Zinedine Soualem

Zinedine Soualem

출생 : 1957-04-17, Thiers, Puy-de-Dôme, France


Zinedine Soualem (born 17 April 1957) is a French actor. He has appeared in at least five films directed by Cédric Klapisch. Of Algerian origins, he was married to actress Hiam Abbass. They have two daughters, Lina and Mouna. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   

프로필 사진

Zinedine Soualem

참여 작품

You Promised Me the Sea
Rennes, nowadays. Saïd still lives with his parents. He is having a secret affair with Vincent. Unable to face his family, he agrees to an arranged marriage with Hadjira. After an unhappy love affair and a few run-ins with the law, she too has resigned herself to obeying her mother. Trapped by their families, Saïd and Hadjira join forces in spite of themselves, to find their own freedom.
Following a near-death experience France's leading chef throws himself into a quest seeking the flavor that has confounded his life since he was defeated by a Japanese chef's bowl of noodles as a young man.
95-96, year of high school. Only 17 years old, Zahia Ziouni becomes aware that her dream of becoming a conductor and her ambition to make symphonic music accessible to all and in all territories, will go through the creation of an orchestra unique in its diversitý and composition. Helped by her twin sister Fettouma, a cellist, and while she was about to conduct her very first concert, she created the Divertimento orchestra. The latter still exists and, at 44 years old, Zahia is now a conductor recognized worldwide.
Thank god we have each other
Vincent is 13 years old and has a boundless admiration for his father. His father is unemployed and is mainly involved in football, pretending to become a professional trainer soon, and does not take care of his family. Vincent's mother manages everything, until one day, at the end of her tether, she attempts suicide.
You Resemble Me
Army Officer
Two sisters are abruptly separated, the eldest, Hasna, struggles to find her identity and place in the world.
Citoyen d'honneur
Hamid Mezouar
Samir Amin is a fulfilled writer, Nobel Prize for Literature, who lives in Paris, far from his native country, Algeria.He systematically refuses all the invitations made to him. Until the day when he decides to accept to be made "Honorary Citizen" of Sidi Mimoun, the small town where he was born.But should he again meet with the inhabitants of this city, who year after year became the heroes of his various novels?
L'enfant du paradis
Everything seems to be smiling again at Yazid, an actor with a sulphurous past. He is trying to regain custody of his son and find a stable family life. But despite his efforts, he is overtaken by his old demons...
Je t'aime, filme-moi!
This film is a tribute to love, a tribute to cinema. Our two main characters take us with them into the intimacy of "real people". We cross the roads of France with them, in their different vans and pick-up trucks transformed for the occasion into mini movie studios. Their concept: to film "declarations of love" and to deliver them directly by van to their recipients. And we discover, as we go along, that our duo and their own personal adventures are subtly intertwined with the people they film. This mix of genres offers several universes to the spectator in order to make him question himself about love.
The administrator
Elise thought she had the perfect life: an ideal boyfriend and a promising career as a ballet dancer. It all falls apart the day she catches him cheating on her with her stage backup; and after she suffers an injury on stage, it seems like she might not be able to dance ever again. A heartwarming and inspiring story that tells us how sometimes, the worst thing that could happen may turn out to be the best.
C'était quand la dernière fois ?
썸원 썸웨어
소심한 연애 세포를 가진 남자 ‘레미’. 구 남친 극복이 과제인 여자 ‘멜라니’. 각자의 사연으로 쉽사리 새로운 만남을 시작하지 못하는 두 사람은 한 발자국 옆집에 살고 있지만 서로를 모르는 사이! 하지만 어느 날부터 운명처럼 계속 스치는 두 사람에게 인생을 바꿀 특별한 기회가 찾아오는데…
메리 미, 두드
Père Yacine
Yassine asks his best friend Fred to marry him in order to avoid deportation...
샤캉 사 비
Before being judges, attorneys, or jury members, they are first of all men and women at a crossroads in their lives, with their dreams and their secrets, their hopes and their limitations, all beneath the same sun, each with their own dark side. In a lovely provincial town, during a jazz festival, life will juggle with their destinies.
J'ai tué ma femme
Le garagiste
Max and Minou are having a relationship crisis: she's crying, he's getting annoyed. Their car has been vandalised but this is not why she's crying. While looking for a car repairer on a small industrial estate, they come across some people who are even more troubled than they are. The world seems about to erupt.
하늘이 기다려
Samir Bouzaria
평범한 여학생이었던 소냐와 멜라니. 어느 날 소냐는 IS 조직에 가담해 테러를 계획했다는 혐의로 무장경비대에게 잡혀 보호관찰을 받게 된다. 한편, 할머니의 죽음으로 슬퍼하던 멜라니는 SNS에서 만난 '왕자님'이라는 남자친구로 인해 위로를 얻고 그와 함께 더 나은 세상을 만들기 위해 시리아로 갈 계획을 세우는데... 이것은 단순한 10대의 반항이 아니다. 평화롭던 그들의 일상속에 서서히 스며든 IS, 과연 무엇이 소녀들을 그렇게 만들었는가.
