Self (archive footage)
The story of the gold-plated statuette that became the film industry's most coveted prize, AND THE OSCAR GOES TO... traces the history of the Academy itself, which began in 1927 when Louis B. Mayer, then head of MGM, led other prominent members of the industry in forming this professional honorary organization. Two years later the Academy began bestowing awards, which were nicknamed "Oscar," and quickly came to represent the pinnacle of cinematic achievement.
(archive footage)
This documentary traces the history of the B-Western from it's silent movie origins to its demise in the early 1950s. The film contains a large number of scenes from early silents and seldom seen films, as well as old photographs of the stars and one-sheet advertisements for lost films.
Self (archive footage)
A film scrapbook, images, phrases from our past, hiding their meanings behind veils. Let's lift those veils, one by one, to find how images, at one time seeming innocent, have revealed, after decades, to have homosexual overtones.
Self (archive footage)
Stephen H. Bogart narrates the rise to fame of his father, Humphrey Bogart through the use of film clips, written material and interviews of friends and co-workers.
'Stumpy' (archive footage)
George Abitbol, the classiest man in the world, dies tragically during a cruise. The director of an American newspaper, wondering about the meaning of these intriguing final words, asks his three best investigators, Dave, Peter and Steven, to solve the mystery. (Sixteen French actors dub scenes from various Warner Bros. films to create a parody of Citizen Kane, 1941.)
H. P. Kingman
The Civil War is over but in the Ozarks of Arkansas people are not ready to forgive and forget. The Mondier brothers have returned from fighting for the Union and Mort Fagan is keeping things difficult for them in the community.
Benjamin Morgan
An ailing man summons his four daughters home for Christmas and asks them to kill his new wife, who he suspects is poisoning him.
Cody Guilford
Two cops, who have quit the police department to become private detectives and bounty hunters, hunt for a killer who has eluded capture for years.
Nash Crawford
Walter Brennan is back as the clever and funny over the hill Texas Ranger Nash Crawford. This time the gang must face corruption in their own home town. The gang put their heads together to clean up their town, take back the rule of law and rehabilitate the town lush (played by Fred Astaire) along with way.
Sheriff Matt Fenley
An adventurous young gambler searches for the owner of a mysterious fortune.
Nash Crawford
A retired Texas Ranger and three aged pals help to clean up a town run by a crooked mayor, a drunken judge and a trigger-happy sheriff.
Pa Danby
서부 개척 시대, 한 젊은이가 단지 돈을 벌기 위해 보안관이 된다. 그는 소심한 사람으로 사건이 어려워지면 몰래 도망갈 궁리를 하고 있다. 막상 사건이 벌어지자 그는 아주 창의적인 생각으로 사건을 해결하는데... (CNTV)
Grandpa Bower
The Bower Family Band petitions the Democratic National Committee to sing a Grover Cleveland rally song at the 1888 convention, but decide instead to move to the Dakota territory on the urging of a suitor to their eldest daughter. There, Grampa Bower causes trouble with his pro-Cleveland ideas, as Dakota residents are overwhelmingly Republican, and hope to get the territory admitted as two states (North and South Dakota) rather than one in order to send four Republican senators to Washington. Cleveland opposed this plan, refusing to refer to Congress the plan to organize the Dakotas this way. When Cleveland wins the popular vote, but Harrison the presidency due to the electoral college votes, the Dakotans (particularly the feuding young couple) resolve to live together in peace, and Cleveland grants statehood to the two Dakotas before he leaves office (along with two Democrat-voting states, evening the gains for both parties).
Self (archive footage)
Clips from assorted television programs, B-movies, commercials, music performances, newsreels, bloopers, satirical short films and promotional and government films of the 1950s and 1960s are intercut together to tell a single story of various creatures and societal ills attacking American cities.
Pop Gillis
A bumbling government employee accidentally destroys a small fortune and decides to break into the US Mint to replace it, but before long everyone wants a slice of the action - and the money.
D.J. Mulrooney / Knobby
할아버지 밀루니와 함께 시애틀로 여행 간 로드니와 베스는 삼나무 숲을 지나가다 900세 먹은 난쟁이 노비와 제스퍼를 만난다. 밀루니가 이 고장의 목재 사업을 하고 있는 사실을 모르는 노비는 밀루니 회사로 인해 숲이 파괴되고 있다고 비난한다. 여관에 도착한 일행은 난쟁이들을 바구니에 숨겨 방으로 데리고 가지만, 호기심 많은 고용인 객스턴이 이들을 잡아가 버린다. 이를 안 밀루니는 탐정을 고용해 이들을 찾으려 하지만 오히려 정신병자로 취급돼 정신병원에 감금된다.
An amoral lowlife accidentally stumbles into an acting career that sets him on a trajectory to Hollywood stardom. But everyone on whom he steps on the way to the top remembers when he is nominated for an Oscar and he runs a dirty campaign in an attempt to win.
Alf Simes
Story of Cam Calloway and his family, who live in a densely wooded area in New England. Cam dreams of building a sanctuary for the geese that fly over the area each year, and he tries several schemes to buy a nearby lake for this santuary. He is thwarted at every attempt, it seems; he and his son try to get enough furs from their trapping venture to get the money, but the bottom falls out of the fur market. He uses the little money they get for a down payment on the lake, thereby losing their house when he can't make the mortgage payment. They move to the lake, where their friends help them build a cabin. A salesman stops in town, and tries to get the people to sell their land for a tourist venture; Cam is outraged at his tactics and takes desperate measures after he himself is tricked.
Jeb Hawkins
프레스코드 집안의 아들 제브는 어머니의 반대를 무릅 쓰고 북군에 지원한다. 그는 싸움터에서 남군의 탈주병을 알게 되지만 북군 사령관 샤만 장군은 탈주병이 저격하려 하기 때문에 부득이 대검으로 찌르고 마는데...
'Preacher' Hawker
A man has his eyes set on controlling the Big Sag territory in Montana and hopes to achieve his goal by forcing a newly-arrived family from Texas from their land. Hoping to convince the local saloonkeeper to help him, the man sends his daughter into town with instructions for his potential partner. A storm waylays the daughter during her trip to town and she is forced to stay at the home of her father's intended victims, leading to an interesting turn or two.
존 챈스는 텍사스 변방 마을의 보안관으로, 그가 오기전 보안관 대리로 있던 듀드는 계속 술독에 빠져 정신을 못자리고 있는 중이다. 그가 사랑했던 여인이 행실이 나쁜 여자임을 알고 상심했기 때문이다. 자포자기 상태인 듀드는 조롱하며 죠버뎃이 동전을 타구에 던져넣는다. 그러자 듀드는 그 돈으로 술을 마시고자 자존심도 버린 채 타구 곁으로 간다. 이 광경을 보다 못한 챈스가 그 타구를 발로 걷어차 버린다. 순간 모욕을 당했다고 생각한 죠는 부하들을 시켜 챈스를 붙잡게 한 후 그를 난폭하게 구타한다. 게다가 말리던 구경꾼 하나를 죽여버린다. 얼마후 챈스는 듀드의 도움으로 간신히 죠를 체포한다. 며칠 내에 리오 브라보를 지나는 미연방재판소 집행관에게 죠를 넘길 작정이었던 것이다. 그러나 그때까지 죠를 붙잡아 놓는 것은 쉬운 일이 아니였는데...
