The Pope
바티칸이 인정한 공식 수석 엑소시스트이자 최고의 구마사제 '가브리엘 아모르트’ 신부(러셀 크로우)는 한 어린 소년에게 들린 악마를 구마하기 위해 스페인으로 향한다. 그리고 그곳에서 바티칸이 숨겨온 충격적인 비밀과 마주하고, '토마스 에스퀴벨’ 신부(다니엘 조바토)와 함께 진실을 파헤치게 되는데...
The rise and fall of a blind artist who has the extraordinary gift of making true-to-life portraits just by listening to human voices, and of becoming a TV-junk star. A fable on the need to rediscover the miraculous power of dignity in a world where media's noise has solved the problem of man's imperfection simply by removing the problem itself.
The rise and fall of a blind artist who has the extraordinary gift of making true-to-life portraits just by listening to human voices, and of becoming a TV-junk star. A fable on the need to rediscover the miraculous power of dignity in a world where media's noise has solved the problem of man's imperfection simply by removing the problem itself.
1926: While on tour promoting his latest movie "Son Of The Sheik", Rudolph Valentino, the Hollywood silent screen icon, suffers a sudden collapse and is hospitalized at the New York Polyclinic Hospital. After an emergency surgery, Valentino loses his grip on reality and, while hallucinating, reexperiences his life in Hollywood from - as a silent film shown at a movie palace, the magical portal between life and eternity, between reality and illusion. Dubbed "The Great Lover" around the world, Valentino plays dashing and virile Sheiks on the screen and drives his female audience into hysteria. However, his private life is a complete failure - the Sheik cannot satisfy even his own domineering wife. Snapping back to reality, Valentino finds himself abandoned, alone and stricken with illness. Pam, a young deaf-mute Valentino's fan, who works as a nurses' aid at the hospital, will show the God of Love for the first time in his life what love can truly mean.
The Pope
A documentary about Christopher Dennis, who dressed as Superman and posed for photographs on Hollywood Boulevard for twenty years.
An Italian documentary about Italian cinema.
세르지오 코부치의 (1966)는 스파게티 웨스턴의 대표작이자 지금까지도 대중문화의 대표적 아이콘으로 남았다. 그리고 를 향한 애정을 숨기지 않는 쿠엔틴 타란티노는 카메라 앞에서 (2012) 제작에 얽힌 이야기를 들려준다. 한편 를 연출한 세르지오 코부치 감독과 장고를 연기한 프랑코 네로도 출연해 흥미로운 이야기를 들려준다.
절친의 마지막 소원을 이뤄주기 위해 세 명의 친구들이 젊은 시절의 유럽 여행을 다시 경험하기로 한다. 이번엔 세상을 떠난 친구의 십 대 딸도 함께.
Documentary on the making of Lucio Fulci's Massacre Time, featuring a new interview with Franco Nero and an archival interview with George Hilton.
Old Branko
꼭 이기고 싶었던 그날 2차 세계대전 감동 스토리
2차 세계대전 중 아돌프 히틀러의 생일을 기념하기 위해
독일군 정예 팀과 전직 축구 선수들과 정치범들로 구성된 수용소 수감자들
간의 축구 시합을 개회하게 된다. 비극적인 전쟁으로 가족을 잃고 힘들어하는
모두를 위하여 나치 축구팀의 편파적인 판정의 난관을 무릅쓰고 승리를
위하여 다시 하나의 팀으로 뭉치게 되는데…
A politician (a brilliant powerfull mayor, well-liked from his fellow citizens, running for elections at Parliament) clashes with a graduate, disappointed and against the current dancer.
Rainer Praeger
The true story of Edith Stein, a German Jewish philosopher and feminist who converted to Christianity and became a nun, and died in Auschwitz to became Saint and Martyr, the Patron of Europe with the name Saint Theresa Benedicta of the Cross.
Paolo Spersoni
Paolo is dying of cancer. His grandson Max is adamant about saving his beloved “Papa” with cryonics - in hopes that science will allow resurrecting the dead in the near future. Max’s mother, a single, alcoholic, wandering Catholic gets in the way of this salvation plan...
This film tells the path of transformation since the childhood of a woman imprisoned in the body of a man and her slow and painful journey. A story of courage and difficulty faced at high levels with sometimes sensual and touching colors, but above all of great humanity.
What happens when you pick up a hitchhiker? Michael, an American scriptwriter, soon finds out when he picks up an Englishman in the middle of a Transylvanian forest. Touchstone - in fact the ghost of a former court jester - places him in some unimaginable situations of life and death. Despite being a firm believer in non-violence, Michael is forced to become a cold-blooded serial killer.
Vittorio Arditi De Bellis
Against the fascinating backdrop of an ever marvellous Havana, Vittorio Arditi De Bellis, an aging Italian orchestra conductor once celebrated for specialising in Rossini's compositions, has fallen on hard times. However, some remember he delivered some of the best renditions of the Rossini-Kyrie, and he soon finds himself reluctantly on the way to Havana, Cuba, to conduct the Children's Cuban National Choir. Starting on the wrong foot he quickly finds himself on the verge of losing everything. Rossini's Cuban style and the choir's children are also protagonists in this heart-warming and nostalgic tale of living, loving, growing old and being unexpectedly surprised when he meets the Son he never knew he fathered years ago - Vittorio's past adds new purpose to his present, allowing an otherwise quirky old man to feel his passion and taste the 'spice of life' once again.
Luigi Forlinghetti
An independent-minded American tour guide is fired from her job in Rome just before Christmas. She crosses paths with an American executive named Oliver, who wants to buy a high-end Italian ceramics company. Oliver hires Angela to be his tour guide around the Eternal City, as the owner of the ceramics company won’t sell it to him until he learns “the heart and soul of Rome.” But is there another heart and soul that he may win?
2차 세계대전이 끝나갈 무렵 마지막 임무를 위해 전진하는 부대원들에게 매복, 저격수 그리고 지뢰가 기다린다. 산 위에 주둔한 독일군을 정찰하는 부대원들은 자실 임무인 것을 깨닫고, 마지막 전투를 준비하는데…
Fabrizio Collini
호텔 스위트룸에서 발생한 대기업회장 살인사건! 침묵하는 피고인 vs 3개월차 신입 국선변호인. 낯익은 한자루의 총 안에 숨겨진 비밀! 진실에 다가 갈수록 사건은 전혀 예상치 못한 방향으로 전개되는데.. 남은 시간 4일, 사건 뒤에 숨겨진 거대한 진실을 밝혀라!
Professor Ambrosin
The Ötztal Alps, more than 5300 years ago. A Neolithic clan leader must avenge the massacre of his people and theft of his holy shrine.
Hiram Abif
In a near future, due to the effects of an uncompromising law on the eco-sustainability of supports, paper has become a rare item, a luxury possession, controlled by the "Big Z": Zimurgh Corporation.
A discontented New York family woman is unexpectedly called to Tuscany to execute her estranged mother's will. There, she must decipher visions of her forgotten childhood and confront a spectral "Lady in Red," whose dark secret unlocks a terrifying destiny.
A brash group of hoodlums have been doing minor crime jobs in their neighborhood since they were kids until they step on the wrong toes and get caught up in a war with an old-school mafia king pin and their lives soon become hell on earth.
il primario
Baron de Gondoriz
영국 포병단의 포셋 소령(찰리 허냄)은 그의 특별한 재능을 임정받아, 볼리비아와 브라질 국경의 지도를 제작을 위해 남미 땅으로 떠나게 된다. 그러던 중 함께 간 인디언으로부터 정글 깊숙히 밝혀지지 않은 문명이 있다는 이야기를 듣는 포셋은 그 말을 반신반의 하지만, 식량을 구하러 간 곳에서 문명의 흔적을 발견하게 되고 엘도라도의 비밀이 그곳에 있다는 확신을 갖게 된다. 귀국 후 자신이 발견한 자료들을 왕립지리학회에서 발표하게 되는 포셋. 그는 국가의 전폭적인 지원 하에 두 번째 원정을 떠나지만, 함께한 인원들의 문제로 그의 도전은 실패로 끝나고 만다. 결국 그 일을 계기로 왕립지리학원에서 탈퇴를 결심하게는 되는 포셋. 과연 그는 잃어버린 도시 Z의 엘 도라도를 발견할 수 있을 것인가?