Two Birds, One Stone
저는 바로 당신의 것입니다
Omar - le patron du Cash'Halal
Charming thirty-year-old Hanna Belkacem has inherited the gene from her parents: she is unable to say no. And as she is the Director of Human resources of a big firm such infirmity is not without its problems, particularly when she has to fire someone. The only solution she has found to be forgiven is to... get l* with the men she lays off!
The Lies of the Victors
Fabian Groys, a renowned journalist for a political news magazine, enjoys great freedom, since the stories he uncovers make for good sales. When he loses a hot story about the German army, the editor saddles him with a young female intern. Fabian hates teamwork and sticks the intern with what seems a classic tabloid story about the suicide of a man who had himself torn to shreds by a lion at the zoo. But thanks to the intern’s dogged determination, signs emerge that the story Fabian was working on and the gory zoo story are actually interlinked. Is it pure coincidence? And if it isn’t, how can Fabian fight a nebulous enemy?
Murder in Pacot
In the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake, a middle-aged Port-au-Prince couple come face to face with the stark contradictions of Haitian society when they are forced to rent out their villa to a foreign aid worker and his enterprising local girlfriend.
Patchwork Family
Patrick Fellous
Christian is a divorced father who can only see his young daughter Vanessa every other weekend. When he meets the single mother Christine and decides to participate in a summer TV show, his whole life is turned upside down.
차이니즈 퍼즐
M. Boubaker
Xavier is a 40-year-old father of two who still finds life very complicated. When the mother of his children moves to New York, he can't bear them growing up far away from him and so he decides to move there as well.
Max is 6 years old. She lives with her dad Toni, a small time crook with a golden heart. For Xmas, Max offers him Rose, a call-girl found on the street whom she’s very fond of. Despite the complicated situation, Toni’s gonna have a hard time refusing her daughter’s «gift» and must coexist with Rose.
무드 인디고
Le vieil homme de l'usine d'armement
칵테일을 제조하는 피아노를 발명해 부자가 된 콜랭과 당대 최고의 철학가 장 솔 파르트르에게 빠진 그의 절친 시크. 두 사람은 우연히 클로에와 알리즈를 만나게 되면서 운명과도 같은 사랑을 시작한다. 서툴지만 진실된 고백으로 클로에와 결혼에 성공한 콜랭. 반면 시크는 알리즈와 함께 파르트르의 강연에 다니고, 그의 물건을 수집하는 등 값비싼 열정을 이어간다.
Pirate TV
It all began when camcorders replaced cameras. Making TV programs then became within everyone's reach. Jean-Lou, Yasmina, Victor, Clara, Adonis, and the others didn't only want to create their own television channel, they above all wanted to make a revolution. Thus Télé Gaucho was born, as anarchic and provocative as the main channels were conformist and reactionary. Five years of mayhem, brutal pirate TV demonstrations, drunken parties, and thwarted love.. And that was my idyllic interlude.
State Conspiracy
Commissaire Brindier
French territory is threatened by a terrorist organization just before the presidential election. If the government doesn't answer its demands, programmed bombs will explode gradually on the national railway network. Despite the operation deployed by the anti-terrorist unit, the Home Office has no other choice but to call Franck Barrot, police superintendent well-known for his controversial methods, to neutralize the armed group. His investigation will lead him to the very top level of the terrorist organization: the government itself.
Operation Casablanca
Mistaken for a dangerous Islamist, Saadi - a regular guy who happens to be an illegal Arab immigrant - sets out on the most dangerous day of his life. A satirical and thrilling comedy where a wrongly accused suspect gets mixed up in a worldwide terrorist plot.
그가 사라지고 내 인생이 뒤틀리기 시작했다... 가족을 위해 은행강도가 된 아드리안은 사랑하는 아내와 딸에게 돌아갈 몇 개월 후만 바라보며 복역 중이다. 어느 날 그는 자신보다 먼저 출소하게 된 동료 모렐에게 가족을 부탁한다. 소심하고 착하기만 했던 모렐의 출소와 함께 연락이 끊긴 가족… 그리고 아드리안을 찾아 온 한 남자… 사라진 가족, 조작된 진실, 살아남기 위한 단 하나의 선택! 아드리안은 그에게서 모렐이 소녀들을 강간, 살해한 지능적 연쇄살인범이라는 충격적인 사실을 듣게 되고, 곧 새로운 피해자가 나올 거라는 말에 탈옥을 감행한다. 하지만 얼마 못 가 아내는 죽은 채로 발견되고 생사조차 알 수 없는 딸을 찾아나선 아드리안은 모렐의 조작으로 살인 누명까지 쓰게 되는데… 8명의 목숨을 앗아간 살인마에게 납치된 딸을 구하기 위한 한 남자의 필사적인 도주가 시작된다!
My Piece of the Pie
France, a factory worker, lives with her three daughters in Dunkirk. The factory where she worked has been closed, leaving France and all of her workmates without a job. She decides to go to Paris to look for work. There she finds a cleaning job at the home of a rich man, Steve, whose world is radically different from her own. As their paths keep crossing, she discovers that her employer played a part in closing the factory in Dunkirk...
