.
An Algerian doctor decides to leave the troubles in Algiers and goes back to his hometown, a small village lost in the mountains. There, however, the situation is explosive as well, as the guerilla is active and the French military has to keep a close watch on the locals...
Miguel is a married architect with children; Blanca, an attractive young woman who has attempted suicide by cutting her veins. The relationship between them develops through continuous persecutions, first of him to her and then to him. In their meetings, they reflect on their empty lives, loneliness, boredom and obsession with death.
In an Algerian village, the workers of a salt mine go on strike because of low wages. The owner calls the army to control the men, but a young woman cuts off the water to force the troops to retreat.
Jean Reynaud
Industrialist Jean is living a jet set life in late sixties Paris. He comes to the aid of a frightened young woman (Nicole) who is under the domineering control of her abusive boyfriend, Klaus. Although married, Jean develops a romantic relationship with Nicole. However, he may have gotten himself involved in more than he bargained for.
A man returns to Rouen, after fifteen years in the United States, and feels like a stranger among old friends.
장 루이는 클레몽 페롱에 살고 있는 40세 가량의 엔지니어이다. 그는 미사에 갔다가 서로 시선이 마주친 한 젊은 여성에게 한눈에 반해버려 그녀에게 곧 열렬한 사랑을 바치기로 하지만 그녀에 대해서는 아무것도 아는 것이 없다. 철학교사인 그의 친구는 그를 자신의 정부인 이혼한 여의사에게 소개시킨다. 운명은 그로 하여금 그녀의 집에서 밤을 보내도록 하는데..
Jean Girod
A man witnesses a suicide and starts imagining that it was a murder committed by himself.
A liberal-thinking author watches his wife as she attempts to seduce his best friend at a dinner party. She ends up taking on another man as well, and the writer has an affair with the another dinner guest. Soon the three men and two women are entangled in a confusing series of partner-swapping sex sprees where everyone's morals are challenged in the wake of the sexual revolution.
Examining Magistrate
오랫동안 정치적 망명을 떠났던 과학자 제트가 고국으로 돌아온다. 1963년 5월, 그는 핵실험을 반대하는 연설을 하던 도중 원인 모를 습격을 받아 중태에 빠지게 된다. 정부에서는 그 사건의 진실을 묻어두기 위해 판결을 조작한다. 그러나 제트의 희생이 정부 관료에 의해 꾸며진 음모라는 것이 밝혀지고, 이 사건을 묵인하려 했던 정부 관료들이 실형을 선고받게 된다. 그러나 1967년 쿠테타가 발생하고 군사 독재 정권이 들어서자 이들은 다시 복권된다.
Dr. Carlo De Marchi
A sexy widow discovers her late husband had a secret apartment where he cheated on her. Now she decides to use the same apartment to explore her own sexuality.
"Society is a carnivorous flower" - About activists in the student revolt in May 1968. Archive footage shows police entering the Sorbonne, street fighting, meetings and demonstrations. Many interviewees testify to police violence and abuses.
Jan Robin / Boris Varissa
A man may or may not have betrayed a resistance fighter during World War II. He has supposedly been shot down by the Nazis and wanders into town. Mourning the death of an unseen comrade, he is taken in by the family of the dead rebel. He engages in a superfluous affair and witnesses the lesbian relationship between the man's sister and a female servant. When passions subside, the family has doubts about the reliability of the man's story.
Paul Thomas
Bored bisexual millionaire Frédérique picks up a young street artist named Why, and whisks her away to her villa in St. Tropez for the winter season. They soon meet dashing architect Paul and both fall for him, setting in motion a ménage à trois of deception and betrayal.
네바다의 눈덮인 산맥, 물산이 핍절한 산골 주민들은 고육지책으로 강도떼가 된다. 그들을 없애려고 바운티 헌터들이 그들을 찾아 온다. 산골 주민들은 킬러를 고용한다. 그 중간에서 보안관은 이도저도 안된다. 그리고 갈들이 폭발하고 사람들은 떼거지로 죽는다. 그리고 살아남는 자는 살아남을 이유가 없는 사람들이다.
