Halina Dobrowolska

출생 : 1929-08-18, Kraków, Malopolskie, Poland

사망 : 2016-04-23

참여 작품

The Supplement
Production Design
An examination of the relationship between an indecisive medical student and his fiancee.
Weekend Stories: The Hidden Treasure
Art Direction
Rose, an older woman living in Paris was born in Poland as a daughter of an aristocratic family. Her family house is now an impoverished home for the elderly.
Life as a Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease
Production Design
The story of a doctor named Tomasz who questions his beliefs, faith and morality as his end is near, so he makes all efforts to find dignity in his imminent death.
Weekend Stories: Unwritten Law
Production Design
A handsome young chauffeur hired by a powerful and charismatic businesswoman discovers he has been made an unwitting party to fraud, but his moral outrage is complicated: the married man allowed himself to be seduced by the woman, who threatens to tell the man's wife.
Weekend Stories: Unwritten Law
Set Decoration
A handsome young chauffeur hired by a powerful and charismatic businesswoman discovers he has been made an unwitting party to fraud, but his moral outrage is complicated: the married man allowed himself to be seduced by the woman, who threatens to tell the man's wife.
Weekend Stories: Dilatory Line
Set Decoration
A young TV producer struggles with his conscience when he becomes convinced that his TV program is covering up a lie, but the more he tries to reveal the truth the more uncertainty he discovers.
Weekend Stories: Dilatory Line
Production Design
A young TV producer struggles with his conscience when he becomes convinced that his TV program is covering up a lie, but the more he tries to reveal the truth the more uncertainty he discovers.
Weekend Stories: The Last Circle
Art Direction
An aging ballet legend who defected to France years before returns home to Poland for the first time to appear in a charity performance, and he immediately clashes with his ex-wife, who stayed behind when he defected.
Weekend Stories: Deceptive Charm
Set Decoration
An idealistic scientist is encouraged by his wife to use his good looks to get ahead, but his new job carries with it temptations and traps.
Weekend Stories: Deceptive Charm
Production Design
An idealistic scientist is encouraged by his wife to use his good looks to get ahead, but his new job carries with it temptations and traps.
Weekend Stories: The Soul Sings
Production Design
A classical singer who put his career on hold to raise a family gets a big break when a major company hires him for a televised New Year's Eve concert, but his shot at fame is threatened when, against his better judgment, he goes out on a rainy night and gets a cold.
Weekend Stories: The Soul Sings
Set Decoration
A classical singer who put his career on hold to raise a family gets a big break when a major company hires him for a televised New Year's Eve concert, but his shot at fame is threatened when, against his better judgment, he goes out on a rainy night and gets a cold.
Weekend Stories: Little Faith
Set Decoration
A rational young man and his devoutly Catholic wife believe their sickly son may have leukemia. As they await further tests over a weekend they both struggle with a crisis of faith in both science and Catholicism.
Weekend Stories: Little Faith
Production Design
A rational young man and his devoutly Catholic wife believe their sickly son may have leukemia. As they await further tests over a weekend they both struggle with a crisis of faith in both science and Catholicism.
At Full Gallop
Production Design
Zanussi has described the film as his most autobiographical work. A young boy in post-World War II, Communist-dominated Poland, whose father's decision to remain in Britain after the war has made his family politically-suspect with the local Party authorities, is sent by his mother to stay with an "aunt" (in reality an old family friend) in Warsaw.
Weekend Stories: A Woman's Business
Set Decoration
A woman whose passport was denied under the previous Communist regime by a vindictive party secretary is given a chance to confront the woman and take revenge.
Weekend Stories: A Woman's Business
Production Design
A woman whose passport was denied under the previous Communist regime by a vindictive party secretary is given a chance to confront the woman and take revenge.
세 가지 색: 화이트
Production Design
폴란드 남자미용사인 카롤은 아내 도미니크한테 이혼을 당한다. 이혼 사유는 성적 욕구 불만. 모든 것을 잃게 된 카롤은 조국 폴란드로 돌아간다. 공산주의가 붕괴되고 자본주의화 되어가던 그곳에서 카롤은 도미니크와의 재결합을 위해 돈벌이에 혈안이 된다. 웬만큼 돈벌이에 성공한 카롤은 모든 것을 도미니크에게 양도한다는 유언장과 함께 거짓으로 죽는다. 연민과 속죄의 눈물을 감추며 장례식에 참석한 도미니크는 지친 몸으로 호텔에 돌아온 그는 침실에서 기다리던 카롤을 발견하고 깜짝 놀라는데...