자신의 전 연인의 장례식에 허락없이 들어가기로 결정하고 행복하지 않은 결혼헤 잡혀사는 학대받는 영국 아내 프리실라(폴린)의 도움과 함께 런던의 은퇴한 집에서 탈출하고자 하는 전 헐리우드 사이렌 헬렌(조안)의 이야기
업계 최고의 레전드 킬러 존 윅은 과거를 뒤로 한 채 평화로운 삶을 꿈꾸며 은퇴를 선언하지만, 과거 자신의 목숨을 구해 줬던 옛 동료 산티노와의 피로 맺은 암살자들의 룰에 발목을 잡히고 만다. 피의 맹세에 대한 선택권 없이 산티노의 청을 들어줘야만 하는 존 윅은 산티노의 지시대로 로마로 향한다. 국제 암살자 연합의 최고 자리를 탈취하기 위해 자신의 친누나를 대신 암살하라는 산티노의 계획으로 인해 존 윅은 위험에 빠지게 되고, 무려 700만 달러의 현상금에 눈이 먼 전 세계의 암살자들의 총구는 그를 향하는데...
This is a solid in-depth look at the making of the movie The Naked Prey featuring interviews with David Hess, Franco Nero, Corinne Cléry as well as members of the crew. It's cool to learn that Nero put in a word for David Hess - the two actors had worked together on the TV film '21 Hours at Munich' and Nero had great things to say about the young and ambitious actor and recommended him for this film.
A documentary about the Italian director Sergio Corbucci.
When I wake will I be someone else?
One dead father. Two mothers. Two brothers who didn't know they were brothers. One inheritance.
Self - Actor
A documentary about the rise and fall of the Cannon Film Group, the legendary independent film company helmed by Israeli cousins Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus.
Marquis Polesini
크로아티아의 '러브아일랜드'에 만삭으로 휴가를 떠나온 브레보와 릴리안 부부. 휴양지에서 둘만의 사랑을 확인하며, 뜻깊은 시간을 보낸다. 그러던 어느날, 옛 동성연인 이었던 매력이 넘치는 플로라를 만나게 된다. 한때 너무 사랑했지만 결국 헤어지게 되었다. 만삭의 몸인 릴리안은 그녀를 잊지 못해 한밤중 플로라를 만나러가고 뜨거운 사랑을 나눈다. 그러던 중 브레보는 매혹적인 플로라 에게 관심을 가지게 되고, 그렇게 셋은 역동적인 사랑의 돌파구에 빠지게 되는데..
The relations between Parma and cinema were so strong for almost the whole of the twentieth century that this city became an early laboratory of ideas and theories on cinema and a set chosen by some of the greatest Italian authors and beyond. Furthermore, a considerable number of directors, actors, screenwriters and set designers were born in Parma who have made their way internationally, testifying to the fact that in this small city in Northern Italy there was a decidedly cinematic air. Red armchairs takes up the thread of this story, wondering why, unique among the Italian provincial cities, Parma has given so much to the cinema, accompanying the viewer on a journey backwards that from the first projections of the Lumière cinema reaches the ultramodern experience of new multiplexes. During this journey we will meet the characters who created the conditions for this diffusion of cinematographic culture in Parma.
대학 동창인 켈리와 루시는 몬테네그로의 아름다운 바닷가로 휴가를 떠난다. 그들은 동창 알렉스, 그의 약혼녀 야스민, 친구 바반과 합류해 한적한 휴가지를 찾던 중, 2차 세계대전 당시 포로 수용소였다가 지금은 폐쇄된 마뮬라 섬으로 투어를 떠나게 된다. 그곳에서 다섯 사람은 토막난 시체를 인어에게 먹이로 주고 있던 한 남자에게 발각돼 목숨을 위협받게 된다. 아름다운 목소리로 유혹하는 인어에게서 도망치던 그들은 이 섬이 전설 속에만 있는 줄 알았던 인어의 은신처라는 사실을 발견하게 된다. 켈리, 루시, 바반, 알렉스와 야스민은 그들의 목숨을 노리는 남자와 치명적인 노래로 유혹하는 식인 인어에게서 달아나 이 무시무시한 섬에서 과연 무사히 빠져나올 수 있을 것인가!
Executive Producer
A journey in the footsteps of the most famous initiate of Italian Trecento, the author of the celebrated "Divine Comedy". A poet who has inspired some of the most outstanding minds in History.
On the night of New Year's Eve, a small group penetrates into the room of an old hotel in ruins. Carmine, the oldest of the group, poses a challenge to one of the men, Furio: he has 4 months to restore the hotel and inaugurate it with great pomp. Aware of the difficulties but anxious to prove the point, Furio accepts encouraged by his wife Margo who believes that this assignment will allow the couple to rediscover the lost momentum.
One of the most controversial, original and loved figures of Italian cinema. The most censored director of all time. An anarchist of the film, a gifted experimenter, an inventor of dreams. A truly great artist.
A group of friends, who resisted the military dictatorship, and their children will face the conflict between the daily life of today and the past when one of them is dying.
Documentary on the life and films of Antonio Margheriti.
Tarantino reveres them, and for good reason. Welcome to the world of the kings of the Italian B-Movie.
흑인 노예 장고는 착한 사마리아인 같은 독일인 현금사냥꾼 닥터 킹의 도움을 받아 멋진 말을 타고 미국 평원을 달리며 헤어진 아내 브룸힐다를 찾아다니는 총잡이 낭만주의자로 변신한다. 그는 브룸힐다가 미시시피에서 가장 악독한 농장 캔디랜드의 노예로 일하고 있다는 소식을 듣고 농장주 캔디를 찾아간다. 아내를 구해야 하는 분노의 로맨티스트 장고, 그를 돕는 정의의 바운티 헌터 닥터 킹, 그리고 그들의 표적이 된 욕망의 마스터 캔디. 복수의 사슬이 풀리면, 세 남자의 피도 눈물도 없는 대결이 시작된다.
Amerigo Vessepi
흑인 노예 장고는 착한 사마리아인 같은 독일인 현금사냥꾼 닥터 킹의 도움을 받아 멋진 말을 타고 미국 평원을 달리며 헤어진 아내 브룸힐다를 찾아다니는 총잡이 낭만주의자로 변신한다. 그는 브룸힐다가 미시시피에서 가장 악독한 농장 캔디랜드의 노예로 일하고 있다는 소식을 듣고 농장주 캔디를 찾아간다. 아내를 구해야 하는 분노의 로맨티스트 장고, 그를 돕는 정의의 바운티 헌터 닥터 킹, 그리고 그들의 표적이 된 욕망의 마스터 캔디. 복수의 사슬이 풀리면, 세 남자의 피도 눈물도 없는 대결이 시작된다.
Felix the Alchemist
In a cave an ancient and mysterious rite is about to be performed. Seven girls will be sacrificed to grant another life to the thousand-years-old alchemist Felix. Only the off-duty cop Paul and a deaf-mute teenager Lara could save them from that tragic fate.