서부극 사상, 유일하게 뿌연 먼지대신 하얀 눈벌만 잔뜩 나오는 영화. 배경부터 범상치 않은 것처럼 이 영화는 모든 서부극의 틀을 부숴버리고 결말마저 뒤틀린 채 끝나버린다. 이 영화의 결말은 일반 영화에서도 찾아보기 힘든 부류이다. 이 삐딱하고 냉소적인 시선은 주인공들에게서도 나타난다. 아무리 봐도 악당인 클라우스 킨스키와, 선역이라지만 아무런 말도 없는 사일런스 장 루이 트렝티냥의 대결은 기이한 대결로 시작해서 기이한 대결로 끝난다. 아마 개봉당시에도 말이 많았는지 아예 얼터 엔딩이 따로 존재할 정도였다.
출처: [荊軻宿]
A love triangle develops between three people who run a high tech chicken farm. It involves Anna (who owns the farm), her husband Marco (who kills prostitutes in his spare time) and Gabriella (the very beautiful secretary). Marco continues to kill as jealousy becomes more prevalent on the farm.
A featurette (most likely shot for American television) about the Spaghetti Western genre during the late 60's and how it had affected Italy at that particular point in time. Contains behind-the-scenes footage from the films "Il Grande Silenzio" "Vado, Vedo e Sparo" "Ammazza Tutti e Torna Solo" and "Corri, Uomo, Corri" and interviews with their directors and cast.
Bernard (as Jean Louis Trintignant)
Bernard meets Jane in a Night Club, in London, and he likes her. Her father was killed in a car accident, but Jane thinks he has been killed because he was blackmailed for a picture of his second wife, Jane's mother in law. In the same Night Club Bernard finds the blackmailer corpse and Jane near him, but he believes she is innocent. So Bernard and Jane run away followed by a dwarf, the blackmailer's men, who believe Bernard killed their boss and of course, the Police. They believe that Jerome, Jane's brother, can help them to solve the case. But Jane doesn't know where he is, or so she says. Corpse after corpse, Bernard will find out the truth. But will the truth help him?
Barcelona, 1967. Hans Fromm, a German-born architect, lives an well-ordered everyday life. He has become the target of an antifascist death squad though. Indeed their leader, Julius, whose brother was killed by Schmidt, a merciless S.S., believes, without being absolutely certain, that Fromm and Schmidt are the same man. The team, whose other members are Georges, the son of a deportee liquidated by Schmidt craving for action, Raphaël, a mercenary type, Nils, the photographer and Romain, watch Fromm's every move until Julius, convinced at last that the quiet German is their man, gives the green light for the operation. They manage to lure the former Nazi to an old house but Schmidt/Fromm won't let himself be captured so easily...
Vincent Falaise
An architect has an affair with a young woman who aspires to be a pop singer. She ends up pregnant but does not tell her lover about her condition as she contemplates having an abortion.
한 건달의 고독한 여행기를 마약 밀매, 폭력 조직의 생리, 새디스틱한 성적 집착과 함께 보여주는 작품. 파리와 벨기에 앙베르를 오가며 완성한 로브그리예의 두 번째 영화 에는 장 루이 트랭티냥이라는 스타 배우가 출연, 호연을 보여준다. 알랭 로브그리예도 시나리오를 직접 고민하는 영화감독으로 출연하여 ‘영화 속 영화’라는 흥미 있는 구성을 보여준다.
