
Les artisans de la voix : Les coulisses du doublage français

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Mario-Alberto Sautré


How do you define dubbing? What characterizes this field? These actors with golden voices have marked several generations of audiences, in movies, on TV, and even on the Internet. 10 of them have generously accepted to talk about their job as actors specialized in dubbing, their experiences, but also their different points of view.


Sylvain Caruso
Sylvain Caruso
Benoît Allemane
Benoît Allemane
Damien Boisseau
Damien Boisseau
Lou Howard-Levy
Lou Howard-Levy
Adrien Larmande
Adrien Larmande
Dominique Vallée
Dominique Vallée
Donald Reignoux
Donald Reignoux
William Coryn
William Coryn
Nicolas Marié
Nicolas Marié
Brigitte Lecordier
Brigitte Lecordier


Léo Jan
Léo Jan
Guillaume Pena
Guillaume Pena
Mario-Alberto Sautré
Mario-Alberto Sautré
Mario-Alberto Sautré
Mario-Alberto Sautré

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