Nothing to Declare
Lucas Pozzi
During the elimination of the Belgian/French border in the 90s, a Belgian customs officer is forced to team up with one of his French counterparts.
사랑을 부르는 이름
Mohamed Benmahmoud, le père de Bahia
바야 벤마무드는 알제리인과 유대인 부모를 둔 여자로 성관계를 통해 보수주의자들을 설득시키는 게 주특기다. 아르튀르 마르탱은 가전제품 회사 이름을 가진 꽉 막힌 중년 남자다. 웃긴 이름을 가졌다는 것 빼고는 정반대인 둘이 사랑에 빠진다.
What War May Bring
A theater projectionist's daughter is involved in the Resistance in WWII, but she doesn’t share his political involvement & only believes in passion. She follows the men she loves unconditionally, suffering betrayal and hardship.
Pas si simple
Nadia, an 18-year-old French girl from Moroccan origin, is now of age to get married. Despite her reluctance to marriage during the family summer vacation in Morocco, she finally chooses Samir.
Moloch Tropical
An uprising threatens the president's celebratory dinner.
So Woman!
Clemence is a brilliant young lawyer who has just settled herself in a comfortable chair. She does not want to be involved in love.
J'ai pensé à vous tous les jours
Joseph Souhad
Cedric alias "The Quick" was abandoned at birth by his mother and grew up somehow in the homes of the DDASS. One day his teacher Bernard tells him he has a brother, Matthew, alias "Little M", of whom he knows nothing. Unlike Cedric, Mathieu was raised by a wealthy family in an upscale suburb. The meeting between the two brothers promises to be chaotic. Yet, however big their differences, Cedric and Mathieu have one thing in common: they have not known their mother. The two brothers therefore decide to find her. This is the beginning of a long and perilous journey of initiation in which they will get to know each other ...
장 클로드 반담
L'homme au bonnet
장 클로드 반담이 실제로 강도를 만나게 된다면? 평소 같으면 한 주먹거리도 안 되는 허술한 강도들이 시키는 대로 한다면 믿을 수 있는지? 장 클로드 반담이 자신을 연기 하는 이 블랙 코미디는 올 여름 프랑스에서 개봉하여 많은 화제를 불러 모았다.
Minor Revelations
"The choice of each period is intimate, as each period awakens a particular emotion in me. This emotion reflects what is around me, not everyone is able to recognise it -- that is the risk I take. I think that this is good enough reason to make a film that will make visible small yet revealing things in differeent ways. I believe in tropisms and that is what interests me in this film." -- Marie Vermillard [taken from London Film Festival 2006 catalogue]
사랑을 부르는, 파리
물랑루즈에서 메인댄서로 일하는 피에르(로망 뒤리스)는 누나와 세 아이와 함께 에펠탑이 바라다 보이는 파리의 아파트에 함께 살고 있다. 언젠가 심장병으로 자신이 죽을 지 모른다고 생각하는 그는 우연히 베란다에서 건너편 아파트에 살고 있는 아름다운 여자 래티시아(멜라니 로랜)를 지켜보게 되고 그녀를 사랑하게 된다. 그러나, 그녀의 곁에는 젊은 남자친구와 중년의 대학교수 롤랭(패브리스 루치니)이 있다. 한편, 엘리즈(줄리엣 비노쉬)는 메닐몽탕의 시장에서 야채가게를 하는 주인 장을 알게 되고 그에게 호감을 갖게 된다. 장의 친구 프랭키(길스 레로쉬)는 카페에서 일하는 캐롤린을 좋아하지만 터프하고 장난스러운 태도 때문에 매번 그녀에게 상처만 준다. 파리는 사랑으로 넘쳐나고 파리의 겨울도 깊어갈 때 자유분방한 사랑을 쫓는 래티시아는 롤랭에게 자신의 삶을 보여주며 이별을 고하게 되는데…
알로, 슈티
울면서 가는 곳, 프랑스 최북단 ‘슈티’?! 매일 바쁜 도시, 지긋지긋한 직장생활, 우울증에 걸린 아내… 우체국장 ‘필립’은 사랑하는 가족을 위해 따뜻하고 여유로운 남부 프랑스로 전근을 계획한다. 하지만, 그가 발령받은 곳은 프랑스 최북단, 일명 ‘슈티’라 불리는 시골 ‘베르그’ 혹독한 추위와 알코올에 중독된 사람들, 알아듣지 못할 방언 때문에 모두가 꺼리는 곳이다. 결국, 기러기 가장이 되기로 결심한 '필립'은 홀로 끔찍한 슈티로 향하는데… 일상에 지친 당신, ‘슈티’에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 마침내 슈티에 도착한 '필립' 생각보다 화창한 날씨와 낮술을 즐기는 여유로운 사람들, 유쾌하고 따뜻한 마을 분위기와 독특하지만 정감있는 방언까지... '필립'은 처음의 날 선 자세가 무색하게 슈티 생활에 재미를 느끼기 시작한다. 이제 남은 일은 슈티에 대한 아내의 오해를 풀어주는 것인데... 지금! 낮술처럼 유쾌한 행복이 시작된다! '슈티(Ch'tis)'란? 프랑스 북부 지역과 그 곳에 사는 사람들, 그들이 사용하는 사투리 등을 통칭하는 단어이다. 특히 이 지역의 언어는 '슈티 프랑스어(Ch'tis-French)' 사전이 존재할 정도로 프랑스 표준어와 많은 차이가 있다.