Capitaine Serge
노르망디에 상륙한 연합군을 저지하는 데에 실패한 나치로서, 이제 파리의 함락은 시간문제일 뿐이다. 이에 히틀러는 파리를 불태워 잿더미로 만들어버리라는 명령을 내린다. 이 명령을 받은 파리 점령군 사령관은 고민한다. 그 자신 예술을 사랑하는 사람이었던 그는 군인으로서 명령에 복종할 것인가, 아니면 예술의 도시 파리를 보호함으로써 역사의 죄인이 되지는 말아야 할 것인가를 두고 진퇴양난에 빠진다. 연합군의 입성을 앞두고 치열한 활동을 벌이던 레지스탕스들도 이 소식을 듣고는 파리를 지키기위한 숨막히는 사투를 시작한다. 사령관이 파리의 소각 명령을 차마 내리지 못하고 망설이는 사이에 연합군 선봉이 파리에 입성하고, 점령군 사령부는 레지스탕스들의 공격을 받는다. 사령관은 히틀러의 전화를 미처 받지못하고 항복한다. 이때 놓여진 수화기에서 히틀러의 절규하는 목소리가 들린다. "파리는 불타고 있는가?"
Raphaël Vincente
Raphaël, a former paratrooper, is unable to adapt to the constraints of social life. One day, he becomes the unwilling accomplice of jewel thieves and falls in love with Electre, the mistress of Alaphène, their boss. Electre gives herself to Raphäel and incites him to run away with her. The couple tries to reach Monte-Carlo, where the diamonds are hidden, but they are chased by Federico, one of the gangsters who craves the loot as well...
In June 1944, a young doctor, Chevalier, under the threat of guns, is forced to treat a wounded man in a camp of resistance fighters (maquisards). He recognizes the man, minister of the Third Republic, called Morel by his companions. Carnot, the chief of the maquisards, is suspicious of a doctor who expressly disapproves of the resistance and wants to have him shot as soon as he has treated Morel. Philippe, who is second in command, intervenes in favor of the Chevalier. Meanwhile, peasants denounce the maquisards to the Nazis and the camp is surrounded by the Germans. The camp is saved thanks to Philippe who takes command of the group. He decides to leave the shelter and they begin the long march through the Cévennes to rally maquisard Napoleon in the Vercors...
Jean-Louis Duroc
배우자를 잃은 파리 출신의 두 남녀가 새로운 감정적 교감을 시도하는 를루슈의 1966년 고전 로맨틱 드라마. 끌림과 죄책감, 그리고 기억의 교차가 분명하게 드러나는 수작으로 아누크 에메와 장루이 트랭티냥은 과거의 괴로움을 안은 채 조심스럽게 사랑을 시작하는 연인을 아름답게 연기한다. 주제음악으로 전세계 시네필들의 뇌리에 각인된 고전 중의 고전.
Éric Grandin
Six people travel by train overnight from Marseilles to Paris. When the train arrives at its destination, one of the passengers, a girl, is found dead in a sleeping berth. The police led by Inspector Grazzi investigate the other five passengers, suspecting that one of them was responsible. However, as the investigation is stepped up, the other passengers start turning up dead. It is then up to the last remaining two to solve the case, before they become the next victims.
Gianni Santi (segment "La donna che viveva sola")
Six sketches with as many ways of murdering someone, and getting away with it.
Claude le Petit, dit Le poète croté
Angelique is saved by the king of the cutthroats when she is endangered in the streets of Paris. After her hero is killed, she has many amorous affairs and becomes a successful businesswoman.
Jean-Louis Trintignant
Young actors drift around Paris looking for job opportunities in pursuit of their happiness. The Finnish film, made with a French cast, follows the paths signaled by nouvelle vague and cinéma vérité.
Georges Guichard
A young poster artist sees an older married woman in cinema and falls in love.
Captain François Lasalle
This French version of the notorious spy's life centers less on her romantic escapades, and more on those that reveal the person she actually was during WW I when her German superiors ordered her to seduce the French captain Trintignant so she can steal classified papers from him. Instead she falls in love with him, blows the cover, and ends up convicted of espionage and shot. (AllMovie)
An old castle in Sweden, inhabited by a family of 18th century dressing eccentrics, holds secrets, deception, and rumors of murder.
