
The Ploughman's Lunch (1983)

An age of deceit... A man of our times

장르 : 드라마

상영시간 : 1시간 47분

연출 : Richard Eyre


As England begins its military engagement in the Falklands, a BBC news journalist attempts to climb up from his working-class roots, at any cost, lying to those around him to get what he wants, only to discover that he is the recipient of a deception far more clever than his own.


Jonathan Pryce
Jonathan Pryce
James Penfield
Tim Curry
Tim Curry
Jeremy Hancock
Rosemary Harris
Rosemary Harris
Ann Barrington
Frank Finlay
Frank Finlay
Matthew Fox
Charlie Dore
Charlie Dore
Susan Barrington
David de Keyser
David de Keyser
Bill Paterson
Bill Paterson
Orlando Wells
Orlando Wells
Tom Fox
Nat Jackley
Nat Jackley
Mr Penfield
Pearl Hackney
Pearl Hackney
Mrs Penfield
Peter Walmsley
Peter Walmsley
Bob Tuckett
Robert Cartland
Robert Cartland
Christopher Fulford
Christopher Fulford
Young Journalist
David Lyon
David Lyon
Simon Stokes
Simon Stokes
Witold Schejbal
Witold Schejbal
William Maxwell
William Maxwell
Andy Rashleigh
Andy Rashleigh
Polly Abbott
Polly Abbott
Gold's Assistant
Anna Wing
Anna Wing
Woman at Poetry Reading
Ken Drury
Ken Drury
Young Man at Poetry Reading
Richard Cottan
Richard Cottan
Student at Poetry Reading
Peter Birch
Peter Birch
Ken Shorter
Ken Shorter
Squash Coach
Libba Davies
Libba Davies
Sandra Voe
Sandra Voe
Andrew Norton
Andrew Norton
Cecily Hobbs
Cecily Hobbs
Clare Sutcliffe
Clare Sutcliffe


Richard Eyre
Richard Eyre
Ian McEwan
Ian McEwan
Clive Tickner
Clive Tickner
Director of Photography
David Martin
David Martin
Simon Relph
Simon Relph
Ann Scott
Ann Scott
Dominic Muldowney
Dominic Muldowney
Redmond Morris
Redmond Morris
Production Manager
David Stephenson
David Stephenson
Sound Mixer
Susie Figgis
Susie Figgis
Casting Director
Simon Relph
Simon Relph
Assistant Director
Pat Rambaut
Pat Rambaut
Michael Pickwoad
Michael Pickwoad
Art Direction
John Hedges
John Hedges
Construction Manager
Trisha Edwards
Trisha Edwards
Property Buyer
Roy Cannon
Roy Cannon
Property Master
Luciana Arrighi
Luciana Arrighi
Costume Design
Rita Wakely
Rita Wakely
Wardrobe Master
Elaine Carew
Elaine Carew
Makeup Artist
Joan Carpenter
Joan Carpenter
Alan John
Alan John
Linda Bruce
Linda Bruce
Second Assistant Director
Christopher Figg
Christopher Figg
Second Assistant Director
Rachel Neale
Rachel Neale
Production Assistant
Deborah Barnard
Deborah Barnard
Assistant Accountant
Jasper Fforde
Jasper Fforde
Production Runner
David Bryant
David Bryant
Focus Puller
Sue Gibson
Sue Gibson
Clapper Loader
Jeremy Hiles
Jeremy Hiles
Clapper Loader
Ted Whitby
Ted Whitby
Keith Pamplin
Keith Pamplin
Boom Operator
Des Edwards
Des Edwards
Sound Engineer
Michael Parkinson
Michael Parkinson
Assistant Editor
Simon Harris
Simon Harris
Assistant Editor
John Brown
John Brown
Still Photographer
Leo Davis
Leo Davis
Casting Assistant
Tom Brown
Tom Brown
Steve Mcleod
Steve Mcleod
Bill Thornhill
Bill Thornhill
Billy Merrell
Billy Merrell
Nicholas Jenkins
Nicholas Jenkins
Title Designer
Derek Robbins
Derek Robbins

비슷한 영화

Gary Numan - The Touring Principle
Recorded live at Hammersmith Odeon, London - September 28, 1979
더 베일
뛰어난 미모와 능력을 갖춰 남부러울 게 없는 리즈는 군수용 통신기기 제조사의 홍보 담당자이다. 그러나 어느 날 사내 이메일이 유출되면서 회사기기에 결함이 있다는 글이 인터넷을 떠돌아 다니면서 회사 이미지가 격추될 위기에 놓인다. 이때 리즈의 컴퓨터에서 항간에 떠돌고 있는 문제의 이메일 유출에 대한 IP가 추적된다. 자신의 결백을 증명할 여유도 없이 사내 스파이로 몰리게 된 리즈는 반정부 운동을 하는 동생 벤에게 도움을 받기도 하고, 수년간 안 보던 아버지를 찾아가 몸을 숨기기도 하는 등 위험에 노출된 채 도망 다니기에 여념이 없는데... 하루 아침에 누명으로 뒤틀린 리즈의 운명은?!
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