Alvaro Genta
Twenty years ago Marco's father was brutally murdered by a cold-blooded serial killer known as the Crazy Dog. Since then, he has been ceaselessly trying to unveil the chain of events that have resulted in dad's death. Marco contacts Raul Chinna, a well-known criminologist that has made the Dog's bloody legacy his very own field of expertise. As soon Marco and Chinna start to recall the past, they both have to face the fact there is another man obsessed by the murders of Crazy Dog: David Moiraghi, a journalist who's been working for decades on the serial killer. As the truth starts slowly to emerge from the mists of time, Marco has to acknowledge that there is maybe something more that links professor Chinna and Moiraghi. The thin line between truth and fiction starts slowly to blur while Marco is forced once again to face his worst nightmares all over again.
A documentary concerning the violent Italian 'poliziotteschi' cinematic movement of the 1970s which, at first glance, seem to be rip-offs of American crime films like DIRTY HARRY or THE GODFATHER, but which really address Italian issues like the Sicilian Mafia and red terrorism. Perhaps even more interesting than the films themselves were the rushed methods of production (stars performing their own stunts, stealing shots, no live sound) and the bleed-over between real-life crime and movie crime.
Dr. Cornelius Van Morgen
2033년, 정체 모를 바이러스에 인류의 80%가 목숨을 잃은 지구. 과학자, 의사들이 치료제 개발에 몰두하는 사이 워드 박사는 5명의 생존자 한 집단을 같은 집에 살게 하면서 그들은 어떻게 그 바이러스에 면역이 된 건지 연구를 수행 중이었으나 본인 역시 쓰러지게 되고 연구는 반 모르겐 박사가 이어간다. 5명의 생존자들은 자급자족하며 제한된 공간에서 살아가는데 어느 날부터 서서히 원인모를 정신질환들로 하나둘 죽음을 맞이하는데 그들의 몸에 부착한 감지기를 통해 원격으로 연구를 이어가던 박사는 인류를 쓰러뜨리는 원인이 다름아닌 지구 자극의 역전이란 사실을 알아내지만 피실험자들과 소통이 안 돼 그들에게 알릴 수 없게 되고 그런 사실을 모르는 생존자들은 서로를 죽이는 살인자가 돼가는데...
Uncle Topolino (voice)
오붓한 휴식을 취하려던 맥퀸의 소망과 달리, 단짝인 견인차 메이터의 오지랖으로 또다시 세계 그랑프리 대회에 참가하게 된다. 석유가 아닌 대체연료 알리놀을 사용해야 하는 이 대회에서 맥퀸이 강력한 경쟁 상대인 프란체스코와 대립의 각을 세우는 사이, 메이터는 뜻하지 않게 국제적인 첩보전에 휘말린다. 영국 최고의 스파이 핀 맥미사일과 아름다운 초보 스파이 홀리 쉬프트웰이 메이터를 미국 스파이로 오해하면서 사건은 걷잡을 수 없이 커지는데...
Grigorij Efimovic Rasputin (1869-1916) the mystic and self-proclaimed holy man. The saint-demon and the simple peasant. About the plot against Rasputin, hated and feared at the highest levels of government because of his surreal influence on the Tsar.
Il barbone
작가 지망생 소피는 전세계 여성들이 비밀스런 사랑을 고백하는 ‘줄리엣의 발코니’에서 우연히 50년 전에 쓰여진 러브레터 한 통을 발견하고, 편지 속 안타까운 사연에 답장을 보낸다. 며칠 후, 소피의 눈 앞에 편지 속 주인공 클레어와 그녀의 손자 찰리가 기적처럼 나타나는데… 소피의 편지에 용기를 내어 50년 전 놓쳐버린 첫사랑 찾기에 나선 클레어. 할머니의 첫사랑 찾기가 마음에 안 들지만 어쩔 수없이 따라나선 손자 찰리. 그리고 그들과 동행하게 된 소피. 그들의50년 전 사랑 찾기는 성공할까? 그리고 소피에게는 새로운 사랑이 찾아올까?
Augustinus (age 76)
Augustine is a two-part, Italian-made mini-series about the influential theologian and church father Augustine of Hippo. The piece tells the story of his life from a teenager to his death at the age of 69.Much of the content for the scenes of him as a young and middle-aged man come from his Confessions, which is probably the earliest extant autobiography.
Enrico Puzzo
A hit man whose mission is to prevent the printing of a tell-all book written by a former Mafioso, falls in love with the employee who may lose her job if the book doesn't get published.
Ferran Moreno
King Mathias
백작 부인 엘리자베스 배토리의 소름끼치는 이야기는 악명이 높기로 유명하다. 이 이야기가 역사학자, 작가, 시인, 극작가, 음악가, 화가 그리고 영화감독에 의해 재설명되는 장면들로 영화는 구성된다. 배토리 부인은 여인들을 살해하기 전에 살아있는 동안 살을 입으로 찢어갈겨 그 피로 목욕을 할 정도였다. 그녀는 인류의 역사에서 가장 극단적인 살인자로 불려지고 있고 기네스북에도 등재되어 있다.
Rene Iuvara
A young director years old, lives with a girl. Active part of the Intellectual society, he represents perfectly the union between fear and determination, that changes deeply his way of understanding the world that surrounds him. His only aim is to leave a footstep of his presence on this world realizing a film.
Carlos Sanchez
Laura returns to Chile, after thirty years, to say goodbye to his old and sick mother. In this bitter journey she is accompanied by his daughter Elizabeth, who still did not know her grandmother. When the old woman meets her granddaughter, she decides to change her will and leave the young Elizabeth as heir of the family mansion. When soon after the grandmother dies, Elizabeth examines the inheritance, and discovers with surprise that the mansion was donated to a foundation.
Michele Acucella
The double meaning in french of film title MINEURS resume the sense of the film: mineurs as children and as mineworkers in the coalmines. Italy, at the beginning of the sixties. In a little village in Lucanie, little region in the south, four children live in a situation of absolute poverty, but with their plays in the street succeed in living in happiness. In the air the menace and, in the same time, the hope of a telephonic convocation by their relatives, already at work in coalmines in Belgie, in the mine district of Limburg. Two of our children leave with their families, to reach the numerous Italian community of Flandres. The children will have a lot of problems, in the school and with the language, to integrate in a hostile ambient, but, at the end the will succeed.
It is the year 33 of the Vulgar Era. The Emperor Tiberius is troubled by strange phenomena, an earthquake and the sky turning black as an eclipse. His astrologers give him fair warning: their omens indicate that the world is in the throes of a great upheaval and that old gods have been annihilated. A new kingdom is about to rise in the East. The Emperor calls Tito Valerio Tauro, the most prominent
The beginnings, development and decline of so-called spaghetti-western genre; with clips, interviews and opinions of producers, actors and directors. A nostalgic look at those movies that are still in the taste of many.
Interviews with Franco Nero and Vittorio Storaro about the film The Fifth Cord.
Summer Solstice is a collection of love stories about, and for, people of all different ages and generations. Each character's tale connects, weaving in and out of the others, mirroring and countering them so that, as the long hot summer draws to its close, each is forced to examine their lives and decide to whom their loyalties lie or else risk loosing everything they hold so dear.
On his way to a concert, Marco, a young jazz trumpet player, pays a visit to an old friend of his and tells his story in a flashback. When he was the young kid of a alcoholic and brutal father, his life was saved by the meeting with Luca, an old jazz musician who gave him the Music.
On his way to a concert, Marco, a young jazz trumpet player, pays a visit to an old friend of his and tells his story in a flashback. When he was the young kid of a alcoholic and brutal father, his life was saved by the meeting with Luca, an old jazz musician who gave him the Music.
On his way to a concert, Marco, a young jazz trumpet player, pays a visit to an old friend of his and tells his story in a flashback. When he was the young kid of a alcoholic and brutal father, his life was saved by the meeting with Luca, an old jazz musician who gave him the Music.