With the desire to be rich gnawing at him, an arriviste pursues a golden real-estate opportunity at the expense of friends and family. Now, he has to renounce his dignity. What's the good of chasing success when you are left all alone?
In the course of an investigation into a gang of asocial youngsters, the author meets Colette (19) and Jean-Claude (18 and a half) who live on the fringes of society. Their young lives have been tossed back and forth between prison and children's prison.
Roberto Mariani
쨍쨍 내리쬐는 태양 아래 텅 빈 듯한 로마의 8월 어느 휴일 아침. 창 밖을 내다보던 소심한 법대생 로베르토는 한 40대 남자의 부탁을 들어준다. 브루노라는 이 남자가 로베르토에게 전화를 쓸 수 있겠냐고 부탁하고, 로베르토는 그에게 집으로 올라와서 직접 걸어보라고 한다. 붙임성 좋고 사람을 끄는 매력을 가진 브루노는 어디로 튈지 모르는 철부지다. 로베르토의 무료하던 휴일은 브루노와 얽히며 정신없이 흘러간다. 이탈리안 코미디의 걸작으로 일컬어지는 작품으로, 1960년대 초 고도의 경제적 성장을 이어가는 한편 천박하고 이기적인 자본주의에 물들어가는 이탈리아 사회에 대한 통렬한 풍자적 묘사가 돋보인다.
Clément Lesser
The charismatic, surly son of a wealthy industrialist, Clément, leads a double life as a member of a right-wing extremist organization. When he’s ratted out after a failed assassination attempt on a prominent politician, Clément and his long-suffering wife Anne flee Paris to the idyllic country home of his childhood friend, pacifist print-maker Paul. As affection blossoms between Paul and Anne, the emotional, as well as political tensions, soar and eventually explode.
Bernard Duparc
This short film by Jacques Demy was based on his memories of growing up in Nantes, France. While it was initially made for the omnibus film THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS (as the segment on "Lust"), it has also been distributed and exhibited separately.
Bernard Duparc (segment "La luxure")
Seven directors each dramatize one of the seven deadly sins in a short film. In "Anger," a domestic argument over a fly in the Sunday soup escalates into nuclear war. In "Sloth," a movie star would rather pay someone to tie his shoe than bend over to do it himself, and he can't be bothered to accept a starlet's sexual favors. In "Gluttony," a peasant family on its way to the funeral of a relative who died from indigestion stops regularly to eat and drink en route, arriving in time to eat some more. In "Greed," a high-class prostitute refunds the price of a cadet's lottery ticket. In "Pride," an unfaithful wife finds reason to reform. And so on through lust and envy.
Joseph Fabiani
The tale of the famous vendetta, vengeance over the years between two families. For nearly nothing at the start, as always with Sicilians or Corsican people, from the underworld or not...
A young man finds love on the streets of Paris, thanks to an Umbrella
Récitant (voice)
Guy de Fleury
A dozen elegant people are gathered in a writer's desirable mansion. In the grand tradition of Agatha Christie, they all have something to hide.They begin a cruel game of truth, a game where you're not supposed to tell lies. As the questions become more and more intimate and precise, the tempers rise, while outside the storm is raging. Enter a hateful person (played by Paul Meurisse, the nasty headmaster in "Les Diaboliques") who seems to know a lot about them. Someone is murdered. Whodunit?
Un invité au vernissage
Three Faces of Sin (French: Le Puits aux trois vérités) is a 1961 French language motion picture comedy directed by François Villiers, based on novel by Jean-Jaques Gauthier. The music score is by Maurice Jarre. The film stars Michèle Morgan, Jean-Claude Brialy, Catherine Spaak and Scilla Gabel. It tells the story of a painter who parts from his mistress and marries her daughter.