Dr. Charles Grayson
A retired surgeon starts giving away money to religious causes and his family tries to file suit, claiming that he's incompetent.
John Dinwitty
An unsophisticated young woman from the Mississippi swamps falls in love with an unconventional southern gentleman.
Uncle George Williams
Following his release from prison, an ex-con heads straight for a cache of gold buried somewhere in a small village.
A Ukrainian village must suddenly contend with the Nazi invasion of June 1941. Re-edited version of The North Star (1943), to remove positive references to Soviet Union and include narration about the Hungarian Uprising of 1956.
Robert Ryan plays an aging sheriff responsible for law and order in a frontier cattle town. Virginia Mayo plays his fiancee. As if handling wild cattle drovers isn't enough, a crooked casino operator from Ryan's past comes to town. An early scuffle in the casino leaves Ryan with vision problems that interfere with his duties. Jeffrey Hunter who came to town with a cattle drive encounters Ryan, who killed Hunter's father when Hunter was young. Feelings of animosity soon change as Hunter begins to sense Ryan is telling the truth about his father. What follows is a plot that continues to thicken to the inevitable showdown.
Uncle Jesse Jackson
An old man and a young boy who live in the southeastern Mississippi swamps are brought together by the love of a dog.
Jeffrey Storys
Matt Ballot has returned home after 12 years of hard-drinking in all 48 states. His wife has managed to raise their 14-year-old daughter and 12-year-old son nicely without his help. Matt is considered a disgrace to the town he came from and now he finds himself trying to win the love of his children, his wife, and the respect of the townspeople. Set in Arkansas in the 1920s.
Ned Otis
A lovesick girl and her grandfather groom their filly for the Kentucky Derby.
Doc Lacy
A general-store keeper scares off bank robbers with a lucky shot, but they come back.
Six people who have emigrated to Israel from different countries are all on a bus traveling through the Negev Desert. They find themselves stranded overnight in the bus. To pass the time, each begins to tell the story behind their emigration to Israel.
Doc T.R. Velie Jr.
4년동안 기차가 한번도 서지 않았던 마을에 한 남자가 도착한다. 한쪽 팔은 주머니에 감춘 채, 어떤 사람을 찾는 맥크레디. 스미스를 비롯한 마을 사람들은 맥크레디를 경계하고, 맥크레디의 일거수일투족을 감시한다. 맥크레디가 찾는 것은 무엇이고, 마을 사람들이 두려워하는 것의 정체가 점점 드러나는데...
Simon Bhumer
Outlaws on the lam battle attacking Apaches.
Sam Brannon
When whites hunger after the gold on Ute Indian land, a bigoted young man finds himself forced into a peacekeeping role.
Ben Tatum
제프와 그의 친구 벤은 소를 팔기 위해 와이오밍에서, 고기가 높게 거래되는 급성장한 마을들이 있는 캐나다까지 소몰이를 한다. 그들은 캐나다와 국경을 맞대고 있는 미국의 최북단 마을인 알래스카의 스케그웨이에 도착한다. 그러나 스케그웨이에는 자기 스스로가 법인 포악한 보안관 게넌이 있었고, 제프는 운이 없게도 소떼를 몰고 마을로 들어가다 실수로 거리 중앙에 있는 교수대를 박살내는 사고를 저지르게 된다. 제프는 게넌에게 사과를 하고 소를 잘못 몬 자신의 실수를 인정했는데도 게넌은 손해배상으로 제프의 소를 강탈해간다. 제프는 친구 벤과 함께, 보안관인 게넌의 사법권이 닿지 않는 캐나다의 도슨 지방으로 가 그곳에서 소를 되찾아올 기회를 노린다.
C.P.O 'Chief' O'Malley
The son of a deceased Coast Guard hero is raised by a Coast Guard NCO, who also has a son the same age. When they get older both are accepted into the Coast Guard Academy, but the hero's son winds up being thrown out, bringing disgrace to his adopted family.
Jim Harper
A young girl and her father, who is unjustly accused of murder, seek refuge in a Georgia swamp until they are befriended by a trapper who penetrates the swamp in search of his dog.
Grandpa Firth Crockett
A young widower named Sam Crockett returns from Kansas City to his small hometown in rural Texas, bringing with him his feisty grandfather and two young sons, Steve and Yoyo. He tries to make a go of the old family homestead but faces financial problems and pressures from his well-to-do neighbor, Rod Marshall. He also begins an on-again-off-again romance with Rod's sister-in-law, even though she's engaged to wed the town's doctor. Events come to head when Sam's grandfather suffers a stroke.
Maj. Gen. Wolfe
Wendell Corey and Forrest Tucker star as a pair of World War II Army Air Corps officers. In between their battles over the affections of a beautiful nurse, Corey and Tucker prepare to fly a bombing mission in the South Pacific. Before boarding their B29 Superfortress, Tucker appears to be chickening out, but he's steadfastly at his cockpit post at takeoff time.
'Doc' Butcher
After the North defeats the South, Union Maj. Jeff Clanton heads to Missouri to provide the Confederacy's Quantrill's Raiders a chance to claim allegiance to the Union, thereby clearing their wanted status. But standing in Clanton's way are the corrupt lawmen Joad and Fowler, who would rather keep the men outlaws to collect the reward on their heads. After Joad and Fowler frame Clanton for murder, he manages to escape, becoming an outlaw himself.
Timothy 'Pop' Keith
New Federal marshal Len Merrick saves Tim Keith from lynching at the hands of the Roden clan, and hopes to get him to Santa Loma for trial. Vindictive Ned Roden, whose son Ed was killed, still wants personal revenge, and Tim would like to escape before Ned catches up with him again. Can the marshal make it across the desert with Tim and his daughter? Even if he makes it, will justice be served?
Sheriff Bill Howard
Violet Barton, a femme-fatale goal-setter, fascinates men and readily returns their affection to obtain the wealth she desires, even to the point of bigamy. She has an affair with gambler Gregg Delaney but marries his best friend, Johnny Hale, when she discovers Hale is the richest man in Texas. This loses her the respect of her sister, Janet, who loves Hale, and Delaney, who loves Violet. Meanwhile, town sheriff Bill Howard is working hard to get Delaney to confess to a murder.
Cap MacKellar
Shadrach Jones, ex-Texas State Policeman, has the ruthless determination to find and kill the man who shot his brother in the back and stole the money with which he was to buy a ranch for the two of them. At the saloon-hotel run by Adelaide, Shadrach is convinced that one of the cowhands on the Captain McKellar cattle drive to Montana is his man. He takes the job of trail-herd boss to find the killer. McKellar preaches to Jones that he should forget revenge and let the law of retribution take care of the killer. Shadrach's hard driving of the men and his hunt for the killer makes him bitterly hated, and his retribution quest ends in a manner he did not anticipated.