십계 10편 : 네 이웃을 소유를 탐내지 말라
Production Design
예르지와 아르투르 형제는 아버지가 돌아가신 후 우표 컬렉션을 유산으로 받는다. 이후 이 우표들이 기대 이상의 가치를 가진 물건이란 사실을 알게 된 형제는 무리를 해서라도 컬렉션을 마저 완성시키려 한다.
십계 9편 : 네 이웃의 아내를 탐내지 말라
Set Designer
성공한 의사인 로만은 아내와 평범한 생활을 보내고 있지만 예상 못한 성기능 장애 문제를 겪는다. 아내는 괜찮다고 하지만 로만은 이때부터 아내가 젊은 남자와 바람을 피우는 건 아닌지 의심하기 시작한다.
십계 8편 : 거짓 증언하지 말라
Set Designer
조피아는 바르샤바 대학에서 윤리를 강의하는 교수다. 어느 날, 조피아가 진행하는 세미나에 한 여인이 참여해 2차대전 당시 수용소에 관한 이야기를 꺼낸다. 두 사람은 과거에 관한 서로 다른 이야기를 꺼내며 의견 충돌을 빚는다.
십계 6편 : 간음하지 말라
Set Designer
우체국에서 일하는 토멕은 같은 동네에 살고 있는 연상의 여인 막다에게 사랑을 느낀다. 막다를 몰래 지켜보던 토멕은 자신의 마음을 고백하기로 하지만, 이는 예상 못한 결과를 불러 온다.
십계 5편 : 살인하지 말라
Set Designer
어두운 내면을 가진 청년 야첵은 도시를 헤매다가 별 이유 없이 택시 운전사를 잔인하게 살해한다. 이후 사형을 선고받은 야첵은 변호사 표트르와 함께 재판정에 선다.
십계 4편 : 부모를 공경하라
Set Designer
대학생 앙카는 아버지 미할이 숨겨두었던 돌아가신 어머니의 편지를 발견한다. 이 편지를 읽은 앙카는 미할이 자신의 친아버지가 아니란 사실을 뒤늦게 알게 된다. 앙카는 이 문제를 두고 미할과 길고 진지한 대화를 나눈다.
십계 3편 : 안식일을 지키라
Set Designer
택시 기사인 자누시는 크리스마스 이브를 맞아 가족들과 함께 성탄 예배를 드리러 간다. 그런데 자누시는 예배당에서 몇 년 전 바람을 피웠던 상대인 에바를 만나고, 자누시에게 어떤 부탁을 한다.
십계 2편 : 하느님의 이름을 망령되이 일컫지 말라
Set Designer
외롭게 살고 있는 노년의 의사에게 이웃집의 도로타가 찾아온다. 도로타는 현재 병원에서 투병 중인 자신의 남편이 살아날 가능성이 얼마나 되는지 물어본다. 신중한 의사가 확답을 주저하자 도로타는 자신의 사연을 솔직히 털어놓는다.
사랑에 관한 짧은 필름
Production Design
수줍음 많은 우체국 직원인 도메크는 맞은편 아파트에 사는 연상의 독신녀 마그다를 망원경으로 몰래 훔쳐보며 사랑을 느낀다. 마그다를 진심으로 사랑하게 된 도메크는 그녀의 아파트에 우유를 배달하고, 가짜 송금표를 만들어 그녀를 우체국으로 오게 하고, 마그다의 편지를 몰래 훔치고, 마그다가 사랑을 나눌 때 가스 고장 신고를 하는 등, 항상 그녀의 곁을 맴돈다. 그러던 어느 날 자신이 보낸 통지서를 가지고 송금을 받으로 온 마그다가 오히려 송금을 조작했다는 누명을 뒤집어쓰고 우체국을 나서는 것을 보게 되는데...