그들 각자의 영화관
Claude Lelouch's father (segment "Cinéma de boulevard")
칸영화제 60주년을 기념하여 조직위원장 질 자콥이 직접 제작과 편집을 맡고, ‘영화관(館)’ 하면 떠오르는 느낌을 주제로 역대 황금종려상 수상 감독 35명이 3분짜리 스케치 33편을 찍어 완성된 영화. 거장들의 개성 넘치는 작품 속에 그들만의 영화관(觀)이 엿보인다.
Crossed Tracks
le commissaire
The successful novelist Judith Ralitzer is interrogated in the police station about the disappearance of her ghost-writer. A serial-killer escapes from a prison in Paris. A missing school teacher leaves his wife and children. In the road, the annoying and stressed hairdresser Hughette is left in a gas station by her fiancé Paul while driving to the poor farm of her family in the country. A mysterious man offers a ride to her and she invites him to assume the identity of Paul during 24 hours to not disappoint her mother. Who might be the unknown man and what is real and what is fiction?
잠수종과 나비
최고의 권위를 자랑하는 세계적인 프랑스 패션전문지 엘르의 최고 편집장인 쟝 도미니크 보비. 잘나가던 그는 어느 날 갑자기 뇌졸중으로 쓰러진다. 그리고 20일 후, 의식을 찾은 쟝은 오로지 왼쪽 눈꺼풀만으로 의사소통을 하게 된다. 좌절의 순간에서도 쟝은 희망을 가지며 자신의 상상력에 의존한 삶을 살아가기 시작한다. 눈을 깜빡이는 횟수로 스펠링을 설명하여 자신의 일과 사랑, 그리고 인생에 대한 이야기들을 상상하며 담담하게 책으로 써내려 간다. 쟝은 자신의 책 속에서 영원히 갇혀버린 잠수종을 벗어나 자유로이 날아다니는 한 마리 나비로써 또 한번의 화려한 비상을 꿈꾼다.
That Day
Inspecteur Haddid
Jacob Berger’s film shows a day in the life of a family. People meet and leave, and wonder, will they find themselves again? At daybreak, Serge believes he has committed a crime. Pietra realises that she has been betrayed around midday. At one o’clock 8-year-old Vlad feels lovesick for the first time. The day is spent observing, looking, avoiding and meeting each other. One day, three different perspectives: the same evening twilight, the same loneliness. And there is always the stranger who crosses their path. How will Serge, Pietra and Vlad find each other?
위대한 탄생
Girl's Father
기원이 시작될 무렵, 헤롯왕의 가혹한 독재정치는 점점 그 힘을 더해가고 핍박에서 하루빨리 벗어나고 싶은 유대에는 그들을 구원해줄 메시아의 탄생을 예언하는 자들이 늘어만 간다. 한편, 가난한 마리아의 아버지는 마리아를 목수 청년 요셉과 결혼시키기로 한다. 처녀 마리아는 갑작스런 결혼 이야기가 혼란스럽기만 하다. 그러던 어느 날, 올리브나무 아래에서 쉬고 있던 마리아에게 천사 가브리엘이 찾아온다. 가브리엘은 그녀에게 하나님에 의해 선택 받은 자라 칭하며, 네가 아들을 낳을 것이니 그의 이름을 예수라 하고 그가 세상을 구할 것이라고 예언한다. 예수 탄생의 예언을 접한 마리아는 요셉과 함께 베들레헴으로의 기나긴 여정을 시작하게 되는데...
A House of Your Dreams
Mouloud Mami
On a mission to loosen up, a miser's sets about buying a house in the country for his family.
Vive la vie
A businessman gets depressed when his wife leaves him and he learns that his IQ is very low. A friend, a clown in hospitals, wants to cheer him up.
A lifelong fan of Charles Aznavour, a drifting 50-year-old man one day sets out to meet his idol.
The Demon Stirs
Anne Cestac accepts the obvious: her husband Julien, in his forties, has fallen madly in love with another woman. Annoyed, Anne sets out to find potential lovers.
사랑은 타이밍!
M. Boubaker
소설가가 되기 위해 번듯한 직장을 박차고 나온 자비에! 하지만, 그의 소설을 받아주는 출판사는 한군데도 없다. 집세를 위해 잠시라고 굳게 다짐한 에로영화 대본만 벌써 3년째다. 30대가 되면 뭔가 심오한 인생의 문제를 거창하게 고민하며 폼나게 살 줄 알았건만 고민 중 팔할은 여전히 여자문제다. 지겨운 일상의 반복이던 ‘자비에’ 인생에 봄이 온 걸까? 슈퍼모델 ‘셀리아’의 자서전 대필 청탁 이후 ‘셀리아’는 물론 백화점에서 만난 매력녀 ‘알리샤’ 그리고 예전의 룸메이트 ‘웬디’까지… 멋진 여자들과의 미끈한 연애가 술술 풀려나간다. 특히, ‘웬디’의 재발견은 놀랍기만 하다. 소심녀였던 ‘웬디’가 이렇게 멋지게 돌아오다니… 강같이 넘치는 연애를 위해 부지런히 런던과 파리 쌍트 페테르부르크를 오가는 ‘자비에’. 언제쯤 꼭 맞는 그녀를 찾을 수 있을까?