Traveling entertainer gets mixed up with bank robbers.
Terence Sweeny
A cowboy is hired by a stagecoach boss to stop the railroad reaching his territory and putting him out of business. He uses everything from Indians to dancehall girls to try to thwart the plan. But the railroad workers, led by a female sharpshooter and an ambitious salesman, prove tough customers.
Dr. Jonathan Mark
Notorious stagecoach robber Rhiannon is unintentionally appointed as deputy when he saves the sheriff's life and must wear two hats between his new job that he enjoys and his old occupation that he misses.
Pete Richard
After learning the finer points of carrier aviation in the 1920s, career officer Jonathan Scott and his pals spend the next two decades promoting the superiority of naval air power. But military and political "red tape" continually frustrate their efforts, prompting Scott to even consider leaving the Navy for a more lucrative civilian job. Then the world enters a second World War and Scott finally gets the opportunity to prove to Washington the valuable role aircraft carriers could play in winning the conflict. But what will it cost him and his comrades personally?
Pop Courteen
A U.S. Marshal goes undercover to stop a cattle smuggling gang, but when his cover is blown, the hunter becomes the hunted.
Mr. Matthews
A stubborn farmer is raising his children alone. When his oldest daughter gets a suitor, the father nearly goes on the rampage, but he is forced to change his tune when he is injured, leaving her in charge of the farm.
Kris Barden
Down-and-out cowhand Jim Garry is asked by his old friend Tate Riling to help mediate a cattle dispute. When Garry arrives, however, it soon becomes clear that Riling has not been entirely forthright. Garry uncovers Riling's plot to dupe local rancher John Lufton out of a fortune. When Lufton's firecracker of a daughter, Amy, gets involved, Garry must choose between his old loyalties and what he knows to be right.
'Groot' Nadine
톰은 그의 양자인 매튜와 텍사스에서 거대한 농장을 만든다. 두 부자는 나름대로 편안하게 살고 있었다. 어느 날, 그 둘은 엄청난 수의 소 떼를 몰고 텍사스에서 미조리 방향을 따라서 북으로 이동을 하게 된다. 그러나 그들의 여정 속에서 밝혀지는 톰과 매튜에 관련된 새로운 과거와 톰의 강압적이고 자기 멋대로인 행동들 때문에 매튜는 소 떼를 몰고 켄사스로 가려고 마음을 먹는다. 매튜는 결국 톰 몰래 소 떼을 몰고 떠나게 되고 톰은 복수를 마음먹고 추격을 시작하는데...
Tony Maule
Light-hearted, old-style romance about a farm-hand who arranges to buy a pair of mules from his employer. No one is able to handle the mules and he must train them. Adding to his dilemma, he pursues his boss's daughter who gets her kicks out of keeping him guessing about her true feelings. Of course, at the end he tames both the mules and the girl.
An orphan helps a doctor fight an epidemic in a small western town, in one of Allan Dwan’s closely observed studies in Americana.
Pop Gruber
A con artist falls for the rich widow he's trying to fleece.
Old Man Clanton
멕시코에서 사들인 수천 두의 소를 몰고 와이어트 어프는 세명의 동생과 함께 캘리포니아로 떠난다. 툼스톤 마을 부근에서 야영중 막내 동생에게 소떼를 맡기고 마을에 갔다와보니 동생이 살해되고 소떼도 흔적도 없이 사라지 만다. 어프는 이 도둑떼들이 부근의 악당 클랜턴 부자일거라고 생각하고 복수를 위해 보안관이 된다. 어프는 두 동생을 보조원으로 채용하고 이들을 쫒기 시작한다. 당시 툼스톤 마을은 무법천지였고 어프는 술집에서 홀리데이 박사와 교류하며 절친한 친구 사이가 된다. 어느날 어프는 박사의 정부인 치와와가 살해된 동생의 장식품으로 치장한 것을 발견하고 추궁한 결과 클랜턴의 아들 빌리가 주었다는 것을 알게 되지만 치와와는 빌리의 총에 죽고 만다. 어프의 동생 버질은 이 사실을 알게 되자 빌리를 사살하고 그의 아버지인 클랜턴이 등뒤에서 쏜 총에 맞아 죽는다. 어프는 남은 동생 모건과 홀리데이 박사와 함께 OK 목장에서 총격전을 벌이며 일당을 일망타진한다.
Jesse Rogers
In 1876 Philadelphia, two sisters vie for the affections of a Frenchman who's come to town to prepare the French pavilion for the Centennial exposition.
Eben Folger
A twin takes her deceased sister's place as wife of the man they both love.
Capt. Bounce of the Riverbird
In 1871, professional gambler John Devlin elopes with Sandra "Sandy" Poli, daughter of Marko Poli, an immigrant who has risen to railroad tycoon. Sandy, knowing that the railroad is to be extended into Dakota, plans to use their $20,000 nest egg to buy land options to sell to the railroad at a profit. On the stage trip to Ft. Abercrombie, their fellow passengers are Jim Bender and Bigtree Collins, who practically own the town of Fargo and Devlin is aware that they are prepared to protect the little empire... trying to drive out the farmers by burning their property, destroying their wheat, and blaming the devastation on the Indians. Continuing their journey north on the river aboard the "River Bird', Sandy and John meet Captain Bounce, an irascible old seafarer. Two of Bendender's henchmen, Slagin and Carp, board the boat and relieve John of his $20,000 at gunpoint. Captain Bounce, chasing the robber's dinghy..
세계대전 중인 1940년. 카리브해 작은 섬 마르티니크는 나치에 동조하는 정부와 프랑스 레지스탕스의 싸움으로 조용할 날이 없다. 그러나 미국인 해리 모건 선장은 오로지 사람들에게 배를 빌려주고 돈을 받는 일에만 관심있을 뿐 전쟁에 대해서는 중립을 지킨다. 그러나 “성냥 있어요?”라는 말로 시작된 젊은 미국 여성 마리와의 인연으로 모든 것은 달라진다. 그녀에게 호감을 갖게 된 모건이 그녀를 안전하게 고향으로 돌려보내기 위한 자금 마련을 위해 프랑스 레지스탕스 리더를 돕기로 한 것이다.
실베스터는 비열한 행동를 했던 연예인으로 영국에서 추방되어진다. 배를 타고 미국으로 떠나기 위해 해외여행을 하던 중 그는 예쁜 마가렛공주를 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 그녀는 그에게 관심도 없다. 그러던 중 높은 파도 속에서 그녀가 탄 배는 해적에게 납치당한다. 해적은 공주의 신분을 알고 그녀를 유괴하여 왕에게 몸값을 받아내려 계획은 세운다. 공주의 유일한 희망은 비열한 코미디언 실베스터 뿐이다. 과연 실베스터는 하찮은 농담 따윈 그만 두고 그녀를 구조해 낼 수 있을까?