살인에 관한 짧은 필름
Art Direction
바르샤바 특유의 회색빛 거리를 배회하며 방황하는 고독한 시골 청년 야체크는 자신의 최후의 무대를 연출할 사람을 찾아 나선다. 드디어 청년은 택시를 타고 도시의 외곽을 달린다. 그리고 이유없는 살인이 벌어지고 그는 곧 체포되어 재판에 회부된다. 한편 변호사 피토르는 변호사 시험에 합격한 후 첫 업무로 야체크를 위해 사형 폐지론을 주장하며 변론을 편다.
살인에 관한 짧은 필름
Production Design
바르샤바 특유의 회색빛 거리를 배회하며 방황하는 고독한 시골 청년 야체크는 자신의 최후의 무대를 연출할 사람을 찾아 나선다. 드디어 청년은 택시를 타고 도시의 외곽을 달린다. 그리고 이유없는 살인이 벌어지고 그는 곧 체포되어 재판에 회부된다. 한편 변호사 피토르는 변호사 시험에 합격한 후 첫 업무로 야체크를 위해 사형 폐지론을 주장하며 변론을 편다.
Ga-ga: Glory to the Heroes
Production Design
In the 21st century, prisoners aboard penitentiary space ships explore unknown worlds. Scope, one of the prisoners is sent on a planet though to be lifeless, until he found "Humans" on it.
Woman in a Hat
Production Design
A psychological portrait of Ewa, a young Polish theatre actress searching for her own way in life. She plays a minor role in Jasieński's 'The Ball of Mannequins', a complete opposite of her real personality, while aspires to star as Cordelia in Shakespeare's 'King Lear'. Ewa lives on her own, occasionally visiting a famous old actress to talk about theatre, taking care of a poor neighbor, and fights her sophisticated mother rejecting the truth about her beloved father, who died an alcoholic.
Teddy Bear
Production Design
The main character, nicknamed "Teddy Bear" by his friends and acquaintances, is a manager of a sports club in Poland. One day he is detained at the border just as his sport team is off to a tournament. It appears that somebody has torn out a few pages from his passport. It occurs to him that perhaps his ex-wife has done it in order to get her hands on their joint account in a London bank. Therefore, he has to get to London as soon as possible in order to transfer the money to a different bank. The solution is taking part in a movie, made by his friend. The script requires a double role, thus the search for another actor is announced. The double has to apply for the passport, and that is solved through a girlfriend who agrees to play the dope's new fiancée. At the engagement party he is slipped a drug, and Teddy Bear runs off to the airport with the false passport. On the plane, however, he meets his ex-wife...
Wiktoryna, czyli czy pan pochodzi z Beauvais?
Production Design
I Hate Mondays
Production Design
An acute case of Mondayitis in Warsaw. Interwoven stories of a few inhabitants of Warsaw, including one very unlucky Italian on a governmental mission and a charitable Polish American.
Facing the Truth
Production Design
Polish drama from 1970 directed by Bohdan Poreba.
Album polski
Production Design
University student Anna and her boyfriend Tomek use a precious photograph to trace and unveil the complex wartime and post-war past of their parents.
Production Design
Co jest w człowieku w środku
Art Direction
Movie from 1969.
Production Design
A potter putting up a fireplace tells a story of a man, who decided to build a house at an infamous fire site.
Mistrz tańca
Production Design
Polish short horror film made in 1968 by Jerzy Gruza upon the story of Jozef Korzeniowski as a part of the TV anthology "Opowiesci Niezwykle" (Incredible Stories). We have 20th century. Mysterious person - Jozef - comes to the apartment of a writer. The mysterious person takes the writer back in the 19th century, where they meet The Death.
Korn's Password
Production Design
No More Divorces
Production Design
Three short segments about love.
선로 위의 사람
Costume Design
승객들을 태운 기차가 한밤중에 빠르게 달리고 있다. 그런데 선로 위에 한 남자가 서 있는 걸 발견하고 급하게 멈추려 하지만 결국 남자는 열차에 치어 사망하고 만다. 이 사고를 조사하던 관료들은 죽은 남자가 열차 운행을 고의로 방해하려 했다고 의심한다. 과연 이 사건 뒤에 숨은 진실은 무엇일까? 남자는 정말 사보타주를 계획했던 것일까?