La vie de chantier
Pedro Pinto
Charles Boulin decides to sell his small apartment on Avenue Foch to purchase a little hotel in the western suburbs of Paris. But the hotel happens to be a decaying house in Argenteuil. He wanted to surprise his wife and daughter, but it soon turns into a nightmare when they learn they have move into this shack, during the work, along with unscrupulous workers ...
A small crook manages to crash at a musician's apartment and turns his life upside down.
Tar Angel
Ahmed Kasmi
Newly-arrived Ahmed tries to integrate his family to the canadian society, while attempting to control his son's life orientation.
Not For, or Against (Quite the Contrary)
"Ni Pour, Ni Contre" tracks the fall of a young TV camerawoman, Caty, after she becomes involved with a group of petty criminals and their enigmatic leader, Jean. The gang lives hand-to-mouth until the day Jean plans a daring bank robbery. Although other gang members feel out of their league, Jean persuades them to take part and Caty finds herself in a hellish world of betrayal, violence and murder.
The Legend of Princess Parva
Gangster (voice)
The island of Kiam was once a paradise place with a kind Maharaja as a ruler. But one day the villainous Malaw killed the island’s ruler and deprived the Crown Prince Shiva of the throne. The insidious Malaw had the prince locked up in a dungeon in the palace’s underground labyrinth, and he announced to the Kiam residents that he would kill Shiva if they only tried to rebel. Then the Old Sage Swami, aided by programmer Agni, came into contact with the Light of Crystal. That’s what he called a girl named Parva, who embodied radiant innocence and was born of the same astral combination as Prince Shiva. Only she and her love could save the prince and bring peace back to the island of Kiam.
Concours de circonstance
Le grand frère
Short movie
If I Were a Rich Man
Monsieur Benhassine
Between Alice, a hospital nurse and Aldo, a shampoo sales representative, things have turned sour of late. Alice blames her husband for lacking ambition and contemplates divorce.One day Aldo wins the ten million euro lotto prize. But, unwilling to share the bonanza, he keeps mum about it, all the more as he finds out Alice has an affair with Gérard, Aldo's former friend and ... new boss. However, Aldo, leading a double life, starts spending his money ...
Ma caméra et moi
Max has two obsessions: filming God and the girls. His first camera, he drowns him at the age of six while trying to film a friend's "dick". The second, he steals it from a Japanese tourist couple. For the third, he seduces the saleswoman who ends up agreeing to undress. Until one day, understanding that the blind are decidedly more gifted than the sighted, she decides to cheat on him ...
스페니쉬 아파트먼트
25세의 건장한 프랑스 청년 '자비에'는 학교를 졸업하고 작가를 지망하지만, 아버지의 친구분으로부터 스페인어와 경제학석사를 따야 어딜가나 꿀리지않는다는 충고를 듣는다. 이에 따라 유럽교환학생 프로그램인 '에라스무스'를 통해 스페인에서 1년간 공부하기로 결심한다. 홀어머니와 사랑하는 애인을 두고 떠나는 것이 마음에 걸리긴 하지만, 장래를 위해 꿋꿋이 바르셀로나로 향한다. 어렵사리 숙소를 구한 자비에는 영국, 독일, 스페인, 이탈리아, 벨기에, 덴마크에서 온 혈기 왕성한 학생들과 룸메이트로 왁자지껄하게 지내게 된다. 문화적, 언어적으로 극명하게 드러나는 제 각각의 라이프스타일이 충돌하면서 웃지 못할 헤프닝은 벌어지고... 그래도 서로를 위해주는 마음이 조금씩 싹터간다. 스페인 생활에 적응하려다 보니 프랑스에 있는 여자친구와는 연락을 자주 못해 점점 관계가 소원해진다. 눈에서 멀어지면 마음에서도 멀어진다고 했던가.. 참다 못한 여자친구가 스페인까지 찾아와 잠시 해후했지만 서먹하기만 하다. 반면 공항에서 만났던 유부녀 안네소피와 가까워지면서 그녀에 대한 성적 환상에 사로잡히는데...고맙게도 레즈비언 친구 이사벨이 섹스과외(-여자를 뻑가게 하는 비법)를 해주어 안네소피와 거침없는 사랑을 나눌 수 있게 되는데.