On his way to a concert, Marco, a young jazz trumpet player, pays a visit to an old friend of his and tells his story in a flashback. When he was the young kid of a alcoholic and brutal father, his life was saved by the meeting with Luca, an old jazz musician who gave him the Music.
A documentary on the director’s career, featuring interviews with friends, collaborators, and filmmakers.
A visual history of Italian western cinema in the 60s and 70s.
It's true that a hotel can hardly look more impressive and be more beautifully situated than Rhives Castle, but all beginnings are difficult. The young manager Carrie, who wants to lead the house to new splendor, has to realize this as well. That's why she worries a lot when she realizes that she is pregnant. What will her financier and life partner Sam say about this? As a newspaper publisher, he has his hands full trying to dissuade bestselling author Alexia White from suing for defamation: one of his employees accused her of plagiarism. The writer has it in her hands to financially destroy him and Carrie. Carrie's jealousy and the pressure from his bank don't make Sam's negotiations with the woman whose honor has been violated any easier.
This adult comedy looks at the complex, intermingled sexual relationships between a bunch of diverse characters - a barmaid, a part-time prostitute, a hippy, a rocker, a medical student and a confused virgin!
Il barbone
When a bloodthirsty serial killer begins murdering women with a carpenter’s set square, the story becomes a media sensation, inspiring kooks from all over the city to attempt to cash in on the publicity.
Bear's Trainer
This comedy is set in the tiny and fictitious state of Sachenia, located close to the Alps. The sleepy and provincial region has magnificent landscape and beautiful old buildings, and is one of Central Europe's best kept secrets. The hero of this cheerful and ironical story is Rudolph VIII, the last regent of the tiny state, who was forced to abdicate several years beforehand. He still proudly wears his royal title even though his kingdom has become increasingly tinier over the years, and is now little more than a city state. Rudolph lives in exile. Rather than choosing some faraway place to live, he decided to reside just beyond the borders of his country.
The pistolero
A man roves the vastity of a deserted industrial plant ready to grasp his gun. Hat, boots, belt, the last pistolero is going to face the hardest of challenges...
Giuseppe Mantaldo
Cardenal Tura
A priest and his father investigate the disappearance of a cardinal who has damning information about the Vatican.
A married couple lives for fifteen years in the desert of marriage in an unnatural sentimental existence. Then the question of an abortion arises. The absence of a reciprocal desire causes a heavy and untrue behavior. They are practically two puppets. But one day something special happens in their life. A new existence starts, based on a more careful attention of the one for the other. The search of a love' s desire finally becomes credible and needed. And day by day the two rediscover themselves and learn how to really love each other.
Gen. Francini
Stone (the Antichrist) becomes President of the European Union and uses his seat of power to dissolve the United Nations and create a one world government called the World Union. Megiddo is a supernatural ride into a world teetering on the edge of the Apocalypse. It follows the rise of a Machiavellian leader bent on amassing the armies of the world for the battle of Armageddon while calamities of Biblical proportions pummel the Earth. Though both prequel and sequel to The Omega Code, Megiddo works also as a stand alone story for anyone who missed its predecessor. For at its emotional core, Megiddo is the Caine and Abel story of the two men enamored with the same woman, raised as brothers, who grew up to find themselves pitted against each other over the fate and souls of the entire world.
Bishop Gellért
Towards the end of the eleventh century, Pope Urban II announces a crusade against the Saracens, who have occupied the holy city of Jerusalem. Three young friends Richard, Peter and Andrew set off to join the crusading army.
그리스도교의 최대의 전도자이자 최대의 신학자 사도 바울! 베드로와 요한은 예수님의 부활을 사람들에게 알리기 위해 예루살렘을 분주히 돌아다니지만, 누구 하나 귀길울이는 사람이 없어 절망한다. 그러나, 성령이 임하신 후에 예수님의 권능을 받아 병자를 치유하며 복음을 전한다. 어느 날, 베드로와 요한은 앉은뱅이를 예수님의 이름으로 일어나 걷게 하지만, 대제사장은 이를 속임수라고 치부하며 이들의 복음 전파를 금지한다. 한편, 바리새파인 바울은 예수님의 부활을 믿지 않고 예수 추종자들을 박해하는 일에 가담하는데…
A man is accused of murdering his childhood love and her entire family.
Ralph Barolo
A man is accused of murdering his childhood love and her entire family.
The isolated lives of people on a farm at the top of the mountains are changed by a ten-year-old child named Mirka.
Caporale Nerza
Dr. Vicente Areavaga
This is the story of a young Irish woman who comes to Spain to escape from the pressures she feels about her impending marriage to a political activist in Ireland. But in Spain in the 1930's, taking a job of governess in a wealthy family, she finds the same kinds of political unrest. In fact, it isn't long before she finds herself attracted to a married man who is similarly involved in the struggle against fascism and Franco. This awakens her to her nature that brings her to such men and resolves for her what she must do about the life she left in Ireland
A mysterious black marble tablet is found in Syrian desert by an Arab terrorist after an attack on a UN scientific expedition.
Gianni Versace
This docu-drama focuses on the true story of the murder of fashion designer Gianni Versace by alleged serial killer Andrew Cunanan.
Mario Domino
Don Roberto Luciano turns informer for the biggest Mafia trial in history, but his family pays a terrible price.
Turin 1953. Lidia is a war widow with a ten year old daughter, Anna. She works in a factory, where does political work for the Communist Party.
하나님은 이스라엘 민족을 탄압에서 구하기 위해 사울을 보내지만, 마음이 약해진 사울은 악령에 들린다. 결국 그를 대신해 왕으로 보내진 다윗. 이스라엘을 탄압하는 블레셋의 장수 골리앗을 죽인 다윗이 이스라엘 민족에게 신임을 얻게 되자 사울은 질투에 못이겨 그를 죽이려 한다. 전투에서 사울이 목숨을 잃고 다윗은 결국 이스라엘 민족의 왕이 된다. 하지만 다른 사람의 아내를 빼앗은 다윗은 하나님의 노여움을 사게 되는데...
Marcel Duvivier
A helicopter crashes in the Sahara Desert. The entire crew are killed - only a small infant miraculously survives. Emir Tafud, who has no children of his own, brings the child up as his successor. When Ben is 25 years old he decides to set off in search of his true parents. In Casablanca he meets French crook Jacquot, who takes him with him to Monte Carlo. They both actually manage to find Ben's mother Christine. She tells Ben that his father was a scientist on a secret mission to Africa. Christine wants Ben to stay in Monte Carlo and take over her firm, but Ben has his heart set on living in Belem with his adored Amina. But now Ben gradually unearths a dreadful secret: Christine's second husband François was responsible for the death of his father, who had discovered valuable minerals in the Sahara. After a bitter struggle, Ben finally succeeds in saving his homeland from Western greed.
Árpád vezér
Filmed in commemoration of Hungary's 1100th anniversary and on the sites of the actual events, a cast of thousands authentically recreates the 896 AD arrival of the Magyar chief Arpad (Nero) and his seven tribes into the Carpathian basin from the steppes.
Adolfo Cavani
Inspired by the 1982 Roberto Calvi Affair in which an Italian banker was found hanging from a bridge across the River Thames, the story follows Alan, a man from Northern England who is homeless after the loss of his wife and job. One night while sleeping in a deserted building, Alan witnesses the murder of a high-profile businessman. He attempts to leave the scene unnoticed, but the killers realize that someone has seen them commit the crime. He goes to the police only to discover that one of the killers is leading the case. To stay alive, Alan recruits the help of Billie Hayman, an American journalist, to cover his story.
A young boy witnesses his parents' murder. Later, as he grows up, he befriends a bear in the wilderness and the chief of a local Indian tribe, and he stays with the Indians, but makes an enemy of the chief's son. As he enters adulthood he sets out to find the men responsible for his parents' deaths.