J. F. 'Thunder' Bolt
'Sparke' Thorton, a lad with a penchant for trouble, is sent to live with his Uncle and Aunt Bolt in Indiana after his Aunt Henrietta Bolt dies. Though he's not happy about the arrangement at first, his love of horses and his affection for a young filly that he plans to race make life bearable. He also finds romance with tomboyish 'Char' Bruce who shares his love for horses.
A Ukrainian village must suddenly contend with the Nazi invasion of June 1941. Later re-edited and released as "Armored Attack."
George, Mailman
Tom Smith, an American pilot, is shot down and captured by the Japanese. While imprisoned and awaiting execution, he recalls his life at home in the USA.
Prof. Stephen Novotny
During the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia, surgeon Dr. Franticek Svoboda, a Czech patriot, assassinates the brutal "Hangman of Europe", Reichsprotektor Reinhard Heydrich, and is wounded in the process. In his attempt to escape, he is helped by history professor Stephen Novotny and his daughter Mascha.
Cornelius Burden
Small-town soda-jerk Peggy Evans quits her dead-end job and moves to New York where she invents a new identity.
Chief Yeoman Henry Johnson
U. S. Navy Lieutenant Gregg Masterman, of The Harvard and Boston Back Bay Mastermans, learned about the sea while winning silver cups sailing his yacht. He climbs swiftly in rank, and is now Junior Aide to Rear Admiral Stephen Thomas.
Sam Blake
미국 프로야구의 황금기이던 1930년대 홈런왕 베이브 루스와 함께 뉴욕 양키즈 팀을 명문팀으로 만들었던 루 게릭의 전기 영화.
The college president, the head cheerleader and a gambling gangster try to keep a flunking football star in the game
Tom Keefer
A hunter happens upon a fugitive and his daughter living in a Georgia swamp. He falls in love with the girl and persuades the fugitive to return to town.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Blooper out-takes from Torrid Zone, Four Mothers, The Wagons Roll at Night, The Sea Wolf, No Time for Comedy, The Bride Came C.O.D., and Affectionately Yours, among other Warner Brother productions of 1940 and 1941.
Pastor Rosier Pile
시나리오와 연기 면에서 특히 뛰어나고 아마도 혹스의 영화들 가운데 제작비가 가장 많이 들어간 영화인 는 혹스의 필모그래피에서 최상의 퀄리티를 가진 영화로 보긴 힘들지만 여하튼 그의 가장 ‘존중받는’ 영화들 가운데 하나이긴 하다. 실화에 기초해 만들어진 이 영화는 테네시주의 한 지역에 살던 농부가 1차대전 중 혁혁한 공로를 세우는 전쟁 영웅으로 바뀌게 되는 이야기를 다룬다. 이것은 말 그대로 영웅의 이야기로 볼 수도 있으나 다른 한편으로는 원래 종교의 가르침을 중시하던 남자가 그것에 어긋나는 일을 하면서 마음 속에서 겪는 혼란을 그린 비극으로 간주할 수도 있다. 이 영화로 혹스는 생애 유일한 아카데미 감독상 후보에 올랐으며 주연을 맡은 게리 쿠퍼는 남우주연상 트로피를 가져갔다.
Captain Jonathan Thorne
Three seafaring fur traders fall in love with a female stowaway they discover aboard their ship. Many adventures follow.
The Colonel
신문기자 앤 미첼은 새로운 경영진에 의해 해고통지를 받자, 존 도우라는 이름으로 신문사에 편지를 보내 기사로 게재한다. 타락한 사회에 경종을 울리기 위해 크리스마스 이브에 스스로 목숨을 끊겠다는 기사의 내용은 사회적으로 큰 반향을 일으키고, 앤은 해고를 모면한다. 하지만 그녀는 실재하지 않는 존 도우를 만들어내야 하게 되고, 우여곡절 끝에 전직야구선수 롱 존 윌러비가 그 역할을 맡게 된다
Hector Titus
Jane is a nice girl and has had her eyes on a young man who seems more interested in his hand-built car than in Jane. She decides to shed her "nice girl" image when an associate of her father comes to town on his way to study Australian Aboriginal tribes.
Judge Roy Bean
미국의 시민 전쟁이 끝나자, 사람들은 자유로운 땅이 보장되어 있는 서부 텍사스 지역으로 몰린다. 텍사스의 페코스 마을에 정착한 로이 빈(Judge Roy Bean: 월터 브레넌 분)은 스스로를 판사라 부르면서 마을을 통치한다. 실제로는 소몰이꾼인 로이 빈은 멋대로 법을 시행하고 죄없는 시민들을 재판하여 마구 사형시킨다. 어느 날 이 마을에 소를 훔쳤다는 죄목으로 콜(Cole Hardin: 게리 쿠퍼 역)이라는 사람이 붙잡혀온다. 재판을 받은 콜은 사형에 처할 위기에 빠진다. 하지만 그는 로이 빈이 릴리 랭트리(Lily Langtry: 릴리언 본드 분)란 여배우를 병적으로 좋아한다는 사실을 눈치채고, 자신이 랭트리를 만난 적이 있으며 그녀의 머리카락을 갖고 있다고 거짓말을 하여 위기를 모면하고...
William P. Stewart
A woman tormented by the hunting death of her husband forbids her son to have anything to do with horses. But when he falls for the daughter of his father's trainer, he defies his mother by entering the Maryland Hunt.
'Hunk' Marriner
Based on the Kenneth Roberts novel of the same name, this film tells the story of two friends who join Rogers' Rangers, as the legendary elite force engages the enemy during the French and Indian War. The film focuses on their famous raid at Fort St. Francis and their marches before and after the battle.
Joe and Ethel Turp are up in arms when their faithful old mailman is fired. Unable to get satisfaction on a municipal level, Joe and Ethel plead their mailman's case to the President himself.
Professor Lawson
The future is bleak for a troubled boy from a broken home in the slums. He runs away when his step father breaks his violin, ending up sleeping in the basement of a music school for poor children.
Jeff Slocum
When American newspaperman and adventurer Henry M. Stanley comes back from the western Indian wars, his editor James Gordon Bennett sends him to Africa to find Dr. David Livingstone, the missing Scottish missionary. Stanley finds Livingstone ("Dr. Livingstone, I presume.") blissfully doling out medicine and religion to the happy natives. His story is at first disbelieved.
Ezra Peavey (edited from 'The Buccaneer')
This film tells the history of the United States from pre-Revolution through 1939.
In 1911, minor stage comic, Vernon Castle meets the stage-struck Irene Foote. A few misadventures later, they marry and then abandon comedy to attempt a dancing career together. While they're performing in Paris, an agent sees them rehearse and starts them on their brilliant career as the world's foremost ballroom dancers. However, at the height of their fame, World War I begins.
Peter Goodwin
Young lovers Jack and Sally are from families that compete to send horses to the 1938 Kentucky Derby, but during the Civil War, her family sided with the South while his sided with the North--and her Uncle Peter will have nothing to do with Jack's family.
Mary Smith decides after a lifetime of being a shut-in to do something wild while her father is out campaigning for the presidency, so she takes off for the family's home in West Palm Beach and inadvertently becomes romantically entangled with earnest cowboy Stretch Willoughby. Neither the dalliance nor the cowboy fit with the upper class image projected by her esteemed father, forcing her to choose.