아스테릭스 2 - 미션 클레오파트라
모든 지역이 로마에 지배받았던 이 시기에, 막강 로마군도 손댈 수 없는 한지역이 있었다. 그곳은 아스테릭스(크리스티앙 클라비에)와 오벨릭스(제라르 드 파르디유)가 살고 있는 골족 마을.힘이 세지는 마법이 물약 제조자 파노라믹스(클로드 리치)와 알고 지내던 누메로비스는 마법의 물약을 청하러 눈내리는 골족 마을로 온다. 마법의 물약을 노동자들에게 먹여 한사람이 열사람의 힘을 내게끔 하려는 계획. 여기에 골족의 영웅 아스테릭스와 오벨릭스, 이데픽스, 파노라믹스가 그들을 도와 이집트의 기적을 만들기 위해 이집트의 뜨거운 햇볕 아래로 여행을 시작한다. 적은 항상 가까운 곳에 있다! 누메로비스를 향한 질투에 사로잡힌 클레오파트라의 공식 건축가 사악한 아몬보피스(제자르 다르몽)와 3개월 안에 정말로 초호화 궁전이 지어질 경우 이집트 민족이 가장 위대한 민족임을 공개적으로 인정해야하는 시저.두 사람의 자존심을 해치는 이 불행한 사건이 일어나지 못하도록 아스테릭스 일행을 피라미드에 가두고, 석포를 이용하여 지어놓은 궁전을 부시는 등 교활할 계책과 강력한 군대로 점점 그들을 궁지로 몰아넣어 가는데….
Teacher in a Bikini
Alain, l'employé municipal
Old buddies Eric, Jean and Karim have never really grown up. Spending their listless days and nights in the same Lyon suburb where they were raised, the men are always looking for distractions. So when Jean steals a television camera one afternoon, the trio decide to head into the city in the hopes of pawning it. But their funny idea of an adventure turns out to be a ticket into trouble.
Inch'Allah dimanche
The story of an immigrant woman struggling against old world traditions. Zouina leaves her homeland with her three children to join her husband in France, where he's been living for the past ten years. In a land and culture foreign to her, Zouina struggles against her mother-in-law's tyrannical hand and her husband's distrustful bitterness in an attempt to adjust to her life in exile.
J'ai tué Clémence Acéra
A man's wife has disappeared; her diary gives the police detailed account of their sexual life.
Fortune Tellers and Misfortune
Chantel is happy: her son's away at school playing soccer, she and her husband get along, her neighbor Agnès is her best friend, and her job at a government office is easy. When her husband is laid off and she wonders for how long, her office pal Jackie recommends Alban, a psychic (and compulsive gambler), who promptly tells Chantel of a curse on her that will take three sessions (and 10,000 FF) to dispel. Through happenstance, she meets Alban's half-brother; thinking she is following the psychic predictions, she tries to start an affair with him. She also undergoes Alban's exorcism, and soon, terrible things indeed start to happen. Is there any way out of her misery?
A mother living in the French countryside bicycles into town to buy a baguette for her family, and makes a dramatic discovery.
Karim Coutard
Claire is a young woman who leads a somewhat formatted life. Pierre is an improviser, but not an actor. Brief encounter, brief romance, doomed or not, who can say? When things like that happen, you act on the spur of the moment.
Ligne 208
Bruno, a bus driver, lives in a problem estate. One day, a group of young people stab him. Since this moment, Bruno spends his time in a meeting point of extreme right-wing people. His only goal is to find the youngs who did that to him, even if he looses everything.
Deuxième quinzaine de juillet
Felix lives with Monique, an authoritarian woman. He decides his wife to exchange their Blois pavilion for what seems to be paradise: a villa in the south of the Drome. Unfortunately the house stands in the middle of a campsite.
Nicolas Lanson, a young stockbroker, lives a fast life of money and luxury until the day his high-risk initiatives cause the fall of the bank. He flees with a price on his head. On the run, Nicolas meets Charlotte, pregnant for a man who doesn't want her. Although Nicolas isn't her type, Charlotte seduces him once she discovers his identity. Little does Nicolas know, Charlotte is not leading them to see her brother, but an older lover who just happens to be a cop.
The Apple, the Fig and the Almond
The man
A man and a woman whose first names will never be known and who should never meet. He is an immigrant, worker of the vine, she is a fleeing bourgeois who thinks she has committed an irreparable mistake.
Génération cutter
Short movie
Arthur is invited to a New Year's Eve party to celebrate the year 2000. His girlfriend Lucie would like a baby from him but he refuses. Through the ceiling of the toilets, he discovers a passage leading to this futurist Paris. There, he meets an old man Ako who affirms he is his son and that he wants to exist. Otherwise he will vanish into the air. Arthur is still hesitant because his life is an unfulfilled one: a has a little lucrative job, is uncertain about his future and things are getting out of hand when Ako discovers the passage and interferes in the party.
Influence Peddling
Maxime and Gerard are a couple of white-collar criminals condemned to 5 years in prison. Sandrine Athan, an honest and principled young police officer, is assigned the banal task of escorting them to the nearest prison in Melun. Things get complicated when killers try to knock them off. Meanwhile, they must contend with strikes which have paralyzed the country and make travelling a nightmare. Added to this mess are the prisoners' many botch escape attempts. All these complications turn a simple transfer into a hellish adventure.