A young boy witnesses his parents' murder. Later, as he grows up, he befriends a bear in the wilderness and the chief of a local Indian tribe, and he stays with the Indians, but makes an enemy of the chief's son. As he enters adulthood he sets out to find the men responsible for his parents' deaths.
A young boy witnesses his parents' murder. Later, as he grows up, he befriends a bear in the wilderness and the chief of a local Indian tribe, and he stays with the Indians, but makes an enemy of the chief's son. As he enters adulthood he sets out to find the men responsible for his parents' deaths.
Dragon King
The Dragon Ring is an italian film of two parts. It's about Desideria, the dragon king's daughter and Selvaggia, her adopted and magical sister. To get the dragon ring after the death of her father, Desideria needs to marry, but she can't find a husband, so Selvaggia sees her chance to get the ring with all its powers.
Chris Lang
Enzo Lombardi
Luca Morinari
A young girl swimmer, involved in an organisation with the aim of protecting dolphins, is engaged in an action against the local fishermen whose nets are endangering the creatures. She develops a rapport with some rescued dolphins, joining them in the society's tank, surprising other members with her ability to hold her breath for long periods. Following the death of a colleague, with whom she was in love, She decides to publicise the situation by breaking a world free-diving record.
Gabriele da Poppi
When gold is discovered in a remote location, a variety of different groups descend on the spot to stake their claims, resulting in a spate of brutal violence.
A well-bred young woman who prizes the virtue of fidelity remains faithful to the doctor who deflowers her, even after he marries her invalid sister.
After twenty years of marriage, Gloria discovers that her husband has been cheating on her. It' a terrible trauma and she decides to stay with her sister in USA in St. Louis. She takes with her Matteo and Francesco, her two sons. Matteo wastes no time in settling into his new life, but Francesco find it more difficult, being shy and full of complexes.
Martin Sheen stars as an American newsman in Rome who begins to investigate the appearance of several corpses found throughout Europe with their hands cut off. He soon uncovers not only plots of plutonium theft, but also of nuclear arms deals and dark political schemes.
Set in Italy in 1946 just after World War 2, the film explores the lives and emotions of a group of patients who are terminally ill and confined to an isolated sanatorium.
General Ramon Esperanza
존 맥클레인(브루스 윌리스)은 LA에서 날아오는 아내 홀리를 마중하기 위해 공항으로 나간다. 그러나 테러리스트들이 공항을 점거하고, 마약의 대부 에스페란자 장군을 압송해 오는 비행기를 착륙시킨 후 점보기를 준비해 놓을 것을 요구한다. 홀리가 탄 비행기는 착륙하지 못하고 공항을 선회하나 연료가 떨어져 간다. 맥클레인과 특수부대원들은 테러리스트들의 본부인 교회를 습격하나 테러리스트들은 비행기에 오른다. 그러나 맥클레인은 테러리스트들의 총알이 공포탄이었음을 알고 특수 부대와 테러리스트들이 한 통속임을 알아내는데...
Father Joseph Mohr, a newly appointed priest in the town of Oberndorf (near Salzburg), meets the beautiful prostitute Magdalene. He struggles to change her situation and make a new life for her, and while doing so, they fall in love. Mohr struggles with his feelings for her, versus his commitment to God. Meanwhile, the Prior, Mohr's superior, whose corrupt dealings with the Baron von Seidl are threatened by Mohr's integrity and honesty, works (unsuccessfully) to falsely accuse Mohr of sexual misconduct with Magdalene, and thereby remove him from office. Meanwhile, Mohr and local schoolteacher Franz Gruber compose the hymn "Silent Night".
Claudio Toscanini
천재음악가 토스카니니는 라스칼라좌에서 공연할 날은 꿈꾸며 음악적 정열을 불태운다. 그러던 어느 날 첼로 독주회를 위한 오디션의 일환으로 극장이 사진의 오찬에서 연주할 기회를 얻는다. 그러나 오찬장의 예의를 모르는 분위기에 화가 난 그는 연주 도중 퇴장해 버린다.오디션이 무산되자 유명한 흥행 기획자인 로시(존 라이스-데이비스 분)가 남미 순회공연에 참가할 것을 권유한다. 이 공연은 유명한 가수이자 황제의 애인 나디아(엘리자베스 테일러 분)를 합류시킬 계획이다. 브라질로 가는 배에서 토스카니니는 마르게리타라는 수녀 견습생에게 사랑을 느끼고 노예를 위해 봉사하는 그녀에게 감동한다. 나디아의 호화로운 집에서 황제를 만난 그는 노예제도에 대한 신랄한 비판으로 황제를 일깨운다. 한편 개막식은 다가오는데 지휘자가 단원과의 불화로 떠나 버리자 연주곡인 베르디의 아이다를 외우고 있는 토스카니니가 지휘를 시작한다. 야유하던 관중은 그의 훌륭한 연주에 빠져들고, 나디아가 공연 도중 자신의 노예를 해방시키겠다는 폭탄선언으로 모든 사람을 놀라게 한다.
Ted Angelo
A down-on-his-luck author makes the find of a lifetime in the remote Columbian jungle, in the form of an alien spacecraft . He sets off to announce his find to the world, but finds that a mishmash of government agents, organized crime members, neo-Nazi extremists and extraterrestrials are all out to prevent him from revealing his discovery.
Francis, il marinaio
A sailor who landed on the ground only for a bank deposit found himself involved in a spin of misadventures and vicissitudes. He will have to retrieve his ten thousand dollars (to invest in the opening of a Tahiti bar) before the ship resumes.
찰스 소령은 겉으론 유능해 보이는 장교이지만, 베트남 전에서 겪은 우연한 사고로 인해서 정신적으로, 심적으로 매우 혼란한 상태에 놓여 있다. 그런 그가 육상에 뛰어난 자질을 보이는데..
Former gunfighter Django has become a monk and abandoned his violent former ways. His daughter is kidnapped by rogue Hungarian soldiers using slave labor to run a silver mine. Django casts off his habit and digs up his machine gun to practice a little liberation theology.
Johan (John) Berg
Pat Carlsson is a 14-year-old Swedish schoolgirl who though very young is very streetwise as she offers sex, for a price, to middle-aged attorney John Berg who can not resist the young girl. What starts as an immoral sexual escape, becomes a nightmare of tragedy and deception involving blackmail, kidnapping and murder.
An American couple in Chile is drawn into the turmoil that followed President Salvador Allende's 1973 overthrow.
A judge on crusade to take down the Italian Mafia uses a gangster turned state's witness (a so-called "repenter") and a New York banker to do it. But things aren't quite what they seem.
Action comedy with Franco Nero
Nick has been living as a merchant seaman, sailing everywhere with his pet pelican. While off the coast of South America, his boat is capsized by an oil tanker. In fury, he gets back ashore, seeking the oil company's board of directors, and says that he wants to be repaid. However, he is met by surprising hostility. He also meets a twelve-year-old boy who, it turns out, is the heir to the oil company, after his grandfather allegedly died. Nick agrees to protect the boy and, not very surprisingly, they soon find that Grandpa isn't at all dead, but merely hiding in the wilderness (allegedly the Colombian Amazon). Soon they discover that there is a conspiracy of greed, and after an action-packed climax, Nick acquires a new boat.
John Reed
The second part of Soviet filmmaker Sergei Bondarchuk's epic biography of John Reed. It is October 1917 and the American journalist has found himself and his wife, Louise Bryant, in Petrograd on the eve of the Bolshevik revolution.
John Reed
A chronicle of the Russian and Mexican revolutions in the early 20th century.