After the Civil War, an ex-Confederate soldier faces new battles, including the elements and a carpetbagger intent on destroying him.
Ossian Popham
A financially-strapped mother and her children relocate from the city to a small rural town.
Muff Potter
소여는 말썽꾸러기에 모험을 아주 좋아하는 꿈 많은 소년이다. 부모님을 잃고 동생인 시드와 함께 폴리 아주머니 댁에서 자라게 된다. 괜한 호기를 부리다가 그 말이 씨가 되는 바람에 하는 수 없이 밤중에 공동묘지에 가게 된 날, 인디언인 죠가 살인하는 장면을 목격하게 된다. 용기를 내어 법정에서 증언을 하지만 죠는 달아나 버리고, 소풍날 길을 잃어 버린 곳에서 죠와 맞닥뜨리게 되는데...
Ezra Peavey
French pirate Jean Lafitte rescues a girl and joins the War of 1812.
Gramp 'Hercules' Flynn
Child star Jane Withers along with fellow kiddie favorites like Carl 'Alfalfa' Switzer and Jackie Searl (who gives Jane her first on screen kiss!) team up with character greats like Walter Brennan and Lon Chaney Jr. to help their hometown celebrate its golden anniversary. Not unexpectedly, things go astray when a bank robber hopes to cash in on the excitement, but fortunately his plans are thwarted by the towns newly elected sheriff (Brennan)...who's a reformed crook himself!
Cappy Ricks
Cappy Ricks, a crusty old sea captain, returns home from a long voyage to discover that his family and his business are in chaos--his daughter is set to marry a nitwit that he can't stand, and his future mother-in-law has taken over everything and is set to merge his business with that of a rival company. Worst of all, though, is that she--in the interests of "progress"--has completely automated his beloved ship, "Electra"!. He sets out to put an end to all this foolishness and comes up with what he thinks is a foolproof plan.
Uncle Hugo
In this drama, a girl from a small town in Pennsylvania dreams of being a star while she goes to school. The trouble is, no one notices her. Later a mentor turns her into a successful Broadway entertainer. She returns to her former college to get sweet revenge.
A beautiful woman suspected of being a jewel thief is actually a detective tracking down a ring of bond thieves.
Newt Holley
A young husband leaves his river shantyboat community in Pecan Point, Tennessee and travels to New Orleans in search of his runaway wife.
Swan Bostrom
An ambitious lumberjack abandons his saloon girl lover so that he can marry into wealth, but years later becomes infatuated with the woman's daughter.
Bugs Meyers
Joe, who owns a gas station along with his brothers and is about to marry Katherine, travels to the small town where she lives to visit her, but is wrongly mistaken for a wanted kidnapper and arrested.
A writer and an actress meet and marry without really knowing each other--they are even unaware that both bride and groom are equally famous. During the honeymoon, all hell breaks loose as a comedic war of the sexes leads inevitably to love.
Taxi Driver
Martha and Karen graduate from college and turn an old Massachusetts farm into a school for girls. The friends are aided in their venture by local doctor Joe Cardin, who begins a relationship with Karen, and a prominent woman whose granddaughter, Mary, later enrolls in the new school. Mary soon reveals herself to be a spiteful child and tells a scandalous lie about Martha and Joe that threatens to destroy the lives of all involved.
Samuel 'Gus' Barton
In a town called New Jerusalem, three bandits hold up a bank. After a gun battle with the townspeople, the three robbers retreat into the scorching Arizona desert. There, they happen upon an ill woman stranded with her child. As the mother dies, she begs the men to take care of her infant. The fugitives want to save the baby -- but to do so, they'll have to travel back to New Jerusalem, where they are wanted men.
Station Agent
A writer, looking for some peace and quiet in order to finish a novel, takes a room at the Baldpate Inn. However, peace and quiet are the last things he gets, as there are some very strange goings-on at the establishment.
Opera prima donna leaves the Metropolitan to form her own company with Tibbett as leading man. She leaves this company too which means Tibbett and company must carry on without her.
Old Atrocity
Mary Rutledge arrives from the east, finds her fiancé dead, and goes to work at the roulette wheel of Luis Chamalis' Bella Donna, a rowdy gambling house in San Francisco in the 1850s. She falls in love with miner Jim Carmichael and takes his gold dust at the wheel. She goes after him, Chamalis goes after her with intent to harm Carmichael.
The wealthy Van Dyke family are constantly in the media for outrageous behavior, much to the frustration of the patriarch, Dan Van Dyke. His self-centered wife has a fondness for foreign imports, including "pet projects" like dancers and such and his spoiled children Tony and Carol have constant run-ins with the law. When Dan himself ends up in the clink for five years for tax evasion, he becomes bunk-mates with ex-bootlegger Joe "Spots" Ricardi. Ricardi lectures him on being such a push-over for an out-of-control family, so a dying Dan makes Ricardi his estate trustee once he is released from prison. Ricardi is then thrust into high society and must do everything he once nagged Dan to do.
Wedding Witness (uncredited)
Ginger and Dixie are process servers for goofy lawyer Homer Bronson. The two friends want to quit, but they're offered a thousand dollars to serve four subpoenas in a breach of promise suit against rich C. Richard Courtney. Little does Ginger realize, C. Richard Courtney and her mysterious park bench boyfriend 'Carter' are one and the same.
Stone Cutter (uncredited)
The day after his Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln meets a wounded Confederate soldier in a hospital. The blinded rebel, not knowing his visitor's identity, regales him with memorized lines from the speech.
'Legs' Garnett
Hard-working, henpecked Ambrose Ambrose Wolfinger takes off from work to go to a wrestling match with catastrophic consequences.
A cook in a railroad construction camp inherits $500,000. She pretends to be English royalty and barges into the New York social scene.
Paul - Railroad Telegrapher (uncredited)
When a small-town girl's boyfriend leaves in disgrace, gossips spread false reports of her pregnancy.
Peasant (uncredited)
프랑켄슈타인 박사는 오랜 시간의 연구 끝에 그의 두번째 창조물로 아름다운 여인을 만들어 낸다. 첫번째 창조물인 빅터와, 두번째 창조물인 젊고 아름다운 에바는 모두 인간 신체의 각 부분들을 프랑켄슈타인 박사가 조합해 새로운 생명체로 만드는 과정을 거쳐 탄생했다.어느날, 프랑켄슈타인 박사의 집과 연구실에 불이 나고 폭풍우가 치면서 그들의 거처가 파괴되는 사건이 발생한다. 빅터는 혼자 힘으로 트랜실베니아로 가서 살기 시작하고, 에바는 프랑켄슈타인 박사의 인도 아래 그와 함께 살게 된다. 프랑켄슈타인은 세상에 대해 아무것도 모르는 에바를 교육시키면서 마치 상류계급의 젊고 매력적인 숙녀처럼 만들어 나가는데...
Soldier at Kelly's Wreckage
An army sergeant inspires his son to become an ace flyer.