Ivre-Mort pour la Patrie
Le coiffeur
Professor Choron recounts with his memories as a child of a barrier guard, the 2nd World War with its horrors and the trains he saw during those years leaving for Germany or coming from there, full of French or German soldiers, in conquest or in rout according to the period
Lila Lili
Micheline, who is pregnant, lives in a home for women from which she tries to observe the world with calm and serenity. Among other women of the home who are also pregnant the frequently asked question is whether they will keep their baby or not.
Let There Be Light!
Dieu l'éboueur
God comes to Earth in order to make a film.
형사에겐 디저트가 없다
Prince Hakim
호화 맨션에 추리소설 작가라는 독창적인 직업의 끌레 도스테에겐 사랑스런 여동생과 그녀를 사랑하는 많은 남자들이 있다. 그녀는 누가 봐도 이 보다 더 행복할 수 없을 것 같아 보인다. 이제 곧 생일을 맞는 매력적인 끌레는 지금이 가정을 이룰 시기라고 생각한다. 그녀는 남편이자, 아이 아버지, 반려자이자 연인이 되어 줄 딱 한 명의 남자를 선택해야 한다. 그녀는 여동생의 충고에 따라 그 해답을 찾기 위해 사랑하는 네 남자를 생일 만찬에 동시 초대한다. 그리고 이제 이 밤이 가기 전 결정을 내려야 한다. 악몽으로 변한 만참의 밤이 이상야릇한 만찬이 드디어 시작되었다. 샤샤, 하킴, 찰스, 위치. 네 명의 남자가 결코 다시는 디저트를 맛볼 수 없게 된 마지막 파티가 시작된 것이다. 그것은 마치 바지 지퍼를 올리지 않은 것 같은 사소한 실수로 시작되었다. 그러나 나이프가 심장에 꽂히고, 깨진 유리조각이 날아 다니고 스케이트 날이 머리를 가르는 등 만찬은 순식간에 악몽으로 변해 버리는데...
Le Jour de Noël
Twenty-four hours in the life of a young musician, Noël Akchoté, in his dealings with improvisation, technique, money, concerts, studios, guitars, history, independents, majors. Between fiction and documentary, between laughter and seriousness, a "jazz" portrait.
Je ne vois pas ce qu'on me trouve
24 hours in a man's life who became famous. He returns in his childhood's city after 30 years of absence
Gentlemen Children
To punish three troublemakers, Albert Castraing, their French teacher, gives them an essay to do, in which they must imagine what their lives would be if they were suddenly transformed into adults. The next morning, the three twelve-year-old boys realize to their amazement that...they HAVE BEEN transformed into adults! As for they parents they have become...KIDS! It is the beginning of a series of mishaps for Joseph, a Jew, Igor, a catholic and Nourdine, an Arab...
A quartet of Parisians embark upon a guided hike in Corsica and end up working through the sometimes comical chaos of their individual lives while becoming lost and contending with such obstacles as bad weather and aching bodies. Both of the female hikers are seeking love, though one of them is involved with their married guide and tries to push him into getting a divorce. The other, a former actress, simply wants the perfect mate. Neither of the two male hikers, one who is involved with an Australian and the other is in love with making money, qualify for her affections.
Camel Mimouni
Jean-Pierre Costa is a football manager upon whom fate appears not to be smiling. First, a friend, Annabelle, dumps a pet Labrador named Didier on him whilst she goes off to make a report in Los Angeles. Next, one of his star players is injured, leaving him one player short for a crucial match. As if things could not get any worse, Costa wakes up one morning to find that that Didier has been transformed into a man...
I Am Your Punishment
Pursuer #2
An avid moviegoer sees several films depicting grisly murderers and decides to commit a crime himself, only to discover that there's quite a difference between fantasy and reality.
Gas station attendant
After fatally shooting a stalker, Parisian bar-maid Lea must live the life of the title reptile. At the time of the killing she was living with Francis, a much older American ex-con. After committing the murder, the fleeing and frightened Lea is saved by Paris paper boys Jean and Luc. Later she tells her sad story to hard-drinking Moskowitz, a middle-aged cop who secretly desires her. His unrequited love leads to tragedy. Meanwhile, Lea continues living with Francis, but also shacks up with Luc while trying to avoid the jealous cop.
Family Resemblances
An upper middle-class French family celebrates a birthday in a restaurant. In one evening and during one meal, family history, tensions, collective and separate grudges, delights, and memories both clash and coalesce.
The Rock of Acapulco
Sandrine dreams of becoming a singer in Paris but for the time being she is only a salesgirl at Tati's and lives in a second rate hotel under the careful eye of Ahmed, the night watchman. One day, she meets Gérald, her brother's former boyfriend, who persuades her to move into his apartment. He soon takes control over Sandrine's life, organizing erotic rendezvous for her, taking her to her clients and waiting for her until she is through with her task.