A helicopter crashes in the desert, and the crew winds up in the underground city of Atlantis and get mixed up in a slave revolt.
Jean-Marie de Keraudren
An old count hides just before he dies to annoy his heirs. The heirs search a manor for the count's body and are killed off one by one. Jean-Marie, his fiancée Micheline, and Edwige investigate the deaths and search for the count's body.
Wishing to find an old love that resurfaced, Juan, a Chilean diplomat, Dominique asks his friend François to act as an intermediary.
Ségur fils
Napoleon Bonaparte crowns himself emperor and fights the English, Austrians and Russians in 1802.
Georges Desvignes
An old man against the public housing project.
Carlo Caremoli
전운이 감돌던 1943년 여름, 카를로는 리치오네에 있는 아버지의 별장에서 휴가를 보내기로 한다. 갑자기 나타난 독일군 전투기 때문에 한가로운 휴일의 해변은 아수라장이 되는데, 아이를 구하게 된 카를로는 아이의 엄마인 로베르타를 보고 한눈에 반한다. 한편, 로베르타의 어머니는 어린데다가 극우파인 카를로의 아버지 때문에 로베르타에게 카를로를 멀리 하라고 한다. 그러나 카를로와 로베르타의 사랑은 점점 깊어진다. 시칠리아 상륙작전, 무솔리니의 붕괴 등 격동의 이탈리아를 배경으로 매혹적인 전쟁미망인 로베르타와 권력층의 자제인 카를로의 격렬한 사랑을 그렸다.
ⓒ Rai Com(Italy) ()
쥘리에트 메르퇴이(잔 모로 분)와 발몽(제라르 필립 분)은 닳고 닳은 부부로, 항상 쾌락과 흥분을 찾아다닌다. 두 사람은 각각 다른 사람과 불륜의 관계를 맺고 있으며, 각자의 경험을 서로 털어놓으며 함께 즐기기도 한다. 하지만 한가지 규칙이 있다. 결코 사랑에 빠져서는 안된다는 것이다. 그러던 어느날 쥘리에트는 신앙심 깊은 마리안의 발견하고는 발몽에게 그녀의 지조를 깨뜨려버리라고 한다. 아내인 쥘리에트의 강요에 못이겨 마리안에게 접근한 발몽. 그러나 발몽은 자신의 희생자가 될 마리안을 진심으로 사랑하게 되고, 모로의 잔인한 계획은 이상한 방향으로 발전해간다.
Michel Tardieu
생 트로페의 작은 마을에서 양부모와 함께 사는 줄리에트는 성적인 매력이 넘치는 18세의 소녀로 마을 남자들의 욕망의 대상이다. 그 사실을 잘 알고 있는 줄리에트는 자극적인 옷차림과 행동으로 남자들을 애태우면서 이를 즐긴다. 부유한 사업가 카라딘을 포함해 모든 사람들이 그녀에게 매료되지만 그녀가 선택한 남자는 가난한 배 제조업자 집안의 장남 앙뜨완이다. 하지만 그녀가 마을에서 일으키는 스캔들에 진력이 난 양부모는 그녀를 파양시키려 하고 그녀는 고아원으로 돌아가지 않기 위해 앙뜨완의 동생과 결혼을 하는데..
A remake of a pre-war French film success, Club de femmes is a seriocomedy centralized in an all-female boarding house. Forced to band together because of a housing shortage, the film's heroines set up camp in a deserted structure, despite the tongue-cluckings of local busybodies and do-gooders. Complications ensue when a huge corporation announces plans to raze the building and erect a factory. Amazingly, the ladies are saved by the very company that wants to evict them.
Yves Tréguier "Le Breton"
A young delinquent wants to lead an honest life again.
Narrateur (voice)
During World War II a French Jewish family is deported to Auschwitz. On the train to the death camp, in a desperate gesture, the father throws one of his twins out into the snow, where he’s discovered by a childless Polish couple.