Bill Jenkins
경제적으로 쪼들리던 소설가 토니는 아내와 뉴욕을 떠나 고향 농장으로 간다. 이웃의 폴라드인 얀 노박이 토니의 농장을 원하고, 농장을 팔아 돈이 생기자 아내는 뉴욕으로 가버린다. 한편, 노박 가족에게 흥미가 생긴 토니는 그들을 소재로 글을 쓰려고 고향에 남는데, 그는 얀의 딸 마냐와 사랑에 빠지고 만다. 비극적 결말이 예견되지만, 허락 받지 못할 사랑에 대한 색다른 시선을 담았다. 한때 ‘제2의 그레타 가르보, 마를렌 디트리히’라 불리며 기대를 모았으나 아쉽게도 할리우드에 정착하지 못했던 러시아 출신의 안나 스텐이 풍부한 잠재성을 보여준 작품이기도 하다.
Father (uncredited)
Set in Medieval times, the stooges learn they are of royal blood and vow to save the kingdom. They become the queen's royal guards but are sentenced to die when the queen is abducted on the orders of the evil prime minister. The stooges escape, free the queen, and end up knocking each other out.
Tim is dismissed from the Rangers for letting his friend Kane who is accused of murder escape. When newspaper editor Alexander dies, Tim takes over to continue that fight against Heston and his stooge Sheriff. He also hopes to find the notorious leader of an outlaw gang and to also help Kane prove his innocence.
Stuttering Cook
A Mountie sets out to infiltrate and break up a gang of counterfeiters.
In this episode of the "Mr. Average Man" series, Edgar Kennedy lays bricks.
Reporter on Ship (uncredited)
Everyweek Newsmagazine editor Richard Kurt pursues famous free-spirited portrait artist Marion Forsythe on her return to the states from Europe, seeking to convince her to write her biography as a feature for his magazine. One of Marion's old beaus, now running for U.S. Senator from their home state, also comes calling.
Zeke - Stage Driver
Cowboy Tim Hamlin arrives in a town plagued by a gang of cattle rustlers.
Auto mechanic
Ignored by his ever-busy wife and children, a middle-aged businessman finds companionship with a former female employee.
Prisoner on Ship
A young boy, Pip, encounters an escaped prisoner, Magwitch, and steals food for him. After the convict is captured, Pip meets the reclusive Miss Havisham and her niece, Estella, eventually becoming friends with the girl. Wealth comes to Pip via a mysterious benefactor and he goes off to London for an education. As adults, Pip and Estella become romantic, and Pip learns the identity of his patron.
Proprietor of Java Joe's
A college football team recruits a tough convict.
Hot Dog Vendor (uncredited)
Pop Clark is about to lose his baseball team, unless they can win the pennant so he can pay off debts. He hires ace player Larry Kelly to ensure the victory. As well as rival teams, mobsters are trying to prevent the wins, and as the pennant race nears the end, Pop's star players begin to be killed, on and off the field. Can Larry romance Pop's daughter, win enough games, and still have time to stop a murderer before he strikes more than three times?
Clifford (uncredited)
Broadway's most successful producer, John Forrester, is deeply in love with his wife Margaret and dreams of the future when his son Jack will step into his shoes. He sails to England to produce a show but the ship strikes a derelict wreckage and is sinking rapidly. In the ensuing wild panic, Forrester saves many lives, until finally, panic stricken by sudden fear, he dons a woman's clothes and is among the rescued. On the coast of Newfouldland, the villagers, not aware of his true identity, curse him but he is befriended by Alec who helps him conceal his identity. With a planned story of his survival, he returns to New York but cannot face his family or friends after he sees the plaque to his heroism on his New York theatre. Deciding to remain thought of as dead, he becomes a derelict himself, surviving on odd jobs as he watches from afar his now-grown son begin his career as a producer.
Switchman (uncredited)
Ruth Raymond works on the switchboard and her boyfriend is John Blake. It has taken 14 years, but a detective named Murray has found her and confirmed.
Roscoe (uncredited)
A small town politician, kept from marrying the love of his life, eventually marries another woman and his career ascends, but he secretly continues the relationship with his true love.
Radio Announcer
A con man poses as a hillbilly preacher.
Train Conductor
The stooges join the "Women Haters" club and vow to have nothing to do with the fair sex. Larry marries a girl anyway and attempts to hide the fact from Moe and Curly as they take a train trip.
Otto - Bicycle Repair Man
Lee Tracy once again plays a Winchellesque newspaper reporter in Universal's I'll Tell the World. More interested in his sex life than his career, news hawk Brown nonetheless agrees to cover the activities of a European archduke on behalf of his wire service.
Chauffeur (uncredited)
Mary is an impetuous romantic who marries British aristocrat Lord Philip Rexford on a whim. Their marriage is successful, though, and they grow closer over the years. Then, a trip to the Italian Riviera unexpectedly reunites Mary with her former beau, Tommie. After some vicious gossip makes Rexford distrust her, he begins work on a divorce. Mary must now choose between the man she has married and the man she once loved.
Elmer Spicer
A chorus girl gets stranded in a small midwestern town. Against her better judgement, she hooks up with a smooth-talking con artist who says he can help her get out of town.
Hick (uncredited)
Reporter Miss Lee is looking for a story and approaches George White as he's assembling the latest edition of his famous revue. As it turns out, she has lots of backstage gossip to choose from
Dr. Johnson the Coroner (uncredited)
Albert Stuyvesant Spottiswood and his cousin Harriet Winthrop Spottiswood arrive separately at their long abandoned and very much run down family manor, each unaware that the other is going to be there, and since both have become penniless, they are forced to move into the dilapidated house. When Albert receives a letter from old acquaintances Lord and Lady Fetherstone advising the Spottiswoods of their impending visit to the manor, the cousins are at wit's end as to how to exercise non-existent skills required to make the old house acceptable for guest reception.
Drunk Customer (uncredited)
Two partners in a clothing store decide they want to become radio performers.
Stuttering Boarder
Story about four generations in a family of musicians.
Niagara Falls Boatman (Uncredited)
A young woman is involved with a married man, although she does not know that he is married. He kills his jealous wife and implicates her in the murder. However, a playboy character who had been flirting with the woman earlier turns amateur detective and clears her.
2nd Bus Driver (uncredited)
In a hopeful effort to evade gangster Legs Caffey, chorus girl Letty Morris hops a bus in New York bound for Los Angeles--with Legs close on her heels. Along the way the bus picks up escaped convict Paul Porter, who quickly allies himself with Letty. With the police in hot pursuit and Legs monitoring his every move with Letty, Paul is running out of both time and ideas.
Soda Jerk
A prizefighter is convicted of a murder that was actually committed by his sister.
Bicycle Owner (uncredited)
투명인간이 되는 약을 발명한 정체불명 의사 역을 열연한 클라우드 레인즈가 주목했던 그의 데뷔작이다. 칭칭 감은 붕대와 썬글라스로 얼굴을 가린 채, 영국의 한 작은 마을에 도착한 레인즈는 자신의 놀라운 발명 사실을 숨기려 하지만, 그 약은 점차 그를 끔찍한 범행을 저지르도록 몰아간다.