각자의 고양이를 찾아서
When Chloe, a young Parisian, decides to take a long-overdue vacation, she has to find someone to look after Gris-Gris, her beloved cat. Everyone, including her gay male roommate, refuses to help her, but she finally makes an arrangement with the elderly Madame Renée, who often watches over other peoples' cats and dogs. However, when Chloe comes back, Madame Renée tells her that unfortunately the cat has been lost, and the unlucky owner goes on a search for her dear animal friend. While looking for the cat, she meets many colorful characters who populate the neighborhood.
L'échappée belle
An aviation magnate takes desperate measures to regain custody of his kids after he is granted minimal visitation rights by a harsh female judge. It's true that Manu Barnes is free-spirited and for much of his twelve year marriage to Mathilde that he has been too centered on his career, but he does love his kids and believes he should see them more often than one weekend a month. The judge called him irresponsible and he decides to disprove her words by kidnapping Chloe, the judge's strong-willed adolescent daughter. He takes the girl to a remote, snow-bound mountain cabin. Unfortunately, she thinks Manu is sexually attracted to her. A disaster nearly occurs there, but Chloe manages to get back to Paris. Though he knows a private detective is trailing him, the determined Manu decides to abduct his kids and take them out of the country.
Les Apprentis
Black comedy about two best friends, one a budding playwright and the other a motorbike freak, who spend their time annoying their girlfriends and getting into various scrapes. Things turn nasty, however, when the pair are caught burgling the offices of a karate magazine, the consequences of which sends the playwright into a spiraling bout of depression.
Paris Plainclothes Police Officer #1
경찰의 심문을 받던 16세 아랍소년, 압델 이샤하는 혼수상태다. 시가전이 벌어진 지역에는 경찰의 계엄령이 선포되고, 성난 젊은이들은 위험한 긴장 속에서 경찰과 대치 중이다. 더 이상 살아 숨쉴 여지도 가지지 못한 젊은이들과 총과 헬멧으로 무장한 경찰 사이의 '증오'는 더욱 커져만 간다. 유태계 프랑스인 빈츠, 아랍계 소년 사이드, 흑인 위베르. 그들은 2000년이 될 때까지 살아남는 것이 절대과제인 거리의 단짝 친구들이다. 이들은 경찰과의 격렬한 전투가 있던 다음날, 여느때처럼 모여 할 일없이 거리를 쏘다닌다.
위험한 청춘
a hippy
Ten years after their Upper Sixth, Bruno, Momo, Leon and Alain meet together in the waiting room of a maternity hospital. The father of the awaited baby is Tomasi, their best friend at that time, who died one month before due to an overdose. They remember their teenage, their laughs, their dreams, their stupid pranks... a description of the French youth in the middle of the seventies. Part of ARTE's series "The high school years".
Daisy and Mona
The difficult reunion between a tough young mother and her neglected daughter provide impetus this gritty, but upbeat French drama. Daisy, a typical young woman of the X-generation, seems to have no ambition in her life; she lives for the moment and the moment is often self-destructive. Abused as a child, she affects toughness and bravado to disguise her inner fears. Mona, Daisy's seven-year old daughter, is the result of the sexual abuse Daisy suffered while she was a child. Mona was raised by her father, but after he went to prison and his girlfriend rejected her, Mona must return to her mother. The reunion is not joyful and the two must lower plenty of mutual barriers if they are to bond. When Mona's lover Sami is arrested for a shooting, Daisy and Mona go on the lam. To survive they become con-artists and petty thieves. Just as things start to improve, finds out that her new boss has been having her deliver kiddie-porn.
Normal People Are Nothing Exceptional
Man in Front of Vidal's Hospital
Martine is 25. Since breaking up with François, she has the feeling that the world is caving in on her. Between small jobs and one-night stands, she can't seem to get a fix on herself. In desperation, after a last quarrel with François, she unintentionally causes an accident that leads her to the emergency ward of a psychiatric hospital. During her brief stay, she unexpectedly sparks into life. She takes an interest in two young patients, Pierre and Anne, convinced that she is doing the right thing in supervising their love life...
A Soul Split in Two
Store security guard Pietro spends his days catching shoplifters, his weekends visiting his children who are in custody of his ex-wife, and his nights thinking about new ways to flirt with the store's makeup consultant. His malaise psychosomatically manifests itself in nosebleeds, outbursts of anger, visions, etc. One day, he sees a young Gypsy girl steal something from the store and lets it slide: he can't explain why, but she caught his eye. Pietro and Pabe – that's her name – warily start to hang out, knowing each other more and more, until something begins to blossom in them. Could their shared dream for a new, more compassionate life finally be at their fingertips?
Little Nothings
Lepetit, an ambitious and determined man, is named the new CEO of a department store. His mission is to improve the store's financial position. He decides that the human factor will be his catchword and introduces new methods, which he also applied to himself. But tensions slowly arise between members of the staff.
한나 K
Villiage Sergeant
Israeli attorney Hanna Kaufman has her beliefs challenged when she is appointed to the defense of Selim Bakri. Kaufman, who was born in the United States to survivors of the Holocaust, has always accepted Israel's right to exist. But she bears witness to some of the costs of its sovereignty when she meets Bakri, a dispossessed Palestinian man facing serious criminal charges who wants the same thing as his supposed enemies: to reclaim his family home.
La grande Ourse