Nicola Fanelli
Lieutenant Seblon
위험한 매력의 선원 조르주 케렐이 탄 배가 브르타뉴의 브레스트에 도착한다. 조르주는 선원들이 즐겨 찾는 매음굴에서 달갑지 않게도 형 로베르를 만난다. 로베르는 술집 주인 노노의 부인이자 창부 리지안과 만나는데, 조르주 역시 그녀를 원한다. 한편, 조르주는 아편을 팔려다 사람을 죽인 뒤 쫓기게 되는데, 동성의 동료로부터 성적 학대를 당하다 살인을 저지른 질과 우연히 만나 함께 도망친다. 분방하고 대담한 표현으로 전위적이고 논쟁적인 작품들을 썼던 작가 장 주네의 1947년작을 영화화했다. 독일 영화의 새 시대를 열었던 파스빈더의 마지막 작품이기도 하다.
This portrait, drawn by Wolf Gremm, shows Rainer Werner Fassbinder both as an actor - taking the leading role in the film "KAMIKAZE 1989", also directed by Wolf Gremm - and as a director working on "QUERELLE", his adaption of the work by Jean Genet.
In a totalitarian society of the future, in which the government controls all facets of the media, a homicide detective investigates a string of bombings, and finds out more than he bargained for.
After completing his training of ninjutsu within Japan, an American Angolan Bush War veteran by the name of Cole visits his war buddy Frank Landers and his newly wed wife Mary Ann Landers, who are the owners of a large piece of farming land in the Philippines. Cole soon finds that the Landers are being repeatedly harassed by a CEO named Charles Venarius.
Banović Strahinja
Banović Strahinja takes place during the middle ages in Serbia. While estate owner Strahinja is hunting, a Turkish bandit, Alija, attacks his castle. The Turks kill his servants and kidnap his beloved Andja. When he discovers what has happened, Strahinja gathers a together a group of scoundrels and chases the bandits.
Carabinieri Colonel Dante Matucci
이탈리아 경찰은 탁월한 지위의 사람들과 관련된 일련의 살인 사건을 조사합니다. 각각의 살인 장면 뒤에는 도롱뇽이 그려져 있습니다. 경찰은이 살인 사건이 정부 통제권을 잡는 음모와 관련이있는 것으로 의심하기 시작했다.
In this send-up of the Humphrey Bogart detective films of the 1940s, a man idolizes Bogart so much that he has his features altered to look exactly like him and then opens up a detective agency under the name Sam Marlow.
Larry Stanziani
An American narcotics agent is murdered in Italy. The head of the department decides to hire Larry Stanziani, 'The Cobra'. Larry, a former agent and now a third-rate private detective, uses the opportunity to get even with an old enemy, but soon he finds out he's facing a relentless organization
Renzo Dominici
An office employee, pretending to be weak and crippled, reveals himself as a ruthless criminal.
A crusty recluse on a Caribbean island who is dedicated to destroying sharks gets involved in a hunt for buried treasure.
Mike di Donato
A crusty recluse on a Caribbean island who is dedicated to destroying sharks gets involved in a hunt for buried treasure.
General Konrad von Der Berg
The plagued climate of the era is realized in the encounter and later in the friendship between the general Konrad Von Der Berg, who refused to command a ruthless suppression of opponents and from whose diary the story is drawn, and Eric Von Lehner Baron, who has orders to escort Von Der Berg to a prison camp.
Guido is an international journalist with an unusually difficult relationship with his daughter, Mimi. He hasn't seen her for several years and has just taken her away from the boarding school she was immured in. She is now 15, and for some reason is doing everything in her power to get him to have sex with her. She even brings herself to orgasm while lying in the bed next to him. He goes nearly apoplectic trying to avoid her advances. Eventually, her school chum Therese comes to visit them, and Guido at last has a semi-suitable object for his by now quite overheated passions. The story is loosely based on a novel by Guido Morselli.
Jesus Christ
An ancient intergalactic warrior arrives on Earth to put a stop to a demonic child's plot to reproduce Satan's next generation of evil.
Baydr Al Fay
의사인 사미르 알 페이 아랍 부부가 팔레스타인 성지로 가서 아이를 낳으려고 할 때 벤 에즈라 유태인 부부도 성지에서 아이를 낳으려고 사막을 헤매다가 사미르의 도움을 받게 된다. 결국 탈진 상태였던 에즈라의 아내는 죽고 뱃 속의 아들만 기적적으로 살아남는다. 이때 사미르 알 페이의 부인은 사산한 딸을 낳아 아들을 원하다 실망하던 이들 부부에게 사랑하는 아내를 잃은 슬픔으로 자포자기의 심정인 벤 에즈라는 아들을 주고 떠난다. 사미르의 형인 페이야드 국왕은 사미르의 아들로 장성한 바디어를 후계자로 지목하는 대신 석유로 몰려든 서방세계의 돈을 세계무대에서 투자하도록 만든다. 바디어의 아내 매러앰은 딸만 둘을 낳고 유산돼 임신을 못하게 돼 베이루트에서 지내고 바디어는 케네디 취임식때 만난 죠데나라는 명문가의 미국 처녀와 사업여행을 같이하며 3년을 동거하나 드디어 죠데나는 결혼을 요구하는데...
2차대전 중의 밀러와 멜러리는 독일군과 동맹국 이태리를 연결하던 다리를 파괴하기에 불가능했던 일을 지령 받는다. 이와 함께 나바론에서 멜러리를 배신한 레스코바를 제거하라는 명령을 받는다.
Jean Ballard
Jean Bellard and Carl Mank, two Western engineers supported by Hamid are in search of a terrorist group that murdered their colleague in the Tunisian desert.
Walter Mancini
부부를 헌팅한 강도. 개봉당시 세계적으로 화제를 모은 작품이지만 우리나라 미개봉작이다. 충격적인 영화이자, 완성도도 높은 스릴러.
프랑코 네로 주연작! 백인과 인디언의 혼혈인 케오마는 북군으로 참여해 군 복무를 마치고 고향으로 돌아오는 길에 우연히 마을 밖으로 쫓겨난 임산부를 도와주게 된다. 임산부와 마을 사람들은 케오마가 자신들을 도와주러 나타난 구세주 같은 존재로 생각하게 되는데... (THE MOVIE)
A dramatization of the incident in 1972 when Arab terrorists broke into the Olympic compound in Munich and murdered 11 Israeli athletes.
While traveling to a resort in Tunisia, the magician and clairvoyant Professor Vestar befriends the idle millionaire Edouard Vangard and he offers a ride in his car. Vestar discloses to Edouard that he had had a premonition of a woman being murdered in a desert area.
In wartime France, Pharmacist Eliane (Lisa Gastoni) begins a torrid affair with her shop assistant Armand (Franco Nero), but she soon becomes dominated by him. He demands more and more from her, humiliating her and putting her family at risk.
Captain Asciutto
The drawbacks and difficulties of military life are explored in this film. Paolo Passeri is a college graduate, somewhat spoiled, somewhat effete, who finds himself in an officer training program under the stern martinet, Captain Asciutto. He gradually becomes acclimated to the military mind-set, and when the Captain's wife decides to take a romantic interest in him, he does not report her dangerous peculiarities to anyone.
Rudolph Valentino
An embellished dramatization of the career and personal life of actor Rudolph Valentino, widely regarded as the screen's first male sex symbol.
Professore Michele Belcore
A female school teacher is implicated in a murder in a Sicilian town only hours after her arrival. The dead man insulted her on the bus on the way into town. As the mystery unfolds, it becomes clear that the town is hiding some very sinister secrets.
Onion Stark
Onion Jack (Franco Nero) has bought a piece of land on which to settle, but the property is still in possession of the orphans of the original owner and is coveted by the local oil baron.
