Ryouichi Nakano

참여 작품

Promare / Side: Lio
Key Animation
A second prequel set one day before the events of the Promare film.
마법소녀 마도카☆마기카 [신편] 반역의 이야기
Key Animation
마도카와 사야카, 쿄코 셋이서 학교에 등교했는데, 안경을 쓴 모습의 호무라가 전학생으로 들어오게 된다. 그녀도 똑같은 마법소녀였으며, 마미와 마도카, 쿄코, 사야카, 호무라 이렇게 5명의 마법소녀 콤비가 적과 맞써 싸우는데, 반역의 이야기에서는 마녀와 싸우는 것이 아닌, '나이트메어'와 싸우는 것이다. 나이트메어와 싸우며 행복한 일상을 보내는 중 호무라는 이 세계에 대한 위화감을 갖게 되었으며, 쿄코와 같이 미타키하라의 밖의 카자미노 시에 가보자고 제안을 했고, 카자미노 행의 버스를 몇번이고 반복해서 타지만, 도착한 곳은 카자미노 시가 아닌 미타키하라 시였다. 버스가 아닌 걸어서 카자미노 시에 가는 것도 시도해 보았지만 실패로 끝났다. 호무라는 쿄코에게 이 일에 대해 모두에게 비밀로 해 주었으면 좋겠다고 부탁했으며, 쿄코는 납득하지 못하는 듯 하였으나, 끝내 부탁을 받아들였다.
원피스 필름 스트롱 월드
Key Animation
세상에서 가장 센 놈들의 무.한.대.결!! 세상에서 가장 센 놈들의 무한 대결! 진짜 모험은 이제부터 시작이다! 최고의 해적왕을 꿈꾸며 머나먼 바다를 항해하던 9명의 밀짚모자 해적단 앞에 전설의 해적왕으로 악명 높은 ‘금사자 시키’가 나타나 나미를 납치하고 그들을 이상한 섬으로 보내버린다. 끝이 없는 무성한 정글, 괴상한 동물들의 약육강식 전투가 끊이지 않는 수상한 하늘 섬에서 그들은 무사히 살아나갈 수 있을까? 또한 이유도 모른 채 납치당한 동료 나미도 구할 수 있을까? 지금껏 경험하지 못한 놀라운 진짜 모험이 시작된다!
Birdy the Mighty Decode: The Cipher
Key Animation
Birdy, or Shion Arita, gets a new assignment in Kobe where Sayaka Nakasugi live now. Tsutomu Senkawa is worried about her, so Birdy decides to pay her a visit. However, they are not the only one interested in Nakasugi.
Table Talk
Assistant Director
Inspired by British director Mike Leigh's 'Secrets and Lies', the film was shot using a script with "no dialogue, only scene breaks", believing that "just by seeing two people in a situation, you can understand the situation and the feelings of the characters, rather than trying to explain them in a bad way". The actors were given only the events and situations and asked to move freely in the rest of the film. The actors did not try to speak excessively but instead tried to convey the psychology of the moment by performing everyday actions such as eating, washing the bowl, cleaning and sleeping in a restrained tone, and they succeeded well. The fixed-point cameras in several locations inside the house also play a major role in carefully following the small changes that occur in real life.
Table Talk
Inspired by British director Mike Leigh's 'Secrets and Lies', the film was shot using a script with "no dialogue, only scene breaks", believing that "just by seeing two people in a situation, you can understand the situation and the feelings of the characters, rather than trying to explain them in a bad way". The actors were given only the events and situations and asked to move freely in the rest of the film. The actors did not try to speak excessively but instead tried to convey the psychology of the moment by performing everyday actions such as eating, washing the bowl, cleaning and sleeping in a restrained tone, and they succeeded well. The fixed-point cameras in several locations inside the house also play a major role in carefully following the small changes that occur in real life.
Table Talk
Inspired by British director Mike Leigh's 'Secrets and Lies', the film was shot using a script with "no dialogue, only scene breaks", believing that "just by seeing two people in a situation, you can understand the situation and the feelings of the characters, rather than trying to explain them in a bad way". The actors were given only the events and situations and asked to move freely in the rest of the film. The actors did not try to speak excessively but instead tried to convey the psychology of the moment by performing everyday actions such as eating, washing the bowl, cleaning and sleeping in a restrained tone, and they succeeded well. The fixed-point cameras in several locations inside the house also play a major role in carefully following the small changes that occur in real life.