Auditioning Man Who Does Animal Sounds (Uncredited)
A devoted wife helps her husband achieve success as a radio comic, but stardom comes at a price.
Backstage Detective [extra]
An elderly detective sets out to find who murdered a lecherous stage actor. His estranged wife? His would-be fiancee? Her father? Her boyfriend? A suicided actress's sister? The temperamental prop man? Or maybe the show's talented female chimpanzee?
Jim Fowler is Western University's football hero and is constantly besieged by reporters. Jim's father Ezra comes to visit him and becomes reacquainted with an old Western football chum, Mr. Chandler, who happens to be the father of Jim's girlfriend Joan. Jim keeps his roommate, Andy, busy by sending him to collect money on their laundry concessions business, even though Andy is desperately trying to meet his girlfriend Thelma, who has just come for a visit. When the coach tells Chandler and Fowler that Jim is nervous and erratic, Chandler invites Jim to spend the night before the big game at his home.
Farmhand at Wedding (uncredited)
A play by Nina Wilcox Putnam was the source for the empire-building drama Golden Harvest. Ambitious grain trader Chris Martin corners the wheat market and becomes a millionaire. Outgrowing his humble farm beginnings, Chris makes a bid for respectability by marrying Chicago socialite Cynthia Flint.
Stuttering Thief
A pair of sailors are on shore leave - skirt chasing and raising hell. They're targeted and pursued by a gang looking for a sailor with a winning lottery ticket. Mayhem ensues.
Stuttering Waiter
Dale Jordan is first accepted by the aristocratic first-cabin passengers on a south-bound Panama-Pacific liner until they discover she is a member of a troupe of cabaret girls led by Trixie Snell en route for the Bull Ring Cabaret in Panama City.
Man Chuckling at Train Station
A man is convicted of killing his boss, whom he suspected of having an affair with his wife. On board the train taking him to prison for his execution are a reporter, who is dying of lung cancer and wants to interview the condemned man--and who also has some inside knowledge of the circumstances of the man's case. Also aboard is the prisoner's wife, who doesn't believe her husband is a killer and desperately wants to talk to him about it but he refuses to speak to her.
The Radio Repairman
All 12 jury members who sent an innocent man to the gallows are gathered together for a demonstration of how convictions can be made on circumstantial evidence. During the proceedings, a phony murder is quickly revealed as the real thing.
'Skid' (uncredited)
An adventure serial presented in 12 chapters. Inventor Thomas Edmunds uses a super plane, 'The Phantom,' to protect his new anti-gravity invention, the Contragrav, from theft.
Ticket Taker
A circus on the verge of bankruptcy decides to save itself by staging a animal act with lions and tigers for the first time.
Drunk #2
A rich man's enemies cause him to lose his money, his best friend (his dog), as he goes to jail. Once free he spends all his time hunting for his lost dog.
Walt (uncredited)
Winters is after the Brand ranch, and his man Brett who is foreman there is rustling the Brand stock. But Tom is on to their game and breaks up their attempt to buy the ranch. When they plan to rustle their horses, Tom must not only rescue Danny Brand, who is their prisoner, but stop the rustlers.
Joe, Garage Attendant (Uncredited)
Kay and June, two showgirls, are hurt when they seek financial help from Daisy. On Daisy's wedding night when she is rendered missing, Kay and June decide to look for her to claim the reward.
Counterman at Jewel Diner (uncredited)
An Air Force washout and his buddy room with a pretty young lady. Desperate for jobs during the Depression, they finally land employment with the mob.
Stuttering Waiter
A small-town girl schemes to get to Hollywood only to run into the man she left behind.
Cashier Summers
The Sheriff shoots the robber of the Bank and recovers the money bag only to find it empty. Ranger Tim Barlow arrives and takes over the investigation.
Mechanic (uncredited)
The lives of the residents of a Manhattan apartment building are intertwined with the actions of a crooked investor.
Protester Sign Carrier (uncredited)
Corrupt politicians resort to murder and blackmail when a young boy accidentally witnesses them taking payoffs.
Man in Junkyard
A homeless woman living at the city dump hears of the death of a wealthy industrialist and puts in a claim on his estate for her daughter, who is actually the rightful heir.
Lighting Technician (uncredited)
Story of a Hollywood studio during the transition from silents to talkies.
News Commentator at Game (uncredited)
The story of the rise and fall of an All-American football player.
Officer Dugan
Clark & McCullough are arrested for disturbing the peace. They steal the police car and return it to the station. The new police commissioner believes that they are real policemen and they get back the patrol car. Out on the beat, the duo chase women rather than criminals, just like real cops.
Court Bailiff (uncredited)
Shortly after Moody Pierson saves Sheriff Tim's life, Moody is arrested for murder. Tim doesn't believe he did it and lets him get away. Kicked out as Sheriff, Tim goes after the real kiler and this leads him to the town controlled by Red Slavins.
More mile-a-minute action with the stunt ace Richard Talmadge playing the loafer son of a shipbuilder facing financial ruin. Bob Stuart takes charge of the company's development of a new speedboat - unaware that gangsters and saboteurs want to thwart them and won't stop at murder. Filled with gymnastic action-packed fights, Speed Madness is "a knockout for fans who cheer the hero and hiss the villain.
Bendix the Deputy Sheriff
Rancher Tim Clark borrows money from Bob Russell, who then rustles Clark's cattle so he will be unable to repay the money. Thus Russell is able to cheat Clark out of his ranch. Clark becomes a prospector for silver and ultimately comes to settle accounts with Russell and crooked deputy Bendix.
Police Dispatcher (uncredited)
Scion of the once-rich Mitchell family, Herbert Wynn is found shot to death. Nurse Adams, bored by hospital routine, is recruited by the police to ferret out clues as she tends to Wynn's elderly aunt Julia. Jokingly given the 'rank' of Miss Pinkerson, after the famous detective agency, Adams probes into the mystery, but not before a second death.
A man is promised $25,000 if he can bring the circulation of a newspaper up to one million.
A pilot and a gold mine owner go up against the evil Black Hawk, who has invented a plane that can take off and land without using a runway.
Cigar Stand Proprietor (uncredited)
A maid's dream comes true but are not quite what she expected.
Lanky Smith (uncredited)
A legendary lawman and his cohorts set out to restore order to the dangerous streets of Tombstone, Ariz.
Sheriff Lew Collins
When Texas Grant rides into town people think the supposedly dead Jim Rawlins has returned. After a confrontation with Utah Becker, Grant learns Jim's wife, Helen, is about to lose her ranch to Becker, so he decides to stay and pose as Rawlins in an effort to help her.
Sailor (uncredited)
A wealthy bachelor hires a pretty young nanny to look after his adopted daughter. Sparks quickly fly between the two, much to the dismay of the man's calculating, money-hungry fiancée.
Musician (uncredited)
A New England fisherman's second wife prefers his son.
Scratch-As-Catch-Can is a 1932 American short comedy film directed by Mark Sandrich. It was nominated for an Academy Award at the 5th Academy Awards for Best Short Subject (Comedy).