Giacomo Solaris
The latest success by film-maker Giacomo Solaris is a crime thriller about a judge who gets too friendly with the Mafia and is murdered. A resentful Sicilian magistrate orders the film seized, but then he winds up dead, in a fashion just like that in Solaris's movie. Solaris realizes that corrupt political forces are pulling strings, for his friends begin to die in grisly ways. Will he learn the truth about the murder of the judge in time?
Judge Dani
During an inquest, an ambitious judge finds out that a lot of high-rank politicians are corrupt to the core.
Jason Scott
Sequel to Lucio Fulci's first 'White Fang' has the wolf-dog once again trying to stop the villainous Beauty Smith from claiming a recently discovered gold mine in 1899 Yukon, Canada.
Carlo Antonelli
Carlo Antonelli, an engineer from Genoa, gets mugged and decides to take justice into his own hands. At first the muggers seem to get the upper hand, but then he's helped by Tommy, a young robber who takes his side.
Walter Audisio
In 1945, the dictator of fascist Italy and Hitler's close ally Benito Mussolini faces defeat. In a desperate attempt to avoid capture, he tries to flee the country with his lover Claretta Petacci, but Italian partisans are on their tail.
Nicola Bellizzi
In this period piece set in Italy, Nicola Bellizzi dreams of becoming a lawyer. However, when he seeks the reason that people are reluctant to help him in his goals, he discovers that some of his blood relations are high-ranking members of the Mafia. He tries to break away from his family obligations, but falls into a life of crime and violence.
Jason Scott
The wolf dog, White Fang, aids a reporter, a fur trapper, a nun, a young Eskimo boy and his father of ridding a gold mining town of a sleazy crime lord in 1896 Yukon, Canada.
Giacomo Matteotti
How the Italian Fascist Party managed to turn the physical elimination of a political enemy into a test of strength fundamental for the ascent into the totalitarian regime.
Commissario Belli
An Italian police inspector matches wits with a powerful European drug ring. As he comes closer to the top of the underworld organization, his odds of survival decrease.
Johnny Ears
In this unusual spaghetti western departure for exploitation filmmaker Paolo Cavara (La Tarantola dal Ventre Nero), two friends help Sam Houston work for Texas statehood. Johnny Ears (Franco Nero) and his deaf-mute sidekick Erastus "Deaf" Smith (Anthony Quinn) go after a Mexican general (Franco Graziosi) under orders from Germany to agitate the populace. The film looks terrific, thanks to cinematography by Tonino Delli Colli (Once Upon a Time in America), but is often lacking in the story department. Perhaps part of the blame belongs to co-screenwriter Harry Essex, fresh off the dreadful sci-fi flop Octaman (1971). Pamela Tiffin appears as a prostitute, and the film co-stars Tom Felleghy and Renato Romano.
Franco Nero and Telly Savalas star in the story of a trio of jewel thieves on the lam after a heist goes very wrong. Wrecking their car they take another unaware that there is a teenager hiding in the back. As the flight becomes more frantic, the young man is discovered, upsetting the balance of the thieves.
Ambrosio (Franco Nero) is a monk who is sexually tempted by an emissary of the Devil, a young girl in monk's robes. After he has committed numerous crimes, it appears that he will be caught and punished by the Inquisition. Instead, he signs up on the Devil's team and wins his freedom.. and eventually, the papacy.
Based on the medieval legend of Pope Joan, who was made Pope for a brief period around 855 A.D. The movie presents her existence as fact, though it is questionable that Pope Joan really did exist, and portrays her relationships with other notables of the time.
Melodrama centering on a man who has found the secret of leaving his body. A man uses his own mental powers to control one of the largest fortunes known to man.
Prince Dimitri Vassilovich Vladek Orlowsky
A spaghetti western in which three adventurers team up during the Mexican Revolution. Mary O'Donnell, a radical Irish journalist, wants to foment a peasant revolt in Mexico. She enlists the help of a seedy bandit, Lozoya, by saving him from a death sentence in Utah. They meet a man calling himself Prince Dmitri Vassilovich Orlowsky, who claims to be a Russian prince, not to mention a man of the cloth. Wallach pretends to be a Mexican folk hero. The trio crosses the border, the two men seeking a cache of gold while O'Donnell pursues her revolution.
Because of a violation of traffic regulations an architect is put in prison. There he witnesses the grim reality of life behind bars: corrupt staff, corrupt inmates, an inhuman judicial system and the power of the Mafia.
An allegedly insane woman is allowed to finally leave the madhouse to see if she is capable of functioning normally…
An allegedly insane woman is allowed to finally leave the madhouse to see if she is capable of functioning normally…
Andrea Bild
A journalist finds himself on the trail of a murderer who's been targeting people around him, while the police are considering him a suspect in their investigation.
Sostituto Procuratore Traini
A police captain arranges the release of a criminally insane prisoner, who soon winds up dead. When the District Attorney takes on the case, he uncovers corruption in the department and vows to take down the man who's responsible.
Italian immigrant kidnaps a wealthy British woman, and they fall in love.
Italian immigrant kidnaps a wealthy British woman, and they fall in love.
Yodlaf Peterson
`촌놈`이라고 불리는 요드는 몽고 알바레즈 장군이 이끄는 혁명군이 접수한 산 베르난디노 마을에 도착하고 그곳에서 챠토라는 젊은 멕시코 용사와 친해진다. 챠토는 자신이 진정 멕시코를 위한 혁명을 벌이고 있다고 생각하지만 진짜 비폭력 반란군은 산토스 교수가 이끄는 혁명군이다. 요드는 산토스 교수가 감옥에 잡혀있다는 소식을 듣고 챠토와 함께 그를 구출해 주기로 한다. 하지만 요드의 진짜 목적은 따로 있는데...
Bruno Grauber
Two German deserting soldiers Bruno Grauber and Reiner Schultz are trying to avoid capture by the Canadian and Yugoslavian armies entering Auschwitz at the end of World War II. They are captured. Their fellow German prisoners of war discover that they are deserters. They are put through a formal trial for cowardice organised by Von Bleicher. They are sentenced to death on the "fifth day of peace". A Canadian General persuades the Canadian officer in charge of the prisoner of war camp to allow the execution to be carried out for the higher purpose of preserving army discipline.
The gypsy
Film adaptation from the novel by D.H. Lawrence, discovered after the celebrated author's death in 1930, a romantic love story tells of a prim young English girl who is sexually attracted to a seductively virile gypsy. The climatic dam burst is linked with the consummation of her desire.
아름답고 순결한 처녀 트리스타나는 어머니가 돌아가시자 어머니의 유언대로 동로페 노인에게 위탁되어진다. 후견인이 된 동로페 노인은 자선도 많이 하고, 인품도 훌륭한 사람이지만 여자를 너무 좋아하는게 흠인 독신남이다. 그는 순수한 동정심으로 크리스타나를 자기 집에 받아들였나, 그녀에게 연정을 느끼고 끝내는 그녀는 자기 것으로 만들어 버린다. 그녀 역시 그에게 연인 겸 아버지 같은 애정을 갖게 된다. 동로페는 그녀를 지극히 사랑하면지만 어느 순간부터 그녀에게 외출을 금지하며 그녀를 소유한다. 트리스타나는 숨 막힐 듯한 그의 지배욕에 반발하기 시작하고, 그 몰래 바깥 나들이를 즐기게 된다. 그러던 중 열정적인 젊은 화가 오라치오를 만나게 된다. 두 사람은 첫 눈에 호감을 느끼고 사랑에 빠진다. 동로페는 낌새를 눈치채고 그녀에게 협박과 회유를 번갈아 하나, 그녀의 마음은 더욱 멀어져 가는데...
Capitani Michele Rossi
In January 1943 the German army, afraid of an Allied invasion of the Balkans, launched a great offensive against Yugoslav Partisans in Western Bosnia. The only way out for Partisan forces and thousands of refugees was the bridge on the river Neretva.
Commissario Stefano Belli
A crooked detective begins investigating a situation on behalf of a friend and gets involved in murder, deception and double-cross.
Sergei Kowalski, The Polish
While a Mexican revolutionary lies low as a U.S. rodeo clown, the cynical Polish mercenary who tutored the idealistic peasant tells how he and a dedicated female radical fought for the soul of the guerrilla general Paco, as Mexicans threw off repressive government and all-powerful landowners in the 1910s. Tracked by the vengeful Curly, Paco liberates villages, but is tempted by social banditry's treasures, which Kowalski revels in.
Leonardo Ferri
A painter facing a creative block arranges to spend the weekend in the country at his mistress's villa. While staying there, his sanity begins to disintegrate.
Christina Fisher arrives in Sardinia to spend a holiday with her university friend, Francesco. As they are touring the island, they are trapped by mountain terrorists. Francesco is kidnapped, but Christina is permitted to leave. She is determined to contact the police, but is persuaded not to by Francesco's best friend, Gambino. Together they try to find the kidnappers, but she becomes suspicious of everyone including Gambino. Confused and paranoid, she sets out alone to contact the police.
Captain Bellodi
Set in Sicily, this violent crime drama tells the tale of an Italian cop who heads to a small island town to look into the death of a construction supplier. Once there he is shocked by the influence the Mafia has over the people and even himself.
A Spanish army officer, Don Jose (Nero), stationed in Seville, meets and begins a relationship with a mysterious gypsy, Carmen (Aumont). After he discovers she has cheated on him with his Lieutenant, he kills the officer and flees the city with Carmen. He recovers from his wounds and is forced to begin the life of a bandit.
Lancelot Du Lac
아더 왕과 기네비어 왕비, 그리고 원탁의 기사들 중 가장 용감했던 랜슬롯. 아더 왕의 전설 속에 담긴 비극적 사랑과 왕국의 흥망성쇄를 담은 뮤지컬 영화.
하느님이 혼돈으로부터 천지를 창조하시고, 최초의 인간 아담과 하와를 빚어내셨다. 하지만 아담과 하와는 뱀의 꼬임에 빠져 금단의 열매인 선악과를 따먹었기 때문에 에덴동산에서 쫓겨나게 되었다. 이들은 직접 땅을 일구어 고단하게 살면서 카인과 아벨이라는 두 아들을 낳아 키웠다. 그러나 형제인 아벨을 죽인 카인은 이마에 죄인의 표지를 받고 에덴의 동쪽으로 향해 그 곳에서 자손을 퍼뜨리고 살게 되었다. 노아는 하와의 또 다른 아들, 셋의 후손이었다. 하느님은 인간이 점점 포악한 일만 일삼는 것을 보고, 한탄하여 자신이 창조한 모든 세계를 물로 멸망시키려 하나, 노아의 가족들만 살려주기로 하고 그에게 방주를 지어 홍수를 면하게 한다.
Burt Sullivan
'장고' 제2탄 격인 마카로니 웨스턴.
어릴 때 아버지를 잃고 성장한 텍사스의 유능한 보안관 버트는 아버지의 원수 델가도를 찾아 동생 짐과 함께 멕시코로 간다. 멕시코에서 두사람과 맞선 델가도는 죽일 수 있는데도 불구하고 번번이 살려둔다. 짐이 델가도의 아들이었기 때문. 한편 델가도의 만행을 참다못한 마을사람들은 델다도 일당과 한판 승부를 벌인다.
Tom Corbett
In 1866 New Mexico, Tom Corbett is a prospector who is called back to his hometown in Laramie Town, Texas at the bequest of a old family friend. Tom arrives in the town to see it under the control of a ruthless and greedy gangster named Jason Scott, who's psychotic and murder-crazed son, Junior Scott, runs it with fear with a posse of thugs who kill anyone who protests their business tactics. Tom finds his brother Jeff, a drunkard looked after by their family maid Mercedes. Tom then tries to persuade Jeff to help him take down the sadistic Scotts so the town can rest easy in peace and harmony again.
Lt. Jake Jacowitx
In the 21st century, aliens with mind-control powers attempt to take over the earth.
Lt. Jake
A rogue cop must stop a scientist from taking over the world with his deadly female robots, who are shrinking the world leaders.
Mino Alberti (as Frank Nero)
Young nobleman Mino lives with his mother and Marta, the housekeeper, in an old, decaying castle. He is infantile and morbidly attached to the weird duo; his only hobby is taxidermy. Laura, Mino's fiancee, is met with jealousy and hatred by the two women, and decides to leave the castle; but Marta sabotages her car brakes and she is killed. Mino takes her body back to the castle. Meanwhile, his mother is violently arguing with Marta, who throws her down the stairs and repeatedly bashes her head on the floor. The distraught Mino descends into madness: he picks up a stripper at a nightclub and brings her home, then strangles her while having sex next to Laura's dead body. He does the same with a prostitute. Marta discovers these murders and offers to help dispose of bodies. A year later, Daniela (Laura's twin sister) arrives at the castle...
멕시코 국경지대. 각각 미국인인 웬체스터 잭과 멕시코인인 H.로드리게스를 우두머리로 한 두 라이벌 갱단은 장고라는 총잡이의 출현에 놀란다. 그는 노마라는 여인을 데리고 막 그곳에 도착했는데 사랑하는 아내의 죽음에 복수를 하기 위해 윈체스터 패거리들을 거의 일망타진한다. 그리고 나선 로드리게스 일당과 총과 금을 두고 결전을 펼친다.
Tony Lo Bello
Hit-man Clint Harris has one more job to do before he can retire. The corporation which hires him demands that Harris "erase" an ex-employee who has become a snitch for the police. At first Harris refuses but when his own brother is assassinated he accepts the job.
Edith Wickett
After the war of secession, the aging Cordeen, who owns thousands of acres in Texas, rules his numerous and quarrelsome sons with an iron hand. He sends them out to deal with the threat of the representatives from the North. However, not all the sons share their father's unlimited hatred for the Northerners and they find it increasingly difficult to obey his despotic commands. To add to the family's unrest, a prodigal son decides to return to the fold, provoking two other sons to down tools and leave. Cordeen, outraged, pursues them and tries to kill them. An absurd family feud ensues, prolonged by the participation of the entire Cordeen family.
Italo - The garage attendant
작은 마을에 살고 있는 아드리아나는 배우가 되고 싶은 소녀다. 유명한 사람들에 대해 알고 싶었던 소녀는 어느 날 작은 역할을 맡게 되는 행운을 얻는다. 그러나 비극적이고 수치스러운 일들만 생기고 꿈과는 점점 멀어지게 된다. (2015년 제7회 이탈리아영화예술제)
In this romance, a middle-aged playboy finds himself running his father's fur business after his father's death. He continues to allow his papa's mistress to run the business. The playboy's fiancee gets pregnant and he refuses to marry her. She dumps him in favor of his best friend. Soon the selfish man finds himself deserted by all his friends. He winds up involved with his father's patiently waiting lover.
Fifteen years after being the cause of an alleged love suicide there, writer Paul Herzog returns to Prague where he meets Clarissa, the sister of the deceased woman. When a couple of mysterious deaths occur amongst people who were close to Clarissa and her sister, Paul becomes the prime suspect...
Paul Herzog
Fifteen years after being the cause of an alleged love suicide there, writer Paul Herzog returns to Prague where he meets Clarissa, the sister of the deceased woman. When a couple of mysterious deaths occur amongst people who were close to Clarissa and her sister, Paul becomes the prime suspect...
The renowned gunslinger fends off racism in 1914 America. He's up in years but still as deadly as ever.