Bill Grant is a small-time gambler who spends more time embellishing his accomplishments than actually doing anything. He has a small run of good luck when he wins a racehorse during a poker game. This enables him to enjoy the lifestyle he has been bragging about for so long. While in high society, he falls for Norma, whose father is big in racing circles.
A reporter helps the police investigate the murder of a disagreeable and philandering actor who is found strangled to death in his theater dressing room with its door and window locked from the inside.
Based on Dowling's 1925 stage vehicle of the same name, the story is set in motion when the king of the mythical European nation of Bulgravia visits an American health resort. Hero Tim Dugan appoints himself the king's unofficial protector, saving him from the larcenous designs of crooked gambler Arnold Bookstein.
Minor Role (uncredited)
Comedy centering on the question of whether a man's wife is or isn't pregnant.
Spumoni Bodyguard (uncredited)
Two men, one timid and one aggressive, make out as comical criminals.
Milkman (uncredited)
On the day before his second wedding, a man finds out that his bride-to-be has had a baby.
Desk Sergeant ('Springtime') / Soldier ('All Noisy on the Eastern Front') / Waiter ('Oh! Forevermore!') / Front End of Horse / Quartet Member ('Nellie')
1930년 시점에 선구적인 컬러 영화일 뿐만 아니라 영화적 표현도 혁신적이다. 무성영화와 흑백 영화, 그리고 영화 이전에영화의 역할을 하던 극에 대한 전통이 녹아들어 시대를 넘는 쿨함으로 탄생하다. 20세기 초반에도 예상 외로 컬러 영화가 꽤 많이 나왔지만 폴 화이트먼의 오케스트라의 비주얼한 퍼포먼스를 엮은 이 영화는 공황 직전 거슈윈의 음악으로 흐르는 낙관적인 태도와 모든 문화의 mix로서 미국이 중심이 되고있다는 자신감으로 가득차 있다.
Side Show Barker
Three sailors go searching for a girl who swindled one of them out of half his pay.
Skinny Rawlins
Its time for the big race and its the Rambling Kid riding Dynamite versus Wilson's horse Thunderbolt. When Gyp informs Wilson that Lightning is faster, Wilson has Gyp drug the Kid's coffee just before the race.
Clown (uncredited)
A middle-aged magician is in love with his beautiful young assistant. She, on the other hand, is in love with the magician's young protege, who turns out to be a bum and a thief.
Paul Revere
The scheming aunt and uncle of William Judd, heir to the family fortune, persuade him to pose as Napoleon at a fancy masquerade ball, but they are actually having him committed to an insane asylum. Since all the other inmates/attendees think they are historical figures such as Robin Hood, the Duke of Wellington, Paul Revere, William Tell, Salome, Robinson Crusoe, Sherlock Holmes and others, it takes a while for Judd to separate the wheat from the chaff and prove he is not deranged. His quest becomes more urgent when he falls in love with a nurse named Josephine, who does not think she is Napoleon's "Josephine" but is convinced Judd thinks he is Napoleaon.
Marine Pilot
Two Marine pilots in love with the same girl are assigned a mission to find a notorious bandit in Nicaragua. This early talkie from director Frank Capra, released in 1929, stars Jack Holt, Ralph Graves and Lila Lee.
Road House Thug (uncredited)
When a young man acts foolish, he's either insane, in debt or in love, and there's not much difference! Real estate agent Charles Blaydon is in love and in order to get the father of his sweetheart Kay Weaver to purchase a nearby property he is must fill the vacant house next door. So he does something foolish when he offers a few months rent free to the first group of prospective buyer he finds. However in his eagerness he doesn't suspect that this peculiar group isn't a family looking for a home but actually a gang of robbers on the lam!
Pat O'Shea
A lawman goes undercover to help his brother, a rancher, fight off horse thieves working for his greedy neighbor, who wants his ranch.
Ranch Foreman
After "Dirty Neck" Jack Purvin sees a newspaper photograph of Eastern socialite Helen Van Smythe, soon to arrive at the nearby dude ranch, he hightails it to San Francisco in order to learn how to become a gentleman. Returning to the ranch, the new but not necessarily improved Jack shreds his dandified image in order to save Helen from a lecherous but decidedly fake count and her mother from a jewel thief.
Minor Role (uncredited)
The Michigan Kid is a gambler in the backwoods of Alaska trying to make enough money to go back to his hometown and impress the girl he loves. His childhood rival for the girl happens to turn up at his casino, in trouble and doesn't want his girl to find about it.
Bob Warner sells some cattle to two men who later drug him and rob him of the sale money. He takes a job with a medicine show as a barker, offering a reward to any spectator to last three rounds in fighting him. While in the ring, he notices in the audience the two men who stole his money. He knocks out his contestant, pursues the crooks, and recovers the money.
Henchman (uncredited)
Prequel to The Ace of Scotland Yard. This serial is presumed lost.
Buffalo is banished to the wilderness after playing a nasty practical joke on his rancher father. During his exile, Billy meets and falls in love with pretty Patricia Farris, who sadly rejects him when he tries to steal a kiss.
Below Deck Yacht Crewman
Ray Sturgis, leader of the fashionable Long Island jazz set, is engaged to "Egypt" Hagen, an up-to-date girl in every respect. Egypt is arrested at a roadhouse raid, and at her mother's bidding, the Reverend Norman Lodge arranges for her freedom. At a fancy-dress ball, when Ray wears a costume made of newspaper headlines concerning her arrest, Egypt is offended. Seen constantly in the company of Reverend Lodge, her reputation causes church people to take up the matter with the bishop. Leaving the country club, Egypt goes to the Lodge home and hides behind the door when the bishop arrives; Reverend Lodge wants to marry her, and they admit their love; but humiliation causes her to leave with Sturgis that night. Their yacht is wrecked, but Lodge and the bishop follow and rescue Egypt, though Sturgis is drowned. The bishop, realizing the depth of their love, consents to marry them.
Billy Martin
A young society scion is hi-jacked by a couple of bandits who force him to drive them West.
Lunch Counterman (uncredited)
At a three-ring circus, 'Spangles' Delancy, a beautiful bareback horse rider, falls in love with a wanted man, Dick Radley, who uses the circus as a hideout. The show's owner Big Bill Bowman also falls in love with Spangles-- But only one man can have her.
Racing Spectator in Grandstand at Rodeo (uncredited)
Real life rodeo champion Hoot Gibson plays Dan Molloy, an expert rider who wins the big one, the Calgary Stampede. When the father of his new French-Canadian girlfriend turns up dead, Molloy is the only suspect!
Minor Role (uncredited)
A ship carrying a touring circus troupe sinks at sea, and Lorraine, a young girl, is washed up on a deserted island. Her only companion is a gorilla from the circus, Bimi, who raises her as its own. Several years later Lorraine's wealthy grandfather, who has hired a psychic to help find her, is led by the psychic to Lorraine's island, and she and Bimi are taken back to "civiliation" in San Francisco, but things don't work out exactly as planned.